Xavier's new hope part 6

Story by Kaze on SoFurry

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#6 of Xavier's new hope

Chapter 6: The good life

Xavier smiled as he was attacked by a sqaud of kids they all laughed and hugged his legs his torso and arms. He fell down and laid there with his attacks making it hard for him to move. The kids all laughed and got up and ran away to play more games.

Xavier got up and chuckled as he looked to the kids playing, Johana his daughter was having a birthday party. He looked over an dpulled his mate to his side and kissed her lovingly. BIanca murred and wraped her arms around her mates neck, they broke the kiss as Johana came up and giggled.

"Can we go to the lake now?" Johana smiled and played with her tail cutely.

Bianca thought for a second and nodded as she smiled.

"Of course you can Johana." Bianca said happly.

The girls all giggled and ran off with thier swimsuits. Bianca looked to her mate and smiled abit as if hinting, She licked his cheek and went inside. Xavier blinked a moment and smirked as he blurred from sight and picked up bianca with in a second. She gasped and giggled as they suddenly appeared in the room and she murred as he layed her down on their bed.

Xavier licked his lips as he took off his mates pants. Bianca murred as she helped him and watched with love in her eyes. Once her pants were off Xavier went down and with a flicker of his serpant tounge his forked tounge tickled her warm sex lips. She gasped and shivered as she spread her legs for him.

XAvier worked on her sex with his tounge sliding it in and around, the forked tip made it even better for Bianca as he licked up between her lips. She let out a low moan from her throat, her paws griped the bed sheets and she squirmed abit. Xavier smiled and then licked from her mound up her stomach, between her breasts and ending it just at her chin. She let out a little groan from the long lick.

Bianca murred as she quickly went for his jeans and started unbottoning them. HIs hard member was throbing underneath his jeans. She panted as she got it free, a full nine and half inches of red hot cock was throbbing it was atleast one and half inches thick. Her mouth watered as she rubbed her brother's memebr. Xavier groaned as he bucked his hips, she smiled as she took a hold of his member and postioned him to her sex. He thrusted in and she gasped at the fullness she felt and layed her ear back as she licked her mates chin. Xavier groaned as he started to thrust in and out, hearing his mate pant and moan as he slowly started to pick up speed.

They both lay on the bed the springs starting to creak from their movement, moaning and panting was heard from the room. The two in mating after soo long, from being in trouble and having worries on their minds.

Johana gasped as she was splashed wiht the cold water, she splashed abck at her friends as she was being picked on for her birthday. She giggled and swam out into the water, her friends following and they all climbed up on the floating dock way out in the lake.

"Johana ? HOw come your parents let you do all this stuff by your self?" A fox girl asked.

"I don;t know, I just know my dad can be in many places at once." Johana said as she waved her feet back and fourth in the water.

The fox girl arched a brow and shurgged as she grabed Johana's paw and smiled as they sat there holding paws.They leaned into each other and watched the others play in the water just infront of them.

A loud growl was heard from the room , BIanca had her teeth in Xaviers shoulder as they mated. Bianca's hind paws were wraped around her brother's waist and he was pounding away at her sex. She groaned through the mouthful of fur. He panted as he felt his knot swell and his climax building.

Bianca let go and bucked her hips as she felt him get ready for one last thrust, she saqw the moment and bucked her hips ahrd flush with his and his knot was in her passageway. They both groaned as Xavier started doing tight sharp thrusts and his moan soon became a loud roar as his seed was spurted in thick ropes of cum coating his sisters womb.

After the whole climax they layed resting and panting shivering. Bianca held her brother close as she felt like she was on a cloud, and she trembled all over of the lust that had been finally released. Xavier panted and murred as he layed ontop of his sister tied with her.

Siera growled as she sat at the hotel room holding her side as she stitched it up herself, blood steamed down her leg as she stood in the shower. She finished with her wounds and she washed off from all the blood, that was from the night her own cusion killed her. She stood under the warm water and then crusted and new blood washed off. She dried off and looked at the mirrior.

Only to have those green glowing eyes staring back at her. She wiped the steam away and stared at her self, she growled and broke the mirrior with her mind. She opened the door with even touching it and she sat down as she layed down in her nude form.

"Fucking bull shit, how the hell was I supposed to know my father was a hybrid as well?" She said to her self and layed ther.

She looked up hearing footsteps ashe ran up by the door and kept hidden as the footstep got close and soon by her door. A knock was heard and then the doorknob was being played with. She bared her teeth as she watched quietly.

"Siera there is no where to hide you know that." A voice called out.

She blinked as she regonized that voice and opened the door quickly. A male stood infront of the door his eyes glowed a tint of blue as he walked into the light and it was her brother. He had a grin on his face as he looked to his sister.

" It appears we have something in common with our dear cuz." The male wolf said.

"It appears we do my dear Zak." Siera said as she hugged him tightly and she giggled as she was lifted up by her brother and ploped on the bed with him laying on top of her.

Johana giggled as her friends and her skipped back to the house and came up to see her father coocking already at the Bar-B-Q he had made from the left over bricks for the house. He was cooking up things like hamburgers and hot dogs. They all ate and had a good time at the family house. Johana smiled and held her friends hand under the table.

Later in the night after her friends had left and the fox girl stayed for a sleep over. Xavier and Bianca stayed up that night to go for a walk in the woods. Johana smiled and kissed her friend as they went to her room and played with each other.

(That concludes this chapter. Chapter Seven coming soon)