Loona's Love Life. Chapter 2

Story by Rojack79 on SoFurry

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#2 of Loona's Love Life.

Loona's Love Life.

Chapter 2: Some Good Deeds.

Moxxie continued to look after Alex as he lay resting on the companies coach. Loona sat at her desk, every now and then she would look up from her phone over to Alex and huffed in annoyance.

"Idiot," she muttered under her breath, going back to her phone, continuing to tell Tex of just what had happened back on Earth.

"Damn, so he just took a bolt for you, out of nowhere?" Loona huffed as she yet again reiterated her experience.

"Yes." She thought back to when she had smelled his fear, she remembered looking over at him.

"I- I think he may have saw through our disguises." Now she was curious. Letting Tex know that she would get back to him she put her phone down, got up from the desk, and stretched, earning a satisfying groan as her back and tail gave a faint pop. She then looked over to their guest and snared.

"So when's he going to wake up?" She asked Moxxie who was currently taking his pulse. Moxxie just shook his head.

"Honestly I don't know. I gave him a pretty heavy dose so he wouldn't wake up while I was removing the bolts." He looked over to where Millie was currently studying the heavenly weaponry they had pulled from Alex's chest and arm.

"Hopefully he'll wake up soon and we can get him back home without any more trouble." Loona shook her head and scoffed at Moxxie's exuberance. Moxxie meanwhile scowled at Loona's cold attitude.

"He saved your life, you wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him." Blitz had just gotten off a call and decided to make himself known.

"And that's why we aren't going to kill him." He clapped his hands together. Millie looked up from her analysis and grinned.

"Not that we were ever going to, right?" She asked as Blitz thought it over. He just shrugged.

"Eh, not really worth discussing, now how's about we wake sleeping beauty and see if we can't get a little something out of this little disaster." He stalked towards Alex with a mallet in hand but was stopped by Loona putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Trust me you won't need a mallet to wake him up." She simply went over and began to shake Alex's non injured shoulder.

"Hey, wake up." Alex gave a snort as he groggily came to. He shook his head to get rid of the blurriness making itself at home amongst his eyes, and then slowly looked around the room he found himself in.

"Damn. Here I was thinking that I was just having a vivid dream." Blitz just chuckled.

"Nope, kid your in hell." He then handed Alex his gun back.

"Thanks, by the way, you can have it back, not really my style anyway." Alex nodded as he took his gun and checked it out. Seeing that it was still in working order his gaze fell upon Loona who had stood up after his eyes opened.

"Hey, uh, you ok?" He asked as he looked at his bandages. Loona just snorted but gave him a nod.

"Yeah." She said giving a huff as her face went red.

"Thanks, by the way, don't know what these sorry assholes would have done without me here." She smirked as Blitz gave his daughter a hug.

"Seriously kid thanks for saving my baby girl," Blitz said as his eyes began to tear up.

"I don't know what I would have done if she'd been..." He left that sentence unsaid as he stared off into space. His eyes glazed over for a split second before he regained his composure.

"So now that all of that is out of the way, I think it's time we get down to business!" Everyone else gave him a look of confusion.

"What business are you talking about sir?" Moxxie asked as he began to look over Alex's wounds once more. Blitz just grinned as he slid an arm around Alex and pulled him close.

"I'm talking about seeing how this fine young gentleman can pay us back for saving his life." Millie looked stunned, Moxxie looked horrified, Loona was rather shocked, and Alex was dumbfounded.

"I don't get it?" He asked as Loona shook her head.

"Yeah, he already saved my life so what more could he possibly do?" Blitz just laughed.

"Oh trust me dear loony there's plenty that a human can do. For example." He rolled a dry erase board into the room and began to doodle.

"Considering our last attempt at disguises only went so far, and those fucking cherubs are becoming more ballsy, I think it's would be best if we hired another pair of eyes." He gave Loona a soft smile.

"That way while your here manning the front desk we won't be outgunned and out matched while doing our job up on earth." It took a while for Blitz's idea to sink in. When it finally did,

"WHAT!?" Everyone else shouted. Alex began to sweat.

"I can't go around getting into gunfights!" He said as his mind began to think about all of the horrible consequences that could follow.

"Why in all of hell would I be put back on desk duty!?" Loona glared at her dad, who gave her a sad look.

"Because I almost lost you!" He shouted at her. Loona backed off as she looked into her dad's face. It was full of sadness, anger, and relief. She sighed as she sat down on the now unoccupied section of the coach. Alex had gotten to his feet but became a little woozy, Millie went over to help steady him and he flashed her a brief grin.

"Thanks, uh."

'Millie." She said as she and Moxxie helped get Alex to his feet once more. His stomach chose then and there to growl sending a wave of giggles and snorts through his present company.

"I don't suppose you guys would happen to have anything for a human to eat?" Moxxie simply smiled as Millie giggled.

"Yeah, hun. Let's get you something to eat." This left Loona and Blitz alone, the former still fuming at her dad's decision, the latter feeling conflicted. Loona felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to see her dad giving her a look of abject sadness.

"Please Loona. Don't force me to outlive you." He asked as Loona just shook her head. Tears began to roll down her face as Loona thought back to how close she had come to dying. Her walls had broken and she soon found herself curled up in her father's lap as he quietly combed through her fur. Alex, Moxxie, and Millie could hear the commotion going on, and none of them had the heart to stop it. So they all stayed in the cafeteria until they no longer heard Loona's sobbing. Blitz soon joined them. He walked right over to Alex and gave his waist a hug as he to began to ball into the human's chest.

"T-t-thank you, s-s-so much for saving my baby!" He said through strained breaths as he wept tears of joy. Alex tentatively hugged him back, not really knowing what else to do. He stood there until Blitz was done balling his eyes out. He wiped his nose on Alex's shirt and stood back. Repositioning his bow he took a deep breath gave a few sniffles to clear his nose and then fixed Alex with a stern gaze.

"Listen I don't usually do this but if there's anything at all that you want from us, we'll do everything in our power to get it for you. Need someone killed? We'll make it look like an accident. Some bitch leave you hanging at the prom, we'll make sure she drops dead." He jutted his hand out as Alex just fixed him with a soft stare. Finally, he smiled as he shook his head.

"Well, I honestly don't have anyone that needs to die in my life." He thought about it, and then his eyes lit up.

"How's about this." He looked around at everyone and smiled. "How about you guys let me throw a party for you? Maybe even see if we can drum up some more business deals for you while we're at it. That sound fair?" He asked as they all gave it a thoughtful look. Finally, Blitz just laughed.

"Should have known you'd be a goody two shoes." He gave Alex yet another hug before he broke it off and shook his hand.

"You have yourself a deal." He fished through his jacket and grabbed his phone.

"Here's my number, just in case you change your mind about using our services." Alex laughed as he pulled out his own phone and took the little devil's number. That reminded him.

"Hey not to be rude but just what are all of you?" Blitz thought about his question and then chuckled.

"We are imps, and my lovely daughter in there, Loona is a hellhound." He said which caused Alex to laugh.

"Ok, I thought she was a werewolf." He felt a little wobbly again and took a seat "But hey hellhounds are honestly way cooler." He muttered under his breath as he grabbed a glass of water Millie offered him.

"Thanks." He then looked over to Moxxie and who was preparing a pot of soup.

"So how'd that whole thing with those I'm assuming angels, get started anyway?" Blitz gave a snort as he remembered the incident a few months back.

"Boy that is a tail, let me tell ya." He then regaled Alex with the story of how he and his crew were contracted by Loopty to find and kill his best friend just so they could be reunited in the afterlife.