Unending Love - S2, E11-12 Trailer

Story by Maalum on SoFurry

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#7 of Unending Love - S2 Trailers

Unending Love: A Kion And Maalum Love Story - S2E11-12 Trailer

Here's the trailer for the next 2 episodes that I will post next weekend.

S2E11 - THE FIGHT (May 8):

While Rani agrees with Maalum, Reirei tries to support Kion. But, this time, Maalum is really mad at Kion and things can get out of control.

S2E12 - MARRIED (May 9):

Kion is about to marry Reirei.

Meanwhile, Maalum and Rani will find out that Makucha has really changed.

Can Maalum stop Kion and Reirei's wedding before it's too late?

Created by me and GioPeraza.

Edited by Kion_Marshall95.

All LK/LG characters belong to Disney.

SUPPORT ME AND READ FIRST: https://subscribestar.adult/lionkinguard


Maalum walks into the tree, sad and mad at the same time.

Maalum: Rani. We need to talk about Ki... What's going on here?

He catches her and Azaad nuzzling each other.

Azaad: Oh... Hehe... Hello, your majesty. *smiling*

Later, Maalum tells Rani about Kion:

Rani: Maalum? What's wrong? *worried*

Maalum: *looking at her, disappointed* Rani. Kion betrayed us. He was helping... Makucha. *now upset*

Rani: MAKUCHA!?! What the fuck is wrong with that stupid lion!!? *now angry*

After some time, Maalum finds Kion and Reirei:

Maalum: I think you should be careful about that lion by your side.

Reirei: What?! *confused*

Maalum: He's helping and fucking the monster that killed your babies.

Kion: *stays quiet, but thinks* SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!!

A while later, Goya goes to Kion, not so happy:

Goya: I don't know how, but it seems you convinced my mother to let you stay here. How can she accept you, knowing that you had sex with the leopard that hurt us?

Kion: How did you know that?

A new proposal:

Kion: Reirei. I love you so fucking much. Will you marry me? *smiling big*

Reirei: *crying a little with joy* I... I... I don't know what to say.

Outside the farm, all the jackals are waiting for the wedding to start. Some other animals are there. Kion goes to the rock and Makini is already there.

Makini: Jackals of the Tree Of Life. Today is a very special day.

Maalum's hidden behind a tree, watching the ceremony.

Maalum: *thinking* I hope you can be happy with her.

A little later...

Maalum: Rani. What's up?

Rani: Apparently there's a panther following this fox.

Fox: But I'm okay now. There's a good leopard outside and he saved me from the panther.

Maalum: *curious* What's the leopard's name?

Fox: Makucha. He was so nice to me and he saved me from that panther.

Maalum looks at Rani, completely surprised.

Are you also surprised? Find more in the next two episodes.

Unending Love: A Kion And Maalum Love Story - S2E11-12 (Next Weekend)