Dancing With Fire - Chapter 5

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Dancing With Fire Act 1 - The Kindling Ignites

Another month passed, and Harper's contact with I.M.P. remained consistent (albeit off the record and under the table). The Overlord once again visited their office, this time for debriefing on their tenth mission. He had previously taken to sending an intermediary, but a round number such as ten missions accomplished deserved an in-person visit.

Harper looked on happily as Drek stepped forward with a briefcase containing the latest payment. One million Souls neatly arranged in unmarked bills. True to his word, the fees for each contract had become larger as the Overlord tested the team's capabilities with bigger and more complex jobs. Blitzø was practically salivating as the other imp set the case on his desk and opened it. Harper did his best to suppress his amusement at the display of childlike glee.

"Good doing business with you as always, Mr. Harper," said Blitzø as he started to enthusiastically count out the money.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Blitzø," replied Harper, "You are prompt and discreet in your work. For the most part, at least."

"Know what? Just call me Blitzø," the imp said after a brief pause, "It sounds weird with 'Mr.' in front of it."

Harper shifted a little in his seat, causing the office chair to squeak under his weight. "Very well, Blitzø. In that case, you may refrain from using 'Mr.' with me as well. Simply 'Harper' will suffice. Much more direct and to the point. I appreciate that from a fellow man of business such as yourself."

Blitzø looked up from the open briefcase. "Uhhhhh, sure! No problem. Just don't call me 'Blitzy.' Fucking pisses me off."

This time, Harper couldn't help but laugh. "Perish the thought! It would be most unprofessional." The draconic demon noticed the way Blitzø seemed to relax.

With the transaction concluded, Harper decided to change the subject. "I trust my business has brought a steadier supply of revenue?"

"Oh yeah!" Blitzø chirped, "Usually the cash is unpredictable. And it's always cash. Fuckers are real paranoid down here. Don't want a paper trail. Not that I blame them, since most of our targets end up here with our clients. I know if somebody killed me from the afterlife, priority numero uno would be to find that cock-juggling shitlicker and kick his ass all the way to Treachery."

"A fair point," Harper agreed. The more he interacted with Blitzø, the more the imp's fondness for vulgarities became apparent. It was unprofessional, but strangely endearing. That colorful personality was part of the reason Harper found him intriguing. Now, to start teasing out some additional information, to see if his early read on him was correct. "Now that you have been posting record revenues, I imagine that you have some ideas as to how you can invest them?"

At that, Blitzø jumped up, a gleam in his eyes. "You bet your ass I do!" he exclaimed, while Harper suppressed a laugh at just how familiar the imp was getting with him. "My eels are getting lonely. They could use a friend or six. Ooh! I also saw this solid gold bidet for sale down at the hardware store. It'd work wonders for morale! And, and we could buy the biggest, sexiest billboard in Imp City! It'll be the same as the one we have up now, just bigger. Moxxie keeps telling me we need to change the text, but he's just pissed that I'm better at advertising than he is."

As Blitzø continued to rattle off a long list of vanity projects he intended to spend money on, Harper sat back and mulled over everything he was hearing. His suspicions were correct: This imp had no business sense whatsoever. He was a fine assassin, and he worked well with the small team he had cobbled together. But the fact that he was divulging all this information so readily to an Overlord tycoon who could easily outcompete him was a troublesome sign in itself. Never mind that he seemed to want to spend company funds on a giant chocolate bunny with his head on it.

"I am confident in assuming," Harper cut in, "That all these big plans for your firm are being considered after allocating for employee salaries, including your own?"

Blitzø froze mid-sentence, then looked down at the open briefcase full of money. "Holy shit, that's right! We're actually gonna have a payday this month!"

Harper pinched the bridge of his snout as Blitzø quickly counted out and set aside a few stacks of Souls for himself and his three employees. It truly was a miracle that I.M.P. had survived as long as it had! Unless...

Was there someone else acting as a lifeline for this company? The more Harper thought about it, the more he realized that ad hoc assassin work would not be able to keep this company afloat for as long as it had been open. Someone had to either be lending Blitzø money, or giving him steady work like the Overlord was doing now. He filed that line of inquiry away for later.

For now, it was best to move the conversation to away from work. The dragon demon thought for a moment, then he noticed the brightly-colored equine figurine sitting on Blitzø's desk. "I do not wish to pry, but I am curious. What is that toy you have there, next to the ones that look like your employees?"

Once more, Blitzø's face lit up, and sparkles filled his eyes. Harper heard Drek huff quietly behind him. "Drek, if you wish to wait in the limo, you may."

"Gladly," grumbled Drek, who made an about face and quietly left the office.

Blitzø didn't seem to notice the exchange, or Drek's departure. "This little cutie right here? That's Twinklebutt! She is the smartest and the bravest little horsie in the whole wide world!" The imp then cleared his throat and added "She's part of the Your Pretty Horsie franchise."

Harper inclined his head. "I may have heard of it in passing, but I do prefer real horses to the more, ah, fantastic variations."

To the Overlord's surprise and consternation, Blitzø let out a long, drawn-out gasp. "You like horses too?" he squeaked, barely in a whisper.

Harper chuckled, then scooted his chair a little closer. "I do fancy myself something of an amateur equestrian. When I was alive I kept a few myself. Mostly for pulling my carriage, but I did own a few shares in race horses, and I did go riding from time to time."

The next half hour was occupied by Harper and Blitzø animatedly discussing everything to do with horses and horseback riding. The Overlord was impressed by Blitzø's almost encyclopedic knowledge of horse breeds, as well as his experience with riding. Harper in turn shared memorable moments from the times he had ridden on horseback in life, as well as describing which ones had been his favorite. Whenever he spoke, Blitzø hung onto every word with rapt attention and wide eyes.

"I must say," Harper finally said, "I never would have expected that we shared a hobby. But it is a pleasant and welcome surprise."

"No kidding!" said Blitzø, "I feel like I could talk about horses with you all day."

The dragon chuckled, "Much as I would enjoy that, I am afraid I do have a schedule to adhere to." He took a moment to check his pocket watch. "I'm sure Drek will be worried if I don't take my leave soon. And I am sure that you have your own work ahead of you."

Just as soon as Harper said this, Blitzø's phone rang. The imp was quick to snatch up the screaming device. "WHAT?" he barked. Though Harper could not make out the words on the other end, it sounded like Loona's voice.

"Well stall him, I'm in a meeting...What do you mean you can't?...Yes, he's been texting me all day, but he needs to learn how to go two goddamn hours without blowing up my inbox...Ugh, FINE! I'll talk to him. Just gimme a sec." He put his claws over the receiver and shot an apologetic glance to Harper. "Hey, I'd love to keep going, but I gotta take this call." The dragon nodded in understanding, then moved to get up.

"Hello my beautiful, sexy little Blitzy~" cooed a voice that made Harper freeze. Blitzø did not seem to notice. He stood up and turned his back to the Overlord, muffling whatever else the Prince of Hell had to say from earshot.

"Look Stolas, I'm really busy today, so this better be important." With his back to Harper, Blitzø couldn't see how the dragon's face turned from one of shock, to irritation. Smoke trailed from Harper's nostrils, and his talons tore tiny holes in his trousers as his hands clenched on his knees in a vice grip.

Harper took a deep breath and composed himself just as Blitzø turned back around to face him. "Yeah, I know I left your texts on Read, and that's my bad. Things have been really crazy lately," said the imp, before exchanging a nod with the dragon as he stood up to leave. "Alright slow down, who is this guy again? Right...Okay...Yeah we'll take care of him...No I haven't forgotten our deal...Right, see you this Saturday, and so help me you better have enough lube this time!"

The Overlord froze again as he heard the last sentence, but only for a moment. He pulled the door closed and walked right past the company's exit. Instead, he headed straight for the hallway toward the break room. On the way, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Drek? Yes, I am afraid you will be waiting for a little longer. I have some questions for Blitzø's employees."