He Hates Clothes - Part 1

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It was a bright and glorious Saturday morning in the big city. Many people were taking a break from the hustle and bustle of fast city life to wake up to a glorious day of not having to be at a place of work. Some were already exiting their beds and getting ready to start off the day. Some were busily rushing from their house to their car as they got ready to go on that special vacation they've been planning. Yes, it seemed like everyone was going to enjoy their Saturday with hopeful expectations and excited plans of happy debauchery.

That is, everyone except Clayton Brown.

The enormous brown bear was laying in his bed in his small apartment, trying to find a reason to get out of bed this morning. Though he did have the weekend free to do as he pleased, he found that he had no plans made and no one to share the morning with. Living alone in the big city and working a hectic schedule had worn Clayton down to the bare bones of zombie-like living.

Clayton wasn't exactly the partying type as it was. Being a hefty brown bear bachelor, he really didn't care to keep up a healthy and active lifestyle. While at a tall seven and a half feet, Clayton was packing the pounds at nearly one-thousand five-hundred pounds. Though shocking his weight was, for a brown bear, it was fairly an average weight for his species. Then again, he also came from a very weight-happy family as well, and even Clayton's mother might over-do herself on Thanksgiving dinners. Despite being a permanent shape of round and very burly in apperance, Clayton was happy with himself nonetheless.

Slowly peeling back the sheets that adorned his nearly nude body, Clayton slowly moved from his bed to a sitting position, emitting a very deep sigh. Wearing nothing more than a pair of white and blue striped boxers, Clayton groggily moved from his bed to enter into the bathroom, preparing to get ready for another day. First he gathered up his thoughts and made his way towards the toilet, quickly pulling the flap back from his boxers to relieve his bladder. Once finished, he then turned on the shower, checked the temperature, and closed the sliding glass door. Removing his boxers, Clayton caught a quick glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror. His fur was matted in various places from sleeping, and even his head fur seemed to still be in the shape from where his pillow wrapped around his skull. Sighing once more, he eyed his over-weight body a few times before shaking his head in dissapointment. Finally moving into the shower, Clayton quickly went to the task of washing himself up to prepare for whatever was in store for him today.

Showered, washed, dried, and groomed, Clayton finally exited the bathroom. Going from the doorway to the bedroom, he began to sort through what he wished to wear for that day. It was a nice August day with a small breeze, but Clayton opted for skipping on shorts and chose a nice large pair of blue jeans. As he slipped one leg into the sleeve of the pants and then the other, Clayton quickly realized he forgot to put on a pair of underwear. Shrugging off his decision, he simply pulled the pants up and fastened them. Button-up jeans happened to be his most favorite jeans, and every pair he owned were indeed button-ups. Throwing on nothing more than just a simple off-white t-shirt and a comfortable pair of sneakers, Clayton was satisfied with his dressing for the day. Grabbing his keys, cellphone, and wallet, he finally exited the small apartment and went out to find something to do for the day.

The city always offered something to do, despite how Clayton seemed to live without ever having anything to do. He travelled in his Hybrid, going to his usual stops along the way. First he made his way to his favorite sushi bar for breakfast, travelled down to the nearest Starbucks for a mocha iced coffee, then drove down to his favorite mall to find something to do.

Exiting the small car, Clayton stood up and took a moment to survey his surroundings. Cars were travelling on the roads quickly, buzzing around with things to do and places to go. Clayton was slightly envious of seeing some cars filled with more than one person. The bachelor life wasn't getting any easier from his unhealthy lifestyle, and he so longily wished for someone to come home to every night. Shaking his head at his own thoughts, he finally closed his car door and locked the doors before turning to the mall.

To the huge bear's surprise, before he even got a chance to take a step to the mall, he glanced down to find a shoe on the ground before him. Curious, he bent over slightly and picked up the discarded garment. He looked it over suspiciously, wondering why a random shoe would be in the parking lot. The shoe itself looked nearly brand new with its still brightly whitened colors and very clean shoelaces. Clayton figured someone would've noticed missing a shoe, especially a new one. Wondering who could've been so strange to lose a shoe and simply walk away was beyond him, but to be a good Samaritan, the large bear took the shoe with him inside of the mall. He figured turning it into the store's lost and found department someone would eventually come to re-claim their lost property.

As Clayton entered the store, he was greeted by the sight of all of his favorite things. It was a very strange thrift store, selling rare oddities and things of unknown origin and nature. Clayton especially loved this store since they carried a large selection of plus-size clothing. For someone of his stature, it was hard to shop at regular stores for clothes to fit. Seeing that the counter and till were left unoccupied, Clayton simply shrugged and decide to browse through some of the aisles for now.

As the large bear turned to walk down an aisle that seemed to be holding various containers of every kind imagineable, he was greeted by another shoe on the floor. To the bear's surprise, he found that this shoe was the matching pair to the one he carried in his large, burly paws. Bending over once more, he picked up the new shoe and looked them over. Both appeared to be nearly brand new, and barely contained any noticeable signs of wear or damage. It was almost as if someone put on a pair of new shoes and just walked right out of them. Finding it very strange indeed, Clayton decided not to go too into it. Holding the pair of shoes in his left paw, he simply went back to looking over the items on the shelves curiously.

Rounding the corner to go down the next aisle, Clayton was once more met with another strange and shocking surprise. Bending downwards, he picked up first one and then another sock. Looking the clothing over curiously, he saw the colorful cartoon pictures all over the socks, making them most obviously a child's pair of socks. Being completely dumbfounded by his strange stack of garments, Clayton stuffed the socks into the shoes and went along with his business once more.

Turning the other corner around to the next aisle, Clayton finally found another person in the store. It looked to be a simple red fox. He barely reached three feet in height and couldn't have weighed more than forty pounds. He was clad in a bright and colorful t-shirt and a simple pair of shorts, holding an old comic book in his paws as he happily read through the pages. Clayton made a quick guess and assumed the kid must've been somewhere around fourteen years old, seeing how he was dressed and the look in his face. Not wanting to bother a complete stranger, and a kid nonetheless, Clayton opted to walk down the aisle passed the boy to go and find something to occupy his time with until the cashier returned.

"Those are mine," came a voice behind Clayton.

"Hm?" he responded, turning around to see the fox looking at him.

"Those shoes. Those are my shoes," he said, removing a paw from his comic book to point at the shoes that Clayton carried in his paws.

"Oh? They are? Well I was just about to turn them into Lost and Found for ya, but now I guess I don't have to." Walking towards the small fox, Clayton extended his arm to hand the shoes over to the small boy but paused. He glanced down to the fox's feet, noticing how his foot paws were completely bare in the store. "Mind if I ask what you're doing walking around with no shoes on?" he asked curiously.

"I just don't like the feeling of shoes on my feet. I don't like the feeling of anything on me. I hate having to wear those kinds of things," he answered, leaning forward to snatch up his shoes from the large bear's paws.

"What? You don't like wearing clothes?"

"Nope - Never have. I used to get into a lot of trouble as a toddler, since I used to take my clothes off at daycare and run around naked. Boy, my parents were so mad at that!"

"Well I could imagine! It's odd to not want to be wearing clothes!" he responded with a soft chuckle. Forgetting his manners for a moment, Clayton extended out a large paw to the small fox. "Oh, my name's Clayton, but you can call me Clay."

Placing his small black paw into the large male's paw, the fox smiled happily up to him. "Andy," the fox replied, shaking the bear's paw happily. Removing his paw from the other's, he took his comic book and closed it back up before setting it back on the shelf. After tucking it neatly where he retrieved it from, he turned to Clayton with a happy smile on his face, obviously finding this male more interesting than the comic book.

"So where's your parents Andy?" asked Clayton.

"Moms at home and dads at work," he responded quickly.

"So what? You just came here all by yourself?"

"Yeah, I do it all the time. I have some money on me, but I don't buy a lot of things. I try to save my allowance to buy new video games and stuff. What are you buying here?"

Not wanting to admit to buying clothing for larger men, Clayton simply shrugged and said, "Oh, just shopping around. I'm just wandering from store to store."

"Oh! That sounds like fun! Can I go with you?" chirped the now excited fox.

Thinking it strange to have a child following him around, Clayton at first thought of telling Andy no, but thought about it for a moment. He did seem nice, and he didn't want to hurt the poor kid's feelings. Clayton always had a soft spot for a cute face. "Well, sure, I guess. Hey, if you're nice, I'll even buy you something," he added with a small smile.

"Oh jeez! Really?! That'd be great!" Andy said joyously. Jumping closer, the excited little fox quickly grabbed as much as his arms could wrap around Clayton's body and gave him a tight hug.

For Clayton, the hug was very awkward for him and caught him off guard. To his shock, Andy's face was pressed right into his groin, almost directly onto his balls. He knew the kid probably didn't realize what he was doing, so he patted his back softly and tried not to worry him. Then, thats when it happened. Clayton felt that familiar tingle in his groin and felt himself actually becoming aroused. It had been a few years since the large bear had been with anyone, so even the small touch was a great turn-on for him. Not wanting Andy to find out, he cleared his throat loudly and gently pulled the small fox from his body.

"Okay, Andy, lets go walk around the store for a minute," he said, hoping the small boy didn't notice the tension in his pants.

"Okay then!" he replied happily, swishing his fuzzy tail to and fro.

Walking down the aisle, Clayton found himself with a new tail. Andy was nearly right on his heels the entire time they walked through the store. He also noticed Andy was carrying his shoes, but never put them back on. He just couldn't wrap his mind around how a kid wouldn't want to be wearing shoes. After several minutes of walking around, Clayton took notice that now Andy wasn't even carrying his shoes anymore. Figuring the clever fox put them down or placed them on a shelf somewhere, he simply sighed and decided not to press the fact.

With Andy always close behind him, Clayton finally made his way to the men's clothing area. "Well here's some things I actually want to get. Andy, did you want-" he began as he turned around to talk to Andy, only to get cut short by what he saw. At some point where Clayton wasn't looking, it appeared that Andy had actually removed his shorts somewhere. Wearing only his t-shirt and a paif of Spongebob underwear, Clayton was beside himself with shock. "Andy! What are you doing!?" he snapped in a very hush voice. "Where's your clothes?!"

"They were uncomfy, so I took them off," he replied, sounding quite impassive about his judgement.

Quickly looking all around the store to see if anyone was watching, Clayton was relieved to find that they were the only two in the small thrift store and even the cashier hadn't returned yet. Quickly reaching out, Clayton grabbed Andy and pulled him close back towards the clothes so no one would see him. "Andy, you can't walk around in just your underwear! You have to wear clothes!"

"Says who?" he asked curiously as he was moved about.

"Says-... Me!" he snapped back angrily. "Jeez, Andy! Where's your shorts??"

"I don't know. I took them off back in one of the aisles. They're probably somewhere over there."

"Well we're going back there to get them, and you're going to wear them even if you don't want to!" Clayton said angrily as he reached over to grab Andy by his paw.

Nearly dragging the poor fox cub along by his side as they walked, Clayton quickly began to go up and down all the aisles they had just visited before to try and find Andy's clothing. It wasn't the problem of Andy removing his clothing and risking them both getting into trouble, it was the problem of having to see such an adorable looking boy parade around freely nearly in the buff. Despite Clayton being heterosexual, long days of not having anyone to touch and hold was making him desperate for a lover's tender touch. So much so that apparantly he was now being sexually excited by a clothes-hating toddler. Just the idea of it made Clayton feel dirty.

As they roamed up and down the aisles, Clayton began to find that he wasn't able to locate Andy's missing shorts anywhere. Frustrated, Clayton finally stopped and let Andy's paw go, turning to face him.

"Andy, now listen to me... You can't be walking around this store taking off your clothes," he explained to him in a hushed voice in case anyone were to overhear their conversation.

"Why not?" asked the curious fox as he stared up at Clayton with his large, loving eyes.

"Because people don't like that kind of stuff," he replied.

"But... You do," Andy protested.

Taken by surprise, Clayton gave Andy an odd stare before asking, "What do you mean?"

"Well, when I hugged you, your pee-pee got all hard," he responded innocently. "My dad's pee-pee gets hard when I take off my clothes and says how much he likes it, so I know you do."

Clayton could almost feel his face sink. He was caught red-handed by a child. "...Oh... You noticed that, huh?"

"Yeah, I sure did. It made my pee-pee get hard too," he said happily with a smile.

Noticing how Andy was always calling it a 'pee-pee' made Clayton question his previous assumption. "Andy, how old are you?" he asked curiously.

"I'll be eleven next month!" he chimed happily. "How old are you?"

"I'm forty-two years old," he answered, completely amazed at how young Andy was. Worse was how completely amazed at how much this little boy was actually turning him on. "So, you take off your clothes for your dad too?"

"Yeah, he insisted I do it all the time. He says I'm too cute to wear clothes, so I don't like wearing them."

"Well, Andy," he began, pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts. "I think I better buy you a pair of clothes; just in case you lose the ones you got on."

"Okay!" he said happily. "Will you pick them out for me?"

"Yeah, sure I will. Come on," he said, turning to walk down the aisle back towards the clothing. Hearing small pitter-patter behind him, he knew Andy was following him close behind once again.

As the two made their way back to the clothing section, Clayton began to peruse the children's clothing section. Glancing off to the side, he watched as Andy began to walk all around the clothing, not seeming to be phased by the fact he was nearly naked in full view of anyone who should happen by. The idea of it made the bear's sheath tighten up inside his pants. He watched the small and slender young boy walk around happily, loving how he seemed so comfortable just the way he was. Still, Clayton couldn't believe that he was now checking out a small boy, but couldn't help himself.

Picking out a pair of clothes, Clayton nodded over to Andy who quickly ran up next to Clayton once more. Walking the boy over to the counter and till, which Clayton was still amazed that there was no one working there, he glanced down to Andy curiously as he placed the clothing on the counter. From his small height, the counter only came up to Andy's chest, hiding his lower nudity quite well. With Clayton standing next to him, it also did well for hiding him from view as well.

Turning from Andy, Clayton quickly rang the bell on the counter and waited for service. From a small door in the back emerged a grungy looking teenager. The mixed-canine made his way to the counter and weakly smiled at Clayton as he took his clothing and started to scan it. To Clayton's relief, he didn't seem to notice Andy's half-nudity as he stood right before the other, which turned Clayton on even more.

"This everything?" the clerk asked Clayton.

Clayton could barely choke out a "Yes" as he began to rummage through his pockets. Pulling out his billfold, he quickly handed the cashier some money, watched him ring it up on the till, and extended his large paw to accept the change that was handed back to him. With a simple 'Thank you, come again' the clerk left the counter and made his way to the back room again. Clayton stuffed the money into his billfold and pocket as he carefully watched the cashier leave. He watched him walk the entire time, making sure he didn't glance back and see a half-nude child right next to him. To his amazement and relief, the cashier opened up the back door and walked inside, shutting the door behind him.

Hearing the rustling of the plastic bag that his newly purchased clothing was in, Clayton turned to glance back down at Andy. To his shock, he watched Andy shoving what appeared to be the shirt he was wearing moments ago into the shopping bag as well. Now wearing nothing more than just his Spongebob underwear, he was even more nude than before. Clayton could feel his erection pounding in his pants now, being so completely turned on from seeing the boldness of this ten year-old fox.

"...We should go," Clayton quickly said as he knew they should leave before someone would notice. Snatching up the shopping bag, he never took his eyes from Andy's body. He was so small and thin compared to himself. He had just the slightest muscle tone to his arms and legs, but for the most part he was very lean and healthy. The small package he carried was no longer abrupted by his shirt and shorts, and Clayton could just barely make out the outline of his small fox balls. His bottom was so very rounded and perky, it made Clayton wish he could reach out and caress it lovingly. Still, Clayton new they had to leave, for fear someone might see them.

Walking towards the door, he watched how Andy stayed right next to him the whole time, not seeming to have a single care in the world about being naked. Opening up the door and stepping outside, Clayton quickly looked around to see if anyone was outside that could catch them. Seeing the world pass him by in a blur of city living, Clayton new that no one would be paying attention.

"Thank you for the clothing," came the small fox voice at his side.

Glancing down to Andy, who was smiling brightly up at him, Clayton couldn't help but smile in return. "It was my pleasure," he said. "So, your dad makes you walk around without your clothes on?"

"Yeah, he really likes it when I do. He spends a lot of money on buying me clothes because I keep taking them off everywhere we go," he responded nonchalantly.

Wondering what kind of relationship Andy had with his father, he pressed the subject on further, despite having the realization that he was standing outside in full public view with an underwear-clad minor. "So, what else does your dad do? Does he ever touch you when you take off your clothes?"

"No, not really. I do see him with his paws in his pockets touching his pee-pee a lot," he replied innocently, seeming to not realize what his father actually does.

"Oh, I see. Do you ever want him to?"

"Yeah, all the time. Just like how I really wanted you to be touching me this whole time too."

Feeling like Clayton nearly came in his pants right then and there from Andy's words, he couldn't believe his luck. Smiling brightly to Andy, he nodded happily to his words. "Maybe I will later. Come on, I should take you home."

As Clayton turned with plastic shopping bag in paw, he started to make his way towards his car. Strangely, he didn't hear any other steps but his own. Turning around, he saw how Andy stood at the door of the building staring at him. Wondering if something was wrong or what Andy wanted him to do, he watched as the pup's paws slowly began to move towards his waist. Grabbing the waistband of his underwear, Andy very slowly bent down and carefully dragged his underwear to the ground before stepping out of them. As he stood up, he smiled deviously to Clayton, as if being cocky about what he had just done.

Running slightly to catch up, Clayton watched Andy's now completely naked form come running up towards him. His developing sheath looked very much swollen, knowing that Andy must be as turned on by his actions as Clayton was. As the fox stood next to him, Clayton very obviously looked the boy up and down, oggling his form for a moment with a wide smile. As the two made their way to the car, Clayton used the beeper on his key ring to unlock the doors for the two of them. Sitting in the driver's side, he watched how Andy hopped into the passenger's seat and smiled up at him the whole time. Placing the key in the ignition, Clayton started the car and threw it into reverse, driving off down the busy roads.

It seemed since everyone in the city was too busy with their own lives, none of them seemed to pay any attention to the two. Clayton was having problems keeping his eye on the road as he kept glancing down to Andy, who was sitting comfortably nude and staring out the window to look at all the buildings. He saw how his sheath was still swollen, and now from his sitting position, a small bit of his fox member was poking out. Trying to occupy their time, Clayton asked for Andy's address and listened to the small boy explain in detail how to get to his house from where they were currently at. As the fox explained in detail every direction they had to go, Clayton tried his best to pay attention to traffic, follow his directions, and eat up the boy's nude body before him.

"So, Andy, you said you wanted me to be touching you?" he asked, just wanting to hear the answer once more.

"Yeah! You can do it even now if you want!" he said rather happily.

"Well, maybe later... I'm driving right now," he pointed out.

"Oh... Okay then..." he replied, actually sounding dissapointed.

"Hey, Andy, did you maybe want to touch me too?" he asked, hoping he wasn't pushing his limits.

With his eyes going as wide as saucers, Andy quickly asked excitedly, "Really?! You'll let me?!"

"Yeah, but Andy, you gotta listen to me on this... No one can know about this, alright? We're going to keep it between us and us alone. Our little secret from now on, okay?"

"Okay yeah!" he responded quickly. "Can I see it?!" he asked excitedly.

Turning to Andy with a look of shock on his face, he began to wonder how they could manage this. "Well, Andy, it's kinda hard to do that while driving. Hm... Why don't you just come and sit close to me and you can feel it, alright?"

Not needing any other encouragement, Andy slowly scooted from his seat to sit down upon the arm rest between the two seats. From here, Andy was in total view and sight of every single car around them. To try and hide some of it, Clayton wrapped his arm around Andy's waist and held him close, loving the feel of his naked body on his paws. Running his thick fingers through Andy's fur, he was surprised to hear slight whimpering from the small cub.

"I can't reach from up here!" he moaned out sadly. "Can I sit in your lap?"

"Oh? Oh, yeah, sure!" Clayton replied happily.

Helping the small boy move from his spot into his lap, he had Andy sit down directly onto his groin with his legs dangling between his own legs. Leaning back, Andy rested his back against Clayton's thick and heavy stomach, getting himself comfortable.

"Hm, this is nice," Andy replied happily. Wiggling around a little bit, Andy began to giggle loudly before turning his head to look at Clayton. "Hey! I can feel your pee-pee! It's really hard!"

Chuckling loudly, Clayton only shook his head at the other. "Yeah, well, it got hard from watching your cute body in the store, and now here I got you naked and in my lap, so of course its going to be hard."

"Really? It got hard from me?" he asked, looking as if he was honored that he could do that to Clay.

"Yes, yes it did Andy. You got me really hard."

As the two finally came to their first stop light, Clayton began to look his situation over. With both arms on either side of Andy's body, he was doing well to cover him up with his own body, so it was hard for people to even see. At the stop light, Clayton watched as a bike messenger pulled up right next to his window and placed an arm to the roof. He didn't seem to be taking notice to anything going on in the car as he was anxiously waiting for the light to change.

At seeing how the messenger was so close that he could just look down into their window and see Andy naked and in his lap filled Clayton up with an incredible sense of lust. He felt so over-powered by Andy's nudity and bold actions that he felt like he could cream his pants right then and there. Removing his left paw from the steering wheel to Andy's chest, he pulled the small fox closer as it ellicited a small murr of content from the little boy.

"You see this biker here?" Clayton asked Andy in a hushed, lulled voice. "He doesn't see you naked. He doesn't see your cute little body, your adorable little face, or your hard little pee-pee. He doesn't see my hard pee-pee either, and doesn't even know how much you're turning me on right now." Growling low and deep, Clayton gripped his fingers through Andy's soft little fur. "He's so unlucky that he can't. Damnit, Andy, your cute naked butt is right on top of my rock-hard cock. Damn I feel like I could cum any second." Leaning his head down, Clayton placed his mouth right behind Andy's ears, whispering to him low and deep. "You feel that? You feel how hard my cock is? I'm so fucking hard right now. Oh how I love your cute little butt sitting right on it. You know what? Some day it's going to be inside of you - That's right, I'm going to have my cock inside your cute little ass one day, and I'm going to pound you silly. I'm going to fuck you so red and raw Andy, I'm not even kidding..." Squeezing the boy tighter, he grunted and growled once more before slowly loosening his grip on him and sitting back up. "I just can't wait to do that. It's going to be so good."

While listening to all of this, Andy was eating it up lovingly. He's only heard about sex a few times before, but was always curious about it. As the two of them drove off after the light finally turned to green, Andy's mind was a racing with a thousand thoughts and questions, but mostly his small member was throbbing with the idea of Clayton actually doing all those things to him. "What's 'cum' mean?" he asked curiously after a moment of silence.

From the affects of his incredible lust-filled rant still lingering, Clayton thought about Andy's question for a moment. He wanted to explain to Andy what it was and how it happened, but thought he should come up with a better explanation just for his own enjoyment. "Cum? That's uh-... That's milk that guys make."

"Guys make milk too?! I thought only girls do!"

"Yeah, girls make milk for the babies, but guys make milk for little boys only."

"Really? So you can make milk for me?"

"I sure can. You can have as much milk as you want."

"Can I have some now?"

Clayton just smiled to himself at Andy's question. "No - Not today."

"Awww come on! Please?! I'm really thirsty! I want to drink some of your milk!"

Clayton's smile only got wider the more Andy asked for it. 'That's right my little cum-slut in training - Beg to drink my cum like the dirty little whore you are,' he thought to himself inside his head. "I said not today Andy... How about I show you how to make milk?"

"Okay!" cheered the happy little fox happily.

"Alright... Just wiggle your little bottom around into my pee-pee. If you do it enough times, it's going to make milk."

"Really? Milk comes from your pee-pee?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah. It's really good milk too. You'll like it."

"Okay then!" he said happily. Wanting to see Clayton make his 'milk' for him, Andy began to do exactly as he was told. He began to move his nude bottom all around Clayton's lap, wiggling around happily to rub into his groin.

Groaning in pleasure, Clayton moaned out loudly as his trapped cock was being manipulated by Andy's sexy movements. "That's a good boy, Andy... Just keep doing that..."

Feeling so happy about being encouraged for his actions, Andy began to grind into Clayton's lap the best he could. He wanted to make the bear so happy so he continued to go faster and harder. Clayton's groin was throbbing in pleasure underneath Andy's bottom. The large bear was moaning like a banshee more and more as the small fox continued on. Very soon he felt that familiar tickle inside of his balls and could feel his orgasm riding. Gripping the steering wheel with all his might, Clayton began to pant and wheeze heavily as he felt his orgasm coming on. Groaning louder and louder, Clayton finally let out a loud and short scream, tensing up as he felt his cum flowing into his pants.

Stopping as soon as he heard a scream come from Clayton, Andy curiously glanced back to look up at him. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, hoping that he hadn't hurt Clayton.

"N-no, you did everything just right," Clayton responded back breathlessly. "Oh, and look. You made my pee-pee spray milk."

Quickly sitting off to one side, Andy glanced down to the rather large wet spot growing all over Clay's groin area. "Oh wow! You can make milk!"

"Yup! And you can too someday. Maybe tomorrow I'll let you drink it."

"Really?! That'd be great! Yeah! Let's do that!"

"Alright Andy, we'll do this again tomorrow." Pulling up his car down one last street, he curiously glanced around at the surroundings. "So, here we are. Which building do you live in?"

"That one," Andy said, pointing at a rather large skyscraper.

At Andy's words, Clayton suddenly grew a very worried look upon his face as they came up to the building. "Okay then. Andy, put your clothes back on," he said as he helped the small fox from his lap into his seat. As Andy was getting dressed, Clayton pulled into the familiar parking garage and got out. Not wanting Andy to walk alone, Clayton walked Andy towards the doors and then into the building.

"Okay Andy, which floor are you?" he asked as the two arrived at the elevators; Andy quickly running to press the 'Up' button. 'Top floor... Top floor... Top floor...' Clayton quietly thought to himself in frantic curiosity.

"Penthouse!" he said happily with a bright smile.

Suddenly, Clayton froze up at Andy's words. "Penthouse?... That's... The top floor..."

Not saying anything else, the two boarded the elevator and road it all the way to the top. As soon as the doors opened, Andy ran barefoot from the elevator over to the rather large doors at the end of the hallway. With Clayton slowly walking behind, he finally stood at the door and gave it a few knocks with Andy nearby.

As the doors opened up to reveal a confused looking older woman, Andy brushed past her and ran inside quickly. The older fox glanced to Andy then over to Clayton, giving him a strange look. The older woman was dressed in over-sized jeans with a much too large hooded sweatshirt covering her top. With fraggled, messy hair, and a pair of greying eyes behind thick bottle-frame glasses finally asked, "Can I help you?" in a very curiously non-caring way.

"No, no, I was just down at the thrift store and offered Andy a ride back home. I just wanted to see that he got inside okay," Clayton responded.

"Uh-Huh... Well, thank you then, sir," said the mother fox as she began to close the doors.

"Oh, and uh, tell William that Clayton says hello for me as well, would you?" he said, quickly turning from the doors to walk down the hallway towards the opened and waiting doors of the elevators.

Stopping, the fox opened up the door quickly from Clayton's words and called down to him from her doorway, "Oh? You know Wiliam? Are you one of his employees?"

"Oh, no ma'am," he answered, trying his best to contain a smile that he was trying to hold back--laughter that has been trying to escape his mouth ever since he realized where Andy lived. "He's my brother."