It All Ends.
#8 of Spyro's Growing Up.
If you want an idea of what Spyro looks like, look at my picture. Don't have one for Ember sorry.
Ember and Spyro stayed together, enduring ups and downs, close calls and easy victories, for roughly the next year and a half. Nothing truly noteworthy had happened in that time, save for Spyro having to have an operation after Ember sat on his tail in one of their frequent lovemaking sessions. They were currently in the middle of one.
'Ah! Ahhhhh!' groaned Ember, as her and Spyro reached the end of their third time that day. They were both exhausted, physically and mentally, and promptly fell asleep as soon as they had both emptied themselves into the other.
Spyro was now fifteen, and had matured greatly. He was rather larger, and alot more majestic. Ember was ever so slightly smaller, though only upon close inspection. They had both attained great victories on the field of battle, and now Ember's status was second only to Spyro's.
They had defeated each and every one of the villains they had fought, some several times. Ember had personally knocked Gnasty Gnorc silly, and he was unlikely to regain any of his composure anytime soon.
No evil had reared it's ugly head for several months now, and all seemed...good. Ember and Spyro had grown accustomed to the peace, and had slacked off their training to pay more attention to their personal lives.
I must rather bluntly say, they both thought the sex was great. Usually with Ember on top, wrapped in Spyro's massive wings, and pressed to his taut and muscualr chest. Spyro, in turn, loved his new Ember with a passion unbridled, and he knew she knew it. She had grown into a true female, very slim and curvacious, however deadly in a fight. They had also increased their knowledge of sex greatly, and now every time felt like the world was ending.
But, little did they know, it was less than an hour before everything changed, forever.
In precisely forty eight minutes and thirty two seconds, all hell broke loose. Several realms fell to the onslaught of the enemy immediately, and several others after a few minutes. This was indeed, the fabled do or die moment.
Spyro and Ember, having woken up, were prepared to fight within the hour. They flew towards the nearest realm, intending to cleanse it of it's evils, but they did not know an ambush awaited them.
They landed, and seventy four gnorcs jumped into battle. They fought bravely, but were overcome. They were knocked out, and the last thing either remembered seeing was several pairs of feet walking towards them.
Ember managed to drag herself into consciousness a few minutes earlier, amazingly. She broke free of her shackles and flew into the sky, searching for her Spyro. She saw the sun reflect off something purple and gold, and saw the security cart that was carrying Spyro. He was chained down, with the elite of Gnorcs standing guard around him. They were moving slowly towards a large fortress like building that had not been there last time Ember had been here.
'Ugh....' groaned Spyro, as he regained consciousness.
'Haha you pathetic buffoon, I shall destroy you at my leasure.'
Spyro knew that voice. Snapping back to reality like only he could, he saw Ripto standing several metres away, watching him with an air of triumph.
'Ripto!' snarled Spyro, straining to break free of his bonds, before he relaised he wasn't restricted. He glanced at Ripto, clearly surprised by the other's stupidity, but then thought better of it. Leaning back, he made fire in the back of his mouth and prepared to shoot it at the pompous little annoyance standing in front of him. Just as he opened his mouth, he felt a blow smash into his neck from behind.
Staggering slightly, Spyro wheeled around to face his attacker. It was none other than Gnasty Gnorc, who was grinning broadly, still showing the scars from his fight with Ember.
'Puny dragon, you no match for Gnasty Gnorc!'
'Hah, we'll see about that,' and as Spyro raised his forepaw to strike, a spell hit him from behind.
'Tut tut, Spyro. Surely you know better?' and out of the shadows stepped Red, in all his glory.
'Red?' said Spyro, now slightly worried. He was not sure he could take on all of these goons at once.
'It appears that we will have to teach this pile of handbags a lesson,' said Ripto, glancing at Red and Gnasty. 'Do you agree?'
'Hah, me smash Spyro!' yelled out Gnasty and Red fixed Spyro with an evil stare, and a maddened look appeared on his face.
As the three villains inside beat up Spyro, Ember was almost there. She had systematically fought her way through the entire fortress, up to the top, open air room where her love was.
This last room before her destination had held her up for some time, and she was beginning to panic. What had happened to Spyro?
He got hit in the head from behind, whirling around, a spell hit him solid in the chest. He leaped into the air, trying to escape them but recieved a blow right between the wings from above. A powerful blow came from the side, breaking his foreleg and cracking several ribs, and he was thrown against the far side of the room. Once there, lieing against the wall and too injured to move, Spyro could do nothing as the three villains slowly destroyed him.
As Ember fought the umpteenth dragon in the room, she heard a strange sound. The sound of footsteps. Lots of footsteps.
A team of elite dragon warriors, all in full S.W.A.T gear, filed in through the door and helped her cut down the last of the evil henchmen. They the laid charges along the base of the door to the last chamber, and asked her to stand clear.
Spyro, all systems slowly going down, watched as the smoke cleared. Red, acting sensibly, flew away as soon as he saw the number of dragons that marched in. Ripto, after glancing hatefully at Spyro's battered form, turned on the spot and in a flash of his robes was gone. Gnasty, seeing Ember leading the dragons, simply ran off the side of the fortress, screaming.
Ember rushed to Spyro's side, seeing him sprawled against the blood streaked wall, on the far side of the room.
Spyro looked at her curiously, and whispered 'I know your face......Ember.'
Ember grinned, and reached a paw down to caress his face.
'My body is broken,' he stated, 'I go on to join my fathers.'
'No...' whispered Ember, tears shedding down her battle hardened face.
Spyro smiled, and said, his breath growing more eratic, 'I would have followed you to the end. Into the very jaws of hell.'
'I know. Spyro, don't leave me...'
'I have no choice, my love. Did you defeat them?'
'They ran away....'
'Then you did what I could not.'
'Spyro, you can't die.....'
'Death is but the next great adevnture, Ember. Look after the realms. They are your responsibilty now. And know this. I lo-' and at that, his gaze grew fixed, and his slow breathing stilled. And then it hit her. The protector of the realms for years, the only purple dragon in millenia, the dragon to whom she ad given her heart, was no more.
Spyro the dragon was dead.