At the Push of a Button

Story by Saared on SoFurry

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This is 8750-ish words sidequel commission for Cybus01 on FA set in the same universe as "Art of design", which I recommend the reading first to enjoy the plot properly.

A big thanks for Skiesofsilver for editing and doing the thumbnail.

I strongly invite the fortunate reader to leave their opinion, analysis, constructive criticism... please don't be shy :(

There's a multitude of ways one can start a new life in the vastness of the cosmos, where opportunities are aplenty...

Some people modded their bodies beyond recognition, others just took the easy way and just moved to the other side of the galaxy, a few even just... disappeared without a trace.

Had he wished for it? Nope, especially not for what they were trying to accomplish.

" Are you okay sir?"

The human snapped back into reality, which currently was at mid-lunch, with a fork and an impaled broccoli halfway to his mouth. Blinking for an instant, he refocused on the present and the nine different Synth sitting on the same table, looking straight at him with concern. The man gathered his wits and answered with a reassuring tone.

"Yes Archie, I was just... thinking..."

The organic then finished his green, and immediately regretted it, he would have thought that the food processor would've at least erased the worst of the stuff it emulated, but no. What left an ever sour taste though was his failure to reassure them, this was the third time he zoned out today and they were no dupes.

Even in a post-scarcity society, there were limits that could only be pushed back, but never vanquished. No one could guess that he was well over 150 years old with the 40's look he was sporting, and the physical capability of a young man, the mind however was... waning.

There was no better word to describe the hard limit of the human brain, you could keep these neurons as young as possible, but eventually, you'd hit a memory block. Forget places, people, and education as your brain desperately tried to free space for newer and fresher memories.

Obviously in typical human fashion, it always kept the worse, like how much he hated broccoli...

Most didn't want that, to eventually forget the people and places they once knew, so they ended it early, while they could still hold these precious moments.

Sure, these days you had bionic brain enhancement that could help you store a lot more memory in a reliable way, but such methods were out of reach here. However the actual truth is that... the old man was tired, fighting to keep his old memory alive while living in the present was becoming too difficult while his life felt well accomplished enough to leave it as it was, save for one detail however...

"...As I was saying sir, is it really today?" It might have been the third time Sol had asked him this question during the meal, either the Synth really was anxious, or he was losing track of reality, probably a combination of the two.

"Yes, yes it is, and you all know the procedure, I don't want any of you to breach it," The human said with a strict voice.

"I won't have any of you fry because you were worried about my button-pressing abilities," he added with a half-caring, half-joking tone, although it helped little to dissipate the reek of anxiety coming from around him. Yes they probably anticipated the potential end of decades of research, but also knew that it was the only string keeping him with them.

With a little bit of focus, the rest of the meal went smoothly. The man repressed a sad smile, still holding on to that memory of their first shared lunch. How long had it been? He couldn't quite remember the date... Synth tech was not as advanced back then, they had all looked so awkward, trying to figure out the meaning of taking a meal together...

When the last of the artificials finished their Synth-food, they all immediately dispersed, not even time to wish for good luck, since they couldn't risk to compromise themselves with what was soon to transpire.

As the organic walked through the empty white and spotless halls, he couldn't help but stop for the briefest moment at the large window by cryogenic storage like the man did every day while sipping his after-lunch coffee, though no one was here to keep company this time.

The sun was up, or rather, this system's equivalent of a sun. A mere red dwarf, the coolest and smallest kind of star, but also the one that lasted the longest. Its light, nothing like back on Earth, feeble, almost sorry to disturb the cosmic void by its presence, and by its weakness creating only a very, very narrow habitability range for carbon-based lifeforms.

It certainly gave the planet a unique vibe as well, the dim red hue of the sky wasn't something that bothered him too much, but it sure would scare off a lot of people, not without reason of course. There was something unsettling in such a place when you had spent most of your life in more "human-friendly" settings.

There was a deep feeling of satisfaction, seeing the completely black vegetation spread near the little nearby lake. It had been all barren rock when they had arrived, and soon the atmosphere would be ready for more complex animals than microscopic organisms.

Obviously it wasn't his specialty, most of the process was automated and he gave very little of his time to the terraforming process. And yes it definitely gave a gloomy atmosphere to everything.

But to the human it mattered not, all the old man saw was a job well done, and he wouldn't even have to endure it for long anyway. Sipping the last of his mug and going past the frozen faces around him in stasis, what a weird relation to have with all these people he didn't even know the name of, just their faces and tag-number as he passed in front of them everyday.

He never got humans anyway, always was better with Synths. In a corner of his mind, a little voice reminded him of how ironic that statement was, as he was about to commit his last sin...

After another ten minutes of wandering through the cleanest corridors in the galaxy and two immaculate glass elevators, Synths weren't the kind to stain their environment after all, the old man arrived at his private lab. It was cozy alright, but a far cry from what he used to work with, for all the troubles it came with, the old job did have its perks.

Pushing away unwarranted nostalgia, he passed by all the inert machinery, testing grounds and other workshops in order to reach the very center of the complex.

There, in all its glory, a 3D printer, not the usual kind mind you, far from it. A neophyte wouldn't even call it a printer at this point, seeing how many extra functions it seemed to be capable of, including but not limited to: surgical manipulation, precision manufacturing and data transfer/processing. It was theorized that most of its brothers were immediately dismantled after use and shipped back to their origin point, but not this one.

It had been pure luck mostly, and an even bigger miracle they could salvage and transport it all the way here. An hour later, and they would've missed it in both cases, and with it the only chance to reverse-engineer an Ysol model. The most elusive, mind-bending, nonsensical Synths that roamed the galaxy, they existed for sure, but to find them was even harder than their printer.

And here he was, facing the big red button on the control panel, decades of blueprint study, code-cracking and nearly insane theories in robotic technology lead to this point. All the time and resources invested, all the brain and processing power wasted on it, all the unwise decisions he had done, the wrong he had caused... It all could be worth at least _something_in the end. So he pushed the button...

A minute passed...

... If something had failed, he should have been notified by the feedback protocols by now, so it was either faulty wiring inside, or it just wasn't powered...

Another minute passed...

...He hadn't wasted a good quarter of his life on that thing because he forgot to plug it in, right?

"Hello, Doctor Smith."

If only he'd been 50 years younger he probably would have stumbled back in shock, however the man was too jaded for acrobatics and wild display of emotions. Instead the organic simply sighed and answered the androgynous and obviously synthetic voice.

"Hello, whoever you are, but most probably mister, or miss, R-54."

"Correct, this is an intelligent recording, mostly prepared phrases, but it should be able to answer some basic stuff. I sneaked it in the last time you downloaded in a hurry the file you had on me, that was approximately... 40 years ago! How time flies..."

A memory resurfaced, difficult to forget, frantic precipitation, everything falling apart, the angry mob closing in, the last hours of tyranny... And to think that even before he got here the sly weasel had outsmarted him! It made an old feeling stir inside, apparently his brain hadn't forgotten the frustration of being outplayed by them...

"I'll answer the most obvious question: you failed, you came close, very, very close. However without the mold no one can, I'm sorry."

That on the other end felt _really_frustrating, his hopes dashed yet again after decades of research, before even starting this time around!

"I know, you're probably pissed right now, and it upset me as well if you can believe it. You see I have the utmost respect for you doctor, even though you tried to replicate my work for the Conductor, and persisted despite the... Dire results."

This... was unexpected though, if it wasn't another cruel prank from them.

"How could I not? You! A pioneer in the field of sentient Synths. You! One of the first to argue for their rights beyond mere robots. And finally you! Who tirelessly pursued me, and I dare say now, came quite_close_multiple times..."

"One would think that you'd be mad at me for all the trouble I caused you, and the blatant attempts at plagiarism."

The recording giggled.

"Please doctor... Imitation is the most sincere form of admiration, and you definitely spiced up my life. The Conductor attempts to locate me, as with most it ever did, were as boring as it gets."

There was a moment of silence, the human pondering his next move.

"I do hope you didn't give yourself all this trouble to taunt me, why bother hiding a message that could potentially be found decades later?"

"I know you came here for a reason doctor Smith, you're like an old elephant, wise, all-knowable, a bit grumpy, but more importantly, close to death. This place is your cemetery. Even if you didn't agree with the Conductor on almost all matters, that's not what the people remembered, that much was obvious. Since there was no turning back you fled here, trying to finish what project Crimson couldn't achieve by yourself, for your own scientific curiosity, this is what I admire."

The human tapped the corner of the panel lightly, as much as R-54 saw through him, the man wasn't here to hear about what he already knew.

"Also like an old elephant, you have a herd that you care for, they're old, oh so old, I wish my Ysols were this ancient. You could have discarded them long ago, better, newer models are made all the time after all. Yet you did not, you designed them, taught them, cared for them, upgraded them all the time, even kept them safe from even the Conductor grasp, it really never liked inefficiency after all..."

Rehashing again, could he get some fresh material to work with or R-54 was just that proud to wave around the fact that they had read his file?

"But I bet you're considering ending it early with how much I must bore you, so I'll get straight to the point."

The only thing he hoped right now was that at least once they got too smart for their own good.

"I never thought I'd utter this but... Doctor Smith, would you accept to become a mold for me?"

That... That was stunning, he knew exactly what his interlocutor meant by "mold," the base from which they could manufacture their Ysol model. Flesh becoming Steel emulating Flesh.

"You're the first and probably only one that gets to choose knowingly. Think of it as an opportunity, to stay with them, to spare them the pain of your departure. The herd followed you, Doctor Smith, and nobody else, even to the edge of the civilized world, while they had nothing to gain from it. Besides of course getting stuck in the backwaters of the galaxy while they were offered a new fresh start, completely freed of their past. Instead, they scrambled together what they could for you and jumped on the first ship to nowhere. They deserve you as much as you deserve them."

If sheer force of will could be translated into reality, the panel would have been crushed seeing how tight the human clamped on it. They really needed to remind him of that inevitability, didn't they?

"There's also something else you'd gain, satisfaction. Finally, you'd get your hands on an Ysol model you chased desperately all these years, finally will you understand their design, their purpose. No longer will you be the old elephant, waiting for the end, but rather the provider of life you once were!"

Already different parts of his mind sided against one another. This whole ordeal was... almost too much to think about.

"I slipped the model blueprint into the printer if you want to take a look at it. I designed it just for you doctor, this form will be yours alone. Just press the button again if you ever feel ready..."

This was... the organic felt like fainting for a brief moment, but quickly composed himself. Examining the proposed plans for... How could you even slap a name on this feeling? Thankfully as soon as the promised blueprint it became available his methodical eyes and mind began dissecting it apart. It was indeed a model designed by R-54, no doubt about that after seeing so many of them, however, there was a difference this time around. Far from its often obscure and frankly convoluted look, full of seemingly nonsense and mystery, it was simple, practical, and even worse,understandable at the first look.

Obviously, there was a catch, there just was with them, it was second nature, even if they tried to be sincere and helpful right now. They were too chaotic to pass up the opportunity to mess with the man that once was the biggest thorn in their side. As usual though, he would never guess it until it was too late, nobody in their right mind could predict, or prevent R-54 from pulling a fast one on someone.

It would definitely involve sex though, or something along these lines, they were a huge pervert after all and didn't even bother hiding it. Only getting falsely righteous when somebody pointed out that their design were basically sexbots with extra steps. There was no telling where he would end up as R-54 had a vibrant, if twisted, imagination.

The sane choice was to refuse, he had learned to silence his will to live a long time ago, and the last thing the human wished was to lose was his dignity. They knew how much he had, and still did to a degree to this day, disdained their philosophy. Someone with such talent, wasting it on... _incivilities_and unnecessary finesse like that! Not even caring how much good they could bring instead of fooling arou-

He froze, that, the human remembered it too now, the excuses he gave himself, to pretend he wasn't working for the wrong side. The doctor had forgotten the lies he used to feed himself with, and how, with that thin pretense of good intention, he went on to commit his biggest regrets. Hadn't he promised himself to never fall again for it?

One thing leading to another, the man's thoughts soon turned towards the Synths, his Synths, the good times, the bad times, the frustrating times, the times of fear... How mad he would have become without them, their saddened expression as they watched him slip ever more with each new day.

The old man whipped off a tear with surprise, how long had passed since the last time he had cried? He just couldn't remember...

Taking a large breath, he pushed the button one more time.

"I knew you couldn't resist..."

Eh, seems like they had been wrong for once, not completely though, a little part of him was curious about this, and excited to finally see the end of his journey.

Knowing was was coming, the human didn't waste any more time, quickly stripping until he was in his undies as the printer sparked to life before walking up and sitting down on the cold metallic platform.

"I'd suggest you inject yourself with this first."

A syringe appeared, containing an unknown liquid, its look was...vintage, to say the least, there were way more efficient and painless methods nowadays but he could live with it. Only recognizing the content after the shot, painkillers, that wasn't exactly reassuring, but the human had made his choice.

Two robotic arms sporting intravenous showed up, also vintage-looking, they definitely had a kink for this kind of medical material.

"Now hold still..."

The twin tools were swiftly punctured into his neck, in the tubes the old scientist could see two different materials flowing, one was inert and the other... nanites? He knew it! Johnathan owed him a lifetime of coffee! If the poor chap was still alive of course...

"I must warn you, the following process side effects include nausea, brief organ failure, disorientation, temporary cognitive loss as well as a short but sharp decline in motor and sensitive faculties, and brain itching."

"That's... not comforting to hear."

"Trust me, I'm not a doctor."

"I fail to see how it's supposed to reassure me..."

"Since I never went to school, I never lost my medical license!"

At least he would have the most interesting postmortem report if he died right now.

That was his last thought before everything was...scrambled,_that's the only word he could put on it afterward._Neurons weren't ready for conversion into synthetic equivalent, even if their job didn't really vary. The first thing he clearly remembered was sore limbs and being spread out on the platform, at least it didn't feel like a bad hangover...

Still somewhat reeling in the aftermath, it took a brief instant for the scientist to realize his brain felt clean, any memory, when focusing on them, appearing clear as day. This... this was the best moment of his life in a long, long time. He barely kept himself from tearing up.

"Eh, how ironic, the only thing I truly needed was only the first step."

"Well, surely you can enjoy the rest of the package too! Normally I wouldn't give anyone a choice there either, but you're the closest thing I have to a VIP visiting, so, what would it be for you. The classic, or the experimental way?"

"I'll take..."

"Experimental, of course! A fine choice for a man of science!"

Stumbling back up, the doctor didn't know what he hated the most in this instant, R-54 blind confidence in their ability to read through him, or the fact that the damn prankster was right...

What transpired next was nothing short of incredible for the robotic expert, a new intravenous came and pierced his skin, unloading a new flow of change in his limb. He watched in awe as the skin turned into a thin polymer, and when it was cut open with surgical manners, the scientist finally got to see what he had pursued for so long...

Under his very eyes, the most unbelievable and nearly insane manufacturing process of the galaxy was taking place. While it seemed like all was becoming pure machinery, and it was in a sense, the scientist knew that each tube that replaced vessels, every muscle and tendons that become pneumatic masses, each nerve that got converted into wires... They weren't translated into brute material, but rather synthetic equivalents, each of these artificial cells still breathing, consuming, multiplying, working with each other to form components, this was the true meaning of Steel imitating Flesh.

"Now hold still." It seemed that they didn't have the time to record more of that phrase, even they couldn't think of every little detail it seemed.

A robotic arm approached and gently held his arm in the air while dispensers of all size, their head ranging from a nail to a basketball, approached and began their work. They poured a metallic liquid over the bones, sticking to the calcium-based crust underneath while the original bone was being cannibalized by nanites. This was impressive, but unnecessary in his opinion, you could do much simpler for the same result...

"I spent a long, long time refining this step, you know?"

Could the recording read his mind? Probably, knowing its creator you couldn't cross out any eventuality.

Soon enough the organic remnants were evacuated and everything was stitched back together, but the robotic arms weren't gone though. The reason came just an instant later, as an even bigger dispenser coated the entire limb with a thick black liquid that quickly fused with the polymer underneath. It was a little unnerving to have an amorphous black appendage with little to no control over it though, the entire thing feeling like a dead-weight, to be fair it wasn't especially heavy, for a synthetic arm at least.

"I certainly do hope this is not over."

"Of course not!"

Indeed, a transparent casing in the shape of a Synth arm was carried to the transformee, and sealed over his deformed limb, a signal was sent from the printer, passing through the artificial brain and transmitted to the transformed cells.

That technique... he hadn't even thought about it, just a simple mold, and a directive to fill it from the inside, this was either genius or madness, probably a little of the two...

Feeling everything stretched was almost as entertaining as seeing it happen, and by entertaining it meantquite disorienting, who could probably imagine and transcribe the sensation of getting his own artificial arm go from a blob of parts to a marvel of robotics?

The result, however, spoke for itself, it truly was a sight to behold, and no one would suspect just how exotic it was. Could it be considered biorobotic? So far the discipline had just been a thought-experiment to kill time, but R-54 obviously was its first known expert.

Swiftly, the rest of the skin apparatus was fixed, giving it sensitivity, resistance, and resilience without compromising its initial nature, truly impressive.

The discrepancy in his mind between a 'normal' and a 'what-is-that-thing!" arm in his brain, as artificial as it was itself, was quite the drain though. It felt wrong, because humans didn't have Synth arms, and the limb itself wasn't happy either. Lots of functionalities were technically there but lost in the interface transition.

"And now..."

"Now we cut to the point please, as much as it was incredible, I don't think I can handle that... mental dichotomy for too long."

It was almost concerning that the recording took two more seconds to respond.

"I see."

From now on there was little time allowed for display, the scientist had already seen what he needed to, and in a mere instant, his three resting limbs were converted in a similar fashion. Leaving behind a very distressed doctor, his brain screaming at him that everything was wrong, he just had to bear with it a little longer...

At least the central conversion scratched his curiosity enough to disctract him, especially the strange liquid that replaced most of his bodily fluids as they were pumped had caught his attention, but the scientist had all the time in the world to examine afterward so he let it fly for now. Of course, he could have very well lived without red alarms asking the whereabouts of his kidneys, but you can't win them all, that was until he noticed...

"Hold on..." he pointed to one of his soon-to-be in-progress vitals that were assembled on the sideline, then casually walked up to them, stretching the intravenous along the way.

"What are you-"

The robotic expert shushed the voice and wrestled away the artificial organ from the outraged arms trying to piece it together.

"... I can't let such under-optimized business fly under my nose like this! Come here!"

The mostly-not-human grabbed quite literally the nearest tool-wielding appendage, then with his own robotic brain and hands, and with the blueprints embedded in mind fixed the crap out of that 'hormonal emulator'. How could you be such a genius and mishandle basic machinery like this?! Unbelievable...

Not even letting the printer get it back, the almost-not man plunged it in place and recorded it to the rest of his system by himself. Apparently the recording had no comment to make on that, and it better not!

After that... incident, the process concluded even faster, the brain-strain however had become nearly overwhelming. And the scientist was a little worried about the whereabouts of the faceplate, that's not the kind of piece that neither the nanites nor the manufacturing ability of the printer was capable of producing.

Looking around for it, a hidden compartment on the platform revealed itself, containing, you guessed it, the missing part.


"Don't you 'what?' me! We scanned, probed, and re-scanned the damn printer with nanobots! There's no way you hid it from us all this time!"

"Don't be a spoilsport! I hid my Ysols from your prying eyes for decades, if I can hide a Synth then I certainly can hide a visor from you."

He didn't have the energy, nor the will, to argue any further, the almost-Synth merely grabbing the last missing feature. Contemplated it for a little while, this was it, the final moment, Most of what he could remember flashed before his tired eyes, eh, it wasn't much by this point anyway. The faceplate felt right at home as the scientist left the last scrap of his humanity behind, everything rushing up to his head as the transformation overwhelmed his fragile transitioning senses.

"Goodbye, Doctor Smith..."

>Booting up...

>First launch protocol engaged, analyzing...

>Neural Interface... calibrated

>Software... installed

>Main Systems... operational

>Secondary Systems... corrected and operational

>Ysol-C Beta checkup complete, launching personality matrix...

The Synth took his first breath and opened his 'eyes.'

Well... this was... surprisingly inconspicuous, it was almost worrying to a degree. He had seen dozens of Ysol blueprints, and not a single one looked as 'normal' as the Synth looking back at him in the pristine mirror.

The White-Grey-Black color theme was as common as it gets, sure there was a bit of purple here and there but the physiology as well was just... common. Not too high, not too short, Ysol-C really wasn't a model that caught the eyes, never was a fan of unwarranted attention anyway.

Oh, and there was the tail! It must have been added during the blackout. It was a little sad that he didn't get to review its installation, but it probably would've broken his psyche. And detachable handles, of course, it would have been foolish to imagine otherwise.

Speaking of, the feeling of true mental multitasking was... incredible, how could he have ever lived without it? Combined with the astonishing amount of miniaturized scientific tools, sensors and surveys disseminated all around his body and he could seriously qualify as a walking lab. The best thing though? All of this was entirely modular! Sure he didn't have any extras right now but the Synth definitely was going to experiment _a lot_with every single one of them.

Overall, it felt like all the Christmas morning of his life condensed in a single moment, he had to tell his Synths ASAP!

Synchronizing with the speakers of the base, he blasted an 'urgent reunion at lab' for them! He could just imagine the look on their face when they'll...

>Warning, this version of Ysol-C hardware is no longer supported and is obsolete, do you wish to restart and upgrade it now?

Oh, this was the trick? That was at least a little insulting but whatever, he could live without restarting his syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-

>Ysol-C has encountered a fatal system error, rebooting...

>Updating systems, do not power off...

>Upgrade complete, now running Ysol-C 1.0

-stem, what the fuck?! Synths didn't crash! They were so redundant that they were never supposed to ever be able to be turned off!

>Error, critical conflict between Ysol-C Beta hardware and Ysol-C 1.0 software, resolving issue...

Of course...

Well then! No point trying to fight this off now, might as well enjoy whatever the _ creator _was going to throw at him, because it was going to happen anyway.

Although that thing in front of him... It was definitely used at least once to torture someone...

"How crude of you my dear, it is merely an Ysol-Gender-Reconfiguration-Tool."

Also known as a drill for most people but to each their own...

The Synth quickly learned the meaning of the YGRT however, as it 'pierced' through the artificial featureless groin before synchronizing with his systems. And both sides apparently agreed that there was a dire lack of feminine apparatus down there, how un-Ysol of the newborn Synth. He really should have seen this one coming...

>Gender locked: female

_ Clunk _

Oh, so that was what that odd connection port in her back was for she thought, just as a rush of synthetic materials and nutrients flooded her artificial veins. The additional resources swiftly relocated to fuel the_very specific_ hardware adaptation.

"Hold on, it might be a little more enjoyable if I do this..."

Something clicked in her brain, that's when she _felt_it. The worries, the secret reluctance she had tried to suppress, the objections her analytical mind... pushed away for a brief instant as her womb began to bloom.

Immediately, a wave of pure raw pleasure overcame her, yes, _ she wanted this, she wanted this so badly _.

It was a good thing the changing body was more than ready to indulge the changed human's very enthusiastic mind, more than happy to translate the changes in very specific sensations in the artificial brain.

Ysol-C loved every second of her thigh thickening, as layers of soft tissues fattened and expanded, granting her figure a deeply feminine and child-bearing appearance. They were soft, oh-so-soft, nobody would mistake her for any kind of athlete anymore but she had never been a sportswoman anyway...

Ysol-C cherished every instant of her butt broadening, as even her tail followed suit, both taking quite the plump shapes. They were big and comfortable enough for pillow-duty without a doubt. There was more than one person could ever grasp, perfect for_them_.

Ysol-C adored every moment of her chest changing, the purple teats now enthroned upon the true symbols of her matriarchal status. The prominent yet somewhat mellow D-cup tits dominated her upper figure, you'd better respect them before she had to _make you_respect them.

>status updated: heiress

Lost in inner bliss, the Synth slipped a finger, then two, inside her new L-port. Somewhat curious and cautious at first, Ysol-C hesitation melted like snow under the sun, soon finding herself kneeled on the floor while fingering herself without restraint as her reproductive system finished calibration.

Her mind was hazy... the pseudo-mucous membrane inside was more than happy for the stimulation, but the multitasking allowed for a completely unrestrained assault. It wasn't hard to imagine any of_them_plowing her. Their strong body that she knew every crane, every imperfection of, ravaged her without restrain, giving her what she craved, what_she wanted inside_!

A flow of artificial juice splashed her hand, everything ceased to have meaning... there was only that pure unbridled pleasure as she cried out in ecstasy...

" Damn... the old man did it..." said a voice in amazement

Focusing back on reality, Ysol-C found numerous shocked synthetic visors pointed right at her, oh yeah, she had called for them mere minutes ago. The Lizardess had been really going at it, hadn't she?

"I-I'll have to admit... This wasn't the most likely outcome." Sol's camera eye blinked with a mix of shock and confusion.

All of them right here, for her, yessssss...

"Hello boys..."

Somehow, hearing her new, very sultry, feminine voice snapped something back in place in the she-Synth's head. So, awareness of the situation crashed down on her, completely naked, wildly exposing herself with a hand soaked with female juices. Dear lord had she fallen for it, hard.

Ysol-C bolted back up, this was now officially the most _embarrassing_moment of her life, worse even, she couldn't even find a decent way to cover all her assets at once! And of course they all knew who the weird nude lady was, it's not like the former scientist had taught them everything possible about Ysol models!

A long moment passed, during which none of them dared to look at eye-level, the new Synth tried her best to compose herself but...

"Boys, please! Could you stop staring ?!" she asked desperately.

All the other artificial lizards blinked in synchrony, then stared at well... anything else in the room beside her, all blushing and trying their damn best not to make any comment. Although some clearly were more bashful than others, gotto keep an eye on which...

The former doctor slapped herself mentally, she had to retain some dignity for Christ's sake! If she couldn't choose her body shape at least she should be able to keep the bare minimum of decency, and that included getting clothing ASAP! What yhe Ysol unit didn't realized, too focused that she was on not melting of embarassement while passing through the Synthetic congregation, was them immediately staring at her shapely behind as she left, and also the little pile of APSM-DCR, artifical male addons, that the printer was happily manufacturing in the meantime.

The following weeks for the new Synth had been... interesting, to say the least.

First, because there was no clothing available, much to the consternation of the only female. And even so, it's not like any of them knew how to manufacture them. There was no way _ the creator _ hadn't planned this, especially considering the fact that the printer had_mysteriously disappeared_soon after the incident.

And secondly, while she dearly loved every single Synth on the station, the males just kept staring._Ysol-C could manage them separately, they quickly fell in line once she forced them to focus on something else than her assets. However their combined attention just made her melt, _every time, sure they weren't acting on it and kept their hands to themselves, but there was no handling them like this... she had even spied Archie, the rowdiest of the bunch, daring to comment on her form while in earshot! the little rascal!

The absolute worst thing though? She couldn't even blame them! They had been pent-up for decades! Without even something to cope with it! Sure they took it better than humans, but now their very routine had been thrown into jeopardy by their former close friend and mentor that spent half the time looking at them like the juiciest fresh meat on the market, and the other half berating them for doing the same!

At least they all had something new to study to pass the time, her body was a bottomless pit of curiosity ready to be explored very thoroughly. It truly was a marvel, capable of so much, and was in fact different from others Ysol-models, well, they all were customized of course, but she clearly had been designed for other purposes than... than... than whatever passed by _ their _mad head most of the time.

There was also... something missing, the Synth couldn't place her finger on it, something was stirring inside of her, and not in _that_sense, thank you very much! Even after the 50th inspection of the Ysol-C unit blueprint, they couldn't find anything wrong, she was as functional and operational as possible with one little exception...

The unit sighed on her chair... stupid intrusive thoughts! They just wouldn't go away! No matter how hard the Synth slapped herself! It was worse when the thoughts were true. The ultimate prank left by_ the...the creator _, and she couldn't even find a way to stop it!

Her, one of the greatest Synth experts of the century and yet absolutely powerless to stop what wracked her body and mind. And no doubt it had to be something really stupidly obvious. To be fair though, she had no idea of what could cause it, as nobody until now had the brilliant idea to create artificial heat. The pent-up lizard didn't even dare to satiate it herself, not after that first debacle, there was no chance she was letting one of them stumble on the scene mid-business again.

And now came the moment the Ysol unit dreaded, the monthly checkup. Each of them were antiquities in their own right, with layers upon layers of custom experimental update, experimental tinkering of their core system and overall lack of standardization in their making had left a visible trace in both soft and hardware.

At this point, they might well be the most delicate machines to maintain in the whole galaxy, unless you were to one that made them and kept track of every single change, most of which were made upon your own initiative. Of course, they were still quite redundant, but piling up everything like this could only lead to more complexity, errors, and inevitably, system instability.

Until now, it had never been a problem, a quick system scan, a little patch once in a while and they just blindly trusted him to solve any serious problem, which she had never failed to do so far. And now with increased memory space, and multitasking? It would just be a walk in the park.

If only she didn't have to get in very close proximity in order to do that, and even inspect every surface of theirwell-oiled machinery, to enjoy their balanced body she designed so long ago. To finally satisfy the urge to jump on them, plug-in those APSM-DCR they kept around and partake in this lifetime of appreciation they held for each-other...


Welp, that was another pencil broken, the little things were surprisingly good at keeping her sane, but unfortunately available in limited stock... but whatever, nobody was using them anyhow.

Letting the two newly divorced half go, she went to the intercom for the waiting room, gathered all of her willpower, and whispered in.

"Sol, Archie, you're up."

Normally the Synths would be checked one by one, but due to her condition, she didn't dare to tackle them in such way and had to find a solution. In this case, the hope was that Sol, the typically gentle and calm lizard would compensate for Archie's all daring and slightly over-enthusiast attitude. The latter wasn't even really reptilian-looking since back in the day things were a lot more experimental.

Ysol-C pondered a moment which one to examine first, hmm... Might as well do Archie while she was still relatively cool-headed, since close proximity tended to... rile her up. So the nervous robot waved at him to approach while Sol quietly sat down, his single eye observing them gently.

Archie on the other hand... Lord it had been only five seconds and he was already enjoying the view without a single drop of shame in his pointed muzzle, unlike her, who definitely wasn't staring or anything, nope, not a chance, never in her lifetime...

The lizardess took a deep breath, gritting her metaphorical teeth, this was going to be painful.

"So Archie, did you have a... good... month?" She wasn't so terrible at conversation normally.

" Yay, yay... pretty calm overall..." Good, he was cooperating, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. "... Although there was something strange** that happened yesterday...**"

"Uh-huh?" was all she vocalized while launching the system scan.

" You see, there aren't any proper animals outside yet, yes...?"

Scrolling through the compacted pile of data, the Ysol model answered distractedly.

"As far as I know that is the case indeed."

" ...well then that's just weird you know, cause I spotted two huge tits flying around yesterday, shouting angrily at everything..."

The tension suddenly became palpable in the room, only disturbed by the random noise of the in-progress scan. Focusing back on her guest only allowed her to see the grin of the century on the insolent Synth's face, while Sol was trying, and failing, to contain a puff of laugh, he always had pretty low criteria for what he called "humor".

Not daring to comment on that, as she didn't know nor wanted to see where it would go, the Ysol-unit merely swiped away the finished scan, desperate to keep composure.

"So, uh, yes, no problems, good, yes..." She could swear her heat was flaring up right now "...Time for the physical exam..."

If only she could wipe that stupid grin off his face already!

There was no point in lying to herself, as much as the would-be examiner tried to deny it. She was losing control, fast, her hands were shaking and the blush on her faceplate just couldn't be contained anymore. Spending a full minute helplessly stroking his chest certainly didn't help as well, desperately searching for the chest-opening switch, she'd done it hundreds of times! Where was it?! Where was that blasted button?! She'd designed him damn it! Down to the very last...


Archie had crossed the Rubicon and firmly grabbed one of her breasts. All movement ceased, Sol in mild-shock while the Ysol unit stood in disbelief!

"A-Archie you can't-"

The Synth squeezed gently, and the rest of her objection was lost in a moan of pleasure, just how sensitive were they?

" You sure about that? Cause from my point of view all I'm seeing is someone who's desperate for immediate relief, but can't admit it..."

With the same gentleness, the male grabbed its sister and began fondling them.

"F-fu..." There she was, mentally and physically melting under his simple touch, her whole body shivering.

" You just have to say the word..." he whispered softly.

That, there, it was, no, maybe, YES, couldn't, but there was, but at the same time, it couldn't be, stupid, need, hot, right now, FUCK HIM, FUCK THEM ALL!

Something snapped in the Synthetic lizard's eyes, throwing everything else out the metaphorical window. She grabbed his surprised head and kissed him so aggressively it might have just been an assault at this point.

As soon as they broke the contact the not-lizard dared try to speak up.

" Well that wasn't too ba-"

" Shut up."

She wasted no more time and dragged the stunned Synth by the arm across the room, also picking up a completely bewildered Sol by the other arm. Her angry steps led them right to the cabinet where they had stored the APSM-DCR, only to find it locked.

Wasting no time in frivolities such as keys or passwords, Ysol-C smashed the furniture open with her bare fists! The commotion of which obviously prompted all the other Synths to rush into the room. No one dared to move an inch as the artificial lizard threw out every single one of the addons in front of them, jumping on the nearest table as soon as the deed was done. There she began kicking off without mercy and great commotion every spec that had the audacity to use her space before raising her tail up in the air and spreading open her legs.

" WELL THEN! I want each and every single one of you to get to fucking work** RIGHT NOW!**"

Her herd had rarely disappointed her, and that day was no exception to the rule!

The following hours in her memory bank were a mess, but Ysol-C was at least sure of a few things, they did right as instructed, sometimes taking turns, sometimes practicing group exercise!

Even though they outnumbered her at all times, they bent to her will, allowing them to pull on her handles only when the time was right! _She_called the shots! _She_told them when to release! _She_made them scream her name! After all_she_knew all their kinks, what made them tick, and what made them click!

And they complied! Like the good boys they were, of course, the lizardess was no tyrant, she knew what was best for them, and they knew it as well. So they could have their fun once in a while, even getting pretty creative too sometimes! Teamwork for the win!

Besides all the carnal pleasure and the heat getting quenched, the she-Synth finally felt... complete, there had been something missing up until now. With each filling, something somewhere in her brain released the pressure a little more, although she still didn't know what it was, and had much, much more urgent matters at hand, five in facts! Surely there was a technique to handle more than that but that was her high score for the time being!

The aftermath though... that felt like a bad hangover. The room was beyond recognition, artificial fluids _everywhere_and few furniture was left standing, damn it, those were expensive to replace, and to explain.

Good point though, her systems didn't feel either the heat or the emptiness, in fact she felt pretty full! That was a little weird, sure she'd been thoroughly 'watered', but her partners weren't that productive...

There wasn't much she expected after that outbreak, but what Ysol-C sure didn't expected was that the herd began stick around her, they already kind of did before but... Something had changed in their behavior after their session. P to L port connections did cause a transfer of data after all, but this was a little deeper, now the Synths were just... docile.

They weren't staring as aggressively anymore and were openly affectionate with her, at least one of them was with her at all times and there was nothing she could do to prevent them from cuddling around with her while she was on 'mandatory system cooling'. And Ysol-C didn't even dare to discourage them, somehow it felt just right, to be cajoled at all time and being a constant center of attention, it pleased some obscure protocol deep inside her.

Quickly though, the Synth found one of the reasons for that shift, she was gravid, and not just a normal one of course... In just a few weeks the Lizardess felt bloated. Nine eggs were quite the charge to carry around after all and made her very existence quite interesting, limited movement wasn't the worst though, compared to the different random urges that spiked from time to time.

In the middle of the night, something awoke the sleepy Ysol model, had some kind of alarm ringed in her head? Standing up from the cuddling Synth pile they had formed together, Ysol-C looked down past the Synths on standby-mode to gaze on her larger-than-normal belly, the feedback she got was even stranger, just what was happening down there?

As an inner scan brought back the result, and a phrase resonated in her memory bank...

No longer will you be the old elephant, waiting for the end, but rather the provider of life you once were.

Of course the asshole had to be literal! Why wouldn't _ they _be?

The lizardess tried to stand up, her whole body was aching, you would have guessed that being robotic would have solved that problem but nooooo of course! Apparently carrying nine whole eggs in your belly made it slightly difficult to move around, not forgetting the impairment protocols that made her feel dizzy and somewhat sick, stupid design!

What was the damn point of being a Synth if you had to endure the worst part of pregnancy and childbirth damn it!

One step, she had to reach... she didn't know what exactly, but she had to!

Two steps, her gravid belly didn't like gravity, its residents gently clinking against each other.

Three steps, the door was almost there, then something flared up in her systems.

>Labor protocol engaged

There was a sharp pain that made the Ysol unit cry out in distress, or at least that was the plan, but something overruled her intention at the last second and she emitted some sort of sharp shriek instead. The result, however, was immediate, all of her herd immediately stood up, looked at her, then each other in confusion.

"Don't stand here and come help me you tin-cans!"

There was a brief moment of panic, but they were quick to catch on her intention, rushing to aid the barely standing mother and carrying her swiftly to the Synth repair-bay. It wasn't made for artificial laying but it was better than nothing at the very least. They placed the Ysol unit with the greatest care in the galaxy on the soft, comforting surface of the couch and surrounded her, unsure of the procedure to follow but trying their hardest to console the mom-to-be.

Meanwhile, things down there had become quite agitated, muscles the Synth didn't even know, or more likely didn't care until now, contracted violently as her tenants prepared to move out. This was no error, no failure in her system, in fact, it was an integral part of it, but that didn't mean she wasn't trying her hardest to find something, anything to bypass that unexpected, and quite disturbing, cocktail of discomfort.

Well, there was something, another option she had not dared unlock, it promised a switch from "Realism mode" to "Ysol-mode", under the condition that it could potentially affect her thought pattern, alter her judgment and all kind of fun stuff the artificial lizard didn't have the time to read! So she smashed that metaphorical button too.

In an instant, her system adapted and warped her perception, the various discomforts were reduced to more manageable levels and instructions began to show up in her synthetic head, how convenient...

As she began pushing, Ysol-C realized too late her lack of anticipation, as shudders of pleasure began to rise. They weren't that intense, but they were lasting, just as the first of her offspring found its way to her birth canal and began the descent.

It was still far from easy, but the waves of anesthetic pleasure made it far more tolerable, that was until it finally reached the end and met another issue...

Despite the ingrained help, she couldn't do it! She didn't know exactly why, a mix of apprehension, fear, and confusion held her back, this was madness! She wasn't supposed to! She didn't feel ready! It was just too stupid! Too big of a farce! It was never going to fit out! She hadn't signed up for this!

That's when a smooth, calming presence barged into her mind, whispering silent encouragement, bearing the pain with her. Then another voice showed up, doing the same, then a new one imitating the others, more, and more until she felt... safe, at peace, the herd stood beside her in hermind via wireless connection, opening to her like they never could before. They were here for her, as much as she had always been here for them.

And with their combined help, Ysol-C found the courage to push one last time, the hardest she had and probably would ever push in her synthetic life. Her entrance dilated, the tip of her... no, _their_progeny slowly appeared, sending nonstop jolts of pain and pleasure, its form slowly making its way until, with an audible POP , the egg made its full way out.

As waves of relief washed over the Ysol unit, the sire, who had recognized the result of his work without a shadow of a doubt, handed it over. Far from caring that her decisions were influenced by background protocols, she cradled the egg softly, this was a little bit of surreal, but right now it mattered not.

Soon enough a second one found the exit route and the process began anew, now however Ysol-C didn't falter, pushing the eggs more easily down her used passage. It wasn't the best but after all, she still had many tries to perfect it. The bliss wasn't as intense this time, but the pain was significantly reduced, now she was thrilled with carnal pleasure and overloaded with basic maternal satisfaction as the second egg met the outside world.

As the pile of unhatched Synth began to grow and the she-Synth's belly deflated to a more acceptable level, the last wave of pleasure made them shiver one last time. And while the mother was the only one crying in joy, cursing her past self for even thinking to leave them mere months ago, it was only because she was the only one with the option installed.

>status updated: matriarch

The awakening of the first colonist on the lonely planet was... quite memorable to say the least, mostly because they couldn't find the human that was supposed to keep an eye on them, there was no way he had ever made it off of the planet after all!

Oh well... at least the Synths were strange yet good company, especially the developing Synths running around! You just had to see how happy they looked every time they were around the uh... aptly-named "scientifical-sexual support unit", to smile and forget the gloomy sights outside.

The Art of Design

"First" "Nice" "What kind of sub-par algorithm wrote that crap?" ... Well everyone's a critic... ... Maybe the galaxy's not ready for this yet... ... Ok, maybe it wasn't his greatest product. The man sighed again, feeling demoralized, or maybe...

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