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#9 of Slave Child

Hey everyone! This is a bit of a teaser to help get everyone transitioned over to my new site, here's the opening of the next chapter on the series. the final draft shall be up tonight or tomorrow on my new site! Happy Yiffing!

"Good girl Kaia, that's Daddy's Girl!" Anhell smiled as his little pet threw off another adorable pose and he snapped a photo. She was a natural at this! When he had come downstairs with the camera in his paws, she had at first been apprehensive and shy, and the resulting photographs were sure to be stunning. Those big blue eyes, that innocently shy expression, it was priceless! And after she had realized how much he liked taking pictures of her, Kaia had started to pose for him, that adorable little blush still coloring her fur.

It had been a week or so since the foursome between himself, Kaia, Tank, and Sky. Kaia had been a little sore for two days later but with everything he'd put her through she had learned to recover quickly. Those two days of recovery had been filled with Anhell's whispers of "good girl" and various other praises as he gently ate her out and showered her in pleasure. However the foursome had produced that whimper of fear, and now he was craving it more than ever. He wanted to feel her cling to him in fear. He wanted to drool at the sound of her desperate whimpers of hunger. He wanted to feel her fingers grip his shoulders and he wanted to rumble sweet dark words to her until she came, whether she wanted to or not. Kaia might have been comfortable, might have thought that the foursome was the last thing that Anhell had in his bag of tricks... She couldn't have been more wrong.

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Anhell's gentle chuckle turned into a devilish grin as he pulled the ice tray out of the freezer. Oh she would whine for him, she would cry out his name, and he would love it. He slid the ice tray back into the freezer so he could take the time to gather a few other things for his plan before he headed downstairs. He grabbed the tub of dental grade numbing gel out of the fridge and put it on the counter. Then he retrieved a couple of black towels from the cupboard. Ice created a delicious reaction in slaves. The combination of cold and pleasure was often so physically confusing that it would illicit some of the strongest orgasms that females had ever experienced. Confusing made Kaia scared, made her blush, made her hesitate. That's what he wanted.

Anhell gathered the gel and the towels in his arms and then once again reached into the freezer and pulled out the ice tray. He turned the tray so the overhead lights glinted off the mold and the ice cube in the shape of a petite butt plug. He chuckled to himself again, sounding a little more sinister this time, and began to make his way downstairs.

8. Play Mates

The lights suddenly flashed on, and Kaia jumped. She arched her back and shifted to sitting on her knees, then put her paws on the bed between her knees like Anhell had taught her to present herself and looked expectantly, nervously, at...

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7. Play Date

**Play Date** "Daddy, Daddy! DADDY!!!!!" Kaia arched her back and cried out in pleasure. Anhell smiled, "That's a good girl, cum on baby" He thrust into her hard and fast, feeling her well trained body tighten at the right times, and...

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6. His Turn

HIS TURN \*Note: Anhell is not actually Kaia's father, he forces her to call him Daddy for his own pleasure... Anhell began to make his way back to the table with the tub of numbing gel, and smiled at Kaia lying sprawled out on the...

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