An Amorous Day at the Beach

Story by Kitt Mouri on SoFurry

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A short story about Night and Mhina and a romantic interlude at the beach while on holiday with their family. I hope you enjoy it.

"Ah...ah...ah...AH!" Mhina cried out as her body shivered with ecstasy. She grabbed the dark shoulders of her husband who she was holding onto as he was holding onto her. He was breathing hard as she seemed to bounce up and down in front of him, but it was only for a moment as he unexpectedly growled and seemingly crushed her smaller, softer body against his. Like Mhina, his body also shivered with erotic pleasure. His breathing began to slow to a normal pace, though still heavy and exhausted. He rested his head on her shoulder, allowing her to lean her curly-haired head against his dark head and pointed ears.

"Mama! Papa!" someone shouted.

The pair gasped and were suddenly less fatigued and more acutely aware. They turned to see their youngest son, a golden-coated lion cub with bright, pale-blue eyes swimming toward them. Discreetly, Night withdrew himself from the warm, tight, pleasurable space of his wife's body that nestled between her legs and hastily tucked his still engorged member into his swimming shorts. Mhina, luckily, only had to straighten her bikini bottoms as she was still wearing them. Her amorous husband had stretched the center of them just enough to slide his arousal passed the elastic fabric of her swimsuit and into the delicious heat of her secret center.

"Kitten!" Mhina called, affectionately referring to him by her nickname for him. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Kit, her cub replied. "I think Blaze is bored. Can we go beach combing?"

"That sounds like a good idea, son." Night replied. "But, your mother and I should go with you."

"Okay!" Kit replied, then turned and began swimming toward the shore.

Night and Mhina gave a collective sigh of relief. They chuckled at the precarious predicament their amorousness had gotten them into. They were lucky this time. Not wanting to press their luck, the couple started swimming after the son toward the shore.

The Sun Festival was joyful holiday that was a delight for all to enjoy no matter which region of Okanu they hailed from. From Adohi, to Panthros, to Catriona Isles to Oslan, the celebration of the hours of day and all that the sun blessed the world with was as festive a holiday as they came. To celebrate, the little Bravewolf family had taken a trip to this beach.

Contrary to popular belief, lions actually enjoyed water and loved the beach. The sandy venue appealed to them in some archaic way. Wolves, like most canines, loved water, beach or no beach. Although, they preferred fresh water vistas, sea water was still pleasurable.

Shortly after arriving, Night and Mhina found themselves enjoying more than just the water's pleasure as they swam out to sea. What started as a playful romp in the waves quickly turned into an erotic, aquatic rendezvous. Caught in the heat of the day as well as the burning flames of passion, the two lovers danced a lover's dance in the cool depths of the sea, their fiery culmination not sated by the cooling water in the slightest. Two hearts with a love of the sea, making love in the sea. But, not everyone enjoyed the beach, or rather, the ocean as much as they did.

Blaze, the second youngest of the Bravewolf children and Night's youngest brother, was different. He had a crippling phobia of deep water. No one, not even Night, a licensed psychiatrist, knew when or why the fear manifested in the child. Night worked with his brother to try to alleviate his trepidation, but, thus far was only able to get the child to wade knee-deep into water and only if he was accompanied by someone else. Still, even that small step was an improvement from where he had been when his phobia presented itself. Night vowed the he would never give up on this. No matter what, he was going to banish this fear from his brother's heart. The concern sat on his mind as he and Mhina swam back to the shore. Though, that concern was eclipsed by another...

Mhina found herself swimming ahead of her husband which was rather odd. Between the two of them, he was easily the better swimmer, but for some reason, he was trailing her. She turned to see what was going on and saw the wolf swimming slowly behind her and looking down into the water. A look of uncomfortable frustration etched on his face.

"Hey, babe, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Mhina asked as she swam over to her husband.

Night glanced up at her, then back at the water as she swam up to his side. An iterated sigh escaped him. "I'm still really hard." he admitted. "It's going down too slowly. This cold ocean water isn't even doing anything at all."

"Oh, no!" Mhina breathed, looking down into the water where her husband's problem lay hiding. Sure enough, there was an unquestionably large bulge at the front of his swim shorts. "Can you maybe, adjust it?" she asked.

"I did and it is." he replied. "This is the best I can do right now."

"Wait, just now when we...didn't you...?"

"Yeah, I did." he replied.

"And it's still this swollen?"


"Hmm...I think I see the problem." she said, carefully studying his erection beneath the waves.

"Oh?" he asked, curiously.

"Yeah, from what I can tell, the issue is your hefty endowment."


She looked up at him and patted his shoulder with mock despair. "Honey," she began, "you have a big dick. Even when you're no hard, it's still pretty damn big."

He sighed and shook his head, despite the cheeky grin on his face. "You do know who is responsible for this." he said, a statement rather than a question.

"Yes. Your mother and father!" she replied, matter-of-factly.

"That's not what I meant." he said, with amusement. "You--"

"I am a champ! I mean, I'd have to be to be able to fit all of this inside my dainty little body." she said, gazing down at her mate's exaggerated arousal with reverent confusion.

Night smiled and had to fight to keep himself from laughing. "Mhina..."

"Seriously, how am I not dead after repeatedly being impaled by that thing?"

"Mhina..." he repeated.

"Or at the very least, I shouldn't be able to stand, let alone walk."

"I'm going to bite you." he warned, sensually.

"Okay! Okay!" she giggled, giving a brief glance around them before returning her attention to the situation at hand. She put her finger under her chin, thoughtfully and studied him for a moment. "Alright," she said, at last, "what if we changed the way your shorts are tied?" she suggested, reaching into the water to grasp the laces of his trunks. She started to untie the ropes, but the instant the laces were undone, his swollen shaft leapt out, slapping her on the wrist.

"Ow! You jerk!" she teased.

"Sorry." he chuckled.

"You say it, but you don't really mean it."

"My beloved wife, you wound your loving husband."

"Mmm-hmm..." she murmured. "Anyway, let's put this genie back in its bottle." she said, grabbing her mate's arousal. Awkwardly, she fumbled with the extended portion of flesh as she tried to return it to the shorts. But, each time she managed to get the thing in, it would spring back out when she went to tie the trunks closed. It was a frustratingly challenging puzzle.

"Mhina?" Night called, his voice tight and somewhat strained.

"Hold on, babe." she replied. "I almost had it." she said, still fondling him.

"Mhina..." he practically gasped.

"Hmm?" she mused.

"Sweetheart, you're making things much, much worse."

"What?" she said, looking up at him. His expression was filled with erotic tension and his breathing had quickened. Then, a sharp realization hit her. "Oh crap!" she shrieked, instantly letting him go. "Baby, I'm sorry!" she whispered, looking around once again to see if anyone had noticed. If they did notice, no one gave any sign that they had.

"It's okay." he gasped, but in reality, that wasn't quite true. Thanks to his wife's well-meaning, but intensely sensuous fondling of his pulsing manhood, he had grown in size and firmness. He was very nearly fully erect.

"No, wait!" Mhina said, suddenly. "This is good."

"Goo--" he started to say when his wife had reclaimed his stiffness in her palms. He gasped at her touch, but when she unexpectedly started stroking him, fervently, all of the wind was stolen from his chest. "Mhina!" he managed to squeak.

"Babe," she began, not slowing in her agonizingly erotic caresses, "you need to get off. There's no way to go forward by not doing anything. Maybe this is why you won't go down. Maybe you more..." she trailed, letting him finish the thought on his own.

She was most likely right, he realized. Before their son had shown up, he was definitely ready to go again and surely would have if not for the interruption. Beyond that, his lover's ministrations were just too delicious. They had been married long enough that she knew exactly where and how he liked to be touched. Massaging and lightly pinching the highly sensitive head, then jittering down the shaft, squeezing at the desired points of pleasure, to the base and down even lower to fondle and caress the pair of soft, full orbs underneath his throbbing erection, she knew all the right spots. A divinity of sexual appeasement, his lovely wife was. He needed to do nothing more than relax and enjoy it. And Great Spirit help him, he was enjoying it. Breathing became laborious and his body shivered as ripples of mind numbing pleasure coursed through him.

"...close?" Mhina whispered, already knowing the answer. When he grabbed her soft, pliant rear and crushed her body against his own, she knew that he was surely aware of her knowing as well. She giggled and nibbled his ear while he softly panted in hers. She quickened the pace and exaggerated her strokes, causing him to tighten his hold on her even more. He was almost there. Just a few more pumps and...

"AH!" he gasped, his body quaking as jets of his hot, milky seed rapidly shot out from his sinewy staff and into the cold ocean water. He whispered an exhausted moan into her ear and, once again, rested his head upon her shoulder. She wrapped an arm around his back while the other found its place at the back of his neck. Patiently and tenderly, she rubbed his back as she waited for him to reclaim his strength. Normally, he had stamina to spare, but they had been in the ocean for a while, now. During their brief bout of sea love-making, he had supported them both, keeping the two of them above water. For him to need a moment to catch his breath in the cool blue depths was to be expected. He supported her then, so it was her turn to support him, now.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"...better." he replied, wearily.

"And what about your little squirt, is he still giving you problems?"

He chuckled at her playful euphemism and said, "He's behaving now. You really whipped him into shape."

"Damn right I did!" she replied. "When my hubby needs some tender loving, I'll always be there to please him."

He smiled and nuzzled her, affectionately. "That's comforting to know."

"You mean you didn't already know?" she asked, pulling away from him, just enough to look into his violet eyes.

He smiled and replied, "I had a hunch." She growled, lowly and he laughed, gleefully. "Thanks for the assist, hon." he said, kissing her brow and hugging her close.

"Mama! Papa!" Kit shouted from the shore, startling the pair, yet again.

"Coming!" the two replied. And with that, they hurried to meet up with their child as he waited for them on the beach. Once they joined him on the shore, the three of them sauntered over to the spot where they had setup their umbrella and beach blanket.

Under the umbrella, a little sand-colored wolf pup sat with his knees pulled up against his chest. His expression was sad, forlorn and hopeless. When he noticed his family coming to join him, he instantly perked up. Kit waved at his brother before sprinting over to him and pouncing on him, playfully. The two boys laughed and wrestled merrily until Night and Mhina finally caught up to them.

"Night! Mama!" the wolf pup sang as he leapt up from rolling on the ground and jumped into his mother's waiting embrace. Mhina squeezed him and swayed gently back and forth with her sweet gentle child nestled in her arms.

"Blaze, baby" she began, loosening her hold on him just enough to pull back and look into his little cherub face, "just now, you looked sad. Are you okay?" she asked with concern.

He looked up at her, then held her more closely before resting his head against her bosom and nodding quietly. She sighed and held him a little tighter and turned to her husband with worried eyes.

Night sighed with concern. "Blaze, honey, we told you that you didn't have to stay here. Why didn't let any of us do something with you?" he asked.

The boy shrugged his shoulders, but said nothing.

"You don't know?" Night asked, coming around to pet his younger brother's head. He leaned down a bit, just enough to be on the younger wolf's level. "Are you sure?" he asked, touching the pup's tawny cheek.

The little wolf's eyes filled with tears. Sniffling, he turned to bury his face against Mhina. "I don't want you to have to wait with me instead of going in the water." he whispered. "Everyone wanted to go in the water. I wanted you to have fun."

Night had figured as much. Blaze was always the kind and gentle type. Selflessness was simply in his nature. Just like being unabashedly motherly was in Mhina's.

"Oh, my baby, my baby, my baby!" Mhina sang, hugging her second youngest child, tightly. "My little love, how in the world could anyone have fun if we knew you weren't?" she asked, smoothing the tears from his cheeks. "I know that everyone feels the same way. We don't need to be in the sea to have fun. There are plenty of things we can do outside of the water. I mean, Kit came to fetch us to take you beach combing, for one thing. Not to mention there's a whole entire boardwalk over there that we haven't even explored, yet. And where there are boardwalks, there is boardwalk food and that means..." she said, smiling over at Kit who cheerfully cheered, "CARAMEL APPLES!"

"Also funnel cake...with peach ice cream." she added, touching her nose to her lupine child's.

"Peach ice cream?" Blaze asked, hopefully.

"Yes. Or vanilla ice cream with peaches. Either way, we are going to get you some peaches." she promised.

The little wolf smiled and rubbed the tears from his eyes. "Thank you." he said, hugging her warmly. Kit hopped over and hugged them both and Mhina squeezed everyone.

"Don't worry, babe," Mhina said, looking over at Night, "we will get strawberry ice cream for you."

He winked at her, then grabbed them all into his strong embrace, sending peals of laughter and giggles from everyone. "I guess we should start packing up, then." he said. "Where are your brothers?" Night asked.

"They went to get something to drink." Blaze supplied.

"Alright, then let's put everything away so that when they get back, we can take everything back to the hotel. Then we can do a little beach exploring and after that, we'll all go to the boardwalk. Sound good?"

"YES!" the boys cheered.

Night chuckled. "Alright, let's get started."

The family tidied up and packed up their beach supplies and got ready to set out. By the time the two older boys, Tod and Shade, returned, they were ready to depart. After a brief stop by their hotel rooms to leave their beach things and change clothes, the group headed back to the beach to rummage and explore around the area.

Along the shore, they found an assortment of rocks and shells and several species of crabs. They came across a shallow tide pool where brightly colored fish had gathered. When the children approached, the fish hardly gave them any concern. When they dipped their hands into the pool, instead of retreating, the fishes came up to them and nibbled on their fingers. The boys laughed, merrily.

As they continued their exploring, they came across a bevy of tracks in the sand and Night took the opportunity to teach the younger children how to track. Both Shade and Tod were familiar with tracking, but a refresher never hurt, so they tagged along and watched their excited younger brothers learning the art of the hunt.

Mhina stood back, opting to take pictures to document the holiday adventure they were on. Her heart swelled with pride and love as she watched her boys learning together and enjoying each other's company. There weren't going to be many more days like this, she lamented. Tod and Shade would be entering high school next year and talks about college had already begun to come up in conversation. The house would be much quieter before long. She shook her head, dismissing the thought. Never mind the future. Right now, all of her family was still under one roof and if she dwelled on what was to come, she could not enjoy what was still here. And she wanted nothing more than to enjoy everyone and everything just as they were.

After their exploration of the beach, the small blended family headed off to the boardwalk. The boardwalk was a buzzing, bustling place filled with music and laughter and the enchanting aroma of all sorts of food both savory and sweet. As expected, the desired treats that were spoken of on the beach were available at a veritable buffet of food vendor stalls. A caramel apple, a funnel cake with peach ice cream and a bowl of strawberry ice cream topped with strawberries and whipped cream...overkill in Mhina's opinion, but that didn't mean that she couldn't help her husband eat it, especially since she and Blaze were sharing their dessert. Regardless, Night was happy to oblige, not just because she wanted him to share, but also because she looked damn sexy eating from and licking his spoon. The older boys, for their part, weren't interested in sweets. They were in the mood for something a bit heavier and more savory. Bowls of moose and bison meat smothered in duck gravy was a treat more suited to their liking. Their appetites satisfied, or mostly satisfied for the moment, the family explored the rest of the boardwalk.

On Adohi, the Moon Dance festival was a far larger and more celebrated event than the Sun festival. Yet even so, the Sun Celebration was no less festive than its lunar counterpart. There was music and dancing, singing and theatre performances. If it revered the day, then anything was on display. The little family took in a show, played a few festival games and walked through a gallery of sand castles to be judged in a sand castle building competition. But, as day began to transition into night, the Sun Celebration festival drew to its end. The next day would be the Fire Festival, a celebration that was always a rough one for some to endure.

All wolves yielded an inherent fear of fire. As such, the holiday wasn't particularly enjoyable for them. Learning about the cultivation and lore of fire was one thing, but seeing a fire dancing or fire eating performance was an entirely different one. The wolves in the family would be sitting this one out.

Lions, on the other hand, had a strong affinity for the bright, dancing flames as fire tied heavily to the legends of the first of their people. According to myth, it was said that the very first lions to walk upright were able to bend fire to their will with merely a thought. It was an important holiday for lions everywhere, as it was a dedication to their ancestors. Mhina, Tod and Kit would spend a little time at the celebration while Night, Shade and Blaze waited in the hotel. They would be comfortable there while the feline half of the family could pay homage at the festival. It was a good compromise.

That evening, the family enjoyed dinner at a nearby restaurant, then returned to the hotel. They had reserved a pair of rooms that had an adjoining door between them. The older boys would have one room while Night, Mhina and the younger boys stayed in the other. By the time they reached the rooms, Kit and Blaze had already grown very sleepy. Mhina cleaned them up and tucked them in while Night spoke to the older siblings. Once he finished speaking to them, he joined his wife who was sitting on the bedside of the already sleeping children. When he reached her, she looked up at him and gestured for him to be quiet.

"They just fell asleep." she whispered. "They were completely exhausted."

"It's been a long day for them." he whispered back. "Let's let them sleep. Come on, let's take a walk." he said, extending his hand toward her.

"Huh?" she mused, accepting his hand. "But, what if they wake up? We should have Tod and Shade--"

"I already spoke to them." he said, anticipating her concern and pulling her to her feet. "The boys will keep the adjoining room door open. If either of the cubs wake up, they can just look into the next room and see that they are not alone. Come."

There was something odd about his tone. Something was wrong and if she was going to find out what, she would have to follow him and discover it for herself. She let him lead her from the room and quietly closed the door behind them. They headed back to the boardwalk, then down to the beach and walked through the shallow waves. The moon was bright in the starry sky, shining its haunting glow down upon the two lovers. Apart from the crashing waves, the night was peaceful and quiet. But, that in itself was a problem.

Ever since they left the hotel, not a single word was spoken between the two. As Mhina thought, something was bothering her beloved husband. The wind blew a gentle breeze toward them, wafting the perfumed fragrance of nearby flowering wisteria trees.

"Let's go up there for a bit." Mhina suggested, pointing to a majestic wisteria tree sitting on a short, grassy hill.

"Hmm?" he mused, looking to where she was pointing. "Mmm." he murmured, still exchanging no actual words. Silently, he led her across the beach, passed an area where the sand transitioned to grass until it was finally all grass dappled with little pink flower petals that had fluttered down from the long, willowy branches of the enchanting tree.

"Here," Mhina said, settling on the ground, "sit with me." she instructed, patting her lap, inviting him to join her.

Silently, he complied, sitting in front of her then reclining back to rest his head upon her lap. Quietly, she placed one hand on his chest, covering the spot where his beating heart thumped beneath, while the other rested on his head, petting him tenderly.

"So, will you talk to me?" she asked.

"Hmm?" he murmured, still unable to use his words.

"Will you talk to me?" she repeated.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" he asked.

"About, how until just this very second, I feared that my husband had become a mute."



"No. Why?"

"Because, you aren't talking to me. Are you angry? Are you angry...with me?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Finally, her words seemed to reach him. He looked up at her and for the first time since they left the hotel, met her gaze. The image he saw was the despondent visage of the most important woman to him, overwhelming his sight. Tears began to fill her eyes as he stared at her. Slowly, he sat up and turned to face her, directly.

"Mhina, no." he said, touching her face and caressing her cheek. "Why would you think that?"

She shrugged, helplessly, not trusting her voice not to quiver if she spoke.

"Mhina...?" he whispered, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "I'm not angry with you, or anyone for that matter. I'm sorry that I made you feel that way."

She shook her head and swiped at the delinquent tears that threatened to escape passed her eyes. Night smiled and kissed her eyes.

"You remind me of Blaze right now." he said, softly.

She sniffled. " that what's bothering you? You're worried about him?"

He shook his head, gently. "No, Blaze is making steady progress. He is better now than he was last year and he's doing even better than he was the year before. I'll keep working with him. I am confident that with time, he will come through."

"Then...what is it?"

He was quiet. A weary, ragged sigh escaped him before he was able to speak. "I...I should go with you, tomorrow."

She blinked in surprise. "What? But, why?"

"I'm helping Blaze to face his fear, so I should set an example and face mine as well. But also, I am your husband. You shouldn't have to attend the festival alone. I should be with you."

"Oh...Night..." she breathed, reaching out to him, hugging him tenderly. "My love, this fear of fire isn't exclusive to you. All wolves have this phobia. It is a fear born of survival. It is a good fear, I think. It means that you respect the power of fire and understand its danger. Fire can bring death and destruction to anyone and everything at anytime. It is better to fear it...we all should. And as for me, you are here with me, now."


"You and Shade and Blaze could have stayed home, but every year you all come to celebrate with us, despite it all. You do not have to be at my side for you to be with me." She leaned in to kiss his lips. "This is an important holiday for us, Tod, Kit and me. And because you love me and the boys, you come here to be with us and I love you so much for that. Your selflessness and bravery are so wonderful to me and that's why you're the best husband there is."

"Mhina..." he whispered, his voice full of unrestrained emotion and his eyes just a little misty. Gently, he framed her face in his palms and kissed her, sweetly. "...Mhina..." he whispered, then kissed her again, much more deeply than before. His tongue danced with hers as he explored and tasted the sweetness of her mouth. When the demand for air required them to separate and breathe, he moved from her lips to trail kisses across her cheek. He took a moment to enjoy nibbling on her ear, then traveled downward along her neck.

Mhina moaned and sighed with bliss as her mate continued to assault her senses and feed her sexual appetite. Her arms wound their way around his back and her hands gripped his shirt, just below his shoulder blades. She gently tugged on the fabric, silently speaking her whims. Receiving the message, Night paused in their erotic foreplay to answer her request.

He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head, then tossed it to the side. Mhina raised her hands and he quickly freed her from a thin spaghetti strapped blouse she was wearing and placed it to the side to join his discarded clothing. That done, he turned his attention to a front-laced bra that stubbornly concealed her savory bosom from his view. He grabbed the front of the undergarment and skillfully undid the latch that fastened the bra closed. As soon as the latch was undone, her buxom breasts bounced out, allowing him to enjoy their bounty once he tossed the small article of clothing that once covered them aside. He fondled one with his nimble hands while licking and suckling the other.

Mhina cried out with desire unsatisfied. Her hunger for him could never be filled. She would always want more of him. She would always need more of him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly as he continued his torturous enjoyment of her body.

Like her, Night's yearning for her would never be placated. He could never have enough of her. He would always want more. After ravishing her chest, he moved downward across her belly while lowering her down to lie on the flower strewn grass. He kissed his way down her torso while his hands trailed behind, massaging any and every area his lips had missed. When he reached the edge of her pants, he allowed his hands to catch up to the obstruction and undo the button and unzip the zipper of her fitted trousers. She raised her hips, letting him slide her pants and panties passed her hips, over her thighs and down her legs until he was able to throw them aside to join the ever growing pile of clothing beside them. Now that she was completely nude, there were only his remaining clothes that needed to be removed. He untied the laces tightening his shorts and slid out of them, finally tossing the last of the offending clothing to the haphazard mound with the rest. With nothing left between them save for the nighttime air, the two lovers were able to relish their mate's bodies as they both ached for frenzied release.

He gently raised her leg and draped it over his shoulder as he kissed the inner part of her limb on a slow trek from her knee up to her thigh. When his journey ended at the dulcet junction between her legs, he eagerly lapped at the sweet, honeyed nectar that flowed from the warm petals of her intimate maidenly flesh.

"Oh..." she moaned, writhing beneath his shameless devouring of her passion-moistened depths. She hugged his head, then ran her fingers down his back, clawing him as sporadic peaks of ecstasy enveloped her. Shivers of sensual abandon coursed through her entire being, threatening to break her through and through. When she could endure no more, she grabbed her beloved gently by the ears and pushed him back.

"Night...please..." she whimpered, looking into the violet eyes of her beloved.

In her damp, chestnut eyes, Night saw only unconcealed passionate lust for him. She was the very vision of eroticism and he was more than happy to indulge her need. Languidly, he stretched across her torso, covering her body with his own. He found her mouth once more and greedily devoured her with ravenous fervor. He kissed and tasted and mated his tongue with hers, a tantalizing prelude to a more intimate joining.

Gently, he placed his hands on her hips and positioned himself so that he could be ready to enter her. He grasped his pulsating, turgid shaft and pressed it against the hot, supple door to her femininity and lunged through, impaling her with his engorged length.

"AH!" she gasped, sharply, as he penetrated her core and plunged all the way to its end in one full, solid thrust.

A primal groan rose from the very pit of his loins and he had to pause to steady himself before continuing. Slowly, he began to roll his hips back and forth, thrusting deeply in and out of the slick, wet heat of her. He tried to maintain a tempered, even, measured rhythm, desperately trying to restrain himself as much as he could to prolong their mutual enjoyment. But, what started out as a slow and steady dance quickly evolved into an urgent, demanding conquest of her pliant body. His thrusts became bolder and more forceful and came at a pace that could only be described as blisteringly furious. A fire stoked deep inside him that she fueled with ever portion of her being. From her heady scent, to the painfully erotic sounds that whispered from her throat, to the desperate way she clung to him as he ardently plowed deep into the hot, hidden, lusty place that only he was allowed to enjoy, he was ablaze with the all consuming fiery lashes of passion.

Mhina was spiraling to a rapid end. With each driving push of her lover's wanton extension lunging into her core, searing her inner flesh with his scorching brand, she lost a little more of her control with each merciless thrust. She was his and the possessive way her bore into her body was akin to the all-consuming way he bore into her soul. She needed him. She wanted him. She hungered for him. All that he was belonged to her and she would never let him go. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and dug her claws into his back as he feverishly rocked inside her over and over. Tears of unbridled delectation spilled from her eyes as she raced toward a mind-numbing climax.

"Ah...ah...ah.." she panted loudly in his ear. "N...Ni.." she gasped.

He could feel how close she was to diving over the edge. The tingling sensation served to expedite the sprint to his own orgasm. He wrapped an arm around her back and melded her body against his, bracing them both for the imminent release their bodies screamed for. One...two...three deep powerful thrusts and...

"AH!" Mhina cried out, arching her back to meet his stroke as he sent her over the edge, her secret center exploding and shuddering around his hardworking torrid extension.

It was too much. He nearly lost his control and presence of mind. Before he fell completely into blissful oblivion, he pressed his free hand to his groin, right to the base of his shaft where his bulbus glandis had swollen near to bursting. Without breaking his stride, he used his fingers to tent his tumescent glands to effectively prevent him from fully entering her treasured pearl of passion.

Like all canines, wolves were subject to the same tying or knotting during copulation that occurred if the engorged bulbus glandis of the male was able to penetrate the female at the point of ejaculation. Though they were secluded, being intimately tied to his wife out in the open like this was reckless. It could be 15 minutes or more before he would be able to pull out and withdraw from her. Better to save that intimacy for when they were safely back in the hotel room. With that thought in mind, he pressed ahead in this restrictive, though still pleasurable way.

Riding her hard and fast, Night continued to sensuously hammer into her warm, hidden, pleasure-filled haven. Thrust after thrust brought him closer and closer to an explosive peak, a carnal end. After a few seconds of intense pounding, he reached his climax, crying out the fulfillment of his sexual conquest and erupting in ecstasy. Intoxicated with immense sexual fulfillment as erotic tremors coursed through his body, he joined his mate in glorious, amorous release. He poured himself into her, showering her womb with his searing, alabaster essence. His energy spent, he collapsed atop her to rest and catch his breath.

Slowly drifting down from the euphoric plain of existence she had been propelled up to, Mhina encircled her beloved in her arms and massaged him, lovingly. Patiently, she stroked his back and petted his weary head, fondling his pointed ears as he loved for her to do.

"Sleepy?" she asked, kissing the top of his head.

"Mmm." he murmured, responding in the affirmative.

"Do you want to rest a bit before heading back?"

"Mmm." was his reply.

She smiled and held him closer, content to enjoy the warmth of his presence.

"Mhina?" he whispered. "When we get back to the hotel, can we--"

"Yes. We can go again."

"And can we--"

"Yes. We can knot, this time." she giggled.

He grinned and wagged his tail, gleefully. "Hey, Mhina..."

"Yes." she said, smiling warmly and squeezing him tight. "I love you, too."