Dog training
First time uploading something to SoFurry. Been told that this is the much better platform for posting stories so I figured I'd actually give it a go. I don't write very much, but if people like it, then why not?
The best way for Thilo to clear his head was a stroll. Tonight was a full moon and a crisp breeze fluttered through the air. The park was empty, letting him be alone with his thoughts. He took a deep breath, enjoying the sound of the wind through the leaves. That is, until a movement caught his eye. Looking down the sidewalk path, there was a Civet, smiling, tossing a pokeball up and down. It wasn't a kind of pokeball he had ever seen before, pitch black, with an eerie red seam. The Civet didn't say anything, simply standing in the shadow of a tree, his dark stripes, shirt, and slacks making him very difficult to see. Before Thilo could respond, the Civet caught the ball in his hand and threw it directly at him. He put his hands up to defend himself, but before the ball actually made contact, it opened up, and a bright red light poured out, swallowing his body. Red filled his vision, until it was all he could see. Then, everything went black...
There was a rush of air, and a loud screeching in his ears, the bright red light filled his vision again, making him close his eyes tight. The sound of leaves and wind was still reminiscent of the park, and he could feel the grass on his palms, but it felt wrong somehow. The bright red light dimmed and left things dark. Slowly his eyes opened, but once his vision returned, he was looking down at hands that weren't his. His digits were a darker, more hazel hue with a distinctly dog-like feel. Most likely due to the sudden paw pads below them. His stomach had a cream color to it. "Wh-wha...?" He sputtered out, confused, looking around, trying to sprint over to the edge of the water. He stumbled about, quickly falling as he realized his legs weren't the right length anymore. Crawling on his hands and knees to the water's edge, what stared back at his reflection wasn't his own face, it was a...
"Rockruff." A deep, menacing voice that chilled his spine caught his attention. He spun around to stare at the Civet, now standing before him. He had a wide, toothy smile, and his eyes were dark enough that they could barely be seen in the night.
"I'm not a Rockruff! I'm a..." He blinked and the word was just... missing. It wasn't in his head. He couldn't finish the sentence. Looking back at the water, there really was a rockruff staring back. There was a pitch black collar around his throat that he hadn't noticed before, reaching up to touch it. The Civet stepped into view, still smiling that grin, looking down at him.
"Rockruff." He said again, a sense of amusement in his tone as he looked down at the pokemon "I need to name you, don't I? How about... Percy." The voice had a sense of malice to it, as the letters manifested themselves on the collar.
The pokemon growled and looked away from the water, locking eyes with the Civet. "I don't know what is going on, but my name isn't Percy, it's Percy!" The rockruff blinked in horror. "N-no, it's... it's not... It's..." What was his name? He couldn't say it. He couldn't remember. It was like a blank hole in his memory. The pokemon looked down at his hands, flexing his fingers. It was like a bad dream. Nothing felt right. The smiling civet's eyes stared down at him, causing his breath to catch in his chest. He had to get away, had to run! Percy tried to run, but quickly found his muscle memory was conflicting with his new, shorter stature. He made it about three steps before the Civet spoke again.
"Stop." It was a single word, but in an instant, Percy couldn't move his legs. Couldn't move a single inch. The sudden stop in his momentum made him stumble onto his hands and knees. He tried to move his legs, but they wouldn't obey him. They wouldn't do what he wanted. The civet walked over with a casual stride, and then put a hand on top of the new pokemon's head. "Good boy, Percy. You already know how to obey." His tone had a malefic satisfaction to it. "Now, I'm sure you have a lot of questions in that head of yours. Lots of worries... But you don't need them. You don't need any more thoughts. You just need to be a good dog and do what I say. I'm your trainer now. And you will refer to me as 'Sir' from now on... well, for as long as you can."
"What? What do you mean 'for as long as I can'?" Percy sputtered out, pulling himself up to a standing position, wobbling backwards, but not able to step further away from Sir. The word stuck in his head, and he grit his teeth. He tried to think of any other word to call Sir, but every time he tried, that was the only word that he could think of.
"Well. Pokemon, in my experience, are excellent at learning things. But they are also quite forgetful at the same time. That's why they seem to only remember four attacks at a time." Sir explained as he looked down at the pokeball in his hand, his grin never once faltering. He pocketed it and approached the unbalanced rockruff, reveling in the canine's fumbling..
"How did you even do this to me? What happened?" Percy had to crane his neck back to look at the Civet who was nearly twice his height now. "H-how am I a pokemon? What is going on?" The fear in his voice was more than apparent and the feline was just feeding on every drop of it.
Sir continued walking forward, causing Percy to back up further and further, until his back was pressed against a tree. "Tell you what. If you are a good dog, and serve me with your mouth, I'll tell you everything." The striped Civet wasted no time in unbuttoning his slacks, and pulling his dick out into the crisp night air. The civet's member was already half hard, at least eight inches, with the tip of the uncut shaft barely an inch away from Percy. There was a valiant attempt to resist. Percy's body trembled and he balled his fists, but eventually, his mouth opened, and his head leaned forward, until the tip of Sir's dick was past his lips. His new canine nose could smell the feline's thick scent, and it made thinking much more difficult. His thoughts muddied even further when Sir rocked his hips forward, filling his maw with the pulsing rod.
"Feels good." The civet's tone was less asking and more demanding. His hand came down on the top of the pokemon's head, scratching at his ears teasingly as the canine whimpered, bobbing up and down the rod. Between his legs, the canine's member started to pull out of its sheath, just the tip at first, but more soon followed. The majority of his hot, pink shaft was tickled by the cool, gentle night air. "It's quite simple, Percy. Once you were in that pokeball of mine, 'you' were nothing but data. I simply altered the data so that you came out as the pokemon you are now." Sir's explanation was simple, completely glossing over the leaps that it would take to accomplish that task. "Not that you need to worry about that anymore. You're a pokemon now. My adorable, little rockruff. And you're already doing a good job on your training. I bet you can't even remember what you used to look like."
Percy's focus had been on the explanation of what happened to him. He'd been sucking on the dick in his mouth, even swallowing every drop of pre that spilled onto his tongue, but the final line made him halt. He couldn't. The canine couldn't picture in his head what he looked like. Every attempt only conjured images of that Rockruff in the lake, with the black collar around his throat. Sir pulled his cock out of the shorter pokemon's mouth, wiping it off on the brown dog's cheeks, prompting another whine from him.
"Come along, Percy. We're not done with your training." The Civet turned and walked towards the park bench. Percy followed behind, attempting to wipe the cock spit off of his cheek with the back of his hand, but that only smeared it around further. Sir sat himself down on the edge of a picnic table. Sir's shaft was still hanging out of his slacks, bobbing up and down in the wind as Percy approached obediently. Next thing he knew, the Civet's paw pressed against his face. "Go on, Percy. You know what I want you to do."
The Rockruff shuddered as he felt the warm paw press against his face, gently grinding against it. There was hesitation at first. He knew what Sir wanted, but didn't want to give him the satisfaction of... of being... well, he didn't want to be ordered around. Slowly the dog opened his mouth and dragged his tongue along the underside of the paw. One lick at a time as the paw continued to grind against his face. The second foot found its way to prop itself on Percy's shoulder, rubbing at his cheek teasingly. The few times that he could see around the paw, he was greeted with Sir reclining and stroking himself off.
"On your knees. Worship me like a good dog." The Civet commanded, pushing his paws more firmly against the Rockruff until he fell into a kneeling position, where Sir could more firmly grind into his face demeaningly. Percy whined as Sir switched his paws and he began licking the other paw. Lick after lick. "See? You love being a pokemon. My pokemon. Every second you Serve your trainer, you enjoy it more, and forget being anything else."
The dog whimpered at that. He'd lost track again. As Sir spoke, he could feel his own erection throbbing even more, the knot popping free of his sheath, pre beading at his tapered tip. He tried to focus on that morning. The afternoon. Before his walk with Sir. No! Wait, he wasn't walking with Sir, he was on a stroll by himself! But... everything was so hazy. No firm details. No concrete memories before looking into the lake at himself. In a sudden moment, both paws were pulled from his face, giving him just a moment of fresh air, before his eyes refocused to see Sir had sat up, pointing his dick right at his face, moments before unloading everything onto Percy's face. Spurt after spurt sticking to his facial fur, the scent assaulting his nose. Sir just smiled down at him when he finished.
"Mmm... You look good like that. Good dog." Sir stood up from the bench, stuffing his member back into his pants, and walking around behind Percy, the pokemon's mind stuck in a whirl of conflicted emotions. The Civet only made things more complicated as he knelt down behind the Rockruff and grabbed his wrist, guiding Percy's hand to his own shaft, stroking him with his own paw. "It felt good, didn't it?" Sir whispered into his ear, teasingly, menacingly. Percy couldn't tell if he nodded because he was supposed to or because Sir was right. His member throbbed painfully, desperate to blow his own load. His hand stroked up and down along the length, pre dripping front he tip, coating his fingers as he stroked faster and faster. "Good Dog." The Civet teased him again, but only with words, no longer touching him as he left Percy to continue stroking himself.. "Your training is almost done... I told you pokemon only can know four things at a time, right? You've already learned Obey, Serve, and Worship... There's only one more thing to learn."
Percy's heart raced in his chest. What was it? What was Sir wanting him to learn? Was he going to forget everything else? A long whine left his lips as his arm continued stroking, desperate even through the conflicting emotions. His head tilted up, trying to focus as he stared up at the moon directly above him. Sir leaned in even closer, a hair's breadth away from his ear, and simply said "Cum."
Percy let out a howl to the moon as that was all his body needed to hear, shooting his load directly into the air, splattering his lap, stomach, and the grass all around him. Every pulse was a pang of pleasure that rocketed through his mind, eroding away every thought that was left. Every gasp for air ecstasy as his whole body felt like it was glowing, changing again, conforming to his new role. As a pokemon. As Sir's pokemon. And he never was, and never will be anything else.
The Civet grinned, looking down at the Pokemon, a freshly evolved Lycranroc. The Lycanroc's red fur was covered in his white spunk as he knelt there with a big smile on his muzzle and his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He was kneeling in a daze, dick still hard and dripping with cum as it pooled between his knees. Sir stood up and pet his pokemon on the head. Percy blinked his red eyes to focus them onto the Civet. "Good dog, Percy. Let's go home."
"Roc." The Lycanroc said, standing up, following obediently behind his trainer, dick waving back and forth with every step. Not that he minded. His inner ruminations overridden when the civet playfully teased, "Percy, Cum." He whined as he came for the first time in his full, newly evolved form. He painted his front legs and the road white with every step. He had no shame. He was happy to do whatever Sir wanted.