Dark Dispositions

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#9 of Pokè-Treat

Jason's team reappeared in front of an arguing couple there at the doors to Parzaa PokèCenter. The only thing that made them move from the entrance was the loud roar of pain coming from the Charizard. The team rushed in and went to the counter where the annoyed Nurse Joy sat with crossed arms and a foot tapping the floor. Jason did not like returning to this one but he had no choice, he handed over his main partner's ball and the female's to the nurse so she could tend to both Charizards.

She did so grudgingly, Clair stumbled around to the care door where she would be helped. Her family waited restlessly in the waiting room, cries of pain made them shudder anxiously. They wanted the event to end quickly; the Psychic Espeon updated them every so often. After a half hour, the male returned with a Chansey escort and a grudge. He growled at the Chansey as soon as she turned to leave, but she ignored it and returned to her duties.

Jason ran up to the grumbling Pokèmon and wrapped his arms around what he could; this shocked the Charizard back into his normal self. He nuzzled his trainer's head not caring if he shed a tear or not on the human. Jason could feel that, this only made him squeeze harder. They broke their embrace when they realized the roars stopped, they listened carefully.

They waited for any kind of sign that Clair made it through the ordeal. They both wanted to be in there with her, but the resident Pokèmon and people made that clear a while back that they were not welcome here. They both jumped when they heard an all too familiar chuckle behind them.

"Jovah!" Jason gasped out, "What brings you here?"

"My monthly checkup for one, but mostly I came when I felt your family arrive. I would like to thank you for... disposing of that Salamence, he truly was a criminal of our world. I have also heard that his domain is under new rule, or is that a rumor?"

"It is, but I will never be like him. That I will fight for, I rather make that place a haven for those girls instead of a prison." Jason spun back to watch the nurse's door as it opened to reveal a Chansey with a clipboard and a chart. She called out to one of the other patients waiting along side the wall.

"Ah, don't worry, they sedated her. From what I can tell, Joy and her head Chansey are arguing whether or not to perform surgery... Joy has succumbed and with surgery to take the eggs and allow the female to breed again. I shall congratulate you now, good father, I do hope your twins grow strong and their flames bright."

Jovah chuckled then started for the door before the Chansey even opened it up. Champ blushed and tried to thank him vocally; he stuttered and just decided to go with an awkward chuckle. Jason elbowed him lightly then went to the computer and opened his storage account and moved the six Pokèmon around. Even if he was just killing time, it made him think of a way to allow his excess Pokèmon to be out. He just need the right equipment and then the license for it, then he shook that idea out of his head no one would consider himself a breeder at his age, especially without the schooling and degrees needed. But he wanted to find a way for the others.

He poked around and somehow booted up a command screen with user info coming up. He quickly wrote it down on his palm then closed the window. He knew some computer programming but it was limited, he would have to find a hacker. This could get his own Trainer's Card revoked, but it would be worth it to train all of his Pokèmon at once. Or he could contact the storage manager and ask them about his idea. He figured that would be the best idea that would not get him into too much trouble.

He pulled up the service info and found the address and number, he smiled then logged off. It seemed all too well timed for him, just a few seconds after he pushed away from the PC a Chansey came out and came to him and handed him a chart. He looked at it; it showed a splayed out Charizard that had markers where Joy made the incisions and stitches. She then grabbed Jason and tugged him towards the door.

"One moment, please. Lisa, watch the others. Champ, come on, let's go see our girl."

Champ did not need to here that twice, he rushed up behind his trainer.

"Okay, let's go see her."

The Chansey nodded then led the way either not caring that he spoke directly to her or not.

She took them down a clinical white hall to a recovery room that not only held the barely conscious Charizard, but also two big eggs in a crib. Jason immediately went to rub the eggs while Champ went to grab Clair's claw. She drew in a deep breath then moaned; Jason turned and took her other claw. She blinked slowly then smiled. She was still affected by the anesthesia, her eyes crossed as she tried to focus on Champ.

"You did well, my dear, you did well." Champ cooed."

"Yes, I agree with him, Clair, you have proven yourself very strong. I am proud to be called your Trainer, not many can carry or have multiple eggs."

"That is true, Trainer. The rest of your registered family and Trainer's Companions will be joining you shortly. I recommend that she stays here overnight. The mayor has requested that you join him for the night. He will most likely take you to his home himself." Nurse Joy stood at the door; she had the look of hate in her eyes.

"Haven't I proven to you yet that I am not an abusive Trainer?"

"That has been proven, yes, but I still do not trust you."

"Why? I must have a pure spirit to even come close to a Suicune, yet I have one in my team. I also have the need of others like him to help me do a task set upon me by fate."

"Suicune? You could have stolen it from another Trainer."

"Fine! Whatever! Just go do your job and keep your ignorance to yourself, alright?"

"Easy, Jason, blowing up is my job." Champ flared his wing up in front of Jason's view.

"I am being easy."

Joy! You need to tend to your patients not antagonize them. Shoo! Off with you. Jovah flicked his wrist as he came up behind the Nurse.

The nurse grumbled but did as she was told and left.

"Annoying child... forgive me, that was utterly rude to say aloud. If you and your family are ready to call it a day, I will take you to my home for dinner and a place to sleep."

"Thank you, sir, that is most generous."

"But?" Jovah smiled at Jason as he walked into the room.

"I just can't leave Clair alone."

"I'll stay; she is my mate after all." Champ chuckled then bent over Clair to nuzzle her as she drifted back to sleep. "No 'buts' about it, if there is any trouble I'll throw a shout to the Psychic."

"Alright, but I really don't like this."

"Does this mean you are ready?" Jovah chuckled and crossed his arms, a bandage on his arm revealed itself.

"Sure, let's get the others." Jason slowly moved away from Clair then went to the Alakazaam.

They teleported before Jason even realized it; his entire team was in a large family room minus the two Charizards. Lisa looked around judging silently, she held Grace close to her chest spike. Jason took this quiet moment to release the rest of his team. They all stretched once free then they grouped up around Jason as they patiently waited the news.

Jason told them what they wanted then they asked about dinner. The boy could not help but smile, as long as their family was safe, he knew things could go on as normal. He pointed them to their host then went to find a spot to rest himself. He listened to the various conversations, feeling quite out of place being the only human. But after seeing this town, he knew he was fine being with a Pokèmon host.

He let his mind drift; it landed back at the Tree and the Azumarill. He still could not believe that he allowed himself to mate with a Pokèmon, but he had to admit to himself that it did feel great. He suddenly felt a stab to his mind, he glared at Moon. She ignored him, and then a strange voice entered his mind.

Trainer, do not be alarmed, I mean no harm. I shall await you at your newest home; I have things to share with you about your quest. The voice was gone as abruptly as it came.

Jason cursed silently to himself; he was starting to really dislike Psychic types. "Moon, come here, please."

"What's on your mind? Your thoughts are closed to me right now."

"Really? Anyway, I had another visitor. What do you know about detecting foreign thoughts entering your mind?"

"Not much to be quite honest. May I suggest that you ask Jovah on that topic?"

"I guess I have to. Thanks." Jason pondered some more as he watched Moon return to her sister.

Later that night, Jason laid awake. His conversation with Jovah made no sense to him whatsoever. He grumbled then got up and went to the undersized bathroom then washed his face with cold water. The chill just reminded him of the night Mew first appeared to him. He sighed then went back to bed and tried to go to sleep. He closed his eyes and waited.

Jason awoke in a sunlit paradise; no breeze, mild temperature, and the gentle sound of a brook flowing over boulders. He took a deep breath, the air smelled of strawberries and lilacs. He shrugged off the pleasantly odd combination then step forward. Instead of solid ground, he stepped onto air. He fell, he tried to scream, but something kept him from doing so. He looked around; he saw giant heads spinning about each of everyone he ever cared about. One in particular caught his eye, his old childhood sweetheart. He knew she had died from cancer before she could even come close to getting into Trainer's School.

Her head stopped to stare at him; blood red eyes burned a hole into his mind. He cringed but he could not look away. He gasped as he came to a sudden halt over a spike pit, he watched as he was spun about and drawn to a cave. Once on his feet, he looked behind him and saw nothing but darkness.

He swallowed deeply then pressed forward. The cave was pitch black except for the one thing he went for, a floating ball of fire. It seemed to move away faster than he could go. He still pressed on until he felt himself trip, he fell again. This time he went face first into a door.

He backed up enough to look at it, the door and he stood in complete darkness. He opened it then went in.

Inside, a classroom was splayed out four times larger than he. He began to wonder what he got himself into. He moved on slowly going to the front of class, once there, he turned and saw silent kids pointing and laughing silently. He looked down at himself, he stood in his boxers. He grinned then dropped them to sport off his goods. The classroom flickered as though nothing knew what to do.

It struck him then, he was under attack from a Dream Eater move. He grumbled then moved back to the door, it refused to open. He slumped down against it and tried shouting for help. He could not get his voice to work; he then tried shouting with his thoughts. He felt a sharp stab again, but this time it was not a friendly poking feeling this felt like it meant to hurt him. He collapsed in a silent agonizing shout.

He prayed that his shouts were heard. He shivered, not from being cold but from being alone. He had not been alone since the day he and Champ became partners. He felt a tear roll down his cheek; he wiped it away then stood up. He had to find a way to fight back.

He looked for anything that he could pick up, but even a pencil was too heavy. He thought for a moment. He started to remember his conversation with odd clarity. He began to count by odds, as he made a lap around the room then he switched to reciting the Trainer's Oath. He tried the door again; he even kicked at the knob. It crumbled, he then tried to pull it open, it finally gave. The other side beheld the paradise again. He jumped through just as he finished the Oath.

He shouted once more with his thoughts, no stabs came. But a wave of comfort flowed over him, and then a fuzzy feeling under his nose made him shiver. Instead of sneezing, he gasped. A sharp headache-like pain came at him suddenly then the paradise vanished. Next thing he knew he was on the bed with Jovah looking over him and Moon on his chest with her tail wrapped around her with a single tip on his upper lip.

His heart felt like it was going to bust out of his chest and his lungs burned with fire. Jovah placed a cold, damp rag on Jason's brow then turned to Moon. She nodded then he left the room.

"You did well, my Trainer. Fighting off a Ghost type is difficult without Psychic abilities. Try to stay awake; it will try to lure you back into slumber to finish its meal."

"No pressure. I hate to say it, but I am tired of everyone playing inside of my head." He said quietly.

"No doubt, Jovah is searching for the malicious one now. He will bring it forward and destroy it."

"Tell him I would rather catch it."


"Think about it, if we can use it inside that tree, we might be able to find a way to stop anything like that again or prevent the tree from gaining another 'master' again. Speaking of which, can you lock something into your mind for me?" He opened his palm where he wrote his user info and showed it to her. "We may need this later and I may not remember this."

"Got it, but what is all of these numbers for? Oh, I see... sorry, habit." She bit her lip as Jason frowned at her for going into his thoughts. "But do you honestly think they will allow it?"

"I do hope so considering its location. Besides, I'll need a Trainer's Personal Computer in there. That way while I'm there, not only can I store my supplies I can also switch around my team as needed for the various tasks ahead."

"I see."

"I doubt it. I bet you think all I am thinking about is my self, but what I see is that everyone I have with me now cannot fight all of the battles ahead. Yes, I have my favorites, but as a Trainer I must train all that I have 'captured' equally. Don't tell me you doubt your trust in me."

"No, I just... I just feel alone when you speak about switching out the team, even if you leave me out that choice. I constantly think that you would split my sister and me up."

"Only if it is necessary, will I."

"And how would you define that?" She spat out trying to keep from raising her voice.

"For instance, if you two would ever start fighting. I would split you up to give you both a timeout."

"We never fight!"

"I hope not. For everyone's sake. Now, to change subjects, how's Jovah doing?"

She hesitated as she debated on lying to him, but overall, her conscious won. "He's found a Gengar within his home and now fighting it. Not surprising, it's down... and being dragged back. Here is the last of your vacant balls; I do hope it does not break it."

Jason grunted then rose from the bed, his dark boxers shifted as they were freed from the confines of the bed. He waited for Jovah to enter then he resized it. Jovah moved out of the way silently then watched as Jason lightly tossed the ball at it. It rocked slightly but it pinged and registered its occupant. Jovah shook his head then straightened his back.

"I will never get used to watching the young capture one of my kind. Anyway, he was an escapee from the Ghost Holding Facility outside of town hidden from the common folk thanks to the many Psychics who work there. His name is Rickerts, you better be ready for this one. He is quite insane."

"Thank you. I'll do my best to help him." Jason picked up the ball then waited for his Pokèdex to send it off. "Odd, usually freshly captures are sent to storage immediately." He went to his pack beside the bed then pulled out his Pokèdex, he opened it. "It's dead... my Pokèdex is dead. I never heard of one doing that before. I need to contact Professor Jaclyn. Maybe she would know why."

"May I?" Jovah extended his hand with a smile.

"I guess it could not hurt."

Jovah pulled it through the air in a split second then it started going into pieces. "Ah! There is nothing wrong with your encyclopedia, child. It must have been shut off at the main source." The device snapped back together violently then settled into the Alakazaam's hand. "Use my phone, it is a bit archaic but it will still work with the newer models."


"In the kitchen by the ice box."

"Okay." Jason pulled on his pants then shuffled blindly to the kitchen where he fumbled for the light switch.

Once he had the lights on, he looked around for the televiewer, but all he found by the 'ice box' was an old touchtone telephone. He punched in the number then waited it rang three times before he heard a sleepy "Hello" on the other end.

"Professor Jaclyn? This is Jason, the eager one who wanted that Charmander a while back."

"What can I do for you so late, child."

"My Pokèdex has been shut down from an outside source."

"Where are you at?"


"That explains something... did you happen to register a Pokèfamily there?"

"I did, why would that matter?"

The Professor huffed, "Your device is being update, unfortunately it is the cause of each member you registered. This way, the Capture system will not effect your charges."

"But it's not allowing newly captured to be sent to the storage system."

"That is interesting. If it does not correct itself when it returns in the morning get a Trainer's supply pack for each charge, for they will be considered Trainer's as well though they will be using your numbers."

"Oh great, Lisa is really going to love this one."


"A Lucario. I adopted her and a Plusle when their joined clan was destroyed by a rampaging Pokèmon that I could never find."

"I see. Keep in touch, I would like to know how this new system works." She hung up before Jason could even ask about the system. He sat the receiver back on the base then went back to the others.

He sat on the bed as white as he could get, Moon could tell he was in shock. She had eavesdropped on his phone call. She gave him space as his mind reeled in a thousand ways. She hoped that the Professor was right about allowing Lisa and Grace Trainer's Rights. That would be a way to separate her sister and herself, yet still be together.

A chill ran down her spine as she thought about that. Then she wondered if she should wake Lisa, but after one look in the Lucario's dreams, Moon thought better about it. The female was too far into her estrus to think straight and would have to get through the cycle before being coherent enough for anything to get through to her. Moon's tail tips twitched, she felt urges she had not felt since the day she heard her sister suggest they runaway from that abusive so-called Trainer.

Jason moved suddenly, it made her jump involuntarily, he stood up then went over to Lisa's sleeping form and placed a hand on shoulder. She listened to him whisper to the female, she woke slowly and looked him in the eyes without moving a major muscle. He handed her the Pokèball, she questioned him quietly, all he told her was that he hoped for something good to come from this. She sat up and started to press the button, he stopped her.

"Not yet, wait until morning. If it is still here, consider this one a gift."

"I don't understand."

"I called the Professor, she told me the Capture system is being updated to keep you and Grace from being captured. So if this Pokèmon does not go into storage, both of you will be considered Trainers in all rights but you would be using my numbers. So just incase, keep him for now. Will go to the market and pick up your Trainer Packs then."

"What's in here? Adrian, I hope." She giggled.

"Hah! No, I would not do that, you would get far too distracted during battles. Though I will let you take first picks of the ones in storage. Besides that, I wanted to wake you so you could read the Guide. Most of it is common sense even to humans, but you will have to follow the human rules now more than ever."

"You could have waited until morning."

"I suppose, but I don't know if they will make you go through the test like I had to."

"I thought any human could be a Trainer," Lisa brought herself to her knees then stood.

"Most families can have three Captured Pokèmon without the Trainer's Card, which is our license for the various things we do. Without it, the PokèCenter would make us pay for the services, the equipment would be triple the prices we pay, et cetera."

"Oh. What about... breeding services?"

"Breeders need a special license and land to work with. But I will never ask you to think about that, for one you have Adrian to be with. Besides he might get jealous about you thinking about such things."

"Right." She still seemed to think about that.

"Here," Jason went to his pack and dug out a small book. "I need you to read through as much as you can by morning just incase."

"Fine, but I never got my reading skills that far up there."


"My last... Trainer taught me up to a fifth grade level."

"That is nothing, many kids stop learning at that level to learn about Pokèmon more intensely. I bet you can read better than most new Trainers out there." Jason knew she was blushing under that blue and black fur of hers, she turned and covered her cheek from him. "Am I right?"


"Thought so. I'll let you get started, alright."


Jason smiled, he congratulated himself for finding the right buttons to push on her. He did not want to get caught off guard in the morning and this could be the only chance he got to train all of his Pokèmon. Though there was also the possibility that she could be enrolled into Trainer's School. He went back to the bed and went for his Pokèdex, he groaned after he realized that he left it in the kitchen.

With a sigh, he got back up and went after it. As he went through the hall, he heard a slight moan. He then noticed a door was cracked open, he peeked in and saw Jovah nursing his back with one hand and manipulating a syringe with another. Jason opened the door and went to him when he saw the elder having trouble using his psychic abilities.

"Having some issues?" Jason said quietly.

The elder jumped actually startled. "Sorry?" He sounded quite old and fatigued. "I did not hear you come in."

"Care for some help?"

"Please, I try to keep this quiet. I'm... dying. I have a few years in me yet." Jovah handed over the syringe then pointed to a vile that had tipped over. "Fill it to the fifty mark then press the air out until it sprays a little. Good. Now, shove it into my kidney and inject the medicine. Ump! Thanks."

Jason pulled the needle out of the elder's flesh then stuck it on the table. "Does the pain make your abilities inert?"

Jovah sighed heavily then hesitated a bit, "Yes."

"I'm sorry."

"Bah, I don't need sympathy. What I need is a heart transplant and a kidney. I am a very rare one indeed. In all the... deceased Alakazaams in the world there have only been six with my blood type. There is one other that is alive now, but she is far too young... Her Trainer can force her to give me a kidney, but I told him no. I don't want to force her into a life of medicine and special diets."

"I don't blame you there. Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes, that battle took plenty from me. You know, I never used to sleep as the non-psychics, but since I have been sick... it's been nice to escape reality to the oddity. I have enjoyed it and if I survive this, I think I shall continue it."

"Is that a hint... old timer?" Jason chuckled. "Where's your bed?"

"It's a hideaway, in the wall. I had it installed when I moved into the house incase I ever took in a loved one."

"Dirty old man... Here? You get some sleep, don't worry about making breakfast, we'll head out and bring something back for you." He pulled the bed down then helped Jovah onto it.

"What kind of host would I be? Hmm?"

"One that knows that his guest actually cares about his health. Now, Rest. Think of this as a... Trainer's suggestion."

"Not fair, boy."

"I know, just like you do. I'll see you in the morning." Jason hated using a move order on the elder, but something told him that it would do the Alakazaam better than any medicine could.

Jason walked out and closed the door. He wished the elder a good night's sleep then went to the kitchen and picked up his Pokèdex. Then he went back to the guestroom and sat on the bed. He looked at the cold shell, not realizing that it was slightly vibrating. When he opened it, the screen was blindingly white with a black loading bar. It had just begun to download the new program. He grinned then closed it back and placed it in his pack. He threw his legs onto the bed then relaxed, Lisa crawled up beside him and threw the book up in front of his face.

She was a third of the way through the manual. "What's this word? I've seen it several times in this chapter."

Jason gulped. "Euthanize. Please don't ask me what it means, I really don't like the meaning."

"I think I have an idea. It always came before Pokèmon that attacks their Trainer and kills them."

"Right... they... put down... the Pokèmon that will not comply with the Capture system and its restraints. You know what it's like being in those things. From what I have learned, the ball makes the Pokèmon inside want to protect its Trainer at all costs, almost as if they are brainwashed at times."

"Yeah, I remember that. Until I submitted, it was... hard to focus. That's when my first love made an offer that the one who caught me could not refuse. I was soon freed of that. I think I remember now, that first one was abusive. I was bought as a slave."

"Come here," Jason put his arm under Lisa then drew her close. "I hope you never think that of yourself anymore. I consider you as family, if I wasn't so sure you are close to my age, I would definitely say I think of you as a daughter."

"Thank you. I don't even know my parents." She wiggled a little to get comfortable, "You have cared for me almost as good as my first true Trainer. If not better."

"I hope so, we have two hours before sunrise. You can stay with me, but you need to finish reading."


Two hours passed, Jason and Lisa passed the last hour with question and answer. When first light came, Jason rolled off the bed and dressed in fresh clothes then returned Moon and to her ball while she still slept. The others he returned earlier, he wanted her out just incase Jovah needed help. Lisa stood and stretched then went to pick Grace up off the floor.

She chuckled lightly as she wiped drool from the toddler's cheek. She whispered over her little one about needing a bath. Jason sighed, he offered his arm to her then they left after a brief look in on Jovah. The elder snored quietly. They soon found themselves stopping at the blue bordered shops that all Trainer's knew all too well. If the Center was the backbone, the Pokèmarket is the ribcage.

They went in and found the clerk. Jason sighed and pulled out his Pokèdex, he opened it then waited for it to boot up. It pinged and came up with a touch button on the screen. He pressed it, it came up with his Trainer's Stats and showed that he had an extended party. He then passed the Pokèdex over to the clerk, the man nodded then glanced through the new pages.

"I surmise you want two full belts and packs, right?"

"Yes, we do."

"Right, can the Lucario read and write?"

I can, I have read the manual. Do I need to take a test? Lisa used her telepathy, Jason had nearly forgotten that she had that ability.

"No, not really, I just need proof."

Very well. Lisa was handed a small book and had a paragraph pointed to her. This seems a little easy. 'Four years to date; the local officials stopped the alleged agent that corresponded with the Team Rocket. The man-'

The clerk stopped her there then handed her a pad. "Write your name and the date here and here... good. Thank you. Trainer, if you would take that. Alright... Lisa, here is your belt. Would you like a child's pack? It would fit a little better though it holds less. I also have a specialty pack that would match your fur."

I'll take the specialty one, I'm a sucker for matching items.

"Very well, here you go. Now for the little one."

"A child's fanny pack and belt. She's deaf and still too young to learn how to write right now."

"Sure, do you have... extras to share with them?"

"I do."

"Great! You're all done here."

"Not quite, I need breakfast items for my family and host."

"Very well... I'll be waiting to check you out, sir."

Jason and Lisa picked up the items they wanted for breakfast then they checked out. On the way back, Jason could not help but laugh at Lisa while she looked at things curiously. She even clasped Rickerts's ball onto the belt improperly. Jason talked her through the steps slowly about being a Trainer, she was quick to learn since she had been on the other end of the 'stick.' She fixed the ball but she had to wait until they got back to Jovah's until her back could get adjusted.

Once at Jovah's home, Jason opened the door and offered Lisa in first. She giggled then went in. Grace wiggled in her arms as she began to wake. Jason went straight for the kitchen to sat the food down then he went to wake Jovah. He knocked on the door, he received no response.

He opened the door and went to the Pokèmon's side then gave him a gentle shake. "Jovah, wake up."

The Pokèmon muttered then rolled over.

"I have food..."

"Nyah-ya." Jovah muttered.

Jason harrumphed then snapped his fingers as he thought of a way to wake him. "Hey, I found a donor."


"Sorry, but I had to wake you. Get washed up, Lisa and I will start cooking."

"Get an old mon's hope up then crush it in the same blow."

"It was either let you sleep your life away or do that."

Jovah snorted then got up. "Still rotten of you to do that to me, but it did help... thanks."

"You're welcome, now go refresh and let us cook."

"Damn it, boy!" Jovah sat back down and crossed his legs then closed his eyes. He glowed momentarily then opened his eyes. "Either you are doing that on purpose or someone is trying to get you to heal me."

"Not that I know of. Um... go clean up. How's that?"

"Not a move order, so it is all good. Just go. Shoo!"

Jason smiled then left the room. Once out of the room, he could not help but let a laugh escape before rejoining Lisa in the kitchen. He took a pot down from a ceiling hook she was trying to reach, she thanked him then took it.

"He's awake, had to pull a dirty trick to do it, but he's up. So... how'ya cooking this?"

"A meal that Ric- I mean, my first lover taught me."

"Okay... why don't you ever want to say his name? Does it really hurt that bad?"

"It was Richard... Richard Greyton. He was a cop, of sorts, I got in trouble. He went to rescue me... then it went wrong, he sacrificed himself to save me like any mate would." She sighed then chopped up an onion before placing it in the pot.

"How do you know he was killed?" Jason had started to fix up a pancake mix.

"I found his head... never did find the body, nor did the cops. I buried what I did have then I sold what I could to his direct family and bought a ticket here. As soon as I came to the area, I snapped my ball then fled into the wilderness to hide from humanity. I never did find peace until you came along. Now I know what happiness is once more. Oh no... excuse me." Lisa ran off to the trash can and took it away from the kitchen.

Jason heard her wretch up her empty stomach, he pulled a sheet of paper towel from the roll and soaked it down at the sink then took it to her. "Well, I know that sign all to well now."

"What?" She moaned as Jason started to wiped her mouth clean.

"Don't worry, mommy, the sickness will pass in a few days."

"Mommy? That means- Oh... how am I going to explain this to Adrian?"

"Honestly. Tell me how to prepare the meal, you just go sit and keep the can with you for now."

"I wonder about that Azumarill... do you think she could be?"

"Pregnant? I doubt it, but stranger things have happened to me. I'd actually like to be able to settle down for a bit."

"Cut the potatoes into fourths. Why would you want to do that? You are a Trainer, aren't you supposed to go out and have a never ending journey?"

"Yeah, but who is to say that I cannot stay in one place for now?"

The conversation died after that, leaving only the cooking instructions and the occasional heaving stomach. Jason let the pot cook while he let Adrian out and clasped his shoulder tightly. He smiled at the Lucario then turned him to the female and pushed him her way. The Trainer then went back to stirring the meal while listening to what he started.

He frowned as he realized they had started using the telepathy between themselves. He heard a chair being dragged away from the table then an over exaggerated sigh came. He turned to see Adrian smile at his mate and stared into her deep eyes. Jason was pleased at the sight then went to taste the stew, it was delicious though very hot. He let it simmer then released everyone else. He reminded Lisa to release Rickerts. Adrian gave both of them an odd look until he saw her belt and the ball. He gasped as he watched her expand the ball then released the Gengar. He cackled then realized he was staring up at a Lucario with a ball in her paw.

"Oh, hell..." He muttered.

"Yep, I control your ball and am technically your Trainer. So no funny business. Oh, and he's your main master." Lisa pointed at Jason even as he shook his head.

"You know I don't like that word."

"It's true though."

Jason snorted then started dipping out bowls then delivering them to the table. Jovah soon entered looking as strong as he ever had. "There you are. After breakfast, I'm going to go get Champ and Clair then I'll be back for everyone and our stuff."

Later that morning, Jason did as he said and left everyone behind. He entered the Center and talked to the Chansey who was covering for the Nurse, then they went to get the family. Jason hugged both of the Charizards then picked up the eggs. He handed them over to Champ then straightened up as Joy entered the room.

"Here. You need to place the eggs into balls so they are easier to carry." Her voice was pleasantly melancholy today rather than her hating attitude toward him.

"Thanks. I've checked her out, we'll be out of your hair now."

"You're welcome." She turned and left leaving a chill running down Jason's back.

"What happened last night?" Jason asked quietly.

"She had a visitor, it reminded her of the reason she became a Nurse like her cousins. She shouldn't give us any trouble in future visits." Champ sighed then rubbed each egg with a claw. "Don't forget to use those Incubator Balls."

"Right." Jason tapped the eggs with the balls then watched as they were absorbed by the red light. "Let's go, we have our own guest waiting for us at our base."

"Still claiming that tree?"

"Someone's got to, that won't destroy the lives around it."

Champ helped his mate off the bed then tucked her arm under his. He knew enough of his partner not to question his motives, it would only come back twisted up further. He and his lover followed their human back to their host house and looked at the gear Lisa now carried. They watched as Jason handed her the balls and then as she attached them to the Trainer's belt. Jason gave them a brief update that just left more questions in the Charizards' minds. Lisa recalled Rickerts while Jason recalled the others much to the disapproving look in Champ's eyes. Then Lisa picked up Grace and stood beside Moon whom growled at Jason for disrupting her conversation with her sister.

"Wah. Thanks for letting us stay here, Jovah, contact me if you need anything. I left my Nav number beside your phone."

"Your welcome anytime, child, as long as you don't pull the Trainer stunt on me again."

"I'll try my best." He smiled then picked Moon up. "Alright, Moon, take us back to the tree. We have unfinished business there."