Preview - Don't Interrupt Dragons

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#25 of Patreon

All Dante wants is to get his gilded tankard back and he's tracked the thief to a nearby dragon cave. Ignoring all the cautionary tales he's heard about waltzing into dragon caves, he enters finding Trintriel while she's in the middle of mating. He soon learns three things: all dragons are herms, all dragons have twin cocks, and do not stare deep into a dragon's eyes or they will make you their bitch, literally. It turns out Dante didn't really need his tankard, or his humanity.

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Preview - Don't Interrupt Dragons

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

All Dante wants is to get his gilded tankard back and he's tracked the thief to a nearby dragon cave. Ignoring all the cautionary tales he's heard about waltzing into dragon caves, he enters finding Trintriel while she's in the middle of mating.

He soon learns three things: all dragons are herms, all dragons have twin cocks, and do not stare deep into a dragon's eyes or they will make you their bitch, literally. It turns out Dante didn't really need his tankard, or his humanity.

Preview - Don't Interrupt Dragons

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

Wispy clouds hung in the sky, catching on the mountain summit like wool being gathered after a thorough shearing. Beams of sunlight were casting shadows on the dark-reddish-brown rock faces surrounding me while the crisp air kissed my exposed nose. People had dubbed this mountain road Highwayman's Pass thanks to the dozens of tiny caves dotted the cliff faces, which made for excellent ambush spots. It was surprising that the thief I was tracking had run right past them and made no effort to cover their tracks.

I really should have left my shield at home too, it was starting to weigh heavily on my arm. My chainmail armor wasn't as protective as the full plate I usually wore, but it was not especially suited to running up mountains and I'd had no plans to leave the tavern until my tankard was stolen.

The further I traveled up the pass, the larger the caves got and once caves got sufficiently large, one had to worry about the presence of dragons, especially here. Ever since they'd moved in a hundred years ago, the number of robberies in the pass dropped to a number easily counted on one's fingers, but the number of missing livestock in the surrounding area had risen by an order of magnitude.

This thief was either in league with the dragons or they had a death wish. Part of me hoped to find their flame-roasted corpse, but dragon fire was sure to melt the gilding on my tankard. It was a present from the duke, a symbol of our friendship, and I couldn't bear to tell him that I'd lost or damaged it. No, I had to get it back.

The black sand that had settled in the pass gave way to solid rock and the thief's trail became too faint to follow. "Shit."

Just as I was about to give up all hope, I noticed something catch the light just outside the entrance to a cave sixty paces ahead.

The object turned out to be an emerald-studded hairpin. I grinned, the thief had likely dropped it while they were rifling through their belongings to grab spelunking equipment. This thief was all but caught. Everything I needed was already hanging from my belt.

Something was wrong with this cave, however. The flue for a stove was jutting out past the cave entrance. Why would anyone establish a bandit hideout right in the middle of an area known to be riddled with dragons? Perhaps they'd formed an alliance with the dragons? I grabbed the hilt of my sword as I entered. I needed to tread with great care, if the dragons and the bandits were in league, my entire country was in jeopardy.

As I entered, what I saw was less a cave and more a lavish dwelling. The chimney led to a stove that was in a kitchen area against the right wall. Giant pots, pans, spice jars, and other cookware were stowed in holes carved into the craggy cave walls. The holes on the opposite wall held books, scrolls, and bottles of unknown contents. The front of the cave was lit by magic lamps that gave off a pleasant orange-hued light with a hint of violet.

My eyes hadn't fully adjusted to the poorly illuminated dark of the cave, but I could hear chirps and trills echoing off the walls. A salty sweetness filled my senses as I wondered whether giant birds had been trapped here. I blushed as the scent, combined with a repetitive wet smacking sound, made my body tingle with illicit anticipation.

I stopped in my tracks when the noises ceased and I heard a deep seductive voice whisper something in Algeic.

I held up my shield and braced for whatever spell was being cast upon me. "You will find me a rather relentless foe. I've hunted many a rogue mage."

An orb of moonlight appeared a dozen feet above my head, near the rocky ceiling.

Directly ahead of me were two dragons on a large decadent bed with a hoard of pillows piled on it. Each dragon was taller than me at the shoulder and outweighed me by an order of magnitude. Their sinuous bodies were elegant, each with a long neck and tail, but they were engaged in a very inelegant affair. The smaller of the two had shimmering burgundy-bronze scales and was lying on hir back underneath a more motherly-proportioned dragon with purple-green metallic scales. The one underneath had hir wings unfurled, showing off hir teal membranes while the one on top had hir wings compactly held against hir back. Their bodies were connected at the loins and, confusingly, the dragon on top had two fully-erect pricks while the dragon under hir was clearly penetrating hir even though shi had a puffy sex that was glistening with anticipation.

Each of the top dragon's ridged and slightly tapered lengths was bigger than a draft horse's phallus. Having never seen such enormous erections, my fascination got the better of me and I caught myself staring as they bounced to hir heartbeat.

"What on earth are you two doing?" I said, blushing. "Which one of you is the female?"

"A human?!" The burgundy-bronze-scaled dragon on the bottom craned hir neck to look at me, exuding an air of embarrassment, as if shi should have been tending to some important meeting rather than fornicating. Shi was wearing fine jewelry in the form of gold bands on hir tail, neck, and arms.

"We're mating and not inclined to give you a lecture on dragon intimacy," the top one said, hir voice sounding like a noblewoman seductress with a deep, commanding undertone.

"Aren't you being a little melodramatic?" I laughed. "I've only asked one simple question."

"Dragons only have one biological sex. Now get out of my cave, you absolute imbecile!" The top one growled.

My brow furrowed as something occurred to me. "How is it that you can speak my language?"

"We have diplomatic relations with your kind, do we not?" The top one narrowed hir eyes at me, looking regal in hir simple silver bands which held fine silver lacework depicting humming birds and various other forest creatures. "Come back in a couple hours and you will have my full attention." Shi turned away as if the conversation was over.

Hir flippant nature made my blood boil. "NO! I will not wait. Sending that rogue to seduce me was an act of treachery beyond imagining and I demand you return my tankard this instant!" I said, walking up closer while grabbing the hilt of my sword.

In that moment, it pained me that I'd been unable to channel magic during my training. Though I had magic-resistant armaments, they were for battling mages, not dragons.

"I need to go." The dragon on the bottom started scrambling to get out from under the top one. "I can't risk being seen with a human. Think of the rumors that would hatch." Hir voice was higher and thinner than the other dragon's, but still held an air of importance.

"Vishkazet, stop!" The dragon on top held Vishkazet down, growling possessively. "You will stay there until I am finished with you and the human will leave or he will be made an example of."

Biting Vishkazet's neck and riding hir forcefully, the top dragon displayed hir dominance. Vishkazet responded with chirps and moans and worked hard to impress the bigger dragon atop hir.

I bit my lip as I watched them press their eight, milk-leaking breasts up against each other while clutching each other's backs with their dexterous claw-tipped forepaws. The one on top gyrated and pleasured hir phalluses using the space between them. Vishkazet thrusted obediently upwards with hir ridged pricks as hir four balls flailed at the effort. Their tails fought as the one on top penetrated the one below with hir tail.

They growled at each other, playing some sort of dominance game. The whole display was fascinating and would definitely be of interest to the mages' guild when I got back to town.

The sensual nature of their interaction was human enough to trick my body and when blood started rushing to my loins, I considered taking my leave. But I wasn't just a common peasant. I was one of the duke's personal guards, a knight whose deeds were the topic of household discussions across our land. This wasn't just about me, I owed it to every person who knew my name and accomplishments to not accept this sort of treatment. Especially when time was of the essence. My eyes widened. This had to be part of their plan, to buy the thief time to escape before I could pick up the trail.

There was no way my voice would be heard over the noises they were making, so I drew my sword and clanged it against my shield to get their attention.

The dragon on top glared at me when shi noticed I was still there, while the one underneath looked as though shi wanted to bury hirself in the pillows to hide hir embarrassment.

"Sheathe your sword or I will immolate you where you stand," the top one said.

"No, not unless you tell me where my tankard is," I said.

The dragon on top held out hir large clawed forepaw. "What use would I have for a human-sized tankard?"

I scoffed, "Don't act dumb. It's of the finest Dwarven craftsmanship and worth more than enough coin to fund a menagerie of sinister plots."

"Trintriel, the human isn't going anywhere and being party to killing him is going to make me just as unpopular as being caught fornicating near him." Vishkazet tried to get out from under Trintriel. "Let me go! We can resume this later!"

Trintriel held Vishkazet there. "Where do you think you're going? This human's gonna leave soon because we don't have his tankard."

"Prove it!" I said, raising my sword. "Otherwise, well, I've always wanted to slay a dragon."

"Clearly he's not going anywhere anytime soon," Vishkazet said.

Trintriel let Vishkazet get out from under hir. Vishkazet's pricks dripped pre on the floor as shi strutted past me.

I pointed my sword at hir. "You cannot leave until I've searched you."

"You're insufferable!" Shi turned hir sex toward me and lifted hir tail. Hir voluptuous snatch was leaking its nectar down the back of hir massive sac. "This is the only crevice I have and I dare you to search it. It's been a while since I had good reason to dine on human flesh."

I gulped as my prick strained in my breeches. Why did I find hir haunches so attractive? "Never mind, you may go."

"Thank the ancestors," Vishkazet said as shi headed for the exit.

Trintriel sat on hir haunches, hir nostrils flaring and jaw tight in frustration. After a long sigh, shi said, "Leave now, human. I fear what I will do to you if you stay."

My sword arm trembled as I weathered the ire in hir gaze. "Absolutely not, I demand you return my stolen tankard. Your perverse carnal indulgences are no concern of mine!"

"Get off your high horse. Humans regularly come to us for amorous entanglements. 'Tis the reason why some dragons have developed a kink for your kind." Shi pointed at the exit. "So, stow your judgement and get out of my cave."

The way hir scales sparkled in the light as hir half-hard pricks throbbed in front of hir was breathtaking. I set my jaw, offended by the temptation shi offered. Continuing to look upon hir would only serve to addle me further. I needed a swift way out of this encounter. There was one tactic I hadn't tried: completely committing to my stoicism in the face of fear. Gathering my will as I took a deep breath, I sheathed my sword.

"Since you refuse to return my property, I will search the premises until I find it." I walked over to a cluster of alcoves in which the various foodstuffs were kept and started rifling through them.

"Something about your scent reminds me of my own kind," Trintriel said from behind me. "Your stubbornnesssss in the face of danger as well."

I hadn't heard hir approach and was caught completely off guard. The way shi hissed "stubbornness" made my heart skip a beat. Spinning to face her, I drew my sword. "Stay back!"

Touching the tip of my sword with the index finger on hir left forepaw, shi pushed my sword down and leaned in using hir long neck. Hir tail wrapped around my waist, holding me fast.

No matter how I moved my sword, the tough scales on hir forepaw were able to keep it from doing any damage. Hir jaws were approaching my shoulder and I quaked in my boots as I realized I was about to be eaten.

I yelped as hir nose touched my shoulder.

Instead of opening hir maw, shi took a deep sniff.

Feeling hir hot breath on my shoulder excited me beyond reason and I did everything in my power to not let it show.

Hir head tilted as shi regarded me. "Two of your ancestors mated with dragons, interesssssting."

"Do not further humiliate me," I said, still holding my sword as if I could hurt hir with it.

"You certainly got excited watching Vishkazet and I fuck. I think, deep down, you're already one of us and you've been trying to keep that part of yourself locked away." Shi chuckled. "Oooh, now I have a way that you can repay me in kind for the interruption you caused. It would be far more fun for both of us than killing you."

"How about I just vacate your home and never return?" I offered, trying not to shiver in fear.

Shi shook hir head. "We're far past that. So so far. And I think you'd make a much better dragon than a human."

"W-what are you talking about? I can't be a dragon."

"Your heritage disagrees," shi said. "With that bit of dragon in your blood, I can easily bring your life as a human to an end."

"What do you mean? You're not making sense," I protested, backing away.

Hir voice came out wavering in pitch, traveling both backwards and forwards like a rung bell. The language was still clearly Algeic, but I didn't know enough of it to make heads or tails of what shi was saying.

It felt like the gravity of the room had shifted, and I was forced to lean to stay upright. The magic detection tattoo on my left wrist tickled as I wondered whether an earthquake had co-occurred with hir spellcasting.

Something smelled pleasant. Very pleasant.

Trintriel's eyes became deep purple, each holding an entire cosmos. The deeper I stared, the more points of light I saw. Shi spread hir wings, magic radiating off of their orange membranes so violently that it felt like I was being bathed in sunlight. A cold jolt ran from my ears ears down to my toes, leaving warmth in its wake. The scents of fresh rye bread, smoked meat, and toasted cheese tickled my nose, making my mouth water.

"Can you feel it, your true self waking from hir slumber?"

"Yes," I said as something inside me sprouted, taking root in my core.

The trance shi had me in was an all-consuming contented fascination. I couldn't remember how I'd met her, all I knew was that shi was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. Shi caught a bit of milk from hir second set of nipples and brought it up to my face. My tongue darted out without me even thinking and brought back the taste of creamy honeyed milk. A long moan escaped my lips as I dropped my sword and shield.

Shi grabbed my sword and tossed it toward the entrance before doing the same with my shield. Then shi came closer, hir body towering over mine, hir breasts not far from my lips. "Come, drink my milk and break hir free."

I couldn't hold myself back. Hir gaze made me feel like I could do anything, like my fear of change was childish and silly.

Pushing my face into hir third set of breasts, I wrapped my lips around one of hir thick nipples and got a delicious splash of milk on my tongue. Sucking and slurping, I felt like liquid satisfaction was spilling into my mouth.

Each of my heartbeats sped the growth of that which had already taken root inside me. My nipples normally weren't sensitive, but they took my breath away as they delighted at the stimulation of being trapped under my shirt. I groaned as the sensation multiplied, making its way down my chest. Four, six, and then eight tender nubs were swelling into being atop supple mounds of flesh. My erection ached as it stirred to superlative rigidity as I switched to another breast to get more of hir incredible milk.

As I exhausted that breast's supply, a knot of hot quivering flesh developed between my legs. It was like the sensation I got when I was trying to hold back my orgasm to impress a lover, but it radiated deeper inside me and made me widen my stance.

The field of purple stars disappeared as shi retracted hir wings and I was left staring at hir. Shi said, "Are you sure you need all that armor? Wouldn't you rather be exploring your new scaly breasts?"

For a moment I was staring at the heads of hir gargantuan erections, wondering what the pre running down their undersides tasted like. Then I blinked and shook my head, realizing what I'd just experienced couldn't have actually happened. "Your entrancing illusion has failed. There's no way I have breasts."

Shi wrapped hir tail around my torso and squeezed, compressing my tender new flesh.

I stomped my feet and threw my head back to moan at the top of my lungs.

Releasing hir tail's grip on me, shi said, "Are you sure about that?"

"Release me from your foul magics at once," I demanded.

"The magic isn't mine alone. My gaze merely awakened that which was already present." Shi turned hir back to me, saying, "See the truth for yourself while my back is turned. I cannot touch your mind without looking into your eyes."

Swearing under my breath, I pulled off my armor. It wasn't like it would do me any good against her, anyway. If I was going to get out of this, I'd have to use my wits.

As I pulled my shirt off, it dragged across the eight pleasurable points I'd felt during the illusion and I was forced to stifle a long moan. Then I was staring at light turquoise belly scales with eight small mounds of breast flesh topped by big purple nipples.

Defeating illusion magic was all about centering oneself in the here and now. Closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths, I cleared my mind. Then I decided to test my sense of touch. It was harder to fool than one's eyes. The moment my hands came into contact with my chest, I cried out in ecstatic surprise. Pert, smooth-scaled breasts were indeed there and they felt astoundingly good in my hands.

I looked down as a sense of lust-filled awe settled upon me. The light turquoise belly scales were in patches, most developed on my uppermost set of breasts. On my sides, the scales were a deep turquoise that was utterly gorgeous.

"See? You're a dragon," shi said, turning to face me.

The words were terrifyingly plausible given what was before my very eyes, but it was foolish to take everything at face value, especially when magic was afoot. "No, I'm a human male and this is an illusion or a trick of some kind."

Shi thought for a moment and then started stroking hir dicks right in front of me. I'd used to think that dragons were dignified creatures, but shi was showing me their backwards and hedonistic reality.

Shi towered over me as shi grabbed me around the waist with hir tail and pulled me a couple paces closer. I bit my lip. Now that hir cocks were only a few inches from my breasts, I could feel the warmth radiating off of them. The fresh baked bread and toasted cheese scents filled my every breath. Reaching past me, shi grabbed a small hourglass from one of the cupboards carved into the wall.

"I propose a bet," shi said. "If you're a dragon, your instincts will make my pricks irresistible. If you manage to fight the urge to taste my pricks until this tea timer runs out, I'll revert you back to your original form and allow you to leave. Deal?"

"Will you also give me back my tankard when you let me go?" I asked.

Shi growled as hir copper-colored eyes glared at me. "For the last time, I know nothing of your tankard. Bring it up again and I will make sure you never leave this cave. Understood?"

Hir growl shook the soles of my boots and hir conviction moved me. Deciding it was the anger of the wrongly accused, I nodded.

Making sure all the sand in the hourglass had drained into the bottom, shi said, "Do you accept the terms of our bet?"

"Are you sure this isn't just an excuse for you to shove your dicks in my face?" I asked.

"If I only wanted to shove my dicks in your face, you'd already be sucking on them." Shi grinned.

My eyes darted to the tips of hir cocks as my cheeks warmed with a blush. Piety was a hard thing to maintain in the face of such carnal urges. However, I was a knight like no other and had managed to resist the most beautiful and crafty harlots to ever walk the earth. That is, until Trintriel had come along and charmed me into drinking hir milk. It was foul play, witchcraft. I was a master of myself and there was no way I would have done it otherwise.

"How do I know it's not a trick? You compelled me with your infernal magic one already. What's to say you won't do it again?" I said.

Shi grabbed my wrist and held it in front of my face. Pointing at the tattoo which had tickled when shi had cast magic, shi said, "Did this not react to my previous spell?"

"You're not supposed to know about that," I said, looking at the intricate braided knot around an arrow design of the tattoo. The day I got it, I nearly wore out my grin.

"Oh, I'm not supposed to know about the magic detection tattoos all knights get upon being initiated?" Shi laughed. "We're taught about it as children, so it must be the poorest kept secret in all existence."

I pulled my wrist out of hir scaly hand. "Fine, whatever, if this tattoo rotates even a single degree, you lose your gambit immediately."

"Agreed," shi said as shi positioned hir pricks one hand width from my face while grabbing a small table and setting it down off to hir left side. Shi flipped the tea timer over and set it on the table. "Can't wait to feel your lips on my pricks."

"In your dreams," I said.

"Prove it," shi said as shi toyed with a one of hir nipples, getting more pre to dribble out of hir shafts.

I scoffed and then closed my eyes to enter a meditative state.

"I could fashion you a blindfold if that would help you get in the mood," shi taunted.

Offering no reply, I took deep slow breaths. Dragons were silly, oversexed creatures and I was going to be out of this cave in no time. My nose twitched as I sniffed the air. If I was going only by smell, I could have sworn the world's finest mead was leaking out of hir erections. Closing my eyes had been the wrong move, focusing on my sense of smell would be the end of me. When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the glimmering, translucent ambrosia as it trailed down the underside of hir right prick. Even tapered, only the very ends of hir phalluses would fit in my mouth.

Suddenly, I was thirstier than I'd ever been in my life. A maddening tingle in my nipples brought my hands to my breasts and I gasped in ecstasy as my eyes darted down to hir voluptuous scaly sac which held four grapefruit-sized testicles.

Closing my eyes again, I forced myself not to look as I pulled my hands away from my tits and held them at my sides. There was no way hir body actually aroused me. It all had to be curiosity, and if I sated it, the temptation would evaporate. She'd said nothing of touching hir sac or taking a good sniff of hir nectar. What was I saying? It wasn't nectar, it was blasphemy in liquid form and I had to face it without falling victim to it. If I worked to untangle hir unique bouquet of aromas, I was sure I'd find a distasteful, bestial edge that would send me reeling.

Leaning in, I sniffed carefully, not wanting to accidentally bump into hir length. Honeyed rye bread? Mead? No, something better, something more delectable, something that had made to fit my tastes perfectly.

I shook my head. No! It smelled vile, inhuman. It was simply a siren's song in olfactory form. There had to be something wrong with it, something that was not meant to cater to human preferences.

My prick got so hard it strained against my breeches, making a rise in the chainmail protecting my groin. Just because I was fully erect didn't mean I was attracted to hir. My body was just reacting the way any animal would when faced with so much overt sexual energy. Just a bit longer and I'd surely win.

The heat of hir pulsing flesh was warming my nose and upper lip from how close my face was to hir right shaft. Every part of me became suffused with warmth, like my entire being was blushing. I kept my eyes shut and my face just a couple inches from hir phalluses, steeling myself against hir diabolical allure. My, how stoic I was. I wasn't...going to taste much...I wanted...needed--

The very tip of hir right cock entered my mouth while my eyes were still closed and I let out a sharp moan around hir rigid flesh. An overwhelming ecstatic throbbing sensation filled the space between my legs.

My hands found hir weighty balls and shi hissed in delight, splashing my tongue with more of hir pre. It was ambrosia, having all the depth of a fine wheat bread made with honey ale and I felt an addiction forming despite my will to resist it. As I swallowed, I grabbed at my tits, flicking my numerous thick nipples while letting out sharp moans.

"I never imagined you'd lose so thoroughly." Trintriel chuckled.

My heart jumped in my chest. I'd completely forgotten the bet! I pulled my mouth off of hir and tried to think of a way out. "You must have tricked me somehow."

Shi clicked hir tongue while shaking hir head in disappointment. "Where's your knightly chivalry? We agreed on the conditions and you expressed confidence that you would win, so you clearly thought it the challenge was fair."

I grimaced as shi spoke. Instead of a clever rebuttal, my mind was full of questions I couldn't answer. Why was I still erect? Why had that act of debauchery felt so natural? "Look, I, uhh, wasn't ready, c-can we please try that again?"

Shi sniffed the air, "You are in heat, dear and that would only lead to you breaking down faster."

My nipples tingled madly at the thought. "Preposterous! I lack the required equipment."

"Oh? Are you certain? Because I think you're developing a pussy behind your tiny human testes." Shi grinned confidently, which was rather imposing due to hir sharp front teeth.

"Quite certain," I said, crossing my arms and accidentally making myself gasp as they compressed by bosom. My loins throbbed powerfully as I bit my lip to stifle a moan.

"Then your certainty isn't worth much. You've been staring at my cocks this entire time," shi said. "Why don't you check to be sure. If I'm wrong, I'm sure you will extract much joy from telling me so."

I turned around, grumbling as I loosened my belt and reached into my breeches, past my rigid member, and then between my legs. I cried out and fell to my knees as my fingertips found a cleft there. A cleft that sent joy through me at the slightest touch. I'd never felt anything like it, anything so unforgivingly pleasant. I rubbed it, shocks of pleasure ricocheting through me until my prick lost its load in my underwear.

"Being a dragon feels amazing, doesn't it?" Trintriel grinned.

"Haah! Yes!" is all I could manage to say as I continued rubbing at my unfinished snatch with one hand and explored my breasts with the other.

Because of the tightness of my breeches, the position I had my hand in was putting a lot of strain on my wrist. I hurriedly undid them and then pulled them off with my chainmail leggings, leaving only my underwear which was easy to reach into. Then I was on the cave floor, rubbing at myself, trying to do whatever it was my body needed so I could have my sanity back.

The pleasure kept coming in waves, but there was no endpoint, no satisfaction.

All the times I'd had to control myself were flashing through my mind. The handsome centaur I met during my knight training, the blacksmith who hit on me every time I got my sword repaired, the duchess's playful innuendo, and holding my temper when the knight academy canceled my spellcasting courses claiming I had no aptitude for magic. For the first time in my life, I could feel the flow of the powers that shaped the universe coursing through me. Perhaps, even though I was still woefully short of their splendor, I was tapping into the primal energies dragons shaped.

Pleasure this whole, this pure could not be blasphemous, could it? Maybe I'd been wrong, maybe dragons were to be revered. Maybe this was part of the goddesses' plan for me.

No, dragons were debauchery incarnate and I needed to get a hold of myself.

My entire life, I'd worked to be a knight of great importance. And I'd made it all the way to the duke's personal guard. If I played my cards right, I'd be guarding the king someday. Throwing all that away for the experience of being a member of dragonkind was exceedingly foolish.

I growled in frustration as I pulled my hands away from my sensitive bits. "We must stop. Entertaining this impure fantasy any longer would be an act of the most exceptional buffoonery." My voice wavered, devoid of the confidence I needed for my words to ring true.

"I can feel the dragon in you calling to me, begging to be freed." Shi ran hir tail sensuously along my side. "Don't you want to be able to express your desires without guilt? To fly with nothing but the aid of your own two wings? To be better hung than a draft horse and be bred like a mare?"

I whimpered as I stared at hir twin pre-dripping pricks. My body was smoldering, feeling so empty, so desperate. Nothing tasted better than hir pre and milk and nothing felt better than what was growing in between my legs. My hands landed on my breasts and I arched my back. It wasn't long before one of my hands found its way into my underwear and between my legs. Then I started rubbing, moaning, and fidgeting on the floor.

If I could just sate my body, I'd be able to think clearly again. I wasn't really a dragon and whatever fever dream all this was just needed to run its course.

"Your dragon heat is only growing stronger." Poking my cheek with hir massive right cock tip, shi said, "Stop torturing yourself and taste me again."

Squirming and moaning at hir words, I lost myself to the sensations of my body. Maybe, deep down, I really was a dragon. Yes, maybe I'd feel more at home clad in scales with Trintriel's pricks buried in me or flying through the air on membranous wings. The embers in me burst into flames and I felt like I'd be burned alive if I didn't do something to relieve the pressure inside me.

My eyes locked onto Trintriel's huge scaly sac and I licked my lips. Just how much did shi cum?

Shi watched me with a smirk, finding amusement in my struggle. "If you want help letting go of your humanity, all you need to do is ask."

Every inch of me was aching for relief, aching for me to give in, but I couldn't stop thinking about all the effort I'd put into being a knight. So many years of my life spent climbing to higher social echelons by ingratiating myself powerful individuals while tending to their whims. Turning my back on that was unthinkable. But I also wanted to claim my dragon heritage by kissing Trintriel's gorgeous erections and flying through the air under my own power. I couldn't choose, I couldn't orgasm, and I'd spend the rest of my life on the floor of this cave if I didn't act.

The stalemate in my mind was so complete that I only managed to utter a single word, "Please."

Hir eyes glowed purple and I gazed into them, becoming lost in the kaleidoscopic galaxies within as shi spread hir wings. My tattoo tickled my wrist as it began spinning. The gravity in the room shifted toward hir once again, but the only object that seemed to notice it was me.

"Drink my seed, you needy dragon slut!" shi commanded.

With that push, the dragon in me broke its chains and mauled my composure. Trintriel's cocks were the only thing in the world I wanted and...[Continue Dante's herm feral dragon TF on my Patreon:
