The white cat and his jackal mentor

Story by Revalioli on SoFurry

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#2 of Miscellaneous

It's finally here, my first venture into the realm of magic and fantasy (except my Zelda stories, but everyone is kinda familiar with what Zelda is all about, so they don't count)

This story was actually uploaded 2 days ago, then I noticed there were mistakes all over the place so I tried to edit it. Unfortunately, I was rather drowsy at the time and accidentally deleted the whole thing, so I figured...what the heck, let fix it up and upload it later.

If you notice all the references here, I think it'll get quite annoying, but I was having so much fun I can't stop myself. My apologize!

I hope you enjoy this one, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions about it.

The jackal frowned, raising his hand to catch the violent wind that carried a nauseous mix of blood stench and intense malice.

Every bit of this forbidden forest belonged to him - the wind, the soil, the grass, the trees, the nocturnal dwellers. Stories about fiendish creatures emerging from the depths of the Dark Woods to devour travelers had, for the most part, prevented outsiders from entering the place, and Gran liked it that way. With just a few years to live, the jackal wanted to keep it to himself, enjoying peaceful, quiet time, inventing new spells, maybe figuring out a way to return his flute to its original state...

But it seemed that today, he might have some unlucky visitors.


Yuya's survival instinct seemed to be the only thing keeping his muscles working. He ran, soft pads trampling on dried leaves and branches and pebbles, at some point his shoes must've torn off, but Yuya couldn't care less. How could he go from enjoying a normal field trip with his classmates to running for his life in just hours, someone told him this was a sick joke!

Yuya was sort of an introvert, socially awkward individual. The typical bookworm. Nerdy and wimpy, unable to lift the pile of books he spent most of his time burying his face in. He performed exceptionally well in classes, but somehow that had the opposite effect of making him popular. If anything, he seemed like that outstanding kid at school who was disliked because he stood out like a sore thump. The only saving grace: He was a cat. That's right, a cat! They said a cat has nine lives, which was probably why only him survive the ambush while all others, including the mages assigned to protect the entourage were slaughtered.

It's not like they were unprepared. The guardian mages were in fact very powerful, Yuya could tell. It was his special ability: By being at presence whenever someone cast a spell, even simplest ones, he could tell the exact level of their magic power, including wizards such as his professors or even the headmaster. Heck, had they been here, the class would've actually stand a chance. The guardians were good, but they had been caught completely off guards by their attackers' Magic Jammer amulets, and needless to say, if those things could render elite wizards helpless, students made even easier preys.

Mage hunters they said! Just when Yuya thought they were bedtime stories intended to scare young wizards from wandering around at night, they actually existed. As the name indicated, they hunted spellcasters from all the places, and the only punishment awaiting that crime was the death penalty, but even the law couldn't stop people from risking it all for money. Grotesque as it might sound, wizard body parts sold for extremely high prices at the black market because they served two essential purposes: Body transplant and components for Dark Arts, not to mention they'd become even more sought-after these days due to the International Wizard Council's strengthened security measures.

The cat ran aimlessly, unaware that he'd ventured quite deep into the Dark Woods. Already he could tell his stamina was rapidly diminishing. Damn it, what a nice day to not take endurance-boosting potion! Just when he considered climbing up a tree to hide out the rest of the night, a whoosh broke the ominous silence and a sharp pain shot up Yuya's leg. He tripped, blood splashed out from his ankle as he could see an arrow sticking out there.

"Ya done running, you damn cat?" A hooded man emerged, bringing with him the flickering light of torches and several others behind him. Anti-spell amulets dangled on their wrists and necks as they approached him, all wearing a vicious, greedy leer.

So this was it? His nine lives had finally run out.

Suddenly, chills went down Yuya's spines. He felt it...absolute, utter terror, but not from these hunters who was about to kill him. What could be more terrifying than your literal imminent murderers?

The trees rustled, and Yuya swore he saw a figure where there'd been nothing just seconds ago. The mage hunters seemed equally surprised, especially since they believed their Magic Jammer's had negated all spellcasting, including apparition. But soon, they were forced to admit it was no trick or hallucination.

Moonlight reached where the stranger stood, revealing a tall jackal. He dressed impeccably: white shirt; dark, slim-fit pants underneath regal black, gold-lined overcoat; white gloves and long leather boot. Yet even more striking was his gold, pupil-less eyes, gleaming brightly in the darkness.


Gran quickly got the gist as he gazed at the scene. His brows narrowed when his eyes landed upon the helpless white cat on the ground. That kid...he'd never met someone with this kind of potential and natural affinity for magic, including himself, and Gran found the cat's ability to detect magic level quite intriguing, unrefined as it was.

"The fuck are you!?" One of the mage hunter demanded, brandishing his scimitar. Gran cast a contemptuous look at him, then at the amulet around his neck, and chuckled.

It was a simple, unthreatening gesture, but everyone at presence shivered as if the temperature had just dropped several degrees.

"I should be the one asking that question." The jackal said, raising his hand. An obsidian flute appeared from out of thin air, levitating pleasantly in a circular motion atop his hand, "I'll give you this one chance: Get lost, and I'll pretend this ruckus never happened, or else."

The demeaning tone, the leisure gesture both enraged the hunters so much their blood might be boiling. Decades of wizard-butchering, and this was the first time something like this happened to them. In their mind, spellcasters were preys, the ones who should be on the ground, sobbing, begging for their lives, not challenging their power.

With an angry roar, the scimitar-wielding hunter lunged at Gran. He never made it. There was a soft, chilling thud, then the next thing he knew, his head was no longer where it should be. Gran flicked his free hand and the amulet yanked itself from the decapitated hunter's neck to the jackal, who caught and examined it. Magic Jammer huh? Can't say their bravado was unfounded, they had some good stuff here.

Yuya was nearly scared out of his skin, not just from the hunter's sudden decapitation. That right there, was nonverbal spells, one of the most advanced forms of wizardry. The only person he'd ever saw doing it was his headmaster, and even the old man had to make some sort of hand movements, while this stranger was standing perfectly still as he cast the curse to sever the hunter's head. Not to mention he, once again, couldn't detect anything when the jackal cast his spell, and magic detecting was his whole thing!

Gran snapped his fingers, conjuring a blue flame that instantly incinerated the amulet in his hand. He then turned his attention to the remaining hunters, flashing them a cold, borderline psychotic smile, "I take that as a 'no', then?"

They couldn't win. They were the prey this time. When the mage hunters realized that, they all dropped their weapons and started running for dear life...and Gran wasn't going to let them.

Slowly bringing the flute to his muzzle, Gran began to play a beautiful but unnerving melody. At last, Yuya had the chance to sample his magic power, and the cat kind of wished he hadn't. The only way he could describe it was a swirling abyss - an endless void of eternal darkness. No doubt about it, this person was the most powerful wizard he'd ever encountered in his life.

A dark aura gathered around Gran before exploding into a shockwave. Tendrils of dark energy spouted from the ground, going after the fleeing hunters at blinding speed, and just seconds later, the entire forest came alive with scream of people being impaled. To add more to the horror show, nocturnal creatures began to emerge behind Gran, all bearing a demonic aura to them, as if they were devils stranded on earth in bestial appearances. They all waited, lining up behind the jackal as if he was their king.

Gran stroked a wolf affectionately, whispering like he was talking to his own children, "Go ahead, feast to your heart's desire."

Yuya couldn't bring himself to look at what followed, or even just hearing it. Oddly enough, he remained untouched amidst the carnage. The tendrils avoided him, as to the demonic predators. What was going on?

"How long do you plan to sit there? Get up." The icy voice made Yuya freeze. His reactive 'I have an arrow sticking out from my leg!' protest melted half-way just as he realized who was talking to him, leaving but a pathetic mewl.

Gran shook his head in disapproval. Apparently this kid was so scared he forgot that he could use magic to heal, now that the hunters were all gone, "Are you not one from the Horus Institution of Wizardry? Don't tell me the fools over there haven't taught you any basic healing spell."

In reality, Yuya wasn't so much 'scared' as confused by the fact that he somehow hadn't bit the dust yet. Hold on now, if this jackal had no intend on killing him, did that make him Yuya's...savior? Seem appropriate enough, but the cat really didn't know how to feel about owing a life debt to a dark wizard. Yes, dark wizard, because how else would he categorize a spellcaster who used beheading curse, conjured dark energy tendrils to impale people then summoned a horde of demonic beasts to devour them?

Patience running thin, Gran waved his hand, and Yuya yelped as an invisible force picked him up from the ground while a cooling sensation started to spread from his wounded ankle to the rest of his body, healing all of his injuries, so soothing he couldn't tell when the arrow was removed from his leg.

The jackal watched in silence as he began to question his judgement earlier. However he looked at it, the kid just didn't come across as bright or sharp at all

When he apparated here, Gran planned to just stay in the shadow and observe the situation. The Dark Woods, being the jackal's domain, exhibited the same magical essence as his, thus Gran always achieved absolute invisibility whenever he blended into the background here...and yet, this cat was able to sense him _before_he fully manifested. If that didn't speak talent, he had no idea what did.

"Listen kitty, you owe me a life debt, and I think you know what that means - One favor, no refusal, no complaint, no weaseling out." Gran said firmly, snapping his fingers. Blue flame appeared again, this time burning away the H.I.W logo on Yuya's sleeve. Amazingly, the cat felt no heat at all, apparently Gran also had control over which target his flame affected.

"Get the message? From now on, you're no longer a Horus student. You'll become my apprentice." The jackal continued. Powerful and accomplished as he was, Gran always had one huge regret: His lack of successors. The knowledge he'd amassed, the spells he'd created, he had no desire to bring them down the grave with him, but due to their intricacy and his strict standards, Gran had yet to find a capable wizard to pass on his wisdom despite years of searching. Tonight though, he might've hit the jackpot, thus his entire course of action had essentially boiled down to this since he laid eyes on the cat.

Yuya's body stiffened at the proposal, and to Gran's confusion, the cat suddenly tried to pounce on him, snarling and rambling incoherently about Dark Arts and disgusting dark wizards. Obviously his outburst yielded no result, seeing as he was still confined in Gran's invisible force field.

"Shut up!" Gran growled in annoyance, "What's gotten into you? Had you any idea how privileged you're to be given this chance?"

The jackal's dominance deflated Yuya's anger. His thrashing stopped, but the cat remained defiant, glaring daggers at Gran, "You want me to learn Dark Arts? You'd better kill me first!"

The cat's reaction wasn't without reasons. Yuya once enjoyed a happy, peaceful childhood, until the day his parents both got murdered when they'd been caught in a battle between dark wizards and the Lightsworns (dark wizard catchers). Becoming a Lightsworn had, since then, been Yuya's greatest aspiration, as with his solemn vow to never succumb to Dark Arts...and he didn't intend on breaking it any time soon.

"Dark Arts? How dare you liken my knowledge to that garbage!" Now it was Gran who looked as if he was about to murder someone. Thankfully, the jackal managed to regain his composure before he actually did. The obsidian flute shook violently in his tightened grip, secreting black, fiendish aura as if it'd just absorbed its master's rage.

"Fine. If you're that unconvinced, make a Sacred Oath with me. Become my apprentice, and I give you my word that under no circumstances shall I make you learn Dark Arts." Taking a deep breath, Gran compromised. He might've indeed misjudged something about the cat. Who knew this meek, cowardice exterior could house such headstrong personality!?

The Sacred Oath was named that way for a reason. An extremely powerful magical contract, once it was made, all parties must honor their parts of the agreement, lest they faced the severe consequence of imminent death. Unbreakable by nature, even the mightiest wizards could not cheat their way out of it, thus rarely did they choose to make one.

Gran held out his hand and a small green circle, outlined with an array, appeared around his wrist. Yuya recognized it - a Spellbinding Circle, marks that must always be invoked by those initiating the Sacred Oath, though this one differed greatly from the ones he saw in textbooks. Rather than the usual triangle, this particular circle displayed a hexagram, not to mention the rune was completely alien to Yuya.

Gran saw right through the cat's suspicion. He chuckled mockingly, "What's wrong, kitty, scared that I've somehow rigged the Oath in my favor? The diagram and rune of a Spellbinding Circle vary depending on a spellcaster's magic level, it's basic knowledge. Haven't you learned that at your damn school?"

Red patches dotted Yuya's cheeks, perhaps he'd missed that part about the Sacred Oath indeed. The cat decided his best course of action was to simply keep his mouth shut. Looking at Gran, then at the glowing seal around his wrist, Yuga gingerly stretched out his hand.

When he thought about it, Yuya really didn't have a choice. Refusing Gran's offer? Not an option, seeing as he was still bound by the life debt, not to mention the longer he bailed, the steeper the price he might pay. Running away? Even if he had access to magic again, Yuya would only entertain the jackal for a few minutes at best, and after witnessing the hunters' demise, the cat wasn't that eager to test Gran's patience.

The moment their hands came in contact, Gran's Spellbinding Circle duplicated itself and a copy began to inch over Yuya's wrist, and it happened.

Forming the Scared Oath would result in some sort of brief mental connection between both parties, but it usually never went beyond glimpses into one another's memories. This time, however, Yuya received more than he'd expected, probably due to his high level of magic sensory. Pulled into a vortex of emotions, the cat knew this was something far deeper than was Gran's very soul.

Up until now, Yuya always considered his life a misery, but it seemed like a drop in the ocean compared to Gran's. Gods...If this was just a small fraction of the jackal's pain, how was he able to hold up this entire time? How had it yet to crush his mind?

"Gah!" Yuya gasped, dropping to his knees. He never wanted to experience this level of raw aguish again. Just a few seconds, and his own soul felt as if it'd been set on fire. Thankfully they managed to complete the pact before the physical contact was severed.

The cat took several deep inhales then looked up, only to found a pair of golden eyes icily fixating on him. Gran said nothing, but by the look of it, he was clearly aware of everything that just happened.

"Next time you breach my Mental Shield, I'll eviscerate you with my bare hands and feed you to my beasts, got it?"

Yuya nodded frantically. That seemed more of a promise than a threat, and he knew the jackal wasn't going to break it.

"Get off your ass. We're starting today." Gran commanded, putting an end to their awkward conversation.

Yuya frowned. For hours, he'd been focusing and channeling his magic to invoke Stardust Mirage - the most complex and demanding spell he'd learnt so far, and that title had changed hand several times during the last few days. Yesterday it'd been Imperial Order - a spell capable of nullifying all magic except the caster's within a 3-mile radius; then the day before that, Mirror Force - a protective barrier capable of reflecting both physical and magical attacks and could even absorb enemy's magic to sustain itself.

Stardust Mirage, though, was on a completely different level, as it enabled the user to manipulate time itself. More specifically, the spell could reverse time to an extend, undo damage, remove timebound curses, or at least those were what the descriptions promised. There were only three drawbacks: It required a crap ton of magic to perform, the user could not cast the spell on themselves, and it could not revive the deceased. Make sense, otherwise wizards would abuse this spell to no end. They'd already tried to play God since the dawn of magic, but given them power over death and the world would plunge into total chaos.

Well, it's not like they even know such a spell exists, or have what it takes to cast it anyway. Yuya sighed in exhaustion. He'd spent almost a day trying to get the hang of Stardust Mirage, and at this rate, he'd surely receive another scolding from his master.

Speaking of his master.

It'd been five years since he began staying and learning here, yet every time he recalled that memory, the cat couldn't help chuckling.

When Gran mentioned this place, the cat had already expected the typical dark wizard lair: Probably a cave or an old cottage, sinister-looking, flocks of constantly cawing crows and heaps of bone and skull on the outside, and when people ventured inside, the first thing they saw would be a cauldron filled to the brim with viscous, bubbling green liquid.

Then reality struck and voila! There he stood, bug-eyed, mouth agape, staring at a magnificent estate. Surrounded by various gardens and fountain, the manor had an exquisite and regal aura to it, and despite being somewhat old-fashioned, it was far from dilapidated or neglected. If anything, the place was so neat and well-kept Yuya suspected Gran put it under some sort of self-clearing spell, or at least had invisible housekeepers running around just like in that cringeworthy tale about Cupid and Pysche his mother used to never shut up about when he was a kid.

Security was also top-notch. To protect his home, Gran had gone through several extended measures. He arranged numerous powerful mind-control spells around the manor. Those spells either projected illusions to trick wanderers or subtly tampered with their mind so that they would feel an obligation to leave immediately. Just inside that layer of spells was a trap-laced teleportation array which, should crossed, would instantly transfer the manor to a new location in the Dark Woods while the traps held intruders at bay and alerted the owner simultaneously.

Yet, what surprised Yuya most was his master, so knowledgeable one might call him a walking magic encyclopedia. A master scholar, he was well versed in literally everything: Transfiguration, herbology, spells, potions, magical creatures, you name it...The longer Yuya studied with Gran, the more absorbed he became, and from a bookworm, that's saying a lot. New knowledge seemed to pop up every day, none was Dark Arts, and more importantly, Gran actually suited the role of a teacher - patient, understanding, fair and stern. He'd gladly compliment Yuya on his progress and even awarded the cat amazing magical artifacts should he did particularly well, yet he had no tolerance for negligence and never hesitated to dish out harsh punishments. Messing up your spells? Enjoy sleeping out with the demonic beasts. Lazing around? How about having your cool stuffs confiscated? And who would forget some good ol' scolding.

To top it all off, Gran's standards were insane. How insane? Let's say if the jackal actually applied his criteria to a school full of geniuses, half of them would drop out after two weeks and one month later, Gran would be the only one left standing in his own class. Case in point, when Yuya first started, he'd been allowed one week to grasp a spell, then that duration kept diminish as he improved, from seven days to five, three, two and now, he was expected to master a new spell every single day, not to mention all of them were nonverbal and ludicrously complicated!

Too tired to continue, Yuya slumped onto the ground. The cat took out his magic pocket, from which he produced an abnormally large tea pot - Yuya's most prized possession, the Pot of Greed.

Green in color and had an extremely creepy grinning face on its front, with flashy gold teeth and red, puffy lips, Pot of Greed might not have the most appealing appearance, but it was damn sure useful: Just put your hand in there and the pot would precisely produce the object you desired most at any given moment, reasonably so of course. To balance things out, the maximum number of uses each day was only two, and there'd always be a 10-hour hiatus between each use.

Taking off the lid, Yuya put his hand in the pot and pulled out a vial of recovery potion. He downed it, laid on the grassy ground and intended to take a short break. Lulled by quietness and the scent of grass, the cat was about to drift off when he heard his master's familiar voice, sans the coldness from their first encounter, "Yuya."

Yuya tried to spring onto his feet, but due to the recovery potion still taking effects, the cat's body was completely devoid of strength. Before he hit the ground again though, Yuya felt into a broad chest, two strong hands held him firmly in place as their owner's voice filled his ears again, "What did I tell you about moving right after recovery serum?"

Leaning against his master's warm body, the cat blushed intensely under his white fur. Even though they were virtually the only ones residing in this enormous manor, Yuya and Gran barely ever made any physically contact, thus whenever they actually did the cat's heart always went aflutter. He couldn't help it. Tried as he might to control his feelings, wasn't it natural to become a bit flustered around the person he had a crush on?

Yup, that was Yuya's little secret. He liked his master, as in...that kind of like.

The cat had no idea how or when it started. At the beginning, the only feeling he held for Gran was begrudging respect. No matter how you look at it, Gran did take advantaged of Yuya's life debt to essentially blackmail him into apprenticeship, but resentful as he was, as someone who always had a certain level of respect for wise and powerful individuals (except dark wizards, of course), Yuya couldn't help admiring the jackal's unparalleled magical prowess. His appreciation for Gran only grew over time as the latter showed serious commitment to make the cat his worthy successor, and from there, Yuya started to see his master in a new light, and discovered many hidden depths under the façade of a seemingly cold-blooded wizard.

Gran killed people trespassing his forest, but he only did so after they refused his offer, which he always offered and upheld. Gran might come across as prideful and indifferent, but more often than not it was easy to catch small signs of consideration from him. Gran seemed emotionless, but Yuya knew deep down, he was still subjected to the most basic of feelings. More than once had he seen the jackal standing in front of a room on the third floor or staring at a small picture that he kept with him, and even from afar, he could feel his master's sorrow and loneliness.

Before Yuya knew it, a desire to reach out and embrace his master had rooted deeply in his heart, and when it became clear just how important Gran had become to him, Yuya nearly freaked out. Admittedly, it wasn't uncommon for students to had feelings for their mentors, but his case was quite different. Heck, the cat didn't even know he swung that way and he was still on the fence now. Maybe he was gay, or there's a good chance he'd always been a perfectly normal male yet hadn't been exposed enough to females to be interested in them. Whatever the case was, the one thing remained clear was that Yuya really, really wanted to get it on with a certain jackal. Didn't help that Gran was the finest male specimen he'd ever laid eyes on. Seriously, who could resist such a handsome and powerful man?

"Yuya? Yuya!"

The cat jolted. Of all the time he could've spent daydreaming about his master, he just had to do it right now while being so physically close to him! Great, just great...

"Sorry, master, I...I still need time to work on Stardust Mirage," Yuya confessed; ears flopped in shame, "but I haven't been slacking off, for real!" the cat quickly added, but he was pretty much ready for another scolding.

Except it never came. Instead, Yuya felt his master's chest rumble as Gran chuckled softly, "I know, I invented that spell after all, as with most others you've learnt so far."

The cat twisted his head around so fast he nearly snapped his neck, "Y-you invented_it?" he stammered, staring at his teacher in utter astonishment. Gran's proficiency and magic level alone were enough to rank him among the mightiest spellcasters in the world, but now he _made spells, and not just one. How many spells had Yuya learnt over the last five years? There must be hundreds of them, not to mention the sheer magnitude of their difficulty!

"I did." Yuya's reaction made Gran chuckle even louder, "Stardust Mirage is my crowning achievement, and also a tall order. Took me two weeks to get a hold of, so I understand why you're struggling. Just this time, kitty, you can take it easy."

"Thank you, master..." Yuya hastily lowered his head to conceal the feverish blush on his cheek. Though 'kitty' started off as nothing but scornful, as his opinion on the jackal drastically shifted, the cat gradually considered it a term of endearment (at least on his part). Kinda embarrassing to admit, but these days, he practically squealed on the inside whenever his master called him that.

"Let's call it a day." Gran offered, waving his hand. Yuya felt a tugging sensation on his back, and in an instance, they'd apparated to the dining room, where a sumptuous meal had already been served on the table, waiting for consumption. Yuya drooled at the delicious smell; today's dinner was full of his favorite.

As they were the only one around, Gran and Yuya never really cared much about procedures or pretentious table manner. The cat dug in immediately, eagerly stuffing his face to make up for the energy he'd spent during the day.

When Yuya reached for his third piece of salmon however, he noticed something unusual. Gran's plate remained pretty much untouched, and it looked like the jackal wasn't going to eat anytime soon.

"Your food is getting cold. What's wrong, master?" Yuya asked concernedly. To his confusion, Gran only looked at him, and it was impossible to tell what was going on in those golden eyes. After a while, the jackal tapped the table slightly, and an obsidian flute appeared, levitating in a circular motion between teacher and student.

Yuya shuddered at the sight of the magical instrument. Just because he was no longer afraid of Gran doesn't mean he'd gotten over some of his master's terrifying possessions. Once, Yuya nearly fell victim to a broadsword that corroded the mind of any weak spellcaster and drove them insane. Another time, the cat was seconds away from touching a pendant containing a fatal curse that even Gran would have trouble lifting...yet none of them scared Yuya as much as Gran's obsidian flute, simply because he knew how deadly it was in the jackal's hand. Heck, even now he still occasionally had nightmares about the beautiful yet haunting melody and mage hunters' gruesome death.

"This flute represents absolute authority over the Dark Woods. Only I can change its ownership, and I think now is the right time for that." Gran explained, "How long have you studied with me? Five years, isn't it?"

Yuya didn't like the sound of this at all. While he had faith that Gran wasn't going to harm him, the whole situation had a strange, solemn air to it, almost resembling one of those typical novel scenes when characters were about to part permanently. Still, there was nothing he could say as the jackal continued, "You always work hard and exceed my expectations. I'm proud of you, Yuya."

Normally, the cat would be on cloud nine after such unbridled praises from his master, but now they just seemed so out of place he began to panic, "What are you talking about, master!"

"From now on, you're my successor. I hereby name you the White Wizard, new ruler of the Dark Woods." The jackal declared, reaching out to touch Yuya's forehead with his index finger, "Goodnight, Yuya."

The cat tried to protest, but as soon as Gran's finger touched him, he began to feel a warm wave washing down his entire body. It soothed him but at the same time, drained his body of every bit of strength.

"Master..." Yuya mumbled sluggishly, to no avail. His mind became hazy and his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, until they completely shut, pulling the cat into a deep slumber.

"I'm sorry." With a sigh, Gran took off his overcoat and covered the sleeping cat with it. If only he needn't break this news to Yuya so suddenly, but he had no choice. The bill came due, and tonight, it was his turn to pay.

Walking back to his room, Gran traced his eyes around the manor one last time.

(Fifty years ago)

Gran woke up to the stench of blood and helpless, panic-stricken scream of his clansmen, only to realize he was tied into a pole; his entire body bound by anti-magic shackles. That's right...they said they would keep him alive to watch every single member of his clan get slaughter, then Gran himself would receive a slow, painful death.

The manor where his clan had resided for generation, once brimming with life and laughter, was now engulfed in fire and blood. Gran recognized the lifeless bodies of his parents, his relatives, his vassals...his brother. Horror still masked the poor young lad's face, his hand gripping his favorite possession - an ivory flute, the very birthday gift Gran had given him just days ago.

The Anubis clan was the most powerful wizard clan around, but they were never involved in any kind of wizardry politics. They preferred a seclusive and peaceful lifestyle, staying away from all worldly matters and spending most of their time practicing magic, yet never had they expected to be ambushed by three other powerful wizard clans - the Verz, the Nekcroz and the Shadoll, for the wealth and knowledge in their possession. Granted, each member of the Anubis clan was an accomplished wizard, but against an army five times their number and infinitely more bloodthirsty, defeat was inevitable. They destroyed, killed, pillaged. No one was spared, no one was safe from their greed and brutality.

Gran was the head of family. He was supposed to protect them, to risk his life for them, but he failed. Their blood was on his hands.

More scream echoed from afar, but at this point, the jackal could barely think anymore, a single tear fell from his eye, landing on the blood-stained ground. As Gran was about to pass out from the raw aguish, a voice vibrated in his head, ancient and powerful, like a knife being scrapped against stone.

Do you want revenge?


Do you want to make them pay for what they did to your clan, your family? I can grant you power...power to make you invincible, to slay them like the filthy pigs they really are.

"I'm asking who the fuck are you?!"

All I need is for you to make a contract with me, only then does my name truly matter. The only thing I ask for is your soul, and I won't even take it right away. Revenge and five decades with your soul intact, what do you say, young one?

The voice was persuasive and cunning, knowing exactly what Gran desired most at that moment. Had Gran retained any bit of rationale, he'd have never dragged himself into a suspicious deal offered by a disembodied voice, but the jackal was so consumed by despair and vengeance he no longer considered any consequences. His home had been destroyed, his clan had been massacred. He had nothing left. His soul, in exchange for power? His soul...

To hell with it. To hell with it all!

"I, Gran Anubis, agree to your deal!" the jackal screamed internally. A second later, a satisfied laugh rumbled in his head.

Very well, Anubis! I, Exodia, bestow upon you my power. Do not relent, do not pity, bathe your enemies in blood and exact your revenge.

Too occupied by the carnage, no one among the three clans noticed the color in Gran's eyes turning from crimson to gold. Only when they heard a loud clank did they notice the jackal had already broken free from his confinement; his entire body draped in a mantle of darkness. Nonetheless, the initial shock quickly faded and they all lunged at him, only to realize they'd been frozen in place. Luminous gold rune coiled around their limbs, blocking not only their movements but also their magic flow, leaving them immobilized and utterly defenseless.

"Heh...heh heh heh..." Gran cackled. He raised his hand, beckoning to the flute on the ground. As if having a mind of its own, the flute wriggled itself out of his brother's hand and flight toward the jackal.

As soon as Gran caught the flute, a dark wave began to spread across it, dying the instrument black. He ran his fingers along the flute lovingly as images of his younger brother flashed through his mind.

"This is for you, Luca." Gran whispered, bringing the flute to his muzzle. Soothing melodies floated around, in a staggering contrast to the bloodbath on the ground. Black smoke spouted from the deceased Anubis, circulating on the air before taking the shape of various nocturnal creatures. Soon, fully materialized predators were lining up behind Gran, all with hungry growls and bloodshot eyes.

"You should've killed me from the get-go. Now, shall we begin the feast?"

The clansmen shuddered. They were still unable to move, and they knew exactly what Gran or the beasts standing behind him had in store for them.

"Please...have mercy..."

A shock went down the jackal's spine. He stared at the wizard who'd just pled for his life, before doubling over and laughing maniacally, "Mercy? You want mercy after all this?"

When Gran stood straight up again, his now-golden eyes were literally blazing with fury, "I'll give you mercy, alright. You won't be going to hell alone. When I'm done with you, I'll come for those related to you. Your parents, your siblings, your wives, your children, your relatives, your friends...I'll find them, and I'll kill every single one of them until I wipe the world clean of your existence!"

Everyone broke down on cold sweat, for they knew Gran meant all he said. This vengeful maniac was going to kill them and their loved ones, and to add insult to injury, there was absolutely nothing they could do about it. As the predator sunk their teeth into their flesh, the clansmen finally regretted their avarice and cruelty, but it was too late. They also realized revenge was never about giving mortal enemies the favor of a quick death. It was about crushing their hope, dousing them in despair and finally, igniting the flame of helpless, painful demise.

Yuya was nudged awake. The cat rubbed his eyes, looking a bit dazed when a soft growl caught his attention, and Yuya nearly recoiled in fear at what he saw. All of Gran's nocturnal predators gathered before the cat, their crimson eyes facing him, glowing a red hue as opposed to the pitch-black auras covering their bodies. They stood still as statues, and Yuya felt himself backing slightly even if he sensed no killing intend from them.

Finally, a small wolf advanced towards him. Yuya was ready to defend himself when, to his surprise, the canine sat on its hind legs and lowered its head, almost as if to...plead him for something. After realizing this was his master's favorite wolf, Yuya mustered all his courage to get up and kneel in front of it, "What do you need, buddy?"

Suddenly, the obsidian flue, having remained dormant for a while, trembled violently and a rough, shaky voice filled the air, "Save...him..."

"Him?" Yuya tilted his head in confusion. He knew the wolf was using the obsidian flute as a medium to communicating with him, but he'd yet to fully grasp the meaning behind what it'd just said.


Yuya wanted to hit himself over the head, how could he forget about his master?! There was no way the jackal would randomly put a sedating spell on him, not to mention giving him the flute - his symbol of power. What could be the reason?

And then it all clicked. A normal person would never pass heir most important possessions on to someone else, unless they were facing imminent death. He was so stupid, why hadn't he put all the pieces together sooner.

"Please lead me to him!" Yuya asked the little wolf, who seemed to nod. Apparition was out of the question since he didn't know the exact location of Gran's room, so without wasting time, the cat sprung onto his feet and started running, "You can't die, master! Not until you know how much you mean to me!"


Turn out, Gran's chamber was just several rooms away from the one he'd been seen standing in front of. As he dashed by it, Yuya noticed the nameplate on the door read 'Luca', but paid it no further thought. Or rather, he couldn't, due to the massive dark energy emitting from Gran's room, so dense it practically leaked out in the form of black fog, despite the door being tightly shut.

"Damn it!" Yuya cursed when he realized the door had been shielded by a powerful barrier. He tried to negate it at first with Imperial Order, but his spell yielded no effects as the barrier was constantly sustained by the seemingly infinite dark energy from the other side of the door. Left with no choice but to force his way through, Yuya channeled his magic to invoke his strongest offensive and defensive spells simultaneously, Blaze Cannon on his left hand to take down the barrier and Mirror Force on his right hand to defend himself from the impact. A few seconds later, a massive explosion shook the entire manor, blasting away both the magical shield and the door it was guarding.

Yuya sprinted inside, ignoring the dust and rubble resulted from his explosion. The cat's eyes widened in horror as he got the full view of the situation inside.

His master's lifeless body was hoisted in midair, bound by astral chains coiling around his limbs and midsection; his head arched backward, eyes closed, showing no sign of consciousness whatsoever. A bluish luminous smoke which Yuya instantly identified as Gran's soul was being pulled out from his chest by a giant disembodied hand. There seemed to be a struggle going on, as the hand appeared to have a hard time severing the jackal's soul from his body, though from the look of it, Gran was clearly losing the battle. With each second passed, the amount of spiritual essence extracted from Gran kept increasing, and at this rate, it wouldn't be long before he lost his soul to whoever was trying to take it.

"Master!" Yuya screamed. He attempted to rush toward Gran, but found it incredibly difficult as the dark energy was even more condensed inside the chamber, especially at the spot where Gran was held captive. When Yuya couldn't advance anymore, he noticed something unusual: A small but noticeable mark on Gran's left hand, sticking out like a sore thump now that the jackal was without his gloves. It took the shape of a circle, with rune outline and an hourglass in the middle.

A Chrono mark. Yuya recognized one of those, because they were one of the first things he studied along with souls and curses. Basically, the Chrono mark was an irremovable magical brand burned into the body of anyone under a timebound curse, with the most likely spots being hands. Due to their reality-altering effects, timebound curses were generally considered a taboo among spellcasters, hence most of those people violating that cardinal rule would often try to hide their Chrono marks out of shame or fear of prejudice. That explained why Gran always wore gloves - to conceal his own mark.

Then it hit Yuya as to what he must do. He happened to know a reality-altering spell, one capable of countering timebound curses. There were just two problems: He'd yet to fully master it, and more importantly, the spell required a ridiculous amount of magic whereas Yuya had already exerted most of his for the Blaze Cannon and Mirror Force earlier. He needed more magic, or at least a way to amplify whatever left of his.

The Flute!

Yuya wanted to groan, he left the fucking thing in the dining room! Obviously there was no time to run back there for it, but when he tried to apparate, the cat noticed, to his frustration, that he couldn't, even though he had knowledge of both locations this time. Perhaps the chamber was enchanted to exclude all magical entries, or the dark energy was tampering with his apparition. For a moment, it all seemed hopeless, but Yuya had seen and learned enough to not give up. His resolve to stay alive led him to the Dark Woods, to Gran; his determination to impress his master motivated Yuya's growth into a full-fledged, mature wizard. He must save his master, even if it cost his own life.

Sure enough, he quickly came up with a solution, even though he wasn't completely sure if it would work on something as powerful as Gran's obsidian flute.

"This'd better work, or I'll smash you into smithereens." Yuya hissed, shoving his hand into the Pot of Greed. In his hastiness, however, Yuya might've forgotten that he'd already used the item twice that day, and the cat soon understood why people shouldn't cross that threshold. Excruciating pain shot up his arm, almost like the jar he'd just dipped it into wasn't empty but full of acid. Yuya bit his own lips to draw blood, hoping that the stench and saltiness would keep his mind clear and prevent him from passing out from the pain.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, Yuya finally managed to pull the flute out. It was then he heard the little wolf's raspy voice again, ""

"Got it!" ignoring his horribly wounded arm, Yuya gripped the flute tightly. In an instance, his tired mind came alive when an enormous amount of magic coursed though his empty veins and reinvigorating his exhausted body. The feeling was surreal - unstoppable, invincible, as if hundreds were lending him their support at once...not just with their sheer strength, but also their immeasurable desire to save Gran, adding to that of his.

"Give him back to us!" gathering all of the magic he'd received, Yuya invoked Stardust Mirage. As he willed the spell into life, it finally became clear to him what Gran meant when he said that sometimes, the user's will and determination could decide the outcome of spellcasting. Magic not only depended on vitality but also had a profound connection to the soul, and thus needed to be felt as much as strengthened.

A giant array manifested on the floor, illuminating the entire chamber with its greenish luster. From it, luminous particles began to spread around, nullifying all dark energy they came in contact with. Sparkling particles swirled around the jackal's left hand and when they dispersed, there was no sign of the Chrono mark at all, as if it had never been there in the first place. Gran wasn't the only one Stardust Mirage affected, as when exposed to the shining dust, the giant arm seemed drained of strength and was soon forced to release its grip on Gran's soul. The arm thrashed helplessly as an unknown force pulled it back into nothingness, and at the same time, a harsh, ancient voice boomed in the air, "Curse you, Gran Anubis! Curse you all!"

It wasn't long before everything went silent. Exhausting, relieving silence.

"I did it..." Yuya slumped onto the floor, panting heavily. A soft thud caught his attention and the cat realized he still left his master unattended. Rushing by Gran's side, Yuya placed a hand of his master's chest and to his relief, sensed an active, albeit weak pulse. With the last bit of his magic, Yuya cast a simple healing spell. He dared not use a strong one, in fear that hasty healing might leave some permanent damage on his master, who was in an extremely vulnerable state.

The cat managed to hold out for a while, though exhaustion was making his vision blurry, or just his mind in general. Finally, Gran opened his eyes - no longer golden and pupil-less but clear and crimson, and was greeted with the sight of his treasured student, crying and smiling at the same time, "Yuya..."

"Master..." the cat frantically nodded in confirmation, wiping his tear away. Unbridled joy spread across his chest, telling his ached body to relax. And relax he did, as he finally gave in to tiredness and collapsed next to his master, chest heaving rhythmically.

Still slightly confused, Gran felt a gentle nudge on his hand. He turned around and was met with familiar figures - all of his nocturnal creatures, led by a small wolf. Instinctively, Gran stretched his hand out to stroke the wolf, and instantly, his brother's voice echoed in his head, It's okay, brother. Exodia is gone, and so are all of his influences on you.

The news left Gran dumbstruck, but his bewilderment quickly shifted into horror as he realized the wolf - the very vessel hosting his brother's soul, was dissolving, as with the legion of night creatures behind him, "Luca! What's happening?!"

We were the first things you created with Exodia's power. As soon as he is resealed, we'll disappear. The wolf - Luca, said. He nuzzled his brother's hand and pushed it atop Yuya's injured one, It's alright. Everyone is tired, let us rest in peace. Besides, we might be gone, but there's still this one person here.


When we lent him our magic, we also glimpsed into his mind. We saw what meant the most to him...and it was you. He loves you, and just now, he was ready to throw his life away for you. Think about it and what you did to him tonight. You made him your successor without considering whether he wanted to or not. You hid the truth that your life was in danger, knowing how devastated he would be if you didn't make it.


We trust him to take care of you, and I just hope you'll do something for him in return. Luca said, Farewell, brother...I love you.

Gran watched in silence as hundreds of nocturnal beasts dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind luminous spheres that slowly ascended and disappeared behind the ceiling.

"Please let them go to Heaven, they've suffered enough." The jackal mourned. A soft stir caught his attention and as Gran looked to his side, his muzzle slightly curved into a smile. Yuya was still holding the flute, now restored to its original pristine, ivory color. He picked up the sleeping cat in a bridal carry, then leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Yuya's forehead.


"Mmm..." Yuya mumbled as he woke up from a dreamless sleep. The cat found himself looking at the familiar ceiling of his room, but noticed a source of warmth next to his bed. Yuya blushed when he discovered a certain jackal sitting comfortably on a chair next to him, reading a spellbook.

Yuya knew he drooled, sometimes even talked in his sleep, so the first thing going through hi mind was: Crap, if master's been here the whole time, does it mean...he's seen stuffs he shouldn't see?! Did I drool? Did I spill my embarrassing secrets?

"Awake?" Gran asked, finally noticing the fumbling cat. He set the book aside and checked Yuya's wounded arm, "How are you feeling? You've been asleep for three days, and I tried to heal your arm, but the damage was way more serious than I expected. At this rate, you might need to keep it guarded for another day or two."

"I'm okay, master." Yuya's blush grew hotter at the sensation of his master's hand running along his arm. Somehow, Gran was being extra gentle today, but Yuya assumed it was just because of his injury.

"Glad to hear that. Not so glad when I found out you used Pot of Greed a third time. You want me to smash it or what?"

Yuya jolted at the thought of his favorite object getting smashed, but winced when his action inadvertently put immense strain on his sore body. Before he fell back down, however, the cat was pulled into an embrace, held firmly but gently against his master's chest.

"Don't worry, I was kidding." Gran chuckled, then to Yuya's surprise, whispered into his ears with hesitation and guilt the cat had never seen from him, "Yuya, I-I've made so many mistakes. I shouldn't have forced any responsibility on you. I shouldn't have kept you in the dark about my conditions. I'm sorry."

"No, you're not at fault, master." Yuya said quickly, patting Gran's back with his unharmed arm. His master's back was so broad and strong, yet as soon as he touched it, the cat could tell Gran was shaking slightly. Right now, Gran seemed more vulnerable now than he had been last night, and that's saying something.

Yuya didn't like this at all. Even though in his mind, his master was perfect - powerful, wise, reliable, but deep down, he knew those descriptions were mere exaggerations resulted from his crush on the jackal, and it was unfair to expect anyone to be like that all the time. In fact, the longer one tried to put up a front, the worse it'd be once they inevitably cracked.

"Master, you said I was ready, right? From now on, let me share your burden, and...and if you find me trustworthy enough, anything you have to say, any secret too much to keep alone, I'll always be there to listen."

Gran tensed, but after a long silence, he finally spoke again as he released his grip on Yuya, "Understood."

"Then master, can I ask about what happened last night? What was the thing that tried to steal your soul?"

Taking a deep breath, Gran sat down on his chair again. Where should he start?

"That was Exodia the Forbidden One." The jackal said, "I made a deal with him fifty years ago, and he wanted my soul because it was our agreement."

"Exodia? I've never heard that name before."

"Of course you haven't. Only the Anubis clan has knowledge about him, and most of them longer in this world."

The name Anubis gave Yuya a familiar feeling, and his mind quickly recalled the giant hand's curse before it disappeared, "Master, your name is Gran Anubis!"

Gran was taken aback by Yuya's exclamation, but he easily guessed that Exodia must've revealed his full name last night. The jackal sighed when he saw Yuya's puzzled look. There was absolutely no way out for him this time, not that he had any problem sharing it now.

He nodded, "I'm an Anubis indeed...the last one, I suppose."

Gran didn't realize he was in a trance as he narrated the last day of his clan, and there he remained long after his story had finished until a certain cat hugged him so tightly.

His master's story had Yuya lost for words, and as he remembered the ocean of anguish when he'd accidentally contacted Gran's soul, Yuya couldn't help giving his master the biggest hug he could muster. He knew words were pointless. He just hoped this little bit of closeness was enough to warm Gran, no matter how insignificant he might be compared to the people Gran had lost in that fateful night.

"I'm okay, Yuya. I really am." Gran said in an attempt to calm the emotional cat. It was somewhat funny when he thought about it, like...why was he doing the comforting when he was the one with the tragic story?

"Sorry master, I got caught in the moment...Anyhow, I'm still curious. What exactly is Exodia?"

"An ancient being of immeasurable might. Once a wizard just like you and me, he opened the gate to the Shadow Realm and absorbed its energy, thus became immortal...but everything comes at a cost. Exodia's godlike power corrupted his mind and sent him on a rampage of apocalyptic proportion. All attempts to face him head on ended horribly, for Exodia is invincible and can never be stopped with brute force. Only the Anubis clan realized that truth, thus, we split his essence into five parts and sealed them beneath the Dark Woods, with the centerpiece lying right under this manor."

"But if you knew how dangerous Exodia was, why did you accept his deal?"

"After Exodia was sealed away, we used a memory spell to erase him from people's mind, including ours, so the only source of information about him was an obscure scroll hidden in the clan's crypt. I really had no idea who he was at that time, and I was too driven by hatred and rage to care about consequences. I guess my ancestors just didn't want anyone to tamper with Exodia or his power, including ourselves, but their precaution inadvertently led to our downfall. Had the Verz, Nekcroz and Shadoll known Exodia was right underneath them, they would never dare to attack us."

"Why so, master?"

"Our life force was the main power source of his seal. When most of us died, the seal was so weakened he could communicate with people and bestow them his power. Too bad for him, as the Anubis clan leader, I was the most important key to his lock and thus needed to die first, but the stupid clans decided to kill me last. The chain of events forced Exodia to make a contract, because unless I voluntarily give him my soul, his seal shall never truly be broken."

"And he let you keep your soul for fifty years? I starting to think Exodia wasn't really that smart."

"Oh no, he was smart, really smart in fact. He knew I needed time to get my revenge, so not only did that stimulation make his contract more appealing, it also transformed it into a timebound curse, notoriously known for their nigh-unbreakable nature. I guess Exodia had it all planned out, except for two things: I did make a spell to counter timebound curses, and I did find a student brilliant enough to learn it."

Yuya's face heated up again from the complement, which made Gran chuckle. The jackal looked at his student for a while, then said, "Yuya, five years ago, I made it clear the only way you could repay me was to become my apprentice, and after you successfully cast Stardust Mirage, I honestly believe I have nothing left to teach you. That life debt was can leave this forest if you like."

"No!" Yuya exclaimed almost instantly; the mood whiplash made his heart race as fear, anxiety, self-doubt shuffled through his mind. The cat truly had no clue as to why his master suddenly wanted him to leave, or what he might've done to offend Gran to such a degree. Of course he would respect his master's wish, but once he left this place, Yuya knew he'd lose everything, for Gran meant the world to him and last night only reconfirmed that.

"Why not? As far as I'm concerned, this place has nothing left to bind or offer you. Don't you want to go back and show them what you're made of instead of wasting your prime time here? I'm sure no one at H.I.W can surpass you now, or any wizard of your generation for that matter."

"Master!" Yuya pled; eyes threatened to overfill with water.

"If you really want to stay, give me a reason." Gran smirked and inched closer to the panicking cat, "Tell me, Yuya, what exactly is keeping you here?"

Between the wall on one end of the bed and his master looming over the other end, Yuya was completely trapped, physically and mentally. He tried to brainstorm for an excuse, any excuse, but just as Gran said, he'd seemingly run out of reasons to stay here...well, there was still one, but Yuya had no idea how his master would react to it. So, he either fucked off from the ground and never met Gran again, or told the jackal his true feeling and faced his master's fury if he didn't take it well...either way, this seemed like a lose-lose situation, but it wasn't completely without silver linings. The first choice guaranteed a much higher chance of survival, while the second had that tempting element of possibility, as Yuya had no idea which way his master swung.

Ah fuck it, at least he had to let his master know how he truly felt!

"You're right, one thing is still keeping me here..." Yuya said, raising his head. Because Gran was sitting, Yuya was able to make direct eye contact with his master, which it gave him an extra pang of courage as it made him feel like he was challenging the jackal's authority, "It's you, master. I..."


"I love you, master! That's why I don't want to leave, ever!"

The confession drained Yuya's bravado. He screwed his eyes shut, unable to face his master any longer, and instead awaited his judgement in silence.

"Yuya, open your eyes." Gran commanded. The jackal's stern voice sent chills down Yuya's spine, and he'd expected a very furious wizard, but when the cat finally lifted his eyelids, he found himself staring at a pair of loving crimson eyes. His master was right on top of him! And...he didn't look angry or disgusted at all. If anything, the jackal seemed gentler than he'd ever been.

Gran had his hands on both side of Yuya's head, preventing the cat from looking away, "Are sure about that, Yuya?"

Yuya gulped and nodded nervously. A second later, he heard a soft laugh from his master, who slowly lowered his head to met the cat's, their eyes remained locked the whole time. Before their muzzles met, Gran's whisper filled Yuya's drumming ears, "I'm glad...because I also feel the same."

The cat wondered if he was dreaming, but the soft, intimate contact told him he clearly wasn't.

"Last night, you saved my life, so..." Gran mumbled, slowly parting from his student, "can I repay you with the rest of it?"

For the second time since he woke up, Yuya was lost for words, but in a good way. His master didn't reject him and more importantly, his feelings were returned...If this'd been a dream, how about he stayed sleeping from now on? Though by the look of it, he was pretty much awake. Awake, and never happier.

Catching Gran off guard, Yuya reached for the collar of his shirt and pulled him down again; their muzzle reconnected in a heated dance. Never in this mind had the cat expected himself to be so fierce and passionate, but the tongue wrestling he was having with his master - someone he'd always admired and submitted to, was the biggest proof. The two kissed until their reservoir of air ran out, and reluctantly parted. Even wizards needed to breathe, didn't they?

"Damn, you're one hungry kitty!" Gran growled. He was rather surprised by Yuya's taste. He tasted...good. No, amazing even. Subtle, but enticing.

"I can't help it."

"It's fine. I just hope you won't regret fanning this flame." The jackal licked his lips hungrily; his dominant aura made Yuya want to cower like a prey hiding from its hunter. The feeling was unbelievable - blood pumping, heart racing, but already expecting the end when the predator inevitably got him.

"Do anything you like with me, master."

The jackal was more than happy to oblige. A white aura glowed around his hand as he traced it along Yuya's body. The cat' clothes magically disappeared when touched by his master, and he briefly entertained the idea that Gran even knew a spell to disrobe people like this, though Yuya certainly enjoyed it. Quick and fuss-free so everyone could get straight to the good parts, what's not to love?

The jackal's eyes darkened as Yuya's frame became exposed to him bit by bit. The cat always wore loose, messy robes, which gave off the impression of untidiness and perhaps overweight, but his body was actually very slender and well-proportioned, with white, fluffy, neatly groomed fur that felt immensely good to the touch. Gran could tell he was growing impatient...and here he had the gal to call Yuya a hungry kitten, but who really was the starving one?

It didn't take long before Yuya was completely without garments. His erection was already screaming for attention, fully emerged from its sheath and even leaking precum. Gran curled his fingers around the pulsing shaft and smirked when he heard Yuya's mewl, so weak and submissive he was practically inviting more teasing. Rubbing the tip to collect some of the translucent fluid, Gran slid his hand under Yuya's sacs and smeared the cat's own pre on his pucker, causing Yuya to yelp and instinctively spread his legs. Gran paid no attention to that, using one hand to rub the clenching ring and the other to massage the cat's surprisingly heavy sacs.

Yuya whimpered needily as he squirmed under his master. Due to the massive stress from learning, he'd never had time to explore his own needs and urges, and had remained pretty much a proper virgin since he realized his dick could grow harder once it was excited. Thus, the stimulations were too much for him, and Yuya could tell he was already nearing his first orgasm in ages, "Master...I-I'm close..."

"That soon? Very well, let it out." Gran chuckled, and absurdly pushed two fingers against Yuya's defenseless hole. The cat's entrance instantly gave in, allowing Gran's fingers to slip inside easily and give Yuya his first taste of being stretched. It hurt, obviously, but as the finger wiggled reached unknown territories within him, they also brought about an unprecedented tingle of pleasure, which was enough to send Yuya over the edge. The cat tensed as he climaxed, his cock twitched and unloaded; white, viscous ropes of semen burst from his tip into the air, reaching as far as his chest. Gran continued to move his finger as Yuya rode out his intense orgasm, damping his own fur in erotic wet patches.

"Look at you go." The jackal smiled, pulling his fingers out, "Tell me Yuya, do you wish to take things a bit...further, or stop here and rest?"

"I've always dreamt about this moment, being so close, so intimate to you, and I shouldn't be the only one to feel good. I want to go all the way with you, master." Yuya said in earnest, reaching out to stroke Gran's cheek.

The jackal looked at Yuya for a while, his crimson eyes gleamed as they locked with Yuya's. At last, he nodded, "Then I shall claim you as my mate, right here and now."

Yuya watched in anticipation as Gran stood up and removed his clothing. For some reason, the jackal didn't use a spell this time, but Yuya wasn't going to complain, for it was much better to watch that chiseled body slowly unveil in front of him: Powerful muscles; six-packed abs; strong, curvy hips, athletic legs...The cat really hoped he wasn't drooling. Then, Yuya's eyes traced down Gran's package, and his jaw almost dropped.

To say it was big would be an understatement, but the shape and color alone were enough to intimidate Yuya. Red, swollen with vein running up and down, a tapered tip and finally, a bulb of flesh right at the base. That round, scary-looking thing wasn't gonna go inside him, was it?

"Get comfortable, because this is going to be a wild ride." Gran advised. He climbed back onto the bed and hoisted Yuya's legs over his shoulder. In this position, the cat's entrance was perfectly exposed, clenching repeatedly as if it was awaiting something big and warm. Carefully, Gran took Yuya's hips and eased himself forward, lining his tip against the tender ring of flesh and pushing it inside.

Yuya went slightly pale from the discomfort. As with Gran's fingers, his rear stung when it had to take the jackal's huge shaft, but at the same time, there was this odd, almost unnatural pleasure that just kept intensifying as more and more of his master got forced into him. A blissful moan escaped his lips when Gran finally hilted; every part of his master, save for the knot, was inside him.

Yuya beamed. He did it. He was finally connected with the person he held so dear to his heart...The thought made him giddy with joy.

Gran lowered his muzzle and gave Yuya a few affectionate licks on the cheek. He stayed static for some minutes, allowing the cat time to get used to his filling while relishing the immense tightness of a freshly deflowered anus. Given the pressure around his cock, Gran himself might have a hard time moving if he didn't let Yuya relax first.

"Tight as a vice. As expected from a virgin." Gran commented, making Yuya b lush, "Ready? Here we go."

With that, he withdrew his hips and slowly slid it back in. The sensation of having his master's hot length rub along his inner flesh made Yuya shiver, then it was followed by a strange, albeit short-lived emptiness before the thing filled him again. Gran was considerate and gentle, going at a slow pace and first, taking his time to make sure both of them get the most pleasure they could, and gradually amped up his speed.

"Master, feels so good!" Yuya moaned breathlessly. He could feel the tip spilling pre into him, making the entries so much slicker and more enjoyable, and the feeling of hot, veiny cock scrapping his anal walls brought him a pleasure ten times more intense than that from Gran's finger, especially when it ground against a particular spot. Before long, he was moving on his own, pushing his rump against Gran's moving hips in desperate need to have the red, throbbing shaft deeper in him

"Go ahead, enjoy it! Remember this pleasure and the only who could give it to you!" Gran purred, putting a bit more force into this thrusts. Just like Yuya, he was experiencing an otherworldly pleasure. Each time he sunk his length into his lover's bowels, the cat's fists clenched, and so did his tight ass. The wonderful passage milked him for all he was worth, cradling his erection snugly as if it only existed for that purpose.

Gasps, moans, squelches and creaks filled the air as both lovers continued to drown in their own passion. Yuya was pretty much reduced to a panting mess at this point, as the only thing his mind could register was the intense pleasure spreading from his rear to the very top of his brain. He felt every bit of his master's glorious erection as it battered his innards, he heard only the music that was Gran's ecstatic huffs and growls, he drank in the sight of the handsome, powerful male, taking him and making him see stars. He was born for this, for his master. There was no escaping, and Yuya would never try to free himself from this prison.

Before long, both noticed how the bulbous flesh was hindering Gran's attempt to bury his entire length inside Yuya. The jackal looked at his lover concernedly, knowing that it might be too much for a first-timer, but to his surprise, Yuya showed no intend at stopping before he could take the whole thing.

"Do it, master...Tie with me." The cat's voice was choked with lust as he no longer cared if it might hurt or what might tear. Gran hesitated for a while, but ultimately nodded in agreement. Taking a deep breath, Gran conceded to his urges and began hammering his knot against Yuya's backside. Every thrust knocked the air out of the cat's lungs, and though getting it in might seem inconceivable at first given the immense tightness and the size difference, Yuya could tell his entrance was slowly giving away with each of his master's strokes.

After what seemed like eternity, the knot finally slipped past the cat's abused ring, locking him and Gran firmly together. Yuya shuddered at the sensation of the bulb of flesh crushing his sweet spot, but it was nothing compared to the sudden burst of warm fullness seconds later. Gran gripped his lover's hips tightly as he reached his first, and undoubtedly, his most powerful orgasm in years. The jackal continued to thrust in limited motions as his knotted penis fulfilled its duty, discharging a massive amount of viscous lava into Yuya's depths; rich, sticky batter filled the cat to the brim and even leaked from his rear despite the knot blocking the entrance. Yuya wasn't far behind. Coaxed by the overwhelming fullness, his cock gave into his second climax for the night, spraying a load just as voluminous as his first onto his body, and some even landed on Gran's chest.


Looking at the cat underneath him, a surge of warmth coursed through Gran's chest. He was no longer alone. Fate had brought him this wonderful person, the student that would remain loyal to him through sticks and stones, the bright radiance that lit up his darkness. His hand found Yuya's and their fingers intertwined, master and pupil remained silent and they traded wordless love.

Basked in the afterglow of their consummation, they eventually felt asleep, and as they drifted off in each other's arms, a blissful dream awaited.

" mate."

(The end)