This Poem Is Haunted

Story by Rob MacWolf on SoFurry

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#8 of poetry

Every word of this is true. It happened to a guy my brother's girlfriend, who goes to a different school, knows.

This is the house that he built out of breath.

That was his living. This is his death.

These are his clothes, though he needs them no more.

Those were his shoes, left outside the door.

These are peeled grapes, but pretend they're his eyes.

These are his teeth of unusual size.

This is his hopefulness, quite atrophied,

And that's just the wind, a-whistling outside.

This is a message. Perhaps meant to be

Received by somebody, posthumously.

This is his altar to unheard-of gods.

Here did they hear him. What are the odds?

This is his heart that they carved out of wood.

This is his body. This is his blood.

These are the words that are left of his mind,

And that is the sky he is somewhere behind.

I Ask Myself How Is It I Have Come

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I Do Not Fear A Season Without Hope

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Maybe All Confessional Essays Should Be Written In Blank Verse

This started as a question, in my head. Why can I not write love a happy end? Why, when I try, must I write mourning, loss, Bereavement and the need for elegy? I write unto my husband, whom I love, And it becomes a prayer for his soul. I write...

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