The Job - Part 10 - Resistance

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#10 of The Job

Can Stan fight to maintain his waning humanity when the horse growing inside of him wants to indulge?

Chapter 10 - Resistance

Stan needed to mate desperately. He didn't care about another possible attack from the wolf as he released the subdued creature's arms and began manically tearing at Blue's clothing. His large fingers pulled hard enough that he ripped the thick strapping and buckles that served as anchor points for the armor to attach to the creature's furry body.

Stan made quick work of the tangle of securing mechanisms with a wild animistic abandon. His strong fingers tore through the shirt and rigging easily, exposing tufts of the wolf's blue fur through the fabric. His cock pressed against Blue's chest as he moaned. Pre-cum had almost fully coated the underside of his tool as it slapped Blue's abdomen. Stan moaned, he felt so heavy between his legs. So swollen. The column of ponderous meat hanging off his groin dripped a constant stream of slick lubricant onto the wolf's furred chest.

Working lower and lower, Stan was soon tearing at the wolf's pants. It took little effort to disassemble the fabrics that encompassed the canine's bulbous sheath and plump lightly-fuzzed lemon-sized balls. The wolf's firm oval-shaped nuts were similar in size to what Stan had woken up to earlier in the day. However, Stan's virile pair had already well-surpassed them in proportions as they dropped slightly lower between his thighs as if to punctuate their virility. The small red tip of Blue's male-hood poked out from the fat jiggling sheath. Stan snorted in his musk as it assaulted his nose. Male. Protect. Mate. The simple thoughts pounded his skull.

"Rrrrghh!! Norrghhh... help me!!! He's...he's...rrrghhh!!" The wolf cried out underneath him. Stan had no interest in what was between the creature's legs. His heavy cock began to needfully prod and explore the area underneath the wolf's balls, pushing them upward against his sheath. Stan neighed as the boiling heat roiled through his loins. The anger at the intruders was feeding into his lust. He desperately needed to sink himself into something, anything.

Stan's hips ground forward as he sunk his huge length underneath and between the wolf's upper thighs. The tip of his lubricant-slickened cock smearing slick hot pre-cum along the canine's taught taint as it searched for its target.

Stan pushed more of himself between the wolf's legs. Soon he felt the tight puckered hole of the wolf pressing against the tip of his gulping urethra. The wolf's still-attached visor lit up, the lights flashing and blinking across it as he jerked underneath him. Stan grunted and nickered as he pressed insistently against the wolf's tight hole. Blue was struggling to free himself but that only made him want to control him, take him, more.

"YIPPP!" Blue yelped, the wolf's stupor broken by the invasion. Before Stan could begin to part the prone canine's anus the wolf's paws latched onto his back. Sharp nails tore into the thickened skin across his shoulder blades as Blue struggled to stop his advances. Stan could feel his scalding-hot blood seeping from the wounds down the sides of his chest.

"NNNEIIIGHHH!!!" Stan wailed in surprise at the excruciating pain. He tried to rear backward but the wolf's talon-like grip held firm, keeping him in place. The long throbbing expanse of his cock prodding at the underside of the wolf's nuts as it tried desperately to withdraw. The pain lanced through him like lightning, firing into every nerve.

Stan felt his unfocused lust-filled eyes clear as he slowly became aware of where he was and what he was doing. His libido resurged for a moment, threatening to overtake him. He pushed back. The wide teeth ground against each other in his long skull. His mind struggled to burrow through the desire, push it back down. The more he regained his senses the less he wanted to. His whole body shivered and heaved as he took in the scene in front of him.

"Noo....Nooouuhh!!!" Stan groaned, hot tears stung his eyes, and ran down his muzzle. His body didn't feel like his own. He was in a stranger's form, nothing felt right. The pills and goo had taken his humanity from him. He looked down between his legs to see the massive throbbing column of flesh attached to his body sunk beneath the wolf's animalistic sheath. He could feel the canine's heavy balls pressing on his length. Stan could barely repress a gag at the sight. He was grinding against another not a man...a beast. A very male beast he was just about to fuck. The heft of the wolf's weighty male jewels pressed insistently against the firm hot flesh of his penis.

"Hurrrhhh!!! What have you done to meeee," Stan whinnied, his voice vibrating his thickened throat. The pain of Blue's claws in his back surged through him, forcing him to hold his position. The canine's nails were deeply dug into the expanse of his broad back and showed no signs that they would be released. Despite the pain, the heat of the creature felt so good under him. Every squirm of the wolf's kicking legs was dragging the fuzzed nuts across his erogenous cock-flesh. He shook his head. He didn't like men. This wasn't him. He wanted his wife.

"RRRRRGHH!! GET IT OUT!!!" The wolf growled menacingly underneath him. Despite its antagonism the canine's sinewy legs kicking fruitlessly against the floor.

The monster Stan was becoming didn't care about his revulsion or even the wolf's complaint. The more he felt the hot flesh rubbing against his the more he wanted it. Drool leaked out of the sides of his mouth. His mind was filled with images of the wolf's full sheath and the weighty nuts underneath. How could he have ignored it earlier? He tried to conjure images of his children. But when he did their eyes were accusatory, piercing. They were looking through him. The images were more painful than the wolf's claws but he tried to hold onto them. He nickered in pain as they were being pushed away by thoughts of his virility, his throbbing, achingly-hard sexual muscle. The desire was clawing at his mind worse than the canine pinned under him was ravaging his back.

"Nuuhh...I won't...I won't fuckk!!! You can't make me!!! HURRR!!!" he shook his head fighting back the carnal thoughts. He wanted to feel the wolf's tightness around him. He was so achingly close. No! He wouldn't give in.

Stan felt like everything he was, everything that his wife had fallen in love with, everything his kids looked up to, was being gradually scooped out of him. Even his sexual appetites were changing, being twisted, by the desire still pounding through his body. He could feel the part of him that wanted to sink his length into the creature begin to take over. He would take what was his. The need pushed ever-deeper into his thoughts. Stan's eyes rolled in his head as he struggled to maintain command of his faculties.

"Not...nooo..." He moaned, his cock felt so very heavy.

He only then noticed Lex approaching him on shaking legs with an opened canister of the goo in her arms. It read in bold letters across the tin "Stage Two - 23.5 KCAL". She was visibly vibrating in fear as she approached him. Her hands constantly reshuffling how they gripped the metal tin.

"Stan...Mr. Young, your sponsor told me..." Lex paused as she approached hesitantly. Stan's eyes were locked onto her. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he could feel the intense anger welling up in him. What they had taken from him, made him do... Made him want... Stan felt the monster begin to surface again. He snorted through his long face. Blood. There was blood in the air. But not the wide swaths of his own iron-scented crimson that had flooded and dried over his ribs. As Lex got closer, close enough for him to reach with one of his arms...he noticed a drop of red ichor drip from her nose. Lex tried to quickly wipe it away.

"Get him off me! Help me!" The wolf cried out. His hands struggled to extricate themselves from the deep ribbons they had cut into his back.

"He wanted me to give this to you," she said, looking down at Blue than up at him in an attentive fear. She hoisted the opened canister shakily towards him, ignoring Blue's growling pleas. He could see her wince in pain at the effort. The thoughts of hurting her drained from him as he heard her speak. Stan could tell something was deeply wrong. She was different, almost submissive. He wanted to puzzle out what was going on but he couldn't think, the smell of the goo was already beginning to saturate his nose.

"I-I'm...sorry that Blue..that Blue....AHHH!!!" Lex yelled suddenly, doubling over as if somebody had stabbed her in the gut. More blood leaked from her nose. She almost dropped the canister but saved it at the last moment. He noticed that her previously composed dress looked disheveled and out of sorts.

"Don't apologize to him...he's...he's... nnnrghhh!!!" The wolf under him groaned as he suddenly thrashed and jerked. His visor's lights began to blink from white to red as they scattered across the metal face-shield.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll do it, don't hurt Blue!" She began to repeat, almost groveling. Stan opened his mouth to respond but even in his current state, he realized she wasn't talking to him. Stan could tell something was hurting her, forcing her to act this way. He struggled to connect the dots. It could have been the same thing that had freed him from the grip of the canine's armor. It was all blurring together. It hurt to push thoughts through the cloudiness that began to move back in over his mind.

"Nurrrhh!!! Stay away!" Stan warned, his voice surprisingly deep and throaty. His lips pulling back over his teeth as he snorted at her. He knew if she got any closer he wouldn't be able to control himself, his authority over his actions was hanging on by a thread.

"Lex! HELP ME!!! LEX THEY'RE NNRGHHH!!" The wolf wailed as his muzzle snapped open and shut rapidly. His legs kicked hard enough that they dislodged themselves from under his pinning knees. But instead of using the newfound freedom to extricate himself, the canine continued to thrash and convulse, his hips thrusting into the air before slamming down again. All the lights across his visor flashed red. The wolf's groans of what sounded like excruciating pain devolved into panting moans of submissive need.

Stan was as alarmed at what was happening underneath him as he was by the approaching canister held at face-level for him. He wanted desperately to dislodge himself, he knew this may be his only chance to escape. He could grab Emily and run. His body began to move, but as he moved his thighs the ministrations of the furry creature below him sent shocks of pleasure through his aching head. The wolf's fuzzy taint was bouncing on the tip of his engorged shaft. The shocks of pleasure worked their way deep into the root of his cock and pooled in his swinging balls.

"Stophhh...nooooORRHUGHN!!!" Stan moaned, his voice becoming bestial as the canine's hole pushed tantalizingly against the throbbing head of his cock before retreating. His heavy nuts dropped lower in their sac between his legs as they began to pulse and churn. Blue began whining and panting below him. The creature's previously aggressive growls reduced to a series of submissive whimpers.

Stan winced as the wolf withdrew his paws from his back and wrapped his arms around the thick base of his neck in an almost passionate embrace. Blue's dark fur hid how drenched in his life-blood the canine's paws were. Stan didn't have a moment to process what was happening before the canister of goo was in front of his face. He tried to steer his long nose away but it was no use. He felt drawn to it like a compass seeking a magnetic pole.

"Please...nurrhhh," he begged weakly with the last of his willpower. He couldn't stop himself from driving his mouth directly into the brown goo. But instead of being hit by the initial rotten, bitter taste, all he could sense was the smell of warm fresh-baked bread and every other delicious savory thing he had experienced in his life. He ate ravenously, almost knocking the can out of Lex's hands.

As he ate he could feel a pinching sensation in his back. The deep lacerations began to quickly knit themselves together, staunching the already diminished bleeding.

"HURR!! MY BACCKK!!! HUUREEE!!" he whinnied as he gasped for air from the goo. His back arched as he continued to neigh wetly at the sensation. The wide teeth in his upper and lower jaw separated with thin sinuous goo-saturated strands as he ravenously slurped the remains of the mixture from his broad nose. He nickered more and more urgently as his back repaired itself and grew stronger by the moment. Muscle twisted over his shoulder-blades as his bones creaked wider under his skin.

Stan snorted in surprise as he felt Blue curl his now-freed hind paws around his waist. The taught muscular legs of the canine hoisted his hips upward so that Stan's frame was supporting much of the wolf's substantial weight. Blue's repositioning had aligned him so that his hole pressed even more heavily at the tip of Stan's tool.

He tried to shake him off but Blue whimpered below him as if begging him to pierce his inner sanctum. However needfully he moaned the wolf seemed unable or unwilling to initiate the action himself. Stan tried to stop himself from thrusting back against the wolf with every fiber of his being. If he did this there was no going back. He kept trying to remind himself he didn't like males. But the feelings of the canine's athletic furry body against his told him otherwise. He could smell the wolf's musk that permeated every strand of its dark-blue fur. The delicious weight of the canine's testicles rubbing the top of his cock... He wanted to feel Blue's tight hole wrapping his erection so badly. The instincts pounding at the back of his head told him to breed the wolf.

"s..stan...what..." Emily weakly breathed just to the side of him. Stan's ears swiveled atop his head in surprise, only partially distracting him from the lust pounding through his groin. He looked at her crumpled form. Emily's eyes blinked slowly like she was waking from sleep. Her arm snaked its way from under her body and reached out for him. Her fingertips caressed his large knee.

"Don't look Emileeee...Huurghhh!! I can't shhtaaapp," he moaned, looking away from her. His muscles bunched under his skin as he tried to hold himself back. Emily was feebly petting his knee, a reminder of who he was. It felt like he was being torn apart on the inside. He snorted through his nose. The feeling of his wife watching him somehow only made the lust return more intensely. The thought of her eyes on his tool as it entered the wolf made him moan in unwanted pleasure. His heart was beating so hard that it filled the entirety of his long scooped ears.

"Oh...Stan," Emily whispered, her voice barely audible over his heartbeat. It wasn't filled with admonishment or disapproval. He realized she was trying to comfort him.

Stan neighed as he made a last-ditch attempt to fight the instincts. He didn't want her to see him like this. The feeling of shame at what he was becoming stirred his thoughts into a jumbled mash. The need to bury his cock in something was the only clear thing he could focus on. Images of the wolf's tight but hefty package pushed into his thoughts. Tears streamed down his face as his eyes rolled up into his skull. He felt so hot. The weight on his crotch was driving him to near madness.

"DON'T LOUUHHKKK!" He managed to choke out before his hips began to grind forward. The tip of his long cock pushed against the tight ring of the wolf's hole. He wanted to take the wolf, dominate him. Pre-cum splattered from his gulping urethra, preparing the puckered entrance. He tried desperately to pull himself back from the brink but he couldn't fight it anymore.

"YIP!! Uhnnn! UUHNNN!!!" Blue moaned, his head rocking to the side. The canine's breathing speed up as the mushroom-shaped head of Stan's cock spread the canine's tight unyielding hole open. Stan whinnied at the compression of the wolf's body on his engorged tip. The monster in him was determined to sink his entire length into the furry wolf-thing.

The wolf below him whined in pleasure as he pushed himself deeper into its dark clenching recesses. Blue's legs tightened around his waist as inch after inch of his throbbing meat sank into the beast. Blue began to grind his hips down onto his cock, arching his back as more than half of Stan's length penetrated him. The wolf's long muzzle, full of sharp teeth, parted as he panted and yowled urging him deeper.

The hot breath issuing from his canine mouth saturated the thick muscles of Stan's neck with heat. They both began rocking back and forth in unison. Stan's large hands gripped the floor for support as the wolf ground against him. His heavy balls slapped the space between his thighs. The expansive flesh of his orange-sized nuts dragging across his skin was driving him to thrust faster and more insistently.

Stan could feel something hard and hot creeping up his wet pre-cum soaked abdomen. It felt like a tapered cylinder of flesh. Fiery, increasingly-hard, throbbing flesh. Stan craned his long head downward to try to sneak a peek at what it could be. But his interest in what was happening between their bodies was interrupted as another few inches of his cock sank into the wolf. His head whipped backward as he neighed in pleasure. Even as the shocks of euphoria coursed through his tool he knew instinctively that it was the wolf's male-hood pressing against his stomach.

The musky smell of the wolf's exposed cock was driving him mad. His heavy balls shuddered between his legs as the skin of his sac felt several sizes too small to contain them. Stan responded by thrusting harder and more urgently into the wolf as the column of male-hood between them thickened. He could feel the slick wetness of pre-cum begin pressing between their two bodies. The slippery liquid issued anew from atop the canine's spire with every needful press of his cock into the canine's depths. Blue yelped in ecstasy below him, the wolf's dense rear cheeks spreading wide for his insistent endowment.

The slick lubricant from the wolf began to re-wet his already pre-drenched stomach. The heat of it against his body made him nicker and snort. The need to breed the creature below him never felt more urgent. Stan jerked his nethers forward, pushing the wolf's body across the floor with the power of his thrust. Blue whined as he accepted another few inches of Stan's heaving girth with a delicious resistance. His cock began pistoning through the wolf's tight expanse. He needed to get more of himself inside of the creature. Inches of him drew out from between the wolf's spread ass cheeks before sinking back in with a wet squelch. His long cock was lubricated by the copious pre-cum that slavered the wolf's backside.

Stan wasn't too preoccupied breeding the wolf under him to notice that the stinking goo was still positioned at face-level. The smell along with the wolf's musk was intoxicating as he submerged his jerking head into the canister. The motion almost knocked down Lex, drawing the canister frustratingly away from his face before she could shakily reposition it. Stan slurped greedily at the goo as his body ground against the wolf with all the strength and power he possessed.

"MURRHHH!! MORRRRHH!!" He moaned deeply and wetly, his mouth saturated with the mouthwatering brown ichor. His stomach felt bloated with the volume of the mixture he had ingested but he was still hungry. His long tongue attempted to scrape the last bits that clung to the rim. Lex let go of the tin as Stan craned his head upward, huffing like an animal trying to extract any morsel he could retrieve before the container slipped from his muzzle.

The vessel hit the floor with a loud metal clatter before rolling out of his narrowly focused vision. Within seconds Lex had produced the last stage-two canister. Before she could even fully unbuckle the lid Stan pried at the opening with his teeth. Tossing it violently aside his tongue slurped at the freshly exposed goo and began to ravenously eat. He felt so full but he couldn't stop.

"Uhh!! Uhhhh! Uhhhnnn!!" The wolf moaned under him. He was thrusting faster and faster into Blue while he ate. His mouth used the undulations of his body to scoop rich scoops of the mixture into his wide esophagus. The sounds of his eating and grunting whining of Blue being driven across the floor were becoming a cacophony of lust.

"NRRGHH!!! ARR!! ARRHHH!!! AAAAWWOOO!!!" The wolf cried out beneath him. Its grip on his torso tightened, forcing Stan to slam his cock deep into the wolf's clenching tight hole. Stan felt the wolf's column of flesh which pressed against his stomach tense and grow harder. The wolf's engorged penis discharged a hot rope of jism straight up into his abdomen which back-splattered back onto the wolf's furry body. The hot sticky wetness was followed by another thin rope as the wolf's tapered tool slapped between their still-grinding torsos. Stan could feel and smell the musky wolf semen that splattered across his chest. Something in him wanted to taste it, feel its texture on his tongue.

Stan felt torn between the tight rapture of his cock almost fully encased in the wolf's hindquarters and the need to consume the ambrosia that filled his mouth and nose. Stan's lust-addled solution was to eat faster. He barely tasted the goo as he slurped it down.

Soon his entire long mouth was so full of the goo that he was on the verge of choking. With a few more huge greedy slurps he had finished the majority of the can's contents. His stomach felt so full that its distended expanse pushed against the wolf's still-erect cum-smeared cock. Stan withdrew from the tin, gasped for air through goo smeared across his nose and face.

His lips flared backward revealing his wide teeth, his head craning upward. He felt his orgasm building to a head as he pushed the final inch of his immense girthy cock into the wolf's abused hole. The wolf's large firm balls pressed tightly against his groin. He had fully hilted all twelve-inches of his throbbing meat into the creature. He felt his balls draw up between his legs towards his taint.

"NNNNEEIIGHHH!!!!" He screamed lustily as his thoughts became even more carnal. A powerful column of jism pushed through the rigid convulsing muscle thrust deep into the wolf. Stan's neck tightened as all the muscles in his body squirmed under his skin. His urethra pressed shut suddenly, the head of his cock swimming in the first rope of his semen.

Something was holding him back from cumming again. The pressure in his loins was building. He let out an animalistic cry as his cock began to thicken and swell within the wolf's already excruciatingly tight hole. His entire length pulsed. Thick veins grew throughout his penis's exterior, feeding the thickening muscle fresh waves of hot blood. His whole penis was pounding harder and harder. The pounding bled into his pelvis and then the rest of his body. Flesh and bones all over his body were caught in the impact of the wave as they distended, grew, and crunched into place.

Stan's clenched balls swelled between his thighs as they pushed into his leg flesh with an intoxicating virility. The pressure in his nuts was immense as they pulsed and swelled in their sac. The twin orbs felt so hot, the tightly drawn skin wrapping them prickled with a pleasant pinching. His swelling testicles were approaching the size of two ripe apples. The weight of the orbs pressed them against each other causing them to churn and hitch even more urgently. The skin around them struggled to catch up to their increased size as they were held achingly aloft near his taint. Stan couldn't keep his head from craning skyward at the ecstasy crashing through his heavy nuts.

He gurgled at the pleasure, his head whipping around in a frothing, almost rabid, motion. It started raining curly black hairs from atop his head. His disheveled, but freshly-washed, hair began to fall out from his scalp. He could feel every follicle individually and painfully expelling the last vestige of his head's lingering humanity. He winced with a loud snort as he felt the same process take place just above the root of his cock and under his armpits. The wispy pubic hair coating his groin was being pushed out of him and into the tightly compacted balls of the wolf that were pressed between them.

"NUUR!!! WHINNEEYY!!!" Stan cried out as his cock became too large for the wolf's excruciatingly-tight hole to fully accept. The column of rigid heaving flesh pressed as hard into his groin as it was into the wolf. His lengthening member dragged the wolf across the floor as he grew longer and thicker with every powerful beat of his enlarged heart. Soon a full inch or more was sticking out from the wolf's yawning pucker. Stan tried to force himself back in but it only pushed the wolf's body like a furry mop. He could feel himself growing heavier between his legs and it was only driving him to greater heights of euphoric lust.

Like a dam breaking, his urethra was forced open by the immense built-up pressure behind it. Stan's mouth yawned open as he fought to gulp down enough air. His penis shot a long immense column of cum into the wolf like a bullet from a gun. The wolf's body compressing his cock made him feel every milliliter of jism being forced through his tool. The wolf howled and writhed below him in pleasure, its legs kicking.

"NRRRGHH!!" Stan groaned, his neck and back strained at the pleasure as another thin column of the wolf's wet cum spurted from the tapered tool pinned between them. The blast of jism saturated the wolf's opening and soon oversaturated Blue's capacity to hold it. The swirling hot cum pushed back against his throbbing length, worming its way past their immensely tight connection onto the floor beneath them.

Even as he continued to cum his hips were undulating and thrusting. The feeling of Blue's innards pulling and sucking wetly on his cum-soaked length was driving him to madness. Gales of sticky white semen spilled out of the wolf's hole with every inch he pulled out and then rammed back in. Stan neighed and snorted in aggravation. Despite the pleasure, he was still unsatisfied. He drove his spurting cock into the wolf harder. He barely noticed that his distended goo-filled stomach was starting to flatten underneath him.

Stan's knees spread wider across the floor as his swollen balls dropped lower in their sac. His nuts were now low enough that their pendulous motion began to slap the wolf's jism-saturated rear cheeks with every thrust of his hips. The orgasm continued to crash through him even as the ropes of cum he pushed into Blue waned to a whatever his convulsing urethra still had lodged in its engorged length. Stan couldn't stop rocking his hips, the pleasure was too great to stop, even though his penis was dryly heaving.

"NEIIIIIGHHHH!!!" He roared again, the heat was getting worse, not better. His rear cheeks were swelling with fat and muscle behind him as they ballooned outward. The skin around his chest felt far too tight as his ribs pushed against his sides. Each bone thickening as it snapped and cracked, barreling his chest outward. The small tailbone jutting from atop his bulging ass cheeks stretched outward as its base thickened. Inch after inch pushed out as his spine extended out of his body.

Stan gasped for air. The once pleasurable tightness of the wolf's insides now felt constricting, claustrophobic. He tried to extricate himself from the wolf but Blue's grip on him hadn't waned. Shaking his torso like a wet dog he finally loosened the wolf's embrace. Blue yipped in surprise as his elevated rear cheeks impacted the ground. Inches of his cock drew out of the space between the wolf's rear cheeks in the process.

The powerful suction of juices pulled his tool made his cock convulse with pleasure. Somehow his body found a hidden reserve of cum, enough to spurt one last small rope into the wolf's hole as he departed. With a wet *schlorp* he removed himself. His withdrawn cock brought with it a small tidal-wave of semen that outpoured from the wolf's gaping rear hole.

His freed cum-soaked cock batted and ground against Blue's still-erect tool. Stan could feel the substantial size and weight difference between them even without looking as their male-hoods pressed against each other. Stan nickered and huffed as his thighs began to tense and release. His legs were growing thicker with every heavy breath, their expanse pressed urgently against the side of his balls forcing him to knicker in pleasure. The connective knuckles above his hooves bulged as more keratin spilled from where his toes used to be. His hooves were growing wider and stronger by the moment, their hard exteriors clacked against the hard kitchen floor. The orgasm felt like it was still sweeping through him as his legs plumped with muscle and fatty flesh.

His back spasmed as it broadened, stretching his skin to the limit as his backbone's vertebrae pushed upward, making themselves pronounced between his wide shoulder-blades. Stan was so preoccupied with the strange pleasurable feelings of his swelling legs that he almost didn't notice that his arms were stretching, lifting him higher off the floor, away from the wolf's panting muzzle. His fingers scratched at the floor before bunching up into two hard fists. The muscles up and down his arms tensed hard. His digits were crunching against each other, jockeying for enough room on his hand as they stretched longer and thicker.

Dark keratin pushed out his human nails as each of his grasping fingers was capped by a thick bark-like substance that resembled his hooves. His pinkie began to push excruciatingly hard against his ring finger, the flesh was so close that it began to merge. The skin around the two opening up as he could feel the bones in his hand reshuffle. Veins popped on the backside of his palms over tendons drawn as tight as bridge-cables.

He was soon left with four large strong fingers on each hand. Stan wanted to grieve the loss of his pinkies but instead let out a lusty moan as the wolf below him began to masturbate his length with his rough paws, the strokes pushing their tools even more heavily together. Stan reciprocated the wolf's gesture by thrusting his hips, dragging his male-hood heavily against the creature's. Blue moaned orgasmically under him, his paws fell away as his weak hips thrust upward to grind against the monster Stan had become. Blue yowled as he issued another small volley of cum from his tapered tool. Once finished the wolf fell limp below him.

Stan snorted in frustration at his partner's lack of stamina. He felt unfulfilled. He reared backward with a heavy breath. The length of his cock bobbed in the air, it was monstrous, at least thirteen-inches long and a circumference of eight inches. Large angry purple and red veins laced the muscle as it drooled some vestigial cum from its wide tip. Past his still-throbbing cock he looked down at the wolf for the first time since their mating.

The canine was breathing roughly. The creature's furred chest rose and fell slowly, saturated with the remains of their mating. Blue's cum splattered as far as the underside of his gaping muzzle. The wolf's movements were slow, uncoordinated. His cock was still out on display, the red tapered column drooped against his abdomen. The canine's cock length barely reached more than halfway up the canine's stomach as it receded into his sheath.

Stan snorted, breathing in the wolf's scent. Much of it was concentrated around the dense red bunching of muscle that encircled its flared base. Stan's eyes were attracted to movement below the wolf. It was Blue's tail, once fluffy, It was so saturated in globs of congealing cum that it struggled to wag underneath his gaping abused hole.

Blue didn't seem to notice that Stan was no longer above him. Blue's paws felt for him in the air as the wolf whined quietly like a dog separated from its owner, spurred on by a need Stan instinctually felt was much like his own. The grasping paws of the canine waned until finally, his arms slumped on-top of him. The wolf had completely passed out.

Stan neighed in frustration. The entirety of his legs ached. Trying to alleviate it he thrust his hips outward, making his huge cock seem larger but the shifting of his pelvis did nothing to remove the deep near-pain that filled his lower body. Stan huffed, the only way he could alleviate it was by standing. Unsteadily he brought his hooves forward until they found purchase on the floor. With a great deal of effort, he staggered on top of his unfamiliar hooves.

The slick keratin suddenly slipped beneath him on the cum-drenched floor. Instead of falling he deftly caught his large body with a quickly repositioned leg. It was more instinct than thought. His huge apple-sized balls jostled in their sac as he stabilized himself. The feeling of their heavy virility made him want to grope their expanse. His large four-fingered hands reached between his legs as he reared to his full height. Bones cracked and repositioned themselves with his new orientation. The top of his head grazed the drooping ramshackle of wires bolted and tied onto their ceiling.

His large nuts jockeyed for position between his legs. Gravity pulled them down his thighs before he clasped them in both hands. He nickered at the feeling of their tight flesh against his palms. Each one was larger than he could wrap his hand around. Enraptured by the expanse of his balls he began to stroke his cock and neigh. He didn't hear the footsteps outside or smell the new intruders until they had begun to encircle him.

Stan looked up from his reverie to see that their home was filled with white-armored soldiers. They looked different than Blue, their armor was more sleek, untarnished. All of them were human, all pointing guns that looked several generations more advanced than Blue's rifle in his direction. He released his balls and snorted angrily at the trespassers. Neighing aggressively his huge cock whipped around with his body as he lashed out at the soldiers. They held their ground, unflinching. The long strips of light in their armors in lockstep with each other. He was ready to lunge, the muscles in his digitigrade legs tensed powerfully under his skin.

"" The voice crashed against his euphoria and rage. All the blood drained from his hot face but he couldn't understand why. He knew this voice. He struggled to remember through the lust and anger. It was his son. Kevin. His son Kevin. Tears began welling in his large eyes. How could he forget something like that? He neighed in grief.

Stan spun around to see a middle-aged man dressed in a spotless white suit holding his son's hand at the entrance of their home. His son's visage was as pale and bloodless as his own. Kevin's eyes were wide, full of disbelief and horror that stabbed at his heart. Stan's whole body shook at the rush of embarrassment at his son seeing him like this. Every inch of his naked, heaving, fluid-splattered skin was covered with goosebumps. Nothing was hidden from his son's gaze.

"Please calm down Stan, we're here to help," the man assured him with a peacefully raised calming hand. "Don't worry, I work exclusively for your new sponsor," the man explained calmly as if measuring every word carefully.

"We're here to take you home," the man said with a smile.