Into the Sun: Part 8/11-Homecoming

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#8 of Into the Sun

This story contains scenes of MxM, furry sex acts. If you aren't into male on male or furs, don't read! Otherwise, enjoy, and happy fapping =3


Water dripped somewhere nearby, into an already-formed, still puddle. He could hear a few voices around him, most of them low and hushed.

He rolled over, wincing at the pain in his shoulder. Dawn light was just starting to filter through the bars of the window, casting light into the pitiful cell. Dirt and mold collected on the walls, not to mention the old food bowls left here and there across the floor of the cell.

Josh stood up as best he could, clutching at his shoulder. He looked over at his shoulder, able to do so since he was bare-chested. Their captors had not seen fit to give them any new clothing. Quentin had torn his shirt apart to make him a make-shift bandage, but it had become too soaked in blood to pass as usable anymore. His bullet wound was still seeping blood and other various fluids, and it had been nearly three months since they'd been brought here after the raid had gone so horribly wrong. Many of the other soldiers had long ago died; from infections, executions, torture, or suicide.

The kangaroo dragged himself to the right-hand side of the cell, slumping against the wall and sitting down next to Quentin, who was just waking up.

"Morning," said Josh, quietly.

Quentin sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Already?"

Josh said nothing, looking over the cell. It was about six meters by six meters; just large enough to house the four soldiers that were in here. But Josh was afraid it was down to three, since the ringtail in the corner hadn't made a noise since early the night before.

Up the hall, a door clanged open, and a collie appeared, flanked by two jackals, looking over the cells with critical glances and Russian-made AK-47 .223-caliber assault rifles. Josh glared at them, his shoulder throbbing just at the look of them.

They stopped at their cell, the collie opening the door. One of the jackals covered the cell while the second went to the ringtail Josh was worried about. The guard rolled him over, and the dead stare in his eyes said it all. Josh heard other soldiers referring to it as the 'hundred-yard stare.' That glassy look of death.

The guard dragged him into the hall, where the collie locked the door and then the second guard picked up the dead soldier's ankles and they left.

"Commander of the base," mumbled Quentin.

"How do you know?" asked Josh.

"Medals and decoration," replied Quentin. "What little I can see from the windows, this is just a prison camp, not a full base."

Josh said nothing again, stretching out, wincing a bit.

"I'm surprised your shoulder's not infected yet," said Quentin, watching the roo's face contort in pain.

"I'm okay," replied Josh, taking a deep breath. "Just hungry."

"Guess breakfast will be soon," muttered Quentin. "Hope so, anyway."

"Me, too," mumbled Josh.

Since that night they'd been brought here, Josh had been wondering how long it would take to get out of here. But when the days stretched into weeks, the weeks into months, he started to realize what some of the other soldiers had realized; death was the only way out of here. There was no rescue coming.

He got up again and walked to the window, looking outside. He could see what he assumed the rear of the yard that lead to a 4-meter high, barbed-wire-lined fence. And beyond that was lush, dense jungle. Blue sky was up above, sunlight filtering down. It seemed impossible it could be so dark in the cell. Somewhere nearby he could voices, speaking in a foreign language he didn't know; he'd only taken a couple years of Spanish in high school, and this was nowhere close.

The doors clanged open again and a cart came down the hallway, pushing trays of bowls of grey goop under the cell doors. The other prisoners in the other cells dove on it, greedily devouring it in seconds.

Josh walked over, bending down and picking up one of the bowls, turning his nose up at it.

"Makes the mess tent slop look like five-star gourmet," muttered Quentin, sucking his down as fast as he could, gagging a bit.

Josh sighed, closed his eyes, and shot it down. Though it tasted awful, it was sustenance, and that was what they needed now to keep their strength up.

Though at any moment it could be their last meal.

Every now and then, the guards came to retrieve a prisoner for torture, and it was rare any of them came back. Some went quietly, resigned to their fate, or just not caring anymore. Some fought back. Some screamed and cried and begged. But they all went one way or another.

Josh spit some of what was left in his mouth out, tossing the bowl aside, the horrible taste left in his mouth.

"Wonder who's going today?" asked Quentin, rhetorically and grimly.

"Could be any one of us," muttered Josh, looking back out the window. He wondered where Ty was and what he was doing. If they told his mate and love that he was dead. Surely by now they must have.

"Could be any one of us," he repeated.


Ty sat up in bed, gasping. He felt cold and hot at the same time, curling the blankets in his paws. It was the height of summer, and he was freezing. Cold sweat. He got up out of the bed, going to the bathroom and splashing water on his face.

Like every other nightmare he'd been having for the past few months, it had been about Josh. About running around trying to find him, hearing his mate's voice beckoning to him and urging him on, but never being able to find him. Every logical part of him knew Josh was dead, but he still couldn't accept it.

He went back into his room, opening the blinds and getting the windows wide open. It was near the end of July, and the summer had been pleasant so far. Very mild weather.

And he'd been spending most of that summer with Matt.

He forgot how much he really did love being with that otter. He knew how to make Ty smile and feel better. He'd been over watching movies, they'd gone out to dinner, done everything together lately. Matt had even asked to spend the night a few times. But Ty just wasn't ready for that. He knew Matt cared for him in that way, but just...wasn't ready.

He went back into the bathroom and splashed water on his face again, looking in the mirror. His eyes were blood-shot, and getting worse every day for the past three months. He always felt sore, he couldn't sleep, and he barely ate. He braced his paws on the edges of the sink, sighing.

"Where are you, Josh?"

Nude, he went and sat down on the couch, putting his head back. Matt wanted to go to the movies today. Ty had a slight urge to tell him he didn't feel well, but that excuse hadn't long with Matt from the start. The otter had let Ty sit and cry and sulk for a few weeks, showing up with movies and things to do. Then slowly started to drag the leopard from the apartment. Ty liked having Matt around; it made him feel like everything would be okay.

Which it wouldn't.

Ty was quickly running out of money. He couldn't afford rent by himself much longer, and he didn't know anyone who could move in with him. And he didn't want to go home. He didn't know what to do.

There was a soft knock at the door. Ty looked at the door, not wanting to move. Then it came again. The leopard went to fish-eye and looked outside. Khakis cargo shorts, a blue muscle shirt, caramel and tan fur, soft eyes; Matt.

"Hang on," said Ty, through the door. He grabbed a nearby pair of boxers, not sure if they were dirty or clean, and pulled them on, then opened the door.

"Hiya," said Matt, smiling.

"Hi," replied Ty, stepping aside to let Matt in.

"I thought you said five o'clock," said Ty, closing the door.

"It IS five," said Matt, smirking.

Ty looked at his clock. Dammit, he thought to himself.

"Guess we're not making the five-thirty show," laughed Matt.

"Sorry," said Ty, quietly.

"Hey, it's okay." Matt put his arms around Ty's shoulders. "I can go get us a movie instead."

Ty nodded.

"Or...we can go together," mused Matt.

Ty looked up. "Okay."

Matt smiled. "Why don't you get dressed? I'll wait."

"Alright," replied Ty.

He went into the bedroom, gathering things up for a shower, vaguely aware Matt was standing in the doorway.

"What?" asked Ty, self-consciously.

"Nothing," said Matt, casually. "Just like being in the bedroom with you."

"Matt, I--"

"I know, you're not ready," said Matt, good-naturedly. "It's okay."

Ty looked over his shoulder. "Sorry."

"You've got nothing to be sorry about," said Matt. "I'll just wait in the living room, maybe play a video game." He disappeared from the door, leaving Ty with privacy.

Ty sighed, closing his dresser drawer and going into the bathroom, locking it behind him. Not that he didn't trust the otter.

He kicked his boxers off again, stepping into the shower, feeling the hot water hit his fur. He hadn't showered in several days; since the LAST time Matt had come over and made him get presentable to go out.

Ty hated to shower. Not because of the action, just because of what it made him think of. He'd close his eyes, and wait for Josh's arms around his waist in the mist created by the warm water.

But they never came.

Because Josh would never come back.

He leaned against the wall under the nozzle, water slipping down his back and shoulder, clapping his paw over his muzzle to keep from screaming out loud, his body wracked with sobs. Even though his face was wet, he knew tears were sliding down his cheeks. He closed his eyes, waiting until he calmed down, and finished his shower, getting out and toweling off. He finished his ritual with a bottle of eyes drops, trying to take the stinging and red tint out of his eyes.

Ty put on blue jeans and a green T-shirt, going back to the living room.

"Ready to go?" asked Matt, getting up.

"Uh-huh," answered Ty, getting his shoes.

"You okay?" asked Matt, concerned.

Ty just nodded. "Let's go."

Ty followed Matt down to his car, Matt sliding on a pair of sunglasses as they got in.

"Nice day out today," remarked Matt, starting the car and pulling away from the curb.

"Yeah," said Ty.

"You seem sort of down," said Matt, driving down the street towards the middle of town.

"Just like the last three months," replied Ty off-handedly.

"You still miss him, it's natural," said Matt.

Ty said nothing. "Why have you stuck around?"

Matt looked over at him, then back at the road. "What do you mean?"

"You've wanting to be...with me since you met me again," said Ty. "And I....I've been..."

"Stop that," ordered Matt. "I'm not hanging around just to try and get in your pants or pick you up on the rebound. We were really good friends, and then just to come across you again like that...I dunno if it was fate or coincidence, or whatever you want to attribute it to, but it meant something. And that's why I'm staying."

Ty smiled a bit.

"I wish you'd do that more often again," remarked Matt.

Ty looked at him quizzically. "Do what?'

Matt looked back at him. "Smile."


Matt closed the refrigerator, coming back with two cans of Pepsi, giving one to Ty, who opened it with a sharp hiss. "Thanks."

Matt smiled and sat next to him, clicking on the TV, and the movie they'd gotten, a copy of 'L.A. Confidential,' Ty's favorite movie. Matt had let him pick.

They sat, watching the movie, the sun starting to set outside. Ty got up, closing the blinds. When he came back, Matt noticed he was sitting a bit closer. Matt looked at him, and Ty looked at him. "What?"

"Nothing," answered Matt, looking away. "Just...nothing."

"Okay," said Ty, reaching over and taking Matt's paw.


"Just watch the movie," said Ty.

"Why are you doing this? Don't feel like you have t--"

"I don't," said Ty. "You're the best thing that came into my life after Josh has been out of it, and I...I need to stop hanging on. Especially when something great is right under my nose."

Matt smiled. "Well let's take it slow. One part at a time."

"Okay," said Ty, smiling.

"There it is, again," said Matt. "That smile..."

"Can I put my head on your shoulder?" asked Ty.

"Of course."

The leopard rested his head on Matt, Matt gently stroking his hair and squeezing his paw.


The lights were out. Josh could pick out Quentin next to him, breathing quietly as he slept snuggled up next to Josh. Josh smiled and put his arm around his wolf friend. He closed his eyes and let his back lean back against the cold wall.

It was just he and Quentin in the cell now. The rest of them were gone. Josh sort of wished he and Quentin had more energy; they'd probably be yiffing.

But at the same time it made him sad that was all he was thinking about. Well, when he wasn't still holding on to some hope he'd still get home, and back to Ty.

He sighed. How much longer could either of them endure this? His shoulder was throbbing, pain leaking into every inch of his body.

The door at the end of the hallway opened, and four soldiers filed in, holding AK-47's, flashlights affixed to the end of them bouncing in the darkness. They came to their cell and opened it, coming through the door.

Quentin was on his feet, Josh grunting in pain, too much now to get up. One soldier advanced on Quentin and smashed him in the face with the butt of the rifle, the wolf dropping to the floor heavily, unconscious.

The other guards came to Josh, picking him up gruffly, and marching him down the hallway, Quentin being carried behind him by the other guards. Josh muffled his groaning as his shoulder was bounced around by the guards.

He was taken from the holding area and across the hallway into a small, concrete room, with nothing more in it than a chair. Josh tried to look over his shoulder to see Quentin, but couldn't spot him.

The guards dropped him in the chair, clapping arms restraints down over his wrists, and removing his pants, leaving him in the chair naked. They bound his ankles to the legs of the chair and left the room, closing the steel door behind them, a single bulb lighting the room.

Josh's head was spinning. He hadn't been exerted like that in weeks. He was weak, malnourished, and injured. And terrified of what was coming.

A door behind him open. He didn't even try to turn and look this time. He waited for the figure to walk around in front of him.

A German shepherd, clad head to toe in black, save a red beret, and leather combat boots, stood before him. He flexed his paws, his leather gloves creaking. His boots clacked on the cement floor as he walked back and forth in front of Josh, and he adjusted his pistol in it's holster on his hip.

He bent down and looked right into Josh's eyes. The kangaroo could now see a vertical scar over his left eye, extending down to his cheek.

"Do you know why you're here?" asked the shepherd, speaking in perfect English.

Josh said nothing.

"Do you know why you're here?" repeated the shepherd.

"No," muttered Josh.

"You're here to tell me what you know about your little operation here," said the shepherd, leaning back.

Josh lifted his head. "I don't know what makes you think I'm going to talk; you're going to kill me anyway."

The shepherd smiled cruelly. "Normally this is where I'd threaten you with some sort of heinous, hideous torture; electric shocks, cutting things off, things like that. But, the hidden camera in your cell tells me you and that wolf are something a bit more than friends." The door behind him opened, and Quentin was brought in on another chair, also nude, placed opposite Josh.

Josh looked at the shepherd, wide-eyed. "What are you going to do?"

The guards came back into the room, wheeling in a tray of various implements.

"We're going to find out what you know," said the shepherd.

"Don't...," said Josh.

The shepherd picked up a small knife, going to Quentin. "What's your name?" asked the shepherd.

",,,Ryan," lied Josh, looking at the shepherd.

The shepherd turned and sunk the knife into Quentin shoulder, twisting the blade and removing it. Quentin cried out in pain.

"Stop!" yelled Josh.

"Then tell me what I want to know," said the shepherd evenly.

"Josh," said the kangaroo. "My name is Josh."

"That's better," said the shepherd. "Your rank?"

"Private," replied Josh, looking at Quentin.

"Good. See? Not so bad," said the shepherd. He picked up a large, curved blade. "What was your mission?"

"The...the retrieval of a foreign diplomat," said Josh.

The shepherd turned and sunk the blade into Quentin's stomach, sawing the blade back and forth once, and removed in, blood running freely down the wolf's stomach. Quentin winced and groaned, red fluid running from his muzzle.

"STOP! PLEASE!" yelled Josh. "That was the truth!!"

"The foreign aides were dead before your military even thought of sending in a raid party," said the shepherd. "If that's truly what you believe, then you may want to re-evaluate which side you want to believe."

He set the blade down, pacing to Quentin. "What is he to you? Your friend? Your companion? Your lover?" The shepherd took Quentin by the muzzle, pulling his face to look at Josh. "And you're going to let him die." The shepherd let go with force, shoving Quentin's muzzle away. He winced and coughed blood.

"I never know how much someone is going to take until they actually die," said the shepherd. "It's always different."

"You're sick," spat out Josh, disgustedly.

"That is a matter of view point," replied the shepherd. "To me, you are the sick ones. Blindly following orders to whatever end your government seeks. Never thinking."

Josh didn't explain that he joined of his will, only wanting help with money, needing help but not knowing where to go, never thinking he'd end up in some place like this. He couldn't explain all that.

The shepherd took his pistol from his holster, a nickel-plated Colt 1911 .45 ACP pistol. He held it down by his side, his finger on the outside of the trigger guard.

"Now," began the shepherd, "I'm will count to five. By five, I want to know what you were looking for here."

"I don't know," said Josh. "It's the truth!"

The shepherd cocked the trigger. "One."

"It's the truth! We're low on the ladder, we know nothing."


Josh struggled against his restraints, despite his pain and fatigue. "STOP IT!"

"Three." The shepherd put the pistol to Quentin's head.

"RRRRRRRAHHHHH!" shouted Josh, struggling so hard the chair rattled.


"I DON'T KNOW!!" shouted Josh. He looked at the wolf. In that one second, meeting his golden eyes, remembering what he shared with this male, wanting to get up and help, wondering where their help was.


"Josh," whispered the wolf. "I love y--"


"NO!" screamed Josh.

The loud echo inside the cement room made Josh wince. When he opened his eyes, all he saw was Quentin's dead, lifeless eyes.

"Take him away," said the shepherd.

The guards picked up the chair and took it out, never saying a word, closing the door again.

The shepherd leaned in. "I guess you really didn't know."

Josh felt tears slipping down his cheeks, too stunned, furious, enraged, and saddened to respond.

The shepherd holstered the pistol. "My name is Arkan. Like you, I was a member of your armed forces. Obviously, I've put my services up for hire these days."

Josh looked up at him, breathing deeply.

"I suppose my philosophy differed slightly from the West; a little too much, I suppose," he went on.

"Fuck you," muttered Josh.

"What was that?" asked the Arkan, leaning in.

"Fuck...YOU!" yelled Josh.

Arkan slapped him across the face. "Please."

"You killed him...," said Josh, looking at him balefully. "Why!?"

"To make you tell me what I wanted," said Arkan, simply. "Apparently it didn't work. Or maybe you just didn't know."

"And you killed him," hissed Josh.

"Like all the others," said Arkan. He leaned down in front of Josh again. "Now, we're going to try again."

He went to his tools again, taking a cigar cutter from his collection. "These little fellows are excellent for cutting Cubans," said Arkan. "Cigars, that is." He laughed at his own joke.

Josh wanted him dead.

"I'm guessing right now in your head is playing all the ways you can devise I could be killed," said Arkan. "When I said your foreign nationals were dead, and you were coming in here for something else, do you know what that something is?"

Josh said nothing.

"Well do you?"

"I don't care," muttered Josh.

"I think you do," replied Arkan. "It's why you're here; why you're government hasn't come to get you. Because they wanted to keep the current regime in power because they were willing to trade with the US and join the UN. The ones who want to get into power didn't, but also weren't committing genocide on their own populace with anyone not like them."

Josh said nothing.

"So here you are, fighting someone else's war," continued Arkan.

"So are you," sneered Josh.

Arkan shrugged. "Perhaps. But I'm getting paid for this. And no matter how it ends, I will walk away, and the day after that find someone else that wants someone dead. Mercenaries are always in high demand."

Josh remained silent again.

"Now," started Arkan, holding Josh's hand firmly, Josh struggling slightly, "what was your reason for coming here?" He slipped the cutter around Josh's left ring finger.

"I...I...I...don't know," quivered Josh, looking down at his finger.

Arkan sighed, and squeezed the cutter quickly. Josh cried out loudly, screaming and wailing, looking down at the stump of his finger.

Arkan put the cutter down, turning back around again. "You'll give me answers, or you'll die."

Josh grit his teeth, pain in every part of his body, the bleeding stopping quickly.

Arkan ripped off Josh's dogtags. "And they'll never identify your body," growled Arkan. He stopped suddenly when the dogtags twirled around, seeing the picture of Ty. Arkan looked at Josh. "I guess I figure wrong on who I just killed." He dropped the dogtgs. "No matter." The shepherd picked up a knife, leaning down and pressing it to the underside of Josh's balls. "I'll ask again, tell me what I want to know, or you'll lose something VERY personal to you."

"Please....I don'"

Before Josh could finish his sentence, the room was rocked, parts of the wall and ceiling falling in, plaster and cement rattling down around them.

Arkan was shaken on his feet, reaching down to the chair for stability, dropping the knife. The shaking stopped, then started again.

Josh seized his opportunity, shifting his weight and flipping the chair backward, the shepherd falling to the floor. Josh ended up on his back, pulling on the chair of the arm he felt was loose. He mustered every last bit of strength he had left, focusing all of it into his arm, and snapped the weakened wood, freeing his hand. He reached over quickly and undid his other hand, bits of the ceiling hitting him in the face. The shepherd was just getting to his feet.

Josh looked over his head and spied the shepherd's pistol, knocked from his holster when he hit the floor. He reached up, grabbing it, just as the shepherd came at him.

The kangaroo put the sights on the shepherd and pulled the trigger, the first round hitting him in the chest. The next his abdomen.

Before pulling trigger again, he pictured Quentin's face in his mind; laughing, smiling, just there.

He pulled the trigger, the last round striking the shepherd in the head. His head snapped back and he fell, dead, blood pooling around him.

Josh shifted his body and sat up, undoing his legs and rolling to the side.

"Son of a bitch," spat Josh, grabbing his fatigue bottoms that had been cast aside, getting them back on. He searched the shepherd's body, finding another magazine for the Colt. He slipped it into his pants' pocket, going to the door and slipping through.

"Americans!!" screamed someone from down the hall. Apparently they were making a bombing raid; better late than never.

Josh looked down the hallway, seeing two guards, facing the opposite direction. His shoulder raged in pain, and he knew he was too weak to take them on in hand-to-hand.

Crouching slightly, he walked quietly down the hallway, keeping near then wall. He came up behind one, putting the barrel to his head, and pulled the trigger without a word. Before the first guard could hit the floor, Josh had his gun on the next guard as he was spinning around. The gun bucked twice in his paw, and the other one was down as well.

Josh stared at their dead, devoid bodies, expecting himself to feel something. But there was nothing there. He felt as dead the guards he was killing.

As dead as Quentin.

He shook the image of the dead wolf from his head, picking up one of their AK-47s, running down the hallway. He knew they were on the ground floor, because their cell had been on the ground floor, and they hadn't gone up or down any stairs. It couldn't be that large of a place. But once he got outside, it would be hard to navigate in the dark.

The kangaroo was nearing an iron door at the end of the hallway, praying silently it was the exit.

When he got within twenty feet, the door exploded inward.

He knocked back on his butt, shielding his face from the ensuing recently created shrapnel. Figures filed in quickly, fast on their feet, dressed all in black with balaclavas over their muzzles, wielding nasty-looking assault rifles.

Two of them covered Josh. The leader approached him.

"Name and rank," he demanded.

"Uh...uh...Josh, private," he stammered out.

"Pick him up, let's go," he said.

The other two commandoes got Josh up, ushering him out of the building to the courtyard. Josh was now vaguely aware of the sound of thumping helicopter rotors, but they were too high to be landing for an evac.

"Extracting last soldier," said, Josh assumed, the commander. "Airborne pull out in five, proceeding on foot to point bravo."

The other commandoes opened fire, light machine gun fire lighting up the night. The last one in the line turned and popped two smoke grenades, covering their retreat through a hole carved into the chain-link fence.

Helping him, they loaded Josh into a Humvee parked twenty yards from the base. The commandoes loaded in, a twin Humvee next to them starting up, and the two roared off into the jungle, a commando on each one manning the dual-barrel .50-caliber machine gun turrets on the back.

The commander leaned back and sighed, removing his mask. "Little surprised to see you out of a cell."

Josh said nothing, wincing at his shoulder; it had been slammed when he hit the ground.

"We'll get you taken care of on the Parker," said the commander.

"Who are you guys?" asked Josh.

"SEALs," responded the commander, a Doberman. "We were sent into extract survivors. We had no idea where you guys were being held until just by blind luck a spy satellite picked this place up."

"How many made it out?" asked Josh, grimly.

"Well, we moved as fast as we could..."


The SEAL commander sighed. "Including you, seven."

"Jesus," breathed Josh. Everyone died...including Quentin.

"Most died in the initial raid," explained the SEAL commander. "We did a sweep of the base with cardiac sensors, and didn't get anyone else we couldn't account for as rebels."

The Humvees stopped at the water, everyone jumping out. Josh looked over his shoulder, back into the jungle he'd just come from, feeling it wasn't right to leave Quentin's body here like this.

"Let's go!" barked the commander. "Four to a zodiac."

The zodiacs, or rafts, were moved away from the edge of the water, the survivors and the SEAL team moving into them.

"We'll get you patched up, and then you're going home," said the SEAL commander, piloting their zodiac towards a battle cruiser anchored out in the water.

"Home," said Josh, quietly. He couldn't wait to get back to Ty.


It was morning. Just like it was everyday.

Only this day was different for change.

No nightmares.

And someone else was there.

Ty rolled over, coming nose to nose with Matt. "Hey."

Matt smiled. "Hi there."

Ty kissed the otter gently on the cheek. "Thanks for staying over."

"Anytime," replied Matt, getting up, adjusting the waist on his boxers he'd worn to bed. Ty also got up, stretching. "What made you finally ask?"

Ty shrugged. "I guess I was just tired of being by myself...I dunno."

"Well whatever the reason, I'm glad you did."

Ty smiled shyly. "Come on, I'm hungry."

Ty got bowls, milk, and cereal out of the cupboard, setting them all on the counter, pouring himself some. Matt stood next to him, grabbing one of the bowls.

They looked up, meeting each other's eyes.

And seized each other, Matt wrapping his arms around the back of Ty's neck, pulling him into a fierce kiss, Ty returning the kiss, slipping his tongue into Matt's muzzle, the two of them murring, the milk and bowls knocked to the floor. But neither of them cared.

"Ty...I'm...," started Matt.

"Forget that," said Ty, grabbing Matt's paw. "Come on."

He took Matt back into the bedroom, closing the door and kissing the otter again. "I want you to take me here; make love to me, like we always should have."

"But....what about Josh?" asked Matt, slowly.

"Josh is...I...," fumbled Ty. "Josh is dead. And he'll always have a special with me. Always." He looked into Matt's eyes. "But there's plenty of room for you in my heart, too. You've always been there."

"Ty...," said Matt gently.

"I want you, Matt," said Ty, urgently. "Not just here on this bed, but as my own. You've been wonderful to me these past few months, and I...I can't imagine anyone better to be with now. You mean so much to me."

Matt touched his cheek gently, smiling. "I never forgot about you. All those years ago, when you left, I never forgot. I always knew I'd see you again. And I always hoped you'd be mine again."

"Is that a yes, then?"

Matt paused. "Of course, sweetheart."

Ty smiled again, beaming, happier than he'd been in months. He kissed Matt again, tenderly, whispering, "Do you want me?"

"All of you," whispered Matt back.

They walked slowly to the bed, undressing each other, pausing only to kiss, and sometimes not even then. A trail of pants, shirts and underwear marked their progression to the bed, the two of them standing there, nude with one another, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You're...just as I remembered," said Matt.

Ty smiled and blushed. "Oh, come on..."

"It's true," said Matt, leaning in, stroking Ty's sheath. "You've always been so attractive to me; I always wanted you." His paws moved over his balls and swollen pouch, Ty closing his eyes and breathing deeply, his fully erect penis slipping from his sheath. "And now I get that."

"Mmhmm," murmured Ty.

Matt let his paw drift past the cleft in Ty's legs, reaching his fingers over and stroking his tail hole gently. "Been awhile, hasn't it?"

"Mmhmm," moaned Ty again, breathing deeply.

Matt used his other paw to ease Ty back, getting on his knees in front of the bed, lifting Ty's legs over his shoulders and resting them there.

"Matt, what're you doing?" asked Ty, craning his neck to try and look down through his legs.

Matt parted Ty's legs, not saying anything, sticking his muzzle down near Ty's tailhole.


Matt giggled as he pressed his pink tongue to Ty's tailhole, licking it gently, probing with his tip. He gripped Ty around the thigh, licking over his rear end, pressing his tongue inside of Ty's tail hole.

Ty closed his eyes and arched his back, moaning. "Errrrrrrrfff.....oh...." He closed his eyes, just feeling good to be with someone again, even better that it was this otter.

Matt thrust his tongue and forth, getting Ty all slicked up, Ty curling the bed spread in his paws, murring and moaning.

Matt stood up, Ty's footpaws braced on his chest. Matt put Ty's legs on his hips, leaning down over the leopard.

"Are you ready?" asked Matt, quietly.

Ty nodded, looking up at Matt with loving eyes.

Matt spread Ty's legs a bit farther apart, lifting them up slightly, so his cock was pressing to Ty's tailhole. Ty bit his lower lip, taking deep breath.

"You're trembling, sweetheart," remarked Matt.

"I know, it's just...been awhile," replied Ty, looking away embarrassed. "And...haven't had anyone since Josh back in high school."

Matt kissed his nose. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Ty shook his head. "No, I want to; more than anything." He looked back up at Matt. "Please?"

Matt smiled. He eased his hips forward, pressing his head against Ty's tailhole. Ty murred and grit his teeth as the otter slipped into him. He squeezed his paws into his thighs, taking the pain and pleasure as he was mounted again.

Matt closed his eyes, getting inside of his old lover. It had been a long time since he'd been in a bed with Ty, and they'd never mounted one another. And with Ty, it was incredible, just as it had been back then. The tight ring around the base of his cock accentuated the rest of Ty's insides as they constricted around Matt's penis, making every inch of him feel wonderful.

The otter leaned down to Ty, hilting himself within the cat. "How are you doing?"

"I'm ok," said Ty, smiling. "I'm guessing you're good, too.'

Matt smiled. "I am. Now that I'm back with you." He started to pull himself out, then back in, gently started his rhythm, humping Ty. Ty groaned and whimpered, eager to let someone be with him like this.

Matt put his paw in Ty's, interlacing their fingers with one another, squeezing tight, as Ty squeezed back, Matt still mating his leopard.

"Mmmmmf...feels so good," said Ty, groaning.

"You feel good, lovey," replied Matt, bending down and kissing him on the muzzle as he kept thrusting in and out. He hadn't been with someone himself in quite some time. And getting to be back with Ty was better than he could ever hope for. He loved the feeling every time he slid himself back inside of Ty, his entire length going back into the tight warmth in Ty's tailhole. The feel of Ty's fur, his hand in the otter' was all perfect.

Matt buried his muzzle in Ty's neck, breathing heavily as he thrust in and out of Ty. Ty put his arms around Matt, wrapping his legs around Matt's midsection, keeping the otter as close as possible. He clenched his tailhole around Matt's cock as tight as he could, hearing the otter gasp and thrust harder when he did. Ty smiled, happy to make him happy.


"Yeah?" asked Ty, gasping and panting.

"I'm so glad to have you back," said Matt, gently, kissing him on the cheek. He looked into Ty's golden eyes, and Ty stared back into his, Matt still bucking his hips back and forth. He was doing it slower, drawing out this moment for as long as he could.

"I love having you back here," said Ty, smiling shyly. "I missed you when I first moved. It was hard." He put his paw on Matt's cheek. "And I don't ever want to loose you....I can't stand to loose anyone else."

Matt eased his cock in, and out, feeling his testicles tingle as his climax started. "You never will, sweetie. I promise." He kissed Ty again. "I promise." He closed his eyes and took a ragged breath. "Sweetie, I'm gonna..."

Ty wrapped his legs around Matt tighter. "Cum in me, love, I want you to fill me with your seed."

Matt breathed harder and quicker, having not been with anyone recently. He hilted himself as deep inside as he could, feeling his cock pulse inside of Ty, and coating Ty's insides with his hot semen. He murred loudly as he unloaded himself, all of it rushing and gushing forth. Sighing, Mattt relaxed when the last spasm passed, and he rested his head on Ty's chest.

"Matt....I...I've always been in love with you," said Ty, suddenly.

Matt looked up. "I never stopped loving you, Ty. I always hoped one day we'd get to meet again, even if just for a few moments. I always knew you'd moved on; I would've been a fool to think otherwise. Any guy would've been lucky to have you."

Ty flattened his ears and blushed. " I'm your's."

Matt smiled now. "Yeah. And I couldn't be happier."

"Matt...I...I feel awkward for bringing thus up so fast, and I wanted to ask you anyway...," started Ty, looking away.

"It's okay, sweetheart, go ahead."

"Well, I can't continue to afford this place by myself, and dorms are even more expensive. Since you're going to be here you want to stay here?"

Matt smiled. "Moving in already? You do work fast."

"I...I know it's sudden, but..."

Matt squeezed his paw gently. "Of course I'd love to."

Ty smiled and perked his ears. "Was there...anything you wanted to do today."

Matt withdrew his cock from Ty, climbing up and laying next to the leopard. "Not a thing." He put his arm around Ty. "Not a thing."

And they lay that way all day, enjoying the company, and their re-found love in one another.


Josh pulled from the freeway into the city once again. It had been nearly three weeks since he'd been rescued from the POW camp; two weeks of healing, and then one week actually getting home. It had felt almost just as long as when he was actually in the camp, since every agonizing second was one still away from Ty.

He rolled the window down on the rental car he was using. The army had given him all his back pay from the months he'd been in the camp, plus another thousand dollars, to get back on his feet. But he knew where he was going.

He was going home.


Ty opened the door, letting Matt step past him and then locked the apartment behind them.

It had been two weeks since Matt had moved in, and he was all settled. And Ty couldn't have been happier. Even thought Josh was still in his thoughts, he was with his first love ever.

Matt reached back and held Ty's paw as they walked to the elevators, Ty smiling at the otter.

"So, where to today?" asked Matt, pressing the call button.

"I want to go down to the main street and check out the festival there," replied Ty, excitedly. "It sounded like it would be a lot of fun."

"Then the festival it is," agreed Matt.

They rode the elevator to the ground floor, going to the front door and walking through.


Josh parked the car down the street from the apartment, grabbing the box with the gift in it he'd bought for Ty. He sighed, closing his eyes and set his head back, taking a moment. It was going to a flurry of emotions; he couldn't wait to see Ty's face when the leopard knew he was alive.

He was just about to step from the car when he looked up and saw that familiar white fur, handsome face.


His heart leapt into his throat. There he was, after all these months.

Josh wanted to jump from the car, run to him and tell him how much he loved him and missed him.

But then he saw an otter behind him. Josh furrowed his brow; probably just a friend.

Until they leaned into one another and kissed deeply, taking one another's paws.

Josh couldn't believe it. Ty was seeing someone else.

His heart sank, tears welling up in his eyes. He'd been replaced in just a few months. How could this happen? His paws hurt so much from clenching the steering wheel.

Wiping his eyes, he put the car in gear and drove away. Ty would have a happier life, knowing he was dead. There was no reason for him to ever know.

He drove from the city as fast as his car would take him, opening all the windows to dry his eyes.


It was night when he finally stopped. He didn't know how he was going tp return the rental, and right now he didn't care.

He got out of the car and crossed the parking lot in the balmy night to the front desk of the motel he'd pulled into. He opened the door, shielding his puffy eyes to the fluorescent light.

"Evening," said the desk manager, a zebra. "Need a room for the night?"

"Yeah," said Josh, his voice ragged.

The manager handed him a key. "Room 214. Checkout is noon, pay then; sixty dollars a night."

Josh said nothing, just turned and walked away.

Getting his things from the car, the kangaroo climbed the stairs to the second floor. Every inch it felt like he was just dragging himself along for the sake of moving and staying alive, which was the opposite of what he wanted right now.

He inserted the key, opening the door, not even turning the lights on. He dropped his bag of what meager belongings he had on the bed, and closed the door.

Crossing the room into the bathroom, he flipped the light in there on, looking at himself in the mirror. It was as if he'd been beaten up, not merely crying for the last several hours. His eyes were blood shot, his fur matted, his hair messed up. But he didn't care. Not anymore. Ty was gone and nothing was bringing him back.

Josh remembered the last time he had seen the leopard; waving to him as the elevator doors closed and Josh was gone from him.

Now gone forever. All he could hear was Ty's voice, whispering in his ears, "I love you."

"Dammit it all!" shouted Josh, punching the mirror, the glass shattering, shards making quiet noises as they fell into the sink.

He fell to the ground, sobbing and crying, pressing his good hand into his eyes; the hand he realized that was missing the finger. He cried, sobbing and whimpering, until it passed enough he could lean back, propping himself against the toilet. His chest ached, and his head hurt. Looking at his other paw, he was surprised it didn't hurt, with the glass buried in his knuckles, blood running into his fur, some dripping onto the tiled floor.

But nothing would ever hurt again. Not the way heart would always hurt.

He picked the glass from his paw, not making a sound or grimace, and tossed the pieces aside. He wrapped a washcloth around his paw and went to the bed, sitting down. He stripped naked and climbed into bed, staring at the ceiling in the soft moonlight that filtered in through the curtains.

Before drifting off to sleep, he sat up and dug into his bag, getting the gift that had been intended for Ty. He looked at it for a moment, wondering idly for a second what to do with it,

At extent, he threw it into the waste bin near the bed.


Lance was sitting in his room, staring at the ceiling, watching the day pass by the sun beams in his room. He'd not eaten in two days; every now and then his mother would come and beg him to eat something, but he never did.

"Lance!" shouted his father. "Lance!"

Lance groaned, the fox sitting up. "What!?"

"You have a visitor, come on down!"

Lance was puzzled; a visitor? No one said they were coming.

Lance went down the hall and down to the front door, where he saw the last person he was expecting to see.


"Hi, Lance," said Josh, miserably. "I...I didn't know where else to go."

"Did something happen?" asked Lance, going over to him.

Josh threw his arms around the fox. "Ty thinks I'm dead, and he...he...he's seeing someone else!" Josh sobbed into Lance's shoulder.

Lance didn't quite understand, but got the gist of why he was here. "You're welcome to stay here; the guest room isn't be used."

Josh stood back on his own, wiping his eyes. "Thanks."

"Why don't you come upstairs and tell me everything?" suggested Lance.

Josh sniffled and nodded. "Okay. But it's a long story."


It was morning. Just like everyday.

Only these days it different.

Everyday there was someone there. Someone to share his time and heart with.

Matt rolled over and put his arm around his lover as sunlight was streaming in under the blinds. "Good morning."

Ty looking over his shoulder and grinned. "Hi, there."

Matt nuzzled him lovingly. "I'm gonna jump in the shower. Want to cone....join me?"

Ty smiled. "I think that would be a great way to start the day; I'll be right in."

Matt got up and wandered to the bathroom, Ty watching until the naked otter was out of sight, loving to see his ass and his balls through the cleft in his legs.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, Ty sighed. These were the best days of his life. Even though Josh was gone, he had room in his heart to love once again.

"Good-bye, Josh," he said quietly.

The leopard got up and walked to the bathroom, hearing his new mate starting the water.

Everything was fantastic again.


This entry was slightly shorter than I expected; but that's OK, good to have a short one now and again ;) Part 9, 'Someone Like You,' hopefully will follow quickly (once I get started XP).