Pokemon: The Dark Wanderer Chapter one: Loss and gain; the amnesiacs and the kindly mother
#1 of The Dark Wanderer
#1 of Pokémon- The Dark Wanderer
A distorted past, a chance happening, and a precursor to strange events!
Authors note: Alrighty so this is my first fic on this site, this has been a long time coming as I have had this story brewing in my head since I was in college, (man 19 to 29 where does the time go?) I had always hesitated about putting this on paper because frankly, I thought the idea was a little farfetched, but certain writers *cough cough* Modest Immorality, and Arcane Reno, made me realize I was being insecure, because apparently the human with powers thing in Pokémon fanfics is actually more well received than I thought, and I was once again for the thousandth time in my life being neurotic and insecure. Anyway, to wrap this up, the first couple of chapters, which I consider arc zero, will go in time jumps from when the main character Dominic goes from childhood, to adolescence, to adulthood, and these stints may last more than one chapter for each. However, I figured it helps with Dominics character development seeing as the story starts with him being eight, anyway in closing, is been awhile since I wrote fan fiction (used to write Redwall fanfiction in high school), so any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome! Please enjoy!! Ps: yes, there will be sexy times, and also will be my first time writing them, so I'd like feedback on that too.... not getting into that too early mind you, but there will be peeping of sorts at times....
Obligatory I don't own this script: Pokémon belongs to game freak and Nintendo, all characters original herein belong to my mind brains. Anyways onwards!
Chapter 1
Loss and gain; the amnesiacs and the kindly mother
Disorienting blackness swirled, it felt like being blind, though the screams and emotions the young boy heard rang in his ears.... "what is this?" It was suspiciously like something was sucking the thoughts out of his head.... he could plainly hear: "ALEXANDER!!" The boy swooned... he heard someone scream "DOMINIC!!!" a... a woman...but who? The darkness continued to swell and spin. More and more things became confusing.... then a shout! The sound of a male voice grunting, the sound of a body hitting the floor, and then.... sobbing.... "ALEXANDER!" Then the swirling void took on a reddish hue, and the boy plainly heard...even as a whisper. "Dominic.... take Valirie and run...."
Running and running, the boy heard a shout, but kept on running, then a flash of purple light, a stinging sensation across the right side of his face, then, solid ground, and fear, and blood but also... power... the boy felt something... something alien rooting itself inside, mingling with the power already laying there partially dormant. But then with another flash of light he was gone, left with only a faint echoing. "always remember that we...."
Meanwhile somewhere far away....
Thunder crashed across the sky as rain poured and saturated the trees and grounds of the Vesper forest.
Nestled in the trees, barely hidden was a cave, and inside that cave was a very bored looking Absol. She had been living there for three years, finding her home not too long after departing from her parents. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked out of the mouth of the cave, boringly at the pouring rain. "tch of all days it had to rain, I was going to forage today" she sighed again and continued looking outside finding herself lost in her thoughts. It had been three years and, in that time, no suitable mates had crossed her path. There had been that one Arcanine, but she had only allowed him to approach her to deal with her heat at the time. He had afterwards offered her to join his harem, but she declined, if she was to claim a life mate, she would be the alpha female, not the fourth mate of some mutt!
She sighed again and rest her chin down on her paws. For the last few weeks, she had been feeling restless, she had felt her maternal instincts nagging at her for a while, the thought of cubs on her mind, she was certainly old enough, and the thought of having the company of a mate and some cubs running around for her to take care of brought a smile to her lips. However unfortunately for her when it came down to males, she was exceptionally picky, males could often be vulgar or simpleminded, simply boring, or just plain incompatible. She sighed for a third time and kept watching the rain with a look of mild annoyance on her face. "Damn It, could you just let up already!!" However, as she was having that thought a strange crackling sound brought her out of her reverie. At first, she thought it was just from the storm, when she suddenly sensed a change in the air, being sensitive to the weather as her kind was, she knew this was not from the storm. Suddenly in a flash of bright purple light something appeared out in the rain that made her eyes widen in disbelief.
Not too far from the mouth of her cave was a human cub, covered in wounds and holding a little Noibat in his arms, also appearing to be wounded. Not only did their sudden arrival stun her, she was completely sure that Noibats could not have such intense psychic energy to make a teleport that grand, and at the same time if that was true...then did that mean the boy was the cause? She shook off her surprise and quickly stood up, running to the mouth of her cave and getting a closer look. As she regarded the two forms, she found herself becoming both curious and worried, they were both cubs, and they were wounded. Feeling her maternal instincts stir she quickly ran out into the rain and up to the two prone forms. Realizing they were unconscious; she nodded and grabbed the collar of the boy's shirt with her teeth and dragged the two cubs into her cave.
Laying the two of them by the wall, she backed away and shook the rain from her coat letting out a small shudder from the cold water. She slowly sank down to sit on her haunches analyzing the two cubs, focusing her energy on the Noibat first, it was clear she was less than a year old, and her aura seemed normal, when she focused on the boy her eyes widened in shock, the psychic aura emanating from him was massive for a child as young as he not to mention a human! Not only that, as she stepped towards him and gave a curious sniff, he absolutely smelled like a Pokémon also with the unmistakable scent of a human. "what in the name of Arceus is this boy?"
The Absol's eyes wandered over the two and this once again brought their wounds to her attention. "what happened to these cubs?" she shook her head and ignored the thought as she realized they were shivering. Moving over to them she pulled them away from the wall until they were laying on the ground, then proceeded to lie around them, coiling them into her furry embrace to warm them, and began to clean their wounds with her tongue. Starting with the Noibat who had cuts along her torso and ears, quickly cleaned the blood off, as her eyes turned to the boy, they widened in alarm, while the rest of his wounds were quite benign like the Noibat, there were two large deep slash marks across his right eye and still bleeding profusely! "How did I miss that!?"
The Absol stood up quickly in panic and ran off to another end of her cave, where she had a blend of herbs, she kept around for various injuries she might incur while out and about. She quickly curled herself back around the two, and quickly started to clean the wounds of his eye with her tongue. Before the wounds could start to bleed quickly again, she ground a mouthful of herbs between her teeth to release their medicinal properties and let the mixture fall over his eye, He stirred only briefly as this occurred, but she was unbothered, she then used her tongue to evenly spread the mashed herbs over the gashes. She sighed with relief as the bleeding soon started to clot.
Sighing with relief as her adrenaline wore off, Absol then quickly realized what had just happened within a mere 15 minutes, these two appearing out of nowhere, a human cub with strange powers and the smell of a Pokémon, not to mention her panic and quick reaction to the boys' wounds, she allowed herself a small smile. "Huh guess I really am ready for cubs." she giggled quietly to herself and coiled herself more snugly around the two recovering children. Resting her head on the boy's shoulder, as she felt a maternal warmth flow through her. "This is...nice" the Absol stifled a squeal of adoration as the boy snuggled into the warmth of her belly fur, and the Noibat leaned in closer as well. A contented look fell over her face as she nuzzled her cheek into the boy's shoulder. "well not a bad end to a boring rainy day!" she thought contentedly as she felt herself grow tired, and drifted off to sleep with the two mysterious wayward youth's, feeling as though a hole in her heart had begun to be filled.
A few hours later Absol opened her eyes, roused from her sleep by a sudden rustling, she looked down to see two confused pairs of eyes staring up at her. She smiled at them warmly, knowing that they must be confused to waking up with a Pokémon cuddled around them! She looked over to the Noibat.
"It's okay dear, I brought you to my home to help you, I found you outside in the rain, I won't hurt you."
The little boy then looked up at her.
"Really? Thank you for helping us..." At this Absol's eyes widened.
"Wait a moment child... you can understand what I am saying?" At this the boy merely nodded. Yet another anomaly of this child, seeing as Absol had already read his aura, and the fact his scent matched that of a Pokémon, she was less surprised than she would've been.
"Can you tell me about yourselves little ones, you suddenly just appeared in front of my home?"
The two scrunched their faces in thought, making Absol giggle inwardly at their cute expressions.
The boy spoke up first.
"Um....my name is Dominic, and this is Valirie, but.... I can't remember...anything, my head feels funny." he frowned, feeling his face and rubbing his wounded eye in a counfused manner. Valirie spoke up next.
"Me too other than my name and that I have been with Dominic since birth.... I Can't seem to remember anything else." The Absol's eyes widened again. "Amnesia..." She thought to herself. She looked down at the two once again.
"Well then, my name is Kanna, Dominic what can you tell me about the powers you seem to have, and the fact you can understand me?" The boy frowned at this.
"I...i don't know how I can, it's like I'm hearing anyone else talk...and powers? What powers?" Kanna looked thoughtful for a moment. "How to explain this to such a young human." she thought.
"I'll try to explain, you teleported here out of nowhere, you can understand Pokémon, your scent is even like one, I am pretty sure you can use abilities like we can." Dominic's eyes widened at this.
"Really, me like a Pokémon?" Kanna nodded.
"I can see energies very clearly, and you definitely seem to be like a psychic Pokémon."
Dominics face seemed confused but he nodded slowly. Valirie then looked up at Kanna.
"But... what do we do now, we don't know where we are, or who we are!?"
At this Dominics eyes filled with sorrow
"I don't even know if we had a home, or a mother or father or anything.... this is scary!" The boy mumbled out as the two cubs' eyes began to fill with tears. Kanna looked down at them sadly, until like a bolt of lightning it hit her.
"If you two want you can stay with me." The two jolted and brought their teary-eyed focus to her face.
"Really!?" Valirie said with astonishment evident on her face. Dominic also looked surprised.
"You would do that for us!?" Kanna chuckled softly and wiped their tears away with a paw.
"Yes, I'll be your mother now." She smiled warmly as they both embraced her, that warm maternal feeling rising in her heart once again. "I'll take care of you now; nothing will take you away from me." She thought to herself lovingly as they cried softly in her embrace, Kanna soothing them with nuzzles and cheek rubs.
Authors note: well, that's the first chapter, I hope it gets some attention, been awhile since I wrote. Any constructive feedback is again, welcome.