Bringing in the New Year

Story by Dark Dragone on SoFurry

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It was New Years Eve; the clock was rounding 11:00. Out on the edge of town a party was being held at one of the largest estates around. Near one of the large window panes Ray, a white lioness anthro with a bionic right arm and left ear, was sitting in a chair, staring out into the night sky. Her love, Jade, a black and reddish anthro feline, saw her and came over towards her. They both had dressed for the occasion, getting an invite to this party was rare, especially for Ray, who wasn't much into the high class type.

"Hey, hun, why are you sitting here away from everyone else?" Jade asked.

"Oh, you know me, I'm not the one to go around wearing a formal dress." Ray replied.

"Just give you a thong and you're happy huh?"

Ray chuckled at Jade's attempt to cheer her up, nearly spitting out some wine she had been sipping. She smiled wiping her lip with the premium napkin that had been laid out upon the table; it was one of many that had been prepared for the party. Ray had taken a notice to them.

"Hmm, look at these, no low-quality paper napkins here, huh"

"Yeah, I think you've had too much wine."

"Oh please, I could drink what I've drunk here in whiskey and still be sober. I'm just bored; this high-class party is a dud if you ask me. I'd just rather spend my New Years at a bar."

"Oh, what ever, you're not Wonder Woman you know... though to me you are."

Jade stood there a moment, smiling and staring at her love, slowly she began thinking. She turned around to look once more at all the people communing about the party. Her love was right, this party was dull, a night at the bar sounded inviting.

"You know, Ray, I think you're right, this party isn't for me either I guess. We have more fun anyway doing our own thing, come on lets go hit some bars."

"Won't they miss us?"

Jade turned and looked at the crowd with a slight smirk on her face.

"I doubt it, really. We hardly know really anyone here."

Ray and Jade grabbed their coats and slipped out the door snickering to themselves as they strolled down the drive way.

Meanwhile back in town at a local bar...

"Okay, you know the rules then...Meurte?"

"Yes... okay, you've stripped me of most all my powers, how can I get in trouble? Just let me enjoy the New Year in peace."

"You can't enjoy anything unless you're torturing it."

"I can enjoy plenty of other things, just so long as your not breathing down my back, now fucking let me enjoy my beer in peace."

"Fine, but if I hear you were involved in anything inhumane, I will personally send you back to oblivion."

"Fine, I won't, now would you just leave?"

Jack left feeling uncertainty towards what trouble Meurte could get into, but since he didn't have much power left he figure it couldn't be anything really bad. Once outside Jack called Lynn to tell her he'd be home soon when he bumped into Ray and Jade.

"Oh, sorry my bad." Ray apologized.

"It's quite alright." Jack replied.

He picked his cell phone back up and began talking to Lynn again, but his voice trailed off as Ray and Jade entered the bar. They had gone back to their pad to change out of their dresses. Jade was now wearing some Daisy Duke cut offs and a tied up flannel shirt for a top. Ray had asked why she had changed to that and Jade had replied,

"If we're going bar hopping we should look like it."

Ray figure this made sense and found her smallest shorts. She tied her shirt just as Jade had so that they would match. This had been the third bar they had went to, everywhere else was pretty much dead. Ray had hoped this one would be more fun than the last; though she had to admit seeing Jade kick the shit out of a lion, which had been hitting on her a little to much, was fun. Once inside Jade took in a big whiff of air through her nose, taking in all the familiar scents.

"Now, this is my kind of place!" She shouted.

"Heh, Here Here," said a dark figure at the corner of the bar.

"Yeah!" Ray shouted back, then laughed.

Jade quickly found a table and sat down, her and Ray ordered a couple of shots of Jack Daniels and downed them for celebration of the New Year.

"Well what do you want to do first?" Jade asked.

"I don't know I was hoping you'd think up something." Ray stated.

"How about a game of pool?"

"But I don't know how to play."

"Don't worry I'll teach you, come on."

"Okay as long as you're going to teach me."

They stood up and headed to the nearest pool table, Jade pick out an 18 cue for herself, and a 20 for her mate.

"Here love, you should be more comfortable with this one."

"Ok, hun."

Jade broke and made one in, it was a solid colored ball so, she explained to Ray that all she could shoot at now was solids, and all that Ray could shoot at was striped, except that until they got all of their balls into the pockets they could shoot the eight ball.

"So, if I get the eight ball in at the last or hit it in by using another of my balls then I win?"


"Ok then, now how do I shoot?"

"Well, first take the skinny end of the cue, in your left hand and the fat end in your right. Like this..."

Jade placed herself behind Ray grabbing a hold of both her hands to show her how to hit the cue just right. Ray purred in delight at the feeling of her lover so close to her body. She passionately kissed her lover on the cheek and smiled. Her hands drifted from the pool stick to over Rays stomach and she held her love in a gentle passionate hug.

"So, just like this right?"

"Uh... yes, that right hun."

They played out the rest of their game, Jade of course won, but Ray had just as much fun, she couldn't help looking into her lovers eyes and seeing the concentration, and passion within them. It turned her on.

"Say hun, lets get out of here, I'm in the mood for... well you know." Ray asked.

"Hmm, I could tell, I haven't exactly been fully concentrating on the game you know." Jade stated.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yep, but I'm well... in the mood for something a little different."

"Different? Well what did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking... we could get ourselves a playmate to play with."

"A threesome!?"

"Yeah, lets kick of the New Year with something we've never done before!" Jade exclaimed.

"Jade you come up with the craziest ideas... but I willing to give it a shot. Who did you have in mind?"

"You see that, male dragon anthro over there, the one that said here here?"

"Him? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, dragons are rumored to be big you know."

"But, he looks like he might be... well a little rough."

"I sure hope so... come on"

They sat down next to the stranger, Jade ordered a shot of Jack Daniels, but told the barkeep to leave the bottle, Ray decided to go with Jade and grabbed the bottle from her downing a good portion of it.

"Hmm, whiskey girls eh? And I thought this place would be a complete bore." He said.

"Oh? Really and just what might be your name stranger?" Ray asked.

"El Meurte Nigra..." Meurte replied.

"The... Black... Death, huh..." Jade said taking a swig herself "sounds like a... hell of a name, sexy too."

"Is that so, never thought of it that way, what are your names?"


"Jade. So, you though this place would be a complete bore eh?" Jade lean in to whisper in his ear, "Well if you're looking for a good time, I beleve we can help each other. Seeing as how you seem like the only cowboy in this place. Whats say big boy? Up for a rodeo?"

Meurte chuckled to himself.

"I may not be no cowboy, but I can definitely ride whatever comes my way. Thing is do you have a big enough saddle for me?"

All this dirty talk had gotten both Jade and Ray excited, but they didn't lose their cool.

"Oh, I think between the two of us, we'll have you rode." Ray whispered closely into Meurte's ear.

"Hmm, team roping, I see well you've got me hooked, but where's the arena?" Meurte asked.

"Follow us..." Jade coaxed.

Meurte followed them out the bar, he kept his eyes sharp for incase Jack was still there, he would think Meurte was up to no good. Once he felt the coast was clear he suggested to the ladies that they could get there faster by flying.

"Oh, really? Well I don't see how we're going to do that unless you're a..."

Meurte had already transformed before Ray could finish her sentence. He sat on his haunches, still over towering them fairly well. Jade, began to walk around him, "inspecting" him.

"... a real dragon?"

Jade continued her inspection, but halted when she came to his lower torso.

"Hey, stand on all fours for a second, don't sit on your haunches."

Meurte resented being told what to do, but realized he had not power and if he was to get anything he would have to play the game. Normally with all his powers he would have dominated and raped them, either leaving them for dead, or consuming them afterwards, but alas he did as he was told. Jade needn't search, immediately as he stood up she found what she was looking for, though it was sheltered within its own sheath, Jade could tell his cock was huge, bigger than what she had though a full dragons would be. Jade was very delighted, she turned to see Ray gawking as well.

"That things as big as my arm!" She exclaimed.

"Can I pick em' or what?"

"No shit!"

Meurte began to feel awkward having two female actually gawk over his unhardened cock. Usually they would fear it. It was strange to him, this new type of attention he was receiving, bewildering though he enjoyed it. Ray and Jade hopped onto his back.

"So, were to ladies?"

"We originally thought our place, but it wouldn't hold you." Ray said.

"Do you have any place in mind?" Jade asked Meurte.

"Yeah, I know a spot."

Meurte lifted his wings and with a giant thrust they were in the air. Jade nearly came at the first initial thrust of his wings, she could feel the muscles even throw her now nearly wet shorts. She relaxed a bit, but could tell her climax was beginning to elevate.

"God... I hope... we get there soon... I'm going to... cum already." Jade panted.

"I know... I already did."

Ray held he love closely, she let her hand travel down beneath Jades shorts. There her fingers played with Jades cunt.

"Mm I can smell it now...ohh... ahhh, Do you smell that dragon, hurry up and land already, we're cumming back here."

"Not the patient ones I see, fine then this spot shall do."

Meurte landed just inside a clearing in the forest. Immediately Jade slipped off him and slipped off her shirt and shorts. Her pussy was completely soaked and the juices dripped down her leg. Ray got off next and looked at Jade. To her Jade look so cute, standing there all wet and wanting to be fucked. Ray slowly disrobed, revealing inch by inch of her slender feline body. First she slowly untied the knot that had held her plump round tits back, even though there was no support now for them to stay as the were, Rays tits didn't even drop 2 inches. She hadn't yet quite taken the shirt off, just enough to completely show her cleavage, when she started unbuttoning her pants, she tugged down on the zipper acting like it was stuck. Jade came over out of anticipation, and yanked on it getting it all the way down quickly.

"Mm thanks hun, that zipper's always tough." Ray whispered.

"Oh, just quit teasing me." Jade urged.

Ray just giggled a bit and continued her escapade of showing off. She rocked her hips side to side, inching the shorts down. Meurte watched this in awl, he hadn't really had a girl do this for him, even if it was for someone else as well, at least not willingly. He found it more pleasing, but the teasing was getting to him as well.

"Oh, yes please... do quit teasing us."

Ray walked over all cute and innocently towards Meurte. He transformed back to his anthro form so that he could meet with her face to face.

"Oh, well I'm sorry I thought you might like it, but since you seem in such a hurry why don't you finish?"

"Indeed I am..."

Meurte dropped to his knees, to where his face was even with her crotch. The scents were so strong now his mouth was watering. He slid down her shorts, revealing a black G-string still in the way.

"Oh, you are a tease."

Ray giggle and Jade came up behind her reaching up into her shirt to grab one of Ray big lusts. She gently massaged it in her hand and looked down on Meurte who was rubbing his muzzle in Ray's crotch. Jade didn't care because she knew what Ray was enjoying more.

"That's why I love her," Jade said while wrapping her other arm around Ray, not taking the other from its place.

"Oh I see, lesbian lovers, but you still long for a male's length. Well far be it from me to deny such a desperate pair, what they want."

Meurte stood up and stepped back, Jade was the first to go down for his zipper, she made quick work of his pants and underwear. Then she began to coax his cock out of its sheath. Meanwhile Ray took it upon herself to please Jade, She ran her hand slowly down Jades back, then around her tail and following her curve to that sweet spot she yearned for. She brought her hand back and lapped up the juices that had clung to it. She gently nudged at Jade's legs, a sort of touch sign saying she wanted them spread out, Jade in turn did so. Ray laid on her back and brought herself up to underneath Jade. The aroma was so thick it drove Ray wild, and she began purring like a motor boat. She gently placed her tongue near the end of Jades slit that was closest to her ass. She rocked her head back, allowing her tongue to glide across Jades wet cunt. This made Jade shiver in excitement and tense up her muscles around that area. Jade continued working on Meurte as her love worked on her. She licked the tip of hi cock while playing with his balls in her hand, the other hand became busy spreading her puss out for Ray. Her licking and playing with him sent waves of pleasure throughout his body and caused his erection to become fuller. As his cock revealed itself from underneath its sheath, Jade gawked at it even more, for around it was a set of spikes.

"Oh, my... these are... spikes, I've never seen anything like this before!" Jade said with some excitement in her voice.

She began taking the cock into her mouth, just suckling on it. She stopped at the first set of spikes, just allowing her lips to touch them. The spike weren't made out of bone and had fairly dull tips, so she continued on down his cock, taking more and more of it into her mouth. She whisked her tongue around it, like a kid with a loli pop, while it was still in her mouth. She hadn't tasted dragon meat before now, it was heavenly, she didn't want to take it out of her mouth till she realized she was being greedy.

"Oh... God... that's good. Oh... Mm Ray you must try this." Jade exclaimed.

Ray got up from underneath her, she hadn't been paying attention to them, so when she saw his cock her mouth nearly dropped.

"Yeah, go ahead, don't be shy. It won't bite...much." Meurte stated.

"But what about those spikes, don't they hurt." Ray inquired.

"They're soft," Jade said, showing Ray, "now if that ain't awesome..."

Ray didn't completely hear the rest of what Jade said, she took Meurte's cock into her hand began to rub it, feeling exactly how soft the spikes, when she felt that they didn't even catch coming back up she took the cock into her own mouth for a taste. Jade and Meurte both watched as her head bobbed up and down. Finally she pulled it out of her mouth, nearly melting in her place.

"Wow, you weren't kidding Jade," Ray said as she laid her head against him, licking his cock, "it is good."

Jade came up on the other side of his cock and began to follow suite, licking his cock as well. Both had the same idea at the same time as they reached for each others crotch, their hands slowly and gently massaging each other's clit. Their juices began to cover each other's hands as so did Meurte's pre-cum cover his length and their lips and tongues. They were all well lubed up and ready for fucking.

"So, Ray," Jade questioned Ray, "who gets pumped full of this cock first huh?"

"Oh, I want it first!" Ray exclaimed. "It's so good!"

"I know... ok you get the cock first, and I'll get the cum at the end."

"Ah! No fair I wanted that too!"

If at anytime during this escapade Meurte felt awkward, it was now. Here were these two women fighting over who gets his seed, and he hadn't even brainwashed them or anything. He buried his head into his hand, finally the girls came up with a solution. Ray would get his cock first, then Jade and they would share the cum afterwards.

"Well, there was a waste of a few good minutes, now if we can go on now, how do you want me?" Meurte asked.

Ray feeling that she wanted to be dominant over this pumped up male dragon, took her G-String off and threw it in his face. This was merely a distraction and poor Meurte didn't quite see it coming. She had shoved him down before he could even get her panties off his face. Once he did he tried to get back up to put her under him, but Jade was already over his face with her twat. Quickly remembering he didn't have much power, Meurte played along. Ray had stretched her legs over his waist with her knees on the ground. She sat down to where the very bottom oh his cock was touching her puss. She rubbed her twat up and down his shaft, then laying down on him she aimed it up into her pussy. Slowly she began inching her way back down, she could feel it spreading her out, as it traveled deeper and deeper. It felt like she might explode in pleasure when the first set of spikes entered her. Meanwhile Jade was feeling the sensational effects of Meurte's tongue. It wound its way, spiraling, and twisting its way up to Jade's clit. Once there his tongue gently massaged her clit, playing with it as if it were a toy. Jade was enjoying every minute of it. She rocked her hips back and forth, Meurte grabbed her ass and pushed his tongue deeper, the juices were flowing everywhere, mainly back down Meurte's tongue, and down even farther down his throat. He swallowed the built up juices with satisfaction.

"Oh, my....oh Yes! Mm his cock is even better in my pussy than in my mouth....ahhh!" Ray exclaimed.

"Mm... his tongue... it isn't half bad...either"

"Whalf wad?" Meurte try to say, but his tongue was still up in Jade slit. He remove it and continued "I'll show you half bad!"

Meurte buried his head back in between Jade's legs. His tongue shot back up into her twat. He got it in as far as he could and pressed his lips against hers. He opened his mouth, surrounding her slits lips with his own, and sucked hard. It made a loud slurp and cause Jade to cum all over Meurte's face. She nearly fainted, falling into Ray's soft chest. Though she was bouncing up and down, riding Meurte's huge cock, Jade felt comfortable laying on it. She felt Ray's plump lust pass back and forth in front of her. She opened her eyes, just right in front of her muzzle was Ray's hard erect nipple. Though they all were sweating it was fairly cold out. Jade reached out with her hand and brought Ray's nipple to her mouth. She suckled on it for a bit then turned to the other one to do the same. Ray was really starting to moan. She could feel her climax coming with each full thrust of Meurte's cock, his spikes acted as massagers against the walls of her pussy. She started going down faster, and her strokes were becoming shorter and shorter. She screamed in pleasure at the top of her lungs, as she came. She stopped sitting down completely on Meurte. Jade looked down at her loves twat, juices were everywhere.

"Why hun it seems you've made a mess of yourself." Jade said.

"Hmm, why I guess I did, would you mind helping me clean it up?" Ray asked.

"Sure hun."

Ray got up off Meurte, his cock made a squishy sound as it slipped out of her puss, for every inch of it was covered in her cum. Ray let out a quick moan as it popped out. Jade leaned forward and began to lick her loves sweet cum off of it. Meurte moaned again as they continued licking his cock with their rough tongues.

"Mm, all clean, to bad, let's dirty it up again." Jade suggested.

This time it was Jades turn to be filled with Meurte's cock while Ray got eaten out. Meurte started on Ray, her twat was different the taste, the smell. He could tell it had been tighter than Jade's, especially since Jade was now bobbing up and down as Ray had been earlier. He had figure that Ray hadn't had as many, or as big, cocks in her twat as Jade had. In thinking this he had neglected her twat with his tongue and Ray shoved herself in his face. This brought him back to full consciousness and he began twisting and twirling his tongue within her twat. She started playing with her tits, when Meurte decided to join her. He reached up with his hands grabbing at her lusts, slowly massaging them. Ray allowed him to do this as she turned her head to see how her love was doing, she could feel Jade pounding hard on Meurte's cock. Jade shivered and paused for a second.

"Wow, those spike... sure do a number... on ya..." she panted.

"Hmm... is....awesome..."Ray panted as well.

It didn't take them long to reach their third climax of the night, Meurte to was close, but hadn't reached his yet when Jade came, and stopped. Once she had gotten off him he stood up and they tag teamed his cock once more, causing wave of pleasure to disperse throughout his body. He fell back against a tree, barely holding himself. Ray and Jade continued licking up and down his cock, awaiting his sweet seed. One by one they took it into their mouths sucking hard. It was Jade who first felt the pulsing in his dick, signifying that his climax was near, but it was Ray who received the prize of sucking on his cock. It was slimy and her tongue rolled around in her mouth completely soaked in it. It was so good she nearly forgot to share with Jade.

"Oh, I'm sorry hun, did you want some?" Ray asked trying to speak and keep the cum from running out her mouth.

Meurte watched as the two swapped his cum back and forth. He sank down, nearly collapsing for his climax had left him drained. He laid there as Jade took the last bit of his sweet, salty cum from Ray's mouth.

He sighed "Boy, you two are double trouble, heh. This has been the most fun I've had all year..." He couldn't find the last thing to say till it finally came to him, "...thanks."

"Hmm, No problem hun, you were fun, I think you gave us exactly what we were looking for." Jade said

"Yep," Ray agreed.

"Well, I never thought giving could be so much... fun." He laughed, and both Ray and Jade giggled with him, not knowing really why...

Jade is (C) to Dylan

Ray is (C) LionHawk07

Meurte is (C) to me