
The table at which I sat was rather strange in itself. The way the writing adorned the side and wrapped around it, waving up and down as it went. The letters were cursive and black, the words ineligable, known only to some lost craftsman of the days....

Sierra and Kiki - Best of Friends

She looked around the cafe again, trying to spot her friend. furs of all shapes and sizes occupied the many tables. one in particular caught her attention. it was a husky fur, but that wasn't what drew her attention.

Cafe Fight

Tristan was maintaining his best efforts not to vomit. It was proving difficult, despite not being drunk. Actually having a few drinks would have probably helped him relax right now. But drinking before a match, let alone the semifinal, would have...

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A Cafe in Sackville

The heater was old and just a little too noisy to be forgotten when the cafe wasn't full of chatter. and it often was.

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Cafe Dining

I sit by myself at a table in the café, but I'm not lonely. I'm looking to make friends tonight. I take a sip of my drink and wait, paw resting on the table. The place is pretty quiet. The atmosphere is dead, and there are only a few people still...

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Fyrebrand Cafe

**Fyrebrand Café** _by ThunderDramon_ "And why are we here again?" "Because I feel like you need some perking up." Mel grumbled as he stared his companion. The cat-dragon crossed his arms, tail swishing around in annoyance. He stared at the small...

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Hotel Cafe

_angie has coffee with one of the reptilian sakin and passes out. (4600 words)_ _2008 gren drake_ the small cafe was situated just to the side of the hotel's lobby.

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An Afternoon at the Cafe

An afternoon at the cafe by, jaeden kitty james stepped into the caf the smell of coffee and pastries filling the air. he breathed in and let out a sigh of reliefe to be in out of the cold.

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Cafe Cubeater

"i'm sure you'll find something to your liking here in our cafe. now, if you gentlemen could be so kind as to follow me...the dining hall is just beyond that door over there."

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Cafe 'LeMeow'

#1 of short stories declan visits a new cafe. he might be in more than he bargained for with the cafe's "cream service". "your destination is on the left" the light voice of my gps informed me as i looked up from the screen. there it was.

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Cafe Garou

This is where my story truly begins, with one such cafe and a furry friend with an obsession for transformation.

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Cafe (SFW)

Some minutes later, the glass reflection distorted as the front door of the cafe opened and the two men stepped through.

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