S3 Ep3- Beverly Windbrook

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#3 of The Heroes of Gaia (season 3)

Who is the new girl?

I Have made a discord server dedicated to this project : https://discord.gg/5Zjfkb9zk5

After Solaris O Moonstone did a concert in one of the cities in the Valor kingdom he did a meet and greet with some of his biggest fans. He took autographs and took pictures and after grabbing his guitar case and his microphone one he exited the venue backstage. Solaris was visibly tired as he heard music to his left, where he saw another wolf girl playing her guitar at a nearby park across the street. He was about to cross the road when he got a phone call from someone as he answered his phone. "Hey Celeste what's up?" "Everything went fine, where is my escort back to the castle?" "Oh something else had happened and my guard escort went to that and everyone else was busy?" "Where is Artemis?" "So his friends went back to earth with Dakota and Justin to help Amber with something and took his ship too?" "Celeste my ship is in the shop i can't summon it, just get someone else to get me home it's been a long day" "Okay okay... I'll hang out here until someone shows up bye sis" Solaris put his phone away as he just sighed as he still saw that same girl playing her guitar and walked across the road to speak to her. "Hi there" The girl turned to him "Hello" she said stoically. "I noticed you were playing on your guitar mind if i listen" "Sure Hotshot" She said with a bit of a grin as he sat down next to her. "I know you are fully aware of who i am..." "Of course You are the famous Solaris Moonstone it's hard for me to know who you are '' She said that with a bit of a grin but saw Solaris's gloomy look on his face and cleared her throat. "The Name is Beverly Windbrook, what has you so down buddy?". "Mind if I'm blunt?" she nodded yes "Kinda bummed that everyone else in my group including my little brother has some sort of love interest which is ironic coming from me haha.." "Well... I'm sure the next person who dates you will be very happy with you" She looks at his guitar case. "I find that whenever I am down I use music to vent... want to do a duet with me?". Solaris and Beverly played one of Solaris's songs and had fun with it "You seem like a nice girl, why are you playing music here when it's turning to night time?" "Something family related i don't want to get into Hotshot '' She playfully slugged his arm as the two giggled the two did exchange numbers just in case they never saw each other again. Solaris's ride showed up as he got in waved bye to his new friend and got back home. Solaris was unaware that he was blushing with his tail wagging the whole time, the signs his brother showed during march when he was forming a crush on someone.

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