Two Sided Coin

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Cass and Paul are plagued by an unfortunate condition- they are technically the same person. But Paul's obsessive determination to have his own head finally, has lead him to a transformation spell to a very unique creature. So unique, no two are alike, except for a few common features- namely, it always has multiple heads.

My choice in naming scheme might be a little too obscure for most to pick up on in this one- Cass = Castor, Paul = Pollux, the two stars of the Gemini constellation.

(F TF H chimera)

Cass stared at her reflection in the hallway mirror for several minutes. The frame of it was covered in sticky notes left by Paul. To say the relationship between the two of them is weird would be a great understatement. Paul and Cass were technically a single person. Born with multiple personality disorder, Cass was the primary psyche, while Paul was unfortunately the secondary. So while Paul considers himself very much a male- he has spent his entire life as a passenger in a decidedly female body. The disorder can even be potentially dangerous physically, because they cannot control when their personality switches, and information and memories are not shared between them. So Paul can suddenly wake up in an unfamiliar place in the middle of doing something and have absolutely no idea what is going on. That is why there was always a fat pad of sticky notes handy- they needed some way of communicating between each other. Sure, there is medication that can help Cass suppress it but she felt like it was almost like murder- if she was on the meds all the time, Paul would effectively be dead. A consciousness that can never wake. Now in their late twenties they were used to it enough that the two of them juggled it rather well and were able to hide their odd condition for the most part.

Cass wait now because Paul had discovered a perminant cure to their problem. Obviously it had been of interest to them both for ages, but Paul was already more well read than Cass on the matter, because it took longer for him to discover what was going on with him. Cass was told her condition first, while Paul was regarded by most others like an illness and left in the dark till Cass used a journal to talk to him. When they were little, Cass' mind regarded Paul as an imaginary friend as its way of processing the information. Paul originally looked into necromancy to try to find a cure. Being able to stitch together rended souls or cheat death, it seemed like what they would need. He was trying to look into a method of drawing out the soul and trapping it in objects so he could be placed in a different body, or hell even bound to a golem. Unfortunately when they were gathering the materials to do the ritual an experienced Necromancer was quick to point out that it would not work. They share a mind and a body- they are two different psyche but they only have one soul, so if Paul was drawn out so would Cass- the spell cannot tell the difference between them. He eventually found an answer in a transformation spell, after digging around to find the more rare, exotic creatures. The more monsterous the beast the fewer people who want to turn into one, so the harder it is to find a working spell for.

Cass had been pasing around the mirror for some time, waiting for Paul to come out, since she cannot deliberately switch. Finally she passed out on her feet and nearly cracked her head on the wall, but Paul woke up and stopped himself against the wall before he hit. He immediately got up and went to work. The spell was easy enough, but transferring mana to the runes in the correct order can be difficult depending on how large the runes were printed- in this case he had the entire spell on two scrolls so each individual rune was pretty small. It was a difficult beast to pin-point because supposedly no two were ever the same.

The first thing he felt was his spine squirming, telling him it was working. Paul scurried to the bedroom as quickly as he could, feeling his tailbone extending quickly and he began to feel light headed. He stumbled a bit at the doorway to the bedroom from a wave of dizziness and seen his hands were changing a bit already too. His nails became a bit more narrow and a lot thicker, darkening to black except for the very tips which were translucent. They started to grow out and as they did they became more and more pointed. He flipped the tail out of his pants and coiled it to the left and right several times, flexing like you would an arm. It felt so good to stretch and flex the newborn muscles in the tail, but it was still growing, so the pleasure of flexing it never dulled. He managed to get to the bed, bracing himself at the foot of it a moment as the tail surged in size and Paul's vision darkened a moment. He panted heavily, the feeling having taken his breath away. The tail stretched a bit more, the end growing bulbous, and then another sudden surge. The final surge caused Paul to black out. Cass woke up looking down at her bed, confused and breathless. She gasped as she felt her entire body starting to shift and hoisted herself up onto the bed and flopped onto her back quickly, scooting up so she was almost entirely on the bedding.


The skin on two slight bulges at the end of the tail split open and Paul could once again see through the newly created eyes! The bulbous end was becoming a boxy triangular shape, and another long slit formed through it and split into a newly created mouth! It was a snake head! The creature Paul selected was a simple, stable chimera! Because unlike many creatures, a chimera has two heads MINIMUM- which means Cass and Paul each have their own head!

Paul turned to look at Cass. "It worked! We are both here at the same time!"

Paul flexed his toes and it responded, then moved their legs. He moved their arms, but then in surprise Cass tried to move them as well and they both flinched in pain a moment. The muscles in their arms locked and cramped badly for a moment.

Paul grunted. "We both have full control over the body it seems, but if we both try to move the same part at the same time it locks up."

Cass rubbed her arms trying to loosen the muscles back up. "Why?"

"Because they can't move two different ways at the same time, we both have equal priority over it, so if we try to both use it, it tries to obey both of us and just locks up because it isn't physically possible. I will let you use most of the body, aside from the snake tail obviously. To me, it is all upside down so it is weird for me to use it anyway."

Cass laughed. "I can't beleive we have known each other our entire lives but this is the first time I have ever spoken to you."

They both groaned suddenly- Paul's neck was getting longer still and Cass' spine was getting longer above that, stretching her torso longer. The flesh on Paul's tail started to lose color and dry- below the surface a new layer bubbled up into the pattern of new grown scales, causing the old skin to moult. As a side effect though, his snake body was getting itchy, wanting to rip the old skin away. Cass looked at her nails as her arms got longer, but remained as thick. They had turned to claws before their consciousnesses even divided- now they were beyond even claws and turned into crescent shaped talons, at least three and a half inches long. The flesh on her arms started to tighten and thicken up, turning more stiff as it darkened. She balled her hand into and almost fist tensing the muscles in her arm to fight back against the tightness on the surface, but she lost the strength in her thumbs a moment. They shifted on their own and numbed a bit as the bone popped and for a moment her thumb was sort of floating there without a socket to fit into. It only lasted a moment before it popped back in to a new socket more centered on her hand, so her thumb was pointing in the opposite direction as her fingers, though still functioned basically the same. She let out a long, loud cry that was more erotic than she meant it to be. Paul remained tight lipped, but he felt all the same things she did and they both looked at her crotch. Paul lunged forward now that his snake body seemed to be fully grown, though still forming in other ways. He grabbed their pants with his mouth and yanked them off and Cass gasped as she caught the first glance. Her vulva seemed quite engorged, like she had been playing with it for a while, yet had not touched it at all. Her clit however was a step beyond that, sticking out from its hoodie by a considerable distance, it was oblong and swollen large, and still slowly growing! One head was male, the other was female, the transformation spell was trying to create a median- a hermaphrodite. Paul would have stared at it longer if the itching wasn't driving him nuts. Laying back, hanging off the end of the bed and long enough to even lay on the floor a ways behind the bed, he started writhing back and forth against the bed and floor, trying to rub the castoff skin away. It started to rip as the scales below continued to grow, lengthening. The scales started to overlap each other a bit, causing the now pointed ends to lift from his body a bit, making his form very smooth in one direction, and like a cheese grater in the other direction. The pointed ends of his thousands of scales shredded the old skin and tore it away, rubbing off the remains on the floor. Like Cass' arms, the scales darkened and hardened when exposed to the open air and started to turn black. His eyes, lips and nose were lined with a shimmering gold, and tapering off from them were gold flecks in the black scales, almost like freckles on a human. His nostrils had two small pointed horns mirroring two that grew on the front of his jaws. While the scales on his back were sharp and pointed, his underbelly remained smooth and banded, and flesh toned to boot.

Cass squirmed at the feeling of her clit thobbing and stretching longer. More blood was created at a rapid pace and swelled the clit more and more. The tension caused it to tighten and release with growth over and over, giving them sparks of pleasure as if someone were squeezing and rubbing it, even though no one was. She gripped the edges of the bed to brace herself against and the now pitch black skin on her arms seemed to harden even more- as soon as she moved it broke in specific places, giving it the banded flesh of a bird's legs- her hands now looking like a giant birds talons. Thousands of tiny pin pricks could be felt on her shoulder for only a moment as a large plume of black feathers burst into existance on her shoulders marking the end of her bird-like limbs against the rest of her body.

Now free of his old skin, Paul lifted his body back to examine the giant clit, being even more interested in it than Cass. He had lived his entire life in the body of a woman, now was his chance to finally have the proper appendage! It was already very large though, and still did not look like a penis. Big enough right now to put any human male to shame, it was long and pretty thick at the base and came to a sort of tapered point. It was a vibrant pink, and now that it had gotten so large the surface was riddled with throbbing blue veins, pulsing just a moment before the shaft itself did. Glancing around it though, he also noted their legs were getting hairy. Or more accurately, furry. Their big toe grew a bit, and then the four remaining toes seemed to merge together in pairs, creating three large, fat toes. When the skin started to inflate on the undersides and the ankles started to grow away from them, it was clear they were turning into some sort of large paw.

Cass started to pant, while Paul remained alright as fur started to grow in around her neck. They both felt heat, but because Cass' head was the one near the heat, only hers instinctively reacted to it. She did not hessitate to bring her talons up and hook them into her shirt, ripping it off easily as the talons were extremely sharp. Her nipples were darkening, turning from base brown to dark brown and finally pure black. The areola puffed up and the nipples grew overall a bit, looking like a cross between giant nipples and tiny teats. She could feel the veins in her neck throbbing, her entire neck wanting to grow, but unable to when she was bending it in half to look at her underside. Finally the fur growing on her neck got so bushy that it started to obstruct her view, so she threw her head back and relaxed to let it do its thing. The fur on her neck started out as brown like her hair, but as it grew longer and bushier it started to turn gold, very quickly starting to look like a lion's mane. It grew down to her collar, and because of how bushy it was it covered right onto her breasts and into the cleavage which did not help her temperature. Her breasts were a perky C, with slightly upturned nipples. Though her breasts did not change at all, another set started to bud below them, with a new set of already black nipples. Two more black dots on her skin marked the site of still another future pair below that, that had not even started growing yet. Only the first two were on her ribs, the third set was below her rib cage. The area between ribs and hip was where her initial growth spurt put the extra space.

Paul kept looking between the legs and the now gigantic clit. Their legs had golden fur coating them now, with two thin black bands between ankle and paw. The claws on their paw had grown in but... were not really claws at all. It was three claws actually, each shaped like a triangle, but when the limb relaxed the three segments fit perfectly together, and formed a hoof! It was a paw with a hoof on the end of it. Though he was very eager at first, Paul was worrying about their privates as much as Cass had been now. At least two and a half feet long, the gigantic clit was still slowly growing! The entire vulva had grown to try and keep pace, getting puffy and projecting out a bit, darkening to a subdued red. Because the clit stretched the front so wide it gave the overall pussy the shape of a triangle... making it look like an upside-down canine pussy. Paul was even more baffled by the giant growth when he realized he could actually move it. Not well, but he could bend the long growth where he wanted. He would be a bit less confused had he known what a whale dork looked like- because that was what he had between his legs right now. The fur from their legs raced up the body, quickly covering most of the torso. The fur was extremely fine on their sides though, and faded to a strip of bare skin that ran down the very middle of their underside, matching the flesh toned strip on the underside of the snake body. The breasts were part of the fur occlusion, and were now finished forming. The second set were no more than soft bumps, and the third set... well, there wasn't really a third set at all. The nipples and areola remained the same size on each of the three sets, the breasts were smaller each time, and since she was not especially big in the first place, the last set was basically just nipples and areola- no noticable breasts at all, though there was still mammary glands in there.

Cass groaned loudly, sounding almost like a growl as her neck throbbed bigger and a bit longer. Her face tensed and douzens of clicks and cracks could be heard of shifting bone as it started to stretch out. Paul could not see the changes over the rest of the body, the giant dork, and her extremely huge bushy mane. He did see her ears peaking from around the mane though. Almost as long as a donkey's ears, these ended in points, making them look like furry elf ears. The mane did not seem to have stopped growing either. Out of sight, they could feel it creeping down their back, pushing between the body and the bed as it grew longer and seemed coarcer than the rest of their fur. By the time the mane tapered off on their lower back, it was touching the point where the draconic scales of the snake half tapered up to. It was a strange feeling for sure when Cass' teeth stretched out to fangs, getting longer and locking together- it almost felt like they had gotten soft and were squishing into one another. Her neck thickened even more, becoming almost as girthy as her torso! She finally rolled over and stood up off the bed onto all fours. Paul took a moment to twist himself around- since his neck was so long he could twist several times over without moving the body at all. He glanced up in surprise at the sound of tearing and seen several parts of the bedding stuck to their back! That was why their fur felt so course... the upper part of the mane that trailed down their back was filled with giant sized porcupine quills! They unintentionally scewered their bedding on their own quills.

Cass was listening to her face like someone listens to a bag of popcorn in a microwave, for the popping and clicks to stop to know its done. Each one was accompanied by a slight shudder, or twitch of muscle as something changed position and set into its new placement. She opened her eyes and her brain went completely blank for a moment, completely unable to parse the information being fed to it. She looked back at Paul and closed her eyes again, asking him what she looked like.

"A... jackal? But... two of them."

"What do you mean two?!"

She opened her eyes again, and once again could not understand what was happening. It felt like the room was spinning or... flipping? Everything seemed upside down, but still right side up when she concentrated. She let out a growl and a strange sound that was very similar to a hyena's cackling in surprise. She did not have a bottom jaw anymore! That was why her neck became so thick... she had two top jaws! Cass had the upper portion of two jackal heads, but one was upside down and served in place of her former lower jaw. Which meant she now had four eyes not two- but two were upside down. That was why her brain had so much trouble processing the information- it would eventually became numb to this and flip the lower eyes to be rightside up again, but for now half her vision was correct and the other half was flipped. She had a taller field of view than was ever possible before now though.

Cass looked at her talon and quill shredded bed under them and shrugged. They could get a new bed easy enough- they had just solved a problem that was impossible normally, a bed was nothing in the face of that. Cass cried out again and weakness overtook her limbs, causing them to slump over on their side instantly- Paul looped himself around and engulfed the upper half of their giant cock in his mouth. Cass was going to tell him to stop just so she could collect herself but he silenced her as he took a deep breath and then started to take more of the cock into his very, very long throat. Male lower half, female upper half, the two personalities finally had their own heads and voices! Like a two sided trick coin- they are heads on both sides. Things were going to be vastly better from here on. But for now, Paul was going to show Cass her favourite reason two heads are better than one.

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