Charm of the Succubus Chapter One: The Charm

Story by Janus Wolff on SoFurry

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#1 of Charm of the Succubus

Charm of the Succubus

Chapter One

Evelyn Woods is offered a new job, and purchases a rather strange piece of jewelry

Wet slapping sounds filled the air as Evelyn thrust rhythmically into the brown furred rump of the dean. Wendy Ballard was bent over her desk, her skirt hiked up over her ample hips, panting like a bitch in heat, as Evelyn gripped her ass tightly, her fingers digging into the soft flesh as her thick, heavy cock slid effortlessly into the dripping folds of the dean's pussy. Evelyns balls slapped loudly agains the horse's thighs, damp from pussy juice and sweat, and the wolfess let out a low, drawn out groan of contentment as she sunk herself once more to the hilt in her conquest's warm passage.

Evelyn's chest heaved, her breath coming in panting gasps from the exertion. Her blouse was open, unbuttoned down to her navel, and her tits were pulled out over the top of her bra, pushed up by the undergarment to form an impressive cleavage. Her nipples stood proudly erect, showing off the small brass bar bells through each one that Evelyn had added to them on a drunken whim one weekend in college. Her cheeks were flush, her eyes glazed with desire and pleasure, and her dark hair, cut short in an asymmetrical bob, was tossed stylishly over the left side of her head, hanging in her face as she rattled the desk beneath her with the force of her thrusts.

"You fucking like that, huh?" Evelyn asked, a cocky smile on her lips. She slapped the dean's ass, drawing out a startled gasp from the bent over woman, and thrust in hard again. The desk shifted from the weight upon it, the wooden legs grinding loudly on the floor of the office, papers and manila folders falling from the edge to scatter across the floor. "Tell me how much you love my cock bitch!"

Dean Ballard glanced back at Evelyn from over her shoulder, her dark rimmed glasses having slid down her nose, the lenses fogged from the heat of their coupling. Her half-lidded eyes stared back at Evelyn from her flushed face. "Actually, I would prefer if you told me how you might handle a student in crisis." The dean said. Evelyn faltered, then stopped her thrusting, confused.

"Uh... What was that?" She asked. Dean Ballard looked back at her from across the desk, her glasses in place on her face, her blouse buttoned and her skirt neatly about her hips, a manila folder laid out before her with Evelyn's resume prominently on display. Evelyn flushed hard, embarrassed and aroused by the day dream she had been having. She crossed her legs and shifted in her seat, hoping that her boner wouldn't be too noticeable in the knee length skirt she had worn to her interview. Not for the first time, she cursed herself for not wearing slacks, but she had wanted to make a good impression today and this skirt was the nicest one she owned.

Wendy Ballard smiled patiently at Evelyn, and tapped her pen on the note pad in front of her. "A student in crisis, Miss Woods?" She asked again. "How would you handle that, if the situation arose?"

"Uh, well," Evelyn said, regaining her composure. "I think the most important thing would be to have a good rapport with the student. Any person in crisis needs to feel safe, comfortable, and if they don't feel that with me, there is very little I would be able to do to help to begin with. Every situation is different, there is no one way to handle something like that, but no matter what, a good relationship is key. To that end, I feel like it is important to build those relationships from the start, with every student, not just when there is something wrong."

Wendy nodded appreciatively, jotting something down on her note pad before clicking the pen closed and setting it aside. "Well, Miss Woods, I have to say I am very impressed.' She said with a smile. "Your resume is fantastic, your credentials are superb, and I strongly believe that your philosophy is not only comparable with our views here at Morganwood, but that you would stand as a pillar of our community here at the university."

"So does that mean I have the job?" Evelyn asked eagerly. Wendy smiled.

"I can confidently say that yes, you have the job. Welcome aboard Miss Woods, as the new Psych and Social Councilor here at Morganwood University." Evelyn let out a relieved sigh, taking the Dean's proffered hand and shaking it gratefully.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Dean Ballard. I am very excited to be joining your faculty."

"And we are excited to have you, Evelyn." Wendy said. "Now, as for the details of the job, you will start on Monday, and when you arrive you will need to stop by my office to pick up your security key. I will show you to your office then. Unfortunately we aren't quite done renovating yet, but I assure you, it will be ready before the end of the weekend."

"And you said you had some students you were concerned about in one of our previous interviews?" Evelyn asked. "I would like to know more about them, if possible." Wendy nodded.

"Yes of course. I will have their files pulled for you to look at when you arrive on Monday. For the most part, however, your responsibilities will be advising students on managing their school-life balance here at Morganwood, and providing social counseling. For many of our students, university is the first big step in navigating the adult world, and many need a good deal of guidance in their pursuits."

"Of course." Evelyn said. "I'm eager to get started!"

"I'm glad to hear that." Wendy handed back Evelyn's resume and walked her to the door of her office. "So, I will see you bright and early Monday morning. And again, welcome to Morganwood University Miss Woods."


Evelyn couldn't help but smile as she left the ground of the university and began her walk home. She had been very anxious about this interview today, and the attractiveness of the Dean had made keeping her focus all the more difficult. Yet she had managed to pull through, and even had ended up with the job! Her dream job, she might add. Evelyn had been thinking about this position for months now, ever since she had seen the posting for it. And now it was hers.

There was of course the matter of that embarrassing day dream she had in the midst of the interview. It wasn't really her fault, Evelyn told herself. Dean Ballard was a very attractive woman, and still in her prime, even though she was probably a good ten years older than Evelyn, at least. Still, it wouldn't do for Evelyn to pop a boner every time she was in a room with the Dean, and she certainly would have to think of some wardrobe choices to conceal her excitement should the need arise. She had been forced to strap her cock to the inside of her thigh on more than one occasion during high school, years ago, particularly during her prom night, and was hardly looking forward to that prospect again, but she supposed it might be a sacrifice she would have to make if she couldn't avoid tenting her skirt every day at work.

Evelyn was so hyped up about having been offered the job, she opted to take the long way through town instead of catching the bus that stopped at the edge of the campus. The walk would do her good, she figured, and she didn't relish sitting on a crowded public transit bus trying to will herself not to pop a boner.

It was a nice day, and the walk to her apartment wasn't too long. Evelyn cut through the park, avoiding joggers and bikers on the paths, and stepped out onto Center Street before taking a shortcut through the walking market. She was almost to the far end of the square, about a block and a half from her apartment, when a storefront caught her eye.

The shop was tucked back off the main square, into a narrow alley, a beaten up wooden sign hanging out over the stairs that jutted out into the narrow path. Curious, Evelyn cut into the alley to get a closer look. The sign was itself was painted black, and in faded silver lettering it read "Black Magic, Collectables, Rituals". Her curiosity piqued, Evelyn climbed the steps of the shop and pushed open the door.

The faint tinkle of a bell rang in the dimly lit shop, and it took Evelyn a moment to have her eyes adjust. The shop was stacked with old wooden shelves, the kind you might find in a second hand book store. Some of them were stocked with books, old dusty tomes with faded covers and broken in spines, but most of the shelves were piled with all manner of strange nicknacks, trinkets, incense, and other niche items.

"Ohhh..." Evelyn whispered, excited. This sort of thing had always interested her. She loved anything with even a hit of magic and occult to it. In high school she had even had a Wicca and goth phase, which she had eventually grown out of because she found the people she hung out with to be very tiresome.

Evelyn moved through the magic shop towards the back, where there was a low wooden counter and an old, out of date cash register. A couple of glass jewelry cases were set up beside the counter, displaying silver rings and pendants and all sorts of other adornments and decorations. A pretty young goat sat on the stool behind the counter, her shapely legs pulled up so her hooves could rest on the bottom rung of the stool. She looked to be maybe nineteen at most, with dark hair and curled black horns. She watched Evelyn walk up to the counter with carefully practiced disinterest, playing with a small silver ankh pendant that hung from a choker around her neck.

"Let me know if you need anything." The girl said before turning her attention back to her phone. Evelyn nodded politely to her, noting her name tag which was pinned to her oversized tee shirt; Alex.

As Alex focused on her phone, Evelyn browsed the jewelry cases next to the counter. There she found the usually gaudy goth and Wicca medieval inspired jewelry; heavy skull rings, jointed rings with excessive engravings and designs, rings and pendants with ancient Egyptian symbols, serpents, and dragons. Evelyn was just about to turn away when something in the case caught her eye.

A simple looking silver chain choker, from which hung a plain but beautiful obsidian pendant. There was nothing overly fancy about the piece, but it seemed to call out to Evelyn. It was modern and understated enough that she could wear it to work without feeling flashy or self concious, but interesting enough for her to feel like it had some personality to it. A small paper card under the choker read "Succubus' Charm. $35"

"Can I take a look at that one?" Evelyn asked, tapping on the glass case. Alex glanced up from her phone, her expression blank, and pulled a small brass key from the cash register. Unlocking the case she pulled out the choker and handed it wordlessly to Evelyn.

It was weighty in her hand, and had a nice feel to it. The metal fastener around the obsidian stone was oddly warm despite it not being particularly hot in the store. Evelyn tried it on, and found it fit nicely around her throat, the stone hanging down just at her clavicle. "How come it's called Succubus' Charm?" Evelyn asked curiously. Alex shrugged.

"I don't know, thats just what my boss told me to right on the card after it was returned." She said.

"Returned?" Evelyn asked.

"Yeah, some lady bought it a month or so ago. Brought it back after a week." Alex explained.

"Is there something wrong with it?" Evelyn asked. The girl shrugged again.

"I don't think so? The lady didn't say why she didn't want it anymore. Didn't ask for a refund or store credit either. Just gave it back. Boss says it's fine though, so it went back in the case. Do you want it?"

Evelyn considered for a moment. The choker felt really good around her neck, like it belonged there, and $35 was a pretty reasonable price for a sturdy piece of jewelry, even if it wasn't monetarily valuable. "Yeah, I'll take it." She decided finally.

"Cool. Cash or charge?" Alex asked, putting in the price on the register.


Evelyn opted not to bag up her purchase, and instead wore it out of the store. She walked the last block or so to her apartment quickly enough. She walked up the steps to the second floor landing of the complex and crossed the balcony to her apartment door. As she fumbled for her keys, her neighbor's door opened up beside her and a middle aged but pretty cow backed out of the apartment, hauling a bag of trash.

Cailyn Landry bumped into Evelyn, jostling her with her round shapely hips. Embarrassed, she dropped her bag of trash, cheeks flushing as she turned to face Evelyn. "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry Eve!" Cailyn apologized. Her large, full breasts were barely held in place by her baggy sweatshirt, and Evelyn could instantly see she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. In fact, Evelyn was sure that Cailyn hadn't even gotten dressed today after she got out of bed! She wore baggy cut off sweatpants and was barefoot, and here hair was a disheveled mess. She smelled of beer too, and her eyes were bleary. Given the time of the afternoon, Evelyn guessed that Mrs. Landry had been up most of the night drinking, and was fighting off a particularly bad hangover.

"That's ok, Mrs. Landry." Evelyn said with a smile, bending down to help her pick up the fallen trash bag. The glass bottles inside clinked loudly, but Evelyn ignored them. "Rough night with Mr. Landry?" Cailyn flushed again, taking the bag from Evelyn.

"You heard that, huh?" She asked, sheepishly. Evelyn didn't have to answer. Cailyn sighed. "Oh, I'm sorry Eve. You don't deserve to listen to us bicker all night long."

"Oh, it's fine," Evelyn said, wishing now she hadn't brought it up.

"No, it's really not." Cailyn insisted. "But don't worry... You won't hear much more from him after last night. Paul decided to get a hotel room."

"Oh." Evelyn said. "I'm sorry..."

"It's for the best, dear." Cailyn replied, but she didn't sound convinced. They stood in awkward silence for another moment.

Finally, Evelyn coughed. "Well, let me know if you need anything, Mrs. Landry. My door's always open."

"Thats very kind of you Eve." Cailyn toon her trash and headed down towards the dumpster. Happy to be free, Evelyn slipped quickly into her apartment. With a sigh, she kicked off her shoes and dropped her bag on the table, washed her hands, and pulled a cold beer from the fridge.

"What a day..." She muttered, sinking down onto the couch and flipping open her computer. She considered watching a few episodes of a show or two before starting dinner, but opted instead for something a little more... adult. Clicking through to her favorite porn site, Evelyn took a deep drag on her beer before hiking her skirt up over her thighs and pulling her already hardening cock out of her panties.

With a contented sigh, Evelyn clicked on a video of a lithe young eighteen year old being gangbanged by a crew of ten or fifteen large, buff guys. There was another women in the scene as well, an older canine, maybe in her late thirties or early forties, who knelt beside the girl, fingering her dripping pussy and offering a constant commentary of encouragement to the faceless men as they stuffed the whimpering teen airtight with their big throbbing cocks.

With a long, drawn out groan of pleasure, Evelyn came, her cock jerking hard in her hand as she blasted thick ropes of cum onto her stomach and chest, just as the girl on the screen had her fifth load shot deep into her bowls as the older woman cheered obscenely.

"Well, how boring," a silky, soft voice sighed, inches from Evelyn's left ear. She started, heart leaping into her throat as she recoiled from the sudden presence beside her.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Evelyn cried, hastily pulling her skirt down over her loins and trying, unsuccessfully, to hide her boner. She stared wide eyed into the face of a strange creature that sat perched on the arm of the couch, it's smooth, muscular thighs tucked up by its chest. The figure blinked its large, bright orange eyes, a broad smile across its eerily pretty face.

"Well, that's a rude greeting for your new spirit guide," The creature said, its voice dripping with sass. Evelyn blinked, taken aback. The creature seemed to be a woman, or at least female, and though it was difficult to tell with her hunched, perched pose on the edge of the couch, she seemed like she would be roughly Evelyn's size. Her skin was a rich, red-orange hue, it's eyes like flickering embers. Its grinning mouth was filled with pearl white, pointed teeth, and its pretty face was framed with A short bob of jet black hair, out of which curled a pair of black lacquered horns. She was completely naked, with the smooth curves of her body and hips tapered into a long, smooth, muscular tail that coiled like a snake around her cloven hoofed feet. Her tits, while not flat, were modestly sized, her dark red-black nipples pressed tightly against her knees. The creature cocked its head to the side, still grinning, watching Evelyn closely.

"Spirit guide?" Evelyn asked, confused. "Like a fairy godmother or Jiminy Cricket?"

"Jiminy Fuckwhat?" The creature asked with a derisive snort. "Fuck no! I'm a sex demon, you stupid slut!"

"Excuse me?" Evelyn said, shocked. The creature rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, that was rude. 'Silly slut'. Is that better?"

"Hardly." Evelyn said. "I'm not a slut!"

"Of course you are!" The demon laughed. "You're wearing my charm, and you summoned me here by covering it with cum. I don't know why you would do that if you weren't a slut!"

Evelyn figured it was best not to argue with this creature. "Ok fine, but who are you? What do you mean you're a sex demon?"

"Look, slut, I'm a demon, I live in a little black stone hung around your next, I feed on sexual energies. The more perverted, the better! And I'm here to make your life better! More fun! For both of us! Because the nastier you are, the more powerful I am! You can call me Lilith!" The demon gave her a seductive wink, wiggling her naked body around on the edge of the couch.

"Ok, well, my name isn't 'slut'. It's Evelyn." Evelyn said. Lilith snorted again.

"Look, slut, I just met you. You can't expect me to care about your name just yet. Maybe after you impress me a bit. Speaking of which..." Lilith's eyes narrowed and a broad grin spread across her impish face. She leaned forward, arching her shapely back, thrusting her hips out and supporting her weight on her knees as she brought her face mere inches from Evelyn's "Let's fuck."

Evelyn barely had time to react before the horny little sex demon pounced on her from the arm of the couch, knocking her laptop to the floor and pinning Evelyn down under her. Her bare skin was surprisingly smooth, and almost hot to the touch, like someone with a fever. It left a tingling sensation all over her body wherever Lilith touched, and Evelyn felt her fur begin to prickle and stand on end.

"W-wait! Hold on now!" She tried to protest, but Lilith pressed on. A long, sinuous tongue snaked out of Lilith's mouth, past her pointed teeth. It flicked across Evelyn's face and lips, brushing lightly against her, before dipping lower, licking off the remaining ropes of cum that were splashed across her neck and shirt. Evelyn sucked in her breath sharply as she felt Lilith's hot tongue brush against her throat, a warm flush coloring her cheeks.

She struggled feebly, wriggling under Lilith's form as she half heartedly attempted to shrug her off and extract herself from under her. It wasn't particularly effective. The demon held her down, her hand holding gently but firmly on her upper arms, pinning her down to the couch. Lilith's knees pressed into Evelyn's hips, and something smooth and hot snaked its way up under the hem of her skirt and hiked it up over her hips, exposing her cock and balls, now hard and throbbing with arousal despite her resistance.

"S-slow down," Evelyn said, her voice sounding foggy in her own ears. There was a scent to the demon, an intoxicating aroma that was overwhelming Evelyn's senses, making her feel sluggish, confused, but most importantly, incredibly horny. "Slow down, it's... it's been a while since..." Lilith tsked, her long tongue wrapping around and caressing under Evelyn's chin like a gently stroking hand.

"Hush now, little slut." The demon cooed. "All will be ok. Trust me, you'll love this. This is exactly what you need..."

"Ok..." Evelyn submitted, biting her lower lip. "I suppose you're right... just... just be gentle..." Lilith chuckled, and pressed her hips tight into Evelyn's own, grinding up against her and eliciting a shuddering gasp of pleasure from her as her hard cock rubbed against something smooth, slick, and hot. Evelyn glanced down, and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the weapon Lilith was packing between her legs.

Evelyn had a sizable cock. It had caused her some amount of awkwardness and frustration all throughout her younger years. She had been too nervous to tell her first real boyfriend about it in high school, opting to give him blowjobs and tug jobs in place of anything else. When he had finally insisted that they go farther than that, and Evelyn had revealed what she was packing, he had been upset and humiliated, not because she had a dick and didn't tell him, but because it was so much larger than his own. That relationship didn't last very long after that.

After that, Evelyn had a small procession of boyfriends and girlfriends, all of whom she had various degrees of sexual contact with. She was always the largest one in the room. So for her to see her own cock dwarfed by the massive throbbing rod of hot meat that hung like a horse's cock between Lilith's thighs was a shock. A sheen of sweat began to form on Evelyn's forehead, her tongue lolling from her mouth as she panted in an attempt to cool herself, and she glanced frantically back and forth between Lilith's cock and her face, her brow twisted in a combination of panic and deep, needy desire. Lilith caught her eye, and followed her gaze downward, tilting her head curiously. She laughed.

"Oh, little slut, don't worry." The demon said soothingly. "I don't expect you to sheath this length. At least not yet!" She giggled, covering her mouth with her long, slender fingers. "If it worries you so much though, I can tuck it away for now."

As if by magic, and Evelyn figured it probably was by magic, Lilith's cock began to shrink and retract, eventually vanishing fully into her form, leaving its its place a glistening, dripping pussy, her red-orange lips swollen with arousal. Evelyn stared, wide eyed.

"How...?" She asked. Lilith giggled again.

"Oh, little slut, I have so much to show you! This is going to be so, so much fun! But first..." Lilith shifted her hips forward, lining the tip of Evelyn's cock up with her moist, dripping entrance. Evelyn sucked in a breath as she felt the intense heat radiating from Lilith's practically steaming slit. The demon rocked forward, letting out a noise like a low, bestial snarl, as she impaled herself on Evelyn's throbbing cock.

"Oh... oh fuck..." Evelyn muttered, all pretenses of resistance fully gone now. She gave into the intense pleasure that engulfed her cock now. Her balls tightened dangerously, and it was all she could do not to blow her load right there and then, despite having cum so recently. Lilith's pussy was like a vice; a hot, wet, slick passage that squeezed and milked Evelyn's cock. Evelyn gasped, her fingers digging into the cushions of the couch, her leg muscles tensed and tightened as Lilith slowly hilted herself of her needy shaft.

"You like that, slut?" Lilith purred, her hips now flush with Evelyn's. She rocked forward and back, grinding her hips and wet pussy lips into Evelyn's groin. "I have had lots of practice, before I was put in this charm of yours. I'll see to it you get lots of practice too..."

Lilith's cunt squeezed, tightening around Evelyn's shaft, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Lilith giggled, released her grip on Evelyn's arms, and leaned back on her haunches as she continued to ride her. She used her long, muscular tail for balance as she rocked her hips, and her powerful, muscular thighs pistoned her up and down along her length. As her weight shifted, Evelyn felt the pressure relieved on her chest. She could have rolled out from under Lilith at this point, but the will to resist the demon was long gone now. She grabbed hold of Lilith's hips, her fingers digging in hard to the hot, red flesh of her ass and thighs. She thrust up, meeting the demon's own thrust as she slammed herself down on Evelyn's cock.

Lilith purred in satisfaction, fondling her own tits with her now free hands, her long fingers kneading at her flesh, pinching her nipples between long, curved, claw-like finger nails until they were pointed and hard, jutting out from her modest chest and bouncing merrily with every thrust. Her ass slapped loudly against Evelyn's balls, sending shocks of mild discomfort through her groin. Evelyn didn't mind. She was lost in the pleasure her cock had found between Lilith's legs, and she bucked her hips like an animal, moaning loudly as a slick, wet, slapping sound filled the living room.

"Oh fuck..." Evelyn groaned. "Oh fuck, oh fuck!"

"Thats a good little slut, thats it. Use my cunt, use it for all its good for. Take your pleasure, fill me up!"

"I'm... I'm going to cum..." Evelyn gasped, gripping Lilith's hips tightly. "I'm gonna cum!"

"Inside," Lilith purred, "Release it inside me, little slut. Fill my cunt, show me what you are made of!"

Evelyn needed little more encouragement. She felt her balls tightening, pulling close to her body as her cock slide noisily in and out of Lilith's hungry cunt. She groaned, digging her nails into the demon's flesh, leaving long scratches on her hips and thighs. Lilith didn't seem to notice. She looked down at Evelyn's face from her perch atop her cock, a broad, almost sadistic grin plastered to her features, her fire orange eyes wide, intent, and full of a dark mirth. Her long, snake-like tongue hung from her mouth, curling around as she panted in pleasure, seemingly getting off on the power play as much as the cock pounding at her insides.

"Cum for me, slut," Lilith commanded "Cum for me. Fill my pussy with your seed. I want to feel it inside me, filling up my deepest holes. I want to watch as it drips out of my folds, runs down my legs, feel it sloshing around inside of me. You can do that, yes? You can fill my poor empty body with your love, fill me with your power. Oh, we are going to have such fun, you and I. I am going to teach you so many things, you are going to be the perfect creature; driven purely by sex and perversion... It is going to be so delicious."

Evelyn snarled, a bestial, animalistic sound more akin to a feral wolf than anything the wolfgirl had ever done before. She bucked her hips hard, hilting herself in Lilith's tight, hot cunt, her balls pressed hard against the demon's ass cheeks. Her nails dug in, scratched, and had Lilith been any creature but a demon of sex and perversion, she would have drawn blood. The tight, warm tunnel around her cock pulsed and pulled at her, milking her for all she was worth, and Evelyn couldn't hold back any longer. She came.

She came a lot. More than she ever had before, to her memory. More than that first time she had actually had sex, when her brother's girlfriend had first discovered she had a bigger cock than he did. More than any of the times she had pleasured herself after hours and hours of watching porn, alone in her apartment, longing for someone she could sink her meat into and just pound the way she saw on her computer. It felt fantastic. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever had in her life, and it felt like it would never end.

Pump after pump of thick, hot wolf seed spurted from her cock, deep into the depths of Lilith's cunt. Her balls ached with the effort of unloading such an impressive load, but still more came. It filled the demon's insides, and Evelyn felt her own seed around her cock as it backed up and overflowed, spilling out past Lilith's sloppy lips, pooling in the folds of Evelyn's skirt and running down her balls and thighs to ruin her couch. She howled in pleasure as the last weak throbs of her cock pumped what little remained in her balls into the demon girl.

Her hands released Lilith's thighs, dropping weakly to her sides, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath again. She felt so weak, so spent, she could barely keep her eyes open. She began to drift, her head feeling foggy and clouded as she felt the demon shift in her lap, giggling softly.

"Well, well, well." Lilith said, swinging herself off of Evelyn and rubbing at her ruined cunt. Wolf seed and pussy juice ran like a waterfall down her thighs, landing on the floor with a consistent wet plopping sound. "Color me impressed. It's been a long time since anyone shot a load into me that was that big..."

Evelyn smiled, her eyes glazed and half lidded. She tried to speak, but all that came out was a soft whimpering sound. Lilith stretched luxuriously, her tail draping lazily over Evelyn's thighs and sliding off onto the floor. "Aw, wore the little slut out, did I?" She smirked. "Don't worry slut. You can rest now... we will talk more in the morning. We have much to discuss, and I am very interested in this new job of yours..."

Evelyn opened her eyes, looking blearily at Lilith. "Whah... How..." Lilith leaned in, locking her lips around Evelyn's in a deep, messy kiss. Her demonic tongue snaked its way into Evelyn's mouth, almost down her throat, causing her to recoil, but Lilith's strong fingers gripped the sides of her head and held her in place. She broke off the kiss with a wet, sloppy slurping sound, pulling back with a smile.

"I will explain everything, don't worry slut." Lilith cooed. "For now, just rest. We have some exciting things ahead of us!" Evelyn couldn't fight the exhaustion any longer. She was drained, mentally, physically, and emotionally. With a soft sigh, she drifted off to sleep, barley noticing as Lilith climbed back up on the arm of the couch to perch over her, like some kind of predatory beast.

Tails of Aginvault Chapter Three: The Road North

# Chapter Three; The Road North "You're sure it's ok for you to pay for all of this?" Jace asked Orianna yet again as they began to make their way back to the Traveler's Rest with the gear and supplies they had purchased it town. It had not been a...

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Tails of Aginvault, Chapter Two; Farfleet

# Chapter Two; Farfleet * * * They had walked all day, and still they had not made it to the edge of the forest. Jace was weary from travel, and thirsty. They had paused by a stream near midday, and Jace had drank deeply of the cool clear water...

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Tails of Aginvault Chapter One; Orianna

# Chapter One; Orianna * * * Jason Darren ran. He was not overtly athletic, but he ran all the same. His chest hurt, his breath like a searing coal in his lungs as he gasped for air. His legs felt like numb, shapeless weights attached to his body,...

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