The Curse | Chapter 1 [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#1 of The Curse [Comm]

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When Dylan goes to find himself some entertainment, the donkey finds that tempting fate can have unforseen, crinkly consequences.Contains: Diapers, Fantasy, NSFW, Wetting, Messing, Chastity, Braindrain, ABDL, Babying, Sub/DomRating: 18+

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Commission for: wwuunnkil

Artwork by: bigbearbruno

Cover design and story by: HoratioHusky

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If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and previews of my writing!

The Curse

Chapter 1


A donkey scratched idly at the little bit of tummy poking out the bottom of his t-shirt as he walked through the fair with an expression of boredom plastered across his muzzle.

Dylan had been to his fair share of county fairs before, but this one really took the medal for the most boring festival he had been to in quite a long while.

The street was very sticky from all the spilled cotton candy and snow cone mix, the sound of crying children and the occasional soiled diaper floated through the air, and the fair workers looked just about on the brink of throwing themselves off the top of the ferris wheel.

The fact that it was a balmy 98?F did little to alleviate the sense of mugginess that pervaded the entire street.

Sipping at the extra large lemonade clutched in one hoof, the donkey continued to idly stroll through the festival wondering if he should just clamber back into his car and drive home to his air conditioned apartment.

"Fortunes! Get your future read! Learn about your fate!"

The donkey lazily looked over to a little stall with large purple curtains revealing the head of a half canine half alligator wearing a turban on top of his head.

The fortune teller seemed to at least have a higher degree of energy than the rest of the festival workers.

Maybe they've got an AC unit in there... Eh, might be worth the tickets.

Dylan strode over to the stall, holding up his tickets in his fist as he offered them to the fortune teller.

"Hello, here's the 14 tickets. So what do I do?"

The fortune teller's eyes lit up as he graciously accepted the tickets, sweeping back the curtain and bowing low.

"Yes, yes, come in! Groll the Great will tell you of what your future holds."

Dylan rolled his eyes.

He really does act the part, doesn't he?

He climbed inside, sitting himself down on a particularly uncomfortable wooden stool.

God, what is their budget for this kind of shit?

Groll the Great settled himself down on a significantly more comfortable looking stool and took out a crystal ball which he placed in a little stand on the table before them.

Placing both paws on top of it and closing his eyes, Groll began to mumble incoherently as his eyes fluttered open eyes gazing upwards revealing the uncomfortable contrast of the whites of his eyes.

"Uh, you good dude?"

"Silence! Groll the Great must concentrate if he is to reveal your mortal fate!"

Perhaps it was the heat, perhaps it was the sheer lack of entertainment and feeling of disappointment of a lame fair, or perhaps Dylan just didn't like how 'Groll the Great' was talking to him, because he snapped.

"Oh just get your charlatan mumbo jumbo over with quickly so I can get back to a place with AC in it."

Groll stopped moving, he remained motionless as the only motion Dylan could perceive was him slowly opening his mouth.

An uncanny cackle erupted from the fortune teller's throat, causing Dylan's fur to stand on end in discomfort.

"What the... How are..."

Groll threw his head back at an angle that should not have been possible as his limbs began to twitch and contort themselves.

The garish laugh continued as Dylan found that the previously hot air contained in the little tent suddenly turned icy cold.

"Droll and dreary your future be,

Your doubt and suspicion you will see,

In difficulty to holding in one and two,

Magic is something that you shouldn't boo.

Your wildest dreams you will seek,

Yet your approach won't be meek,

You'll be careful for you wish for,

When you're crawling on all fours."

Just as suddenly as it had started, the temperature of the stall returned to normal, the Great Groll stopped shaking and their eyes rolled forward, and Dylan realized that he was now sitting on a significantly soggier stool than he had previously.

Groll shook his head, frowning and opening his mouth as if he were about to say something.

Before he had the chance to recover, Dylan stood up on two shaky legs and marched out of the stall pushing past the purple curtains.

What the fuck was that?! Why did it get so cold? Why did their voice suddenly get weird? And what the hell was it that they even said, crawl on all fours? Holding in one and two? WHY DID I PISS MYSELF?!

Thankfully, in the muggy heat the wet spot that now adorned his jean shorts was already beginning to shrink.

The fair itself was beginning to shut down for the afternoon, and very few people were left milling about.

His heart still racing, Dylan managed to reach his car and settle himself down inside, hot air blasting through the air vents as his car set to work activating his AC.

"Okay Dylan, breathe. Just breathe."

The donkey managed to work himself out of his panicked breathing a few minutes later, resting his head on the steering wheel in front of him briefly.

"Okay, that was weird."

His mind was still reeling, but he had now managed to steady himself just a little bit.

What had happened could have been something to do with the heat, after all he could feel his mind was still muggy in the terrible weather.

As he shifted into reverse and began to exit the parking lot, he thought about just how weird it felt when it was suddenly cold and his fur stood on end.

I know I wasn't hallucinating, that really did happen. Groll had some sort of fit or something, what the hell was it that they said? Difficulty holding one and two? Did he just make me piss myself?

As Dylan got home and felt the sweet relief of his air conditioned apartment, he found himself peeling his still soaked jorts off of himself.

Yeesh, when's the last time I wet myself? When I was three years old? How embarrassing.

Dylan clopped over to the kitchen wearing nothing except his shirt and underwear as he went to chug as much cold water as his fridge was holding.

Several glasses later, the donkey felt like he was returning to normal. His heart had stopped racing, and his head felt like it was thinking a little bit more clearly.

Hmm, maybe the prediction was supposed to get me to have an accident or something to get me to believe in magic or some shit. Dirty fortune teller, that was a real filthy trick.

Having temporarily reached a conclusion as to what happened, the donkey decided that, although it was still a little early in the afternoon, it was about time to wind down for the day.

Depositing himself on his couch, he flipped on the TV and was soon lost in

reruns of Jeopardy, his mind still occasionally drifting to the strangeness of the day's occurrences.

About a half an hour later, the donkey had fallen fast asleep, snoring away in front of muted television.

As suddenly as it had happened earlier that day, a wet spot grew on the front of the chubby donkey's underwear. A few minutes later his couch was soaked with his own pee, the water he had chugged previously having gone through him quite quickly.

A few hours later he stirred, groggily thinking that he should probably move himself into bed if he were going to sleep.

Suddenly, his eyes darted open and he looked down at himself.

Dylan swore loudly, peeling himself off of the now sticky leather couch and looking down in abject horror at his soaked underwear.

"What the fuck?! Again?! Why am I pissing myself? What the fuck!"

Wanting to save his couch, he darted into the kitchen as quickly as he could and returned clutching a roll of paper towels.

After doing his best to soak up his pee, he went over to his bathroom and turned on the shower. Stripping himself down he stood underneath the stream even before the water warmed up.

He scrubbed at himself furiously with soap, wanting to eliminate any and all trace of his accident from his fur.

As he cleaned himself, he thought about what was happening. Obviously he needed to go see a doctor about this, something had happened to him that was eliminating his ability to control his bladder.

He thought back to the words of the curse that Groll had said aloud. Was it possible that he had been hypnotized? Something had taken control of his mind and forced him to lose his potty training?

That's absurd... Will the doctor think I'm crazy? But what else could be causing this? Groll literally said I'd have trouble holding in number one and two... Oh God...

Even as he said it he felt his stomach grumble. Almost slipping and falling, the donkey was just able to get his bottom above his toilet as he felt his plumbing let loose.

He grunted, feeling himself expel his bowels without any control into the toilet bowl as he breathed heavily.

"The fuck?"

He panted, feeling as though he had just taken a powerful laxative and was now feeling its effects.

A minute later he was finished, breathing heavily once again.

Thank God I was so close to the toilet, that could have been messy... God, I've completely lost all control!

He realized that he was going to have to get something to prevent himself from having accidents everywhere.

He flipped open his phone, running through his pharmacy's directory until he found what he was looking for.

Adult diapers... great... I haven't worn a diaper since I was a foal... God damn stupid circus wizard.

After he cleaned himself up, he made sure to pee again before he left his apartment and drove over to his local pharmacy.

He clopped over to the incontinence aisle, glancing around in idle embarrassment as he sheepishly grabbed several packages of large sized adult medical diapers.

After maintaining what he thought was his best poker face, he checked himself out and carried the now bagged packages over to his car.

Back at home, he placed one of the packages on his kitchen table and ripped open the side.

The scent of baby powder pervaded the kitchen entering his nostrils, causing him to feel an odd sense of nostalgia.

Man... I really have to do this, don't I? Whatever... I'll see my doctor next week and figure this out, in the meantime I need to save my furniture.

Grabbing one of the diapers from inside the package, he went over to his bedroom and laid out the unfolded diaper on his bed.

Shifting himself awkwardly on top of it, the donkey adjusted and readjusted himself a few times until he felt he was positioned where he should be on top of the diaper.

Bringing the front over his crotch, Dylan was suddenly finding difficulty properly closing the diaper over himself due to a growing erection.


He grunted in annoyance, moving himself around and flexing his leg and arm muscles until the blood began to eb from his swollen genitals.

A minute later, he had successfully taped himself into a diaper for the first time since he was a baby.

He marveled at just how comfortable it felt, the diaper hugged his waist and held his bits in an incredibly soft environment. It felt like he was wearing a pillow gently supporting his bottom and genitals.

Wow... This is like the most comfortable underwear I've ever worn.

He shifted around, listening to the diaper crinkle loudly while he readjusted one of the tapes into a more symmetrical position.

He stood up, walking over to his mirror and noting the slight waddle he now had as the thick padding drove his legs apart.

He looked at himself, smirking as he posed and examined the diaper from different angles.

I look like an overgrown baby... I sure hope this doesn't have to last too long...

He shook his head, glad now that at least his couch would be safe from any more of his accidents.

It had been a weird day, he thought with a decisiveness that brought him a much needed sense of ease.

He hadn't expected to have the heeby jeebies scared out of him so much that he would end up pissing all over that stupid fortune teller's stool.

Not to mention wetting himself during his sleep and almost shitting all over his shower.

Still, it could be worse.

He thought to himself as he resettled himself on his couch, finding that his hand was now groping his diaper front.

This does feel kind of nice...

He switched the TV on once again, allowing his mind to drift into a dream filled sleep.

His hand was still gently gripping the front of his newly acquired underwear as he slumbered.

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