Nesca Chapter one

Story by NescaF on SoFurry

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I Nesca hearby own and claim copyright to this story and any chapters following

Im hoping to one day get published and bring the same publicity to furrys that twilight begun with vampires. So please any feed back from you my intended audience is welcomed. Im trying to get a wide assorment of anthro characters so if I have missed an animal or envierment please let me know. Thank you :D

Also with this first chapter please tell me if i need more descriptions or better descriptions of anything or explain anything more clearly. Also please let me know what you think and if you can follow the story line as ive been told i stray off point. last but not least any feed back on the length would be wonderful thaks guys!

(remeber i can take critism but please if your just being unkind please dont post it)

Nesca hunted the forest silently. Her paw like hands had claws and she used them to swing from tree to tree. She followed her nose following the scent to her prey. When she came to the source she detached herself from the trees shadow and launched herself towards the ground.

Nescas impact was absorbed by her wide foot paws. Her Dark grey coat rippled with the air gently blowing around the clearing. As she stood tall she sniffed the air and looked around, her emerald eyes glinting almost the same shade as the laves that fell around her. Her nakedness was covered by a cloth that hang over her groin by a cord wrapped around her waist. Her breasts and belly were covered in a lighter grey fur patch shaped like an oval that began just under her neck and disappeared under her coverings. As she turned around to survey behind her, you could see her tail, bushy and erect had the same under coat as her belly. Her legs were not straight like his but bent backwards like the hind legs of the wolf she resembles. Her fur was thicker around her throat and down the back of her head forming a ruff wolf mane. The only other patch of light grey ran from her nose down her maw to just before her eyes. As she turned again, her eyes briefly reflected the sun.

The legs and the eyes marked her as Feral. A Anthrop with a full animal parent. Most born are so deformed they die as infants. The few that could live are killed as abominations. The rare ones who somehow survive are scorned and met with violence and hatred.

Ayan knew what he did was taboo but he took a deep breath and stepped out from his hiding spot into Nescas view.

As the Rogue fox stepped into sight Nesca took a sharp. His clean shining auburn fur rippled from his movement. He had his hands raised in peace, his claws sheathed and his palms were lightly padded. His right hand was black furred to his elbow and his left foot was likewise black cuffed to halfway up his shin. His black tipped ears were slightly pulled back to look less threatening.

White fur covered from directly under his snout in a rounded V that ended in the middle of his chest. The only other white fur that Nesca could see was the last third of his tail tip and a small amount peaking over the top of his leather loin cloth. The loin cloth was strange in the fact it hung loose from his belt of twine where a leather satchel was attached to his left hip and a gourd to the other side.

What was strangest of all was hanging from his neck by twine was a cloak made of some strange material that smelt like the cotton trees that grew towards the lake.

Her gaze was finally drawn to his eyes. He gazed back at her steadily with one eye greener then the darkest forest leave and one blue that made her think of the Mother lake she had once glimpsed.

They stood drinking in the sight of each other before Ayan steeped forward his arms opening wide for and embrace. Nesca let all her fears go as she stepped into his loving hold and let him encircle her within the safety of his arms. It had been to long for them to be separated and Nesca said as much. Ayan grinned and lowered his cheek onto the top of her head as she snuggled into his chest.

"I know but their was a dispute between the bear clan and the ermine clan." he muttered taking deep breaths of her scent. Likewise she nuzzled his chest, reacquainting herself with the taste of him. She closed her eyes in joy and her next comment was made purely of longing to be with him rather then regret.

"I wish I could have gone with you." she sighed snuffing slightly as his fur went into her nose.

Ayan looked up from her head but didn't release her just yet.

"I don't know why. The bear clan thought that the ermines were taking all the fish from the stream that the bears hunt even though the ermines take from a different pond. It never occurred to the bears that maybe just maybe it might have to do with a tree falling and partly damming the stream further up."

Nesca chuckled and reluctantly let him step away from her to fetch his staff. It was a curious thing made from a small tree that Ayan had patiently cut down and carved into a stave a that stood just a foot taller then himself. Its bottom was rounded but the top was slightly flattened to make a almost shovel like end though the edges had been rounded. He smiled at her and they started walking contently together in silence through the forest that was their homes.

As a feral Nesca had lived her life more in tune with the forest then most clans. She knew to be seen by a clan meant at best scorn and light stoning to chase her away. At worst a bloody death.

She looked up into Ayans face and smiled. When they first met she was so surprised to find him across her path. She had been absorbed in the scent of a doe she was chasing, she didn't notice his smell. She had practically ran into him as he chased the same doe. Almost like a deer herself, her eyes went wide and blood left her face. She ran like the forest spirits themselves before Ayan could even make a noise of surprise.

She turned back to there path and her grin grew. He had tried to track her but when she wanted to disappear, the forest swallowed her. In fact she followed him as he tried to follow her tracks. He gave up fairly quickly and continued on his way. She fell in love with him by watching him over the next few weeks.

He knew how to track and to hunt. It was thrilling watching him leap for the kill, his lithe body flowing smoothly to end a life to preserve his own. He amazed her with his magic. He took a stone from his bag and a knife made of strange stone from under his cloak. He struck them together and made fire almost instantly. She wanted to sing with him as he worked in the fire light. He hummed and sung as he delicately carved his gourd and cleaned it. He'd wash his strange knife and dry it. He'd beat out the dirt from his cloak and shake it from his fur. some nights he'd just stare into the fire. During those nights she could almost swear the fire danced to the tunes he hummed.

During the days she watched him wander through the forest. Animals seemed less wary of his scent and the smallest birds flitted to his hand when he whistled and a panther bowed its head to him as he bowed his as he passed. She watched in amazement as she observed him solve problems of clans. A clans waterfall that fed there pool was now draining into a different pool away from their cave.

The clan and Nesca would wait with baited breath as the Rogue walked to and fro watching how the water ran down the rocks. He'd then decree that if they removed these few choice boulders then they would have made a new cave. The clan would thank him and do as he bid and from her hiding place Nesca would be awed.

What Nesca hadn't known that when she moved away to sleep, sometimes Ayan would come and watch her. He'd view her from the corner of his eyes following almost invisible. He'd admire her from the distance she set. He fell in love with her fierce wildness. The way she'd move with the forest like the trees had grown to suit her path. He loved the way she gazed off into the night sky fighting the urge of wolf song in case he heard. He would come watch her hunt for herself and enjoyed her solving her own problems. He could remember fondly of a time she had killed her prey and a wolverine stalked out of the underbrush to challenge her. She had growled and snarled like the wolves she was raised with and when she had killed it she rubbed the dead thing around her meat to stain the area with wolverine scent which would keep most other thieves away.

He wanted to hold her and protect her when one night when she thought he was sleeping she came over and touched his face. It took all his self control not to move . She had stroked softly on his cheek and took a deep breath in of his scent. She had sigh and he could hear tears in her whisper.

"I wish you could love me."

he had very slowly lifted his hand to touch hers. She froze in shock and he had turned and gazed up into her eyes and smiled tenderly.

"But I do love you." he muttered and carefully but passionately pulled her down to kiss her. Their noses touched and he tilted his head so they could kiss without crushing their snouts together. She had made a small sound of surprise that morphed into the soft murr of contentment. He let her draw away and into the night but that was the beginning of their love.

She came closer and sometimes they spoke. She'd be careful to be out of reach but she'd walk with him and tell him of her mother. Her mother had climbed the World Scar wanting to explore but fell. She knocked her head and was nursed to health by a wolf pack. They treated her as one of their own and wouldn't let her leave. She was to weak to fight the domination of the wolf hierarchy and by the time she could have been she was pregnant with a litter to the lead male. Knowing she would be killed if she returned to the clans she stayed and became wolf in her heart. She had a litter of pups some to deformed to live. Only two did. One that was almost completely wolf and Nesca. By the time Nesca was three her mother had died in giving birth to another litter.

When she was five she was found by Nilander, a rogue wolf who was appalled to find Anthrop living like an animal. His brown and blue eyes shown with empathy and love for the small cub he took from the pack. The ageing wolf taught her how to be Clan rather then animal. Be more then instincts. He scolded when she ate her meat raw and he praised when she asked instead of begged. He taught her the importance of loin clothes and how to interact with other people.

But when they got into clan territory he taught her to hide and stay out of sight. He taught her to disappear and to fear the tribal people of the forest. In time he taught her what her mixed heritage meant that no Anthrop would show her #kindness. When she had despaired and asked why he'd bother to teach her to be a person at all he would look down on her with love and sympathy.

"you are a person even if the stubborn peoples of the tribes won't see it."

Ayan in turn told her of growing up in the Rogue encampment. The rogues taught their own and he never knew his parents. He had been taken the moment he opened his mismatched eyes. He had a few different nurse maids and he was kept from regular people. The Rouges where encouraged to be solitary and only in the Rogue encampment did they become a group. That was only to raise and teach the young ones. The moment he was deemed ready he was given his satchel, empty of tools and was told to set out on his own. He was only thirteen. He had travelled to the water tribes and learnt from their Rogues and spiritual leaders for a while. He learnt how to meditate and how to read the weather. It was there he spent almost an entire year to make his cloak. With that slung around his neck he had left them for the air nomads.

There he learnt how to navigate and read the stars. He learnt of the solstice and equinox. He learnt how to divine signs and dreams. Then he travelled down deep into the mountain where the moles and other ground dwelling clans lived. He pondered the deepest of life's mysteries and learnt to see with more then his eyes. The gave him some of the hard rock they mined there and he left the mountains to live a time in seclusion within the forest.

There he had spent his time learning how to be at peace with the animals of the forest and how to be one with the trees. He opened his mind to the possibilities and took the metal he was given and turned it into a dagger almost as long as his forearm. It took many hours to do just the handle as he had to weave the tough twine in and around the wooden slats to tie it to the knife itself.

When he had come from seclusion he begun his life as a rogue. The latest rumours he had herd in the Bear clan worried him. He cast a sideways glance at Nesca which she caught and frowned back at him. He almost laughed to himself at her look. He knew he was about to be enquired about his thoughts and anything less then an in-depth description of his thoughts and emotions will take that familiar frown from her face.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Nesca on queue, her voice low so as not to carry in the trees. Ayan sighed and looked back to his path.

"I heard another rumour in the bear clan." he said carefully. Nesca hesitated in her step for a half second as her mind reeled at the implications. Lately rumours from different clans had spread about furless creatures prowling the underbrushes and grabbing stray mistunes that happened about alone. No credit had been given to the rumours, dismissing the disappearances to the harsh life of the forest and the adventures of the young. But soon more and more people were disappearing and not just the young almost of age. Seasoned hunters went hunting and never came home. Children ducking outside clan areas to play don't come back. Elders wandering the paths of wisdom have wandered off. But the most terrifying is the report of a world scar cave clan being found abandoned by scouts.

Ayan had heard this when he had bumped into another Rogue in their travels. The rogue had said if anymore creditable reports were made the Rogues would all return to their home clan to find the truth and solution to this problem. With this new rumour Nesca knew Ayan would be going back to his mountain Scar home and she would have to hide for a long time before she could see him again.

Sensing that she had drawn the correct conclusion he took her paw in his hand in a rare show of affection. He smiled at her and gave her paw a small squeeze. She sniffed and her eyes shone with tears when she looked back up at him. Seeing she was fighting tears he tried to distract her.

"The new rumour is more concrete then the others as it was a rogues message. The chief was told by a rogue messenger to pass it on to any rogue seen by his clan." he explained and Nesca nodded in interest.

"the message was this, 'Magi calls, all must attend to meeting point within the seven days after the full moon.'"

"Magi?" Nesca asked curiously but Ayan simply didn't answer as he sometimes didn't when it came to rogue secrets. She let it go and listened intently to the newest rumour.

On the paths of wandering between clans the Rogue novice Mathew heard a strange noise. As a Stag Anthrop he had a more sensitive hearing then most and it warned him that the strange noise was approaching. After a quick deliberation he decided to follow his instincts and hide out of sight. After he had settled quickly into the forest he honed his senses on the noise. Now it was closer he could her the creak of something wood and the protest of the forest as whatever was coming ploughed through the underbrush without mercy. Small woodland creatures ran from its path and birds fell silent during its passing. Through the trees the Rogue could see something as large as one and a half mistune and as long as four strides and the width was two strides. It had four round circles of wood coming from the four corners that let the box be pulled without to much difficulty by a hard stocky mountain pony. The poor thing was panting in the humid forest but obediently pulled the thing forward by a harness strapped around its middle and attached to two long poles that it stood between that came from the thing.

It was a box made from wood, the top being held up by sides made of poles. The width between them was just enough that a foal and her presumable mother could reach their hands through for food that was being passed to them by a ugly creature. The box could have fit another six people in almost comfort.

Their were five of the ugly creatures around the box. Mathew had almost believed that his wits had been addled by the sight of such creatures. They were clad in skins that were foreign to the peoples of the forest. The Rogues cloaks made of the cotton plant. But even the long days they put into making them could not produce the near perfect stitching of the creatures clothes. They wore full shirts and long pants, their naked brows covered in moisture that could be smelt even from the hiding spot of the rogue. They wore thick leather belt superior to anything his roving clan had made. From them hung shining metal daggers and swords, purses and water containers. They also wore on their backs satchels that were strapped to them over their shoulders and under their armpits. They wore strange hides over their long flat paws and spoke in a language much like the common tongue but spoken so fluently that Mathew could hardly tell one word from another.

But the one thing that stood out the most was that these strange creatures were furless! ever unclothed part of them was plain pink skin. Only a small strip above each eye and on top of their head remained. Some had different lengths of fur from their chins but some had none. They also had no muzzles of which to speak with. It was only later when they came close that Mathew could see they spoke from a red rimmed whole where their snouts should be.

He only watched until they past. They were having a hard time trying to negate a way through the forest with the giant box. After being fed from the packs on the creatures backs, the foal and her mother sat back and hugged each other in silence, fear hanging off them like a dark cloak. The creatures continued to trill to each other seeming oblivious to the destruction they were leaving in their wake as they cut a road through the undergrowth. They laughed and poked at the filly at one point and she shuddered curling closer to her foal. The small convey turned and headed towards the World scar, keeping it in sight through the canopy.

Mathew had waited long enough for the noise to fade before taking a wide path around them to get to the cloister.

Ayan finished the tale and squeezed Nescas paw in his own again fearful for her and for all the people of the Mistune. A dull ache had been throbbing in his gut since he had first heard of the furless creatures. The relative calm life that all new was drawing to a close. He had to meet with the others. He had to help find the solution as it was obvious to him that this creatures must have come from over the Scar and they were taking the mistune back with them. What were these creatures and why have they come now were not the right questions. The right question was how could they stop these tings while there were still few?