Wild Pair - Ever After

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#12 of Wild Pair

The siblings deal with a different kind of hangover following their previous night, and have to contemplate what it means going forward. Or at least one of them does.

Warning: This story contains graphic descriptions of M/F sibling incest, fellatio, groping, vaginal penetration, rape.

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

The sun beamed inside the room where the two siblings laid in long brilliant streaks, the early morning cool steadily giving way to the mid day's heat. They'd slept in by a decent margin, though one of them was no longer asleep, realizations of yesterday's events flooding her mind one after the other.

'Holy shit.', Sigi thought to herself, at first believing she may've dreamt the whole thing. But it'd happened. As though to leave no doubt, they'd ended up on opposite sides of the bed compared to their usuals. Not to mention she felt it down there.

"Holy shit.", Sigi uttered out quietly, staring at the ceiling. She tried to explain it away as something they'd done due to being drunk, but they hadn't been that wasted. She didn't even have a hangover.

Sigi raised her head, looking towards Ferk's sunbathed body, lying on the side and still dreaming peacefully. He'd probably have his own surge of weird thoughts and worries once he woke up. For the moment, though, he was strangely pleasant to look at. From his stupid messy head of hair and drooling snout, down to the dick and balls draped over his thigh, he looked quite appealing in the early morning sun. She really wanted to touch him. But she needed to do some more thinking, figure if this was even something they should be doing... even though they'd already gone as far as they could.

"Oh fuuuuug.", Sigi uttered in further realization as she dropped back down onto the mattress. They'd fucked, and he came inside her. Wasn't guaranteed they'd end up with a kid from just this once, but it was a rather terrifying mental image now that she thought about it. She'd always done her best to avoid ending up with a belly like the many cunts they'd impregnated, so to imagine she'd end up pregnant with her own brother made her heart race like nothing else. The many times she'd watched him pump some dumb bitch with his nut juice sent all sorts of strange feelings down her spine. Last night, she was that dumb bitch, and she couldn't say she regretted it. The image of her being in place of one of those cunts was weirdly... stimulating.

Worse than that, she had to wonder if Ferk had done this just as a one-time thing for her birthday. Had he realized the way she'd been looking at him when she thought he wasn't aware? No, it couldn't be. He wouldn't fuck his own sister just to be nice. What a dumb thought.

God, this sucked. Couldn't things have just 'ended' last night? It felt so perfect. Or at least as close to perfect as they could hope for in the wastes. Ferk had actually gone through a lot of effort to go ahead with what was more romantic a gesture than she'd ever expected of him. It made her feel like one of those gals in the old timey stories. Except she and Ferk, unfortunately, couldn't just get a 'happily ever after'. In reality there was always another day right around the corner, just waiting to fuck it all up. And given their way of scraping out a living, it'd no doubt end violently.

With a resigned sigh, she began to stretch, her joints cracking pleasantly as they seemingly resettled after the night's sleep. She yawned and sat up, once more looking towards her brother. He'd rolled over onto his back, his maw now wide open and breathing heavily. He looked like such a dummy. More notably, he was now sporting a big ol' boner, rhythmically bobbing there between his legs. He must've been having some nice dreams, though his face didn't exactly look it. Sigi kind of wanted to touch him even more now. And maybe she would. Half her brain was feeling mischievous and horny, the other wanted to repay him for taking that leap and giving her a birthday to remember, even if she was currently experiencing doubts whether that was a good thing.

Slow and steady, she crawled down between Ferk's legs, getting a nice and close look at her brother's cock and saggy nuts. Nothing special, especially compared to the sizes she'd seen on equines, but these were his... theirs... attached to a man she'd kind of looked up to, and spent nearly all her life with, for better and worse. It still felt weird and dirty, but in a good way. An exciting way.

She was still a bit hesitant whether she wanted to go through with it. It'd certainly give the impression that she was totally onboard with their new arrangement, and she wasn't sure she was. There was so much to consider it made her head spin. Thinking wasn't her strong suit. "Fuck it.", she muttered to herself and lowered her muzzle.

With tongue distended, she took a drag along his sac, up towards the base of his warm pulsing dick. It still felt weird. She continued on anyway, lapping at his two fuzzy ovals, nudging them up and down while her hand now took hold of his rod. It felt as though it struggled against her grip, throbbing even harder as she squeezed it.

"Wh-wha?", Ferk suddenly uttered, apparently having woken. He looked down to find Sigi between his legs, staring right back at him as she continued to lick his sac. "Woah.", he gasped out with a smile, his breathing growing heavy as he realized what was happening. He continued to stare down at his sister as she dragged her tongue up and along his dick, tracing every vein before she finally made her way over his glans, only to then start prodding at its underside, before she pulled back on his foreskin.

She then took her brother's glans in her maw, gently suckling on it as she slowly made her way farther and farther along his shaft, steadily nearing the base, though knowing full well it'd take a bit more than she could fit in just her mouth to reach it. Ferk closed his eyes and fell back onto the mattress, panting intensely as Sigi began to bob her head up and down his rigid cock. It didn't take long before he raised his hips, his thighs tensing as he seemingly neared that point of no return.

"I'm cumming!", Ferk warned through clenched teeth, one of his hands now at the back of Sigi's head. This was somehow even more disconcerting, but Sigi slowed her movements and strengthened her suction, Ferk's own wild bucking now threatening to prod the back of her throat. Then, that familiar sensation of warm gooey liquid began to flood her mouth, steadily filling it to the limit. It tasted bad, but she'd expected it. More than that, she actually found it kind of hot. "Ahhh!", Ferk gasped out as he ejaculated the final few droplets of semen, Sigi now having to take care not to let any spill as she pulled off. She swallowed hard, the taste and texture making it a bit of a challenge as usual, but the thought that it was her brother's spunk made it more exciting than anything.

Sigi then lowered herself back down and began to gently lap at Ferk's spent dick, lovingly cleaning it of any remaining traces of sperm. She finished up with one last lick to his jewels.

"Fug. Wow.", Ferk uttered with a look of bliss upon his dumbfounded face. Sigi could tell she'd done a good job, though now came the less pleasant part - having to actually talk about all this.

"Thanks for yesterday and all.", Sigi said as she now scooted up to level with Ferk, though she kept her distance from him.

"Heh. You're welcome.", Ferk said, still smiling like an idiot. He then turned, reaching out as though to embrace Sigi. She jumped and scooted even farther away at this.

"Hold on.", Sigi said apprehensively.

"Wh-what? What is it?", Ferk asked, suddenly looking himself over as though it was simply something on him that repulsed her.

"I needta think some things through.", Sigi began, palming her face as she moved up to a cross-legged sit.

"Eh?", Ferk asked, likewise rising to a sit. "Having second thoughts?", he asked with visible concern.

"Yeaaah.", Sigi said, trailing off as she wondered how best to explain this. "I'm just not sure... about any of this.", she said, gesturing around herself.

"Whaddya mean?", Ferk asked, clearly confused.

"We're siblings. Shouldn't be fuckin' around.", Sigi said, looking rather remorseful.

"Too late for that.", Ferk noted with a cocky smile.

"Ferk. Seriously. I need some time to think.", Sigi said with some irritation.

"Oh.", Ferk said, then looked off to the side, visibly unhappy and concerned. "You won't run away, will you?", he then asked.

"Eh? Where would I even go?", Sigi asked, the idea sounding quite out of nowhere to her.

"I dunno, your dance buddies?", Ferk suggested with a shrug.

Sigi tilted her brow, then shook her head. "They're fun to party with, but god, they're dumb! They don't know nothin' about being pirates!", she said, gesturing wildly.

"Huh. Really?", Ferk asked, looking genuinely surprised.

"Yeah?", Sigi said with a shrug.

"So, uh, at worst you'd just want it back to how it was?", Ferk asked, looking mildly concerned, if not disappointed.

"I guess? Not sure yet.", Sigi muttered unhappily. She wasn't even sure if it was possible to go back to how it was. Nor if she wanted to. She had to avoid even looking at him, the very sight of his dumb nude self making her thoughts go in weird places. It'd been bad enough before yesterday. Right now she was rather horny, the taste of cum still lingering in her mouth.

"Need some help with that?", Ferk then asked, pointing towards her crotch. Apparently he could tell something was up.

"N-no!", Sigi insisted, suddenly covering her groin like she was ashamed of even being naked around him. "I'm fine.", she insisted and slid off the bed.

"Well, a'ight.", Ferk conceded. "You know what I think, though.", he then said.

She sure did now. And she still wasn't sure how she felt about it.

The sun was out in full, the flat desert around their little pile of rubble a solid glare of brightness. It was sweltering hot, yet there Ferk was, running for the hell of it. Naked, at that.

It seemed a poor idea now, but he needed to keep in shape somehow. Not to mention he wanted to get his mind off of Sigi, or at least think on it himself. He was a bit miffed. There he'd thought it was all a done deal and they could go on screwing each other and whoever else they might like, and she had to get cold feet.

"Egh!", Ferk grumbled to himself, stopping briefly in the shade of one of the buildings. He felt like lighting up, if only to loosen up, but he was far from his nearest stash. This was frustrating. But he had to keep it cool. Last thing he wanted was to scare her off, though he figured he could still butter her up somehow. Maybe share some of his stash with her. After all, she did give him a good sucking that morning. The very memory of that wake-up made him grow hard again. God damn, he could go at it all day today.

Just then, he caught a glint of something off in the distance, steadily nearing some of the perimeter buildings. Shielding the sun from his eyes, Ferk realized it was a figure, quite thin and short in stature.

"Huh.", he muttered to himself, suddenly having to think of something else entirely. He now really regretted going out naked like this, without a weapon or even his goggles. Still, he could follow along and see what this was.

Skulking among the buildings towards the point where the figure was headed, he did his best to stay out of sight. It was a bit concerning approaching a target with his dick and balls dangling about, but as long as he managed to sneak up on 'em, it wouldn't matter. Along the way he took cursory looks inside the buildings, in search of anything that could serve as a make-shift weapon. Ah-hah! He found a bent metal pipe. Hardly ideal, but it might prove useful.

Once more moving towards his target, he began to spot small hints of them, always ducking to make sure he wouldn't get noticed. It was a vixen of some sorts, wearing just a sporty top that left her midriff out in the open, shorts and trekking boots. Hardly proper desert gear, but Ferk couldn't complain. Beyond all that, she carried only a traveller's backpack. It almost seemed like bait, but he couldn't be getting paranoid now. He needed to get this done with and get back to Sigi.

Getting nearer and nearer, he began to notice something else - this girl was timid, and likely no match in hand-to-hand for him or even Sigi. But given the sweat he'd built up during his run, he very much doubted he could approach unnoticed. Now a ways behind her, he decided to leave the pipe behind. Were she to turn around, he could try bullshitting her that he meant no harm, which might've been hard with a metal pipe in hand.

Slowly nearing, he walked more and more upright, her ears now visibly scanning for some disturbance. He'd probably tipped her off at some point. She then rapidly turned around, her eyes going from wide to wider as she witnessed what it was that stood before her.

"Gah!", she screamed, visibly perturbed by the nude hyena not five steps in front of her.

"Hey there!", Ferk said, raising a palm in greeting with a smile.

"What the-? Why are you naked?", she asked, looking ready to flee at any moment.

"Uh. Why not?", Ferk asked, even as he was blushing like all hell. This really was an embarrassing position to be in with a total stranger. "Was just out for a run. Didn't want to sweat up my stuff.", he said, exceptionally earnest for such a situation. "Name's Ferk.", he then said, hoping to hear her name in turn.

"Karian.", the vixen said, still looking at Ferk with clear suspicion. In all honesty, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with her. He was a bit spent, and he was hoping Sigi might come around to the idea of doing something more. But they had a job to do - dirty the gene pool with as many offspring as they could.

"So what brings you here, Kari?", Ferk asked.

"Trading, mapping out the area, then selling the maps", Kari said.

"Mapping, eh?", Ferk asked, now looking at her with some concern. "Not thinking of mapping out this place, are you? Rather like it private.", he said.

"Not unless there's something of interest to travelers here.", Kari said with a shrug.

"Nawh!", Ferk assured with a smile.

"Just a guy with his dick out in the open.", Kari noted, continuing to look at Ferk with obvious misgivings.

"'Fraid I'll stab you with it?", Ferk asked, now grinning even more broadly as he approached.

Kari took a step back, but paused. "I'm armed.", she warned.

"I'm not.", Ferk said, splaying his arms to the sides with open palms as he continued to come closer.

Kari was quite obviously reaching for something behind her, likely a blade or club stowed between her and the backpack. "Not another step unless you want a knife through your dick.", she warned.

"Woah. What the fug?", Ferk asked, now stopped just two steps in front of her. He wasn't putting his chances very high with someone this cautious and himself unarmed like this. Ferk stared at her for a while, waiting to see if she'd lose her nerve and either pull the weapon or ease up a bit. At this distance, he could probably tackle and overpower her, but if she was really ready to pull something, he could be in deep shit, and it didn't look like she was easing up either way. "A'ight, just keep your cool.", he said, raising his arms in a calming manner as he backed away. "Just maybe don't dig around here, eh? Don't need others poking their noses here.", he said with something of a faux-request. He rather doubted her maps would make that much a difference.

The vixen continued to stare at him with distrust, but then finally eased up, once the distance between them was well far apart.

"Crazy bitch.", Ferk muttered bitterly, then turned to leave, hoping the vixen wouldn't in turn try to follow or jump him from behind. This was one target he'd have to let go, it seemed, but he didn't mind all that much. He was more interested in Sigi anyway.

"God. Wouldn't believe the shit luck.", Ferk began as he entered their home.

"Huh?", Sigi asked, apparently pulled out of stupor. She was still laying about naked on the bed, all thoughtful and stuff. Li'l dummy.

"Ran into a cunty fox while out running. Dressed like a whore, but she got all cautious and threatening.", Ferk complained.

"Well, you are walking about with your tackle out.", Sigi noted.

"You'd think that'd make me less threatening. Not gonna be hiding a gun anywhere.", Ferk said with a shrug. "Or do women find dick that intimidating?", he asked.

"It makes you look like a crazy person.", Sigi said, seemingly barely interested in what he was talking about.

Ferk looked at her humourlessly. She had a point, though it kind of annoyed him. "Wanna try and go track her down before she leaves town?", he then asked.

"Nawh.", Sigi mumbled.

"Think I'm gonna go shoot her, then.", Ferk said, picking up the semi.

"Way to prove her wrong.", Sigi said with a shrug.

"You're not helping.", Ferk grumbled.

"I'd rather be thinking about our future. Woulda thought you'd be more concerned with that.", Sigi said.

"Aaaagh!", Ferk growled in frustration, putting the pistol away. "Sig, either you wanna sit around and think on your own, or you want me involved. Can't have it both ways.", he said, crossing his arms and leaning into a wall.

"You could think about it yourself.", Sigi noted.

"I already have. And I've made up my mind.", Ferk said, looking off to the side with some resentment. He was resolved to spend the rest of his life with Sigi as more than just his sibling, though thinking about it only made him worry she'd decide otherwise.

"Whatever.", Sigi mumbled, and went back to staring at the ceiling.

She was getting on Ferk's nerves now. Maybe worse than when she'd crashed their car, even. But he needed to give her some space, even if it killed him. Or maybe offer an ear.

"Do you wanna talk about it some more?", Ferk then offered.

"I guess?", Sigi began, scratching her cheek as she considered what to say. "I mean, is this just a casual thing? You gonna run off once I've got a belly?", she asked.

"What? No!", Ferk assured. The thought of giving Sigi a belly was actually kind of an exciting idea, even if he wasn't sure it'd be the best, given they needed to stay moving. "I mean, I'm fine with you fucking around with other people, just as long as we stay together. Sort of semi-casual.", he added.

"What about that girl you were talking about going steady with? Think she'd be into a threesome?", Sigi asked.

"Oh, ahahaha!", Ferk began to laugh, palming his face. Sigi frowned at him, likely feeling he wasn't taking this seriously. "I was talking about you, dummy!", he said and walked up towards her.

"Huh?", Sigi asked, clearly confused.

"Thought you'd have figured it out by now.", Ferk said, then leaned in over his sister, his arms pressed into the mattress at her sides. "A hyena, short, funny... pretty.", he iterated, his eyes trailing over her with unbridled lust.

Whether due to his gaze or her own embarrassment, Sigi blushed profusely, staring up at him with indecision. Ferk couldn't help himself. The sight of her fluster, the scent of her body and arousal, the wonder with which she looked up at him. He needed to touch her.

Slowly he raised his hand, hovering over her abdomen, only to land upon her right tit. Her little nipple felt so firm. He could feel her hastening heartbeat, her breathing likewise growing quicker. His cock stiffened with excitement as he moved her breast around in circular motions. He then began to move down along her abdomen, tracing her thin little body as he neared her visibly wet snatch, when suddenly, Sigi's hand darted down, stopping Ferk's arm in its tracks.

"W-wait.", Sigi pleaded, visibly shaking in reluctance.

Ferk breathed out heavily. He pulled his hand away, barely able to contain his disappointment. Seeing Sigi showed no signs of changing her mind, he slid off the bed and backed away, his dick still stiff and bobbing around indignantly.

"Sorry. I just need some more time.", Sigi said, sounding rather remorseful.

Ferk said nothing, and merely looked out into the open urban ruin, seeking something else to think or talk about. More than anything, he was irritated. They both wanted it, he knew, yet Sigi continued to resist it, and he couldn't figure out why. And he'd gone through some shit to try and win her over.

"Ferk?", Sigi asked in a tone almost apologetic.

"Hm?", Ferk asked, still looking ahead.

"We're still cool, right?", Sigi asked.

"Yeah?", Ferk answered, still fuming but steadily growing to accept it. Staring off into the dusty ruins, he suddenly realized he noticed something. "What the fug...?", he uttered upon seeing her again. It was the vixen Kari, walking towards their place.

"What is it?", Sigi asked, briefly raising herself to a sit.

But Ferk ignored her, and quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and grabbed the semi pistol. This bitch had some explaining to do.

"What's happening?", Sigi asked on, even as Ferk stomped out of their home without a word.

Ferk approached the oncoming vixen with his pistol openly out in hand. She paused as she noticed him, looking rather concerned. What the heck was she thinking?

"The fug are you doing following me?", Ferk asked, his gun raised at her.

"Woah, hold up!", Kari said, raising her hands as though asking for calm.

"Don't you tell me to calm down!", Ferk shouted, growing agitated.

"Look, sorry about threatening you earlier and all, but you seemed the unhinged type.", Kari said, trying to explain herself. "I just wanted to see what you do here.", she assured.

"Like hell I'm believing that. Pack off!", Ferk demanded, gesturing with his gun for emphasis. Kari complied so far, her backpack dropped to the ground in front of her.

Sigi then joined him from behind, wearing her usual black cargo pants and headband. Also the stupid eyepatch. Nothing to cover her tits, though. "Who's this?", she asked as she approached.

"Some bitch. Named Kari.", Ferk said with disinterest. He didn't really care much to hear Sigi's bitching in addition to Kari's. The similarity of their names didn't help his humours either.

"The one you were talking about?", Sigi asked.

"Yeah.", Ferk said sternly. "Step off from the pack!", he then directed the vixen.

Kari once again obeyed, her arms raised as she stepped away from her backpack. "That your sister?", she asked, looking at Sigi.

"Shut the fuck up!", Ferk screamed, growing more and more pissed.

"Woah, calm down.", Sigi said.

"Clothes off!", Ferk then demanded.

"Wha?", Kari asked, looking at him with obvious incredulity.

"Did I stutter? Get naked before I put one through that dumb noggin of yours!", Ferk screamed like a mad man.

Kari was likely regretting her attempt at following up with the hyena right about now. Yet she began to do as asked, unbuttoning her top, pulling off her boots, and then finally ditching her shorts and panties. Fairly large tits, and a cunny trimmed down into a neat pattern, she couldn't help but try and cover herself rather than keep her arms raised, but he'd seen what he needed to. The sight almost made Ferk's blood run down elsewhere, but he was still a bit pissed.

"What now?", Kari asked.

"You take a step to the side and towards me.", Ferk said. "Sigi, you go check her stuff.", he then said towards his sister.

"A'ight.", Sigi said without enthusiasm and approached the pack, gathering up the pile of clothes along the way.

"So you're just robbing me?", Kari asked.

"Got a problem with that?", Ferk asked with some irritation. Bitch really needed to shut up before he got really angry.

"I kind of do.", Kari said in a deadpan tone.

"Tough. Shouldn't have been a cunt.", Ferk said, now lowering his gun to his hip. Holding it forward like this was kind of tiring.

"Neat stuff. Some food, meds, a blade.", Sigi noted as she dug around.

"Don't suppose I could still trade you to get it back, hm?", Kari asked, knowing there was little chance of that.

"We'll take what we take, and leave you what we leave.", Ferk said sternly.

"Shoulda cut your dick off.", Kari grumbled aloud.

Now Ferk was really pissed. "Sig, leave the stuff for now. Grab her.", he instructed.

"Eh?", Sigi asked as she got up.

"Just do it.", Ferk said, now growing annoyed with his sister. His humours were really piss poor right now.

"A'ight, chill.", Sigi said with a shrug.

"Hold up, what do y-? Ah!", Kari said, only to have Sigi lock her arms in a full nelson. "What do you plan on doing?", she asked.

"Take a wild guess.", Ferk said as he approached, stowing the pistol in the back of his pants.

"W-wait!", Kari began, now visibly trying to shake off the female hyena.

"Oh, god damn it, quit being a pussy!", Sigi grumbled as she now struggled to keep the vixen in place.

"Some girls just can't help it, Sig.", Ferk said, now smiling to himself as he walked up and placed his hand over the vulpine's nude snatch. She flinched in obvious discomfort. "Hard not to be a pussy when that's all you've got between your legs.", he commented, staring into Kari's eyes. She was both mad and fearful, the way he liked them.

"Oy, none of that talk.", Sigi said with a frown, but Ferk hardly cared. It felt good to annoy his sister again.

"Don't blame me you were born without a dick.", Ferk said, hoping to get under her skin even more, even as he pushed a finger inside Kari. The vixen's eyes bulged open as she realized what was happening.

"Fuggin' stop it with the- agh!", Sigi began her bitching, only to stop as Kari pushed back and sent them both to the floor. "Stop, you crazy bitch!", she screamed, holding onto the thrashing fox.

"God damn.", Ferk said, smiling as he observed the two girls get down and dirty on the floor.

"Ferk! Do something!", Sigi screamed.

"Alright, alright. Cool it.", Ferk said as he knelt down and wrenched the vixen's legs aside. "Ugh, bitch.", he mumbled, his groin now in full contact with the vixen's, albeit through his jeans. "Gonna be good? Or do I need to stick my semi in your snatch and pull the trigger?", he asked, intently looking her in the eye.

Still breathing heavy, the vixen nodded slowly. "You'll let me go after?", she asked.

"Sure.", Ferk assured.

Now with some calm restored, Ferk looked down towards the vixen's nether regions, only to find something rather entertaining - Sigi's pants had slid down in the scuffle, leaving her slit exposed. His smile grew toothy at the sight.

Pretending to be more interested in the vixen above, Ferk ran his palm along her abdomen and then over her groin. She stirred in discomfort, but as his hand travelled down over her ass and brushed up against Sigi's private area, his sister jumped up much more harshly.

"W-watch it!", Sigi shrieked in fluster. "Pull my pants up!", she then demanded.

"In a minute.", Ferk assured, though in reality he ignored her request. He instead began to fondle the vixen above some more. The view was great. Two pussies lined up in wait for him, though one he was much more interested in, yet couldn't touch. He couldn't violate his sister's trust too badly, but it really tempted him to. And even without any intentional touching, they'd likely end up brushing up against one another. Maybe that'd convince her to do something together again.

Feeling he'd screwed around enough, Ferk then undid his pants, letting them drop down to his knees. His dick was throbbing hard already, and needed only some guiding in. Cock in hand, he began to rub it against the vulpine slit, her smooth pink flesh feeling so nice against his rod, even if it was largely dry. But more than that, he wanted to once again feel Sigi's bits. He pressed up against the vixen's mound, pushing down as he pulled his penis along her cunt, until finally, it slipped past.

"Agh! God damn it, Ferk!", Sigi shrieked as her brother's dick gently slapped her slit.

"Sorry, sorry!", Ferk said with an insincere grin over his face. He was really pushing his luck, but it was worth it just to see the raging blush on Sigi's face. It put him in a good mood.

Now, however, it was time to breed this vixen. Still holding onto his prick, he directed it at the fox's feminine entrance, then pushed himself in.

"Mh!", Kari gasped out, looking quite displeased to have so involuntarily made a sound. Perhaps Ferk could get some more out of her, though for now he just wanted to get all the way inside.

To the sound of wet schlocks, he thrust himself deeper and deeper, waves of pleasure accompanying his delve into this dumb girl's depths. She was staring daggers at him, but he hardly felt like focusing on her with Sigi right behind and looking more ambiguous. His sister was blushing, and visibly put off by his gaze, no doubt well aware of how his balls now brushed against her groin whether either of them liked it or not. It still seemed ridiculous to Ferk how she continued to deny herself the enjoyment, but her fluster was decent compensation for the moment.

"Ghuh!", Kari suddenly blurted out, as though the air was forced from her lungs. But Ferk hardly felt like paying attention to the vixen. Kari was now more of an accessory - a sex toy he was using to masturbate to the sight of his sister, imagining he was actually fucking her instead.

Balls deep in the vixen, Ferk began to pant and sweat, that sweet release taking an excessively long time to reach. Having been sucked off not four hours ago, he found it difficult to get off to this. Still he soldiered on, ploughing into the vixen, all the while continuing to stare down at his sister. She'd now taken to looking off to the side.

"Come on, hurry up!", Sigi whined.

"Would be quicker if you helped out.", Ferk said with a devilish smile. "Or at least let me handle some parts.", he added sheepishly.

Sigi sighed aloud. "Regular pussy doesn't do it for you anymore?", she asked in annoyance.

"Eheheheh. I definitely feel spoiled.", Ferk said, now thrusting with renewed vigour.

"Just spill your balls and get it over with.", Sigi said.

Sigi's dirty talk was certainly helping him get there. Harder and harder he pumped into the pissed-looking vixen, that much-awaited climax drawing nearer and nearer, until finally, he came. Shuddering hard, he began to ejaculate his spunk up the vixen's hole. She seemed to have noticed this and cringed in revulsion. It only helped him.

"Hah! Ah... fug.", Ferk panted out, unusually tired out by the session. He pulled out with little fanfare, making sure his semen-stained prick flopped down over Sigi's slit.

"Fug! God damn it, Ferk!", Sigi shouted, her legs jerking up in response.

"Eheheh!", Ferk cackled as he got up and pulled his pants back up. "Hold her down. I'll go get the tape.", he said and began to walk back towards their house.

"Hurry up! Before she drips over me.", Sigi shouted, growing more and more irritated.

"Ah, calm down, you've had it inside.", Ferk said with a dismissive wave of hand.

"Shut up!!", Sigi screamed, right in the vixen's ear.

Ferk couldn't help but snicker to himself the whole way back.

Sigi sighed to herself heavily, right into the vixen's neck. Laying there in the dirt with her pants down and the nude vulpine pressing down on her was rather tiring, though it wasn't that much different from what she'd been doing up to that point. Except she needed to hold on.

"Thought you said you'd let me go.", Kari complained.

"Well, I didn't. Ferk did.", Sigi said with disinterest. "We'll let you go in an hour or two.", she then said, figuring a lack of a finer answer would only lead to more bitching and struggling.

"Why?", Kari asked.

"To try and get you knocked up.", Sigi said.

"What?", Kari asked in confusion.

"You'll see.", Sigi assured.

"Why are you helping him?", Kari then asked.

"He's my brother.", Sigi said, still disinterested. Repeating this kind of talk was tiring.

"He molests you!", Kari argued.

"Yeah? So?", Sigi asked, hoping her complacency would shut the vixen up. "You're not saying anything a dozen other cunts haven't said already. 'Cept they had the brains to do it before they got fucked.", she added.

Kari went silent, no doubt given up hope of negotiating her way out of this. Good. The silence was welcome.

Finally, she heard Ferk approach, the sound of unfurling tape accompanying his footsteps.

"Took you long enough.", Sigi noted glumly.

"Ah, calm it. Couldn't find where you'd stowed it.", Ferk said dismissively as he crouched down.

"And don't you dare tape me up!", Sigi warned.

"Ehehehehe!", Ferk cackled, apparently quite enticed by the idea.

"Ack!", Kari yelped out as she no doubt suddenly felt her pussy taped shut.

"This'll help you get a belly.", Sigi explained, even as Ferk then began to cuff the vixen's ankles.

Kari no longer said anything, her downturned ears and the blush beneath her fur saying all - she was utterly humiliated.

Back on the couch and in wait for Ferk to be done with the vixen's stuff, Sigi sat idly by, thoughts unfocused and seeking some solution she wouldn't regret in the future. God, she needed to light up. But Ferk wouldn't give her access to any of his stashes now, and she'd burnt through the last batch she'd brought from the Hole. She really should've bought some yesterday, but she'd been too busy squeezing out every last drop of partying she could from that short visit.

Just then, she realized something. There in front of her, from the night before, still sat that music player, hooked up and everything. A tune could soothe her nerves, she thought. Pressing around on the display screen, she got it to fire up after some trial and error. It showed some title she'd never heard of before... then again, she barely knew most of the song titles that played in the Hole. With a shrug she pressed 'play' and sat back.

For a little while it seemed to remain silent, the song seemingly taking its sweet time to start up. Then it began.

"Aw, shit.", Sigi muttered. It was that song from the night before, the one Ferk had played to get them dancing together. It was impossible to listen to it without thinking back to that moment. But she didn't mind. Eyes closed and leaning into the couch, Sigi's thoughts focused on that one special dance, and how breath-taking it'd all felt. Their first time.

She was almost sure at this point. Something that felt so good and she wanted so bad couldn't be that wrong. Fug whatever anyone else said. Not like they cared much to begin with, being pirates and all.

"Oh hey, took a liking to that song, huh?", Ferk suddenly asked, bringing Sigi's attention to her brother's presence. She hadn't even noticed him enter.

"Yeah.", Sigi said dully.

"Might like it better if we danced to it.", Ferk suggested.

"Shut up!", Sigi said with an annoyed wave of her hand. "I'm trying to listen, jerk.", she grumbled.

"Heheheh.", Ferk giggled as he walked off into the bedroom.

Sigi sighed to herself. Staving off Ferk was almost painful, but she needed to know he'd keep it cool if she wasn't feeling it at the moment. So far he'd managed to pull himself away, even when they were both ready and eager to go at it. She felt bad testing him like this, but all those warnings she'd heard were kind of getting to her. They weren't exactly baseless either. Normally when he wanted pussy, he just took it, and as entertaining as it'd been, Sigi wasn't sure she'd actually enjoy being treated like a piece of meat.

The music stopped, all of a sudden, leaving Sigi lost in contemplation again. She spared a glance towards the bedroom, only to find Ferk splayed over the bed there, apparently sleeping off his second fuck of the day. It was tempting to do similar, but she still wanted to think things through a bit. Maybe do something else as well. It'd been a while since she'd painted anything, and she felt like painting some.

With a bounce off the couch, she leapt to her paws and began to gather up her paints. She had just the thing to adorn one of the nearby walls with.

It was dark outside when Ferk woke up again, the first beams of dawn just making their way from over the horizon. He found himself mildly disoriented, having intended more of a short nap than what this'd turned into, but he still felt sleepy, and so he barely moved at all. What surprised him most of all, however, was that he found something slightly on the heavy side draped over him - Sigi's arm.

Ferk smiled to himself. Though he still wasn't sure what this meant, he liked his chances.

As he turned around to face his sister, she seemed to stir out of sleep, unravelling herself from around her brother and looking rather groggy as she did.

"Hey.", Ferk said, smiling down at her.

"Mhey.", Sigi mumbled out, looking somewhat eager to fall back asleep.

"Don't suppose you've had enough time to think, eh?", Ferk asked tenderly.

"Nnngh...", Sigi groaned out and began to stretch over the bed. "Yeaaah.", she finally said in a more definite tone.

"And...?", Ferk asked, deeply hoping she wouldn't say no.

Sigi looked at him weird, as though annoyed she had to say it at all. She sighed and reached in with her hand, nonchalantly grabbing him by the balls, only to start rolling them around with her fingers. Ferk couldn't help but grin like a mad man. It was hardly a first for them, but he was overjoyed she'd decided to go with it in the end. That and he liked having his nuts rubbed.

"I take it that's a yes.", Ferk joked. He, in turn, put his hand on Sigi's tit, fondling it gently. It felt nice and cushy, despite its lacking size. "You're such a pretty little thing.", he murmured, his hand briefly sliding upwards to brush her cheek.

"You're pretty good looking yourself.", Sigi whispered, leaning in close to his snout as she continued to fondle his testes, his cock already stiffened in response to her touch. Her other hand then ventured onto his pectoral, getting a feel for its muscle. His chest couldn't compare to that of a lot of other guys they'd encountered, but Sigi seemed enraptured enough.

Ferk then decided to bring her in close, pulling her into a close hug that constricted her arms. He gave her snout a little lick, then looked deep into her eyes. Being so close with her was pure joy, but he had no intention of stopping there. He wanted to be even closer. Inside her. Still intertwined, Ferk began to reach around her back and down her rear, looking to feel her cunny again. Her tail was a little in the way, but he pushed past, and found that cute little fleshy slit.

Sigi flinched as his fingers slid over her lips, pressing down on the sides of her entrance. "Mh!", she gasped out as one of his digits slipped inside her moist hole.

"I love the feel of your cunny.", Ferk whispered in her ear.

Sigi's ears flattened almost immediately, a vibrant blush forming on her cheek. She said nothing at first, merely continuing to breathe intensely in his ear. "Shut up and stick it inside me.", she then muttered back, clearly annoyed she even had to say it.

Now Ferk merely smiled wide and toothy, eager to fulfil Sigi's wish. Rolling her onto her back, he briefly raised himself with his cock in hand, only to prod and tease at her entrance for a while. The slimy sounds of their genitals pressed together like that drove him wild, as did the way she hesitantly spread her thighs. He then leaned back and looked in her eyes, wishing to see every detail of her reaction when he entered her. Rocking his hips forward, he pushed his manhood inside, and with it, her jaw seemed to drop agape, her ears pulled back even farther as an inaudible gasp escaped her throat. God, did she feel good around him.

Thrusting farther and farther within her, Ferk enjoyed every gasp, pant and whimper wrested from her throat. One of her hands continued to trace the contours of his chest and abdomen, while the other laid there, adorably limp and dainty. His own hands braced against her hips, pulling her closer and closer onto his cock, until his balls were rubbing up against her rump. As close as they could get.

"Y-you're- gonna- pull out-... right?", Sigi asked as her brother continued to hump away.

"No.", Ferk whispered, wishing to convey how deliberate this was.

"You're- gonna- knock me- up!", Sigi said with some distress.

"I know.", Ferk said with a cocky smile.

Sigi seemed to merely grow even more red in the face, surprised but seemingly not resistant to the idea at all. Rather, she then wrapped her legs around Ferk's backside, as though giving him the go-ahead. His smile grew toothy, and he began to speed up, his length sliding in and out of her tight hole, eliciting weak little pants and whimpers. He loved them so much.

"Mh. Mh. Unh!", Sigi began to pant aloud, looking almost annoyed by the dicking she was receiving. The way her small tits bounced in rhythm with his efforts filled him with even greater desire. Leaning forward over his sister, he extended his tongue and pulled it over Sigi's left breast, dragging it more thoroughly over her nipple. "Ah!", she gasped out, suddenly grabbing at the back of Ferk's scalp, apparently quite enthused with this kind of attention.

In response, Ferk began to lap at her nipple, sending shivers up her spine while he continued to thrust himself inside her. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but he loved hearing her gasp and wiggle too much to stop now.

"Ah! Fug!", Sigi panted out in between thrusts. She then grabbed Ferk by the ear and gently pulled him up towards her face.

"Ow! Mh!", Ferk blurted out, only to suddenly lock lips with his sister. Smothering her tongue with his own, he struggled not to cackle, Sigi's sudden initiative quite endearing to him. He, in turn, brought up one of his hands to caress her cheek. Sigi's eyes betrayed she was no longer flustered so much as needy, focused on getting what she needed out of her brother. She was still blushing, however.

"Nh! Ah! Ahhh!", Sigi yelped out as they broke their kiss. She then grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him in, wrapping herself around him entirely, much as she had their first time. "Mh! Mh! Mh!", she continued to grunt with growing intensity.

Ferk felt himself begin to pant, the excitement steadily giving way to exhaustion. But he was close, and hopefully so was she. He pulled back a bit and gave her snout a sloppy lick, pushing up her chop. That, she apparently wasn't particularly into, as she grimaced slightly. He'd keep it in mind, and likely do it sometime again just to annoy her. It was too amusing. Ferk gave her another lick, this time up the side of her cheek, which she took with much less annoyance. Her taste drove him on. He wanted to do everything he possibly could with her, and, in time, he very likely would.

"Nh! Ah!! Aaah!!", Sigi began to squeal loud enough to hurt Ferk's ears. The tremors rocking her body only confirmed what he'd assumed - she just came. He felt her little hole writhe around his cock, as though trying to milk it, and god damn, did it feel great. It sent him over the edge.

Shivering uncontrollably with a feeling of tightness within his nethers, Ferk felt his own orgasm blast off, spasms deep inside shooting jets of cum up Sigi's depths. "Mh!", Ferk grunted out despite himself. The thought that she might end up a mom as a result only drove him onward with greater intensity, diving into her with wild, sharp thrusts. Then, it finally came to an end.

Panting and sweating in an embrace almost unpleasantly hot, they basked in their afterglows. Ferk would've wanted to stay that way indefinitely, though he imagined Sigi wasn't too thrilled about him lying on top of her. Slowly, he pulled out of her, and slipped off to the side, giving her room to breathe. It felt satisfying like nothing else.

Then, somewhat abruptly, Sigi got up and walked off into the main room. For a second Ferk worried she might've regretted it after all, if only because he ignored her warnings and came inside, but she returned moments later, carrying something.

"What are you doing?", Ferk asked in puzzlement, only for Sigi to sit down and unfurl a strip of tape.

"You want kids, right?", Sigi asked with a toothy smile, then leaned back and carefully plastered the tape over her slit. Ferk looked at her with a sense of befuddlement, mouth agape and brow furrowed. But god damn, did this turn him on. Even if he did find it funny as well.

"You know it's gonna hurt to take off, right?", Ferk asked with a toothy smile.

Sigi paused and looked at him with some displeasure. "Hadn't considered that, actually.", she admitted with a sigh and dropped onto her back.

"It's sexy, though.", Ferk then added, and ran his hand from her chest down to her crotch. "So you wanna have kids, eh?", he then asked, looking in her eyes for an answer even as he continued to caress the sides of her pussy.

"You're the one who wouldn't pull out.", Sigi noted with a tilt of her brow. "But yeah. I guess?", she then said uncertainly. "As long as you don't just run off on me.", she added.

"Where would I even run off?", Ferk asked, essentially echoing the very same thing Sigi had asked the other day.

"Wouldn't be a good place if I knew it.", Sigi said with a shrug.

Ferk rolled his eyes and smiled. "Sig, there's nothing I want more than to be with you.", he assured, palming her cheek. "Plus who else is gonna tolerate me annoying them?", he then asked more jokingly.

"Not me.", Sigi warned, narrowing her eyes apprehensively.

Ferk smiled even more, then leaned in and gave his sister a tender kiss on the lips. "You will. You always do. That's why I love you.", he said and ran his hand through her hair. "My funny li'l cunny.", he added teasingly, his other hand then travelling over her belly. The thought of how it'd grow excited him.

"Trying to see how long before I slap you, huh?", Sigi asked in annoyance.

Ferk merely grinned and gave her belly a pat before he stood up. Slowly, he began to stretch and yawn, the day off to an incredibly good start. Actually, he would've liked to lie back down and stay there with Sigi all day. Though first, they could use some food.

"You want veggies or meat for breakfast?", Ferk asked as he made his way towards the main room.

"Meat sounds good!", Sigi called after him.

Just as he was about to start digging through their cooler, however, an odd sight right outside their window caught his eye - a new painting upon one of the walls. And not just any painting. It was a naked hyena, male as all heck, with a huge dong and overpronounced muscles. He was grinning at the viewer with a gun in his hand. At first Ferk thought it just another drawing of Captain Kigg, but then he noticed the writing - 'Ferk ruls'.

"Huh.", Ferk muttered in wonder. The image was quite flattering, even if he couldn't possibly live up to it in any regard. Nonetheless, it made him grin as much as he could.

"What's taking you?", Sigi asked as she followed along. "Oh.", she then said, having noticed what her brother was staring at. "Wanted to show it to you later. Didn't think you'd just look out the window.", she said with a shrug.

"I love it.", Ferk said, then hugged his sister close.

"Heh. You're welcome.", Sigi said, smiling wide. She looked a bit troubled by the embrace, probably still not at ease with the idea of doing it naked. "Now breakfast.", she hurried.

"Oh, right!", Ferk said and finally ducked down into the cooler, retrieving a pair of meat strips. "Whaddya say we go back to bed?", he asked as he handed Sigi her half.

"Neheh. Sure!", Sigi cackled happily. "Gonna have to take this tape off, though.", she then added with some concern, right as she took a bite of her meat.

"Want me to help?", Ferk asked, even as he began to reach for her crotch.

"No!", Sigi yelped in terror and backed away, shielding her lower regions.

"Pfhehehe!", Ferk laughed and began to move after her.

"Fuck off! Get away from me!", Sigi squealed, now running into the bedroom.

"Haha, calm down, I'll stop.", Ferk assured as he followed after. He found her on the bed, struggling to grab an end of the tape.


"Yaaagh! Fug!", Sigi squealed, clutching her groin. "Last time I do anything like this.", she muttered unhappily as she then began to try and throw away the strip of tape, which now clung to her fingers. It came off eventually.

"We'll just get you pregnant the old fashioned way.", Ferk said, desperately trying not to laugh.

"Which is...?", Sigi asked with suspicion.

"Banging you till it happens.", Ferk said as he climbed onto the bed and over his sister. He looked down at her with all too apparent lust.

"Sounds good.", Sigi cooed, quite suddenly looking a lot more receptive. Her hand drifted downwards and suddenly grabbed him by the tesicles, his already stiff penis bobbing around in response to her touch. "Get to it, then. Fill me up.", she urged with a toothy smile.

Eyes locked with one another, they pressed their bodies together, ready to keep doing it till it hurt. And then some.