Repeat Customer | Chapter #2 [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#2 of Repeat Customer [Comm]

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Emi's just moved into her new neighborhood and is loving her job at the local cafe. However, there is just one thing she hasn't explored yet. After attending the local adult babyfur convention she finds she isn't the only one nearby who likes to indulge in the occasional fantasy.Contains: Diapers, Diaperfur, Wetting, Daddydom, Wand, NSFW, BabyingRating: 18+

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Commission for: ShibbyEmi

Artwork by: Tato

Thumbnail design and story by: HoratioHusky

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If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

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Chapter 2

The Change

Emi hummed cheerfully to herself as she cleaned out the various coffee making supplies her duties involved at around 9:32 A.M. that morning.

Her unusual light-heartedness was accompanied by an additional sense of optimism, as she found herself greeting her customers with a sense of cheer she had not been displaying before.

"What's got your spirits so high up, hun?"

Gabriel remarked, as he smirked at her. Emi noted the pink bow that the bunny wore that day in his fro, but smiled back at him.

"Oh you know, I guess I just woke up on the right side of bed today!"

Or the crib...

She thought to herself, giggling internally as she returned to her work with a bounce.

That weekend had gone in a direction she had hardly suspected, but would now hold a special place in her dreams and fantasies.

After chatting Dalton up, he had asked her quite flirtatiously whether she would like to accompany him up to her room.

The shiba's heart fluttered, and she accepted with a blush.

During their conversation, she had allowed herself to subtly wet into her diaper. She was sure that the increase in blush in her face could be excused as her simply feeling a little hot in the room.

Still, she had drunken quite a lot of water that morning in anticipation of the convention's encouragement of continually sogging your pamps.

She had been a little surprised at just how much they bulged out after she had gone, and she hoped that her skirt was still long enough to properly conceal them.

Dalton had glanced down once or twice, each time eliciting an increase in blood flow to the shiba's cheeks.

Does he... know? That I'm soggy right now?

She thought to herself, squirming in her seat as she tried her best to maintain her attention to what the wolf in front of her was describing.

Now, as he led her upstairs, the butterflies in her stomach took to the air once again she thought about what the wolf might have in mind.

As soon as the door closed behind them, the wolf stooped down and picked her up underneath her armpits, depositing her neatly on his hip.

"My my, I can feel that we have quite the soggy little puppy on our hands. I think my little sweetie needs a change, huh sweetie?"

Emi had marveled at the effortless strength the wolf had displayed, she was a little bit on the light side but event so he was handling her as if she were nothing more than a puppy.

She had been a little lost for words, with just how forward the wolf was being she had difficulty in coming with an answer.

"Oh? Did somebody forget her words already? No matter, that's pacifiers are for after all."

Reaching into her duffle bag which she had placed by the door, he quickly found what he was looking for.

Her favorite pacifier with the words, "Bork!" displayed on the front was promptly pushed between her lips.

She blushed, feeling herself instinctively beginning to suckle on it as she clung instinctively to the wolf.

"Aw, looks like the little baby has already grown fond of the wolf daddy. Don't worry sweetie, Daddy's gotchu."

Striding over to the bed with his charge and bringing the duffle bag along with him, he lay her down gently onto the bed.

"Now, be a good girl and don't squirm around too much. Daddy's going to access your diaper to see if you're enough of a soggy doggy to be in need for a change."

Dalton lifted up her skirt to reveal her diaper, a yellowish tinge adorning the swollen padding as she felt her heart rate increase.

Adopting an expression of critique, Dalton pressed his paw into the front of her padding and squished gently.

He began to massage and grope the front of her diaper with feigned expertise, nodding his head and occasionally making an affirmative noise as he pushed the soggy front of Emi's diaper against her bits.

Emi's breath came in quick intakes as her cheeks burned, she was enjoying herself immensely as she watched the attractive wolf continue to explore her diaper.

"Well, I think you certainly did a good job on the front. But just to be sure, I think we should investigate the back."

Emi let out a little, "Yip!" of surprise as Dalton pushed her over onto her side and then her tummy.

Sitting down next to her he gently pressed a reassuring hand against the small of her back as he began the same process of groping and examination on the back of her diaper.

Occasionally, he gave her an affectionate pat on the rear end sending her sense of littleness further and further down into her regressive state.

At one point she giggled, which Dalton commented on saying what a good little girl she was being for his diaper checks.

Emi suckled her pacifier harder than ever, feeling incredibly turned on by the scenario Dalton was playing out with her.

Nodding morosely, Dalton gently flipped her over onto her back and stated.

"Yep, I think that about does it. We have one soggy baby girl on our hands. Now, for the final check."

The wolf inserted two fingers inside of Emi's leak guard, guiding them down gently as Emi shivered at the intimate contact.

"Yep, that confirms it. You're wet and in need of a change, Emi."

Pulling over the diaper bag closer, he unzipped it and began taking out various changing supplies.

Withdrawing a bottle of baby powder, rash cream, baby wipes, a stuffed animal, and a thick, crinkly white diaper he zipped the bag up and set to work.

Emi shivered once again at the sound of tapes being ripped off, before she knew it she was naked and exposed as Dalton began to take painstakingly slow and effective care in wiping her down.

Emi gasped, and Dalton tsked his tongue commenting.

"It's okay baby, Daddy's going to get you nice and clean and into a fresh, dry diaper. Just hug this plushie for me while Daddy works, okay sweetie?"

The pastel red stuffed alpaca immediately gave Emi a sense of ease, but did little to slow the stem of excited and aroused feelings the wolf evoked as he worked away at cleaning her up.

"Are you done cleaning that pitcher? I think if you clean it anymore there won't be much pitcher left."


Gabe was standing right next to her, a half confused smile on his face as he looked at her critically.

"Girl, what's with you today? First you're bubbly as ever and now you're spacing out. Are you on drugs or something?"

Emi laughed, feeling at ease much sooner than she would have normally at such a confrontation.

Gabe continued to smile at her, and suddenly an expression of understanding dawned on his face as he continued.

"You met somebody this weekend, huh? I can't think of anything else that would have you this distracted."

Emi shrugged, smiling up at him as she replied.

"Guilty as charged, I had a pretty busy weekend that I guess is still weighing in on my thoughts. Sorry, I'll try and be more focused."

Gabe shook his head, still smirking but turned around to attend to his own duties.

Emi looked sideways at his backside, noting that it was noticeably larger than she previously remembered. Not that she spent too much side looked at the rabbit's rear end, but it did appear suspiciously padded.

I'm just projecting diaper thoughts at this point, aren't I?

Even as she returned to her work her thoughts drifted back to what had transpired after the change.

After the wolf had cleaned, creamed, and powdered her to his satisfaction. He had taken great care in taping her symmetrically back into a fresh diaper.

He patted her front affectionately, allowing his paw to rest on her padded front as he began to coo over her about how much of a good little baby girl she was during her diaper change.

Emi continued to blush and giggle, feeling incredibly small as the wolf continued to dote over her.

"What a good little baby girl you were! Staying all still and trying not to wiggle while Daddy took care of your little soggies. Now you're all cleaned up and ready to make another wet diaper for Daddy to change in no time."

As he continued to shower her with verbal affection, he opened up the duffle bag and began to shuffle through its contents once again.

"Oho, what is this?"

Withdrawing his paw from the bag he withdrew the hitachi wand that the shiba had packed with her.

"My my, aren't we a little bit too little to handle toys like that? After all, it plugs into an outlet. Little puppies like you shouldn't be going anywhere near outlets."

Moving over to the bedside table, he sat down and patted his lap looking at Emi expectantly.

Feeling curious, the diapered shiba crawled over and still feeling incredibly embarrassed and aroused, clambered into his lap still clutching her pastel red alpaca.

Dalton cradled her in his arms, Emi's heart continuing to race as he once again placed her paw on her front in a gesture of domination and control.

"Now then, I think my good little baby girl was just good enough during her diaper change to get a little reward."

Flicking the wand on, Emi realized exactly what the wolf had in mind just as he pressed the wand against her pampered front.

She squeaked softly, feeling the strong vibrations of the wand against her diaper being vibrated into her bits as she suckled on her pacifier even faster.

"There's a good girl, feel those good girl buzzies going right through your diaper into your naughty bits. You'll be a soggy little baby girl again in no time."

Dalton spoke softly and encouragingly as he continued to press the wand against her while holding her tightly in his arms.

Emi felt the wolf's strength holding her gently but firmly in place as he gradually increased the vibrating rate of the wand's strength while he watched her squirm.

Emi began to pant, feeling as though she were on the edge of release while still being teased just far out of reach of climax gave her a maddening sensation of horniness and arousal.

She continued to squirm, occasionally letting out as high pitched moan as the wolf continued to tease her through her diapers.

As he did so he continued the monologue of praise and doting, words that continuously reinforced just how little and helpless she was flowing through her mind as she felt herself getting closer and closer into releasing into her diaper.

After what felt like a good half an hour, Dalton began to push the wand into her diapered front in earnest, increasing the vibration setting to its maximum as he gripped her shoulders even tighter.

Emi's pacifier fell out of her mouth as her tongue lolled, feeling as if her mind were bathing in a pool of ecstasy as her senses could only feel the crinkly diaper around her waist and the dominating presence of the wolf acting as her Daddy in charge.

At last she felt herself release, the front of her diaper thirstily soaking up her emissions as she felt herself gasp and moan in orgasmic delight.

Emi panted, feeling sweat prick the small of her back as she felt her muscles spasm and then suddenly relax.

Dalton held her in his arms, setting aside the wand and gently patting her on the bottom.

"Good girl Emi, what a good little baby you were making stickies for Daddy. You're a good little baby girl."

Emi's eyes fluttered, and she felt a sudden wave of exhaustion come over her as she sank into the wolf's arms.

Dalton continued to gently rock her back and forth, and before she knew it Emi had fallen asleep in the wolf's supportive arms.




Emi jumped up, putting on her best customer service face and voice as she once again came out of her reverie.

Looking up at the door where the bell had just rung, Emi felt her heart flutter once again.

Standing in the doorway was none other than Dalton, who upon seeing the shiba gave her a winning smile and a little wink.

Emi blushed, and set to work right away preparing exactly the drink that Dalton always ordered. Just the way he liked it.

Repeat Customer | Chapter #1 [Comm]

Repeat Customer By Horatio Husky Commissioned by ShibbyEmi Cover artwork by Tato Chapter 1 Cafe Emi tugged on her apron, readjusting the nametag on its front as she prepared her best customer service smile instinctively...

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The Journal | Entry #5 [Comm]

Wednesday, March 18th at 5:12 P.M. It's been a real busy few weeks since I last wrote down a log. Following the events of my roommate discovering my secret little activities we had a long conversation about my developing relationship with...

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The Journal | Entry #4 [Comm]

Wednesday, March 4th at 9:04 P.M. I think the first time messing really opened up a door for me, because ever since then I haven't been able to get enough of such an experience. I've managed to find time...

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