Gender Roles

Story by muzzlesndiapers on SoFurry

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#4 of Fisium

CH4 of Fisium.

Gender Roles

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Contrary to popular belief, hyena gender roles are not simply a complete inversion of the norm, nor are they the females rule, males are useless nonsensical drivel oft spouted by the Lionessist Cult and the like.

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Roles of the Female in Society

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The female's role in hyena society, like in most other societies, includes that of mother and nurturer.

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However, due to the female being bigger, stronger, and more aggressive, her roles also include that of the more physical tasks.

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Hyena soldiers, laborers, and such like occupations are majority female.

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However, hyena females, like females of other races, are emotion driven and typically of lesser mental attributes.

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This limits their effective participation in the more scholarly and skilled arts.

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Roles of the Male in Society

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The popular depiction of male hyenas as emasculated, effeminate cuckolds is incorrect.

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Like in most other societies, the male hyena is the smarter and more logical sex.

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As such, occupations such as crafters, architects, and scholars are majority male.

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Males also comprise the lion's share of the race's mystically-inclined individuals.

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Roles of the Female in Relationships

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It is expected of the hyena female to be the provider for the family.

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She is also expected to competently raise and prepare offspring to be good, contributing members of hyena society.

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Roles of the Male in Relationships

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It is expected of the hyena male to support his mate in her role as head of household.

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Also, like with other races, males provide an example to the younger generations on how to properly manage their behaviors.

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Opposite Page: A drawing of a hyena alchemist(Male) and a hyena soldier(Female).

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Nuru’s School Day: Part 4

"Good afternoon class.", the athletic-looking hyena said. "My name is Mistress Uzima." Nuru looked about the academy's gymnasium, a large, bare room. "Please put your heels in the cubbies over there, then form into nice orderly...

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CH 25 Nuru’s School Day Part 3

"Mmph...mmph.", Nuru muttered as the hyena strapped a leather muzzle to his face. "There, all done.", the young female said sweetly, petting the hogtied lion on the head. Nuru and the rest of the shemale students had been stripped of...

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The Hyena’s Concubine CH24: Nuru’s School Day Part 2

_Well, at least Basic Arithmetic & Literacy was a normal class, _Nuru thought as he stood in line at the school's mess hall. _Mister Mwalimu seemed nice._ _ _ Indeed, the previous class period had been a welcome change from the...

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