Alpha Brother's Beta

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#24 of Commissions

Commissioned by :executaball:Sky and Tyler are brother than live with each other. Only visiting for about a year, Sky is much smaller and meeker than his built and aggressive brother. For some reason, Tyler absolutely loathes his brother. But Sky on the other hand, the wolf has a very strong "attachment" to his brother.

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In a rather small city lived two wolves. They were both roommates and brothers. The older sibling was Tyler, the former high school football all-star. His fur was a sleek, oily black that was contrasted by his white accents. He was built and tall, standing at an impressive 6"7. Even after graduating, Tyler kept up his weight lifting as a hobby. At age 24 he practically lived at the gym. The only times when he wasn't there were the days he had to work and the gym's closing hours. If the wolf didn't find anyone to follow home he would return to his own, where he would usually find his brother sitting on the couch, watching TV late at night.

The younger brother in question was Sky. Unlike his brother, he was on the short side at 5"4. He wasn't built like his brother at all. He was rather frail looking. Tyler described it as someone throwing a fur pelt over a skeleton. He wasn't in any position to argue, being thin and scrawny. His fur was a light gray with while accents just like his brother. At age 19 he had graduated from high school and was talking a year off to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Unlike Tyler, Sky was extremely shy and awkward to the point that it pissed his brother off just listening to him. In fact, it seemed that everything he said or did pissed Tyler off. From the first day they moved in together, Tyler took it upon himself to bully his younger and weaker sibling. It was unknown as to why the larger wolf hated his brother. But it wasn't like Sky would ever ask him and risk making him mad once again.

It could have something to do with the fact that Tyler overall was an asshole; not only to his brother, but to everyone around him. It was a product of who he was. He was tall and his muscles were huge from frequent working out. In addition to his physical prowess, Tyler was also blessed with a much larger than average appendage between his legs. With all of those combined with his high school reputation, left Tyler with no problem finding both guys and girls to hook up with. Aware of his own size and looks, the brutish wolf openly treated his temporary partners like shit and 99.9% percent of the time they allowed this behavior in hopes of getting a chance in bed with him. The wolf never paid for his own food or drinks and if he brought someone home they were promptly kicked out the moment he came.

Sky sat on the couch, watching another one of his shows late at night. But his peace was soon interrupted by the opening of the front door and the sound of mixed laughter. Sky looked over to see his brother wrapping an arm around a rather built zebra. The laughter ceased when the striped herbivore turned his attention to the smaller wolf.

"Who is this?" the zebra asked, pointing to Sky.

"Hehe... Don't worry about him. He was just leaving. Right..?" Tyler shifted closer to his brother and bared his fangs at him. This was all unseen by the guest but Sky got the message and made himself scarce, retreating to his room. He knew very well what would happen to him if he got in the way of his brother trying to get laid. There were plenty of times that he was berated and struck in front of the company he brought over. They never did anything to help him, often agreeing with him to get lost so they can finally get some buff wolf dick already. In his room, Sky climbed in his bed and flicked his ears as his brother and the zebra's heavy footsteps neared Tyler's room. Soon the door closed with a heavy thud. Sky took a deep breath and rolled over on his back.

Soon he could hear the bed squeaking, paired with the moans of both the zebra and Tyler. They were heard clearly by Sky. The wall keeping the brother's rooms apart was thin enough for him to hear everything. Even though this was his brother, Sky was shamelessly gripping his own hard length. Small pants came from his muzzle as he pumped it up and down in time with the squeaking of the bed. His toes curled and he bit his lip as he came much quicker than he wanted to. But that's the way it always was when he listened in. But his thoughts weren't on the zebra that was moaning from the thick meat deep inside of him. Sky's thoughts were on and always were on his brother, Tyler. He imagined the brawny wolf hunched over, growling, huffing, sweating, and panting on top of another male. More often than not he imagined the male underneath was himself...

Soon they were finished; more specifically, Tyler finished and what came next was a series of shouts back and forth before the zebra came stomping out of the room and down the hall. Sky was sure that he could hear the herbivore crying before he reached the living room and slammed the door upon leaving. Even though it was completely fucked up, it made Sky ecstatic every time someone was kicked from his brother's room and waltzed out the front door. That meant that none of them would stay and get his attention. Even though it seemed like Tyler hated his guts, Sky was absolutely crazy about him. Much more than any brother should be towards their sibling....

It was a wonder how the meek lupine grew to fall in love with his brother considering there wasn't much appealing about him aside from his looks. The black and white wolf spent all his time working out when he could, so much so that he hardly took showers. He saw them as a waste of his time. That decision he made resulted in a heady musk that always radiated from him. But despite his smell and his blatant rudeness, it seemed that everyone was crazy about him. Even his own brother...

The next day, Sky walked out of his room and yawned. Slowly, he walked down the narrow hallway towards the living room and kitchen. Tyler was in there too and as soon as he caught sight of his little brother he made a beeline for him. Still recovering his drowsiness, Sky was unprepared as he was slammed into and pinned against the refrigerator. Above him, Tyler gave a dark chuckle and took hold of the smaller lupine's head. His laugh intensified as he shoved Sky's muzzle into his rank, damp pit. At first Sky attempted to get out of the smelly crevice but that only worked to smear more sweat against his muzzle. Even when Tyler released him, Sky's flared nostrils could still only pick up his heady musk.

"Hehe. Morning, bitch... I knew you heard my little 'conquest' last night, didn't you?" Those were the only words that the older male said to his brother before he grabbed his keys off the table and marched towards the door. "Probably jerked off while I did it... That's all a loser virgin like you can do." With that, Tyler slammed the door and actually left. Now all alone, Sky sighed and gathered everything he needed to pour himself a bowl of cereal. He was soon sitting at the small table and crunching on the sugary grains, mulling to himself. After a bit of further thinking, he decided to just go for it...

What plagued Sky's mind was the image on the screen of his phone. It was an image of Tyler, posing for the hookapp he used to score when he couldn't find someone at the gym. After making an account for himself, complete with a fake name and profile pic, Sky quickly found his brother. Upon clicking on his profile the gray wolf was treated to the full screen image of Tyler shirtless, holding his arms above his head. He was clearly flexing as he did so. But what really caught Sky's attention was the burly lupine's toothy smirk. It was the shit eating grin of someone who knew the whole world who threw themselves at him no matter what he did or didn't do...

After finishing his cereal, Sky passed up the opportunity to watch TV. Instead he retreated to his room and plopped down on his bed. His phone still held firmly in his grip, Sky took a deep breath and tapped the chat button under his brother's profile picture. It was something he had been torn about doing for weeks. But every time before there was something that held him back, some rationale that kept him from going off the deep end. Maybe it was what he heard last night or the dank smell that still lingered his nose... Whatever it was it worked to make Sky not care about the consequences for once. Once the chat screen loaded he typed the first thing that came to mind.

'Wow. Cute.'

He closed his eyes and scolded himself for doing something like this, to his own brother no less... But all that regret washed away when he heard his phone's alert sound go off. And sure enough, there was a new message on his screen.

'I know'

Sky couldn't help but chuckle upon reading it. He rolled his eyes but his chest felt fluttery. It was typical, classic Tyler. Quickly, the wolf typed up something that he knew Tyler would want to hear.

'You're super ripped. Super hot!'

Faster than he expected, a response loaded on his screen.

'Yeah, I only just got to the gym. Already sweaty'

Just reading that got Sky's blood pumping. But he forced himself to calm down and play it cool.

'Smelly guys are sexy. Love the scent of a male'

There was no shame within Sky as he typed out those words. After all, in that exact moment he wasn't lying...

'Got enough stank for the both of us'

Sky took another deep breath and thought carefully about what he wanted to say...

'Is that a challenge? Where can we meet? I want to see you.'

Within another minute, Tyler's response was posted.

'I'm gonna be here for another hour but meet me here at 12' The message was followed up by an address.

His heart racing, Sky texted that he would be there. With that, he closed the app and rolled off of his bed. With shaky paws, he gathered up clothes from his closet and other supplies from his drawers. Even though he had two hours left, the thin wolf wanted to be absolutely ready to meet his brother. There was a part of him that was sure if he looked good enough then maybe he would have a chance. Grabbing his towel, Sky raced out to the bathroom on the other side of the hallway. The small space was pretty much his domain. Tyler hardly spent any time there and it showed by most of the bottles and soaps in the room belonging to the smaller wolf. Putting down his things, Sky wasted no time starting up the shower, dialing the water to the perfect temperature and stripping until he was in nothing but his bare fur. He stepped inside of the shower and sighed as the warm water quickly soaked into his pelt.

Rather than clean himself right away, Sky couldn't help but fantasize about the wolf that he would soon be seeing. Though he never saw Tyler completely naked, Sky made up an image in his mind. His tall stature, bulging muscles and wide smirk. And below it all he envisioned the long, thick crimson cock. From all the moaning he heard from both guys and girls, Sky was sure that it was something that could split him in half. The gray wolf could no longer deny his innermost desires. He had to be honest with himself and admit the truth: he was in love with his older brother. He wanted his older brother to fuck him. And while the warm water ran over his body, Sky imagined himself licking, sucking, and sniffing that ginormous rod...

Sky strolled up to the gym, finding his brother just walking outside, still breathing hard from his workout. Sweat dripped down his fur, making it glisten under the light of the sun. The large wolf walked to the end of the front of the gym until he reached the right side of the building and the narrow alley that contained the dumpsters.

"Sky, what the hell are you doing here?" Tyler asked upon seeing his brother waiting for him around the corner.

"You said we were gonna meet at 12, right?" Sky smirked, turning around and swishing his tail at his sibling. Tyler smirked and approached him, slamming his broad paw on his little brother's ass. Sky winces and bit his lip, feeling the sting through his pants. Partially hidden by the alley, Tyler pulled down his brother's pants and underwear, exposing the gray fur and white accents of his ass. Licking his chops, Tyler pulled down the front of his shorts, his cock already hard and pressing against the tight pair of asscheeks. Sky bit his lip and dug his claws into the brick wall as Tyler speared his cock into his ass. The burly wolf planted both his paws on the wall, holding himself up while he jacked his hips back and forth.

The bottoming wolf allowed himself to moan as loud as he could, a thrill rocketing through him from the risk of being caught. He listened to Tyler growl in his ear and felt his warm breath on his cheek. He shoved himself deep over and over again until his fat knot pressed against his ass...

At the same time as his fantasy counterpart, Sky came ropes that splattered onto the floor of the tub that flowed down the drain with the water. Breathing heavily, Sky let go of his retreating length and finally grabbed the shampoo. He rubbed it into his fur and made sure he was properly clean before he rinsed himself off and stepped out from underneath the flowing water. He grabbed his towel and wrapped it around himself as he grabbed his toothbrush. After brushing his teeth and drying off his fur, Sky was back in his room, fully dressed and lying on his bed. Thanks to post-nut clarity, Sky was once again mulling over what he was going to do. It was already nerve racking enough to go out and see someone but for it to be his own brother that hated him...

While a part of him was terrified a much larger part of him was tired of pretending and keeping quiet. For so long he just watched his big, sexy brother parade around and fuck anyone and everyone he wanted. He wanted to be the one in that position. All that Sky wanted to do was tell his brother how he really felt, even if that meant getting beaten within an inch of his life. But if there was a chance... Sky decided to get up from his phone. A spike on anxiety ran through him as his phone displayed the time of 11:40 AM. Walking to the living room, Sky grabbed his own set of keys and left. The gym that Tyler went to wasn't far away and a leisurely walk would get him there just in time.

After crossing a few streets and making it to the end of the block, Sky neared the gym. Even from a distance, the gray could see his brother in the distance, leaning against the front of the building, looking down at his phone. With his heart pounding, the lupine drew even closer to the larger one, starting to sweat a bit as the realization of what he was doing once again sunk in. But it was too late to turn back now... Hearing the approaching footsteps, Tyler's ears flicked and his gaze rose from his phone. His eyes went wide for a moment, but his shock quickly turned to anger. He growled and stomped towards his brother.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Tyler huffed, looming over his sibling.

Any other time, Sky would have been too afraid to speak but in that moment, the gray moment felt oddly calm. He knew there was nothing he could say to ease Tyler's anger. And telling him the truth would certainly be worse than any lie he could come up with. So instead, Sky sighed and pulled his phone from his pocket. Tyler was shocked that his brother was ignoring him. He saw him text something before he slipped his phone back into his pocket. A second later his own phone buzzed in his paw. His eyes went wide as he saw the message that spread across his phone screen: 'I'm here.'

Tyler looked up from his phone to Sky. His little brother pulled his phone from his pocket and the larger wolf snatched it out of his brother's paws. He growled and held Sky's phone in one paw while he held his brother against the wall with the other. To his horror and fury, the messages that were sent to him were one-to-one with the messages on his own phone.

"You trying to play a game with me?" Tyler snarled, digging his balled fist in the other wolf's chest. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't-"

"It's because I like you, okay?!" Sky admitted, looking his brother in the eyes. "I know it's wrong but... I think I love you, alright?!"

Tyler said nothing at first. Instead he let go of his brother and allowed him to fall to the ground. "Alright then... You wanna be my 'boyfriend' then I'm gonna show you what comes with it. Come on, bitch..."

Rather than heading straight home and addressing what he was just told, Tyler instead led the way away from the gym and across the street to the small burger joint. Tyler stepped inside and Sky followed suit, wondering where his fate lied. Did his brother really not care or was this some sort of elaborate setup? Knowing Tyler, this was just another attempt to embarrass and harass him... He followed behind his brother and sat on the opposite end of the booth he chose. They said nothing to each other, just simply staring back and forth...

"Hi. Is there anything I can get you boys?" The arriving waitress asked.

Before Sky could even say anything, Tyler answered for the both of them, ordering simple cheeseburgers, fries, and drinks for the both of them. It was a simple order that the smaller wolf had no complaints about. But then again, it wasn't like he was in the position to complain... As the waitress turned around and walked away from the two of them, Sky was sure the piercing gaze of his brother carried the same terror one who felt as they were staring down the barrel of a loaded gun pointed right at them, primed to end their life with one simple squeeze of the trigger...

"I know you were a weird little shit but to have a crush on your dear older brother..." Tyler chuckled and slammed his balled fist onto the cheap booth's table. Sky winced from both the sound and the force that was clearly seen from the action. It wasn't helped by his brother's arm that was still clearly flexing. "Hehe... No wonder why you just lay around at home all day... This whole time you've been watching me... Thinking about me... Waiting for me to come home... You really are a sick bitch..."

Despite the harsh insult at the end, Sky could only blush and hang his head. Vulgarity aside, everything Tyler said was true. Anyone else would have moved out of such an abusive environment the first chance they got. The same opportunity was afforded to sky himself but there was something keeping him where he was... Someone...

He looked up and nearly yelped as the burly wolf was gone. He looked to his right and was met with Tyler shoving him aside, now sitting on the same side as him. The gray wolf was wedged between his brother and the painted over brick walls. The younger lupine wondered just what his older sibling was playing at. Everything Tyler did concerning him was done for a reason and sure enough, there was an idea that was fresh on the black wolf's mind. Displaying no kind of care at all, Tyler casually wedged his large paw into his brother's pants and underneath his underwear.

"W-what are you doing?" Sky hissed, looking up at the other wolf.

"Shut the fuck up..." Tyler said slowly, keeping his gaze forwards. "What? You're gonna act like you don't want it all of a sudden?"

All Sky could do was wince as a thick finger found his sheath and pressed into it. At first it was a slight but pleasant sensation. But that quickly changed as the bigger wolf continued to put more pressure upon his brother's pouch. A hiss came from the gray lupine, his sheath was being stretched further and further. Even when the digit met with the red tip of his length, Tyler continued to press, forcing the sheath to stretch around the digging finger. Sky nearly yipped from the sharp bolt of pain. Gritting his teeth, the wolf clutched the table. His breathing picked up and grew heavy.

"Hey. Keep it down. You don't wanna get caught with your brother's paw in your pants, do you?" Tyler teased. Sky drew another shaky breath and took note of the few other patrons that were giving him strange looks. Feeling a warm blush spreading across his muzzle, Sky forced himself to sit back against the plush booth seat. Despite Tyler sadistically twisting his finger in slow, drawn out circles that forced his sheath to stretch around the digit, Sky remained perfectly normal. At least, to anyone just giving them a quick glance. At this point the pain was sharp and stinging, as if there was a thorn lodged in his loins and it was running laps around his tip like some sort of horrible relay race. While he forced himself to act as if everything was perfectly fine, he heard Tyler's devious chuckles. If that pain wasn't bad enough it was sudden doubled as Tyler caught sight of the waitress returning. In a quick motion, he popped his finger out of the now stretched pouch. That was painful enough but the kicker was his blunt claw that dragged against his brother's red tip, sending a scorching pain deep within him.

It took nearly every fiber of Sky's being to hold it together as the waitress returned. Tyler took it upon himself to take their food. He grabbed both plates, scooting one over to his brother. After their food was received, Tyler thanked the waitress, giving her a smirk. But once she was gone it melted into a stoic expression. He gave a deep sigh and picked up his burger, taking a bite out of it. Recovering just enough from his pain, Sky grabbed his own burger and took a bite of it. He expected Tyler to snap at him, say that he wasn't allowed to eat or something but the black wolf clearly didn't care. He focused on the objects of his own meal. Not daring to test his luck by asking if it was okay, Sky dug into his own meal. While they ate Tyler was thinking. Not only had he just fingered his brother's sheath... But Sky had just endured what was clearly pain. He didn't complain or tell him to stop. The more Tyler thought about the more creeped out he became. Was this really happening? His brother had a crush on him..?

The other thing that weighed on the wolf's mind was the prospects something like this could offer. He couldn't stand his brother. Ever since he was born all their parents did was argue. Suddenly two children were too many support, that's what Tyler assumed at least. It didn't matter what the real reason was... Their mom and dad split up and each of them went off with a separate guardian. Sky got to go with their mother while Tyler was stuck with his dad. It wasn't bad at first but soon the divorce took its toll on the older wolf. He projected his own anger onto his son, hounding him to play a sport and make something of himself. Over the years Tyler's father made an attempt to 'educate' his son in an attempt to keep him from repeating his mistakes. He taught the black furred lupine from an early age that most girls were nothing but trouble, something to be played with and then left before they got clingy and made his life a living hell. Tyler didn't understand at first but his first heartbreak put all the pieces in place for him...

Tyler did as his father told him and joined a sport, something to keep him from getting distracted by girls that would only waste his time. He put every once he had into football and loved every moment of it. Of course, his prowess garnered the attention and admiration of many ladies. But his father's words were always in the back of his mind when Tyler laid with them. And as soon as he had his fill it was back to business, he couldn't let himself get distracted...

When high school came around his father was hard on him to push past his limits and be the very best. As hard as Tyler tried he was never sure if he achieved what his father accomplished. After all, the older wolf never said he was proud of him. As soon as the games were over he got in his car and drove back home. Tyler would meet him there and find him sitting on the living room couch. They hardly talked to each other anymore...

It came to a head when he graduated. There Tyler was, out of high school and ready to take on the world. That's what he thought at first but it turned out that just being good at football wasn't enough to get him a full ride scholarship and it wasn't exactly a skill when it came to resumes. Out of what were the best years of his life, Tyler was no thrust into a world that he had no idea how to navigate. And his father was no help. The much older wolf actively encouraged his son to make something of himself and move out but he offered no ideas on how that could be achieved. Eventually, through a friend at the local gym, Tyler scored a job that was fairly easy for him: stocking. All he had to do was lift stuff and put it where it needed to be. It was simple enough and paid well... He managed to eventually move out without saying a single word to his father... He found a place of his own and things seemed to be moving up until Sky showed up at his door...

Though he never said them, there were several reasons why Tyler loathed his brother but it all could be categorized under one blanket term: Sky had it easy. Apparently, their mother went into law school and got herself a full time career. That meant there was more money coming in than the two of them knew what to do with. At first Tyler had no problem with his brother staying with him that was until the two of them got to talking about their lives... It was just Sky and his mother, meaning that they could easily afford anything he needed or wanted. He lived in a fairly large house in the hills and went to a preppy school that rewarded him just for showing up. He was a good study, acing his tests and his SAT's. When he compared his own life to Sky's Tyler grew rather jealous. He took up football because his father told him it would be the key to his future yet that ended up being a total farce and here comes his brother, who he expected to come from a similar background... But from the smaller wolf described, he didn't have to work for anything. He got what he wanted as long as he was good and everything was set up in his favor... But the thing that really made Tyler feel nothing but scorn was the reason for Sky's appearance. While Tyler worked a whole year and half to get this place, Sky apparently got a tip off from their dad and showed up because he thought it would be 'fun to live with his brother.' In that moment Tyler thought back to when his parents were just a day away from their divorce and they asked who they wanted to live with. If he would have known how things would have played out...

While he was still working to pay the bills, Sky just sat around, sitting on the money that was accrued in his own personal savings account, no doubt much more than he would ever see... But he remembered his father's words. Even if he wasn't the best, his advice to remain focused never steered him wrong. But there were days when his muscles ached and his feet were heavy from lifting heavy boxes over and over. He would come home and just find Sky sitting there on the couch with that same, bored look on his face. They had only lived together but Tyler already knew that he despised his brother. He hated Sky for having it easy and not having to try and figure things out like he was forced to. Sky never had to train to his limits in hopes of earning a scholarship that never came. Sky had a college that he was set to attend but he was taking a year off 'for fun.' That's why he was there for fun. Everything Sky did was for fun. Nothing seemed to matter to him, not even his constant stream of insults that evolved into physical abuse. He wanted a reaction out of his younger brother. He wanted Sky to yell and fight back, saying he hated him too. But that never came... Sky just always took it...

At first Tyler just thought it was Sky's way of saying that he would always be better than him. No matter what the burly wolf did, he was going to stay where he was while Sky went off to the top college in the state. A part of him wanted to reach out to his brother but all that came out upon seeing him was anger out of not having what he had... Even bringing someone home didn't have the same satisfaction it used to... Not while Sky was still within his walls. But now things were different. He knew the reason his goody-two-shoes brother never fought back, he was in love with him... Tyler still didn't know how he felt about it but he knew one thing: he could use that.

Once the two of them were finished, Sky paid and the two of them walked out of the small building. "Look," Tyler growled to his brother as they walked side by side. "You wanna be my boyfriend, then you're gonna take all that comes with it. From this moment I'm the alpha and you're my bitch!" Sky just nodded and actually smiled. Internally, Tyler screamed but assured himself that he was going to break his brother. One way or another.

With Tyler leading the way, the two of them returned home. The burly wolf fished his keys out his pocket and jammed the correct one in the doorknob's slot. He stood aside and let his little brother step inside of the living room first. Upon stepping in himself, Tyler slammed the door and locked it. A wicked grin spread on his face as he approached his sibling.

"Alright, bitch. Your alpha had a long workout at the gym and he needs to be cleaned," Tyler huffed as he sat on the couch. Without saying anything he lifted both his arms, displaying the thick, glistening hair of his pits. Just hearing those words from his brother was enough to get Sky aroused but his sensitive nose twitched, picking up the musky scent of Tyler's pit. A small pleasured sigh escaped his lips as he drank in the scent. But his revelling was interrupted by Tyler clearing his throat. The smaller wolf blushed and stepped closer to his brother. The closer he got, the stronger the scent was, to the point that it made his mouth water and his knees feel a bit weak. For so long he had fantasized and dreamed of encounters like this with his brother and now it was finally happening...

"Come on, Bitch. Get to licking..." The new name for his brother rolled seamlessly off of Tyler's tongue and his brother had no qualms about the name change. In fact, compared to what Tyler would say when he was really pissed, Sky found it rather tame. Nonetheless, he approached his awaiting brother and sat on his lap. Tyler just smirked and snatched his brother's head up with one of his arms, shoving it within his armpit. Whether he wanted to or not, Sky had no choice to but flick and scrape his tongue against the coarse hair. The bitter tang of sweat spread on his tongue but Sky didn't stop in his actions. His nose was given a different sensation entirely. It was pressed deep within the sweaty crevice. The biting, burning scent of days without a shower filled his nose, making Sky melt internally. Every whiff sent that horrid smell right to his head. The haze worked to cloud his mind and make him rather obedient without having to be told anything more. Moaning slightly, Sky picked up the pace of his licking, dragging and pressing his tongue against the thick hair, collecting more and more of the bitter tang on his taste buds. It didn't take long for the dank, sweaty crevice to become even more wet than it was already.

"I always knew you were a fucking freak but I didn't know you were this hopeless... Oh, well... Might as well do the other one, huh?" Tyler alluded, pushing his brother back. He lowered his arm, barking Sky from his now spit-laden pit. Rather, he offered his other armpit. This one was untouched and reeked just the other, perfect for the younger wolf to stuff his face into. And stuff his face he did. Sky wasted no time finishing what he started. He basked in the filthy space, making loud snorts and huffs. Rather than just sniffing, Sky buried his muzzle in the rank crevice and rubbed his muzzle within, slathering the foul odor on his face. It got stuck in and on his face, ensuring that the scent of his brother would be the only thing he would smell for some time. Once he got his fill in the scent department, Sky moved on to using his tongue once again.

Tyler rolled his eyes as his brother's moans were heard once again. What the hell was wrong with the guy? It had been a whole week since he showered and yet Sky was going to town. All his sniffs and licking did feel rather good but Tyler forced himself to focus on the real point of why he did this in the first place. Sky was supposed to be disgusted and want to back out. Tyler wanted to hear him plead to not have his tongue anywhere near his unwashed body but that wasn't the case. The thing that made it worse was the fact that Tyler was doing a good jog. His own sensitive nose noticed that the heady scent of his musk was slowly but surely dying down.

Sky pressed himself even closer. His tongue was slathered in sweat that stung his tongue. Overall, the muscle in his mouth was getting tired but the gray wolf forced himself to keep going. He wanted-he had to see it through... Drool dripped down his chin and hairs got lodged in his teeth but he didn't stop. As long as that scent was still there, the smaller wolf continued to clean his brother. But Tyler was tired of having his pits licked. He bared them from his brother's reach and instead pointed to his chest, giving a warning growl.

Sky complied with his brother's nonverbal order. All the tiredness in his tongue was forgotten as he lowered himself to the black wolf's broad chest. The fur was scruffy and hid a lot of sweat and grime that was hidden thanks to the dark color. But the flavor became quickly familiar and even pleasant to the licking wolf. Soon, he was getting work on the large surface area. All the while, Tyler sighed and just watched his brother work. He had to admit, it did feel rather good. The pink muscle was working to comb through his pelt, picking up remnants of his sweat and overall grime that accumulated over the week. But Sky didn't seem to care anywhere and anyway he could, the gray wolf pressed and flicked his tongue against his brother's pelt. He endured the roughness that his tongue had to go through and the bitter tangs that it picked up.

"Move lower," Tyler simply said and not a moment later his brother did just that. His motions didn't change much. But what Tyler felt changed quite a bit. It was a sort of tickling sensation but he powered through it and kept a hard gaze on his little brother, watching as more and more of his body was combed over and groomed with a surprising amount of diligence. He suspected his brother was enjoying himself too much and that encouraged him to breeze on to the next part of his body...

"Alright, I think it's time to move onto the good stuff..." Tyler growled, getting fed up with his brother's compliance. He knew there was no way he would be able to endure what was coming next... Sky leaned back and stepped off of his brother. The older wolf smirked once again and reached his paws down to grip at his shorts. Effortlessly, he pulled the article of clothing down, revealing his lack of underwear...

Sky gasped and felt a shudder run down his spine upon seeing his brother's fat sheath. As he grew closer to it a wave of pungent, arid musk poured into his nostrils. It was much stronger than what came from Tyler's pits thanks to so many different fluids that were left to ferment and fuse within the tight, wet space.

"Well, it's not gonna clean itself... Get to it, Bitch!" Tyler growled. Internally he was sure that he finally had his brother pegged. He expected to see the smaller wolf make up an excuse or outright refuse to do something so disgusting. But in reality, Sky hesitated to drink in the rank aroma. His nose picked up a conglomerate of cum, piss, and something else that was sharp and a bit cheesy. Though it did make his stomach turn a little that sensation was overpowered by the pure lust that claimed Sky's senses. All he focused on was the fact that his brother's cock was in that thick sheath and all it would take was a few licks to finally bring it into view.

Taking a deep breath of the spicy scent, Sky lowered his muzzle and pressed his lips against the damp pouch. Carefully, he delivered a small kiss, receiving more of the bitter tang of sweat on his tongue. Another small moan left his mouth as he stretched his tongue out once again and touched it to the sheath. This time, Tyler moaned a bit as a wet tongue pressed and slipped into his pouch. He looked down to see Sky already swirling his tongue around his tip, forcing tremors down his spine. The gray wolf endured the spicy, scorching sensation on his tongue. The tip of his pink muscle picked up remnants of his brother's cum, piss, and what Sky soon discovered was a layer of soft, thick smegma. A small whine left his lips that got Tyler's hopes up. But after a small pause, Sky pressed his tongue inside the musky pouch fully. He dutifully lapped up the fermented fluids and endured the sour sting on his taste buds. As biting and gross as it was, the flavor made Sky's mouth water all the more. Under his brother's orders, Sky continued to tongue the foul sheath, swirling it around and collecting even more old cum and the bitter, acrid tang off old piss. He fought through it all, licking harder and longer, all to pleasure his brother. He made sure to wrap his lips around the wet sheath so he could actually lap at the cock. He dutifully cleaned it off, pressing his tongue against the girth and scraping his tongue upwards. He did this over and over again until the flavor of piss, cum, and smegma was no longer present.

Much to Tyler's disgust and dismay, his brother was putting in work on him. He gripped the cushions of the couch against the pleasure that quickly rose in his loins. Sky smiled as the tip tip swelled and extended from the fat sheath. More and more of his brother's maroon length came into view. Sky pressed his tongue against the growing thing, stimulating it even further. As his knot popped into view, Tyler collected himself and growled, shoving his brother's head down on his fully hard cock. Sky's eyes went wide and he mumbled around the fat wolfhood. Tyler ignored the noises and put even more pressure on the other wolf's head, growing in his own pleasure.

Sky's eyes watered from the thick, blunt head jabbing against his throat. He could hardly breath around the fat thing but nonetheless, Sky forced himself to calm down and ease into what was happening rather than fight it. He closed his eyes and gave a murr as he dragged his tongue against the sensitive flesh. But his relaxed state only lasted for a moment. With a snarl, Tyler dragged Sky's head up and down, forcing his brother to blow him. He closed his eyes and sighed against the rough pleasure that he felt. Sky panicked for a moment as he gagged against the thickness forcing itself slightly down his throat. Despite the slight pain and the watering of his eyes, Sky did his best to swirl his tongue around the base, reaching as much as he could. His head was pulled and pushed up and down, forcing grunts every time the pointed tip jammed itself down his throat. He was aware enough to watch his teeth, wrapping his lips over them. The grunts and deep moans filled his ears, encouraging him to once again close his eyes and service the cock in his muzzle.

"Shit. You said you were a virgin right? You suck dick pretty good. You weren't lying to me, were you?" Tyler chuckled, shoved Sky's head down. He bit his lip and raised his eyes to the ceiling when his brother's puckering lips touched the start of his knot, sending crackling bolts of pleasure up the rest of his cock. Drool ran down and coated his knot, spreading it's wet, sticky feeling to his entire length. As good as it felt, Tyler didn't allow himself to get lost in the pleasure, focusing instead on making his brother gag and strain as he forced even more of his inches down his throat upon each thrust. His motions became faster and Sky's gags grew louder. The soft, wet walls of Sky's throat clenched down on his cock and the flat tongue wriggled and curled around his girth, Tyler just snarled around the pleasure and held his brother even tighter against his cock as he stood up. With leverage on his side, Tyler wasted no time shoving his cock down the clenching tunnel, reveling in the hot, tight walls that hugged his length.

"Shit... Fuck! That's right... Be a good Bitch and take my fucking cock!" Tyler snarled, saying the first the first thing that came to mind. It was a rather uninspired line, one he used time and time again and many a girl and guy. But it seemed to be enough to put Sky in his place. The previously gagging wolf forced himself to be steady as the cock was shoved deeper and deeper inside. But he hardly had a chance to get used to the sensation because Tyler was in too much of a rush for his pleasure. He grabbed Sky's head once again but instead of pushing it back and forth, the burly wolf held it in place. Assured that his brother was going nowhere, Tyler took the liberty of bucking his hips as hard and fast as he could. Even thrust lit his cock alight with pleasure that once grew and intensified with his unending pumps. Even his own body could hardly process all that was being given to him. On the other side of it all, Sky was fairing only as best as he could. Every thrust forced the long, thick rod down his throat, forcing his throat to stretch around it. A prominent bulge could clearly be seen in his throat and loud gags could be heard but clearly his brother didn't care. The thrusts didn't cease and neither did the pressure deep in his maw. He could only manage to get quick breaths in every time the bigger wolf pulled out. The only reason he was able to take the cock was because of his own layers of spit and the precum that spurt from Tyler's cock. They came together to form a thick, slimy layer that made it easy enough for the bigger wolf to pump into the tight passage like he would any other hole.

Feeling his climax approaching, Tyler snarled and fucked as rough and quick as he could. Loud gags and sloppy pops were heard as the massive wolf shoved his length deep inside the tight tunnel and back out, over and over again. This bout of fucking was nearly too frequent for Sky to get a breath in. Strings of his own spit and Tyler's precum flew from his throat and dripped down his chin. His vision started to become blurry from the lack of oxygen. Either Tyler didn't notice or he simply didn't care... Whatever the reason or intention was, the bigger wolf slammed himself even harder and faster, using his brother's gags and whimpers as a sort of motivation that he was breaking his brother in...

The black wolf hissed and screwed his eyes shut. Another loud gag came from his brother as he shoved his cock as far as it could go. Sky's cheeks puffed out from the thick knot that was forced past his lips. A powerful tremble raced through Tyler's body. That tremor reached his cock, resulting in the red appendage throbbing until thick, white strings were painted across his brother's tongue. Sky's eyes narrowed and a pleasured purr left his body as his brother's spunk quickly filled his muzzle. He continued to swirl his tongue and suckle at the large meat lodged in his maw, despite the seed that now leaked out of the corners of his mouth and down his chin. He could only swallow so much cum at once but that didn't seem to matter to Tyler. The black wolf balled his fist and clenched his jaws before he took heavy pants. The throbbing of his cock had died down and the sensation of his orgasm was fleeting as his cock began to soften. He gripped Sky's head once again and grunted as he pushed it back, forcing himself out of his brother's muzzle with a pop and gasp.

Tyler said nothing there as he left his brother gasping for breath and choking on the cum that slipped down his throat when he was grabbed. Despite all the coughing and heavy breathing the gray wolf was doing, there was still a smile on his face. The black wolf just rolled his eyes and left him there, retreating towards the hallway. For the first time in a week, Tyler wanted to take a shower. He could feel the coating of his brother's spit and his cum slathering his cock. Sure, the tingling sensation of his orgasm was wrestling with a feeling of disgust within him. But he wasn't done yet. All he needed was more time to come up with something that was going to break his brother down for sure.

Left alone and collecting himself, Sky stood up and wiped his slathered lips. He sighed and followed after his brother but retreated to his own room. As quickly as he could, Sky threw himself on his bed and removed his tented pants and underwear. His paws trembled as he gripped his pre-soaked cock. He had only just begun stroking himself but the pleasure was already blinding and he felt himself near his limit in an instant. Allowing himself to moan and hoping Tyler could hear him, Sky reached his limit, shooting his own load across his shirt. He raised his voice and took in heavy breaths of his own, still picking up the subtle hints of his brother's musk every time he inhaled. Rather exhausted from everything that happened, Sky didn't bother cleaning himself up. Rather, he laid back in his bed and closed his eyes. He was soon dreaming of what his brother would have ready for him when he woke up.

Sky's eyes slowly opened, followed by the small wolf's yawn and stretch. There was a heavy satisfaction that followed upon him waking up and for a moment Sky wondered what the reason for that was... But as he got up from the bed he realized that his pants were pulled down, exposing his sheath. His own shirt was also streaked with faded, crusted over lines. Those two things worked to quickly remind Sky of the events that took place the day before. Not a moment later, an excitement rose within him. He had finally done it. He was used by his brother, he got to clean him, lick his cock, and even taste his cum. With a light bounciness in his steps, Sky left his room and attempted to see his brother. But there was no sign of him in the living room, kitchen, or even the bathroom. Finally, the smaller wolf approached his brother's bedroom. With a trembling paw, Sky reached for the doorknob and grabbed hold of it, twisting and pushing the door open. There was a mix of disappointment and relief as the gray wolf was met with an empty room... He figured that Tyler was gone for work or maybe he skipped work again to go to the gym. Either way, his older brother was gone, leaving him all alone.

With nothing else to do, Sky started his day as usual. He retreated to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal. While he ate the wolf mulled over what he should do. Usually he would sit on the couch and bide his time until Tyler came back. But after what he and Tyler did there was no reason to just wait for him. He was his brother's bitch now and he assumed that a good bitch does more than just waiting for their master to come home...

After he finished eating, Sky gathered himself and prepared himself to leave the house, something he rarely felt the need to do. He was going to leave the house and grab a few things that might prove useful. All the small wolf really needed was his card, which was loaded with all the funds that he ever needed. There were countless times he offered to put some of his finds towards paying the bills around the house but every time Tyler refused to allow the gray wolf to put in anything towards the place where he lived. Sky understood but it still bothered him. His brother was prideful and their early talks revealed a lot to him. He knew for a fact that Tyler wasn't going to accept any of his money. The bigger wolf never said anything but Sky could clearly see that it bothered him that Sky had enough to just enjoy himself before he would go off to college...

For the time being, Sky left the house and walked down the sidewalk with a clear goal in mind. While he walked the only thing on his mind was Tyler. There was no doubt in his mind that Tyler would be all riled up from his job. It made his fur rise thinking about what his older sibling would have in store for him. If his mother knew what he was doing... He chuckled to himself as he neared the corner store. The gray wolf walked inside and boldly marched towards what he was looking for. He was too excited about what could possibly come to him and he completely forgot to be shy and reserved. Without much of a care he grabbed the most accurate size of condom he could and alongside it he bought a bottle of lube that he was sure would get tremendously. With both in each paw he strolled up to the cashier and tapped his paw rather impatiently as the badger behind the counter gave a sly look before ringing the things up. After being told the amount he quickly paid with his card and got out of the shop. He walked with purpose on the way home, determined to make things just a bit easier for his brother. One part of it was because of how he wanted to submit to the older wolf but another part of it was because he felt bad for him. Once he went off for college, Tyler would be left all alone. He only hoped that the older wolf would find something that could make him happy.

For the time being, Sky tossed the lube and condoms on his bed and stepped into his brother's room. Upon entering, he was hit with a wave of the older wolf's smell. It was equally gross and comforting all at once. The smell of sweat and old fluids was strong in the air, likely a product of all the make shirts, shorts, and pants that were scattered across the floor and tossed into piles. Upon getting a feel for what he was working with, Sky left and grabbed a basket from the bathroom. Returning to the bedroom, Sky got to work and proceeded to pick up the dirty clothes one by one, lifting them up and dropping them in the basket. The wolf repeated these motions over and over until all the garments were gathered into the basket. Once the basket was filled and the floor was free from clothes, Sky picked up the basket and retreated to the living room and kitchen. Sitting side by side in the corner was a washer/dryer combo machine. It came with the place was a pretty good thing to have around, it was underused, only ever being turned on when Sky needed his clothes washed. But he brought the clothes that could fit in his suitcase and the few others he bought while in town. Tyler on the other hand, had an abundance of clothes that were all just waiting to be cleaned, dried, and folded.

Doing what he usually did back home, Sky proceeded to sort through the clothes, throwing the darks and the lights in separate piles. It was a simple enough thing to do and since the wolf wore plain shirts and mostly shorts it made the process even easier. He got into a steady motion, picking clothes apart until he came across something that stopped him in his tracks. It was a black and red jockstrap. What had him stunned was the unrestrained rank smell that wafted from the colored fabric. The small wolf dared to turn it over, revealing countless, slightly faded streaks within the cup. With his paws trembling, Sky lifted the garment to his nose and took a deep whiff. The smell hit him like a truck, making his head spin and his breathing seize for a moment. He collected himself and stuffed the smelly thing in his pocket. He continued to sort through the clothes like nothing was wrong until he had two sizable piles on either side of him. After opening the machine, Sky started with the light, filling his paws with the garments and tossing them inside. Once the pile was reduced to nothing, Sky added the detergent and a bit of fabric softener. Finally he started the washing machine component up and took a step back.

The gray wolf plopped down on the couch and fished the soiled garment out of his pocket. Completely ignoring the TV, Sky slowly flipped the stitched together fabric and elastic in his paws. Closing his eyes he pressed the cup against his nose and took another deep whiff. His eyes fluttered and his tail swished back and forth against the sour, slightly burning aroma. He couldn't help but growl lustfully and as a product of his actions, his own pants started to rise. Sniffing once again with one paw, Sky pulled down his pants with the other, bringing his growing cock into view. Giving into his desires, Sky gripped his length and dragged his soft paw against the shaft. He timed his sniffs with his own teasing of himself. While his eyes were shut tight and his nostrils bathed in the biting, sour scent the gray wolf fantasized about his brother. He could see it vividly, Tyler sneering down at him, holding him in place while his own nose was shoved inside of a hot, sweaty, musky sheath.

Small moans left his muzzle as he continued to stroke himself, a bit faster this time, coaxing a line of pre that oozed down his underside. Perhaps to parallel his cock, a line of drool ran down his muzzle, dripping onto his already stained shirt.

"Keep sniffing... This is what a real wolf smells like..." Tyler's voice rang in his ears, at least that's how he imagined it. He could practically hear the deep growls and purrs from his brother. It was all he wanted to hear, ever since he first laid eyes on the wolf after so many years. Whether or not his brother hated him or not, it didn't matter to him anymore. All the gray wolf cared about was pleasing the other, sniffing him, licking him, and getting as much cum as he could either in him or on him...

"Having fun, Bitch?" Sky's eyes went wide and he looked over to see the actual Tyler looking down at him with a wide, toothy grin. His heart nearly pounded out of his chest. He gasped, taking in the biggest whiff of the fermented musk yet. It burned his nose and hazed his mind, sending tingles through his entire body. He yelped and grit his fangs as his entire body spasmed. His knot popped from his sheath and pulsed alongside the rest of his shaft. The pleasure nearly overwhelmed him as his tip spurt ropes of watery seed that dripped back down the length and soaked into his paw. More heavy pants came from the wolf as his orgasm racked his body. All the while he continued to huff into the garment and blushed as Tyler just looked at him with a smug grin on his face. His climax died down, leaving the wolf breathing heavily and growling in pleasure. Having seen all that he needed to, Tyler walked around his brother, standing in front of him with his paws on his hips.

"T-Tyler, I-"

"Shut up," Tyler chuckled, already taking off his work shirt. "If you got time to jerk off you got time to work me over." The larger wolf removed his shirt and his shoes, taking one off after the other. He plopped on the other side of the couch and held his arms behind his head in a relaxed position. "You can start off with my feet." Following his words, the larger wolf presented his sock-covered feet. The socks themselves had clearly been worn for days at a time. The soles of the fabric were twinged in yellow but still stretched around the flexing foot and the curling toes. As he drew close to them, Sky winced against the cheesy smell that hit him out of nowhere.

"Well, I'm waiting, Bitch!'' The smile in the demanding wolf's muzzle grew wider as he saw his younger brother grimace. Once his brother's muzzle was close enough, he pressed his foot and curled over the wet nose. A small whimper came from Sky as he was forced to inhale the deep, fermented odor. But he remembered his brother's command and brought his paws into the equation as well. The smell was bad enough and it certainly didn't help that the yellow-stained fabric was practically soaked in the fresh sweat that came forth from the bigger wolf's soles; a product of his hard work of lifting heavy boxes and placing rows of products on low and high shelves. A small sigh escaped his muzzle as the pressure and slight aches in his footpaws were already being relieved.

"That's nice and all... But there's a better way to massage my feet..." the black wolf pressed his toe against the other wolf's lips until it slipped inside. The smaller lupine nearly gagged against the heavy, tart flavor that spread onto his tongue. The invading toe wiggled and was pressed even further within Sky's mouth. It was slowly slipped out of his mouth and past his lips. A deep chuckle came from Tyler and he wiggled his toes once again. Sky sighed through his nose and reached out for the large feet once again. He gripped the right one with both paws, digging his thumbs into the sweaty soles. But he went further like his brother wanted, reaching up to the end of the sock, rolling it down the ankle and finally pulling it up until it popped off, revealing the sweaty footpaw underneath. As soon as that was done, Sky made sure to do the same for the other foot, slowly and carefully removing the sock and leaving the now exposed footpaw to flex against the open air. Speaking of the air, the once fresh air around Sky quickly became polluted thanks to the aroma of unwashed feet before him. It made him shudder knowing that it was up to him to clean them and make that smell go away...

Tyler's deep growl rang in his ears and the younger sibling got to work, fearing his brother's wrath. Reluctantly, the gray wolf drew his tongue from his muzzle and pressed it against the damp skin of the right foot. He closed his eyes and shuddered against the bitter tang that shocked his taste buds. Sucking it up, Sky dragged his flat, pink tongue upwards, starting at the ball of the heel and ending at the toes. Once he reached those wiggling digits he flicked his tongue upwards and started anew. Knowing his purpose was to massage rather than clean, Sky made his motions slow and teasing. Tyler growled in satisfaction as the ache in his right foot was all but replaced by a light tickling. Getting even closer, Sky pressed his lips against the sweaty skin, giving a wet, sloppy kiss to it. He swirled his tongue in small circles, pressing slightly the same way his fingers did only a few moments ago.

"That's cute and all but get to my toes, too..." Tyler growled, interrupting Sky's easing into the motions and the bitter flavor that stained his tongue. With his other leg, the black wolf hooked his foot around Sky's neck and pushed him into the foot that he was currently licking. With nowhere to go, Sky had no choice but to abandon the spit slathered sole. Instead, his nose was jammed in between his brother's toes, filling his nose with more of that pitched, cheesy smell. As much as it made his nose wrinkle and his stomach churn slightly, the scent simultaneously worked to get his mouth watering. Focusing his gaze on the fat digits before him, Sky closed his eyes once again and forced himself to get to work. His already sweat-shocked tongue had only just gotten used to Tyler's potent brand of sweat but his feet seemed to have something all it's own entirely. It had a sharp sort of spice to it, that could possibly explain why the smell was so sharp and biting... The taste and smell did the gray wolf no favors as his lips pressed against the largest toe. He started off slow and teasing, simply pressing his lips against the biggest one and moving on the next until his lips were introduced to eat of the digits. He repeated his actions but in reverse kissing the smallest toe and moving back up to the largest one he started with. Finally, Sky flicked his tongue against the toes, keeping his motions quick against the sweaty skin. From behind, his head was pressed even deeper into the toes, slathering the heady sweat against his nose. Groaning against the smell, Sky licked harder against the curling toes. They pressed against his nose and slathered a mix of his own spit and Tyler's sweat on it, smearing the scent on his nose, ensuing it was all he could smell.

His tongue flicked between the toes, spreading his spit to the rest of the foot. Tyler groaned in pleasure again, reeling his currently licked foot back. His right foot and left foot changed positions. Now Sky was licking the untouched left footpaw while his spit-coated right footpaw worked to hold Sky in place. The living room was soon filled with the sounds of Tyler's groans, Sky's slurps and grunts, and the sound of the TV quietly playing it's unwatched show in the background. As he licked and kicked the sole, Tyler's toes clenched and pinched down on Sky's nose. As much as the small wolf wanted to struggle, the strong leg and foot kept him in place, joined with Tyler's warning growl. Feeling his heart skip a beat, whether out of fear or because of something more innately intimate, Sky not only kept up his pace but he doubled down on his efforts, flicking, dragging, and slurping as much as he could and as much as the tired pink muscle could stand. It was very much sore but Sky willed himself to keep going as he reached behind him and brought both feet together. Holding them side by side, Sky took a deep breath and once again used his aching tongue. Moving his head side to side, Sky delivered an onslaught of licks and kisses to each food, over and over again, back and forth...

As much as Tyler was enjoying the licking of his feet, the burly wolf was starting to be a bit bored. He thought about how he could make the whole thing all the more interesting and with a bit of thinking, a great idea came to the black wolf's mind. Another wide smile spread across his muzzle, and he withdrew his wet feet. Sky's eyes went wide and a small murr of confusion left his mouth. This only made Tyler snicker and all the more sure that he made the right choice. With eyes on him, the bigger wolf gripped his shorts and pulled them down. Sky's nose twitched at the air as it picked up the familiar tang of his brother's sheath musk.

"Did you miss it?" Tyler sneered. "I had to lift a lot of boxes in that hot backroom. And now you get to cleaning the sweat off my balls..." He lowered his paw and took hold of the sweaty, plump pouch between his legs, swaying it back and forth, seemingly hypnotizing his brother. Sky crawled between his legs, past his feet. The bigger wolf licked his fangs as his smaller counterpart grew closer and closer until he stopped just short of his nose pressing into his furry ballsack. Tyler let go of his balls, allowing them to slump over Sky's nose. "Now, put that tongue back to use." He leaned back once again and closed his eyes as he sure enough felt rough licks against his sensitive orbs.

"That's it. You love tonguing my big, sweaty fucking balls, don't you?" Tyler chuckled. "It's alright, you don't have to hide it."

A small murr came from Sky as he nodded, through it all his licks didn't cease. Again and again he tongue bumped against the soft, hot orbs and dragged them upwards. Every little motion collected more and more sweat and slight grime on the pink muscle's surface. The smaller wolf took on the flavor and powered through it, using the moans of his brother as fuel to keep him going. He grew even closer and did what he was sure would really make Tyler feel good. His tongue was much too sore to keep lapping and pressing against the furry pouch... So instead, Sky opened his maw and slipped the pouch inside of his muzzle. From the new noise that came Tyler, Sky figured that his brother did indeed like it. The bigger wolf moved his legs and rested them on the smaller wolf's back, putting a bit of pressure on it. A long sigh came from him as now it was more than just a tongue teasing at him...

Sky's soft, wet mouth engulfed his brother's balls. He made small sounds that paired with his soft suckling. Now inside of his mouth, his tongue was a bit relieved and was able to continue to keep lapping and tonguing at the musky orbs. The soft fur soon became damp and the heady musk was soon replaced with the Sky's spit. On the other side, Tyler dug his heels even harder into Sky's back. It wasn't out of any encouragement, rather just another way to establish dominance over the younger lupine. He gave a small stretch and yawn against the small tingles of pleasure that came from his balls and radiated to the rest of his body. But there was a new sensation within him. It was building and demanded his immediate attention. He groaned in annoyance and was about to get up but a wicked idea came to his mind.

Sky looked up and blushed as he saw the first few inches peak from his brother's sheath. In that moment he was sure that Tyler would want another blowjob from him. And not a moment later, the black wolf snapped his fingers, signaling for his brother to stop his lickings. He popped the sopping nuts out of his muzzle and tilted his head in curiosity.

The back of his head was gripped roughly and he was dragged upwards against the glistening red tip before he was pushed back down, spearing the cockhead past his lips. The younger wolf was about to start licking but a snarl from Tyler warned him against this. His head was pressed even closer and a deep sigh came from the older wolf as he let himself ease the building pressure in his bladder. Sky's eyes grew wide the moment a blast of hot, sour piss splashed against his tongue with full force. The strengthening stream quickly filled up the shocked wolf's muzzle, forcing small streams that leaked out of the corner of his mouth. With no other choice, Sky closed his eyes and focused on taking big gulps. He shuddered and nearly gagged as he could feel the nearly boiling liquid cascade down his throat, nearly burning on the way down. Even against his swallowing, more piss came, replacing what was lost. The wolf that the piss came from gave another heavy sigh came as he drained his bladder, enjoying the warmth and nearly orgasmic bliss that came with his action. Alongside his own sighs he could hear the steady sounds of Sky gulping down his ever trickling stream. Feeling that he just had a bit of piss left, Tyler yanked his brother's head back and took hold of his semi-hard length. He aimed the tip and directed his piss, making it splash against the gray wolf's face and to the rest of his head. Sky closed his eyes and whimpered as he could feel his fur quickly getting soaked and heavy with the acrid fluid. Tyler's markings made his nostrils flare, ensuring that he knew the smell of his brother well. The white accents of his muzzle soon darkened from a snow white into a dark piss yellow. Finally, the stream ended, leaving only a few drops that landed on the wolf's nose.

"Guess I could put this to use while it's out..." Tyler mused, grabbing hold of his still lengthening cock. As it grew to full length Sky's eyes widened and he remembered the things he bought that morning.

As Tyler was shifting himself in a new position Sky got up and made his way to his bedroom, leaving his brother and alpha shocked and confused. As quickly as he could, Sky jumped on his bed and grabbed the lube and condoms. Just when was about to get off the bed and return to his brother he was pushed onto said bed and held down. A hoarse gasp and choking sound came from Sky as he was held down his neck.

"And where the fun do you think you're going?!" Tyler snarled. "You think we're done just because-" The black wolf took a moment to look at what was in his brother's paws: a box of condoms and a bottle of lube... Seeing that made the older wolf growl and increase his pressure.

"And what the fuck are these?!" Tyler snarled, snatching the condoms out of his wheezing brother's paw. He held the box in his own paw and poked a hole in it with the claw of his thumb. After snatching the lube as well, Tyler let go of Sky and turned around, finding the small trash can. As Sky coughed and spluttered, he sat up and faced his brother. With eyes on him once again, Tyler made a show of tossing the box in the trash. He ripped the cap off the lube and poured the entire container inside the small trash can. When it was all emptied, he dropped the bottle, his ears flicking as soon as the thump was heard.

Still growling, Tyler approached his brother. He pointed a sharp claw into the smaller wolf's chest, smirking as he heard Sky wince in slight pain. "You wanna get fucked, you're gonna do it like a real wolf... Get all the pussy shit out of your mind..." Sky couldn't say anything as he was pushed on his back once again. Tyler crawled on the bed as well, looming over his little sibling with a hungry look on his eyes. His right arm drifted downwards to grab and dig into Sky's right asscheek. The harsh grip made the meek wolf moan and whimper all at once. While a part of Sky was thrilled that something like this was about to happen, the prospect taking Tyler's cock with no lube was a little less than appealing. What was the point of being fucked if it would be his first and last time? Tyler noticed Sky staring at his bobbing and dripping cock. A smug look spread on his muzzle and he just sucked his teeth casually.

"Aw, is the bitch scared?" Tyler sneered, lowering himself between his brother's legs. "He should be. After all, I could easily split him in half... But I think I'll go a little easy and show him how a real wolf fucks..." To finish off his teasing words, Tyler flicked a finger against his brother's pink ring. Just the slightest brush was enough to make Sky seize and bite back a moan. Tyler just chuckled and continued with his teasing, flicking his digit back and forth against the soft flesh. He brought his other paw up to his brother's backside and actually got to work. With each paw he took hold of a soft, furry mound. He roughly pulled them apart, forcing Sky's virgin hole to open slightly. But it was just enough for him to work with. The bigger wolf proceeded to gather and spit into his brother's hole. Sky blushed and forced himself to stay still against the slimy, warm sensation he now felt inside of him. Tyler spit again for good measure and figured that was good enough for the next step.

Sky's whole body shook and his voice raised at the very same moment that Tyler pressed his thick finger inside of his ass. The black wolf pressed with enough pressure to overpower the tight, virgin rim. And he wasn't any more gentle once he was inside. His thick digit was roughly being shoved back and forth inside of with tremendous force. Against the rapid motions deep inside of him, Sky squirmed and gave pitched whines of pain and pleasure he never experienced before. Tyler just chuckled as he felt his brother's pink walls clenching down on his finger. Just from that feeling alone, Tyler could tell that his brother was going to be a tight fit. He continued to jam his finger as far as he could before dragging it back. He made sure to twist it as well, ensuring that it spread more trembles through Sky's body and stretched him out as well.

All Sky could do was lay flat on his bed and take deep, heavy breaths against the pressure and good feeling that came and went like crashing waves. But it seemed that all his breathing was being wasted, no matter what he did that mounting pleasure only increased rather than eased. All the smaller wolf could do was let his brother take control, not like he had much of a choice... He could hear Tyler's devious laughter and that was followed by another blinding mix of pain and pleasure. Another finger was being harshly jammed within him, made to fit snug right next to the first one. Without so much as a pause, Tyler continued his pumping, determined to make sure his brother would be ready to take his cock..

Sure that he was about to be split in half, Sky gripped his sheets and held onto them for dear life. He hardly registered his own moans or the shaking of his body. All that his body allowed him to feel was the stretching of his rim and the thick fingers that were hugged tight by his ass. Despite the snug fit the digits slicked deep and were dragged back only to repeat the process over and over like there was no issue at all. For Tyler it was nothing more than a bit of teasing and prepwork but Sky was sure that he could see stars behind his vision and for a moment he felt absolutely light. But those feelings were also overpowered by the overbearing motions of the fingers pulling, pushing, and twisting deep inside of him. Not only was enough to get him moaning but it was enough for him but it was more than enough to stimulate his own untouched cock. Slowly, it extended from his sheath, already dripping strings of precum on his lower abdomen. Tyler took a peak at what his brother was sporting and snickered.

"That's it?" Tyler scoffed, roughly slipping his fingers from the now stretched open hole. He pointed a slathered finger at the four inch his little brother was sporting. "That's just... Shameful... I don't even wanna look at it..." He took hold of Sky and with a grunt he flipped the other wolf over. Sky yelped once again and grunted as he was harshly forced on his stomach.

"Guess I better get to it... After all, every bitch needs to be broken in!" When he started that sentence, he aimed his own throbbing shaft towards the winking hole. And upon finishing it, Tyler shoved the tip and first inch inside, bucking his hips upon making contact.

A soundless wail came from Sky as a thick, throbbing cock was shoved against his pink ring. And when his ass was stretched even further, Tyler pushed his shaft further inside, growling against the soft, silky pink walls that immediately started to clench at his inches. It was an even tighter fit that his fingers had. Once he was properly inside, Tyler took hold of his brother's hips, and shoved the rest of his eight inches deep inside. Sky's body trembled and his claws ripped through the fabric of his sheets from the hard clenching of his paws. He fought to even get a word in but the reeling back of Tyler's cock and the sharp thrust deep inside of him took those words away. The pointed tip bashed against the end of his ass, sending a mixed bolt of stinging pain and feathery pleasure. Despite no words coming out of his mouth, Sky still made plenty of loose moans and hisses, reducing him to a trembling mess.

Above him, Tyler made his own pleasured noises as he shoved himself to the very end of Sky's ass. A deep shudder ran through him as Sky's ass clenched down on him once again. But he worked through the pleasure and reminded himself that he needed to teach Sky where his place truly was. So he increased his grip on his brother and snarled as he dragged his cock back. He ignored the silky smoothness that massaged his girth and focused on slamming himself back in as hard and fast as he could. Ignoring Sky's motions and sounds, Tyler focused on keeping up his hard pumping. Soon, he was using his brother as nothing more than a toy for his own pleasure, shoving his wide cock deep inside just so he could rock his hips back and repeat it all anew.

Sky took heavy, labored breaths. His face was pressed against the sheets, muffling his loud moans. The lithe wolf's body wouldn't do anything he wanted it to do. The thick girth stretching him open and slamming deep inside rendered him all but useless. His mind was consumed by the pleasure that came in sharp bursts just like Tyler's thrusts. Even through the nearly overwhelming pleasure, Sky could feel the slight pain of his ass being stretched nearly to his limit around the hard, thick cock that recklessly steamrolled over his prostate and plunged deep in his guts. He could feel something hot and warm squirting deep inside of him, only making feel warmer. The slippery precum was picked up by Tyler's cock and the substance was actually used as a proper lube to allow the invading length to jam and pressed even deeper even easier.

"F-fuck... Your really fucking tight, I'll give you that," Tyler huffed through his humping. "It's the perfect fit for my big alpha dick!" He rocked his hips even harder, gripping Sky's tail and giving it a hard tug, forcing another scream out of the smaller wolf. It was a scream in which Sky found his voice once again. It rang out against the walls, echoing in Tyler's ears. It fueled him to keep humping his cock deep inside of his brother's slicked, tight walls. It was so soft and warm, coaxing lustful growls and lines of drool down his muzzle.

"Aaauugh! Mmrrrph!"

Tyler chuckled and planted his paw on Sky's, back holding him down, and he pushed himself even closer. With simple rocks, his precum slathered cock slipped back and forth against the already worn out ring. The big wolf let his body do the work while he took a moment to take deep breaths and collect himself. He had something special prepared for his brother but he wanted the other wolf to do something first.

"Yeah, it's big isn't it? Say how big it is, Bitch!" Tyler growled, pressing his claws into Sky's back. All that came from the bottoming wolf at first was a pained howl. A welcomed sound, but not what the buff lupine wanted to hear. He shoved himself deep once again and dragged his blunt claws down Sky's back, threatening to break the skin.

Once again, Sky found his voice. But it at first came out as another incoherent moan. Upon the end of his ass being jabbed into, Sky gasped and forced himself to speak. "I-it's so b-big... It hurts.... I think it's tearing me apart..!"

"Y-yeah, that's what I like to hear..." Tyler grunted. "You got the makings of a good bitch! Now... Take my fucking dick!" The bigger wolf threw his body on top of Sky's, properly mounting him by wrapping his arms around the smaller wolf's chest. He could feel himself getting close and just like every other guy and girl he was with, Tyler planned to bring it all home by jamming his thick, hard knot deep inside of his brother for the first time. The tight, clenching walls already felt smooth and soft enough that it made him actually excited to jam himself deep inside. Feeling his body becoming alight with pleasure, Tyler bared his fangs and ground his hips against Sky's ass. The gray wolf yelled once again in time with his ass being forced to stretch around the hard, fat bundle of flesh. A loud squelch and pop was heard as the knot was forced deep inside of Sky. The thick knot took Sky's voice away once again. If the intense pressure didn't do the gray wolf in, it was Tyler still humping the thick bundle back and forth over his prostate, back and forth.

Sky howled in the hurt and bliss of the aggressive stretching forcing an orgasm out of him. His untouched cock pulsed and spurt jets of seed against the sheets. The cumming wolf took deep, heavy breaths, completely powerless against the waves of pleasure that consumed him and left him lying in the expanding puddle of his own seed. But while he was cumming Tyler was thrusting his knot back and forth in the little space he had. Deep growls and snarls accompanied his motions until the bigger wolf dug his claws into the smaller wolf. Through gritted teeth and lines of drool that flecked from the gaps, Tyler came hard within his brother. The fur along his fur rose and spiked as he rode out the blissful crash of his orgasm. Holding Sky close and huffing in his ear, Tyler basked in his own orgasm, every so often he rammed himself deep inside of the clenching tunnel, spurting his cum deep inside. With his own orgasm fading, Sky could feel everything that was inside of him. The wide knot that stretched him thoroughly already had him groaning but it was joined by the building pressure of the rivets of cum that seemed to just keep coming, working quickly to paint his walls and fill him up with seed that had nowhere to go thanks to the plugging knot...

Sky took shuddering breaths, not only from his mind-blowing orgasm but from the weight of Tyler lying on top of him as well. The burly wolf's orgasm had faded out, leaving him to use his brother as nothing more than a pillow for the time being. It was something he was simply used to doing until he went soft enough to pop free without hurting himself. But there was something hampering his ability to enjoy his afterglow. It wasn't the slightly pained whimpers of Sky, those were sounds he actually revelled in. Rather it was that familiar pressure in his bladder once again demanding his attention. His frequent need to pee came from all the water drank after lifting so many boxes. But now he was firmly tied with Sky. But then again, whether he was tied or not, it was only a matter a time before it was going to happen...

The wet warmth deep inside of Sky suddenly grew all the more intense. The pressure within him also rose. For a moment, the lithe wolf thought Tyler was still cumming inside of him. But the deep sigh Tyler released right in his ear quickly convinced him otherwise. It indeed soon became clear thanks to the intense heat the spread within him, combined with his ass feeling as if it was filled to the limit, Sky quickly realized that he was being steadily pissed in. But there was nothing he could do to stop it or get away. Tyler was still knotting him and he even pressed his hips and ground his knotted cock in deeper as he pushed the last bit of piss from his cock. While the bigger wolf was thoroughly satisfied, Sky was sure that he might just burst. But to his salvation, Tyler began to growl and tug at his cock, slowly but surely pulling out of the abused hole. Sky gripped the already ripped sheets and grit his own teeth as the fleshy wad was harshly ripped out of his hole. Thoroughly gaped, Sky's ass couldn't even properly clench to stop a thick mix of strong smelling piss and virile seed from pouring out of ass and pooling onto the floor below him.

"Make sure you clean up after yourself..." Tyler huffed and made his way out of the door, leaving Sky whimpering and leaking his brother's various fluids...

It was late at night when Sky slept peacefully thanks to all the effort it took to take his brother's dick and his rough treatment. After doing what his brother told him to, cleaning up the puddle of piss and cum and changing the sheets, Sky crashed in his bed and soon fell asleep...

It was 6 AM when Tyler's alarm went off. He quickly turned it off and rolled out of bed. Even though he was off from his job that day, the big wolf still got up early so he could be one of the first to arrive at the gym. He had a whole hour to prepare. The only reason it was so important to him was the simple, unsaid rule: the first to come was the first to get access to the good weights and the good machines. And frequent gym goers like him were known to hog the good stuff the entire time they were there. And why shouldn't he? He was someone who could put them to good use rather than watch them be wasted by some weakling who would put themselves in the hospital. But nonetheless, he wouldn't get those good machines if he continued to stand there...

As it was every morning, Tyler was promptly greeted by his hard dick, poking against his shorts. Since he didn't have to worry about things like a shower and combing his fur, the black wolf had ample time to rub one out. He gripped his cum-covered shorts and rumbled against the slight pleasure that ran through him. He was about to pull his shorts down until a thought came to him. Why would he have to jerk off if he had a perfectly suitable bitch in the room next to his. With a wide smile on his muzzle, Tyler walked out of his room and into the narrow hallway. Without a care in the world, he stepped into his sleeping brother's room. He could hear Sky's snores clearly and smirked to himself as he approached the naked wolf.

Without a moment to spare, Tyler climbed on the bed and loomed over the sleeping wolf. He pulled down his shorts and gripped his rock solid cock, taking a moment to spit on his tip and slather the substance as a makeshift lube. He leaned down and held his body just above Sky's sleeping body. Using his lower half, Tyler prodded the tip of his cock against the still stretched pink ring underneath Sky's tail. Upon pressing his tip inside of the soft ring, the invading wolf shuddered as he could feel remnants of his slippery cum inside the hole. That filled Tyler with satisfaction as he surmised that Sky didn't clean himself out before he went to sleep. It had only been a day and a half and the smaller wolf was already behaving like a good slut, holding onto his master's cum. Taking advantage of his brother's state, Tyler grunted and shoved himself deep inside of the sloppy hole, growling and planting his weight down on Sky.

Sky's eyes went wide but before he could make a sound, Tyler clamped his mouth shut with his strong paw. He made a 'shush' sound before he ground his hips against the soft, furry pair of cheeks. Seeing no need to be gentle anymore, Tyler growled and jammed himself deep inside of Sky. He could hear the other wolf's muffled cries and just rolled his eyes.

"You thought last night was a one-and-done. You're here for the long haul and that means you're gonna give me some ass whenever I want, whether you like it or not!" Tyler reeled his hips back and pushed himself deep inside once again. The wet walls were still tight and clenched down on him, bringing him waves of pleasure that only increased thanks to his hard, lustful pounding.

Underneath Sky wailed and drooled against the unending bashes of the thick, pointed cock that speared itself deep within him, whether he was ready for it or not. Even when he clenched his ass, Tyler powered right through the sudden tightness, shoving himself into his brother's inner depths as if there was no resistance. Doing so took Sky's breath away and made a deep shudder travel through his entire being. It was hard for him to properly breath against Tyler's large, thick paw clenching his jaw shut so he paced himself and tried his hardest to bear the brunt of the intense pressure being forced within him over and over again.

"You're still as tight as you were yesterday... You might just have some use, Bitch. Most dudes and bitches are left wide open when I'm done with them..." To prove his point, Tyler shoved himself as far as he could, grinding his fat knot against the already abused rim. Sky's eyes went wide and a muffled scream came from him as a bolt of pain stuck his ass that only grew stronger as Tyler pressed himself further and further against his ring. A sharp whimper and tears formed in his ears as Tyler snarled and forced his knot deep inside of him. The pressure only grew stronger and all the more painful as the knot was driven deep within his ass and was paired with the thick, gushing strings that painted his walls. Sky dug his claws into the sheets just like before, but this time he tried to scrabble away as it was actually in pain that grew sharper and more intense. The hot cum that was fired deep inside of him worked to heat up his body, nearly burning him from the inside. And the knot was only pushed deeper and deeper, making Sky fearful that he was going to be ripped in half.

"Fuck... Hehe... Good bitch..." Tyler chuckled, swiping his tongue over his muzzle. He was aware that the clock was ticking and he didn't have time to wait for his cock to go soft. So he pulled and tugged on his cock, working to force it out of the tight ass keeping a hold on it. Sky's muffled screams filled his ears and Tyler increased the pressure on his brother's muzzle as he pulled hard. Tears spilled from Sky's eyes as a thick, wide knot was ripped out of his ass with a sloppy pop. His hole was left red and stinging from the harsh stretching. Tyler got off of him and grabbed his younger brother by the scruff. Still whimpering, Sky was dragged into the bathroom and placed in the bathroom that Tyler also stood in above him.

"Stop all those pussy noises! I got 30 minutes before the gym opens and you need to clean up your mess!" Tyler snarled, pointing at his dick. Hearing the aggravation in his brother's voice, Sky winced but did as he was told, forcing himself to sniffle and ignore the throbbing in his backside. He opened his mouth and lolled out his tongue and was left to gag as his brother shoved his cum and piss slathered dick into his muzzle. With his mouth filled, Sky swirled and pressed his tongue against the semi hard cock, working to collect the fluids the smeared against his taste buds but he endured the bitter, sour taste and continued the clean the mixed substance, gulping it down as it slid down to the back of his throat. Tyler sighed as his dick was cleaned up rather quickly. Though the tongue was still licking against his length, Tyler ripped his length from the mouth and sighed lazily.

"Hold still..." Tyler said with a gruff voice. He gripped his cock and tilted his head back as he gave a pleasured sigh. From the tip of his cock came a stream of golden morning piss. Rather than just aiming into his brother's mouth, Tyler shifted his shaft downwards, pointing his strong stream at the fur of Sky's chest. The smaller wolf winces as the hot liquid quickly soaked into his fur and trickled downward, spreading that heat even further. The scent of reeking, acrid piss filled his nose, making it burn slightly. But he followed his brother's command and held still against the trickling liquid. Even when Tyler aimed his piss higher, splattering it on his brother's head, Sky simply closed his eyes and bared the brunt of it all. The yellow liquid soaked into his fur and ran down his back and forth when Tyler's cock finally stopped spurting. The bigger wolf looked down at his soaked sibling and chuckled.

"There... You only need one more thing..." Tyler snickered as he stepped out of the shower. "Don't move..."

Sky was soon left alone to let the heady smell of his brother's markings soak into his fur. The warmth that once spread through his body was slowly withering out, leaving just feeling damp. He figured it was a good thing that he dragged into the shower as he watched yellow droplets fall off his pelt and onto the floor of the tub. The smaller wolf began to wonder what his brother had in store for him next. His ass still hurt a bit and the smell of piss was burned deep in his nose. He gave a deep sigh and flicked his ears as he could hear Tyler's approaching footsteps. The smaller wolf looked up and saw his brother looming over him with a large, spiked collar and leash in his grip.

There was a wide smile on the larger wolf's muzzle once his brother's eyes fell on him. This is gonna look good on you at the gym.

"A-at the gym?" Sky gulped, his eyes widening.

"Oh, yeah. The boys are gonna love a new bitch to play with. Now hold still," Tyler demanded, looping the collar around his brother's neck. He fastened it and hooked on the collar, giving it a tug that made Sky rise to his paws. "Now hurry up and get dressed. Gotta give my bitch some exercise."

Sky carried a meek look on his muzzle as he was literally dragged through the gym. As soon as the facility was open, Tyler stormed inside and picked out his favorite weight bench. He racked up the weights and commanded Sky to stay beside him while he focused on lifting and lowering the metal periodically. All the while, Sky did as he was told and stood beside his brother. It wasn't so bad, he got to take a look at his brother, hear his hefty grunts as he lifted and lowered the weighted bar, and saw him start to sweat from his effort. It was a rather entrancing sight for the smaller wolf. Conversely, it brought Tyler a certain satisfaction to see his brother fawning over him like some kind of groupie.

So far, Tyler and Sky were the first ones to set inside of the facility, beating out anyone else. But the other early goers soon arrived in a noisy group, laughing and talking over each other as they stepped past the front doors. It was a group of four males: a bear, horse, lion, and a boar. They all stopped as they saw they were beat out by none other than Tyler. He didn't even acknowledge their presence, instead the wolf continued to lift weights, focused entirely on his morning workout.

"Whoa, beat us out again, huh?" the lion asked with a slight chuckle.

"And who is this?" the horse asked, pointing out the obvious abnormality that was Sky.

"My bitch," Tyler answered in a rather callous tone. The guys only laughed and talked over each other in response. "You can try him out if you want."

"You mean it?" the bear asked, his ears flicking in excitement.

"Sure, that means I get the good stuff," Tyler huffed. "Take him in the back. Do whatever you want with him."

Not needing to be told twice, the bear grabbed hold of Sky's leash and tugged it harshly, forcing Sky to his side. He sniffed at the small wolf and winced. "What the hell is that smell?"

"My piss," Tyler chuckled. "...Have fun."

Surrounded by the now horny large guys, Sky was practically dragged to the locker room in the back. While the lion led the wolf onto one of the benches to lay on, the other guys were quickly undressing.

"Can you believe this, Justin?" the bear asked.

"Not really, Rod. But don't question it. Just go with it," the horse responded.

"You getting him ready, Axel?" the bear asked as he pulled off his shirt, exposing his rather wide belly.

"Sure thing, Cole..." Axel responded, rolling his eyes. Sky stood perfectly still as the lion worked to remove his shorts and shirt, leaving the gray wolf exposed to the other males. They all gazed at his body and grew hard just at the sight alone.

"Move over! I call dibs!" the horse, Justin cried out, pushing his way past all the other males. Behind him, Cole and Rod groaned while Axel just stood aside and let the horse have at it. The tall, brown furred stallion wasted no time rushing up to Sky and lifting his legs into the air with just one large hand. With his other he pressed his finger against Sky's hole, surprised to find it already stretched and plenty wide inside.

"Awesome..." Justin smirked, glad that he didn't have to waste time with foreplay. He shifted his position and grip, holding each of the wolf's legs in his own hands. His long, thick cock was free to sway and press against the already ruined hole. Justin shoved himself in, expecting to meet resistance but instead the horse nearly fell inside the hole that sucked him in rather easily. It was hot and plenty wet, already making the equine chuff just off of the first thrust. Justin put two and two together and figured that this was the doing of Tyler already breaking in the other wolf...

He reeled himself back and grunted against the pleasure that surrounded his long cock. Though he was stretched, Sky's ass still clenched around the invading shaft, giving it was reason to still shove itself deep and hard inside. Wanting to get even more than he already had, Justin collected himself and planted his feet firmly on the ground. With all the strength he could, the horse shoved himself deep inside of the lying wolf, getting a yelp out of him. It stroked his ego and delivered him a wave of intense pleasure that quickly got him addicted. Rather than making a show of hard thrusts and making the wolf moan, Justin gave into his own pleasures and bore down on the wolf.

His thrusts became animalistic, more focused on his own pleasure than anything else. He bucked his hips and huffed through his nostrils as he jammed his cock deep and quick inside of the slippery passage. His medial ring worked to stretch Sky even further, filling him more than thought was possible. The horse was the largest out of all of them but Sky was taking him with hardly any trouble. A small bulge formed in his lower abdomen from the large rod that bashed itself deep inside of him over and over. Sky himself made small moans against the feeling of thickness within him. As good as it felt, he couldn't help but unconsciously compare the horse's performance to that of his brothers. He loved how ruthless his brother was, treating him as an object foremost. It was exhilarating, something wholly different than how he was treated at home. Back there he got everything he wanted basically the moment it came to mind. But Tyler was different. Tyler was unshakable, he didn't just give in to the smaller wolf's wishes. He resisted them and worked to be the exact opposite of what Sky had come to know. It was exciting and he wanted to get as much of it as he could. He wanted to be denied a choice, told when he could or couldn't do and used even if he didn't want to be...

As great Justin felt, Sky surmised he was a far cry from Tyler, even with his famed horse cock. He moaned but from the stimulation alone and not out of anything spectacular the horse did in particular. But Justin didn't know that. As far as the equine was concerned, he was absolutely killing it, driving himself deep and getting the wolf to cry out from it. Deep, heavy snorts came from the large male as he drove himself in and out, faster and faster, feeling his orgasm approaching. His hips soon became a blur, as he rocked Sky's body from the pure motions. The horse clenched his teeth and whinied through them as he came deep inside of the other mammal. His cum was out in strong blasts of virile, thick seed that flowed freely into Sky's depths, making him feel thoroughly sticky and heavy inside. The cumming horse rocked his hips back and forth, milking as much of his seed out of his flexing tip as he could, keeping the look of total bliss on his face. With a sigh his orgasm died down but he remembered that Tyler said that he could do anything he wanted.

Deciding to keep the pleasure going, Justin sighed and let the liquid that had been building in his bladder go inside of the wolf. Sky moaned out again, this time against the pressure and the searing heat poured deep in his guts. He winced and closed his eyes tight as the intense sensation spread to the rest of his body. Justin's tongue lolled out of his muzzle as he not only relieved himself inside of Sky but he put pressure on his bladder, forcing the stream to come out strong against the wolf's insides. He sighed as his stream died down and his cock softened within. The horse casually shook himself off and pulled out. Sky whimpered as a stream of thick cum and deep yellow piss poured onto the smooth floor below and ran straight towards the drain.

As soon as Justin was finished, he was pushed out of the way by the eager grizzly, Rod. The hulking, brown bear licked his lips upon seeing the lithe, gray wolf. Oddly enough, Sky reminded him of Tyler, whom he had a secret crush on. He approached the wolf, but rather than walking behind him, Rod stepped to Sky's front instead. He stepped over the bench and the wolf, baring his wide ass over the small wolf. Sky's eyes went wide and before he could even prepare himself, the bear sat himself down, pressing his own puffy rim against Sky's lips.

"Aaah... Suggest you get to licking before you run out of air," Rod chuckled, wiggling his hips. The slight sweat on his ass was smeared onto Sky's muzzle, forcing him to take in the deep, heady scent. The bear chuckled upon feeling the slight breeze of his ass being sniffed. With a devious smirk on his face, he smacked his own ass and pressed his tailhole even closer upon the cold nose, shuddering at the sensation.

With nothing else to do besides sniff, Sky opened his mouth and flicked his tongue against the pink flesh. The flavor was a bit bitter but overall clean, unlike Tyler's body. It was much easier for him to get into lapping against the flesh. All the tongue work he did on his brother over the previous 2 days showed progress in the form of it growing stronger. His pink, flat muscle flexed and wriggled against the rim, slathering the surface with his spit rather quickly. Small sounds came from his as his own drool dripped down his lips and coated his muzzle along with the sweat.

Rod groaned and shivered against the onslaught of lickings and slurps against his ass. It was much more than he was expecting. Sure, the wolf was doing what he was told but the grizzly didn't think that his ring would be lapped and pressed against so frequently and diligently. He gave deep huffs and grunts that were heard from the other males that stroked their cock at the scene, waiting their turn with the submissive wolf. Sure, they could take his free lower half but there was an unsaid agreement to give each of them their own time with the wolf alone. Justin took his turn, and now it was up to Rod...

"F-fuck... Tyler probably broke you in good, huh?" Rod growled, taking hold of his own thick length as he slightly bounced up and down on the sucking wolf's muzzle. A thin spurt of precum flew from his tip and dripped on Sky's stomach. All the while, Sky continued to lick at the pink ring, able to keep up the repetitive motion much longer than he could a day ago. Having his fill with simple licks, Sky gave a small grunt as he flexed and pressed his tongue against the pick ring. Slowly, the tip of his wet muscle pressed past the tight muscle, slipping in further and further. Even though he was practically smothered underneath the bear, Sky could hear the burly mammal's deep moan and growl. Once his tongue actually slipped inside the soft tunnel, Rod raised his head and snarled, pressing his full weight down on Sky. The wolf wheezed as he was pinned under all the fur and the fat pair of cheeks. He took a moment to calm down, finding he still could still breath well enough... He continued his licks, rather than just licking against a flat surface, Sky was now granted access to the bear's inner depths and he took full advantage. While Rod wasn't Tyler, he was aware that it was a friend of his older brother. He hoped that if he did a good job they would tell him about it.

Just the very idea gave Sky the fuel he needed to go in on the bear. He pressed his lips against the sloppy ring while his tongue wriggled and pressed against the smooth walls, flicking back and forth, dragging against the top and the bottom, sometimes just reeling and back forth as if it was a cock. Sky surprised himself by how much he was putting into his actions but the thought of his older brother spurred the small wolf to push his tongue further inside and practically scrape it against the pink borders. This got the bear growling deeper and sweating even more. A line of drool ran down his muzzle and he tried to collect himself in front of the other guys but Sky was forcing those moans out of him with each press of his tongue. Even though his cock was in his paw, Rod hardly stroked it. The pleasure that radiated from his teased and eaten out ass was giving him more than enough tinglings. Nearly too much in fact.

In swift motion, Rod lifted his backside up and took deep, heavy breaths. He narrowly dodged the orgasm that would have been forced out of him. Thin strings of drool kept Sky's muzzle and Rod's ass connected. The fur of the grizzly's cheeks were thoroughly slathered and matted from the spit. He took more deep breaths, able to feel his climax slowly but surely fade out. His mind was still a haze thanks to the lingering pleasure that still held his body in it's grasp. Once he got a hold of himself, Rod growled and repositioned himself for something new. Rather than sitting down once again, the grizzly aimed his dripping cock at the wolf's mouth. Sky took note and opened his muzzle, awaiting the bear's meat to jam inside of it. And Rod took full advantage, bucking his hips and shoving his tip and half his length inside of the wet maw.

The bear's breath immediately was taken from him as Sky's tongue wiggled and curled around his tip and shaft. It was an immediate pleasure that stuck him hard and made him melt. His legs threatened to give out underneath him but the grizzly held firm. He collected himself and took a deep breath. The bear noticed the rest of friends looking at him and he quickly shifted the look on his face to one of dominance and confidence. He bared his fangs and pumped his hips deep, popping his tip down the lupine's throat. He let a deep rumble rise from his chest, making sure it was heard by his friends.

"Y-yeah... Take my fucking cock, slut!" Rod did his best to think of what Tyler would say at a time like this. The words were right but his delivery was off. His friends glanced at each other and just rolled their eyes. From the day that he laid eyes on him, Rod was infatuated with Tyler but the wolf never showed any interest past friendship. Before, Rod only came to the gym twice a week but he soon arrived each and every day just to see the alpha wolf. Not only did he change his life schedule, but the bear even changed his personality, trying hard to mimic Tyler. That wouldn't have been an issue if not for the fact that Rod, while a large predator, was a docile and friendly type of guy. But every time Tyler was around the bear would start to act all tough, usually stomping around in an attempt to give an air of pure alpha. It was clear for his friends to see and the same went for Tyler, but none of them bothered to give Rod the memo...

"Damn... It's s-so tight," the grizzly growled, thumping his hips up and down. The motions forced his cock to thump against the wolf's lips with small smacks. Deep, surly moans came forth as his cock was teased and massaged by the wet warmth engulfing it. In turn Sky curled and flicked his tongue against the invading shaft, working to stimulate it any way he could. Thanks to Tyler his gag reflex had been obliterated, leaving it all too easy for the bear to pump his cock deep down his clenching throat. He simply breathed through his nose and worked his tongue to get at all he could. The pink muscle even occasionally flicked from his muzzle and pressed at the ball bouncing against his muzzle, giving them additional pleasure. Even though Rod took his little break his body was no match for the overwhelming pleasure that took his being over.

"Aaah! Guuah! Shit- Wait!" Rod was powerless to stop himself. Even though he wanted to cease his body's motions, his hips continued to rock back and forth, driving his tongue against the soft tongue, forcing a deep, powerful orgasm out of it. "Aah! Oh fuuucck!" The bear pressed himself inside of the wolf's throat and pressed his body against the wolf's, digging his claws into the wood of the bench. His length swelled and pulsed heavily, forcing his seed to the tip. And from that flexing tip came the gooey strings of hot bear cum that coated the walls of Sky's throat on the way down to his stomach. Since the cock was already past his tongue, all the wolf had to do was swallow the substance down. Every time he swallowed there was an additional pressure put on the bear's shaft, only working to milk him even further. The bear's poorly crafted image of himself fell away as he broke out into a rather high pitched moan. Small whimpers followed as he rode out his orgasm, grinding his hips and pressing his cock against the soft, hugging walls of Sky's throat. He was in total bliss even after his cock unloaded. Rather reluctantly, the bear got up and shook himself off as the next guy geared to take his place with the lying wolf.

That guy was Axel, the lion. Unlike Rod, he didn't have to force his commanding, dominant attitude. It was something innate in him, instinctual. He pressed the golden fur out of the way of his eyes. The front was styled in a large bang that often covered them. His cock was already leaking heavily as he high-fived a panting Rod and prepared to have his turn with the wolf. Just like Rod, Axel figured the best place was to take up Sky's front. He stepped up to the panting wolf. The fur of his gray muzzle was smeared and matted with cum from the bear. The lion found it rather cute and purred at the smaller mammal.

"I'm not gonna ask much out of you..." Axel chuckled, taking hold of the leash. He gave it a tug and made a circle motion with his paw, signaling that he wanted the wolf to turn around, something the smaller mammal complied with. Still keeping a firm grip on the leash, Axel gave a nonchalant tug to his barbed cock and sighed. "I wanted to be one of the first ones here. I woke up late and had to skip out on a shower. But by the smell on your fur I'm thinking that won't be a problem." As soon as he finished that sentence, Axel lowered himself just enough for his balls to touch the wolf's snout.

Almost immediately, Sky could smell what the lion was talking about. But it was clear that the lion was playing coy. The stink that was slowly rubbed into his nose was clearly the product of days without a wash. He had firsthand experience from just sniffing Tyler once. Nonetheless the smell of a predator's musk did work to get him going. His mouth watered as he curled his tongue from his muzzle, lapping at the nuts the same way he would his own nose. A sight shudder ran through the lion. He gave another tug on the leash and Sky obediently opened his mouth. Swiping his tongue over his muzzle, the lion leaned forwards slightly and lowered himself once again, slipping his furry orbs into the warm maw. A deeper purr rumbling straight from Axel's chest as Sky closed his mouth around the balls. His tongue lapped against the soft fur, picking up the bitter tang of sweat layered over itself and the general grime of not washing. He bared the brunt of it and continued licking and sucking on the lion's balls.

Thoroughly enjoying himself, the lion sat himself on the wolf's muzzle, purring against the pleasure of being licked. The warm tongue and the soft touch of the fur on Sky's muzzle sent great feelings through his loins. Using the pleasure as a base, Axel sighed and gripped his cock, starting off with slow, lingering tugs. That was all he needed, a soft and warm tongue to stimulate his balls while he played with his own cock. The lion grit his fangs and huffed as thick precum spurt from his tip. He used that to coat his cock and make it all the easier for him to stroke himself.

On the other side, Sky closed his eyes and worked the plump, furry orbs that filled his muzzle. He swiped his tongue back and forth, up and down, any which way he could to get them dripping with his sweat. As a consequence his tongue was coated in a thin layer of bitter sweat and grungy oils. The balls in his mouth shifted against the changing temperature, hanging even lower against his tongue. He was getting used to the feeling but that was quickly offset by the balls being tugged and dragged against his tongue. A second later, the orbs sunk back down. This was all because of Axel. Deep huffs came from him as he used his strong leg muscles to lift his body up and down. Following his lower half, the plump orbs were slicked up and down with Sky's mouth. Following this, the wolf held his mouth slightly open, allowing the balls to pop from his lips and be shoved past them and back inside of his mouth. With loud groans of pleasure and sloppy, wet pops the lion pleasured himself in two different ways. His grip on his cock was tight as he stoked it even faster, forcing more pre to the tip that dripped and leaked down on Sky's chest. The wolf was doing so good a job that it heard for him to last much longer...

"Mmm... Good boy..." Axel purred as he teased his barbs that started to flare in preparation for his incoming climax. With several quick tugs, the lion bit his lip hard and jerked his hips, popping his balls from the wet mouth as he reached the point of no return. He held his cock in his fist as his barbs flared out and flexed against his orgasm. Cum spilled out from the tip, coming out in frequent, thin ropes. It was blinding pleasure that matched rope after rope came from his appendage, one after the other. Pumping his fist again forced a snarl and a sharp jerk of his hips. More strings of lion seed painted the fur of the wolf's chest and upper stomach, quickly soaking in and marking his body... Axel sighed as his orgasm was over. He was aware that he wasn't the last one and he didn't want to keep his friend waiting...

"He's all yours, Cole..." Axel sighed and stepped away from the wolf, clicking his tongue and flicking his cum soaked thumb at the approaching porcine. Cole chuckled and soon loomed over the wolf.

"Look at you..." Cole tsk'ed in a gruff voice, shaking his head. "Ya fur's all dirty. Here... Let me clean it up for ya..." He gripped his uncut cock and aimed it as he stood between the wolf's legs. A deep sigh came from the slightly chubby male as he unloaded his bladder upon the already stained fur. He forced himself to keep the stream slow so he could aim it and thoroughly soak the predator's fur in his marking. He closed his eyes and just swayed his hips back and forth, letting his stream of hot, yellow fluid splash anywhere on the wolf. On the receiving end, Sky whimpered as his fur quickly grew hot and damp from the stream that landed on his pelt and soaked into it. The smell of heady piss filled his nose. It was much different than Tyler, much more earthy and lingering in his nose. The stream was lifted enough for his chest to be struck, only giving him a full blown whiff of the aroma. The stream died off until the last bit was squirted directly between his legs, landing on his balls and dripping down his taint.

Cole sighed again as he lazily stroked at his cock, bringing it to full hardness and length. He tugged at the thick skin covering his length, trapping a bit of his piss underneath. It worked as a lube of sorts, making him grunt a bit from the different than usual sensation. Nonetheless, when his cock was primed for penetration, the boar took hold of it and pressed against the stretched pucker. Though he was wide open at this point, the sensation of being filled still brought its own pleasure to him, especially considering how thick the particular appendage being shoved inside of him was. Gripping the wolf's legs, Cole shoved himself deep inside of the sloppy hole. A deep grunt and snort came from him as he pressed himself all the way to the hilt, flicking his short tail as he did so.

The chubby male wasted no time pounding himself deep inside of the wet hole, even though Sky's ass was stretched nearly to it's limit, that fact didn't even factor against the hard thrusts that jammed the blunt cock to bash against the back of his ass. As he shoved himself deep and hard, Cole smirked and dug his claws against the lupine's legs. Small whimpers and pants came from Sky against the sensations and the strong thumps that rocked his body back and forth. Heavy snorts filled his ears, but that wasn't the only thing that he picked up. A strong musk wafted from the already sweating boar, working quickly to get Sky's attention. Like his piss, the porcine's scent was extremely earthy and clung firm in his nose, ensuring that Cole's scent was the only thing he would smell for some time.

"Yeah, really fuckin' tight..." Cole grunted, pressing his body against Sky's back and dropping his weight on the smaller male. Sky wheezed a bit and that only increased as a thick, strong arm was wrapped around his neck, locking him in place. Taking a deep breath, Cole reared his hips back and drove his cock deep inside of the clenching tunnel. He quickly picked up his pace, thrusting his cock at a fast pace, making quick, sharp slaps ring out against the locker room walls. His length soon became wet and lubed up with the hot remnants of piss and cum. Cole took full advantage, clenching his teeth as he jacked himself in and out of the abused tailhole in the same fashion as a rabbit in heat.

Sky actually moaned out as his prostate was prodded and bashed against rapidly and repeatedly. Harder and faster, Cole slammed his maleness in before popping it back out and repeating the process. Sky was left to squirm and whimper against the pleasure that radiated through his body. His own cock peaked from underneath his balls and started twitching as it was bumped against the smooth wood, starting to leak clear fluids.

"Tyler sure found himself something special... D-damn... So fuckin' good!" Cole shoved his cock deep and held it in place for a few seconds, forcing an actual moan from the bottoming wolf. He took deep heavy breaths but they were short as Cole started his thrusting once again, even harder than before. The bench underneath them creaked and groaned from the heavy motions taking place on top of it. The wood itself bent slightly every time the boar jammed his cock inside and thumped his heavy hips downwards. Sky could feel thick precum being gushed inside of him. Being a boar, Cole was a heavy cummer and his precum was the same, already spurting with the same force as if he was pissing. His heavy, hairy balls had more than enough cum for the both of them and Cole could feel that Sky would be getting all of it soon.

He held Sky even tighter as he slammed himself to the most of his ability. The increased strength made Sky strain against the strong arm clamping down on his arm. It nearly choked him out, threatening to make him lose consciousness mid pounding. But it never got to that point as Cole raised his voice and bared down on the moaning wolf. He shoved his cock in deep and grunted as his plump balls churned, spilling their load almost instantly. Hot, thick seed literally poured into Sky's ass, quickly filling it to it's limit. Cole huffed and clenched his teeth against his lingering orgasm, pumping his hips every so often. The cum continued to flow, becoming too much for the whimpering wolf. It was forced to squish around the cock it came from and squirt on the already cum-stained floor below. Sticky, viscous stings dripping from the pink hole onto the surface below. But Cole continued pumping his current bitch full of his seed, increasing the volume and made a gush of boar cum spray from his ass. Finally, Cole panted and pressed his full weight on Sky as he reveled in his orgasm, thoroughly satisfied.

"Best fuck I've had in a while..." The boar got up for the final time, roughly slipping his cock from the clenching tunnel, giving it ample room to gush the seed that was deposited. It fell to the ground with a wet splatter, slowly oozing towards the already clogged drain.

The group of guys left Sky where he was and that was just fine with the wolf. Between his rude awakening that morning all the 'exercise' he'd been through in the morning alone, Sky closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep in an instant. Though he was peacefully sleeping, his ass continued to leak fluids onto the floor below.

Sky was so deep in his sleep that he didn't even realize that he was being carried home. Upon reaching Tyler's place he was tossed onto the couch, something that worked quickly to wake him up. Upon hitting the furniture, the smaller wolf yelped and opened his eyes. For a moment he wondered where he was, fully remembering how he was used at the gym. He could feel a dampness in his pants, likely from the cum that still dripped out of him. While he collected himself Tyler walked up to him and sat down next to him. With his large paw he grabbed his brother's head and shoved it deep within his hot, dripping armpit. Sweat quickly coated the other wolf's muzzle and filled his nose with the tart tang of fresh sweat.

"Wakey wakey, Bitch..." Tyler chuckled, holding Sky in place. "You must have had a lot of fun with the guys. Heh. I can smell them on you... Guess I gotta mark you again, huh?" He pressed Sky even closer, dragging the other wolf's head up and down, forcing the nose to comb through the rough, wet armpit hair. Sky shuddered and moaned against the powerful stink, instinctively drawing his tongue from his muzzle. He used that tongue to swipe at the grimey crevice. The bitter sweat quickly collected on his tongue and the gray wolf welcomed it. While he did have fun with the other guys, Sky had missed Tyler from just that morning alone. Showing his brother appreciation, the smaller lupine not only licked the armpit but he shifted his own head up and down, smearing the sharp smell all over his face. The smell filled his nose and lingered within, much to Sky's pleasure. With another small moan the lith wolf focused on dragging his tongue against the smelly pit.

"Mmm... There's a good bitch..." Tyler said with a sigh. "Didn't take long to break you in, huh?"

While Sky serviced his armpit, Tyler reached at his brother's shorts and with a simple tug of his claws he ripped the fabric, exposing the gray lupine's growing cock. He chuckled as he witnessed the sheath swell to allow Sky's four inches to come into view. The bigger lupine just rolled his eyes and reached out for the smaller cock. His grip was rough, tugging harshly with the strength just short of ripping the thing off. This got pitched yelp out of Sky but a growl from Tyler was all it took to keep him lodged in his pit. Feeling rather satisfied with himself, Tyler pressed his blunt claws against the shaft and used them to drag up and down the cock. He could hear Sky's pained moans as he was stroked from the hard tips. They pressed into his skin, threatening to break through. The strokes were rough and had a quickness to them, delivering repetitive scratches to his brother's maleness.

Sky forced himself to keep licking and sucking as his cock was bombarded with painful drags of his brother's claws over and over again with no let up. Despite the pain, his cock still twitched and started to leak pre just from pure stimulation. Just his attention was needed elsewhere as Tyler tapped on his chest. He complied with the soundless command and removed his tongue from the damp pit. Instead, Sky was now dragging his tongue over his brother's sweaty chest, combing his tongue through the rough fur, collecting just as much sweat from his armpit. There was much more space for him to lick and he took full advantage. A pleasure sound came from Tyler as Sky's tongue flicked over his nipple. Hearing this, Sky did it again, getting another one of those sounds. So he focused on that.

Sky pursed his lips around the dark nipple, making small suckles as he swirled his tongue against the sensitive nub. Tyler sucked his teeth and held Sky's head in place as an actual deep grunt left his muzzle.

"Mmm... That's it... Doing a great job, Bitch..."

Sky's eyes went wide upon being actually praised. His tail wagged fiercely and Tyler noticed this, chuckling at the sight. Wanting to be acknowledged and praised even more, Sky went into his motions even harder than he already was. He pressed his face against the round but strong pec. While his tongue flicked against the nub and his lips teased against the surface, Sky used his free paws to rub up and down his brother's glistening abs. Alpha or not, there was nary a wolf that could resist a good belly rub and Sky made sure to gently rub his paws up and down, using his claws to drag through the fur. His actions were proving fruitful as a deep sigh came from Tyler and his own tail thumped against the couch.

"Ooh, something different... Keep that up and you might get a good reward..." Tyler chuckled, leaning back as his chest and stomach were both teased and stimulated. The pleasure of his licked nipple made his chest tingle and the pleasure combined with the deep, blissful sensation of his belly being stroked in just the right way. Even without anything very explicit happening, Tyler's cock started to grow and poke against the fabric of his shorts. Sky noticed this but he didn't act upon it, not until his brother gave him the 'okay.' He forced himself to move his mouth to the other nipple, leaving the first rock hard and shimmering with his spit. As he flicked his tongue against the nipple, Sky changed up the motions of his belly rub. He stroked a bit faster and eased up the pressure of his claws, careful to not scratch his brother and ruin his steady stream of pleasure.

"Yeah... Keep that up... Fuck..." Tyler actually moaned, using his only claws to stroke his brother's back. Rather than digging his claws in, the bigger wolf was actually gentle, sailing his claws through his pelt. It worked to send deep tingles down Sky's spine and made his tail wag even harder. His heart fluttered and picked up pace, causing Sky to feel lightheaded for a moment. But he powered through the sensation and continued to service his brother, gently swirling his tongue and suckling on the hardening teat as if he was actually nursing from it. With his free paw, Tyler pulled his own shorts down, exposing his crimson length. Sky did his best to ignore it but it soon became the only thing he could think about, consuming his thoughts. He pulled his mouth from the nipple and whimpered...

"What is it?" Tyler chuckled, enjoying his brother's pitiful look.

"I... W-will you mark me?" Sky dared to ask, growing even more excited at the thought. "I wanna have your scent on me again." It was nothing but the pure truth. The piss of the horse and boar had set into and stained his fur and the musk from the bear and lion clung to his muzzle. He wanted the scent on his fur to be Tyler's and Tyler's alone. He expected to be called a freak for wanting such a thing but Tyler just smirked down at him. Over the day and a half Tyler had grown a soft spot for his little brother. Rather than hating him, the black wolf now found him rather cute. And after the way he was just serviced, Tyler saw Sky as something that needed to be submissive but also protected. The other wolf was fragile and would be able to fend for himself if another guy like him came along... Marking him would be a great way to let the other guys know that he was under his protection: as his brother and his bitch.

"Where do you want it?" Tyler offered. "After all, you gotta clean up your messes."

"L-let's do it in my room..." Sky's answer was immediate. The small wolf started to shake with excitement as Tyler rolled his eyes playfully and lifted him up. Holding him close, Tyler carried his brother to his bedroom.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Tyler huffed, a gentle smirk on his face.

"Whatever you want." That answer shocked Tyler. He didn't expect something so casually dirty to come out of his brother's mouth. He looked down to see Sky smirking up at him this time. The small wolf reached up and teased a claw against his chest. This time Tyler was the one excited. It seemed that Sky was properly broken in. His little brother was already eager to get him to do stuff to him but now that was cranked up to eleven. Sure, Sky wanted to be fucked by his own brother but now he was acting downright slutty. It made the older male eager to get him in the bedroom but underneath his horniness, Tyler wasn't exactly sure how to feel about his brother's dramatic change. He was so straightforward all of a sudden. Perhaps his ways rubbed off on him...

His thoughts were forgotten as soon as they stepped into the bedroom. The smell of sex, cum and piss still lingered the room. Both siblings's nostrils flared as they drank in the scent and took it straight to the head. Tyler chuckled and tossed his brother unto the bed. Sky yelped but upon landing on the mattress, he chuckled as well. He collected himself and looked back at his brother with a sultry expression on his face, it was coy and inviting, almost challenging. Tyler accepted the challenge and let his shorts fall from his legs. He stepped out of them and approached his brother, gripping his now semi-hard length. Sky stood perfectly still, looking up at his brother with wide, excited eyes.

Giving his brother what he asked for, Tyler put some pressure on his bladder, forcing the fluid within to come forth. A bit of straining came first but right after that came a deep sigh from the bigger wolf. As soon as he managed to get his piss flowing, that comfortable bliss washed over his body. Not a moment later did the stream of piss flow from his tip. The hot, smelly fluid landed on Sky, quickly soaking his fur and remarking him with a fresh scent. He didn't even care as the dripp dripped down his fur and pooled onto his bed below. Rather, Sky basked the strong smelling fluid, taking deep whiffs and running his paws against his body, pushing the piss into other areas of his fur. Tyler grinned and aimed his stream higher, splattering his yellow fluids on his muzzle, thoroughly coating it in his scent. The wolf on the receiving end opened his mouth and eagerly took in the bitter substance, gulping loudly as it flowed down his throat. Tyler's stream died down, ending in thin dribbles that fell on the floor.

"Mmm... Look at you now... Perfect..." Tyler stepped up to his brother and took hold of his neck, squeezing slightly. Sky blushed and winced against the pressure on his throat. Rather than straining, Sky wrapped his paws around the strong arm, looking his brother in the eyes. Tyler took advantage of his brother's open maw and spit a thick wad inside. He let go and instead clamped Sky's mouth shut, forcing him to swallow. The blush on Sky's muzzle grew all the more intense, nearly overpowering the yellow that now stained his pelt.

"What do you wanna do now?" Tyler asked, tilting his head as he let go of Sky. His brother looked down at his brother's once again hardened cock and only one thing came to mind. But rather saying anything, Sky got into position. He slunk off his bed and turned around, resting his upper body on the warm piss that soaked into the sheets. He arched his back and lifted his tail, swaying his hips back and forth. This worked tremendously to get Tyler hot and ready. In an instant, the alpha wolf's cock was so hard it nearly hurt. He growled and stepped up to his brother, gripping his tail in his fist with one paw and aiming his own cock in the other. Without saying anything he shoved his hips forward, snarling against the pleasure. Sky moaned as his rim was jabbed by the pointed tip. The tip shoved it's way inside of him, quickly collecting the layers of cum that still clung to the puffy, abused walls.

Tyler snarled again and planted his free paw on Sky's hip with a sharp slap that made him cry out again. The wolf in control just smiled and shoved the rest of himself in deep. He had to admit, Sky was stretched out pretty good, to the point that it would take a few days for him to be back to base tightness. But for now, the other wolf was just tight enough for those puffed up walls to still clench and hug at his shaft. Sky, while lying on the bed, moaned just from the slight motions his brother made. His abused walls had taken a heavy beating from so many guys back to back. Now only had they swelled a bit but they also became all the more sensitive. Something as simple as Tyler reeling his cock back in preparation to thrust again already had him clutching the sheets.

"Having fun already?" Tyler teased.

"Hehe... Your cock is so good..." Sky said. Once again, Tyler was surprised by how much his brother had changed in such a short time. But instead of being concerned, the other wolf's tone stroked at his ego and his lust. He pressed himself in slowly on purpose, listening to his brother gulp and give a long moan. His anal walls were still stretched around the invading cock and the slow movement dragged the pleasure out. Sky's entire body shook as he pressed himself against the soaked mattress.

"Damn right it is... Now, let's see if I can get you knocked up!"

Tyler pulled on Sky's tail, shoving the ass backwards on his ass. He growled as Sky yelped against the thick shaft pressing deep inside of him with little effort. The bigger wolf pushed Sky back towards the bed and let go of his tail. Licking his teeth, Tyler planted both paws on Sky's hips, digging his claws into the pelt. With a deep breath, the alpha wolf thumped his hips back and forth, slicking himself in and out at a steady pace. The pleasure that engulfed his own length made him give quiet growls and small shivers come forth that ran down his spine. He pressed himself in and own, enjoying the hugs of the sloppy, wet walls.

"How's that?" Tyler asked.

"R-really good... Mrrmf!" Sky's compliment was interrupted as Tyler jammed himself in hard. The bigger wolf chuckled and pulled his cock from his brother's ass. Sky was confused and grunted as he was lifted and pushed onto the bed. Behind him he could hear the chuckling of his brother and the groaning of the extra weight on his bed. Tyler loomed over the other wolf, bending over him. Taking the doggystyle position, Tyler planted his body on top of Sky's, lined himself up, and slipped his cock inside of the wet passage. Moans and lingering breaths came from the both of them. Tyler pressed his head close to Sky's, panting in his ear and drooling down his cheek as he shoved his cock within all the way to the hilt. A grunt came from the both of them as Tyler's knot slipped halfway in the stretched hole.

"F-fuck... Not ready for that..." Tyler grunted, jacking his hips backwards.

"Gah! T-thick..." Sky whimpered upon the knot being popped free from his hole.

Tyler smiled and pressed himself even closer as he pumped himself in and out of the clenching tunnel. The motions of his humpings rocked Sky's body as well and coaxed more cute sounds out of him. "Grrr... K-keep talking... I like it..."

Another hard pump forced a yelp out of the bottoming wolf. He groaned and pressed his face against the bed, leaving Tyler to loom over him, still thrusting his cock with no relent.

"It's- augh... Stretching me so deep!"

Tyler chuckled and wrapped an arm around Sky's chest. He met the wolf on the bed, leaning his own body downwards. That gave him all the more room to slam his hips deep inside. "Uh huh. What else?"

"I love... The way you fuck me- Rrgh..! Hard and strong... None of the other guys did it like you!" Sky admittance brought a bit of peace to his brother. Though he wouldn't say it aloud, Tyler feared that some of his friends, especially Justin and Axel, could actually compete with him. But since that wasn't the case, the big wolf could fuck his brother with full confidence and all his strength.

Growling, Tyler pistoned himself harder and faster inside of the sloppy insides, making heavy grunts from the wetness and the tunnel's tightness. His brother's frequent moans filled his ears and spurred him on to keep humping as deep and hard as he could. Underneath him, Sky dug his claws into the sheets and writhed underneath his brother. The deep stroking against his ass took his breath away and overstimulated his body. He took deep breaths and sweat heavily against each pump of the cock. The anal walls were teased, poked, and stretched them to the side. The knot that pressed and slipped past his ring partially drove him crazy. His own cock bobbed between his legs and dripped heavily.

"Aaah! Mmmph! T-Tyler! It's too much- I can't... G-gonna..!" Sky yelped and wailed as his entire body shook. Without being touched, the smaller wolf's cock spasmed and sprayed seed. The cum collected into an expanding puddle. Tyler chuckled as he heard his brother's pleasured noises. But that laughter soon turned into grunts of his own as the puffy walls hugged his cock tight.

"Holy shit! So fucking slick and warm...." Tyler grit his fangs and thrust himself deep inside, popping his knot inside. Feeling his climax approaching, the wolf leaned upwards and planted his paws firmly on both his brother's hips. With all the strength he had, Tyler pulled his hips backwards. His knot popped out of the hole and was jammed back inside, forcing a yell out of his brother. Grunting fiercely and flinging strings of his spit onto his brother's back, Tyler popped his knot in and out of the clenching tunnel. Doing so spread sharp, electrifying pleasure to his body. His sensitive knot squelched and popped deep inside the clenching tunnel before it was forced back out with another loud, squishy pop. He knew that he couldn't last too much longer and pressed his body upon Sky once again.

"A-alright... Here it comes, Bitch... Get ready to have my pups!"

Driving himself as hard as he could, Tyler snarled and jammed his thick knot past the rim and continued to press, shoving the wad of flesh deep inside. Snarling, the alpha wolf swiveled his head and took hold of his brother's scruff in his jaws. Sky yelped the back of his neck was tugged and bitten hard. He winced and endured the pain as Tyler reached his peak. The wolf gave a long, burly moan as he came. Deep inside his brother, the flexing cock sprayed it's seed deep inside the awaiting tunnel. The bliss that overtook his body was nearly blinding, making him drool around his brother's scruff. His hips tensed and jerked from the pure pleasure, pressing the knot deeper and brought even more pleasure to coax more cum out of his cock.

Against the mattress, Sky wailed and strained as his sensitive walls were coated in a thick layer of fresh, hot seed. The pure heat spread to his body, making him feel warmer and warmer. That inner heat, compared with the large body pressed against his own, Sky panted heavily and began to sweat. His tongue lolled from his muzzle and he gave a worn out chuckle.

"My alpha's so good to me..." Sky whimpered, reaching behind to stroke his brother's cheek.

"Mmm... I think my bitch needs a round two... Just to make sure you got my pups..."