2 - On our best behavior

Story by FluffyLuu on SoFurry

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#2 of Drake & Leo stories

I wonder what happens when three Lucarios hang out in public?

It was around 3PM when I took the bus to one of my favorite hangout places, excitedly hopping on and greeting the driver before walking down the length of the bus, all the way to the back. There weren't too many people at this time of the day, and I was able to sit down comfortably, taking out my phone once more as the bus drove on. With a dumb smile, I labored to read the small text conversation I had had about thirty minutes prior. I scrolled up to the first text, a small paragraph that had made my heart beat faster than I dare to admit now.

"Hey, puppy. It's been a hot minute. Hopefully you've saved this number..."

Of course I did, you dumb mutt, I said to myself. How could I have forgotten ?

"... because me and my friend have been thinking about you a lot lately. I think it's time we went on a small date, don't you think? How about the Colombus café Eternal mentionned you liked?"

"Omg yes!!! Absolutely yesyesyes, sign me up. Can we meet like, today??"

"Of course we can. If you're ready we can meet up in 45 minutes or something. We'll be there."

I was _not_ready. I had just finished my day and was exhausted, but how could I have refused?

"Be there soon cuties~!!"

"Sweet. Leo sends his regards."

I remember sighing after that last reply and getting butterflies in my stomach. It happened again, without fail, after reading it over once more. We hadn't even gotten to the first stop that I was already becoming impatient, looking out the window and staring at every shop sign without really seeing them. I had been waiting for this day for a long time, the day where Drake would text or call me again, cursing myself every day for being such an introvert. Getting into contact with people had always been hard for me.

The bus trip lingered on forever. It seemed like the bus ran into every red light and pulled over at every stop, which, despite dragging out the trip to unbearable lengths, allowed me to settle down. I was able to breathe a little after rushing to shower and get ready, sitting there and browsing through some apps to pass the time... Or re-reading the few texts Drake and I had sent to each other. In a way, I was almost hoping he would send another, just so I could feel the thrill of getting a message from him again. This quickly proved pointless though, as I soon got up, two bus stops in advance, already getting ready to leave.

These last stops proved even longer than the rest. Long enough that my excitement slowly turned into anxiousness. I was fidgetting a little, and shifting. After all, I told myself, there was no way to know how this date was going to go, and my happiness became slightly tainted by the apprehension of ruining something. Nearly there : I pressed the button to request a stop. I sighed and breathed slowly to try and relax. The closer I got and the more anxious I felt. That is, until the bus slowed down and, through the window, I saw these two tall Lucarios smiling at me, waiting at the bus stop with their arms crossed. My expression went from worry to happiness and all my little anxieties poofed away, a slight blush painted across my cheeks as I hopped off joyfully, landing in front of them.

Leo was wearing a plain, black hoodie and jeans, a simple style that fit him wonderfully and expressed a sort of stylistic restraint that made him all the more handsome. Drake, on the other hand, was wearing a tight shirt that showed off his powerful yet slim body, his thin fluff somewhat hiding the shape of his abs through the fabric. He was wearing sweatpants that were, on the contrary, rather large and flowing, his style expressing his confident yet relaxed demeanor.

My clothes were closer to what Leo was wearing : an oversized grey hoodie with a printed logo on the back, and simple blue jeans. Despite the large clothing, I felt quite free of movement from not having to carry my bag around for class, and especially with the peace of mind that being with these two males brought me.

I walked closer to them with a bright smile, grabbing one of their hands while they both went in for a soft kiss on my forehead. This synchronized and similar affection, despite their two differing personalities, was attractive beyond words. Even before any word had been spoken, I could feel how happy they were to see me, from the way they smiled down at me, and the way they squeezed at my hands.

"Hey there, lil guy, started Leo. How've you been?"

"School been going alright?"

"I've been good, but I am so happy to see you guys!"

Hearing their deep, soothing voices again reminded me how much I had missed being around them. Their gaze was warm, their words soft, and their tall size made me feel secure even just being in front of them. After a few greetings and pleasing words, I let go of their hands and we were off to the little café, with a mutual agreement to have what Leo called an "icecream date". Far from me to complain, I was more than happy that we had settled on this adorable theme.

When we opened the door, the hustle and bustle of a café during peak hours spilled out onto the street. It surrounded us as we walked in, and we stood there for a few seconds, just to take in the atmosphere of the large pastry-scented room. Conversations, laughs, people at the counter and waiters serving the orders all made for a constant buzz of voices, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere. The smells of food, pastel colors and low music made you want to sit down in one of the thick armchairs and become a lazy loaf for hours. We looked at the signs above the waiters, who were walking back and forth behind the glass cases full of snacks, to decide what we wanted to order.

Once we had made our choice, Drake decided to look around the shop for a free spot, while Leo and I went and waited in line to order. I was going for the basic but trusty vanilla milkshake, Leo wanted a strawberry one, and Drake had chosen a pistacchio and chocolate icecream (with sprinkles on top, I added for him). We were waiting for our turn behind a tall Dragonite who was busy choosing what kind of muffin he wanted to eat. To make the most of the wait, I discreetely snuck my hand to Leo's and grabbed it, intertwining fingers with him while moving my eyes to the side. I couldn't see his reaction, but guessed that he must've been smiling when I heard his characteristic chuckle. I let go out of shyness when it was our turn, though.

When we came back with the orders done, we found Drake sitting at a table which only had two seats, one of them taken by him. He was smiling up at me with a strange look. I stared at him questioningly for a second.

"Well... This table only has two seats, Drake, I remarked. Maybe we should go to another one?"

"Nah, this will do perfectly, don't you think?"

Leo giggled and sat down too, looking up at me with the same smile, and patted his thighs. I blinked, confused, and opened my mouth to ask what the hell he was doing... Right before it dawned on me. At which point, I just stared at them in disbelief.

"...You planned this out, didn't you?"

"Yep! Leo answered. Now get over here."

"Guys, we're... We're in public, come on."

Their unflinching expression and the little spark of eagerness that shined in their eyes left me speechless. Their expectant silence was too heavy for me to just keep protesting : I looked around, a nervous little reflex that only made things worse as I noticed that there were quite a bit of people around the shop. How could I refuse though? With a grumbled, almost inaudible "fine", I sat down on Leo's lap. My face instantly burned up in a blush as I scooted as close to his body as I could, in a useless attempt to make myself small and invisible. His arms wrapped around me and I felt him kiss the top of my head. A quick glance at Drake confirmed that he was smirking like a smug bastard. A pouty look was the most I could do in my current position, and a quiet growl escaped my throat.

"So how are you today? Leo's softly said in my ears."

"M-me? I'm okay... Just the usual. And I'd be even better right now, if you dorks didn't try and embarrass me at every turn."

That little comment earned me another one of their amused giggle, which made my pouting even worse. Unphased, Leo kept squeezing at my body, pressing me against his while his hands petted my belly and chest through my hoodie. I didn't even want to see if people were looking at us, stubbornly staring at the table now while trying to keep my cool - and failing, of course. I inquired about their life too, and started on some small talk with them, which made me feel a bit less embarrassed about the situation the more we spoke. The conversation went on, about the weather, our lives, hobbies, even our choice of icecream. Interestingly enough, I learned that they were going to the gym recently, and the same gym as Kyrun, although I kept that thought to myself for now. I also got made fun of for being a "vanilla luu", because of the milkshake I had ordered. This earned Leo a nasty pinch on his leg.

This kind of small talk was, as all small talk is, quite hollow in substance. This was not a bad thing however - quite the contrary, the fact that we were enjoying such a conversation comforted me. We were happy to be in each other's presence and they were both so pleasant to talk to, with their own sense of humor and demeanor. Drake seemed to be more of a hot-head type, confident and relaxed yet never rude or inconsiderate, whereas Leo's soft, deep voice had a more soothing effect on me, rumbling above my head while his arms kept me warm and safe. I had soon forgotten about the precarious position I was in, and revelled in being so close to a tall Lucario, engulfed in his warmth. He would sometimes peck kisses at my head whenever Drake or me were talking.

I wasn't allowed to forget for long, however. A waiter arrived with our orders after a bit and I suddenly became afraid that he would ask us to refrain from such a public show of affection. It was a small Floatzel, and thankfully, he did no such thing. He politely set down two milkshakes and a fancy bowl with dark brown and green icecream scoops (and sprinkles!) on the table, thanked us and turned around. I didn't dare look into his eyes, retreating once again against Leo, my face turning a shade of bright red all over again. When he turned around to leave, I caught a glance at his face - and for a split second, I thought I had seen a hint of a smile. Drake and Leo both seemed amused at my apparent embarrassment, and I was on the receiving end of quite a bit more teasing before the conversation veered off to more normal topics.

During the conversation, my interest shifted to a certain question I had asked myself for a while.

"Say, I began, I don't think I've asked how you two got to meet Eternal?"

"Oh, it's a simply story actually, replied Drake. Me and Leo have moved in not too far away recently, and we met Kyrun at the local gym, since he's a regular there. From Kyrun, we met Eternal, and things happened from there."

While we were talking, Leo's hands had shifted to my thighs in a gentle motion and caressing them, up and down, at a slow pace.

"So you guys all met together, I'm guessing? And I didn't get invited!"

"Eternal was fully aware how much you'd like our company, which is why he organized our little meeting. Didn't expect you to love it so much, though."

"Aww, well... To be fair, I didn't expect you guys to enjoy spending time with me. I'm glad you wanted to see me again."

Drake's genuine smile at my answer caught me a little off guard and I couldn't help but wag my tail, reciprocating his happy expression. Now that I was thinking about it, it had been quite a while since the last time I had seen Kyrun. Somehow, Drake and Leo reminded me of him, quite a bit : they had their own way of being, but all three of them were soft and handsome Lucarios, who knew how to take care of me. I really had to think about contacting Kyrun again...

We had finished our snacks a while back and had stayed in the café for a while longer before we decided to get up. The number of people walking in and out of the place had increased and after getting a few stares from other customers, we had decided to leave. We thanked the waiters at the counter, pushed the door and welcomed the fresh spring air as it filled our noses. Of course, since this was in the middle of the city, it was incomparable to the scent of the countryside : but compared to a busy and hot café, it felt quite amazing. Unsure of what we wanted to do, we turned on our right and decided to walk down the street with the most amount of shops and things to see. Afterall, I had told them, I had a bit of money on me and wanted to look around.

Hand in hand, sometimes with Leo, sometimes with Drake, I enjoyed the hour or so that we spent walking around the streets. Several times we walked into shops we thought were interesting : first we walked into a geeky shop, for fans of anything fantasy. Nothing really caught our eye there, but roaming around the aisles and eyeing all the cool little gadgets was pretty fun. Then we went into a bookshop, since Leo desperately needed a new book to read. This was when I learned that he was actually an avid reader. Knowing this fun little tidbit, we talked passionately about what our favorite genres and authors were, to the dismay of Drake who tried his best to relate. To make up for it, we got into a sports shop for him, since he needed some new workout clothes.

Our next stop was a bit unexpected. As we slowly got near the end of our little walk, Drake tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to a clothes shop.

"Hey, how about we go there and take a look?"

"Oh, uh.... Well, I don't need any new clothes, but we could."


If he was trying to hide his excitement, he was doing pretty bad at it, because it was pretty clear that he had something in mind. I turned to Leo as the taller Lucario grabbed my hand and pulled me to the store, but he simply shrugged, with an undecypherable smile. I could only guess what the two had in mind.

The store smelled like any other clothes shop. Fabric, and leather, and this very specific scent of new "things" that is slightly different for every type of product. The waiter, an elegant looking Mienshao, greeted us before going back to ordering some items at the counter. Leo and I took our time to look around, the silence of the empty place quite relaxing after the loud street, but Drake had always rushed off to somewhere else in the shop. I wasn't sure why this store in particular hd no customer at this moment, but I wasn't complaining.

While we were looking at hats and in the middle of Leo making a "m'lucario" joke with a fedora, Drake's voice called us from the other side of the shop. It was then that I understood what his plan had been, when he stood there next to the dressing rooms, an excited little grin plastered on his face, while he held a dress in his hands.

"Hey puppy. Look what I found for you."

I blinked, and stared at him for a second, and then the dress. And then him. Then in typical me fashion, started to blush with a dumb expression.

"Wait, really? You uh... I mean, this is a girl's dress..."

"Indeed. Why don't you try it out? There's a dressing room right there."

Leo seemed amused when I looked over at him, but he also didn't seem like he was expecting it. I took the dress in my hands and stared at it silently, confusing, mixed feeling washing over it slowly while I tried to make up my mind. In all honesty, my mind _was_made up, but it was hard to come to terms with it. Drake walked over to me, resting his paw on my back to caress it slowly, and he kissed the top of my head to whisper :

"You don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable with it."

I could feel his realization that I might not have been comfortable with crossdressing, and this sudden thoughtfulness allowed me to see that I wanted to do this, no matter how shy it made me. I stroked the Lucario's cheek and nodded, reassuring him : "Don't worry, I'll do it..."

And so I did. I walked into the dressing room after checking that no one could see me, and was faced with a mirror, alone in this small cabin, with nothing but this dress taunting me. Drake and Leo were whispering, waiting for me. A minute passed before I finally worked up the courage to undress and slide the dress over me : it was one of those dresses with long sleeves and a skirt that only goes down to right above the knees... And a dress with a zipper on the back. No matter how hard I tried to get my hands behind my back, I couldn't get them to work the zipper. It took me another moment or two before I gave up, my weak little voice coming from behind the closed, red curtains.

"U-um... Guys? I uh... I can't close the dress. Could you give me a hand?"

"Sure thing, Drake replied."

He parted the curtains and walked into the little room, closing them behind him and standing right there. I had my back turned to me but the mirror in front of me allowed me to see his satisfied expression when he saw me in the dress, and his little smirk didn't leave his face as he easily zipped up the back of my clothes. I was fidgeting a bit, avoiding his gaze in the mirror, but I couldn't afford this luxury for very long when he gently turned me to face him, gazing at me.

"My, my. What a ravishing girl you make."

"Oh s-shush..."

"No, I mean it."

The Lucario grabbed my chin and lifted my face so I could see him. I had instinctively put my paws on his chest and stared back into his eyes uneasily. Eye contact was very difficult for me and he knew that, took advantage of it, as he gently walked forward, forcing me to back up against the wall. I gasped, my eyes widening, while he let go of my chin to bring both of his hands against the side of the cabin, next to my head. A small shiver started in my body as I realized he had totally trapped me, and I couldn't say much, in fear of being seen by someone else.

"D-Drake? We... We're in public..."


My useless pleading was quickly silenced by a dominating kiss, the Lucario's lips overpowering my voice and pushing me to accept this precarious situation because I could truly understand how embarassed I was. My brain could barely follow what was happening but my body was melting in Drake's grasp : he pressed his body up against mine, a small grunt rising from his throat while he tilted his head and made out with me, with no hesitation. There was an eagerness, a careful roughness to him that made it utterly impossible for me to resist. The only noise I could make was a muffled whine, an expression of my helplessness, while my hands trailed up to his neck and cheeks.

The kiss dragged on for a bit, long enough for me to become completely docile. Drake's tongue had snaked its way into my maw : he was overpowering me in that way, too, wrapping his tongue around mine and making quiet little noises while tasting my maw. I barely even moved when he slipped his hand under my dress, lifting its front and feeling around : his paw moved up from my thighs, to my hips, then back to my inner thighs, and up a little more... At which point, he broke away from the kiss and stared at me.

"You thought I wouldn't notice you wearing nothing under that dress?"

"I'm... I'm sorry..."

"You're a naughty little girl. What am I going to do with you? I give you a dress, and this is how worked up you get?"

All I could think at that moment was, "you're one to talk", considering he was the one who had pushed me against the wall, and seemed to really get excited. But I kept my maw shut, my face turned up to him, almost waiting for him to kiss me again. He was right, in a way... I was so aroused by him that I was forgetting my own embarassment, and basically spreading my legs for him as he kept groping around under my dress, getting me pretty worked up down there too. That is, until he suddenly let go, bringing his lips to mine again to muffle my frustrated little moan. I was forgetting about everything around us, about the fact that I was dressed like a female, that we were in a public place, and that we were inching towards the point of no return. Drake nipped at my lips with a light growl, then at my cheeks and all the way up to my ears.

"You could stop me at anytime if you wanted me to. Or you could ask... No,beg me to continue."

"More... please..."

I barely even hesitated. My mind seemed surrounded in a haze of lust, rendering any kind of coherent thought completely impossible. At once I seemed to relive the sensations he had given me the first time we had met, but the added thrill made everything so much more intense, and by the looks of it, the same went for Drake. He grinned and went right back to making out with me, his hand going back under the dress, lifting the folds and reaching for my, by now, fully aroused parts. His warm fingers wrapped around my sensitive little thing, stroking and caressing straight away. Such a vulnerable part of me, impossible to control at that moment, small and soft, yet with the simple grasp of his hand, Drake had complete power over me. He brought his thumb to my tip and pressed down on it hard : the intent was to make me squirm, and that's exactly what happened. When he wanted me to pump my hips forward, to whine, to beg, he could squeeze and stroke and massage. All he had to do was to keep kissing me so I wouldn't make too many noises, and I became nothing but his little plaything.

My hands had worked their way under his tanktop and against his powerful abs. I was feeling around his muscles and his fur. His body both felt strong and plushy, and I felt around all the way from his abs to his chest, which made him growl a little. He ground his tongue into my maw, invading it, licking around, his saliva mixing with mine gradually. I pulled his tall body against mine, trapping me even further between him and the wall... Which made it easier for me to move my hands down to his legs, and to undo his belt.

As soon as he felt that, it was like something snapped. He pulled away, panting, barely baring his fangs at me.

"Alright, that's it. Get on your knees, pup. Now."

I lowered my ears, as his deep voice sounded so... Feral. Like a growl rising from his throat, his voice had the notes of a beast. This awakened instincts within me that had barely ever been exploited : as if taken by a fight or flight reaction, my body started shaking. My mind, however, was compelled, hypnotized, and all I wanted was to obey, like a prey desperately trying to bargain with their predator. I kneeled, as I was ordered, and watched the tall Lucario finish undoing his belt hastily, then working his zipper down, his pants falling to his ankles, leaving me face first against his bulge. He barely let me nuzzle it before he pulled his underwear down, too, his thick member springing out and heavily flopping onto my muzzle.

"You know what to do."

"Yes, with pleasure..."


Leo's point of view had been quite different.

While I had gone into the dressing room, he had had a little conversation with his partner, frowning a little and crossing his arms in disbelief.

"I know this is your kink. You promise not to go overboard?" he asked.

"Yeah yeah, I will. I just want to see what he looks like a dress, is all."

"You say that, but I know you. You just can't help it."

Drake had rolled his eyes before pinching the other Lucario's side, earning him a little growl.

"If you're so worried about it, you know you can always join me."

"Join you? What do y-"

"U-um... Guys? I uh... I can't close the dress. Could you give me a hand?" my shy voice interrupted from behind the curtains. Drake raised an eyebrow and shook his head towards the curtain with a self-satisfied little grin. Leo sighed and stood his ground, leaning against the wall next to the booth to wait for the Lucario to finish whatever he had in mind, a grumpy expression plastered on his face. If there was something he didn't like, it was attracting attention. "Let me know if you change your mind", Drake said before getting into the dressing room.

Some time had passed after that. Leo had kept watch, but thankfully, there really wasn't anyone in the shop aside from the Mienshao who was out of view. When he had checked, she seemed either too busy on her phone or doing whatever it is that clerks do at a clothes shop. All he had heard were faint whispers from me and Drake, or little noises that he really couldn't make out. They sure were taking their time, he wondered, frustration and a hint of jealousy pinching at his heart. What was sure however, was that he heard the distinct sound of a belt being unbuckled.

He waited a little longer, his heart racing. There was no way, no way they were doing what he thought they were doing. As he walked around, he leaned down a little to see whatever he could under the curtains. He saw Drake's paws firmly on the ground, standing in front of me, kneeling against the wall.

He straightened up again. No. Way. These two absolute idiots had really done it. They had just gone ahead and done it! In the middle of a shop! He was too irritated to even react at first, and just paced around, out of view from the Mienshao. Well... He had to make sure, didn't he? Not to peek or anything, but... He had to know if they really were doing something lewd. He moved closed to the dressing room, parting the curtains ever so slightly so he could see what was going on inside. And sure enough, they had gone ahead with it.

Drake had moved even closer to me, his knee pressing up against the wall and making it impossible for me to move my head, trapped between the wall and his crotch. His hand was gripped on the top of my head, and while I was immobile, the tall Lucario humped away at my tight maw, muffling any sort of moan or whine that I could've made. Eager and refusing to wait any longer, he hadn't lost any time to push every inch inside, and with every thrust his knot slapped lightly against my lips : I was looking up at him, small tears in my eyes, with nothing to do aside from accepting the rough treatment I was given by such a horny Lucario. My face was surrounded by his warmth and his scent had invaded my nose, making my thoughts a bit hazy. In fact, I was too busy trying not to choke on the male's thick girth to think about anything else : he had had no hesitation making me swallow all of him after giving me a short moment to adapt.

It took all of my efforts to try and not make a mess, while remaining quiet. It was near impossible, and soon enough, a bit of saliva started to ooze out, drooling onto my chin and neck. Little drops of it landed on the dress, and it became very difficult to remain quiet while the big Lucario grinded his knot against my lips, grunting above me from the bliss of having a tight throat around him. He moved both his legs forward at this point, his thighs closer to my face, and even grabbed my head with his second hand... And suddenly moved with much more roughness than before, his knot constantly hitting my lips, my throat bulged out from his thickness. I couldn't see anything aside from the fur of his abs ; I couldn't hear anything aside from the slaps of his knot and his dominant grunts ; and my sense of smell was entirely overpowered by his manly scent. And it didn't take him much longer to give in, with a final shove, the wild throbbing of his member preceding the flood of warm cum that I wasn't expecting.

The rhythmic motions of my throat along the Lucario's girth seemed to send him into a frenzy of shivering and humping. His breath had gotten faster and he was staring down at me with a look of satisfaction, like a possessive beast taking advantage of the Lucario he had caught. The only sounds that we could hear were my slow and constant swallowing, and the bigger male's groans of pleasure. There was just so much... I had forgotten how "productive" Drake was.

He stayed right where he was, and the strain of having such a big length inside me for so long was starting to make me cough. I adjusted quickly though, letting him resume his deep, eager thrusts, while the throbbing dragged on.

I could barely believe how hot Drake was. Despite my distraught state, I was more than happy to let him hump and grind, the warmth of his orgasm quickly filling my stomach, spreading throughout my entire body as I shivered along with him. Another moment passed before it finally died down and the Lucario lifted his head, sighing while enjoying the slow build down from bliss. Seeing how I was starting to struggle with air, he finally pulled back and let his length pop out, before resting it on top of my muzzle.

"How was that?"

"God, that... that was amazing, I whispered. You're so damn hot. And you seemed super pent up, too."

"Pretty much."

He chuckled and smiled down at me, giving my head, ears, and cheeks a gentle petting. I kept kissing at his knot to tease at him a bit, knowing that he must have been quite sensitive after the huge orgasm he had had. As Drake and I shared this tender little moment in his afterglow, the sudden rustle of the curtains made the both of us jump : it was Leo, who had decided to get inside the dressing room. His face expressed a frustrated arousal that told me everything I had to know about the mental war he had waged against himself before getting in with a noticeable bulge, a blush painted across his face as he closed the curtains behind him with a sigh.

"You two make for a great show, at the very least. But I can't believe you just went ahead and acted like the hornballs that you are in a dressing room."

"I-I'm sorry Leo... I started."

"No no, don't worry. I know Drake probably became a bit insistent."

The latter chuckled with a bit of an embarassed look, rubbing the back of his head nervously. It was hard to argue against Leo when I had a thick Lucario length pressed up against my face. Despite Drake seemingly needing a bit of a break, his length remained quite big and stiff, and I wrapped my fingers around it in a bit of a cheeky move, making him gasp. Leo got closer too, a soft smile on his face : his façace of anger and reproach was quickly fading when he stood in front of me, next to Drake, his hands on his hips.

"Eager to continue, are you? Leo asked. Want to help me with that too?"

"God, yes..."

The position I was in was more than amazing. Kneeling in front of the two huge males, I brought my hands to Leo's crotch while Drake petted my hair and ears, moving his hips to my face to tease me a bit. I reacted by giving his knot a little nip with a growl, which was meant to tell him to wait for his turn : he made a little surprised noise and moved back a bit, giving me enough space to focus on Leo, but keeping his warmth and scent close to me. The wall behind me ensured I couldn't move back, and their position made it so there was nowhere to go for me : all I could do was focus on pleasuring the two Lucarios that were seemingly, desperately in need of a little female. Just like I was badly in need of them.

The still fully-clothed Lucario had started petting my head, calling me a "good boy" in a whisper, which always had the effect of making me I pulled on his sweatpants, helping him lower his pants. I was almost giddy but took my time as much as possible, letting his pants fall to his feet. Then I took the sides of his underwear and feigned that I was going to remove them, too, before pressing my maw against the Lucario's bulge. A small giggle came from him as I kissed and sucked at the long shape his hardening length made against the fabric. I could feel him throbbing already, and his hand moved to the back of my head, pressing my face against him gently, but insistently. Meanwhile, Drake was still gripping at one of my ears, and making long, back and forth motions, his member squished against my cheek. This position I was in was almost too much... Yet through the haze of pure lust, I felt like I could think correctly. Despite being too aroused for words, I knew what they wanted, and was enjoying every moment that passed.

Finally, I moved my maw off of Leo's underwear and pulled everything down until his length sprung out, thick and long, fully hardened from my teasing little care. I didn't even realize that my tail was wagging frantically behind me, and that I was panting a little, from the incredible view these two Lucarios were giving me. If this wasn't heaven, then I don't know what was.

"Mmh, you guys are just... you're too much..."

They both had a satisfied little look on their face, caressing my face and giving little scritches behind my ears. I didn't waste anymore time than I already had, and wrapped my fingers around the base of Leo's thick rod, my tail making a bit of noise from the wagging under my dress, now. I gave the Lucario a submissive little look and wrapped my lips around him. The sensation made him gasp, gripping at my head a little harder. I blushed brightly, and let my head rest against the wall, inviting him to hump my face, much like how Drake had done. He took the hint and did just that, already panting.

His taste was different from Drake, but just as amazing. It was addictive. Mind-numbing. The very unique sensation of a male's large caninehood, throbbing on top of my tongue, was made even better by how sweet they were acting. They had both started petting my head while Leo thrusted into me, and I had grabbed Drake's member, squeezing and stroking while he humped into my hand : his motions had gotten softer and slower, seemingly having cooled down a little after his first orgasm. To be honest, this felt like absolute bliss. They were so, so close to me, their warmth engulfing my head and making me a little dizzy. I was so horny that I had much less trouble taking Leo, letting him push his way in, right up to his knot.

"Geez, just how aroused did you make him?" Leo asked Drake, clawing at the wall and panting as I sucked on his delicious length eagerly, the noises becoming a bit louder.

"Oh, you know, just fondled him until he was hard, and didn't let him finish."

"Now that's just... Huff... That's just pure evil."

If I could have chuckled, I sure as hell would have. The interactions between these two just made them that much more endearing to me. I groped at Drake even tighter and pressed my mouth hard to Leo's inflated bulb, making him groan. I just couldn't help it. At this point, he started to hump much harder, which robbed me of the ability to move my head : while Drake was oozing some pre onto my muzzle and humping at my fingers, Leo was thrusting away, shifting a little, and growling. His eagerness was even starting to be a bit much... I could feel his claws pressing into my fur and against my skin, his knot now making little plapping noises on my lips. Once again, saliva gathered around my lips, making a tiny mess. I couldn't contain my coughs and gags as well this time, but I was absolutely not about to stop Leo.

Eventually, he pulled back to his tip to let me breathe a little, uncovering his massive length, coated with a thin layer of saliva. I had small tears in my eyes again, as I always had when my throat was being used so much, which never failed to make my eyes water. I liked to think this made me look a bit cuter while pleasing these two males, though.

"Was that... Ahh... Was that too much?"

"If you ask me, he seems to be thoroughly enjoying this."

I replied with a little nod and faster stroking on Drake's length. Leo stayed there for a little as I suckled on his tip, swirling my tongue around it and making little motions to tease and find his most sensitive spot. While all this happened, Drake's ears suddenly perked up and he turned his head to Leo, whispering something to him. This got a concerned expression at first, followed by an excited grin. Then they both stepped back. I looked up at them, still kneeled down against the wall, and a thoroughly confused expression plastered on my face : the saliva around my maw and the bit of pre Drake had oozed on me was making me look more silly than anythng. The view was quite nice, though... The both of them were still hard, their lengths coated with a glistening coat of saliva while Leo smirked.

"Hey, how about you get up and bend over? Leo asked."

"Uh... Y-you want to take my rear?"

"Just lean on the seat, please?"

With the incredibly arousing view I had and his adorable face, I only had the mental strength to pout at him for a moment. I got up, the dress unfolding on top of my thighs again and giving them a good view of what I looked like, dressed as a girl, which wasn't so obvious when I was kneeling and busy sucking their dick. "That looks really good on you," Leo said in a blush, and I really didn't know what to do with myself at this point. I was incredibly embarrassed, and so happy from the attention at the same time, fidgetting in front of them. Leo kissed my forehead and asked me to bend over again, in his soft, soothing voice. And I obliged.

I turned to my left and leaned forward, putting my hands on the seat for balance. I realized at that point that I was right in front of the mirror, and looked at Leo's reflection to figure out what he was doing : I saw him lift my dress, which obstructed my vision, and guessed he had grabbed his length when I felt his tip against my very tight hole. God, I was super tight because of how nervous I was. This was gonna be rough. I clenched my fists and got ready for it... But nothing happened. Instead, I heard the very distinct click of a photo being taken.

I instantly turned my head, and saw Drake with his phone in his hand, pointed at my exposed rear.

"H-hey! I exclaimed, my voice a bit louder. What are y... Don't do that! Why are you taking pics?"

"Shhhh. If you could see how adorable you were, you wouldn't be complaining."

"I'm not... I am not...! Drake!"

My useless plea was interrupted by another snap. And another, as they both chuckled. I had no idea what to do. I was shy beyond belief and tried to move my rear to the side, to squeeze my legs, to move my tail to hide myself, but really, considering the space we had and the fact that I - of course - was secretely, probably loving this, this didn't prove to be too effective. Worst of all, Leo, the sweeter, softer Lucario of the two, was actively participating in this, and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this as well. Eventually, I just pressed my forehead against the mirror, whining and closing my eyes.

"Spread your legs a little more, pup, Drake asked."

Resigned to my fate, I spread my legs, shakily obeying to them. My hard length was hanging between them, fully in view for their little photoshoot, which made Drake let out a little whistle, Leo humming like a satisfied male. "Don't pretend you don't like this, considering how hard you are," the latter said with a little pat on my butt.God, the humiliation of loving this was the absolute worst. There was nothing I could do and nowhere I could hide when my own body was betraying me.

"Alright, I'm gonna start pushing it in. Tell me if you want me to stop."


I had been visibly shaking, and it only got worse as the stretching sensation grew, Leo finally deciding to slide his length inside me. Even with all the saliva that was coating it, it took a bit of effort for him to push more than a quarter of his girth in : I was clawing at the little wooden seat, small whines accidentally escaping my maw as the male's warmth gradually filled me. I was squirming a little, and Leo stopped at about halfway, seeing how I was clearly struggling to take him.

"Relax, little lu..." he whispered into my ears, his soft hands caressing at my hips. I turned my head to look at him, panting and shaking : I was becoming so nervous, knowing we had been in this dressing room for so long, and worried that the Mienshao would come over to see if we were okay.

Drake still had his phone in one hand, and stroking himself with the other. He seemed to be recording a video this time, as he was pointing his phone in the direction of my rear and looking intently at his screen. I bit my lower lip, staying silent this time, as I knew that anything I could say would be recorded now. Leo waited a little bit longer, his slow caresses helping me calm down and relax for him. I was more ready to welcome him inside me now, and he pushed the last few inches in, right up to his knot.

Leo groaned at the feeling of a small, very tight Lucario milking at his length : I could feel him so incredibly deep inside me, his tip pressing up against the inside of my belly and slightly bulging me out. He was so big that I could even feel his light throbbing. There was something about having a male's knot, the warmth and sheer thickness of it, and the fact that it meant the Lucario was as deep inside me as he could go, that just drove me nuts. Leo was grinding against my entrance, rolling his hips and arching his back, his hands petting all over my hips and rear. I needed this moment to adapt, and he knew that : Drake, however, didn't seem like he wanted to just stay put. He walked to my side brought his hand to my face, gently grabbing my cheek to make me look at him.

"You like that, puppy?"

"G-god, yes..."

"You want more?"


He kneeled down, chuckling to himself with a devilish expression. I was confused and a bit worried, up until he lifted my dress, enough to expose my hard, dripping member : I gasped and tried to hide, but it seemed like he had stopped the video, and resumed taking pictures. I heard a few photos being taken and struggled all of a sudden, the embarrassment being too much for me to handle. The sudden movement made Leo gasp, as I was moving on his cock without really meaning to, squeezing much tighter and shivering.

"Please don't, I... This is embarrassing..."

"Shhh. Let me take the pictures, and I'll give you a nice reward."

I protested a little, audibly and physically, trying to squeeze my legs and whining. I didn't realize it at the time, but my defiance and my struggle was making it very difficult for Leo to stay still and wait, and his length was coating my insides with quite a bit of precum. A quick glance at Drake's expression made me blush brightly, his dominant smirk and his piercing gaze making me instinctively lower my ears. I managed to somewhat keep my nervousness in check and spread my legs a little.

Drake decided to put his phone down and I heard a low chuckle rising from his throat... And as I felt his soft fingers groping at me, stroking my sensitive cock, I nearly howled out in pleasure.

I was already overwhelmed, with Leo's length pressing right up against my prostate, making every squeeze and caress from Drake feel like pure bliss. And it only became harder for me to stay quiet when Leo resumed his thrusting. Slowly at first, moving back till half of his member was inside me, and thrusting back in, repeating that motion, over and over, tenderly. Drake wasn't as consistent, opting to either stroke me off as fast as he could, or at a horribly slow pace, never truly letting me predict what rhythm he'd choose. This resulted in a chorus of little sounds, moans, groans and whines all mixed together, my voice rising steadily as I became completely unable to just stay silent. Drake seemed a bit displeased at that and told me to stay quiet a few times, punctuating his growling reprimand with harsh squeezes, but there was nothing I could do : Leo's continuous thrusting and the pleasure Drake was giving were impossible to resist.

Eventually, the latter let go of my length and grabbed my cheeks again, roughly turning my head to face him. I gazed into his eyes, an expression of pure bliss making my face look a tad silly with a bit of drool running down my chin. He chuckled and brought his muzzle until his lips were pressed up against mine. He hadn't let go of my cheeks and simply held me there while he pushed his mouth against mine, hard enough to silence my desperate little sounds, replacing them with soft kissing noises.

"You two are incredible hot from where I'm at... Leo said in between his aroused panting."

I heard Drake giggle, and Leo's arousal translated into rougher humps. I arched my back but the Lucario didn't allow me to move my head, even tilting his to kiss me deeper. My howl of pleasure being almost entirely muffled : Drake's tongue snaked its way between my lips, and soon all I could taste was him, suckling at the canine's soft and warm bit, which was invading my maw. I didn't even know I could become more aroused than I was before, but every fiber of my being seemed to be pulsing with sheer pleasure, my thoughts spinning and swirling into an incomprehensible mess while the two Lucarios used my body with ease.

Leo's pace had quickened, his knot now slapping against my entrance, his precum oozing out in light, thin drips, onto my thighs and backsack. He had been mostly gripping at my hips up until now, but I felt his hand move down to my thigh, and he suddenly lifted my right leg, making me tense up even more as his roughness increased noticeably. My body was pointing down now, my face nearer to the seat, which forced Drake to lean down a bit more to keep kissing me.

"Rhhf... Lift your leg, puppy. I'm going to go a bit harder, now."

Drake only replied with a dominant chuckle, groping at my sensitive length harder now that it was much easier for him to stroke, as it was hanging down a bit more. Leo was groaning above me, his claws raking at my thigh and hips : the weight of his strength rocked me back and forth, as he rammed at my rear, stretching the deepest parts of me, with the two of them never allowing me to make a sound. This was absolute torture. The best, absolutely maddening, most addictive kind of torture. My drool was oozing out onto my chin now as Drake kissed me with no care for how messy we were getting, his thick tongue completely overpowering mine. The other Lucario was making me rock back and forth now, pounding at my sweet spot, making me squirm like a little female being bred way too hard. I barely had any control over myself, and, inevitably, I came too fast.

Feeling my throbbing and my hips bucking involuntarily, Drake barely managed to pull back from the kiss, grab a tissue from his pocket, and cover my tip. While the first few shots were stopped by the tissue, it quickly became too much and oozed down onto the ground, each spurt making me hump along with Leo's thrusts. I had bitten my hand to muffle my moan, as Leo was relentless, knowing how amazing this felt for me, pounding away with no care in the world, keeping my leg nice and lifted. Drake didn't let up either, his hand assuming a slow rhythm of up and down motions before it settled on my knot, squeezing tightly around it.

"Fuckin'... Leo, you're making him cum way too much... Holy crap..."

"I... I can't... Leo, p-please...!"

My desperate voice was shaking as I tried to control myself, to get my orgasm to stop before the mess got too big. Leo wouldn't let me, though. When I looked at the mirror, I could see his devilish smile, while he rammed my rear for all he had, aiming very specifically for the spot that would make my body twitch more. It took several more seconds and quite a bit of cum oozing down onto the ground for my orgasm to finally settle. I heard Drake go "sheesh..." next to me, admiring, or rather, looking with worry at the mess I had made.

Leo seemed like he was nearing his climax, as well. His grip tightened on my hip and he leaned forward, pushing me forward suddenly until my face was pressing up against the mirror : I gasped, my erratic breathing fogging up the glass. Leo's warm breath tickled my ear as he leaned over me.

"I'm close... Squeeze a little harder for me, cutie..."

I was in too much of a sex-crazed state to really register what he was saying, and I thankfully didn't have to, as I was already instinctively gripping at his cock as much as possible. While the Lucario kept slamming at my plushy ass, his characteristic groan and the sudden warmth that filled me made it clear that he was orgasming. From how hard he was clawing at me, it must have felt quite amazing for him, and I was more than happy to indulge, to offer this big male the relief he needed... To be his little submissive girl, willing to take anything he could dish out. After my own climax, my entire belt already felt like melted wax, and suddenly being rammed and bred full of Lucario pups didn't help : no matter how much I loved making bigger males happy by using me, it always took quite a toll on me. I barely had any strength left in the only leg that was keeping me up, and neither in my arms, which were shaking uncontrollably. Leo eventually rammed me with all his strength one final time, groaning, grinding hard against his hole and nearly knotting me, and pulling back, seemingly changing his mind... Then finally sliding the whole thing in. Considering the situation, that was probably not the right thing to do, but I was too focused on the pure bliss of being knotted and pumped full of cum by a big Lucario to care about how he was going to get the knot out later.

"Hhff... Pull him back just a little for me, will ya? Drake asked."

Through the heavy, slow panting of his orgasm, I heard Leo groan to acquiesce, before pulling my body back a little, allowing me to get better balance. I managed to straighten up a little despite Leo still groping and lifting my thigh, the position seemingly much easier for him to grind and hump as much as he wanted.

Drake once again grabbed my head to turn it to him, and while I was expecting yet another kiss to muffle my moans, my mouth already opened a little and my tongue out, it was suddenly met with thick Lucario meat. I opened my eyes wide, letting out a muffled, surprised yip, half of the Lucario's length pushed inside my maw before I could understand what was going on. Instantly, I could tell that he had been stroking himself off, as he was already throbbing wildly on my lips, and his grip on my head seemed tense. A few squeezes at his own knot and my distraught, overwhelmed suckling were enough to make him climax, too. My mouth was quickly filled, and realizing the added mess he would cause if he just stayed there, Drake pushed himself deeper, which, without fail, made me gag a bit loudly.

"Mmh sorry about that... I'm sure you don't mind though, huh? Small puppy like you, bred from both ends? You probably dream about this every night."

Leo's orgasm was starting to die down, his wild humping and tugging at his knot making for quite a scene. I looked up at Drake, his own pressed right up against my lips... All I could do now was enjoy the sensation of two horny Lucarios emptying their huge load inside me. My whole body felt warm and mushy, my head was spinning, my senses taken over by the two males. Drake owned my senses of taste and smell now while he made me swallow down each spurt of his cum, and all I could focus on at that moment were the constant throbbing of the two hard rods shoved deep inside me, the rhythmic groaning and panting of the Lucarios they belonged to.

Leo's orgasm finally ended after quite a bit, and Drake's orgasm was smaller than the first, which meant they both came down from their climax at around the same time. While the former was stuck inside me for a bit longer, the latter slid out of my suckling, squeezing maw, which allowed me to breathe again, while he rested his heavy cock on top of my muzzle. When such a big cock was flopped down onto my face, my angry look became quite a bit less intimidating.

"D... Drake! That's two loads you've made me swallow.. God..."

"I'm sorry, are you complaining?"

"N-no, but..."

"Good! He chuckled, kneeling again to pet at my cheeks. Good boy. You never fail to make us happy."

He smooched the top of my head and got up again, giving me another quick peek at his saliva-coated, large cock. I was pouting though, and turned my head back to the mirror, closing my eyes and growling. Once again, not very intimidating, but it was the least I could do to retain what little pride I had left.

While I wasn't looking, Drake grabbed his phone again and went back behind me. "Alright, you can try and pull out" he told Leo, to which he silently nodded, grabbing my rear and tugging slowly at first, and gradually increasing his strength. It was too late to tell him to stop now, so I grit my teeth, lifted my head and arched my back as the thick bulb stretched me out once again, sliding out more and more until it finally came out with a loud pop. Leo groaned out loud, maybe a bit too loudly, and the rest of his length easily slid out too, leaving me loose, a quivering, panting mess, barely able to gather my thoughts while the two males stared with satisfied smiles.

"Your ass looks good like this, puppy, Drake giggled."

He was taking pictures of my rear again and I turned my head to him, pouty, and sticking my tongue out at him. Seems like I had gotten used to the idea of having him taking pictures of my most intimate parts, but I certainly wasn't about to act as if I liked it. Leo spread my rear, and pulled at the side of my loose entrance with his thumb, making some more of the thick, gooey liquid drool out onto my backsack, all for the photos. I whined a bit but kept my tail lifted and my thighs squeezed, letting them have their little fun. I was trying not to appear too flustered and even tried being defiant, but there was no hiding the humiliation I was feeling, and how much I was liking this.

"Guys, seriously... How... How are we going to clean this up? I asked, pragmaticism being the last thing I could do at this point."

A sudden silence fell inside the dressing room. Both of them looked at each other, and then down at me, as I turned my head to look at them with worry. My mouth was smeared with saliva, precum and a bit of cum, which had dripped down onto my chin; my rear was oozing out with thick globs of Leo's sperm; my own length was a bit messy, and there was a noticeable amount of the white liquid on the ground; and worst of all, the dress had become a bit dirty. Drake scratched his head and Leo sighed, with a mix of exasperation and guilt.

"...Guys? You did think this through, didn't you?"

No, they hadn't. Of course not.


And so had started the long, shameful clean-up moment. It isn't too bad usually, but when you're trying to clean up the mess you did in a dressing room, the pang of guilt becomes a bit painful. Anticipating that some kind of lewd hijinks would happen, Drake had brought a pack of tissues, which helped with cleaning up almost all of the mess we had made. We got our members cleaned enough, my maw and rear as much as possible, and got everything off the ground and seat. What we absolutely could not clean and leave in good conscience though, was the dress : and so I had to buy it, in front of the two shameful Lucarios. The Mienshao must have smelled something - and I mean, how could she have not? - and she gave us what I can only describe as one of the most judgemental looks I've ever been given.

This special little date concluded, Drake and Leo accompanied me back to the bus stop. They had easily gotten me to stop my pretend pouting with soft kisses and insistent cuddles, and I happily indulged, giving both of them as much attention as I could in the moment we had before my bus came. I didn't take the first one, changing my mind before getting in, and went back with them, to their confused expression, to hug and snuggle with them some more, waiting for the next one to be there. Some people around us gave us the look, but I was far past the point of caring about it. So were the Lucarios. In the additional ten-ish minutes we had together, we sat together on the seat of the bus stop, chatting, holding hands, and generally being affectionate with each other. I had to force myself to get up and get on the next bus, waving them good-bye one last time before looking for a seat, a sad little sigh escaping me.

The next thing I saw as the bus drove off was Drake, on his phone, texting with a little smirk. I didn't think anything of it, until I myself received a text...

The text came from a certain someone I knew very well. A someone called "Kyrun", with several pictures attached, of my creampied rear and my length.

"I've seen what you do with other males. Looks like you and I are going to have to talk."
