A Bear and His Husky - Chapter 2

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A Bear and His Husky "c" Arthur

this story is an adult orientated story, depicting naughty acts of a naughty kitty, if you are under the age of 18, are not allowed to view such material in your area, and/or are offended by such material, do not read any furthur.....if you are HAVE FUN....happy fappin...


A bear and his husky - Chapter 2

By: Arthur & Philomel Anthroa

A few days past since Izzy's lodging in my home. A few renovations were made to accomidate my new found husky companion. I changed one of my emply guest rooms into a bedroom for Izzy. A dresser, a closet, a bed, posters on the wall, an old stereo I found in my closet, and a TV with advanced cable.

"I LOVE IT!!!!" said Izzy with a grin of joy on his muzzle while he jumped up and down. "Im glad you do Izzy, you deserve better than you got with those parents of yours, if you can call them that." I saw izzy turn around quickly to me. He smiled and quickly brought me and him into a loving hug, I knew that our new companionship would last a lifetime.

I didnt know how long I could make this last though in all honesty, I did take him away from his real folks without the right regulations, without the right legal action, this may turnout to be quite a quagmire for me and Izzy.

It was about noon, so I thought it would be nice to go eat somewhere me and him together.

"say Izzy",He looked to me and replied with a smile "Izzy." I looked at him with an 'I fell for it' face. "how would you like to go eat somewhere today?" Izzy's eyes lit up with excitment, "Ohh yes teddie! that sounds great!" he began to jump in happiness again. We walked out to the nice blue sky day of the summer, locked the door and walked to my SUV. Something was looming under my skin, I couldnt put my finger on it, but it wasnt good. But I put it out of my mind.......For now.

"So where would you like to go Izzy?" He looked to me in a fashion of him not knowing, he simply shruged.

We drove on.

I thought of a good place, a pizza parlor, a small one, no one likes to eat in there, they all like to get delivery, a perfect spot to talk to izzy there more about his parents. "How's pizza sound izzy?" Izzy looked to me, smiling, "Yay!........Whats pizza?" I looked at him with a 'WHAT THE FUUU?!' face. "you've never had pizza? really?!" Izzy yipped a bit in fear thinking I was mad at him "No...Sorry....Am I supposed too?" I facepawed. "You dont have to....But it's really tasty, you'll just love it I know it!" He smiled again while his tail wagged.

We drove to my favorite little parlor in town, the 12" inch, a dirty name, but catchy.

Izzy and I took our seats at another booth, at luch time no one comes here, we were all alone.

We made our order, Izzy was quite the difficult for our waitress. "Ohh little one......your how old?" The waitress asked, "seven mam...." She was obviously confused. "I recommend pepperoni then for you."

Izzy just nodded taking anything he could get.

"So Izzy, is there anything you would say about your parents?" He looked down at his feet and sighed for a moment. "They are about as old as you teddie" I nodded, "My mommy always looks sick, and she never eats much, only enough.", "hmm sick? like?", I asked confused. "Well shes always skinny, and walking to the bathroom all the time, and moaning in pain." I seemed to understand what he ment, but she wasnt sick, maybe in the head but not physically. "My dad is mean to me....He hits me till I bleed." I was shocked to hear that, it explains hit bruses and other wounds on his body. "so your mom is always sick and your dad is mean....sounds interesting."

"HEY TED!!!!" I heard in the background of the parlor, it sounded like one of my old colledge buddies, Danny, a polcat. Was it only him, I found out, no it was not. Heather a lynx, another one of my old colledge buddies. "Hey teddie....hows it hangin." Izzy giggled "Ohh and who is this? hes cute..." Heather said smiling. "this is Izzy, my new furiend, poor fella was found siting on the corner for, you know what, set there by his parents." Izzy blushed at what I said. "awww, poor thing, someone wanted him for himself." Danny said sarcasticly to me and Izzy, all Izzy did was giggle.

"Heres your pizza fellas, enjoy" Said the waitress. Izzy looked at it with confusion. "so this is pizza?......looks like a sausey pie." we laughed, "so you never really had a pizza lil fella?" Danny chuckled to izzy, Izzy only nodded and began to taste a slice.

Izzy took one bite, there was silence......then in one moment, there was one audible squee from Izzy's muzzle, everyone jumped, even the waitress. In one quick burst, Izzy began snarfing down the slice with no hesitation, we all giggled at the sight, Ive never seen a cub who never ate pizza before, I did, and loved it.

Soon after the pizza was gone and we all were full, Izzy looked happy and content with the new found bulge of a belly. Izzy seemed tired and thirsty. I saw the look in his eyes, he wanted to thank me.

"So, Danny, when did you and Heather get together?" He smiled, "not long after we all parted ways in colledge. I guess chemistry has got something for me eh?" I laughed in agreement. One glace was all it took, Izzy was missing, whered he go? I didnt know.

I continued to talk, thinking he must of went to the bathroom or something, pizza will do that to ya, especialy if you ate as much as out little pizza virgin did.

then suddenly, I felt a sudden breeze in my pants, I must have left my pants unzipped. Then I jumped a bit as I felt the cold nose of a husky poke me in the crotch. It ticked the sheath of my cock to the pointed I giggled randomly, Danny looked at me funny "Whats so funny dude, I havent even gotten to the punch-line yet.", "ohh its nothing, nothing at all man, no worries." It was obvious who was behind my sudden bursts of laughter, izzy. That clever pooch.

My cock couldnt take being pleasured so subtley, so I let Izzy do what he wanted. while Danny and Heather conversed with me, I tried my best to keep a straight face while Izzy went down on my member like a pro.

I felt it his lovely husky tounge tickle my balls while sucking playfully. my face contorted while I tried to keep it straight, Danny and Heather couldnt help but be curious as to why my face was looking liked I was being fucked. "Hey, dude.....you ok?" Danny asked, "Yeah Teddie, you look a little....flushed, you gotta go to the bathroom or something?" Heather added blushing a bit. I couldnt keep this a secret, they knew I liked that kinda stuff, I told them...

"could you keep it quiet if I told you two?" they both nodded curiously. "Izzy is...well...getting something to drink. straight from the tap." they both got the meaning and were suprised, but quiety.

"Really?...wow...sounds fun....I think....maybe creepy" Danny kidded as he looked under table to see Izzy lovingly sucking on Ted. Danny couldnt help but get a tad aroused by the rebelious situation. He had to unzip. Izzy heard it. realizing what the sound was he stoped sucking Ted off and went for the other cock pending for its pleasure. Izzy never tried this kind of cock before, he liked the taste of the polcat in his mouth, so he went on to sucking him faster. "Gawd.....he's good....you teach em' Teddie?" I shook my head no, "He just knows his oral, man...."

Heather looked to danny, she couldnt believe it, she saw her own mate getting a blowjob form a cub. It was awkward but oddly yiffy.

"Hehe I didnt know you learned a thing or two from Ted, Danny." She giggled playfully. He only smiled as he quivered from the ecstasy growing from the lovely puppy suckleing below. "Hmm you two seem to be in heaven, can I join?" she asked quietly. they both nodded as they stared off into ecstasy. Izzy looked to Heathers lower area while he sucked Danny and played with Ted's cock. He heard her unzip her pants, did she want Izzy to lick her vagina? Izzy didnt beleive it, she had a sheath, and balls. It hurt Izzy's little head, He didnt understand, but he got to it instead of thinking about it.

He began to lick the sheath of her female crotch, making cure to pleasure this new found discovery.

As the head began to surface from its confines, he licked it without hesitation, making Heather giggle with pleasure. She looked to Danny, then Ted. She now knew what they were so happy and horny about. Izzy began to jack off both Ted and Danny with both paws, while sucking Heather off. We all began to scooch down in our seats as Izzy played with all our cocks in almost perfect unison.

It didnt take long till out talented little cub got us to our peaks, I chorus of moans came from us as we all came all over little Izzy.

"heres some napkins hun, you okay down there?" Heather asks Izzy cutly. "Im okay Heather, but why....do you...have...you know...?" Heather blushed at the question "ohh....Ill tell you when your older." Izzy giggled and nodded "okay....Ill wait then" Izzy said with his tail wagging. We all couldnt help but look at him with an 'aww hes soooo cute' look.

We paid the bill, said our good byes to Danny and Heather, telling each other we would see each other again soon. "umm...Teddie?", "Yes Izzy?" I answered with love in my words. "could we get another pizza?" I couldnt help but comply to his request, he asked too cutly.

We took our pizza to the car, and we drove off.

A Brief Explaination

A brief explaination "c" Arthur 2010 Taasla Ketzia and Jubei "c" Taasla Ketzia ### this story is an adult orientated story, depicting naughty acts of a naughty kitty, if you are under the age of 18, are not allowed to view such material in your area,...

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A Bear and his Huskey - chapter 1

A Bear and his Huskey "c" Anthroa studios 2010 this story is copryrighted, any copying or redistribution of this story can and will be subject to lawsuit. this is an adult story, if you are under the age of 18, or are not allowed by law to view such...

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Classmates "c" Arthur Anthur 2010 any and all coping or thievery of this story can be subject to lawsuit. this is an adult orientated story, material in this story is not suited for young readers. if you are not 18, not allowed to view such material,...

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