
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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The famed hunter Gregory Lockley lived an unusual lifestyle given his own wife is a reindeer. With a solution to turning Noel back into a human all seems well this Christmas eve, except Gregory finds himself the subject of his own changes with no idea why!

This is 2020's Christmas story- to find out how Noel turned out this way check out 2019's story Bon Noel.

(M TF Polar Bear)

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the manse, its masters were still stirring, awaiting a second chance. Exactly a year ago today Duchess Noel Lockley moved into the manse with her famed husband Gregory, but there had been a terrible blizzard that night and their home is a good ways out from the town proper.

The sole servant still on call in the main hall straightened at the sound of the hollow clacks on the marble floor approaching. "Noel, good to see you again but whatever are you doing up so late? Have you trouble settling?"

She paused a moment, looking at him but unable to think of what to say. She just snorted and half-nodded. Her answer was too complex to say without words, and she lacked the ability to speak. As Noel walked past her servant toward the banquet hall her hooves continued to clack on the floor and echo in the mostly empty halls at night. Their horse had gotten spooked and ran off during that blizzard leaving Noel and Gregory for dead in the cold, but Noel used a magical family heirloom to wish her way out of the situation. The solution however, was to turn her into a new mount to pull the sled! The first Duchess of house Lockley- is a reindeer! Her broad cloven hooves were braced in gold filament shoes. Her huge U shaped antlers were webbed in tiny gold chains connecting jeweled bands slid over the tines. She had a green and white shawl of light, elegant braided cloth draped over her shoulders. Her fur was particularly bushy and more grey than brown since it was the middle of winter once again- cold could do her no harm. Reindeer hooves were quite broad compared to normal deer to act as snowshoes- stepping on and crushing down snow rather than sliding through it. The huge bushy fur hanging from her neck and chest was especially soft, because she liked to get it brushed so her handmaidens brushed it often; making it downy soft. It was difficult for her to properly clean all her fur, especially in the winter because it was made to be water retardant- reindeer float. In addition to the thick undercoat protecting them from any and all cold, the outer layer of fur have hollow hairs to allow bouyancy as reindeer migrate across rivers often in search of food in harsh climates. Noel entered the banquet hall for only a few minutes and left, glancing around.

"Excuse me m'lady, but would you be looking for the heirloom amulet?"

She quickly nodded.

"Lord Gregory has it at the moment m'lady."

Only those who shared Noel's blood can see a small star in the jewel on the heirloom amulet, which indicates they can make a wish on it. Noel could no longer see the star because her wish was used turning her into a reindeer so they could escape the blizzard a year ago. This meant she could not use it again to turn back- the amulet only worked once for each person. It complicated matters when Noel turned out to be pregnant- they were not sure if they should call a doctor or a vet to deliver her child. In spite of being a reindeer, she still gave birth to a baby HUMAN boy. It took them a year to track her relatives, and find out who possessed the amulet before it passed down to Noel as a wedding gift. Anyone who had it before; they could automatically assume had also used the amulet's wish and thus could not help them. They finally found an uncle of hers that never had the amulet and invited him to a Christmas banquet. He could use the amulet to wish her back into human form. Noel wandered upstairs looking for her husband and found him whispering a lullaby to their son Willis in his crib. He tapped the mobile hanging over his crib to spin it slowly for him and Noel spotted the heirloom amulet in his hand- the chain wrapped around his hand several times. Her pink boxy reindeer nose let out a jet of air in a sigh of relief. She thought she misplaced the amulet and was getting paranoid she would not find it for tomorrow, but Gregory was already making sure it was close at hand. The baby's room was carpeted for many reasons, one of those being so Noel could check on the baby without waking it up with her hooves clopping on the floor. She snuck around Gregory and nudged his hand out of the way with her cool wet nose, then nodded toward the bedroom with a flexing of her brows. Her eyes were a beautiful ultramarine- reindeer eyes change color depending on the season. Winter lasts longer in the north, and thus there is more dark than light and their eyes need to adjust. In the winter a reindeer will have blue eyes, in the summer their iris turn gold. Gregory smiled as he seen her tail flick up as well, telling him she was up for some 'reindeer games' back in the bedroom in a while. For now, she undid the latch on the side of the crib to let down one side of it, so she could climb up and place her front legs on the opposite wall of the crib, dangling her four soft ebon teats by the baby who promply rolled over and took one of her teats into his mouth and started to feed. Siberian caribou milk- good stuff.

Gregory wandered off toward their bedroom in no particular hurry- Noel would probably be with the young lord for a while. He was feeling quite warm oddly- usually the halls were always at least a little cold in the winter. When Gregory entered their bedroom he really started to get hot, since the fire was lit. With his child all snug in his bed, while visions of his mobile danced in his head. Gregory felt a mild pressure in the ends of his fingers and looked at his hands to see his nails thickening and becoming much sharper, and much longer. What was doing this to him? No one could sneak up to their manse- it was surrounded by fields of snow, the guards would see them coming from a mile away. No one in the manse knew anything about magic. He stumbled a bit as his entire body shifted in size, catching himself on the back of a couch that faced the bedroom fireplace. More of his arms was seen past his sleeves, and legs out of his pants. His outfit pulled tight as he got bigger and taller, becoming giant quite quickly! What was it doing to him, and why?! He grit his teeth and groaned as he could hear his bones groan and pop inside of him having to re-shift to match the growth. His lips turned glossy black and the base of his nose started to lift a bit as his jaw stuck out a bit more, and the end of his nose became cold and wet, and matched his lips with their new black coloration. His hands grew in size even more than the rest of him, and his claws continued to grow giant like talons. His thumbs became longer as well, making them closely resemble his fingers. The palms of his hands inflated with extra thick, plush black skin. When he turned his hands to look at the bottom he immediately recognised the print and a moment after put together what must have happened.

The only magical item in the manse that could do this was the amulet he had wrapped around his wrist, sitting in his right hand, er... paw. But he would not wish this on himself and even if he did, he is incapable of using the amulet. Willis however is. One of the animals on the mobile above his crib is a polar bear. He is only three months old- he did not know better. When Gregory was touching Willis he had the amulet in his hand as well- so Willis unknowingly used his wish from the amulet, likely wishing that his favorite animal was there. Gregory was turning into a polar bear! He was turning from one apex predator to another. Aside from humans- polar bears are the last link in the food chain. They eat whatever they want- nothing eats them. Black bears are pretty big to humans, but grizzly are big to them, and polar bears are big to grizzly. Gregory hunched over placing both growing paws on the couch to brace himself and the back of his shirt shredded open as his body continued to grow. Gregory was starting to have a hard time breathing because his clothes were strangling him. As he groaned from the changes he could tell his voice was getting deeper and deeper. The room became far too hot for him. He dug his claws into the front of his shirt and shredded it the rest of the way off, seeing a thick mat of white hair already grown across his chest. Bears are omnivores so his back teeth remained blunt, but his front teeth grew large and sharp of tearing into prey. He quickly grabbed into his pants with his giant claws and ripped them to shred as well- they were tight but there was no single point of contenstion that would allow them to rip off on their own. His feet grew huge like his hands, but the claws on them shredded their own way out of his socks long before the pressure built against the fabric. His pubic hair had already become dense and white, turning into more fur and spread over his balls and most of his crotch and was starting to trail up in his underside. His penis stretched larger and became fully erect in spite of himself, simply due to the changes working their way through. While it got longer it did not get thicker- for the size of the animal bears actually have rather small endowments. The glans seemed to turn upward while the head flattened out, giving it an enlarged blunted end. There was a thicker fold of skin just above where a furry sheath formed at the base where it folded back in on itself. He almost felt like he was getting a second boner as a new wave of extreme stiffness filled it but stopped just before exiting the sheath. He did get another boner in a sense; he grew a baculum- a penis bone. Many animals with sheaths have them- they do not extend into the visible part of the shaft and are just there basically to guide the phallus out of the sheath.

His tail bone bloomed into a small ball of fur and the fur started to trail up his back now too. A bear's tail is basically nothing more than a lump. His teeth continued to grow larger, forcing him to grit his teeth and then his skull started to stretch out to accommodate it all. The shape of a bear skull is actually quite similar to a canine but a bit shorter and a bid broader. His voice was now thunderously low. His hair shortened and thickened turning into fur as it spread quickly across his head. His ears shrank into almost perfect circles. His neck thickened a bit and grew a bit longer, but it was hard to tell its actual shape because his fur grew down it quite bushy, obscuring its form and making the transition to torso more gradual. Even still Gregory grew in size, now having to get down onto the floor on all fours. He was so large now that bracing his weight on the back of the couch will just topple the entire couch. Unlike many other pawed creatures, bears are not digitigrade. Ungulates stand on their toenails, digitigrades stand on their digits- bears are plantigrade; their whole hand and foot rest flat on the ground. Gregory let out a grumbling roar as his limbs buckled a bit and his body weight increased. Bears wear their fat around the outer layers of their body like armor- protecting them from the cold. This makes them look deceivingly chunky, since the fat layer obscures the muscle below- but rest assured, bears are plenty muscular. At the same time his face and skull finished stretching to its full length his torso bulked up large. At first it looked like his gut became hugely fat, but then his chest cracked and expanded huge. His chest growing large also grew the organs within, which caused him so suck in air involuntarily in a long deep breath to fill his expanded lungs. Gregory's rib cage started to expand downward, taking up most of the space on his torso making it more barrel shaped and bulkier overall- causing his momentarily enlarged gut to suddenly simply match everything else.

His now fully changed penis started to slip back into its warm fuzzy home as he bucked his hips from an inward pressure. It felt like there was a vacuum somewhere deep in his loins a moment before his hips popped and shifted drastically. They did not become smaller, but did compact themselves and became shorter. When the shift ended he slowly straightened his rear legs again, just in time for his front legs to buckle a moment. It felt like his elbow joints came undone entirely making him afraid he was going to plant his face into the floor, but he did not slide far. The elbow joint moved farther up the arm, instead of being at the end of the forearm. This meant his arms could not be held perfectly straight, but still come close- it also meant his limbs were much better braced for impact which will help since he can only walk on four legs now. Granted, a bear can stand on two legs just fine and hold that pose as long as it wants- it still can't really walk on only two. Right now Gregory could definately not stand no matter how hard he tried. He finally stopped growing larger when he was as tall as he was as a human- while down on all fours. If he actually stood up he would be taller than the roof- he had no idea how he was going to fit through the doorway now without ripping a section of the wall off. Unlike many four legged animals, a bear's arms are not partially blocked by their own broad rib cage allowing them full range of motion with their arms still. A bear can hold and manipulate things with its front paws. This is thanks to one of the final changes to hit Gregory- his shoulder blades dislocated and shifted down, moving along the outside of the ribs to be nearly on the side of them- though they were positioned so the far end of the shoulder blades still met the spine. The white fur advanced across his entire underside and around his rear legs from his crotch. From his head it wrapped around his neck and down his back to meet the fur advancing up from the tail and covered his front legs. The two advancing fronts of fur finally met and finished wrapping him in the very warm coat. He had to go to the window and awkwardly pry it open to let in some of the frigid winter night air to prevent himself from cooking. Gregory was so huge compared to everything else the once huge luxurious bedroom felt very cramped and he had a hard time moving at all without smashing into something. He had been completely turned in a polar bear unintentionally by his three month old son!

Noel returned to her bedroom and nearly turned and ran back out when she seen the huge predatory beast with its head out the window, enjoying the cold air on his black nose. Gregory grumbled and mumbled while motioning his arms around and pointing to the pendant still hanging from his wrist- though it was not wrapped around anymore, his wrist wore it like it was a braclet rather than a necklace. Noel was able to easy see the beast was Gregory as soon as it started motioning around and she seen the heirloom. It was considerably harder to put together what happened, since neither of them were able to speak. It was a good thing her uncle was coming tomorrow- Gregory would only have to spend a night as a polar bear, while Noel spent an entire year as a reindeer. After the situation was finally explained, Noel shrugged and turned her rump to him, flicking her tail up again- indicating her previous offer still stood. Gregory grinned and went to mount her but instead had to indicate to her he would have to mount him instead. His body was far too large and heavy to come down ontop of her, he would buckle her legs with the weight. His erection already returning- this time from actual arousal as he plopped down on his butt and then flopped over onto his back entirely, having to shove the couch to the side to make room. Noel climbed up onto him- his fur and thick hide were plenty of protection from her hooves. She lowered herself, eyeing his searing hot prong between her legs to line herself up before sitting down on it. It was a little bigger and at least an inch or two longer than his old human penis so he actually filled her more in this form. Gregory let out rumbling moans of pleasure and Noel a higher pitch, hollow and nasely lowing in approval. It was quite an odd sight- a reindeer mounted on a polar bear. When she plopped her rump down over and over, Gregory could see her cluster of four black teats jostle around from the motion.

Willis slept soundly, and would be greeted by a wonderful surprise Christmas morning when his favorite animal would breifly visit him! Then before dinner Noel's uncle would arrive for dinner only to find that both his hosts were animals. He would have to use his wish to turn Noel and Gregory both back at the same time- since you were only allowed one wish, but as far as anyone knew there was no limit to the scope of the wish. For now, Noel enjoyed sleeping ontop of her husband- not even dismounting after they were done. He was so huge that spread out on his back like this Gregory was actually the same size as their bed, and his fur was lushously warm and soft. Gregory got to just enjoy being bigger than his wife again- since having her turned into a reindeer for a year meant she has been larger than he was for some time now. Tomorrow was Christmas and time to celebrate- and their gift would come in the form of a cure for their beastly forms. So for now, Gregory just enjoyed his time as the star of the north.

Bon Noel

Noel shivered in the whistling winds as snowflakes felt like pin-pricks against her red cheeks. Her husband Gregory had become a legendary hunter, amassing a small fortune from animal parts. He became so well known that he was starting to make even...

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That's A Stretch

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