wolf lust one.wps

Story by dragon layer on SoFurry

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Warning, this story contains domination and submission. All names are coincidental as this is a work of fiction. If you are sensitive to animal love then by a dog and read my story anyway.

My name is Alex, I am a wolf in the west Alaskan pack, and my biggest goal is to become alpha of my pack. I have trained for two yours to build my body for the task, and I feel it is my time to challenge the current alpha for his position. I had watched many males challenge the alpha over the last three years of my life, but our alpha was good, and he knew just the right way to dominate another male.

I put my nose in the snow and sniffed the ground for any traces of the quarry I searched for. I was along, not far from my pack, trying to locate an elk that had wandered through the packs territory earlier that morning. I caught the scent of something, but not an elk, and not one I had smelled before. I moved silently through the snow fallowing the scent. While chasing the scent I kept in mined how far I was straying from my pack, If I went too far I would get in trouble, but after fifteen minutes of slinking the smell become overwhelming. I continued to fallow my nose until I could hear the animal making the noise.

It was a strange creature walking on two legs and covered in thick fur, I had never seen a human before, but I had heard stories. I checked to make sure no one around and slunk in behind the human.

The human stopped and looked back at me, "What's this now? Did the doggy get lost in the snow?"

I did not like this tone, I crouched low and snarled.

The human slowly moved his hand behind him muttering, "Nice doggy, good doggy, that's a good boy." His hand came back into view holding a small piece of metal, I had never heard of such a thing before.

I braced my hind legs and jumped, my jaws gaping. A concussion ripped through the night air and a pain tore through my shoulder as it was grazed by,-- something. I clamped my jaws around the humans throat and, with a jerking motion, ripped it out. The hot blood in my mouth made me thirsty and I sated my thirst by drinking from the humans spurting neck. When I was finished I grabbed my kill and started dragging it back to the pack.

The other wolves were surprised by my catch, the alpha stepped up to me as I drug the catch in. There were six others in my pack, the alpha or Quickpaw, the alpha's mate or Silver, my brother is Dancer, two females, Trixy, Maroon, and a male I hated the most, Ferlin. All the wolves fallowed the normal grey look, except me, and that's because I'm half husky. I an ridiculed for this, that is why I was going to beat the alpha and take over the pack.

"Good catch, Alex. Most unexpected to find a human this far west." Quickpaw started stripping the clothing off the human.

I stepped back and allowed Quickpaw to do as he wished, "Thanks alpha, the human was no large feet." I crouched low to show respect to the alpha.

"If it was that easy then why are you bleeding? Did the half husky have problems with one human?" Quickpaw started on my kill.

The alpha and his mate always ate first, but I couldn't fully suppress the growl that rose to my throat. "He was currying some sort of rock thrower. If I had been slower he would had shot me in the chest."

The alpha turned for my kill and looked at me with blood running down his chin, "Are you growling pup? Do you not like the order in which I hold the pack?"

I didn't answer, this wasn't the time for my challenge, three members the pack were still out forging and they needed to be here. When I remained silent the alpha went back to his meal.

By the time the alpha had finished the rest of the pack slunk out of the woods and snow. They only had a small deer to add to the food. I listened to them exclaim on my catch.

"Wow, this is amazing, I've never had man before," This came from Trixy.

"Strange that a husky pup could get this!" Muttered dancer.

Ferlin always knew how to make me feel good, she said, "I don't care what he caught, the human was probably found dead. He isn't full wolf so he still has too eat last."

I thought about this, I was the lowest in the pack. If I was going to challenge the leader then I would have to gain more standing and respect. I refrained from eating, I wanted my body light. Ferlin stuffed himself on my meal, if I had given him a warning then he wouldn't have stuffed himself, but I let him gorge.

The rest of the pack was done eating, most the wolves were already laying down to digest. I skirted what was left of the human corps, walked up to Ferlin, and crouched low in front of him with a snarl. "Prepare yourself."

Ferlin stood up and laughed, he was only slightly larger then me, enough to decide most battles, but I was faster and he had eaten. "You challenging me, husky pup?"

The alpha watched with interest, "Tonight's going to be less dull then I thought." he muttered.

I ignored the alpha, "You going to refuse my offer and just hand me your spot?"

Ferlin snarled, his teeth bigger and more impressive then my own. He started pacing me, "You will not take my place, I will see you broken and bleeding and we will feast on your flesh by tomorrow morning. Your mother my be the alpha's favorite, but she is dead now."

I ignored the jeer. I placed one step forward and braced my hind legs for a jump. Ferlin saw me do this and he stopped pacing, crouching and ready for the impact. I twitched, faking a jump, he charged me mistaking my twitch as a jump. He rushed head long into me. I locked my jaws around his left foreleg, ripped off a good amount of flesh and danced behind him to clamp my muzzle around his tail before he knew what happened. He snarled a whipped around, only to stop and cry out as he lost three-quarters of his tail. Blood sprayed a crossed me face, the steam of it rising in the fringed air.

I felt a strange lust take over me and I tried to jump on his back, my sheath heating up and swelling. Ferlin bucked me off and turned on me, his teeth biting into my right foreleg. This added to the pain of the gun shot and the pain only helped my lust grow. I gripped his neck with my teeth, ripped my foreleg from his grasp, and jumped onto his back. I rapped my forelegs around his shoulders, he couldn't move, a put enough presser through my jaws that, if Ferlin did move, I would sever his neck and kill him right there. I was fully aroused now, my penis already digging into his fur, I paid no attention to the other members of my pack, who were all watching with great interest. I slowly moved my red tip down his body until it rested right on the entrance to Ferlin's body.

I had never mated before and although I had pleasured my self many times, lower pack members weren't allowed the luxury of a female. I thought I was fully aroused, but just the thought of dominating this pup made my wolf hood grow even thicker, I slowly pushed my hips forward, my sharp member finding great resistance on Ferlin's hole. I put force behind my hips and growled threateningly as my penis forced it's way in. Ferlin struggled underneath me as I pushed by self in, he bucked and cried for me to let him go, he was bagging, and every bit of struggle made the sensations even more incredible.

I went in as far as his dry hole would allow, then, tensing by body to hold him more firmly, backed out to the tip and plunged in again. I was able to fit more of myself in as my hard cock started dripping pre, and after five minutes of work I was tiered of not fitting. I pulled out to the tip, then I one quick move I rammed myself all the way in. Ferlin screamed as my hips smacked into the back of his legs. I relished in the scream and doubled my efforts. I moved fast into him, burying my penis deep into his hole with every thrust. Sweat started to cover my body, and a smell of fear whiffed off Ferlin as I bucked my hips. I felt my body build up, my knot started forming, a hindrance. I let my body build, let my heavy breathing fill the woods, I didn't insert my knot, yet. I continued to thrust into my partner until, with a fierce growl, forced my ever large knot into Ferlin's tail hole. At the same time I started to unleash my fiery into Ferlin I severed his neck with my teeth.

I shuddered and howled into the night sky as I pumped load after load of wolf juice into my prey, his death throes adding enough pleasure through my body to sent me over the edge once more without any work. I stood over the still, dead body, shuddering at the occasional twitch. I waited until my knot shrank and, with a sucking sound, pulled myself out of the dejects' body. I let the frozen air cool down my swollen organ, walked over to the small deer, and laid down to start eating. I looked at no one, and no one spoke to me. I could feel their eyes on me, and I knew I had crossed a line with killing him, but who would want to live knowing they had been dominated? I did the degenerate pup a favor, and he did me a favor as well, I could take on the world.

When I was done I cleaned the filth from my sheath, and the blood from my body. The smell of fear and my actions clung to my fur, the taste of dominance was crusted on my red tip. I savored the taste as I closed my eyes and passed into the most peaceful sleep I could remember.

The next three days were different then many day's had been. Dominating Ferlin in front of the other wolves had granted me a certain fear. The problem was, since I killed Ferlin, I was still the bottom of the pack members. This bothered me less then it had, the other wolves now showed a fear of me. Just to induce the fear I spent a great amount of time devouring my sparing partner, just to complete the job.

The alpha gave me a new respect as well. I had seen him during his few dominance fights, he always ended them the way I had, only he didn't kill his partners. The wolves that he dominated disappeared into the forest, exiled, and never allowed to return to the pack. I spent my time over the next three days of peace thinking of the best way to move next. My obvious choice would be to attack Dancer, he was my brother yes, but a dominance fight had nothing to do with mating, so it wasn't incest. I thought about this many times. There was a problem, the tare in my leg did prove to be a hindrance, the wound wasn't healing right and it was starting to smell like fetid meat. another problem, the alpha female started her heat two days after my battle, and my body begged to enter her. My first experience with sex was not the last one I wanted to feel. I pleasured my self many times using the memory of my battle, but it was nothing like the real thing.

Once again I was fallowing the scent of an elk in the snow. I chose to do this because I wanted to stay away from the alpha female until her heat was taken care of. We didn't need the extra meat yet, though I knew this hunt could take a few days or longer. Thick, green liquid oozed from my wound as I trailed through the snow. I felt weak and sick, the smell of the liquid nearly turning my stomach. I had seen living flesh rot before, the victim always lost in the end. I was sad that I couldn't complete my goal defeating the alpha.

My mind started to get cloudy, I looked at where I was, and didn't recognize my surroundings. I was on an ice lake, but there was no lake by the pack lands. I started walking again, the affecting me for the first time I could remember. I became tired, I had been walking for a long time, I laid down on the ice. I tried to curl up to preserve my body heat, but I was too tired for that, so I laid there and slept.

I don't know how long I stayed on the ice, but it seemed to be a long time. I drifted in and out of consensus and after a time I could no longer see with my eyes. The logic in which I had been raised no longer mattered, I saw things in my mind, wonderful things, ye all the worse for it. I knew I was dying, every breath I took was shallower, slower, and less. I could feel the life leaving me, I fought for a time, then I just quit, excepting that it was my time.

Then it happened, I was lifted off the ground by a strong force. A beast of some sort took me in its strong paws. I floated over that ground and thought, Finally, the beast of burden is taking me to the moon where I can live with the other wolves. I can see Ferlin again. It was good to know that I had a submissive subordinate waiting for me. I did not raise to the moon though, I felt heavy vibrations under me, and a loud growling noise. The seemed to move at a high speed and I slipped from this world completely.