Collie attracts her wolf in the woods

Story by Rollriver on SoFurry

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#1 of White Fang

After a book story of White Fang by Jack London, and illustrated by Van Gool.

This is a story how Collie attracts her husband - White Fang into the woods and then filled their lives of intimate love.

Warning, this content sex so do not read if you do not want.

The wolf - White Fang, with his light beige gray and White fur and his red eyes, has been to different places in his life in the many months and some years, so has White Fang grown up to be a strong and brave wolf dog. He first lived in the wilderness, but then he lives in a special farm in the south of California. With his master Weedon Scott who took care of the Wolfhound, after Weedon saved him from certain death at the dog fight in the North, when Beauty Smith was a real thief and tormentor, who wanted to raise own money for White Fang's victory was the only time, which Weedon Scott did not like it at all, had to take care of White Fang and teach him to become more and more tame than to be evil and cruel.

Collie, who is a female Sheepdog, with orange and white fur and her light orange eyes, did not trust White Fang so much, as she believes that White Fang is a dangerous predator and comes from the wilderness up in north of Alaska. She don't cared for the wolf dog very much, until one day she changed her hostility to friendly for her friend, because he has saved his master's life from a riding accident in the woods, And right now she is becoming more and more fond of the wolf dog and White Fang won her hearts of the haughty female sheepdog and is also fond of Collie, and finally they got to married for they two couple.

One day Collie lured White Fang out for walks together, she takes him out to the woods for a turn, they played and chased each other and think life feels wonderful.

"You can not take me!" Collie yelled as she ran first.

"Do you want to bet!?" White Fang yelled back and run after his wife.

They laughed and kept going, until they came to undisturbed place in the forest and they stopped for a moment. Collie turned around and lined up on his hind legs and White Fang did the same. They both embraced and glistened as they both stood up. Until she lost balance and fell down, along with White Fang who followed and they rolled on 3 laps downhill and then they both lay on the ground. Collie was lying on her back and White Fang beside her, but had one paw on her body. They laughed a little and then they both looked at each other in their eyes and feel that something is wrong. But White Fang, who is very kind to a female, smiled a little sheepishly at her. Collie also feels the same way and blushed over his modesty to the wolf dog.

"Collie? How will it be said that you have changed?" White Fang asked as they stared at each other.

"Because I realized you're not that dangerous and wild wolf, when we first meet." Collie said, smiling a little modestly.

"Except when I was hurting chickens since last time?" White Fang asked, causing Collie to nod a little and agree.

"It's true. But I'm glad our lord has taught you what to do and not to do. Even if you are harassed by evil people, you still have us in our family and friends to the great help of to make them understand that they can not make you something that you certainly would not be the cruel than today. " pointed out Collie's words, making White Fang begin to understand what she was trying to say and took her words to his heart. But she goes on to explain.

"White Fang, my darling. You saved our lord, he protected you. And you should be happy to have someone who loves you. His human parents and our masters wife love you. His children love you. And I love you. " When she finished telling, she felt a little worried about what he was going to say to her, leaning her head to the side of the grass.

"Please? Can you ever forgive me, because I've been against you so much lately, White Fang?" what it all she said, but White Fang just smiled at her and with her half-closed eyes and answered.

"Hi, it's ok Collie. You did what you had to defend your family and all the other animals on the farm. And i respecting with you. Since I love you too, Collie. You are both the most beautiful and the most protected dog i have met. You are my specielly for me, my loved." when he said they were clear, Collie looked up at him again, and then she felt that she wanted to give something to him. She gave his nose a tongue kiss lick, he was surprised but their hearts beat slowly enough and feel the sexual desire took over their minds.

"Well. Let's do it." She said. And she smiled and staring at him with her half closed eyes, and even White Fang eyes is half closed again, they looked at each other until he connect his mouth to her mouth, her eyes rolled back a bit and enjoyed kissing with the wolf dog. They hugged each other and kissed and exhaled from the sexual breathing. Their saliva stretched a little and pulled loose, when they released their mouths free from each other, but then resumed a new kiss for the loved couples.

After a while, White Fang lay on his back and with Collie lying on top of him. Her butt was in front of White Fang's face and he licked her pussy, while Collie was in front of his ball sacks area and licked his growing cock coming out of the sheath. She looks back a bit and notices that he is holding her back with his strong front legs in front of her hips and working on his tongue and licking, sucking and digging deeper into her pussy.

She smiled at him, despite her moaning softly and pulled back to his cock, bent down and lightly opened her mouth and then took his cock into her lips and started sucking on his cock. Her head goes up and down, up and down, letting her jaw work on his big cock. Sometimes she lets go of his cock to be able to lick it a little, then gets it in her mouth again and blowjob his cock. They held on for a while and enjoyed each other's love as it does, until it ended and they both got up. Collie got up first, then White Fang, and with his cock hanging out and her pussy wet, they were ready for the next level.

She stood at the position, and her lovely tail lifted to the side, revealing her wet pussy. White Fang stared at her ass, with his tongue hung out and panting, his heart beating a little violently, but did not want to give in to her at once. Collie looks at White Fang in the back and smiles smoothly at him.

"Mmmh! Come on! Come and take me hard, my wolf!" She said seductively. With the approval of the sheepdog, White Fang jumped up on her buttocks, wrapped her front legs on her hips and prepared to mount her.

"Well, here we go Collie." said White Fang, when his cock found the opening of her pussy, he pushed it in. Collie gasped loudly. White Fang is bigger and stronger than she thought.

"Is something wrong, my beauty? Maybe we should not do it?" White Fang asked worriedly. But Collie looks up at her husband and answers.

"It's ok, White Fang. The pains passed away. Just keep going, my wonderful wolf." having said that. White Fang pulls out and then pushes his cock into her pussy. He repeated the same process and moved slowly first, to be able to get her used to the feeling of the wolf dog. He shook gently with his friend as they both began to complain in ecstasy as joy ran through their bodies. But then she wanted more of her husband.

"Oooh White Fang! Fuck me! Fuck me so harder!" whined Collie and White Fang who were a little surprised by her disappointment but he fulfilled her wish and soon gained even more momentum and fucked her harder even. His and shes eyes was closed and enjoyed of the wonderful moments. Over and over again, White Fang's hips slammed against Collie's backside, her hot moist wall duct being pushed out a little more, each time his member going in and out, trying to get even deeper into her womb.

"Oh Collie! Your so soft and tight!" White Fang grunted in pure happiness.

"Oooh...! Aaah.....aarh...your so big....oh my, White Fang! Give me that knot..." whined Collie loudly, but enjoying anyway.

He rides on her back in fully speed, and tries to make the incredible climax together, and they both moaned loudly and gasped in the wonderful afterglow and felt his orgasm will comming soon. He pressed his cock in Collie's pussy harder and harder and made Collie whine with joy. His knot was just outside her pussy entrance and preventing his member from getting in all the way.

But at last, plop! His knot came through her opening, he hurried even more and working for his orgasm. Until his hot cum released inside her womb. Collie was captivated by feeling his hot essence squirt out from his member inside her. He sneezed Collie gently and licked her head sweetly. After that he climbed off her and lifted one of his hind legs over her back and then they both stood back to back, they panted and gasped out some of the good moments they did.

"It feels so wonderfully wonderful White Fang, my sweetheart." said Collie. She look behind her and saw White Fang panting out a little. She was worried about him but he looked at her.

"And you're my first one I've ever mated with, Collie." said White Fang and Collie giggled and said.

"Then this is our first mating we did." They both laughed a little gently at each other while they were tied together.

After 20 minutes, they both came loose. Collie was laid on his back in the grass and stretched a little. White Fang stood on all fours and felt that he wanted to collapse. But when his cock came into the mantle, he turned around and looked at Collie lying on his back. But her sparkling eyes stared at her mate and felt a little more for a new round.

"Shall we not take another round? But this time on top of me, my wolf." Collie asked. Of course, White Fang is a little tired after their first sex and mating together. But his instinct says he really wanted to have another fuck with his mate.

"You get your wish from me, my beautiful." said White Fang and went over to his wife and started licking her pussy and sucking a little more of the pleasure. She moaned a little more and enjoyed trying to relax despite his big and long tongue touching her vulva. But when his member came out of the sheath, he stopped licking her pussy and stood above her, with his front paws almost above her shoulders. He bent his buttocks down towards her buttocks and let the length of his cock move a little on her pussy and tease it. She moaned that his cock pulls back and forth outside her pussy and thinks it feels aroused for her.

"Mmh! White Fang I can not wait long! Please push it in ..." Collie whined and White Fang looked at her with his half-closed eyes and breathed of sexual desire.

"Just relax, I've got you Collie, my beauty." with his words, he pulled the cock away from her and then easily the tip came in contact with her outer lips and pushed his cock deep inside to her. Collie gasped as his cock came in to her again, but the pain went soon away and White Fang started moving his cock inside her wall canal with slow speed first. But after a while, he increased more speed and accelerated with faster and harder movement. White Fang kept his eyes tightly closed, and he grunted both frustration and pleasure and with his tongue hanging out a bit. Collie, who bounced under him, got keep on his strong front legs with her front paws and feels that he have muscle and is really strong and has the stamina in him.

"You're wolfy! Oooh...yes! Yes!" whined Collie. Her eyes were closed, she whined, groaned and felt incredible happiness that she had never experienced with the mating twice with the wolf dog, but she knew that these are the best day for her and her husband's life. White Fang feels the same way as Collie. His movement gets more and more speed, his member gets in and out, in and out several times, and his ball sack hits her ass with every pumping he does. They both moaned loudly and were really in love with each other.

Until White Fang feels that his knot was outside of his sheath and is close to orgasm. His knot is wide outside her opening. But with his strength, he forced his knot to come in, plop! it finally came through her opening and they were tied together. Collie was captivated by the fact that his knot entered her womb, but she felt that she was also about to release her orgasm like him.

"Aaaoooh! White Fang, i'm came to gonna soon! Aaah!" whined Collie and White Fang fucked and working on his lying mate, baring his teeth as he moved even more.

"Me too, Collie! And I'll give you the knot soon! Let's comming together!" grunting White Fang and continuing on with their accelerating movement and feeling that they are about to be released soon. Finally, his orgasm was released hard and new hot cum squirted once more into her womb, his ball sacks pulsed out all of his essence inside her womb. Collie also released a hard orgasm, they mixed their female juices with his male, it flowed past his knot and came out of her pussy, her fluid flows down to the grass.

The two couples panted and gasped for pure happiness they did. White Fang slowly fell down and laid softly on Collie and rested her head on her white furry breasts and breathed a little calm and was exhausted after a darting mating they did for the second time.

"White Fang? Does it is feel better to get it of me, my sweetheart?" asked Collie, who had just opened her half-closed eyes.

"Oh lord! This is not what I would experience with you twice Collie, my lovely mate." said White Fang, though he could not open his eyes, but just lay on her and rested. Collie thought it was not uncomfortable at all, she just smiled at her mate and licked his head softly and nicely. They lay together together, until after 20 minutes they both came apart from each other and they licked clean on their backs. Then they both lay next to each other and they hugged and kissed each other and relaxed with the quiet moments together.

"I will never forget what we did so wonderfully, Collie. You are such a beautiful sheepdog." said White Fang. Collie giggling at his words, she gave him a new lick kiss.

"I will not forget it either, White Fang. You are special for me too." said Collie. White Fang cuddled her neck and said.

"It's be wonderful to having pups of with you. I hope they are as beautiful as their mother." said White Fang with anticipation.

"And I hope they're as beautiful as their father." said Collie and nuzzle with him so very lovely and fine.

Later in the evening outside Weedon's yard, the two dogs stood next to each other up on a hill, watching stars twinkle all over, the crescent moon shining brightly. Collie and White Fang kept their heads tilted towards each other and have a wonderful evening together.

"White Fang? I love you." said Collie with her soft voice.

"And I love you too, Collie." said White Fang, before the beloved couple lay on the grass a little while later and slept so well.

Even though White Fang has had a hard time in his life he has gone through, he understand and know what who is good in his life, it is that he has his beloved mate, who loves him. His beloved master who is kind to him. And of course he love Scott's of family, who also beloved and protect at wolf dog so much.

In the spring, the six little sweet and healthy puppies were born. Everyone is like their mother, but one was more like their father. And all the puppies followed and played with their father, White Fang. At that moment, White Fang and Collie smiled at not only having each other for the rest of their lives, but also being the proud parents of the little puppies.

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