An Alternative Nexus Experience (2/4)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In an alternate version of An Ultimate Nexus Experience Jason comes back from Santer's pony play exercise to find that another brother has gotten interested in him as well. Much to Renzyl's chagrin Jason becomes interested in going to see what the robot eagle has to offer. What he finds is another world for him to explore, though his melancholy was clear to the nexus creature from the beginning that he wanted a few friends to come and join him in his fun and frivolity.

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In the middle of the night two friends stumbled out of the fetish club, both of them still wearing the cuffs and collars that they had originally worn inside as they struggled to support one another's drunken state. "To the start of another glorious weekend!" one of the two humans said with a slur as he held the half-empty drink glass he had managed to sneak out with. "Nothing like a couple hours in a latex suit getting your junk groped against to kick it off right."

"You're telling me!" the other guy practically shouted. "You know Lucas, it's a real shame that Jason wasn't able to come with us. Just think, we got to be squeaky and rub against others just like that and that poor sod had to stay at home and wank it to pictures on the internet..."

The two stopped looked at one another before they both started laughing, Lucas spilling his drink a bit as they continued to make their way down the street. "You can be a real dick sometimes Dan," Lucas stated as he poked his friend in the chest. "Making fun of our dear friend like that."

"Well you can always pay his way in," Dan shot back.

"Pffft, fuck that," Lucas replied, causing them both to giggle again. "I mean we do things with him sometimes, we just can't help it if he doesn't have the means to indulge more." There was a moment of pause before the human burped, then continued on. "Plus the look on his face when we show him a new piece of gear is rather priceless."

"And you're calling me the dick," Dan slurred, stumbling forward slightly before his face lit up in inspiration. "Hey, you know what we should do? I still have a box from that fetish gear company we recently ordered those cuffs and harnesses from in the trunk of my car, why don't we go to his house and put it on his table like someone left him some sort of mystery gift and make him think he's got some sort of weird admirer!"

"That is such a douche thing to do," Lucas said before smirking and giggling to himself. "I'm in, but how do we get into his apartment?"

"That part is easy," Dan said as he brought up his keyring. "We're key buddies in case one of us gets locked out of our apartment accidently. Now we said that it was only to be used in the case of an emergency, but I think this would certainly count."

After the two had taken a rideshare they found themselves at the apartment building where Jason resided, both of them heading up the stairs while continuing to stifle their laughter. Dan once more fished out his keys in order to open the door while Lucas stood behind him holding the box they had filled with newspaper and cheap dildos that happened to be in Dan's car as well. It would be a consolation prize for their friend for them making him think that someone had happened to order high-end rubber gear for him. The second the door opened the two stumbled in and nearly slammed it shut, Lucas flipping on the light only to find that it didn't work.

The two once more giggled at that and quipped that they should have filled the box with lightbulbs while they found a spot to set it. As Lucas scouted the perfect spot Dan decided to take an impromptu tour, though they had already seen his apartment before they normally did things at his house as he poked his head around the hallway. When he looked at the small hallway adjacent to the main room he froze in his tracks when he saw a glowing light on in what he guessed was the bedroom. Both of them were too drunk to have the thought that perhaps their friend Jason was actually in and was either sleeping or otherwise preoccupied, but Dan was having it now as he turned back and hissed at his friend to stay quiet and to come over to where he was. Once the other male was there he pointed out the light in the room and after a few seconds he could see the look of realization on his friend's face that he had come to the same conclusion.

The two debated in loud whispers on whether they were just going to try and sneak their way back out or if they should fess up now so that Jason didn't think someone was breaking into his apartment. As they continued to watch however Lucas pointed out that they weren't exactly silent coming in and if he was there he would have probably come out at any point during their intrusion. The thought emboldened Lucas to move down the hallway and see what was the source of the illumination while Dan hissed at him to come back. When Lucas got to the bedroom door and looked Dan saw his eyes widen and his jaw practically drop to the ground.

"Lucas, what is it?" Dan whispered as he found himself moving forward as well. "Jason didn't get murdered or something, did he? Cause you know this is how all those homicide shows on television start..."

Lucas just shook his head and pointed, Dan following the finger once he was close enough to the doorway as his own eyes widened. There was no dead body or even anyone there in the small bedroom, instead there was something that they expected even less sitting there on the desk that was crammed in the corner. It was a computer, though to call it that felt like they were degrading the system as they saw the state-of-the-art rig sitting there glowing with bright red LED's. Even though the two weren't exactly gamers or had a use for high-end electronics like that they prided themselves on having the best, but this set-up made theirs look like they had gotten it out of some electronics store bargain bin as Lucas ran a finger over the curved screen.

"You have got to be kidding me," Lucas said as he tapped on one of the glowing red and black keys, watching the screen boot up instantly. "Do you think that Jason's been holding out on us?"

"I think that he must have stolen this thing," Dan replied, trying not to let the jealousy show on his face as he picked up one of virtual reality headsets that were sitting there. "I'm no computer expert but I've seen builds before and this one had to have set him back ten, maybe even fifteen or twenty grand. Last time I checked we needed to spot him so that we could go into the club last week and even then he couldn't pay the rental deposit for the gear he wanted."

Lucas just shrugged and picked up the headset as well, looking inside of it to see that it was also on. "Maybe his priority isn't rubber stuff anymore," he said as a mischievous grin came across his face. "Hey... want to give a try and see just how much of a closet gamer our friend is?"

"Are you crazy?" Dan replied, though he also was holding onto a headset and looking at it. "We lucked out with him not being here right now, I don't want to be caught playing around with his stuff. Let's just get out of here."

"C'mon man," Lucas replied as he gestured around himself at the other furniture around. "There are even three chairs and plenty of space to move around, he probably was going to invite us over to play with him at some point anyway. Let's just take a peek at what he's playing and then maybe we can try out this rig with him here at another point."

Though Dan wasn't too sold on the idea he found himself nodding, Lucas clapping his hands together excitedly before the two of them put on the headsets and sat down in the chairs. Much like the computer itself they looked very expensive and when they both sank down into the black leather they both found themselves extremely comfortable. Though they couldn't see each other they could clearly hear one another let out a sound of relaxation as they put their arms on the armrests of the chairs with controller gloves slipped onto their hands. Since they didn't know much about the system itself they decided to just load up the last game that was being played by Jason.

The two felt their bodies instinctively jerk as the simple menu screen was replaced with a hyper-realistic rooftop they were standing on top of. As the graphics loaded out around them at fast speeds they saw more of the city ripple out until it stopped at a dome that covered everything. The two stared astonished as a space station formed around them that had detail unlike anything they had ever witnessed in a video game before. Another surprising thing they found was that when they looked at where the other stood they found they could see one another's avatars, which was just essentially a silver spacesuit complete with helmet and gloves.

Just as they were commenting on how cool this was they suddenly heard a voice come over the speakers in their headsets, giving them the concept of the game as well as their objective. It appeared this was some sort of stealth hacking game where they were trying to download a program while avoiding a rogue AI named Haleon. If they won the game they would have saved the station but if they lost then they and all those on the floating space platforms would become thralls of the AI. Once they were done with the brief tutorial they got to work finding the hacking points that they needed in order to accomplish the game.

Just as they started to make their way to the exit of the roof however they were suddenly stopped as a figure landed in front of them, the creature flaring out his wings and causing them to take a step back. "Do you really think you could win this?" the synthetic being said, his electronic voice a deep rumble as he laughed. "You two are so pathetic."

"Get a load of this guy," Dan said as he gestured to the other male, its sleek metal body a mixture of avian and draconic features that made him look more like some sort of alien then a typical video game monster. "This must be Haleon or something."

Before Lucas could respond another laugh caught the two of them off-guard. "I would never claim the mantle of my Master," Jason responded, a grin forming on his metallic beak as he drank in the sight of his friend's confusion and slight fear. "But you will know him soon enough, once he has infiltrated the cybernetics of your head you will bow your knee to him and serve him and his kind. Enjoy this moment of freedom while you can for it will soon be your last, and until then here's a taste of your fate!"

With the initial teasing aside Jason quickly flapped his feathers, sending a metal projectile in each of their directions. With the two still stunned that a computer program had recognized what Dan had said they didn't press the button to dodge in time and both of them looked down to see a gleaming silver feather sticking out of their sides. It distracted them enough that Jason could leave without them noticing, especially when their hands began to shake and something began to push out of the tips of their suit. As the falcon-dragon perched in the nearby shadows and shifted the metal of his body to black he watched in glee as sharp claws pushed the material of the two's suits.

"Whoa..." the word was all Lucas could muster as he wiggled his fingers and saw that they responded to their movements. "It feels... like I actually grew claws on my fingertips."

"Probably some sort of vibration function in the gloves," Dan rationalized while looking around for their accoster. "I'm more curious on how it was able to respond to me like that. Is Jason working for some sort of next-gen video game company or something?"

"I actually kind of hope so," Lucas replied as he brought up his HUD to see where the next objective was. "Imagine the exclusivity that we could get from that."

As Jason watched them from his perch the grin that had been on his face when his friends first fell into his trap faded when he heard them speak. Naturally the first thing they would think was how to take advantage of his situation, he thought to himself as he lifted off into the air to follow them, which was why the punishment he had in mind for them was quite fitting. While he could have just gotten them to where he wanted within a few seconds Haleon had convinced him to draw it out, savor it... and he was so glad that he listened. The best thing was that even if they figured out his plan they had no idea it was him as he soared overhead to the next spot he had planned...

With the two still being intoxicated it was almost comical in how bad they were at the virtual reality game as Jason watched from the side. There were points that he even had to turn down the difficulty settings because they were getting overwhelmed, resetting enemy pathways when they bungled a stealth section and nerfing fight scenes by having them put on aim assist. While the plan was for them to fail he needed them to get immersed enough in the came that they wouldn't notice what he was doing to them until it was too late. Finally after nearly an hour of fumbling around it was time for him to make his grand reappearance.

The two had just reached a checkpoint and restocked on their ammo and gadgets, and while they did they also took a moment to look down at their avatars. Every time they had gotten stuck by a bullet from the synthetic creatures they were attempting to avoid or had unsuccessfully hacked their way through a firewall they were supposed to be breaching they had transformed just a little bit further. For Dan his legs no longer looked human at all, instead they had become the same avian form as those that they had been avoiding and attacking while a similar sensation was happening to the arms of Lucas as they grew bigger and had formed metallic feathers. What was strange for the both of them was how real it felt, like their real bodies were changing and not just their avatars...

Before they could go too far into it though they heard a loud laugh and they found the same falgon from before landing in front of them, the evil smirk still on his muzzle as he seemed to look them over. "I see that things have not been going so well for you two," Jason taunted, pointing out the fact that for Lucas his entire face had transformed into that of a bird complete with beak while Dan sported a pair of wings while multiple parts of their body had shiny metal feathers sticking out of it. "I should have guessed that my digital corruption would be too much for you."

"Oh yeah?" Dan replied angrily as he summoned the rocket launcher that he had managed to find in a previous level. "Corrupt this!" Jason just stood there with his arms crossed as both he and Lucas watched Dan continue to level the weapon at him, only for nothing to happen as his arms started to shake. "What the hell, why can't I pull the trigger?!"

"I told you that you were too corrupted," Jason replied as Dan suddenly dropped the weapon, looking at his scaly, metal covered fingers as more of the feathers suddenly sprouted past his wrists and up his forearms. "Did you two honestly think you could just come in here and do whatever you want? This is the one thing that I had and you two couldn't help yourselves, you just had to come in and try to take it."

Suddenly both changing humans felt a pit form in their stomach as they realize that the words being said by the increasingly agitated synthetic hybrid were hitting a little too close to home. Everything started to feel too real, not only the assimilations that were starting to hasten over their forms but also the feelings of the alien presence slithering its way into their minds as what the synthetic falcon said resonated with them. "It can't be..." Lucas said as his mind cleared enough to have an epiphany, looking at the one that had been antagonizing him. "Jason?"

The two watched in horror as the look of anger on the falgon's face turned back into a smirk as he slowly walked towards them. "Looks like someone is finally getting the picture," Jason replied. "Here I thought that I was going to have to spell it out for you, though you were always the smarter of the two of you. Of course I can't be too mad at you guys for being drawn to use my equipment, that was the whole point of it being there after all."

"Wh-what?" Dan asked, backing away as Jason continued to slowly move towards him only to find his legs no longer working. "How did you know that we would do that?"

"The prank idea was given to you by several of my new friends whispering to you while you were still at the club," Jason explained as the two continued to try to wrap their heads around what was happening. "They can be very manipulative when they want to be, and then when you got to my house all I had to do was let your natural curiosity, and greed, take over so that you would come into this world. It was a rather simple trap but very effective for bringing you here."

The two humans looked at one another as Jason chuckled at them, sensing their fear and confusion at what was happening to them and what their friend was doing. "I don't get it," Dan said finally. "What is all this then, you confronting us because we may have teased you a bit about the club thing? Did you forget that we were the ones that allowed you to have those experiences in the first place?"

The mood shifted so suddenly in the falgon that the entire simulation they were in rippled, the night sky turning to storms as thunder and lightning suddenly crashed down around them. If they hadn't been so terrified they would have found the control that Jason had over this program almost awe-inspiring as the slowly shifting multihued patterning underneath his chrome feathers and plates suddenly turned a bright red. "Allowed me... you ALLOWED me..." Jason said, seething as he went up to the two and held out his hands to draw them the rest of the way until they were face to face. "Do you not see how THAT is the problem that I talked about?!"

"I... we..." Lucas stammered as both males shook. "We... thought you... could help us... in exchange..."

Both males froze as they suddenly found themselves surrounded by some sort of video, the two of them watching as they were heading into some club with Jason in his human form trailing behind. At first it looked like they were the good guys as they paid for him in, but then as the scene shifted the falgon showed them the source of his deep-rooted anger. They were shown multiple scenes were they talked down to the one they called their friend; from introducing him to others that they knew as their pet or slave and how they owned him for the night, proving it by making him get or do whatever they wanted for him. Then when that scene passed it showed multiple instances of them when they called Jason to invite him to something they knew he couldn't pay for just for a laugh... though Dan and Lucas suddenly realized that those scenes were coming from their perspective, not Jason's.

"Man, fuck this!" Dan said, breaking free of Jason's hold on him as Lucas did the same. "I'm out of here, and when I do you can make sure I lose your number! See if I ever do anything nice for someone..."

As the wind whipped around them both Dan and Lucas attempted to figure out how to log out of the game, but when they tried to grab at the headset that was around their faces... only to find that their actions didn't seem to correspond to anything in real life. Jason's anger quickly shifted back to bemusement as he laughed while he watched his friends fumble around their faces, Lucas in particular when his hands pressed against his metallic beak that suddenly felt very realistic to him. "Are you two having a little trouble?" Jason said as he stepped forward once more, taking his hands and putting them right in front of the two struggling human's heads. "Let me help you with that, since you're so eager to return to the real world..."

Back in Jason's room the synth avian took the VR headsets and tore them off of the two sitting human's faces, no longer needing them as he heard the two gasp loudly. While the two had been in the game for hours being subtly softened by hypnotic suggestion in the game, everything from swirling background art assets to subliminal messaging hidden in the soundtrack they had been listening too. It wasn't enough to completely enthrall them, that was something that Jason was more than happy to do himself, but it did keep them from fully realizing what he was doing to them in real life. With the VR headsets off and the veil lifted the two could see why everything felt so strange to them even while in the game.

"What the hell is this?!" Dan shouted as he tried to squirm out of the chair that he had been sitting in when he saw that he was not only manacled to it by a thick piece of metal around his wrists attached to the arm rests but also had a series of wires that was attached to his body... which was completely naked. When he attempted to kick and thrash he found that his ankles and neck had gotten a similar restraint just like the human next to him, his head only able to move enough to look down at himself. "Jason, this isn't funny!"

"I think it happens to be pretty hilarious," Jason replied as he moved to the front of them, turning on the screen and webcam to the computer to show them just how connected they were to the special chairs. "You see, I happen to have been given quite the experience as a gift from those same friends that prompted you to come here today, and though you guys are big jerks to me I still wanted to share it with you because you two are my friends and without you this wouldn't have been possible. However... as you saw in the simulation I had prepared for you there were caveats that came with your kindness, and I have decided to return the favor."

The two were stunned, not only by what Jason was telling them but also because they saw that the changes that had been happening to them were not just in the game. Lucas watched with wide eyes as he opened his mouth and saw the one on the screen doing the same with his beak, the metal spreading even more over his face as Jason continued to hook them up. The falcon had been saving one last set of wires before he activated their conversion process full, the two partially transformed humans tensing as he attached a pair of suction cups to their ears. Though the nanites that been absorbed through the skin had started the process of changing them to get used to it Jason knew that the squirming males were about to get the fully immersive experience, laughing to himself as he activated the chairs and sat back.

Much like with the pod that Jason had been in the two humans felt something pushing into them from the soft material of the chair, dildos that had a similar shape to the metallic member Jason stroked while he watched pushing inside of him and sending the feedback to the falgon. While the two were no stranger to having something spreading them open the search that Jason did of their memories that he tapped into while they were the game revealed they had never done anything this kinky, and they were responding quite well to it as the appendages inside of them began to pump the heavily nanite-laden substance into their bodies. A bulge formed on their stomachs from the amount of material being fed into them as the thin nanofilaments found their way into their minds, building on the conditioning they had already gotten in the game as the metal that been appearing on their bodies began to spread like wildfire.

One thing Jason made sure to happen was that his friends would not get the same body he did, the metal an ordinary polished steel as their lithe forms gained just a little definition while being transformed. He watched as their already half-hard cocks quickly rose to full mast as the dildos teased them on the inside, Dan's face pushing out into a beak while Lucas squirmed in his seat from his feathered tail growing out. Jason had decided early on what the two were going to become, deciding that they would fair best as a bird that was worthy of where they were going to sit in Master Haleon's patheon. Though it would be hard to tell since their metallic bodies would gain no markings any ornithologist with a little imagination could identify that they were becoming anthro pigeons.

Through the mental link that was forming between them Jason could feel their wills quickly crumbling to the pleasure that was being fed to them, watching the cocks throb despite anything touching them as the metal spread over their bodies. With their internals quickly being assimilated by the nanites pumped into them the dildos of the chairs continued to push deeper inside, molding them to be the perfect playthings for their new master that was being programmed into them. Just like Jason their old selves would be partitioned away so that the new AI that was being installed could help control their new forms and given them a more synthetic mindset, though unlike the falgon Jason had the leash to it. He would be the master program of the three... which he supposed would make these two the slave drives as he found himself licking his beak with lust.

The joy of watching his friends being pleasured even as they found themselves in the role of being the one underfoot prompted Jason to give them a reward, kneeling between them as their bird wings and tails grew out from their shiny skin. He proceeded to alternate between the two, sucking off one of their changing members while jerking the other one off. At the same time he continued to have the dildos from the chairs thrusting hard into them, giving them the reminder that while he was doing something like this for them it was his cock that would be going into their tailholes. Of course they could always switch that up, Jason thought as he shifted his beak to push Lucas deep inside of his throat to cause the male to moan through his new synth bird head, but it would naturally be at his discretion.

With the final formation of the plugs in their bodies all the wires that had been attached to the newly synthetic creatures retracted along with the restraints, the smooth dildos lodged deep inside the two the only things keeping them in their chairs before Jason brought them both to orgasm. As they climaxed hard Jason whispered mentally to both of them that they were his thralls now, and in response the glassy eyes of the two synth pigeons glowed as the command integrated itself with the rest of the fresh coding in their systems. That was enough for the hybrid and he stood up, prompting the chairs to fully unplug the two. As the dildos withdrew the two former humans let out a singular cry of pleasure and found themselves falling forward, staring at the chrome feet of the one that had changed them.

"I have to say..." Jason mused as he looked down at the two, wiggling his chromed bird feet at each of them. "I am very much enjoying this position for you two."

Both Dan and Lucas were at a loss for words as they looked at one another, feeling the commands that had been downloaded into them still swirling around in their minds that recognized the one in front of them as their master. Not only had Jason given them both a very basic form but the two synth pigeons were so similar to one another it was hard for them to distinguish even themselves from one another. It didn't help that Jason had already made it so that they couldn't access their former selves, wanting his two new thralls to keep the focus on him and not something as pesky as who they were. That didn't matter for the time being, Jason mused as he went to his computer and typed in the commands that would open a portal back to Haleon's realm, for now these two thralls were his to do with as he pleased... and the best part was given how responsive they were already he knew the two were going to very much enjoy it.