The masks we wear, part two

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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#2 of Odds and Ends

And part two, again I hope you will enjoy it.

As always, comments are appreciated and requested.

Continued from part one...

The door to the bedroom started to swing open and dozens of thoughts raced through my head, each more absurd than the last. My thoughts went to trying to hide on the other side of the bed from the door, and then to hiding in the closet, a clear physical impossibility. Even if I could move the stuff in the closet aside in time, there was no way there would be space enough for me in there. My different physique was taller and broader than I had been before, so tall that I would have to hunch to get through the door, much less close it. No, there was no hiding it, nothing to do but stand there and hope that my girlfriend took my transformation well. The door swung wide and Sarah took a step into the room, her head down, looking through her purse for something. But, then she raised her head and I winced, bracing myself for anything.

The moment Sarah's eyes caught my new wolfish shape, she stopped in mid stride, everything going still, as if the world had been frozen solid. I saw her beautiful green eyes flick instantly over me, going wider than I had ever seen them. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, and I counted my blessings that she had been about to take a breath when she had seen me. Sarah sucked in a breath so deep that I thought she might suck all the air from the room and I could feel the sound that should have accompanied her wide open mouth coming. Holding up my hands as if surrendering, I closed my eyes and shook my head frantically, trying to keep her from the shriek that she was about to utter. I honestly didn't think it would work, but, a few seconds later, Sarah still hadn't screamed and I cracked one eye, chancing a look at her.

Her mouth was still open, but her eyes were less wide, glued to the necklace that swung back and forth as I shook my head. Opening my other eye, I watched her eyes flick back and forth between the necklace and my right paw, and I could see the wheels turning in her mind. Taking the chance to glance at my hand, I realized she was staring at my rings, the rings that only I of all our friends and relations wore, though now, like before in the odd shop, the runes upon them were glowing, like the strands of a bioluminescent spider web. A few moments later, she closed her mouth, licking her lips nervously. Then, she cleared her throat and finally said something, her voice barely a whisper that quavered with every syllable.

"Is that you, Devin?" she asked and I nodded slowly, taking great care not to make any sudden movements. Swallowing nervously, she took a few steps closer so she was almost standing against me, and stared into my eyes. Not knowing anything else to do at the moment, I stared right back, trying not to blink. After a few seconds, Sarah tentatively raised her hand and poked my shoulder, as if expecting her hand to pass through me. Then, with her hand still trembling, she reached out and laid it on my shoulder, stroking it slowly down my arm, making me shiver in unexpected delight as her fingers trailed through my fur. "How..?

"I don't know." I replied and she stroked her hand up my arm once more, sending another pleasurable shiver through me. Drawing in a deep breath, I started to explain, even though I still didn't understand it myself. "I found this shop at the festival, or at least I think I did, and it was run by this old druid. Something weird happened in the shop and he did something with a crystal and then he just gave me this package," I said, my words coming quickly, the story tumbling from my mouth so quickly that it would be a wonder if she understood any of it at all. "...and then when I tried to go back again the next day, the shop was gone, like it had never existed. And when I got home, I opened the package and there was this mask in it, a wolf mask, like nothing I have ever seen before. And then I put it on and everything started to happen at once, and then I hit my head on the dresser." Sarah had both hands on me now, caressing my chest with her fingers, outlining my new muscles, making me twitch with the sensation. "When I came to, I was like this." Looking down to see her reaction, I realized that she hadn't seemed to hear a word I had said, looking like she was mesmerized. At the moment, she was doing something odd, nuzzling my chest ruff and drawing in deep breaths, "Sarah? Are you listening?"

"Uh huh," She replied in a dreamy voice that was muffled by my fur, her hands stroking down lower, touching my abs, outlining the individual muscles, every movement of her fingers making a shiver wash through me. "You smell really good..."

"Uh...thanks?" I replied, trying to make sense of her odd behavior. She was moving closer and closer by the moment, taking deep breaths and letting out a pleased sigh with every exhale, as if smelling her favorite scent.

It wasn't until about then that I myself noticed an odd odor filling the air. It was a smell that I instantly associated with my girlfriend, as if I had always smelled it, but there was another element to it that I had never scented before, not even in passing. It was a spicy note, like the scent of cinnamon and cloves, mixed with another, indefinable odor, and it, combined with Sarah's hands caressing my new body, started some kind of reaction within me. I could feel my heart speeding up, my limbs starting to twitch as her fingertips made their rounds over my body once again, caressing my back and shoulders. And then, as she looked back up at me from within my silvery chest ruff, I found my gaze once again caught by her emerald eyes, and as I stared into their bright green depths, all at once, the rest of the world seemed to fade from my mind. Everything, even the very real concern that I would be stuck like this for the rest of my life faded away into nothing. All that existed in that moment was her. She filled every sense, every corner of my mind, and the feel of her hands on my fur was so intense that I could swear I felt every hair sliding between her fingers. And then, before I knew I was doing it, I was drawing her closer, pressing her body to mine, and then I was kissing her.

The motion was a little awkward with my muzzle, but that thought faded quickly, swept away in the sweetness of her as she returned the kiss with sudden passion. She clung to me fiercely as we tightened our embrace, her hands gently trailing along my back, reaching ever lower to caress my rump and the base of my tail, a sensation that was surprisingly pleasurable. And then, as she began to French kiss me, her tongue exploring the roof of my muzzle, her searching fingertips slid around my hips to caress my canine equipment. At once, I felt my member, which had retreated back into its furry home when I realized she was in the house, begin to stiffen once more, sliding from its sheath slowly. When Sarah felt it start to grow, she pulled back from the kiss and I let her go, watching in silence as she eyed my new equipment with interest, an element of my new body I had only briefly considered. Apparently, not so my girlfriend.

Fixedly staring at my equipment, Sarah trailed her fingernails up along my sheath and then up my emerging shaft, moving ever so gently along the sensitive flesh, her eyes growing wider as it expanded, an odd look crossing her gaze, as if she still didn't quite believe what she was seeing. Finally, with my cock standing fully at attention, we both stood still, staring at each other. Then, Sarah finally stirred herself out of the trance she seemed to have fallen into, meeting my gaze once more. I recognized the look in her eyes at once, though I hadn't seen it since the first time we had loved. It was one of utter desire, equal parts longing and lust, and in that moment of recognition, I felt my own body suddenly grow hot, like a fire had been kindled within me. With that wonderful, exciting heat came something else, a need, a primal desire for the woman that stood so near, her scent filling every breath. It was worse than being horny, it was more like I was burning from the inside out, being consumed by a desire for only one thing. In a moment, we were agreed, neither of us needing so much to acknowledge that we had made such an agreement. The woman before me smiled, a look of such tenderness mixing with the desire reflected in her eyes, gently caressing my muzzle.

Grinning broadly in reply, I reached out, drawing her near once more, stroking my hands down her sides until I found the edge of her shirt. Then, I slid my paws underneath it, caressing her soft skin, my fur making her shiver. Sarah pressed herself closer to my chest once more, breathing in my scent, a dazzling smile gracing her lips. I kissed her once more, my hands raising goosebumps on the flesh beneath her shirt. Then, still grinning, I lifted the shirt over her head, tossing it carelessly aside. With my paws trailing along her smooth back, outlining her bra with my fingertips, I lowered my head, nibbling her neck carefully with my sharp front teeth, making her gasp in delight, arching her back against me, the spicy note in her scent intensifying. She shivered again, goosebumps rising all over her body and I gently licked at the little mounds of flesh, trailing my tongue from the hollow of her collar bone to her chin, making her gasp once more. Then, with a passionate voice, she whispered in my ear, her words only adding fuel to the fire that was steadily burning me up on the inside.

"I want you so bad..." She whispered, almost convulsing as she ground her hips against me, my hands toying playfully with the clasp of her bra, not undoing it just yet, the tightening cloth making her nipples stand out in sharp relief against my chest. On the few occasions she had been this horny before, she hadn't wanted or needed much foreplay, and truth be told, I didn't think I could restrain myself much longer either, my cock already pulsing in tune with my heart beat. Sarah was obviously exerting all the control she could muster to not teasing me, her hands gripping clumps of my fur tightly, trembling as she tried to hold off. "Please..." she whispered once again, apparently unable to articulate what she wanted, though it was obvious, "Please..."

"As you command, my love." I teased, making her smile once more, for though neither of us was particularly dominant in the bedroom, I always teased her that I was at her command. With a surprisingly easy motion, I undid her bra, the garment joining the growing pile of other clothes and she pressed herself as close to me as she could get, rubbing her breasts against my fur, the sensation making her shiver. She let out a moan a second later as she ground her hips against me once more. Then, with paws that were shaking with anticipation, I reached down and undid her jeans, pushing the tight garment down, taking her underwear with it. At once, the utterly enticing scent of her sex reached my nose and I reached down, one paw sliding down her nude belly and then trailing gently over her slit, finding it sopping wet, so wet that it was like she had already came, though her passionate gasp when my paw touched her told me that she hadn't. I silently took back my earlier thought. She had never been this horny, at least not with me. I gently stroked her once more, taking care with my wolf claws so as not to hurt her and she pressed herself against me, clinging to my furry body with surprising strength, trying to grind her labia against my fingers. Then, a sudden, enticing thought rose out of the pleasant ether of my aroused mind and I drew back my paw, making her gasp in surprise and longing.

Then, with an ease that I could not have managed in my human form, I lifted her in my arms, laying her gently on top of the bed covers. She clung to me fiercely once more, tugging me down towards her, and it was obvious what she wanted me to do next. But I had something else in mind, drawing back from her gently but firmly, untangling myself from her even as she tried to trap me with her legs. Then, with a mischievous smile on my face, I lowered my muzzle to her right breast, flicking my tongue out and gently licking her nipple with my tongue tip. Sarah gasped in surprised pleasure and my grin widened, knowing that she would enjoy what was coming next. Opening my jaws, I played my long wolf tongue over the erect nub of flesh and she gave a protracted shiver, gasping as the sensation washed over her, her toes clenching with the intensity of the shiver. I repeated the motion a few times, each one eliciting another shiver from her, then switched to the other side of her body, her goosebumps making her skin almost rough as I licked her. Looking up at her face, I smiled. She seemed to be in a pleasured haze, her eyes unfocused, staring vaguely upward, her breathing ragged and irregular, her body hot with arousal.

Then, I shifted position, moving lower down and gently pushing her knees apart, revealing her bright red slit. Lowering my head, I breathed in its intoxicating scent, the smell alone making my member throb as I settled into position, watching her face. She was sweating now, her eyes still unfocused, and if she was aware of my shift in position, she made no sign of it. Then, with as gentle a touch as I could manage, I licked the outer folds of her slit, running the tip of my tongue from bottom to top in a single slow motion. Sarah gasped loudly, arching her back, her eyes going wide once more, her gaze focusing in an instant. I grinned up at her as she looked down at me in surprise; she was certainly aware of where I was now. Then, with a motion that was still gentle, wanting to prolong this as much as I could, I pressed my tongue between her labia, the swollen folds of flesh covered in delicious fluid. Slowly, I trailed the whole length of my tongue up her slit once more, careful to be gentle with her swollen clit, making her writhe with pleasure as my tongue made its pass. I paused for a moment, pulling my tongue back, considered something that I had almost missed in performing this pleasurable form of art upon her.

Her taste had changed, or rather, my perception of it had changed. For some reason, I had always been good at giving oral, almost never failing to satisfy my partner when doing it. And Sarah, though she had been rather indifferent to the idea when we were starting out, had started asking for it after the first time, and sometimes even demanding it. And what was more, I had always liked the way she tasted, and, though I didn't ever say it because it sounded a little too dirty to me, I really liked to make her squirm like that. Now, her taste was even more intense, and it tasted better than before, almost sweet. But then, all such thoughts were put out of my head when she reached out with both hands, grabbed my head, and then pulled me down between her legs once more, pushing her hips up against me so hard my muzzle almost slid into her. Grinning, I opened my mouth and continued, trailing my tongue up her cunt with torturously slow motions, swirling it this way and that every so often, making her gasp with every stroke. She still held my head against her, her fingers starting to massage my ears gently, the sensation surprisingly exciting.

My lover was so aroused that I knew she wouldn't last long, so I eased the pressure I used, making it last, her inarticulate gasps of pleasure becoming almost desperate as she rode the ragged edge of a climax, my tongue's slow passes driving her almost over the edge before pulling back. She began to pull my head harder against her hips, her whole body trembling as she teetered. Then, after one last slow, torturous lick, I relented, pushing hard with my tongue against her clit, trailing my tongue against it, giving her the last push she needed. Her clit was barely halfway along my tongue before she came, her eyes squeezing shut, voice rising in pleasure, giving short gasps in rapid succession, her whole body tensing as she peaked, a flood of sweet fluid washing out of her onto my tongue, her hips and hands pushing my mouth hard against her. Even as she came, I continued to lick her, prolonging the pleasure of her peak, making her wriggle with wave after wave of pleasure, her legs clamping my head in place. Her climax lasted at least a full minute, and then she finally relaxed, letting my head go, her body falling back onto the bed, her chest heaving, her limbs suddenly going limp.

Sarah stared vacantly upward, almost insensate in the aftermath of her climax and I played my tongue against her much more gently, lapping up the last of her fluids, cleaning her slit while she relaxed, and then I backed up, breathing in a deep breath filled with the heady mix of my lover's scents, content to watch her as her body relaxed. Smiling broadly, I licked my chops and then lay back beside her, silently watching as she lay utterly still, every muscle relaxed, occasionally shivering as she regained control of herself. Then, finally, after a few minutes, she stirred and slowly propped herself up on one arm, her eyes regaining their focus. Looking at me with an expression of total bliss on her face, she spoke once more.

"Why is it," She panted, still out of breath. "You are so good at that? I have never cum that hard before."

I shrugged and she scooted over so her face was nestled into my chest ruff once more, breathing deep my scent, cuddling her body close to me once more. She was still giving off a great deal of heat, but even with my thick fur, I found the heat pleasant nestled so close to me, putting my arms around her and drawing her close. Of course, I was still very much aroused, but I didn't care. Having Sarah pressed this close to me was the most pleasant thing I could think of, and even the demands of my body couldn't make me break the embrace. Although, my body made it clear a moment later that it had its own ideas. Sarah suddenly shifted a little and my still erect member pressed against her naked belly, leaving a trail of pre along my lover's skin and she shifted back from me, looking down, a playful grin spreading across her features as my hips gave a small, involuntary thrust against her. With a gentle hand, she pushed me so I was laying on my back, her other hand trailing along my abs once more, torturously avoiding my equipment for the moment.

"Hmmm..." She said contemplatively, very gently teasing my cock with her fingernails, making my hips buck, being erected so long making the flesh very sensitive. "How best to repay you?" She gently played a fingertip from the base of my furry sheath, over the slowly forming knot, and all the way up my shaft to the tip, coaxing a drop of pre from it. Mischief filled her eyes and I scented the spicy note return swiftly to her scent. Licking my lips nervously, I lay back, trying my best not to let the anticipation get the better of me. And then, Sarah shifted, turning over so that she was lying opposite to my orientation, her legs by my head. With her mischievous grin spreading wider she shifted even closer to me, delicately licking the drop of pre from my tip, her warm tongue making me shiver. Still grinning, she stuck out her tongue and slowly licked from one side of my penis from its base to its tip, then over to the other side, and it was my turn to shiver with pleasure, the sensation much stronger than anything I had experienced before. She did it again, swirling her tongue along my length this time, coaxing more pre from me and I sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep myself under control so that I didn't cum too early, already nearing my own peak.

But, far from helping, the deep breath of air only made things worse, carrying the sweet scent of Sarah's sex to my nose again. I turned my head to find that her labia, while still pink, relaxed after her climax, were glistening with her fluids once more, the sight enticing to say the very least. Then, I closed my eyes in pleasure, for she had kissed the tip of my cock, then bobbed her head downward, taking a few inches of my penis into her mouth. She began to bob her head lower with each pass, sucking gently and I could feel myself teetering on the edge, quickly losing my balance. I couldn't seem to do anything to slow it down, the transformation and the long, arousing wait having made me much more sensitive than usual. And then, as I gasped, breathing deeply once more, I suddenly thought of something that might help. Opening my eyes, I spied my target and acted without giving it a second thought. Seizing Sarah's legs, I pulled her closer until she was straddling my head, and then, I licked her once more, making her almost choke in surprise.

The taste of her vagina, which was swiftly engorging again as I licked her, provided just enough of a distraction to take the edge off, allowing me to hold off of my own climax a while longer. But, with the change of position, something happened that I wasn't able to do before. Before she could react to my sudden turning of the tables, my tongue slipped off her upside-down clit and slid straight between her labia, passing into her passage with ease. This time she did choke, taking my cock just a little too far and she quickly backed off my member, gasping as her motion inadvertently pushed more of my tongue into her sopping crevice. A shiver passed through her and she gasped, her back arching, pressing her hard against me, her hips pressing backward as I flicked my tongue deeper into her. Struggling to keep focused, Sarah returned her attentions to my privates, taking my member back into her mouth, her hands gently caressing the growing knot at its base, making me shudder at the unfamiliar sensation. If I had thought my shaft was sensitive, it was nothing compared to my knot. It felt like every nerve across my whole body was concentrated there, and her gentle caress very nearly sent me over the edge. And then, just as I endeavored to see just how far I could get my tongue into her, she pulled my cock from her mouth, looking back at me and starting to whisper, her words lost in a sudden moan as I worked another inch of my tongue into her. Seeing the look of hard concentration in her eyes, I paused, pulling my tongue slowly out of her, making her eyes flutter as the unfamiliar sensation washed through her.

"Stop that." She gasped when my tongue tip finally emerged from her folds. "I can't concentrate when you do that. You already had your turn at pleasing me, so why are you doing it again?"

"I don't know," I replied, smiling coyly at her, ready to proceed with what I was doing. "I like it?"

"Hold on." She said, giving my knot a gentle squeeze, her eyes full of desire. Then she moved over so she was beside me once again, her body right side up again, but still on all fours. Then, she looked over at me expectantly and I arched an eyebrow. Did she really want me to do that? In the past, we had usually given each other oral and been plenty satisfied with that, only moving on if we were still aroused afterward. Her answer was to nod insistently. With a grin of anticipation, I got up, eagerly moving around behind her. Then, I rested my tip against her slicked labia, hesitating for a moment to make sure that was what she wanted. She nodded, pressing backward passionately with her hips. Shrugging my shoulders, I pressed forward gently, parting her lips with my tip, and then I stopped, finding my progress impeded. Looking down, I suddenly realized the problem. With my transformation's increase in size had come a corresponding increase in girth and she wasn't used to it, her body resisting my gentle push. But, as I increased the pressure, instinct began to take over and I lowered myself down onto her back, my hips pushing harder. And then, Sarah gasped as my cock stretched her wider than before and slid inside, all the way up to the knot in one go.

She lowered her head, setting her jaw with the discomfort and I overrode the instincts at once, holding still until she signaled to me that it was okay to move on. Then, after a few moments, she relaxed, giving a nod and I slowly withdrew my penis almost to the tip. Then I drove it back into her and she gasped, pushing back against me, making my knot press firmly against her entrance. As for me, the sensation of her passage, stretched tight to my shaft, made a wave of pleasure wash over me that was more intense than I had ever experienced before, once more driving me near to climaxing. Instinct began to worm its way back into control, building up a steady rhythm of thrusts that increased in speed until Sarah was gasping hard with every thrust, and I was gritting my teeth to hold off on coming. I managed to maintain enough control to keep my body from instinctually forcing my knot inside her, something that I knew would hurt, and for some reason, that act alone kept me from reaching my climax.

Not so for Sarah. Less than a minute after I had started, she suddenly let out a gasp of surprise, her whole body trembling, and the walls of her smooth passage spasming with a sudden climax, a torrent of hot fluid washing down the length of my shaft, very nearly making it slippery enough for my knot to go into her by itself. But my instincts were undaunted by her climax, picking up the pace a little more, making her cum again and again every few thrusts. After about her sixth or seventh peak, , squirming with unending waves of pleasure as she came again and again, she looked back at me, her eyes unfocused. And then, as our eyes met, we came to a sudden unspoken understanding. She wanted to be mated as we had always fantasized about, wanted to be knotted, no matter if it hurt or not. And, I wanted to grant her that wish, to give her what she wanted.

Taking a deep breath, I waited until she was cumming again, her passage so slick with fluid that I knew it wouldn't be as painful, and then I pulled out to my tip once again, took a deep breath, then thrust forward so hard it almost lifted her off the bed. For a moment, her passage resisted the ball of flesh that tried to force its way inside, then with a sudden motion, my knot shot into her, the sudden increase in length and girth making her cum again, her body instinctually clenching down on my shaft. And, as my instincts had known it would, my knot suddenly swelled larger in reply, filling and stretching her passage to the max, sending a sudden wave of pleasurable excitement through me. Sarah let out a grunt of pain and pleasure as it swelled within her, locking me inside her, and then, I felt myself teetering on the edge of blissful release at last, the frustration nearly at an end. My body gave a quick series of small thrusts, working the huge ball of flesh back and forth for a few moments, and I felt something building in my throat, a noise that I didn't know my body was capable of making. And then, all of a sudden, I felt my balls clench up at the base of my shaft, and I thrust as deep as I could go on instinct, feeling my body finally cut loose.

And, as the first pulses of seed flooded from my member into my lover's body, the sudden increase in pressure making her cum once more, I threw my head back and let out an impassioned howl of exultation, the sound resonating in the bedroom. Sarah clutched the comforter below her with a death grip, her own cry of pleasure, almost a scream, joining my own as we came together, an ocean of pleasure nearly drowning us, finally extinguishing the inferno that had raged within me. I could feel my penis still pulsing, filling Sarah with more cum than I had ever produced before, my knot preventing it from going anywhere but up and I clutched frantically to consciousness, the climax almost putting me out with its intensity. But then, finally, after who knew how long of the pleasurable battle with the darkness, I felt my body start to relax, my member ceasing its spurting, and I let out a pleased sigh, wanting to slump into sleep, but I kept myself upright, pressing close to Sarah's back.

After a few moments, I felt Sarah's passage tug on my knot, pulling me down as she languidly collapsed onto the bed. I had no choice but to go with her, but I gently shifted over so we were spooning, rather than my new, heavier body lying on top of her. Sarah had her eyes closed, her breathing slowing, becoming steady as she drifted in the heavenly sea of bliss of the after climax and she pressed back into me even as I pulled her close, my arms around her, wrapping her in my furry embrace. Within moments, she was fast asleep, her breathing quiet and regular, a smile of utter and complete pleasure on her lips. I myself fought with drowsiness for a few minutes, getting a grip on what we had just done. Somehow, I knew that this had been more than simple sex, more than the pursuit of pleasure that it had been in the past. Gently shifting a hand downward, I touched my lover's belly, and slid it a little further down, stopping suddenly. I could actually feel my knot through her skin, the lump forming a noticeable bulge in her flesh. And then, it hit me in a rush.

I had just mated my girlfriend, filling her womb with my seed, the knot insuring that none of it could possibly get away from her. And yet, there was no fear with the realization that accompanied knotting her; that this was a very good way to get her pregnant. I knew, somehow, that we were safe, that nothing could result from this besides a night of wonderful pleasure. And more, she wasn't just my girlfriend anymore. She was my mate, wholly and truly. She was mine and I was hers, and that was that. Smiling broadly, I finally abandoned the struggle with the darkness, letting sleep take me. And, just before it all closed in on me, I realized that it might not be such a bad thing to be stuck this way...