chapter 18: the revenant soul rests at last

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry


#18 of bob and co.: a dog's life

i personally hate this chapter but if it's good please say so

The revenant soul rests at last

the next day Aiyana saw jaeger again "help me freddie, I don't know what to do jaeger is following me, I'm scared" freddie hugged her "shh, we could go out and see what he wants, he doesn't want to hurt us" Aiyana looked shocked "how do you know that?" "he isn't doing anything" freddie replied "besides if he wanted to harm us he would have done so already, if you want I could bring a rifle" Aiyana smiled "ok we will go see what he wants" so they went to talk to jaeger. He looked at the couple as they approached "hello" he said plainly freddie looked him in the eye "what do you want with my mate"? Jaeger looked sad "i never apologized for the rape or the beatings" Aiyana looked at him "but what about the nightmare? why the horrible things that happened in them"? Jaeger tilted his head "the nightmare? That was not my doing... it is possible you are not at peace and when you are you will be rid of me... I also came to ask you a favour... when jenna loved me I was certain I was at peace... but I am not... I have visited all the people I have raped or abused and I have made amends... there are only two people I have not apologized to"

"wait but what about bob? you hurt him" "you are the only two I haven't made amends with" "oh bob... why didn't he tell us"? freddie then got what jaeger was saying "would you like us to forgive you?" jaeger smiled "if you can find it in your heart to" freddie tried to smile as he hugged the dog who had caused his mate so much pain in reality and even her dreams. he laid on the dew covered grass as he got ready to mate, Aiyana took the two males' cocks in her mouth, bathing them in her saliva, making them jump to attention, she moved her head away from the two dicks got on her hands and knees as jaeger got ready to insert himself into her, he slowly pushed his penis into her then freddie pushed himself into jaeger's anus after twenty minutes of sex the dogs all came the fog cleared up jaeger removed himself and got up and thanked the two lovers once more and walked off and disappeared over the horizon never to be seen by another mortal being again... finally at peace with himself and all his victims.

chapter 19: back to school

Back to school the next day freddie and Aiyana returned to the private school where freddie taught. the first lesson of the day was with the same pupils that he first taught "hey guys, sorry I couldn't be in the past week but my mate fell ill and I...

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Eat the meat

Eat the meat balto watched his children eat the beef he had brought for them, well most of his children, Alue wasn't touching it "is there something wrong alue?" "no, it's just I don't like eating dead animals, would you mind if I went to find...

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Holocaust by klaw we all knew it would happen one day. When the world started to wither. one country picked a fight with another for better land. Then some more joined in and eventually one country threatened the rest a promise of a nuclear bombing....

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