~ Shade and Ace: The Beginning ~

Story by NyteWolf on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

~ Shade and Ace: The Beginning ~


"Another day to deal with fake friends at a boring school," I thought quietly to myself getting on the bus to Animillian High School. Nothing interesting ever happened. Occasionally a fight here and there but that's about it. It felt like every day was just like the other and today I wasn't in the mood for anything.

I'm one of the popular wolves at school. Everyone in my junior classes knew me and even some of the seniors too. I find myself very attractive, standing 5'6 (kind of on the short side compared to the other wolves), black fur with white tipped ears and tail, ocean blue eyes. I have an athletic body because I run a lot for my track team. I'm 17 and virgin. I had one girlfriend 2 years ago but she bored the hell out of me and I wasn't at all interested in her. I felt myself more attractive to my own sex. When I found myself looking at other guys, I would curse myself and say I'm not gay. Gay people at school was consistently made fun of and ridiculed.

"Hey Shade," called a friend from class as I got off the bus in front of school. "What's good Tony?" I called back. Tony was an orange-white fox. His nickname is Tony the Tiger. He hates that nickname because he believes the real Tony the Tiger is a fucking sellout.

"Yo, you alright? You look sick?" asked Tony in a concerned voice. "Nah, I'm just tired," I replied. "Oh, okay... You ready for Mr. Reed's math test today? " Tony asked with a half smile. "Ha, Mr. Reed's test can suck my..." but before, I could finish, Telina, my ex from two years ago, snuck up behind me and hugged me tightly giving my neck a kiss. I pushed her off and told her to chill out. "Don't, act like you don't want me!" Telina growled. "I don't!" I barked back. "See you in math class Tony," I said and walked off irritated.

I ended up in math class a little early today. I didn't feel like chilling with my friends and waiting until the bell rang to head to class today. No one had arrived yet and my teacher was at his desk cleaning his eyeglasses. I'm not sure if he noticed me or not. I sat down in my normal seat, in the back of the class. Graffiti was all over the top of the desk, none done by me. "FUCK" was carved into the top left corner of the wooden desk. Along with, "Mr. Reed swallows seed." That always made me laughed. As I settled into my seat, the door to the classroom opened. In walked the sexiest wolf I've ever seen. His fur white as snow. He must have been new to this school because I've never seen him before. I sat upright and watched him walk up to Mr. Reed with his schedule in his paw. He had to be an athlete with his body so slim and firm. He had to be at least 6'2. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

"It says I'm in your class," said the new wolf pointing down at his schedule. His voice was deep and masculine. Just by that sentence alone, I could listen to him talk all day. "Name please?" Mr. Reed asked. "Ace Fierce."

"Wow," I thought. "A sexy name to go with a sexy wolf." I pictured myself caressing my muzzle with his. At that instant, I shook my head, returning to reality.

"Mr. Fierce, welcome to my class. I'm Mr. Reed." Mr. Reed looked up and noticed me. "Ah, you can have a seat in the back with Shade. If you have any questions, you can ask him. Just not while I'm lecturing, because that pisses me off." Mr. Reed laughed as if he said the funniest thing ever. Ace gave a slight smile and turned to the back of the class and spotted me. He started walking towards the seat next to mine.

I thanked Mr. Reed in my mind for having this new sexy wolf sit next to me. I'm not usually shy around people but as he sat at the desk next to mine my heart started to race. Ace leaned over and stuck out his paw to shake mines. I reached for his paw and shook it. "I'm Ace," he said with his sexy voice. Looking into his beautiful grey eyes I said, "I..I'm Shade. Where are you from?" "New York," he replied. "What brings you to Florida?" I asked. "My father found work here and the job pays well. I just don't like how I have to make new friends. I'm not the friend making type. People call me mean...as if I'm gonna bite em." A sad look fell upon his face and his ears drooped down. "You don't look mean at all," I blurted out. I felt stupid for just saying that out loud. He smiled, showing his white wolf teeth. Wow he had a great smile. "You made one friend so far," I said with a smile. Just as he was about to speak, the bell rang. Ace reached into his book bag taking out a black notebook and pencil, in case he had to take notes. The door flew up and my classmates started filling the class.

During Mr. Reed's lecture I glanced over at Ace many times. I don't think he noticed me. I watched as he listened to the teacher, writing down important facts. I wanted to slide my tongue across his neck. I started to picture him naked. I've never felt like this towards another person before. I buried my face into my paws when I started to think; what if he's not gay, what if he's not into guys. A feeling of dread fell upon me


The school bell rang, dismissing students to head to their next class. I returned to reality once again and got out of my seat. I watched as Ace put his notebook and pencil into his book bag and stand up. He looked at me and smiled. "I need help finding my other classes. Will you help me out?" Ace asked. "Yea, sure, let me see your schedule." I said. He grabbed his schedule and handed it to me. "Hmm, you have gym with me right now. I'll walk you there." I said.

We left the classroom and headed for the gym. Ace was silent. I watched him as he observed his surroundings. Ace looked at the banners and decorations set up. He was so involved in looking at everything else he didn't notice a bunny walking hastefuly to class. Ace walked into the bunny, knocking the bunny down. I watched Ace as he growled and said "WATCH IT." The bunny stood up and said "I...I...I'm sorry." The bunny then ran off. I smiled and said to Ace sarcastically, "Is that why they call you mean?" Ace replied with a growl, making my smile disappear. He noticed the look on my face and apologized. "I'm sorry, I just get really mad sometimes," he said. With my smile returning I said, "It's cool." We continued walking to the gym. His aggressiveness turned me on and I found myself liking the wolf more and more.

The scent of the locker room always made my tail twitch. I loved the smell of the other guy's musk. I had got hard before in here but was able to hide it. I hated the idea of people finding out I was gay. Since the locker next to mines was empty, Ace took it. When Neptune Tiger, the football's quarterback, noticed Ace, he yelled out, "Fresh Meat!" Ace instantly barked back, "SHUT THE FUCK UP OR ILL MAKE YOU MY LUNCH BITCH." Neptune's face froze in shock. He then looked around to see everyone in the locker room staring at him. "I was only playing..." Neptune said walking away. Ace only replied with a growl.

Right there and then I just wanted to jump into Ace's arms and burry my face into his furry chest. I was so turned on by his aggressiveness I felt my sheath twitch. Ace turned to me looking irritated. "Where's the bathroom," he asked. I pointed in the direction of the bathroom and watched him walk to it.

I changed into my all white basketball shorts and put on the schools mandatory gym shirt. It was all white with ANIMILLIAN in yellow letters. By the time Ace returned many of the students had already left the locker room and went to the gym. "I have to wear that all white shirt? I might as well go out there with no shirt on, because it will blend in with my white fur," Ace said extending out his arm to show me his white fur (as if I didn't notice already). I laughed and said, "You should!"

Missing the joke, Ace asked, "What?" I shook my head and replied, "Never mind." I opened my book bag and pretended to dig through it. The truth was, I wanted to see what Ace looked like without his shirt on. Ace noticed me looking at him and asked, "What are you looking at?" I hesitated and randomly asked, "HOW tall are you!?" Ace smiled and said "I'm about 6'2." (I was right) "OH," I replied. Ace took off his shirt revealing his well toned body. My sheath twitched again and I felt my dick hardening. In these basketball shorts I'm sure he would have seen it. "I NEED TO TAKE A PISS," I blurted out and ran to bathroom. I didn't dare look at his face.

I entered the locker room bathroom and went into the closest stall, closing and locking it. I sat down on the toilet (made sure the toilet lid was down) and pulled down my basketball shorts. My dick was out of my sheath, fully erect and throbbing. I was around 7.5 inches. It's been a while since I last pawed off, so I was really horny. I looked down at my dick and watched the tip of it glisten with pre cum. I wrapped my paw around my dick and started rubbing, going up and down in slow rhythmic movements. I closed my eyes and thought of Ace without his shirt on and how sexy he was. I started speeding up the pace. It felt so good and I couldn't stop. My heart started beating faster and I started panting. I thought about Ace's sexy canine teeth and how aggressive he was. I couldn't believe I was in a bathroom at school pawing off to someone I just met. The feeling was intense. I was trying to hold back from moaning but I couldn't help myself. As I kept pawing, more pre cum emerged and lubricated my whole dick. I was close to cumming. Ace filled my mind. I thought of him licking my neck, down to my chest, down to my stomach, and down to my dick. Engulfing my dick with his mouth. My body twitched as I started to cum. Loads of warm cum shot out of my dick. The first shot landed on my face and tongue which was out of my mouth while I panted. The second shot landed on my chest. I kept pawing off and more cum came out. I couldn't stop, it felt so good. My black fur started turning white with cum. Two more shots landed on my chest and stomach. My paw, covered in cum, started to slow down and then stop. I licked around my lips which had cum all around it and swallowed it. The most intense orgasm I experienced was in a schools bathroom.


"You alright in there Shade?" Ace called out from the other side of the bathroom stall. "Y..Yeah, I'll be out in a sec, aight?" I replied. "Aight man, I'll be in the gym okay?" Ace said. "Okay see you in a sec Ace."

I looked down at my chest which was covered with cum. I grabbed some toilet paper and started to clean myself. I was going to be a little late for gym class.