A Tale of Two Kitties, Memories and Discoveries

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A Tail of Two Kitties

Part One

Memories and Discoveries

This tale begins in the tender days of the life of a kitten, or, that is to say, the moment just before his life began. It starts on the floor of an abandoned cottage, sitting in the middle of a dark forest, miles from any village or settlement. A pale moon hangs in the sky as a young mother clings to the arm of her mate. Both cats were not particularly impressive in anyway. The mother looked worn and tired, the bags under her eyes and the patches of matted brown fur on her face a clear sign that she had undergone a long travel. The large load she bore in her stomach did not help either, in spite of the assistance of the male accompanying her.

He too looked worn and tired, but also nervous. A bead of sweat joined that already on his brow, and was quickly wiped off with a flick of his paw across forehead. His fur was the same color as the woman with him, but the similarities did not stop there. Both had eyes the color of deep green emeralds, and a similar build to the other in terms of size and shape. If one had a keen enough eye, they could tell these two had once shred a womb.

They entered the abandoned cottage, and the female immediately made her way to the bed, collapsing on her back, panting not only from the strain of the journey, but the effort of holding back the birth of her child. Her husband ran to the well outside, heaving in a bucket full of water and setting it down beside her. She sighed to herself as she looked up to him. They hadn't meant it to happen like it had. For whatever reason though, they had fallen deeply in love, and now bore the consequences of their actions.

Unlike most felines, who reproduce in litters, this one would bear only one child this night, she knew from the moment it had happened. Their mother, an elder and respected member of the village they came from was outcast from her position of power after news of the affair between her own children had spread. In a rage, she placed a curse on them. Not only would they have one child, they would also not live past the night of its birth.

Concerned not only for their safety, but the safety of their unborn cub, they siblings fled their village on the night of the birth, fearing that villagers against their love would surely do them in.

She yelled out suddenly as a sharp pain pulsed through her body. "It's coming! Aaugh! Right now!" The concerned father leapt from the fireplace, which by now had a minor flame flickering and growing, to see to his beloved sister. "It's okay... just breath. It will be over soon." He grasped her paw, and stroked it softly, his eyed filled with concern, not only about the curse, but also about her pain.

Time passed slowly, seconds became minutes became hours as the devoted mother to be pushed her child into the world. The father sat positioned between her legs, ready to cradle the cub in his hands as soon as it came. With a final push it was over, and the child had been brought into the world.

His father held him close, as his mother looked at him with adoring eyes. He looked back through the blurred vision of birth, understanding little of what he actually saw, instead enjoying the warmth of the person that held him. All seemed peaceful that night. Not far from where they were though, peace was the last thing on the minds of a group of people.

The cabin had come into sight, and the villagers waited. The dim light of a fire could be seen against the glass windows. A father felt no remorse about what he had to do next. His children had committed an unspeakable act in allowing this child to come to be, and soon all three would be just a bloody memory on the proud villagers minds.

"Inside of that house, an abomination is being born. We are the ones who shall carry out the decided will of the village, and end the lives of those who have committed it." He spoke loudly, so that all form miles around could hear him. Inside of the cabin, the girl wept.

"What will we do?" She looked to her brother for support. His face bore the grim look of one who knew something he wished he didn't.

"You will run... I will deal with them." He spoke certainly, with the tone of a man facing his own execution. He knew this night had been coming, and had prepared for the worst. "There is a reason I had us come here..."

She eyed him questioningly as she uneasily got to her feet. "What are you talking about?"

"This place is not like any other in the entire forest." He padded quickly to a trap door near the back of the room, the light from the fireplace revealing a terrible truth. "This place was a munitions warehouse during the war. The extra explosives were never removed." He gave his lover a grim smile, laughing to himself.

"You're going to blow yourself up!?" She looked at him with only the deepest concern and fear as she pulled back on the traveler's hood she had used to hide her face during the walk, holding her child in her arms.

"If it comes down to it... you must get him to safety. That child is all we have... and I'm not about to let the village get him. He will live... even if we cannot." He gave a sigh, as he pulled a torch from the wall, ready to face the worst. His sister walked over to him, still trembling and weak from the heavy strain this night, and kissed him. For a moment all they knew, all they chose to acknowledge, was the love they had for each other. That moment ended too quickly though.

The villagers were now closing on the front side of the cottage, as she snuck out of the back. The father stood there, courageously awaiting his fate. As his lover ran for the life of her child, he prepared to face his own doom.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, summoning up great courage and speed, not about to let her lover's sacrifice be in vain. The yells of the angry villages echoed through the woods, but were quickly put out by the next noise. A loud crash echoed through the forest, and the earth shook, as high into the sky a fireball rose, taking not only the father, but everyone else in the cottage as well.

Tears streaked down her face, and she vowed that her son would live. She held him close to her chest as she slowed, the need to run gone now as her brother's sacrifice gave her all the protection she needed for her journey.

Once more hours passed, as she put countless miles under her feet, clinging to her child softly as the moon rose higher into the sky. Then it was over.


The sun peeked over the horizon, as a sleepy city began a new day. In a small cellar, of a building left forgotten by its former tenants, an eleven-year-old boy stirred from his dreams. He had seen her again. His eyes shut tightly as he tried to cling to the details, but as usual they faded back into the darkness of his mind.

He was a rather short build of feline, a soft thick brown fur coat lining his body, covering every nook and cranny. He was dressed very simply, as most of the street urchins in the city were. Ragged jeans and a small shirt were his only remnants of the old orphanage. The news of the fire was a shock to the entire city, as the person behind it was never caught. Every orphaned child in the city had been displaced. Those that were old enough were drafted into the military, as the others were simply put out to fend for themselves. The monarchy had no time to deal with concerns as petty as a group of children. Ein, was simply another one. Too young to be useful in the military, but too old for any potential parents to pity, he and about fifty others wandered the streets of Purrdition.

Life for him was not quite as bad as it seemed though, to him anyway. He hated the confines of the orphanage, and enjoyed watching it burn to the ground. He hadn't been the one to do it, but if he ever met the person that did, he'd gladly give him a pat on the back. His stomach rumbled as he realized that he needed food, and he knew just how to find it.

Ein had but a single friend from the old days, a girl that he looked out for, ever since she first arrived at the overcrowded orphanage. Sasha, like him, was only eleven years old now. They worked together on the streets, caring for each other, and helping each other in their survival. As such, it had been her turn to wake up early today.

He ran down the back alleys of the city, sneaking through the bad neighborhood as quickly as possible. In the distance a line formed outside of a small café. It was one of the few left in the city, as many had shut down due to bad business and the shattered economy as a result of the war. Ein himself had little knowledge of why they were currently at war only that some of his dearest friends had been dragged off to fight. It was a sad sight to him, to see boys dragged off at thirteen. He ran around to the back, as Sasha waited for him, looking slightly annoyed.

"I've been here for almost an hour! It took you long enough to get up." She scolded him harshly. Her pink hair, much longer than it appeared to the casual observer from a distance, covered the top of her head flowing behind it, the only obstruction being her large black cat ears before it fell into her face, just obscuring his view of her deep jade eyes. She wore a small pink kimono, covering her hairless body, probably the nicest piece of clothing from the orphanage, snagged by Ein as it burned to the ground. It was all she had. Her thin young frame hardly seemed imposing, except to Ein, who knew of the personality behind it.

"I'm sorry, geez. I didn't think there'd be a crowd today." He shrugged, caught off guard by the long line today. "At least they'll be busy."

"Of course they will, they've even brought in extra hands to deal with the surge. They'll be too busy to be guarding the storeroom though. Although you'll have to be quick." Long ago, during one of their first ventures to find food, Sasha had come across this small café. It wasn't much to look at from the outside, but the stockroom was always full. They never seemed to notice, as little bits of food would vanish every morning.

"I know... just keep watch." *He hopped up onto a garbage dumpster place conveniently below a vent from the kitchen. Had he been any thicker, there would have been no way for him to squeeze into it as he did. It was a tight fit for him, but he always managed it. For Sasha, the trip was slightly easier, her smaller frame allowing her an easier time of wiggling along.

It was only a small climb through until they reached the storeroom. Ein pushed down the grate slowly and dropped through, onto a pile of crates below. Seconds later, Sasha followed. The door flew open suddenly as a chef came in to grab a sack of already prepared muffins. If he hadn't been so busy with his work, he might have noticed the two children scurry behind the crates. Ein sighed as the door closed again, grabbing an empty sack from the corner of the room that had once been filled with flour.

"Geez... this place is really packed today. I thought he had us for sure." Ein said quietly, turning just in time to see the door creak open again. He hid behind the box, along with Sasha, crouching down quietly as two more entered the room, a male fox and a female rabbit, both wearing chefs outfits. Ein suddenly got very nervous as he heard the door lock behind them, wondering what was going on. Perhaps they'd finally been caught, and these two had come to punish them. Sasha gave him a grave look as they fled to the corner of the room, both observing the couple quietly.

What happened next though, was far from anything they had expected. The hands of the fox flew over the female rabbit, caressing every part of her body quickly, but with a slight tenderness, perhaps a skill learned from having to handle delicate food, but still prepare it quickly. He kissed her deeply, while his paws unbuttoned her shirt. The rabbit moaned lightly content with letting the fox have his way.

Ein and Sasha both looked on curiously, their eyes widening in surprise as they watched the two have hot sex right in front of them, most likely unaware of the young minds they were corrupting. Several minutes passed as their moans filled the room, scents growing heavier as the fox pressed her against the boxes, pounding quickly against her, both seemingly pressed for time, doing this in all likelihood secretly.

She screamed loudly as she came, her juices leaving a stain on the floor, one they would worry about later. The fox came as well, leaving himself in her for a few seconds before quickly pulling out. Just as quickly as they had started, they were done, clothed, and already headed back toward the kitchen. Ein and Sasha looked at each other completely red in the face, the thought of food now the last thing from either of their minds.

Ein grabbed Sasha's hand quickly, guiding her back to the vent, both with the same idea of escaping as soon as possible. They clamored through the vent quickly, dropping down onto the dumpster and rushing back toward their hideout. As they ran, neither could see the other with a straight face.

They finally arrived back at the abandoned cellar, Ein guiding Sasha through the small window, before entering himself. They panted and sighed, still looking at each other carefully. After a long, akward silence it was Sasha that spoke. "Did they do... what I think they did?" Ein nodded, pretty sure of it. "I... I think so." His face was a bright red, as was hers, both remembering the quickie in vivid detail, the incident burned into their minds.

"I never knew that's how it was done. I always thought there was a lot more too it..." Sasha said shyly, looking toward the floor. It was true that almost three years together had caused them to care very deeply for each other, but it was the same way that two friends would watch out for each other. Until now, they had never thought of anything deeper. However, new ideas stirred in both of their minds. The officials at the orphanage had tried to explain the concepts of sex as best as they could, instilling in them that it was far too complicated, it was painful and not enjoyable, and only adults could do it. Most of the children however knew the truth. Ein and Sasha remained blissfully ignorant, until now.

Ein looked at her carefully, remembering where the fox had touched the rabbit as his eyes trailed over those places on her body, something in his young mind began to click, as for the first time, he comprehended lust. His eyes trailed over her chest, still small and budding, slowly along her young curves to her crotch. Curiosity and the first hints of desire filled his mind. "They looked like they were having fun with it."

"I know..." She also looked at him with newfound feelings. All she had ever wanted was for him to be with her. She was safest when he was around, and was the closest thing to family she had ever known. Much to her dismay though, he had remained perfectly ignorant of this, often making up excuses to avoid getting close. It came as a shock to her, when he sat next to her on the little couch in the cellar.

"Ein..." She said softly, as his eyes trailed over her again, meeting hers with a soft, caring stare. "I... I really care about you..."

He was confused at first, his mind still coping with the different feeling he had for her. "I care about you too, I always have. That's why I said I'd watch out for you after the fire. We help each other survive."

To this she gave him a little sigh. "It's more than that though. You're the only person I have now... and I don't know if you really understand how much I care about you." She decided to test him. "Ein... kiss me..." As it happens, girls tend to develo faster than boys, and it had been her first encounter with a teenage magazine, that she had developed her first young ideas of romance. She had tried her hardest to get Ein into the idea, but he was usually too dense to get through to.

"Kiss you!?" He gulped lightly, she had asked him for things like this before, and usually he made up an excuse not to. Today seemed different though, as he now found himself leaning into her, his lips meeting hers softly, as he moved a paw to rub through her hair. For a brief moment they kissed. To Sasha, it went on forever.

"Ein..." Sighed as she hugged him tightly, as he finally seemed to return the affection she had always wanted. "We both know what we saw... I want to try it."

He gave her a curious look, as a fight began in his mind. One side seemed clearly against it, all of his rational thoughts, and his child like fear of girls in general. Then again, she was much more than a girl to him, and now there were new feelings spurring him on to try it. He nodded his head and he agreed. "Okay... we'll try it."

As soon as he said it, his paws moved down her back, untying the sash of her Kimono. She drew her arms in and let the garment fall softly to the floor. Underneath her bare chest greeted, him, the thought of a bra never occurring to her, as her breasts had still not really developed beyond the light buds she now showed. His eyes trailed down to her crotch seeing that it was covered by a pair of pink, cotton panties. Meanwhile she lifted the shirt off of him, and moments later he slid off his pants, revealing his bare crotch, the thought of underwear itself was too constraining for him, so he had never bothered wearing it.

She lay back on the couch, allowing him complete freedom in exploring her young body. "Do what you want... please Ein, make me yours." Even some her wildest dreams had never gone this far, as he looked down at her bare body, her face flushed with embarrassment. Yet, this was everything she had ever wanted from him.

His paws trailed lightly down her chest, each palm rubbing over her small buds, causing her to let out a light groan of delight. She felt a light tingle running from her sensitive nipples as they hardened under his touch. His face was a deep red as well, as he now operated off of instinct and curiosity. He hadn't been sure of what to touch only that something inside guided his hands to rub over as much of her soft flesh as he could.

They softly made their way down to her crotch, then to her legs. He spread them open slightly, so he could get a better look at her panties. He pulled them down slowly, revealing her young and untouched sex hidden within them. Her face became bright red with embarrassment as a hand quickly flew down to cover it. "Don't look... I'm too embarrassed!"

He sighed and let a paw softly stroke over he hand as he coaxed her to move it. "You don't need to be ashamed... I think it looks nice." Her face only grew redder at the remark. She was genuinely embarrassed no one in her entire life had ever seen that part. However, something inside of her wanted him to see, and it was this desire that caused her to begrudgingly remove her hand, exposing her virgin sex to him once more.

His mind raced, as he sniffed down at it. The unique smell of her scent reminded him of what filled the storeroom, only hers seemed much sweeter to him. His tongue probed carefully out of his mouth, and began to lightly lap at her outer labia. She let out a loud moan, her back arching quickly as a new pleasure passed through her. She shuddered and gasped, opening her legs wider for him instinctively, even as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her.

His tongue probed deeper into her, passing between her lips into her glistening pinkness underneath. He only got a light taste of her as she shouted out to him. "Ah! Please... no more! Your tongue is too much... I just want you to take me... like that couple in the café." He nodded and she let out a sigh, as the intense feeling faded for the moment.

Ein climbed on top of her, his young length having been coxed out by her scent. Small barbs ran along his shaft to the base of his cock, just above his small sac. His eyes met hers and they stared at each other deeply. He gripped her hand with his paw, as he began to push into her. Sasha screamed loudly as the feel of having herself stretched for the first time was nearly too much to bear. Her arms wrapped tightly around him, as the tip of his member finally met her hymen. She gulped lightly then closed her eyes, a pained shriek filling the room as she felt him tear through.

A light trickle of blood ran down her leg, and also down Ein's shoulder. In her moment of pain, she had bitten down on him, breaking the skin under his fur. He winced a bit from the pain, but soon felt it sooth as she licked it over. With the last roadblock out of the way, he pushed the rest of his barbed length into her. As he hit his hilt, he heard her gasp. He began to move his hips lightly, lightly moving his cock inside of her tight walls that gripped him like a vice.

"Ah! It's so warm... and it feels nice," Ein said softly, Sasha nodding in agreement, as the pain from earlier began to fade, being replaced by a soft but slowly building pleasure. "Ein... please... make me feel like that rabbit in the store room."

He kissed her softly, then nodded, his hips beginning to buck lightly, sliding his member slowly in and out of her sex. His paws rubbed over her sides, caressing her soft skin and trailing his claws just lightly over it. She began to pant loudly in pleasure, as wave after wave of blissful delight began to radiate from her crotch, increasing in power as the friction inside of her built. Her walls continued to clamp down, only increasing the power of the pleasure she felt.

Ein's cock ran in and out of her more quickly now, as his hips thrusted into her. He too was feeling a strong pleasure, his sac tensing up as he could feel his first orgasm building. The barbs along his spine only helped to increase their pleasure, the sensitive tips stimulating nerves in her walls, giving her even more delight in each thrust as they occasionally tugged at her inner folds.

"Ein! Faster!" She begged to him as she panted, her eyes closing now as he continued to fuck her, his power increasing with each thrust, as she began to lightly push back against him. Both the cub's minds were awash in forbidden bliss, as they literally felt the love they had for each other.

Sasha went over the edge first, her walls clamping down tightly on his cock, spasming around his shaft as her orgasmic juices poured form inside of her. Ein then went over the edge with a loud groan, his body convulsing then stiffening up as he hilted her, creamy kitty seed spraying deep inside of her womb. The two remained awash in their orgasms for some time, both soon dying down, laying in each other's arms. She smiled up at him, and he smiled back down at her then gave her a light kiss.

"Ein... I love you," Sasha said as she closed her eyes. He simply nodded back to her, and nuzzled into her neck. Both of them remained on the couch in the cellar, naked, exhausted, and still hungry. Neither cared though, as they were too busy enjoying the afterglow of what they had just done.

Outside, as they had been busy making love, neither could have foreseen what was to happen next. From the south of the city, the war they had little knowledge of, and for most purposes, little care of, had come to their doorstep, and neither one could see the great test, that would soon be put before them.