The Dragon and the Princess

Story by moyo on SoFurry

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In a kidnapping deal, the dragon didn't get everything he expected. However, everything worked out okay.

By the way...The dragon on the side of the Volkswagen van is not the same dragon as in the story. That one on the van is 20th Century hippy art.

A SoFurry story about a dragon and a princess

This was a wonderful morning of what started out as a wonderful day in the tiny animal Kingdom of Ogdon. The royal family of elite foxes were having breakfast while listening to their ferret messengers telling them the news reports about the events of yesterday. This was after all back in the 15th Century, and news papers and news on the tely wasn't a thing yet back in those days.

The king's daughter, Princess Ismarelda Fox, decided to go out into the royal courtyard to collect some daffodils. The lovely fragrance fresh new daffodils would be nice to have as an arrangement on the dinner table...That's because Ismarelda's younger brother, 19 year old Prince Octavius Fox, was rude and would always fart at the table, thus the fragrance of the daffodils would mask the smell.

Meanwhile, a dragon had been spotted flying over nearby kingdoms. The dragon was casing out various kingdoms as he flew over, looking for a lovely princess to kidnap and take back to his lair. During the dragon's flyovers of the castles in the nearby and distant kindoms of; Krang, Duvant, Exious, Regious and Ougriah, he would notice princesses who were out and about, and who were presently in a location for an easy swoop and grab. But the dragon was unsure of their ages.

The first kingdom the dragon cased out was Krang. The the royal family in Krang were bears. The dragon spotted two very pretty princess bears, ages 20 and 23, who were presently playing a game of lawn bowling in the courtyard, thus being an easy target for the dragon to swoop down and grab.

However, the dragon thought as he realized, "Hwaet gif these princess bears beist noght as old as they appear?"

Thus the dragon passed up on grabing either of the two princesses, and flew on to the next kingdom, which was the Kingdom of Regious.

As the dragon left Krang, he muttered, "It ist needful meh beist sure meh do noght rapture up a princess whost ist still a cub...If meh rapture away yond adult princess, that beist one thing. Her father, the king, would sendeth forth a daring prince or a brave knight to rescue the princess from meh, and that would be the extent of it.

The dragon went on to reason, "Though if meh rapture away a cub, it shall not endeth well. That would hath the king, and with other kings of the kingdoms nearby, sending forth their armies in which hunt meh down to the farthest reaches of the Earth...They would surly hath meh slain for rapturing of cubs".

The dragon eventually arrived over the Kingdom of Regious. The royal family there were Eurasian Lynxs, and there was a very cute, 24 year old princess lynx outside hunting butterflies.

"Oh praiseth the gods, she beist so sweet and beautiful", the dragon said to himself of the princess, then continued, "Alas...Though she still beist an age wherest a risk ist present that meh mayist mistake a cub for an adult".

At the Kingdom of Ougriah, everyone had already fled inside the castle in fear of the approaching dragon. And no dragon in their right mind would dare to attempt to gain entry into a castle.

And at the kingdoms of Duvant and Exious, the princesses at both of those kingdoms were all under the age of 25, which left doubt in the dragon's mind to them being 18 or older...The Kingdom of Exious had a really hot and sexy looking princess wolf who was 21 years old. However, not being 100% sure of her age, the dragon thought it best to also pass that prospect up.

Finally, the dragon arrived over the Kingdom of Ogdon. No one noticed the arrival of the dragon and Princess Ismarelda Fox was still in the courtyard collecting daffodils.

Unlike the princesses in the other kingdoms the dragon had been at, Ismarelda Fox was over 30 years old...34 to be exact.

"Meh knowest surely the fox princess hath to beist an adult", the dragon said to himself as he dived down from the sky to snatch up Princess esmarelda Fox. Suddenly Princess Ismarelda Fox found herself being snatched up by the dragon.

"Her Highness, Princess Ismarelda hath been taketh by a dragon!", said the gardeners who witnessed it happen.

"Meh daughter", Queen Rebecka Fox cried.

"We shall get her back", King Brutis Fox promised his wife.

"We knowest where that dragon's lair ist. It beist a journey of three days to there", said 29 year old Prince Alden Fox as he took a matchlock gun down from a rack on a wall.

A knight, Sir William Badger, grabbed a pawheld cannon on his way to collect up his suit of armor.

King Brutis Fox promptly announced to Sir William Badger and Prince Alden Fox, "Noght the weapons of fire. Let us putith those back away".

"Father. This shall woundeth a hole inst the dragon's scales straightway to his heart", Prince Alden insistantly replied.

"This paw cannon wiltst give that blighter a hwaet for also", Sir William added.

"Meh realizeth as such", King Brutis Fox told his night and son. "Weapons of that sort ist for defense of the kingdom. Shouldst thou taketh these weapons of fire to do battle against the dragon, our subjects wilst seeith us as wielders of such weapons. That surely ist a rouge reputation for the crown".

"Then we shall noght useth the weapons of fire?", Sir William Badger asked.

"Ye must useth thine swords", King Brutis said to Sir William and Prince Alden. "It hath to beist that way".

About that time, 19 year old Prince Octavius Fox showed up, asking, "Mayeth meh cometh along with Alden and Sir William also?...Please?"

"Thine damndable blowing of thine gas shall reveal our position to the dragon...Meh shall saith noght", Older brother Alden said to Octavius.

"Meh doth hath mine gas inst control", Octavious argued as a fart slipped out.

"Soh meh seeith", Sir William Badger laughed to Octavious.

"Thou art still young in thou years to beist onst a mission like this", King Brutis Fox told his younger son.

"Father. Thou wilst noght ever let meh groweth up", Octavious retorted.

"Thou wilst some day", King Brutis replied. "Goest now and play. Or findeth something inst which to doth".

Needless to say, the 19 year old young prince was dissapointed he couldn't come along with older brother Alden and Sir William.

It wasn't long before the knight and the older prince were geared up, got on their non-anthro horses and were on their way to rescue Princess Ismarelda Fox.

After three days of traveling, Prince Alden Fox and Sir William Badger finally arrived to the cave that was the dragon's lair.

"Art thou ready to maketh a rush on the blighter?", Sir William whispered to Prince Alden.

"It beith now or noght ever", the prince replied.

Then with swords drawn, Aldin and William rushed into the cave of the dragon's lair as though they were a two animal swat team.

"There beist the blighter!...Surrender, thou beast!", Sir William Badger hollered as they charged.

"Thou best noght hath hurtet mine sister", Prince Alden Fox warned the dragon.

The dragon then breathed out a rush of sering fire which melted the swords of Alden and William as though the swords were made of hot butter.

"Thou best not bringeth harm to mine brother or Sir William!" Princess Ismarelda Fox scorned from the back of the cave at the dragon. "Mine Father wilst unleash the rath of his army onst thou shall thou doth".

"Art thou well and good?", Alden Fox asked his sister Ismarelda.

"The dragon hath treath meh fair and hath seeth to mine needs. No harm hath cometh to meh", Ismarelda assured Alden and William, as Sir William removed his helmet of his armor.

"Also...The dragon hath noght onst thou?", Alden asked Ismarelda.

"Noght inst the least. Meh doth noght believeth that wath his reason to taketh meh", Ismarelda assured her brother.

"Oh cometh onst", the dragon interjected. "Mine desire beith ransom money...Meh beist holding thine princess until thine king payeth meh one million deblumes of gold".

"That beist a grand abundance of money", Alden Fox replied.

"Yes...A grand abundance of money ist hwaet meh desire", the dragon added.

"Then, thou desire noght to bringeth us harm?", Sir William asked the dragon.

"Of course noght", the dragon replied. "If meh desired to, meh could hath burneth thine friend to a crisp. And meh could hath roasted thou inst thine armor liketh unto a baked potato in tinfoil".

"Hwaet ist this thing thou saith...tinfoil?", Sir William Badger asked.

"Tinfoil beist a thing inst the future", The dragon explained. "Meh knoweth a sorcerer whoeth ist a friend to meh. Onst occasions, he showeth meh wonders of 500 years away a crystal ball hath revealeth".

"Amazing", Sir William Badger replied. "Meh still doth noght knoweth hwaet it ist".

"It beist metal so thin, thou art able to crumple it liketh unto partchment", the dragon said to William.

"Meh art barely able to fathom it", Alden said.

"Enough onto the tinfoil", said the dragon. "Let us maketh arrangements to getith meh paid".

"And to getith meh out from here", Ismarelda added, then said to the dragon, "And thou promised thou getith meh some berries to eat...That hath been a while ago. Meh ist getting hungry".

"Yes yes", the dragon replied, then said to Prince Alden, "Maketh haste to returneth to thine father lest we getith this matter resolved timely...Thou sister hath nags meh, and at times without mercy".

"We shall leave now, then returneth quickly", Prince Alden promised the dragon as he and Sir William left.

When Prince Alden and Sir William returned to the castel days later, the family and the castle staff were so releived to find out it was ransom money the dragon wanted, and not other reasons for kidnapping the princess.

Within several hours of the return of Prince Alden Fox and Sir William Badger, a procession headed back out for the few days journey to the dragon's lair. In that procession was the royal coach carrying the kings family, a few knights on horseback, and a covered wagon pulled by non-anthro mules which carried one hundred thousand gold deblumes (gold is heavy)...After King Brutis Fox heard about how his daughter has been nagging the dragon, he felt he didn't need to bring the full one million the dragon had demanded.

Of course, on the way, young Prince Octavious Fox would be occasionally farting in the family coach.

King Brutis even mentioned to his yonger son, Octavious, "Whenst we return home, thou shouldst see the royal physician about thine trouble with the gas".

A few days later, everyone arrived to the dragon's lair. And of course it like a family reunion as the family and Ismarelda were finally together...And now was the time to pay the ransom.

"Meh seeith thou hath mine one million deblumes of gold", the dragon said.

"Inst the wagon art one hundred thousand deblumes", King Brutis replied.

"Meh asked for one million", said the dragon.

"Thenst we must returneth to the castle to getith more deblumes", said the king.

"Soeth...How much longer wilst meh still hath to beith here", Princess Ismarelda demanded.

The dragon knew that would be several more days of being nagged by Princess Ismarelda Fox. And he wouldn't dare harm her to shut her up because that would incur severe consequences from the king's army for doing so...And unlike in previous centuries, firearms and cannons have already been invented, making a king's army much more powerful than in older times.

"Meh wiltst accept the hundred thousand", the dragon finally agreed. "Meh ist noght able to standith yet another day to beist with thine daughter".

Thus the dragon accepted the one hundred thousand deblumes and released the princess.

Everyone was able to go home, the dragon was one hundred thousand deblumes richer, no one was hurt, and everyone lived happily ever after.

The end.