Furry Frozen Flush (2/4)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When a big snowstorm makes it hard to for college students to do anything, sometimes the simplest pleasures are the best. For two human students it means playing with a deck of cards that has mysteriously appeared in their grocery bag, what's the worst that could happen?

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The next morning was just like the last one; the snowstorm that trapped everyone inside of the dorms was still going at full force and showing no signs of stopping as Ari woke up. When his eyes first opened he thought that perhaps everything from the night before had been a dream, but when he brought his hands to his face and saw that they were still the large red-scaled, clawed appendages that he had went to sleep with he knew that wasn't the case. He also saw that he had gone to bed without wearing anything despite the coolness in the room, and even the thought of putting anything on to go out into the main area of the dorm evaporated before he could even pick out something. At that point he just gave up and went outside to make himself some breakfast before waking up Malachi to figure out what was happening, only to see his roommate already sitting at the table looking through the cards in the deck.

"You're up early," Ari said as he started to make himself food from his limited selection. "Usually you're not up until noon on days you don't have class."

"It's hard to sleep when the thing you keep thinking about happens to be attached to you," Malachi stated as he raised up his leg and wiggled the toes of his paws in the air. "Plus I keep going back and thinking about our last few games and what we won with. I remember that I had gotten three of a kind and that they were sabertooth tigers, do you remember what your two pair were?"

"Uhhh... fuck if I know," Ari replied with a shrug, though as he thought back to the last game they had he suddenly could see the memory of the cards he had played. "Oh yeah, I remember, it was snakes and hyenas, why?"

"Because that's basically the two hands we had gotten when it came to the time that our bets came to fruition," Malachi explained as he laid out the cards. "The thing is that I remember that the ones I had gotten the first time were kings, and when I beat you on the second one they were jacks. Makes me think that these things are magical in nature or something."

"I thought that magic artifacts disguised as things were urban legends," Ari stated as he sat down at the table, shivering once more as he felt the cold wood of the chair against his exposed skin. "Anyway, I don't suppose you know how to undo it? It's not getting any warmer in this place and unlike you I got stuck with scales instead of fur."

"I don't know," Malachi replied with a slight shrug. "My only guess is that we can keep playing and make the wagers something along the lines of you getting your clothes back or turning back into human. At least then when the blizzard stops you can put something on and we can go to the student services building."

"That's great and all," Ari stated while gesturing at himself. "But what's going to happen if you win again? I haven't been exactly on a winning streak here and there's not a lot of shit that I can put up for my bets."

It appeared the question had stumped Malachi for a bit, tapping his lip in thought before he nodded to himself. "I'll just bet nothing," he replied. "I'm going to attempt to throw the hand anyway so that you can be the one that wins, all you have to do is make the wager that you are attempting to get your clothes back."

Ari nodded and watched as the cards were being dealt to him, bringing them up and seeing that he once more had two hyena and a snake card in his hand. It appeared his roommate's theory was correct and on a whim he decided to try and toss the two that weren't those creatures out of his hand. Sure enough he got two more and made himself a full house, which would be a good hand even if Malachi wasn't attempting to throw the game on purpose. Once they were done with their round of betting Ari showed what he had gotten and when Malachi revealed his hand there was only two of the sabertooth tigers that were in it.

"Looks like I finally won," Ari said with a smirk as he got up. "Let me just go get changed here and then we can talk about what we're going to be doing about our other little changes." Malachi nodded and sat back at the table as he went into his room and closed the door behind him, breathing a sigh of relief. While it had been bothering him less and less there was always the fear in the back of his mind that someone would see him in his exposed state. It wasn't like the anthros that could get away with running around naked, he thought to himself as he reached in and grabbed a new pair of boxers.

Several minutes later Ari walked out of his room once more and as he felt his body shiver he looked down and saw that he was still naked and holding the pair of boxer shorts in his hands. "What the hell..." he muttered to himself as he angrily tossed the underwear back in the room. "Malachi, I don't think your plan... worked..."

Ari found himself blinking several times as he suddenly found that he was no longer the only one that wasn't wearing any clothing anymore, seeing Malachi sitting there with his arms crossed while completely naked. "That wasn't funny you know," Malachi stated. "Now how are we supposed to get things back to normal?"

"I... that's not what I wanted at all!" Ari exclaimed. "It's bad enough walking around here bare assed myself but now seeing you do it too... I mean, not that you look bad or anything, but I wanted to get some clothes back on."

"Hmmm, I can definitely believe you on that one," Malachi said, sighing slightly and running a hand though his wavy black hair. "That means that perhaps this deck has a mind of its own, or it took your wager literally as well. Do you remember what you were thinking about when you had won?"

"Yeah... it was..." Ari said, trying to recall exactly what he was thinking about. "I was thinking how nice it would be to finally be even with you after everything was said and done."

A frown formed on Malachi's face as he slowly nodded, then looked down at the cards. "I think I see the problem then," he stated. "The cards seem to bend our wagers and wishes in a different direction if they're directly counter to a previous one, or perhaps the deck somehow knew that I was throwing the game so that you could win. If it's the former than there's really nothing that we can do but if it's because I was technically cheating then perhaps we just have to play the right way. I propose one more hand, and this time the wager is whoever wins gets their clothes back."

Though Ari had a few trepidations about playing this game again, especially since the furry images on the cards had shifted from being half-naked to only having on loincloths and other skimpy clothing, he knew that they had to figure out what was going on unless they wanted to escalate things to the next level and call someone. Ari sat back down and felt a bit anxious as the cards were thrown his way, and when he picked them up he was surprised to see that there was no hyenas or snakes but he had almost gotten a flush. Does this mean that he wasn't going to win, or perhaps that whatever magic was in the cards had run its course already? He attempted to pick up the flush and after the second round of trading managed to get it with an ace high as a kicker. Though this was to try and stop whatever was happening to them he couldn't help but grin at potentially winning once more and showing up his roommate, and as he showed his cards and found that Malachi hadn't even gotten close to beating him.

As Ari was about to declare victory however he suddenly noticed that Malachi had started to rub his hands over his body, particularly around his stomach and chest as the color of his skin began to shift. As Malachi stated that he was starting to feel really strange he got up just in time to have his spine pop, causing him to nearly fall over as he leaned forward and his hands fell against the table. In concern Ari leapt up from his chair and moved over to help and as he put his hands on the other man he could feel the tan fur spouting up on Malachi's shoulders. With nothing else that he could think of doing Ari took the transforming human and brought him over to the couch where he could lay down.

"Malachi, what's happening?" Ari said as he could see the white fur thickening to the point where it was causing a large tuft of it to form between his chest, growing down his pudgy belly and becoming thicker as it spread to his sides. "I don't know what I did wrong, I wasn't even thinking of-"

Ari was taken by surprise as he suddenly found a pair of lips pressed against his own and felt the fur-covered arms of the other man wrap around his bare arms. He found himself losing his balance and falling into the kiss as the one on the couch was practically humping into the air, his cock completely erect as white and tan fur spread over his groin. With his balance disrupted all Ari could do was try to brace himself as he felt Malachi's tongue plunge into his mouth, catching him by surprise on how passionate it was as he could see the fur spreading like wildfire. In very little time there was no human flesh left, and though nothing else changed about Malachi his body was covered from head to toe in fur that made him look like an exceptionally hairy human save for his feline feet.

With the changes complete Ari finally managed to wiggle his way out of Malachi's grasp, both males panting as the transformed human seemed to calm down. "I... I don't know what happened..." Malachi said, looking down in embarrassment until he saw his fur-covered body which caused him to gasp in shock. "Whoa... I was not expecting this when I lost..."

"Yeah, me neither," Ari stated as he watched Malachi continue to run his hands through his new fur. "I definitely think that this deck is fucking with us, we may never change back at this rate."

"At least I'm warm," Malachi stated, giggling to himself as his fingers eventually reached his throbbing erection. "Horny too... you think anyone in the dorm would want some of this? I could really use a blowjob."

Ari was slightly surprised at the forwardness of his roommate as he shook his head. "Unless you can find someone that loves a yeti you might be out of luck," Ari commented, causing Malachi to grown in disapproval. "If you want some time to yourself I can see if the internet is back up, maybe figure out what's up with these damn cards."

"The cards..." Malachi said, his still human face suddenly lighting up. "Bring the cards here, I have an idea."

Though Ari wasn't quite sure about giving in to his roommate's request, especially seeing the slight smirk on his face, he found himself still going and grabbing them off of the table and handing them over to Malachi. The fur-covered human quickly shuffled them and told Ari to think once more of a wager, though he didn't even wait to hear what it was as he dealt the cards to them. Though it was clear from the confused look on Ari's face that he wasn't sure what was going on he continued to play like normal, going through the normal round of grabbing cards.

When the round ended Ari found himself holding two pair once more, and he saw that they were the snake and hyena cards just like from before. This time it was Malachi who came up with the better hand and showed off that he had won before he sat back in the couch. It was clear that he was waiting for something, and when Ari asked what was going on his roommate told him to wait and see. The naked human sighed and swore before going over and sitting on the couch as well while he tried to figure out what the other male was up to.

As Malachi started up something for the two of them to watch Ari found his eyes continuously drifting away from the screen and locking onto the thick cock of the one next to him. Had it always been that big, he thought to himself, and without realizing it he had started to lean forward towards it. "I see that my wager is working," Malachi said, bringing Ari's attention back up to him. "I'm not sure what you wagered, but I had something very specific in mind that I knew I couldn't get anywhere else."

"A blowjob," Ari said with a smirk.

"Not just any blowjob," Malachi replied. "The best one of my life, and I figured that if it wasn't you that gave it to me there would be someone else that would knock on our door and do it. From the way you're licking your lips I think that it's going to be the former."

"There's a problem with that though," Ari quickly stated. "Neither of us are gay."

"At this point I think it's a moot issue for me," Malachi explained as his hand went to his cock and started to stroke it. "I'm so hard I could probably put a hole through this wall, and a hand isn't going to do it. Besides, you lost after all, and given the way you worshipped my paws earlier I think that you won't mind nearly as much as you think either."

Ari frowned deeply and shook his head, but he knew that Malachi was right. The strange euphoria he got with those furry digits against his face was something that transcended everything else... but this wasn't just a pair of paws he was looking at. As he continued to stare at the throbbing member of the other male though he found that he had once more slid down on the floor, his eyes fixated and watching as Malachi slowly stroked the sensitive flesh. A bet was a bet... and though he had never even thought about doing anything like this before he started to feel his mouth water in anticipation.

Even as his lips touched the throbbing maleness Ari still couldn't believe he was doing it, but as soon as he made contact with the sensitive flesh it sent a tingle down his spine. There was nothing that said he had to do this, but with his face close enough to the groin of the other male he found himself sticking out his tongue and giving it a lick. As he felt the other male shiver from the contact he found himself growing bolder, licking all the way form the tip to the base while inhaling the musky scent that came from the fur-covered groin. Eventually he took his lips and put it around the tip of the cock and slowly pushed down on it, feeling the throbbing member fill his maw as he felt a hand press against the back of his head.

A loud moan could be heard from Malachi and Ari felt the hand against his head press against him, urging him to get even more of the tool in his mouth. But there was only so far he could go and eventually he found himself with his lips halfway down it, reaching up with his clawed hand to stroke against the base as baser instincts started to take over. Suddenly Ari could understand the lust and need that came from the male above him, feeling his own desires start to shift the longer that he bobbed his head up and down on Malachi's shaft. He also began to feel something... strange, like every time his head moved down he could get even more of the thick cock inside of him as his mouth began to tingle.

Suddenly Ari's eyes widened and he let out a muffled moan as his face began to contort, stretching out while still engulfing the cock in his maw as he felt his entire skull beginning to change. It appeared that the cards had something more in mind when it came to the perfect blowjob other than just giving the other human motivation to do so, Ari's body wiggling and thrashing slightly as he felt the back of his head start to widen and fur start to sprout over his face. Unlike Malachi though that was merely covered his head was becoming more bestial in appearance by the second, and as his jaws popped into their new configuration and his nose started to turn black he suddenly felt his head get pushed down and the cock he was sucking pushed all the way into his throat. The wiggling of his head as his ears began to morph and migrate up his skull only seemed to turn on the other male further, guiding Ari up and down as his muzzle formed around the maleness that was pushed deep inside of him.

There was a loud ripping noise as Ari's claws dug into the couch while the hips of the other male thrusted in and out of the new muzzle while the back of his neck flared out into a cobra-like hood with red scales. It only provided more area for Malachi to grab as both males were reduced to quivering, grunting creatures that only had one thing on the mind. For Ari all he could do was hold on as his throat clenched around the cock sliding into it while his tongue somehow managed to coil around the shaft, providing extra stimulation for it while his own was throbbing hard between his legs. This continued on until finally Malachi's entire body stiffed and Ari could feel his cock tense before shooting its load inside of him.

The intensity of the orgasm had pushed Ari's new head right between the furry legs of the other guy, feeling his muzzle get buried in his groin while he felt the cock inside continue to throb with each jet. After what seemed like an eternity Malachi eventually relaxed and allowed Ari to pull off, taking a deep breath of air that wasn't laden with the scent of the tan and white furred creature. As he let out a snarl he could feel his new lips curl up over sharp teeth, two in particular pushing their way past them in front of his muzzle like fangs as he looked down at the one that had caused his transformation. With the lust sufficiently out of his system the once horny male looked down at the couch in a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

"I suppose... I should have guessed that it was going to do something like that," Malachi said as he gingerly reached over and touched the furred muzzle of the other male, Ari snorting slightly at feeling someone touch it like that. "I just... I was so horny I couldn't think straight, and then when you had mentioned the cards it was like that was the only thing my brain connected. I really am sorry about all that."

"Hey, I get it man," Ari quickly replied, feeling his ears fall slightly as Malachi continued to push his hand up his face and brought the two of them closer together. "But these cards, they're messing with our heads, and everything we try to do is just causing things to get worse. Maybe we just need to cool it for a second and get our heads in the right place, though I don't think that's going to happen to me anytime soon... though I can see why the anthros like having their heads scratched like this."

"Maybe I should just call you my good boy," Malachi said with a grin, causing both of them to chuckle. "Then you can get a bone whenever you want it." Both stopped and looked at each other as they realized the tone was quickly become lewd and that they were just a few inches away from one another's faces once more before they quickly turned away from one another.

"Well I would say that you owe me one but let's try to keep one of us somewhat fucking human," Ari said as he quickly stood up. "I'm going to go take a shower quick, you make us some food instead and then we can call it even."

Malachi quickly nodded and got up from the couch, heading over to the kitchen while Ari made his way towards the bathroom. At this point the two of them walking around naked was the least of their concerns, especially as Ari could still feel his new ears twitching as he walked. As he went into the bathroom he tested to make sure they still had hot water, and when it turned out he did he let it continue to heat up while looking at himself in the mirror. His transformation appeared to be almost the opposite of Malachi's; instead of being covered head to toe in fur and nothing else he only had fur and scales that went down to his neck, but his entire head was completely anthro in nature and looked like some strange hybrid of snake and hyena... just like the cards had been showing him.

Ari just quickly shook his head and as he hopped in the shower and felt his body shiver feeling water cascade down his fur and scales for the first time he began to wonder what they were going to do. It appeared that the cards had something in mind for them other than just appealing to their wagers, and what made things even more bizarre was that they were playing right into them. Part of him wanted to just burn the things and try to find some other way to deal with it, but what would happen if he did that and it turned out they were needed to reverse the transformation? If this was some sort of magic or something they were going to be very hard pressed to find someone that would help them out, and if they couldn't then they were going to have to live as strange half-human half-anthro creatures that would be even more bizarre than if they had just gone the entire way.

As Ari continue to take his shower he also had to deal with the issue of his rock hard cock, which had been that way ever since Malachi finished inside of him. Though he knew that he never even thought of guys in that way before he found himself starting to stroke his own member while thinking of the experience he had just went through. The feel of that throbbing maleness inside of him, his mouth stretching over it and completely enveloping it with his warm maw, the sensations were so intense just with the thought that he found himself cumming right there in the shower after only a few minutes. Even though there was a risk that it would have changed Malachi's head to look like his own part of him wished that he had still had the other male reciprocate the favor... in fact as he thought about it he began to think that his roommate would look better with it rather than just having fur cover his face.

As he continued to think about it the more pushing the game all the way to its conclusion made sense to Ari, especially since he already had a full anthro head on his otherwise human form. It made him look rather silly and part of him wanted to see what would happen if the transformation that already affected his hands and head were to happen to the rest of his body. Then there was Malachi... unless he wanted to shave every month from his head to his toe he would probably look better as an anthro creature too. As he came down from his orgasmic high he began to realize that a lot of the way he was thinking was similar to the direction that these cards were pushing him... and as he leaned against the shower wall he realized that he found himself not caring about it.

He quickly shook his mind of the thought though and Ari could start to feel the heat quickly running out of the water that was still flowing over him. After quickly getting the last remnants of soap out of his air and making sure his cum was washed off of him and the shower he turned it off and grabbed a towel. Once again the feeling of running it through his fur and scales was surreal as he dried himself off completely, and as he was about to wrap it around his waist he suddenly felt his scaly fingers just drop it on the floor. It appeared that the no clothes rule was still heavily in effect as he walked out naked with his still mostly human body and hybrid hyena-snake head.

When he got to the table he found that Malachi had already made them both food, and with the cards in the living room they opted to eat in the dining area as they sat down opposite one another. "So... I think we need to probably discuss what just happened here," Malachi stated as Ari began to eat, making sloppy noises as he attempted to use his muzzle for the first time to chew food. "With our needs out of the way we have to really consider the use of the cards that we have here."

"True," Ari replied, his muzzle turning into a slight grin as he looked straight at Malachi while licking his chops. "And I think that the both of us need to have one more game where we can raise the stakes to whatever we want, no questions asked. If that means that we're plowing each other by the end of it I don't care, I'm not going out for a second looking like I'm wearing some sort of weird fucking Halloween mask over my head."

Malachi let out a loud sigh and nodded, looking out the window while he picked at his food. "Since we're not getting out of here anytime soon perhaps this is the best choice for us," he stated as he looked out the window to see the snow still driving past it, then back at Ari. "Plus there's no way that I'm going to be able to explain what I look like to anyone that passes us, so if we have to go all the way then I'm willing to do it. Are you sure that you don't want us to have our wagers out in the open first, what if it's something that we're not into?"

"Oh, you mean like when you were smothering my face with those paws of yours?" Ari shot back with a smirk, watching the other man blush with embarrassment even with the fur on his face. "I think it would be more fun to see what happens if we leave in the dark, if these weird cursed furry cards are going to transform us based on what's going on in our heads then we may as well swing into it."

"I guess that sounds like a plan," Malachi said after a few moments of pause, his nodding even more enthusiastic than before. "When are we going to start this last epic match?"

"Well I'm done with my meal," Ari said as he held up the plate that he had been licking clean while waiting for his roommate to finish. "Why not now?"