Alec's Adventures - Chapter 9 - Covert Operations

Story by TheLycanSpeaks on SoFurry

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#9 of Alec's Adventures

"I wasn't really expecting anything like this, but I'm sure there must be something we can do," Alec replied. "Obviously something we've done must have made someone start asking questions, but as long as they think we're human, provided that the records can be altered satisfactorily everything should settle down and they'll ignore us again. All we've got to do is produce satisfactory documentation and fix any records they have."

"Maybe you're right," admitted Harrll. "We can't really do anything from here in orbit though. According to the sensors, there's nobody watching the place anymore so we should be able to land safely. We'll wait until nightfall and if its still safe then we'll land as usual. Using the new Galnet terminal, we can connect to experts offworld and they can hack the records on all the government databases."

As the ship drifted down through the upper atmosphere, Alec couldn't help thinking about the differences between League and Earth technology. Whereas an Earth ship would enter the atmosphere at orbital speed, using aerobraking to reduce speed, generating lots of heat and ionization in the atmosphere, which was easy to detect, even with Earth's technology, the League ships were very different. Having no need to worry about conserving fuel, they simply matched the spin of the planet and glided down vertically on their gravity drive, floating down as gently as thistledown. It was a cloudy night, so their chances of being observed were fairly low.

Without a sound, they drifted towards the barn, sensors still showing nobody about. Grrelt had already opened the doors of the barn, ready and waiting for them. Just as the datalink had let them know about the problems she'd been having, it had also alerted her to their arrival in orbit. The ship settled to the ground, lightly as a feather, the door opening with a hiss, revealing Alec standing there at the airlock. As he walked down it, Grrelt rushed forward, hugging him in relief. "Thank goodness you're back, they came without any warning whatsoever. I saw that horrible man that delivers the mail when they took me away, I'm sure he had something to do with it."

"Well, I'm not sure yet what we can do about him, but I think we might be able to do something about the government records. At least we can make sure they don't bother us again about this," Alec replied.

They began to unload the ship, making the Galnet terminal a top priority, setting it up alongside their computer equipment in the basement. It wasn't possible to disguise it as anything existing on Earth, so it needed to be kept somewhere secure. Connecting it up to the existing equipment was fairly straightforward, thanks to the League's semi-intelligent software. As soon as it was operational, Alec began to connect to the exploratory division, back on Lupus for advice.

The screen cleared, revealing one of the operators at headquarters. Alec began to explain the problem, but was stopped within a couple of sentences.

"Sounds as if you need to talk to the Covert Operations department. One moment, just trying to connect you"

The screen went blank for a moment, displaying a logo representing the League emblem, along with some random music. Alec wasn't too sure what to make of it as it resembled nothing he'd ever heard before on Earth. Music on Lupus appeared to follow a completely different musical scale, and the instruments were completely different to anything he had ever come across. He turned to Grrelt and Ferrowl and remarked "it's bad enough hiding in a cellar here on Earth, but I'm glad we don't have to pick up the tab for being kept on hold with this thing, talk about long distance!"

Before they could reply, the logo disappeared, revealing the image of an elderly dragon. Grrelt blinked in surprise, clearly recognizing the person. "Professor Zorn, I never expected to have the honor of speaking to you. We have a slight problem here on Earth with the local authorities. They don't think we are from offworld, but they seem to think we come from another country and have no legal right to be where we are. We're hoping that you might be able to help us."

The dragon raised his paw, stopping her there. "No need to tell me any more, I've been studying reports from Earth ever since it's monitoring status was upgraded six months ago. Earth is clearly a type 42B culture, so we should be able to adapt a type 57D cover story to explain your background. It would have been a lot more helpful if you had contacted us before setting up your base of operations, but we quite understand the fact that you needed to move quickly because of the sudden change in status. I've studied all the reports we have from the last five hundred years, and think we've come up with something quite effective."

Grrelt blinked in surprise. She'd heard a lot about Professor Zorn; in fact he was something of a legend in the Exploration Department. He had been working in the Covert Operations section for the last hundred and fifty years, and been head of it for the last seventy years. At last she began to feel a bit more hopeful about their chances for success.

The Professor looked at their expectant faces, waiting in anticipation and paused for a moment. "So far, all I've had to work with is second-hand data. Connect me up to your planet's database and I'll put our AI to work crunching the data. Once we have access to the government database, it should be fairly straightforward to come up with a believable background which should convince them."

Grrelt tapped a few keys, establishing the link. The monitor went blank for a moment, then began to show a status bar, indicating the rate of data transfer and estimated time for completion. "Even with current operating speeds, much faster than here on Earth, it'll still take a couple of hours. We might as well have a bite to eat while we're waiting, then see what comes of it."

Ferrowl stood up, stretched, and said "no problem, I've already got something prepared. Even though we're restricted to the cellar, I've managed to put together something special. We're going to start with some soup, then I've got a surprise for you for the main course. A nice juicy steak."

Captain Harrll smiled at this. He'd tried the cuisine of over a hundred different planets, but so far he'd never come across anything quite like steak. If he was still around when Earth became an official member of the League, he was going to start shipping it offworld. Chances were pretty good that Earth could become rich from exporting it, and he would make a pretty penny out of it too.

As they were finishing the meal, a chime was heard coming from the computer. They gathered round it, anxious to find out what the results were. After a brief pause, Professor Zorn came back onto the screen, a frown across his face. "Looks like we should be able to do something, but I'm afraid there seems to be a slight problem. All the relevant computer files are part of a secure government network. We can't access them from here, you'll have to gain access to one of their machines and attach a leech to it. Once that's done we can access their network remotely and hack the data."

"Okay", replied Grrelt. "We covered this sort of thing in training. We go in cloaked, attach a leech, get out and wait until you've hacked the system. Sounds fairly straightforward, shouldn't be too difficult."

"Don't be too sure of that," replied the Professor. "One thing I've learned over the last hundred and fifty years is that there is no such thing as straightforward with covert operations. Your best bet will be to infiltrate a social security office and gain access from there. Once we have access to the social security computer system, it will be connected to all other government departments apart from the military. That doesn't matter though, because we don't need to hack that. Social security, education, passport records, they are all connected. We find someone born at the right time, but who has recently died, hack their records and make them fit your profile. Because we are using an existing file, our changes should be undetectable, but field operations always involve an element of the unknown."

"We'd better get an early night then," said Grrelt. She bid farewell to the Professor, shut down the link and turned to the others. "Because we're having to hide in the cellar our accommodations are rather limited. Captain Harrll and his crew will have to stay onboard their ship, I'm afraid. If anyone begins to come onto the property, it should trigger an alarm. If the crew are onboard, then all you have to do is cloak the ship and they won't have any idea that you are there."

Captain Harrll said goodbye and headed back upstairs to the ship. He established a link to the alarm system and posted a round the clock watch. No sense taking chances.

As soon as Harrll had gone, Alec took Grrelt into his arms, hugging her reassuringly. Even though she had been putting a brave face, his new talent meant he could feel her concern. She snuggled into his arms, burrowing her head into his chest, sighing with relief. "It's been so terrible, you being gone. I had no idea what was going to happen on Lupus to you and Leeta and then we had problems here on Earth with the authorities. I haven't been sleeping too well, but I'm glad that we're all here safe and sound."

Alec gazed down at her, nestled in his embrace, picked her up and headed for the bedroom, Ferrowl and Leeta following. Sinking slowly onto the bed, Grrelt still in his warm embrace, Ferrowl and Leeta joined him, snuggling up alongside, happy to have him home and safe, finally relaxing.


Alec woke up as soon as he felt Grrelt moving. It was still early, but they had to prepare for the mission, so couldn't lie around in bed. Once they'd all had their breakfast they headed into the briefing room, where Grrelt had some equipment set up on the table for them.

She picked up the first item, holding it up so they could all see it clearly, a metal armband. "This is a cloaking device. It bends light in the visible spectrum around the wearer, effectively rendering them invisible. It has its own power generator built in, but it uses a lot of juice. Even at full output, the generator can only sustain the field for about thirty minutes. After that length of time the field will collapse, rendering the wearer visible again, needing another thirty minutes to recharge fully."

Alec frowned with concern for a moment, before asking "But if this bends all visible light around you, how can you see past it? Surely all you'll be able to see is just blackness?"

Grrelt held up a small package that had been lying on the table beside the armband. "This contains a special type of contact lens. It converts light from the infrared frequencies, which are unaffected by the cloaking device, enabling you to see out. We sneak into the building with the cloaks active, wait for an opportunity to work on a computer unobserved, attach a leech and then get out again. Once that's done, we return to base, wait until the records have been fixed then reveal ourselves to the authorities again."

"You've had more experience with field operations and leeches," commented Ferrowl. "Probably best if Leeta and I stay here ready to connect up the leech once you hook it to the computer. Alec had better go with you because he's more used to the planet, and might be able to come up with a suitable story if you're detected."

"No problem," remarked Alec. "We'd better get a move on though, because the offices open soon. With the way traffic is downtown, we need to hurry if we're going to get there before people start work."

Hastily, they vacated the briefing room, Alec and Grrelt heading to the surface and piling into Alec's truck. Nobody was watching the entrance to the farm, so they headed off down the highway into town.


Alec peered out through the window, looking at the building across the road. They'd been lucky and managed to secure a parking spot close to the town hall. Social Security had an office at the front of the building, but access seemed to be via a door that was permanently covered by security guards. Stealthily, they slipped out of the truck on the side away from the building, activating their cloaking devices. Alec blinked in surprise, looking at the infrared image of Grrelt beside him. All the colors had disappeared, leaving a black and white view of the world. Cautiously they tagged along behind a group of people approaching the entrance, sneaking in behind them just before the door closed.

Following the direction signs, they headed towards the right department. What they were looking for was an active computer that wasn't being used at the time. Unfortunately they weren't in luck, there were operators using all of them. One of them, however, was in a cubicle on her own. She appeared to be a supervisor, checking the data for errors.

Grrelt gestured urgently towards her bracelet, pointing out that they only had another fifteen minutes before they would become visible again, but there was no sign of the woman moving. Alec frowned for a moment, wondering how they could distract her, before whispering to Grrelt. "Keep an eye on her, and warn me if she starts to move, I've had an idea."

He moved over to stand behind her, gazing at the back of her head. As yet, his mind-reading abilities were fairly limited, but maybe he could put a thought into her head. Closing his eyes, he concentrated his attention inward, focusing on the feelings he had when the Kesh had talked to him. Slowly he began to expand his awareness, reaching out towards the person sitting in front of him, feeling for her mind.

Her thoughts were still hidden from his view, his talent not strong enough yet to form a solid connection, but he could feel her surface emotions. Perhaps he could plant a thought or feeling in her mind. His brow began to furrow with concentration, beads of perspiration beginning to appear due to the effort he was expending. The operator began to shift in front of him. Maybe he was getting through, but it was too soon to be certain. He gritted his teeth with concentration, trying to push the image into her mind, barely able to breathe, oblivious to everything else.

Suddenly Grrelt snatched him to one side, just in time, for the operator, muttering a quiet curse stood up and left the room in a hurry. Instantly the both snapped of their cloaks, only a couple of minutes before they failed. "Quickly," muttered Alec. "I managed to plant in her mind the idea that she needed to go to the toilet. I'm not sure how long it'll be before she gets back, but hopefully it should give us enough time."

Grrelt smiled in amusement. Just as well Alec had been with her, his new talent had come in useful. Together they pulled the processor unit of the computer forward, away from the wall. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small grayish object, about the size of a marble, and stuck it to the back of the computer. As they watched it slowly began to spread out, becoming thinner and fading in color to look like the surface it was resting on. After a couple of minutes, it had spread to cover the whole rear of the machine, vents appearing where they existed in the casing beneath it, no more than half a millimeter thick. Only a close examination with a magnifying glass would reveal its presence, and if anyone tried to tamper with it then the device would dissolve into its component atoms.

Hastily, they pushed the machine back where it had come from and waited behind the door for the operator to return. The longer the delay the better, it would give their cloaking devices longer to recharge. Finally they heard footsteps approaching, but waited until they began to see the door handle start to turn before activating their cloaks. The operator came in, a frustrated look on her face. Suddenly she'd had this urge to go to the toilet, but once she got there it had disappeared. Maybe she needed to be a bit more careful about what she ate.

Silently Alec and Grrelt crept through the door before it closed, nearly catching his heels in the process. They had to hurry because there was only enough power to run their cloaks for another five minutes. Approaching the door, however, they found it closed, an electronic lock holding it shut.

"Damn," swore Alec. "Looks like we might have to wait until somebody goes through it. Hopefully it won't be too long before someone needs a cigarette."

"We can't just hang around here waiting," whispered Grrelt. "Look at the time, we've only got another minute before we're visible again."

Alec looked around anxiously. Mustn't panic, he thought to himself, gotta get out of sight before it's too late. Something caught his eye, and he dragged her across to a door on the other side of the corridor, a staff lavatory. He checked carefully to make sure that there was nobody inside, and they closed and locked the door behind them. "We should be alright here, nobody can see us. This'll give our armbands a chance to recover their full charge. We'll wait until somebody wants to go outside and follow them, just like the way we got in. We might as well be comfortable while we're waiting," he said as he lowered the seat and sat down.

Grrelt smiled in relief, glad they were safe for the moment and sat on his lap. Alec wrapped his arms around her, running his paws across her furry skin, claws gently combing some knots out of her fur. She snuggled into his lap, leaning back into him, her heart slowing as she relaxed. "Hmmm...I wonder what we can do to pass the time while we're waiting," she murmured, wiggling her butt suggestively.

Alec smiled down at her, nuzzling her neck as she leaned her head back onto his shoulder, his paws slowly drifting down her sides, caressing her body. She moaned softly at his touch, her nipples stiffening as she became more aroused, her hips shifting as she reached up, stroking the side of his head, her other hand sliding behind her, stroking his sheath.

His breathing quickened as he felt her touch, her knowing fingers causing his wolfhood to begin to show. His paws slid further down, stroking her outer thighs, circling slowly inwards teasing her. One of his paws began to circle her entrance, gently drawing closer, her scent of arousal becoming stronger, her loins becoming damper.

She began to stroke her own body, hands moving up to her breasts and circling them, beginning to pant with excitement as his strong paws gripped her hips, lifting her into the air. He slowly lowered her, the tip of his member seeking its target. She gasped as she felt it at her lips, its pointed tip slowly spreading them as she sank lower, her weight forcing him deeper.

His member began to extend further from its sheath, thrusting deeper into her channel, his paws lifting her, then lowering her again onto his powerful shaft, each time sinking further onto his growing member until his knot pressed against her lips, slowly spreading them further each time.

She groaned in ecstasy as she felt herself sinking deeper, his knot pressing against her lips, rubbing upon her clit each time he thrust up into her, seeking to bury himself as deeply as possible, claiming her once more as his mate. The waves of pleasure began to build higher, she felt herself on the verge of cumming, and her paws pinching her nipples drove her over the edge.

As he felt her pussy clenching, squeezing down on him, pulsing in her orgasm, he lifted her once again, only the tip still inside her, spreading her lips, tensed and pulled her downwards, his knot pressing hard against her entrance, spreading it wider before sinking inside. He began to expand further, filling her insides, pressing against her g-spot, causing her to orgasm again, and clenching down upon his knot.

He gritted his teeth, ears back as he came inside her, his seed filling her, trapped inside by his knot, endless pulse after pulse, triggering one orgasm after another inside her. She leaned back upon his furry belly, spent but happy, held in place by his knot but not wanting to move, his sheath pressing against her rear. Every now and then, his member continued to pulse, filling her further, causing one mini-orgasm after another. He stroked her belly and chest as she lay in his lap, luxuriating in the moment.

Suddenly they heard footsteps in the corridor outside. A moment later, somebody tried to open the washroom door, cursed and called out, telling them to hurry up in there. Grrelt looked at the door worriedly. Impaled upon his member she was unable to get up, and even if they did then opening the door would reveal the fact they were strangers who didn't belong in the building. If they turned on their cloaking devices, then the door opening and finding no one inside the washroom might make someone suspicious.

Alec closed his eyes and tried to focus his mind, shifting his attention outwards, seeking the mind in the corridor, looking for the person on the other side of the door. He felt a hazy contact, not enough to know what the person was thinking, but the way he had rattled the door meant he didn't need to. Slowly he tried to build up a picture in his mind, reaching out and projecting it towards the stranger. He gritted his teeth in concentration, tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth as he sought to convey the image he was holding in his head.

The rattling stopped, a muttering on the other side about incompetent maintenance staff, then footsteps could be heard in the corridor, gradually becoming fainter. Grrelt looked up at him curiously. "Why did he suddenly go away?"

Exhausted, Alec looked down at her, a tired smile upon his face. "I managed to implant the idea that maintenance had locked the door because it was out of order, but forgot to post a sign on the door. Should give us long enough to get out of the building safely."

His member began to shrink inside her, becoming smaller. She tested their link, then stood up, his tool slipping out of her, followed by a trickle of his semen, mixed with her juices. They began to clean each other up, chuckling at the way they had managed to avoid detection. Alec looked at the display, revealing that their armbands were now fully charged. They now had another thirty minutes in which to get out of the building. According to his watch, it was nearly time for the mid-morning coffee break.

Listening carefully, they made sure that there was nobody in the corridor outside and headed towards the exit. It looked like they were in luck. There was a group of staff headed towards the door carrying packets of cigarettes. The rules about smoking indoors in the workplace were going to work in their favor.

Tagging along, as close behind the group as possible, they waited until the security guard had opened the door. He didn't even check for badges or ID, he just opened the door and let everybody through, not noticing a couple of invisible people at the tail end of the group.

Quickly, they headed across the road towards his truck. Carefully he checked that nobody was looking in their direction before quietly easing the door open and they slipped inside, switching off the cloaks with relief and headed back to the farm.


Professor Zorn peered out of the screen on the Galnet terminal, a toothy grin on his draconic face. "The data leech appears to be working perfectly. We've pulled off files for some people the right age, who died a couple of years ago. By cloning their records and re-assigning theirs to new file locations we can amend them with all the relevant detail.

In order to account for any discrepancies, we can say that your parents belonged to the hippie sub-culture. Most of them tended to distrust any form of government agency and many virtually disappeared off the radar as far as official records are concerned. You were home-schooled, which will explain the absence of any scholastic records, plus you have been travelling around the world for the last couple of years.

Your parents died in a car crash, and you were the beneficiaries of a generous insurance policy, which you have been using to fund your travels. As for Grrelt not co-operating with the authorities, we can say that you had some bad experiences in your travels with some corrupt foreign authorities.

A decent attorney will run rings around the immigration department because he can produce copies of the new official records, proving that you were born and grew up there. We've hacked a large insurance company and adjusted their records accordingly, so we have produced quite a comprehensive data trail that should cover all bases."

Captain Harrl smiled at them, relieved at the good news. Looks like all our troubles are over, at least for the time being. You'll need to find out who tipped off the authorities and keep an eye on whoever it is, just to make sure they don't try to stir up any more trouble, but as far as I can tell we won't have to shift our base of operations. So far as this planet is concerned, there is no solid evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life.