Wakeing up

Story by NescaF on SoFurry

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#5 of Nescas Tale

Why are we here?

Let me die, let me die, let me die.

Slowly feeling came back to her. First the muted sense of sound reached her in her place of unknowing. Voices that were just out of her understanding. Their words blurred together and the sound faded before she could focus. A faint roaring was all around her and she became aware of a higher pitched whine. With a start she realised it was her own voice.

Memory came rushing back when Nesca became aware of her own pained cries. She tried to scream as again she saw Alec stalking towards her in her cell. Again she felt the blood slick throughout her fur as she struck. His grin as her pressed on her throat and pain blossomed in her stomach.

Once recognised her wounds would not leave her alone. Pain tore into her waking mind and she screamed through her bruised throat causing her to cough and choke as blood welled to the surface. Her back arched and she tried to move her paws to her stomach. Dimly she felt herself be restrained but her entire being was focused on the feeling of wrong coming from her stomach. The other pains were less to this one wound.

Anula ordered Marie to hold her still, the vixens white fur almost completely stained by the red of Nescas blood. Sandy was sobbing but she handled the big van nicely trying not to rock her passengers as much as possible. Derek half sat half lay on the passenger seat , under his fur a dark black hard spot was growing. Anula was worried about him knowing it was an indication of internal injuries. She had just finished tying Nescas stomach in the hopes she'd stop bleeding out and now she crawled towards the tiger. " dont let her move!" she shot the order over her shoulder at the hysterical vixen. Despite her horror she had nodded and grasped Nescas arms in a tight grip and struggled to still the wolf thrashing. Anula held on to the side of the van and leant over the back of the passenger seat.

"Derek something is bleeding inside. I need to make a small cut to realise the pressure, you will bleed a lot and we will need to get you and Nesca to a hospital soon but if I don't do it something may pop and you will die quicker." Horror and fear momentarily wiped out the pain on the young tigers face but was soon replaced by determination.

"do it" he choked out, his voice betraying him. Anula nodded and took the knife that Derek had held since they left Alec dead and bleeding. The Tiger watching the girls had paused when Alec fell and Anula smacked him behind the head were she had been taught causes unconsciousness. Sandy and Marie had gone to help Derek but Anula had picked up Nesca. Marie had helped her after Derek was standing both the outer tribal people knowing Nescas body needed to be buried outdoors. Luckily they got to the vans with hardly any trouble and sandy hotwired the car under Derek's instructions. No one was more surprised then Anula when Nesca gasped back to life.

Nesca heard a cry of pain that wasn't her own as Anula tried to make a small cut that would allow the blood to escape. The tiger fell into suppressed sobs trying to breath through the tears. Anula turned to the driver and asked if she knew where they were.

"We just passed the highway 21 sign I think I know where were going." she stammered through her own tears.

"Anula!" Marie cried bringing the otters attention back to Nesca and the Vixen. Anula quickly stumbled back towards them and examined her patient. The wolf was breathing shallowly, unconscious again. Under her fur was a mixture of black and blue, her shoulder savaged and fur growing in the wrong direction from the scabs. Her throat was a giant black bruise and her ear was slightly tattered. Her right wrist was shattered, a makeshift rag wrapped around it and her stomach was a patch of sticky blood that still oozed under the spare shirt she had found. Derek had given up his shirt for sandy but Marie, Anula and Nesca were still naked and collared. It also seemed Nescas shoulder bone might be cracked and possibly her tail dislocated as it had hung too loose. Anula looked into maries blood and still cum flaked face, her features twisted in worry and horror.

"Pray Marie we get to a hospital in time." Anula muttered low so Derek could not hear.

"pray" Nesca heard the word as she fell back into her dreams where it was only her and the dark abyss that smelled of alec.

Alec came to slowly, his eyes blurring. The sound of machines beeping made his ears twitch and the harsh smell of chemicals burnt his nose. The room was dimmed but not dark and he could feel the cool draft through his fur. His neck throbbed and it stabbed him with pain when he swallowed. Drowsily he let his eyes wander, to weak and disorientated to lift is head.

That he was in the hospital was plain, how he got there was another matter. The last thing he remembered was Her face. He was pounding that thankless cub to meal when he had turned almost sensing danger. Her face had filled his vision, her eyes locking onto his with a deathly embrace and his neck throbbed with remembered pain. Funny that as he looked into those Bright green eyes, filled with his murder he had felt... something... almost in desperation he grabbed at the one thought that would distract him from her. He should be dead.

I was dead, he thought. He was dead and gone and passing into the void. A phantom pain came to life in his stomach causing him to moan.

"Alec?" a concerned voice sounded from somewhere beside him. A dark shape grew taller and came close moving into focus. Marcus looked down on him with sympathy.

"Finally your awake. I can't believe what that fucking Bitch did to you." Marcus voiced his concern but sliding into a snarl at the end. Alec gestured weakly trying to get more information on what happened. The tiger who had been guarding the girls tilted his head in confusion.

"what is it buddy?" he asked concerned again. If alec could he would have snarled again. He was no ones buddy. He opened his mouth to try to speak but pain silenced him before he could start. The tiger pressed a finger to his maw shushing his friend.

"hey don't try to speak man. The doctors say it's a miracle you survived," Marcus started, "Your at memorial base hospital Denoit. Intensive care ward to be specific. When I came to Hoyt was already there. You know Carls brother? Anyway turns out that Savage that attacked you also murdered Carl." Marcus snorted in disgust, "Hoyt fucking furious about it too, real cut up. But anyway after we left to go upstairs to get the girls he found his brother, wondering what took him so long. He came after us after a bit wanting blood but found us instead. Just us and that dingo guy, Tony? Anyway he was dead and Hoyt woke me and we checked you out and when you were breathing we loaded you up into the jeep and bailed. The others can make of it what they like but we weren't going to stick around with escapees. We meet an ambulance half way after we were clear of the house. Didn't want them trailing us back." Marcus trailed off seeing the fury rolling off Alecs prone form.

They had escaped! Maybe she was dead and they just took the body? He knew he got a belly wound in. He could almost still feel the hot wet against his fingers and on his face when he fell on her. Deep within he felt a sharp light that told him no. No That bitch was alive and he was going to find her. His monitor beeped to register his rising levels. His fists clenched hard enough to make the drip press deeper into his skin. He ignored the sounds of the tiger trying to calm him or the nurse enter and try to talk to him. Hate bubbled within his being making his vision red. Her face swam before his sight tinged with the red of rage.

He would find that bitch. The one that escaped.The one who caused his darkness to burn. He would awaken the beast within. He would track her down and crush her violently and slowly. He wanted to see her suffer and beg. He wanted her strung up and bleeding.

Yes! once the bitch was broken and dead at his feet would he be free of the feelings that stirred within him. Alec would not rest until he had gutted the bitch that almost killed him. The thought almost made him smile.

Days past in a pain filled rage for alec. Confined to a bed while his wound healed left him infinite time to think. Think about her. Nesca snarled in his mind, her emerald eyes dark with hate and in her hands a knife dripping with thick black blood. His blood! Her sharp white teeth contrasted with the black of her fur in his mind making her demonic. The supple shape of her curves taunted him and her eyes beckoned him to come forth and take his satisfaction. Only for her to slid the knife in with a satisfied sigh. Eventually that idiot Marcus had left. Both he and the lion Hoyt had fled for the hills. No way did they wanna stick around with escapees loose. Neither could stand the black hate that seethed from the bed bound wolf. For that's all alec could do was wait.... And hate.

"Mr Campbell?" a stern voice asked. Alec bite back a snarl and turned his head carefully to look at who dared speak. The site of blue made him force a more respectful expresion. He detested the half-breed scum and these officers looked no diffrent. He judged them brothers or at least cousins by the similar fur markings across both German Sheppard's faces. With an effort he forced down the contempt and rearranged his face into a cordial expression. The officers waited for him to reply and fighting annoyance at their stupidity gestured to the bandages around his neck and gestured them closer. " sorry guys I cant speak very well at the moment." he rasped out though his wound had healed enough he could have spoken normally. The officer on the right nodded in understanding and pulled out a writing pad as his partner nonchalantly strolled around the bed to stand on the left side.

"Of course Mr Campbell we understand. I am officer Andrew Murry and this is officer Eric Watterson." his partner nodded his head at his name but remained silent. Inside Alec snorted at their attempt at good cop bad cop. He gestured with one hand weakly for officer Murry to continue. "Well Mr Campbell were here because on the 30 of this month of august you were admitted with a suspicious knife injury and we wanted to know how you had sustained it. A Mr, " he checked an earlier page in his note book before continuing, "Marcus with no last name and a Mr Hoyt, also without a last name, brought you in around four that afternoon with no explanation as to your condition besides that you had been stabbed." Alec remained calm throughout this mini speech, his cover story already in place. Before he started he grasped the cup of water beside the bed and to a sip, wincing in pretend pain. "That tiger and lion pair were no friends of mine sir. I had met them out at a club the night before and had stayed at there place." He winced again and rubbed his throat gingerly. Sneaking a glance at the silent partner her decided to dial it back a little and took another sip without wincing. Andrew had finished writing and was reading from his notebook again. "so Marcus and Hoyt the two who brought you in were not friends and you had met them the night before and left a club with two strangers to go back to their place?" Alec nodded and bit back the angry words that swelled at the stupid dog repeating everything. Andrew looked down his snout at the wolf and smirked. "Are you in a habit of going home with strangers Mr Campbell?" the other officer barked out a laugh and turned away from the bed suddenly interested in the peeling paint upon the wall. Alec aloud himself a quick glare at Eric before frowning at Andrew. "is my sexual preferences funny to you?" he asked softly. "of course not sir, the Denoit police force is completely unbiased and tolerant of all." another laugh from Eric was disguised as a cough. Andrew continued as if he didn't hear. "So are you saying that you went home with Marcus and Hoyt to have," he hesitated and glance at Alec's hard face, "Sexual intercourse with the two of them." Alec merely nodded stiffly. Andrew sighed and placed the paw not holding the pad on his hip. "so when and why did the stabbing take place?"

"the next day sir, I was leaving when the two got in a lovers quarrel. Hoyt thought that Marcus had brought me home to replace him rather then a simple one night stand. He grew quite agitated as I gathered my stuff until he grabbed a knife and went after Marcus. I had stepped into the kitchen to say goodbye when he collided with me instead of Marcus. I guess after they took me here they split." Andrew dutifully took down every word and as he opened his maw to speak alec cut him off. "please guys I'm tired and sore. Can we finish this another time?" as he's been speaking he had pressed the call button and just on time in bustled the nurse. "Ok officers Alec as had enough excitement for one day. Please come back tomorrow I need to give him is pain meds now." she chattered as she bustled the two out, both tipping their hats to him as they left. Crystal the husky nurse smiled sweetly at alec as she gently bustled around him, tucking him back in, plumping pillows and checking the IV and injecting the pain killers. All the while she chattered unendingly about hospital life asking him questions about how he feels and how were the police and does he hope they catch whoever did this to him but didn't wait for a reply. Alecs hands twitched, almost aching to close his claws around her neck until her eyes popped, her tongue swelled and her skin showed blue beneath her fur. When she leant close he fought the impulse to close is jaws around that dainty neck and closed his eyes. He imagined another neck, dark grey in colouring and imagined biting it. Sinking his teeth in deep and tearing chunks of flesh from it. As the meds flooded his body, he imagined killing Nesca in a thousand different ways. Without question something dark and lethal lived inside him and it was stirred to the brim from an invasion. Because no matter how much he enjoyed the fantasies of destroying Nesca it always ended in a way that made him burn and hiss with hatred. Her head cocks and her lips spread in a smile across her snout. Her green eyes brim with happiness and her arms spread wide with love. "I forgive you" she breaths making alec whine with pain before snarling. "Never!" he promises her. "I will never forgive YOU bitch!" and in his mind he attacks again.

Nesca started awake then yipped and whimpered in pain.Darkness had leaped out at her in her dreams. Brown hatefilled eyes promising vengance made her shudder. As she arose from unconciousness, she dimmly used her senses.

Harsh smells invade her nose and bright lights sting her eyes. Sound assaults her and she whined again, torn between blocking her ears flat atop her head or grasping at the throbbing in her stomach. Her arms twitched in response but she could not move them. Her body felt heavy, sluggish and numb. Her weakness alarmed her and her own scent was distorted. Finding her eyes, she blinked heavily and her head lolled from side to side trying to take in her surroundings but make her dizzy and causes colours to swirl before her eyes. her arms twitched again and a rising beeping beside her kept track of her frantic heartbeat. As fear made her stomach clench painfully, a calming voice reached out to her in her panic.

"Easy Nesca. Calm Hunters wait for the prey, Impatient hunters go hungry." Anula soothed in their native tribal. The soft otters hand touched Nescas brow making the wolf flinch before encouraging her to lie back. Once she was still, Anula grasped the wolfs right paw that was closest with both her own. The left sat in a cast and was still on the other side of the bed. Now she was calmer Nesca could take in the room. She was in a standard hospital bed and a metal stand stood beside her. A plastic bag filled with fluid hang from it and a cord flowed down from it into the paw that Anula held. Nesca grimaced but with her left hand captive in the cast she couldn't pull out the needle as she sorely wanted to do. She met annuals calm blue eyed gaze and the otter smiled hesitantly at her, the expression almost foreign to her face. She said nothing letting the wolf adjust. She gave the wolf paw a slight squeeze though. Nesca couldn't bring herself to smile but she did squeeze back weakly. She noticed then that Anula's collar was gone and was dressed in a sundress. Noticing Anulas state made her realise her own collar was gone. Tears of relief shone in her eyes and she turned her head to look down on herself. She was covered in a hospital gown that crinkled annoyingly as she shifted and one leg was in a brace that hung suspended by a material sling. She gave Anula's hand another squeeze and slowly moved her paw out of the otters grip to feel her side. It throbbed strangely where she touched it but didn't hurt as much as she expected to do. Fresh white bandages were around her side but she didn't touch them. She moved to pull the needle in her paw out with her teeth but Anula grasped her hand again.

"No Nesca it does good there."

the wolf looked at her solemnly then nodded. She then noticed at the end of her bed against the opposite wall was a chair that was occupied by sandy. The feline had curled up as much as possible on the hard seat, her tail draped across her lap and her arms around her chest, subconscious protecting herself. The sight brought tears back to Nescas eyes and dimly she realised sandy was also dressed in simple long jeans and long sleeved shirt. Sandy also had a thick winter jacket despite the warmth of the room. A low moan made Nesca finally notice that their was a bed beside hers. The curtain was partway drawn but a striped tail fell of the side from under the sheet, attesting to the fact derrick occupied it. Furthers away sat Marie, the artic fox giving a hesitant wave from her vigilance beside the tiger. A book was in one paw and the other held the sleeping felines hand. Finally Nesca looked back at Anula and tried to speak. He voice started in a croak and her throat swelled with pain. Anula pressed a finger to Nescas maw before taking her paw in both hands again.

"Don't speak. Your throat is badly bruised. Your left wrist was broken but further up then I though so it should heal. Your right leg was badly sprained and you tore a muscle in the calf. You have minor lacerations around both shoulders and neck with slightly deeper punctures on the left side." she catalogued all of Nescas wounds knowing this is what the wolf wanted to hear first. She hesitated on the biggest one.

"Your black and blue all over and there are some internal damage to your genitals but the doctor said those will all fade." Again the otter hesitated, her eyes searching the wolfs face for something. Suspecting what she was about to say, Nesca squezzed her hand and looked down at her stomach. Anulas eyes followed and she countined softly.

"The stab wound was the biggest worry. It scraped a rip and went deep and you lost a lot of blood. You were saved by a blood transfusion which is why for a while your scent will be different. You must stay in this bed Nesca or you will die." Anula said seriously making sure Nesca was looking her in the eyes.

"that wound can open at any moment so you must stay until the doctors can tell you to move." Reluctantly Nesca nodded her head and bit her lip. She looked meanfully at first Anula then rotated through sandy, Derrick and Marie before looking calmly at the otter. She took a deep shuttering breath and tears brimmed over as Anula looked back at Nesca. "You were dead." she said simply. "you came back twice! I have never witnessed such a marking." she trailed off almost muttering the last bit to herself. She refocused at Nescas squeeze. The otter drew in a shaking breath and recalled the sense of awe she felt when nesca stood up after her beating.

"I thought you were dead when he stepped on your throat." She choked out the next hard words quickly, showing nesca the despair she had felt, " I also gave us all up for dead as well." She sighed out then lifted her gaze to the next bed. A sad smile lit her features.

"Derek found his fire at last and stood up to his opressers. One of the most bravest and futile gestures ever made." At Nescas frantic squeeze Anula shook her head, her hair finally brushed and free to hang on either side of her face. "No he's fine now. He had some injuries but hell be ok. He jumped Alec when you were down and Alec turned on him. Something dark lurks in that soul." she shuddered then continued. "then you came back up and it was nothing short of a miracle. You stabbed Alec in the neck and he grabbed the knife and stabbed you. He must have hated right to his death. The distraction was enough for me to knock out the tiger and we made our escape."

Such simple words for what was a traumatic ordeal. Nesca squeezed Anulas hand again but the otter shook her head tears flowing. "I can't Nesca. you dont understand." She looked up into the confused green eyes and her own overfilled with tears.

"We carried your dead body to the cars. Your blood flowed freely and you were limp. I only wanted to bury our savoir under the sky as dictated by the spirits. Then you came back." her eyes widened in remember horror at that horrible car ride. Nesca and Derrick both dieing fast, sandy hysterical but driving calmly, Marie blood soaked against the white of her fur and Anula begging the spirits for guidance but no answer came forth. The escape from that slavery was something that has scarred her forever. The clean of the forest had no appeal, Anula felt the stank of evil every where. She felt it even now in the hand she held. A small bead of black that she knew plagued Nescas sleep. And a bigger source, close but not so close as to pin point it. Nescas eyes drooped in exhaustion and she managed to smiling weakly in thanks at Anula. The otter returned the smile but behind it she prayed that no evil will find them at Denoit hospital anytime soon...