January 1

Story by Dorian Grey on SoFurry

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#2 of 525,600 Minutes

Chapter 2

Reál awoke the next morning groggily to a loud thudding sound he did not yet care to place. The champagne bottle, still pretty full, sat on the nightstand beside him, with their two empty glasses, and Curdu's digital clock, reading the time as 5:30 AM. Reál awoke, as one sometimes does, in a state of panicked confusion, at not knowing where he was. Not knowing why, this morning waking up, he was in a different location than he had been the past night, or the night before that. It wasn't until the still sleeping Curdu, twitched at his side, did the events of the former night come flooding back to him. He had obviously accepted the invitation Curdu extended to him to stay over, and the evening had certainly been eventful.

They had repaired up the spiraled stairs towards Curdu's room, both stopping on the landing overlooking the huge and vaulting living room, and surveying the couch where their night had begun. It was only from here Reál realized the size of the room he had just left, and it easily comprised at least a third of the entire house. They paused, looking out for a moment, maybe hoping to still see their united shadows again entwined on the wall, by the light of the dying fire, perhaps in the one of the various embraces the had held that night. As they soon deemed that hope to be dashed, they turned to each other, smiling, as Curdu wrapped his tail around his partner's leg, and began walking off down the hall towards his room, tugging Reál along, and he chuckled at his friend's newfound eagerness.

Curdu's room was at the very end of the hall and was rather oddly shaped, and, for the lack of a better description, it was a triangular prism. The door through which they entered was mounted on the only square face in the room; the floor was the largest face, able to hold a comfortable double bed, an antique mahogany dresser and mirror. In the small corner of the room, where the two walls, the ceiling and the floor met, was a small paper covered desk with a laptop on it; this is of course not mentioning the array of clothes and other things that carpeted the floor. The other two walls sloped down sharply, leaving little room for any closets or posters to be placed about the room. It was small and a little unkempt, but neither really seemed to care or even notice.

Curdu placed the two glasses on the desk, and held the bottle between his bare legs as he popped the cork, shooting it wildly across the room, and managing to spill minimal amounts of drink onto an already dirty muscle-tee. The effect, though most likely unintentional, that this action had on Reál was at least interesting, if not amusing. First, Reál jumped, then laughed, then saw the small amount of creamy foam pouring from the larger secondary phallus between his lover's legs. His mind raced and he purred loudly, looking at Curdu with still some still unsatisfied lust.

Curdu noticed his friend's state and laughed, pulling the bottle out and setting it on the desk.

"Didn't think you'd get so worked up over a little froth coming from between my legs." Curdu teased his partner, as Reál's mind continued to race, sparked by the display that had just occurred, and he began panting, his blue eyes staring at his lover with a begging yearning, which Curdu was quick to detect.

A smile crawling across his face, Curdu turned his back on the purring cat behind him, innocently pouring the champagne, with his tail raised, temptingly showcasing his virgin hole. He could hear Reál's purrs take on a tone more similar to moans, as he desired his friend's heart and body. Curdu, feeling playful, and maybe, just maybe a little sadistic, kept the showcase on continued display as he now pretended to continue pouring the beverage, intent on driving Reál to the brink of lustful madness.

Curdu had pressed the right buttons.

He soon felt a heated presence looming close over his back, and put the bottle down, picking up the two glasses, and spinning literally coming nose to nose with Reál's burning blue eyes; the fire that had kept them warm in the living room seemed to have followed the pair here within the shimmering vessels Curdu saw before them. Curdu became both excited and anxious, wondering if he had pushed his friend too far.

From Reál's point of view, Curdu had nothing to fear. In all reality, Reál could have easily jumped the slightly smaller feline as he poured the drinks with his damnable lovely bare ass, the object of Reál's desire, positioned just a few feet away. Though Reál's instincts were screaming at him to jump the poor kitty and claim him in passion, something else in Reál, something he usually silenced and ignored was holding him. He didn't want to do anything to jeopardize this tender budding relationship the pair had. It was only minutes old, actually about thirty-five, the same age as the new year that lay ahead of them. Reál cared about the feline he was now standing muzzle to muzzle with, and, though his cock was in full glory, standing out as far as it could from his sheath, he found control of himself and took the glass from his companion, albeit shakily, and raised it in a silent toast, which Curdu reciprocated.

The both sipped their celebratory drink and stared at each other, both knowing what would soon occur, but neither wanting to rush anything. They were together and that was enough for the time being. The heat radiated from the pair, Reál's from his exposed black chest, and Curdu's from his unclothed lighter lower half, the two looking like a rather interesting living Yin-Yang, Their furs complimenting each other perfectly.

Curdu slowly put his glass down, still half full, and gingerly placed a paw against the member bulging between them, palming Reál's still concealed crotch, and causing it's owner to purr and lick Curdu's cheek with affection and tenderness. Curdu nuzzled the tongue as the sensation on his cheek, as well as the feeling of the warm rod in his paw, caused his own cock to appear from it's home. Curdu heaved a deep breath and spoke.

"Reál," he began, only a slight warble in his voice betraying the dance his nerves were doing in his mind and body. " I love you so much. I can't... I don't think... I don't know. There is no expression for you, for what you gave me. It goes beyond pleasure... beyond sex and orgasms... You really gave me something tonite I can never repay you for. You gave me my freedom; you let me express who I was. You gave me a piece of myself that I will hold and treasure, and I want to give back..."

Curdu let go of the purring feline's crotch and crossed to the bed, taking off any remaining clothes, and sitting completely bare and vulnerable before the one in whom he had placed his total trust, assuring himself of his readiness. He beckoned the lean black fur before him to come closer. His request was obeyed, as the form moved before him, standing extremely close, nearly on top of his lighter friend. Curdu turned over, nervously, and laid himself facedown on the bed, and then, rising to all fours, and he lifted his tail yet again. He craned his head to face Reál, again speaking to the dark form, now behind him.

"I'm ready Reál. No teasing from me this time... I meant to lift it. I don't hold it against you that you can't give it to me; it doesn't matter. We are here now. I am at the mercy of your experience, and I'm yours Reál ... always..."

Reál was astonished by his friend's acceptance, forgiveness, and openness. He really wanted to share this moment mutually with his friend, a shared giving of each other. He had blown that option, quite literally in fact, but that is not the point. Curdu was right. They were here now.

He nodded to Curdu, who turned his head away again, bowing it just slightly, unsure of what he was getting himself into, but knowing Reál would be the one person who could do it and mean it. He felt Reál's paw feeling the short soft fur on his hind end, and purred at his lover's touch. He relaxed slightly at the touch, his muscles loosening, and his nerves calming, even if only for a moment. He tensed slightly again, feeling the firm head coming up against his unclaimed hole.

"Reál... l-love... Just know that... well, I've never touched it before, even by myself for fun. Please... please be..." Curdu pleaded, his thoughts and voice trailing off.

Reál bent down over his friend, his warm soft-furred chest rubbing on the firm back beneath him, as he rubbed Curdu's shoulders tenderly, licking at the sensitive ears. Curdu moaned softly and raised his head and neck to meet the pink tongue.

"I'm ready Reál... really... take me... Just be--"

"I'll be gentle love," Reál responded, understanding entirely his partner's mindset and reservations. "I'll do whatever you ask. Start, stop, faster, slower, anything."

Curdu felt the tension mounting as the member behind him pressed more and more firmly on the hole. Curdu clenched his teeth and held his breath. He felt the pressure behind him growing, as well as the pressure inside himself as the head pushed against him. He let out the breath, giving his body just enough time to relax, and, unintentionally or not, he also allowed Reál to slip into his tight hole. Curdu tensed instantaneously at the sensation; Reál loved the pinching his member was getting.

Curdu's breath came in sharp gasps, as the pupils in his eyes narrowed to slits, and indeed it seemed as though the emeralds were trying to jump from their sockets, if only to give Reál that much more room in his body. Reál simply lingered in his hole, with only his head and maybe about an inch of his full length inside the feline before him. He knew better than to exploit his position, with Curdu pawing at the sheets, his claws putting little tears in folds of the fabric before he gradually became used to the meat between his cheeks.

Reál stood silently, again taking to rubbing the firm ass in his paws, to calm his partner's mild spasms. He bent over again, getting close to the ears and began purring, the sound having the desired effect of soothing his kitty, and relaxing him again; the sound reminded Curdu, who in turn, reminded his body, that he loved and trusted the invading feline.

"You alright? Can you take some more?" Reál asked, keeping still so as not to agitate anything in the situation. Curdu took a deep breath in response, and leaned his hips a little further back, his hole accepting more of Reál's cock, eating up another inch or two, as Curdu let out mewling whimpers; he was not fully accustomed to it, but he wanted it so badly. He showed his eagerness as best he could, as his mewling turned to moaning, and he rocked back and forth on the still stationary rod, taking again and again the same length he had grown used to.

Reál grasped Curdu's bucking hips firmly, guiding their rhythm, and holding them for support as he began to thrust into his love's now widened hole. Curdu's back bent downward, bringing his chest closer to the mattress below them; the arch to it was almost grotesque, but the flexibility it showed sent Reál's mind racing with future possibilities, and in his lust, he hilted himself in his unsuspecting partner.

Curdu gasped, well, more like half gasped; he took a sharp intake, making a small guttural sound, and froze. His arms soon gave way and his torso fell to meet the bed, his spine sloping curiously, up to his still raised rear end, now filled with the flesh of his partner. Curdu didn't know what to make of it.

He felt the tickling of something inside him, something Reál had hit right on the mark, pleasing him greatly; but he also felt a pain at his delicate insides being stretched as they were. The mixture gave him almost as much pleasure as the tickling did, and he was overridden. He purred loudly, claws shredding the thin top sheet below them.

"Oh God Reál... more... please... please more..."

Curdu scratched the begging kitty behind his ears and began pounding into him, having already claimed as much of Curdu as his member could reach. Besides, Curdu had asked for it... begging for it... Oh god... the sound of his friend's pleading was still ringing in his ears. Curdu had begged for Reál; Curdu really wanted Reál, and Reál wasn't about to refuse.

Reál thrusted again and again into his friend, feeling the tight warmth of the kitty's body as he pet and stroked Curdu's back with one paw, and held his hips with the other. They were both panting and moaning, gasping for air as the pleasures of somebody's first time washed over each of them, setting them adrift in a sea of ecstasy. There was, beneath Curdu's cock on the abused sheet, a small patch of wet where his pre-cum had dripped from his cock, and pooled in a warble on the sheet; it's scent drove both lovers to yet another higher plane, as they increase their tempo. Both of their bodies were near release.

Curdu actually came first. His mind was awash in thoughts, thinking, even as the elegant black feline pumped into him again and again. He was pleasured, in all aspects. His physical sensations were off the charts, and his emotional satisfaction was overflowing, having his best friend... no, his boyfriend... accepting the gift Curdu offered of himself, and in turn Reál gave him as much of himself as he could muster. Even through the musk and the smell of the two bodies' pleasured reactions, the scent of something greater than them hung in the air. This aroma tripped Curdu's mind.

"Reál!" Curdu screamed. He didn't need to say any more than that.

Curdu's whole body momentarily clenched, including his filled hole, as the orgasm ripped though his body, causing even small spasms in some areas of his form. He felt the sticky cream pump out of his cock in jets, onto the sheet below saturating it with sticky spots, the scent of his musk wafting through the air. Curdu's eyes rolled back in his head and his mind went temporarily blank.

Reál's cock felt most strongly the orgasm that set Curdu quivering. His member was pinched sensuously by the tightening hole, and Reál growled at the pain he felt from the sudden increase in pressure on such a sensitive area; it was more of a growl of pleasure though, rather than one of anger. His growls turned into moans though as the orgasm subsided. Reál's mind was possessed by the thought of what he had just set off in his friend, while Curdu's mind was just coming back online.

"Good kitty," Reál said in a calm happiness, bending down over Curdu, petting his relaxing back. "Are we happy?"

"Holy shit... that was... I mean... it just... you--"

"Aren't finished yet." Reál said, finishing his sentence for him, and reminding Curdu that though he had been fully pleasured twice now, Reál had yet to find his release. Curdu nodded raising himself up onto all fours again, bracing himself for what he was about to offer.

"Go ahead and fuck my brains out Reál. However you want," the happy feline panted, looking back at his lover.

Reál pushed himself all the way in, hilting himself in his moaning companion. He began to thrust into Curdu with a great fervor, accepting the feline's offer. His member moved in full long strokes with nearly the full length of the shaft brushing in and out of his tight hole, pounding it again and again. Curdu was moaning loudly again, feeling his insides being battered by the flesh moving inside him. Yet at the same time Curdu saw himself starring in the most loving scene he could imagine.

Reál apparently felt the exact same way. Even as his hips pushed into his love furiously, he bent his torso over Curdu's back, nuzzling and kissing it, rubbing his cheek on the fur all the way up to Curdu's neck, where he began kissing and licking tenderly. Curdu, purring and moaning, rolled his head contentedly as Reál worked.

These sounds, so close to him, were more than Reál could take.

Reál shoved himself quickly into Curdu, hilting himself yet again; the strength and spontaneity of the act cause Curdu to yowl blissfully at the feeling. Reál's body erected itself as he closed in on his long anticipated release; his head tilted back facing the ceiling, while his eyes shut tightly. His mind replayed the night they had spent; the moment only lasted an instant, but Reál relished every millisecond of it.

He saw himself and Curdu kissing on the couch, and then felt again the feeling of his cock within how muzzle and the warm cream sliding down his throat.

"Mmm..." Reál moaned.

He thought then of the tension that had built up in the very room he was in now, how he had been teased by his lover, and the feeling of the paw on his crotch, and then Curdu had presented himself, giving himself entirely to Reál.

"Oh God..."

His mind showed him Curdu's orgasm again and again. Reál flooded the feeling giving out the euphoria Curdu had experienced, two times that night, and on that thought, the thought of fulfilling another, his other's, needs sent shock waves through his body.


Reál's cock pulsed as it finally got its chance; Reál shuddered in long awaited ecstasy as he felt his cream finally escape his body, and fall into his lover's rear. The throbbing member sent out thick full jets, flooding Curdu with his love and lust. Upon feeling the warm liquid flowing into him, Curdu rocked back and forth on Reál's rod, clenching his hole as much as possible, and doing anything else he thought would milk Reál for a little bit more.

After a while, not very long in the grand scheme of things, but what felt like so much longer to the pair, Reál's powerful orgasm slowed and stopped. Curdu gingerly slid himself off the cock, feeling some of the liquid left inside him run out. The white cream was tainted with just a bit of pink, the spilled blood showing the intensity of their passions. It ran down his leg, reaching a surprising distance down his inner thigh as it stuck to and matted his fur.

They both laid out on the bed facing one another, holding each other in their arms. Both were immensely pleased with the evening, or morning as it actually was, and breathed slowly and deeply, almost sighing with each breath; aside from a little soreness on Curdu's part, neither of them had ever felt better. They nuzzled each other and kissed softly and intimately in short spells, as opposed to the deep passionate kisses that had led them to this point. Both had light purrs running in their throats, barely audible to the feline making the sound much less to the other; the both thought they were hearing the contented and happy purr of the loving body that lay in their arms.

"So... how about those drinks now?" Curdu asked after a long, peaceful silence. "It was the reason I asked you up here after all," he finished with a cheeky grin on his face.

The broke the embrace and reached for the glasses, both still with a good amount of drink in them. They clinked the glasses together again, in another silent toast, and drank, both finishing the glass in one gulp. Reál gathered up the glasses and bottle and put them on the nightstand beside the alarm. He took the lighter feline into his arms as they both drifted off to a well-deserved rest.

Reál snapped out of the pleasant memory into reality, the thudding his acute ears heard downstairs getting a bit louder. He sighed and kisses Curdu's forehead; Curdu twitched slightly in his sleep as a smile spread across his face, and began purring softly. Reál quietly slipped out of bed and put on his pants, walking downstairs to find out what the hell was going on.

As he reached the base of the stairs he realised the sound was coming from someone knocking, seemingly very impatient, on the front door. Reál slightly vain as he was, stopped at the hallway mirror to check his fur, brushing down the matted parts as best he could with his paw, before finally opening the large wooden door.

"Uh... hello?" Reál said before really stopping to think about what he saw on the other side of the door.

The visitor was an older looking grey wolf, dressed in a long and worn tan trenchcoat; Reál suspected that it had, at one time, been a dark brown and merely faded through constant use. He surveyed the wolf over, and had it not been for the police badge on his chest, Reál would have half expected the shaggy figure to flash him.

The wolf nodded curtly to Reál, a bit irritated it seems that it took so long to get any response out of the house at 5:30 AM, after all he was up, and had been for some time, and why shouldn't everyone else be up with him? He indicated the badge again on his chest, assuming that Reál hadn't seen it, simply to show his authority and that he meant no harm.

"Leon residence?" the officer asked in a gruff deep voice.

"Uhh... yeah..." Reál responded, almost giving it the inflection of a question. "Is something wrong sir?" He asked, understandably curious as to why he had been woken and why the policeman was standing at the door. He was reasonably sure they had done nothing illegal, and the warning lights on top of every police car, including the old beat up one that he assumed got this officer to the door, were not flashing. So... yes... yes he was sure they were not in any trouble, but that didn't help him too much, still wondering what was going on.

"You are Curdu then?" The officer asked looking the feline over, trying to look official despite his noticeable grogginess. He truly had been up and active for quite some time. "Curdu Leon, yes?"

Reál hesitated for a moment. He probably could pass himself off as Curdu to this stranger, without much trouble. He really just wanted to find out what was so damn important, and go back upstairs and go back to bed with his boy. After all this must be important and it's not every day a policeman stops at one's house, and this particular one looked like a higher-up. This thought of being an imposter though was fleeting. The policeman asked for Curdu, and Curdu he would get, not a lazy and tired replacement. Reál mentally chastised and scolded himself for even considering it.

"Oh... uh no... my name's Reál. Reál Philips. I'm Curdu's... friend, he's upstairs in our... err... I mean, his bed. Should I go get him?"

"Yes, please," the wolf responded, not seeming at all interested in Reál's relation to Curdu.

Reál stepped out of the way and shut the door behind the entering lupine. The wolf walked in with a slight limp in one leg, from either age or an injury; Reál thought both plausible ideas, but didn't care to ask. He pivoted and walked briskly off and up the stairs, leaving the visitor to wander about the cavernous room he had been let in to.

Reál slipped quietly into Curdu's room, and stood over the sleeping feline, curled up, having kicked most of his covers off. Reál, though convinced they were not in trouble, was equally convinced that something bad had happened, there was a cop in the living room after all, which rarely means something good. Reál ran a paw over Curdu's soft fur, feeling sorry to have to wake his friend from the peaceful slumber he seemed to be enjoying, and he wanted to postpone it as long as possible. He sighed and shook his head, realizing sooner or later really didn't matter and that the wolf would probably get impatient anyway. He put his paw to Curdu's shoulder and gently nudged it, wanting to ease him into wakefulness as gingerly as possible.

Curdu's eyes slowly blinked open, and as the haze of sleep dissipated, he smiled up at his friend, yawning. He put a paw to the one resting on his shoulder and rubbed it lovingly. Reál managed to smile down, though he felt noticeably distant.

"Mmf," Curdu groaned. "Bit early to be getting up isn't it? With our late and... eventful evening?" he said as he continued smiling at his friend, now nuzzling the foreign paw on him.

"I'm tired too Curdu, but there is someone downstairs to see you. He says it's important." Reál responded looking the part of tired very well.

Curdu's mind jumped to who it could be... his mind raced through possibilities. Friends... no not this early... family... no, no one would be coming to his house this early except his parents, who were due home by about 4 in the morning. Wait... oh shit... his parents. They must have caught the two in bed... they must know about the two of them now. Dammit... Curdu didn't want them to find out like this. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Oh well... at least he had Reál here for strength; it would be so much easier to talk to them with his boyfriend here. Yes. He was ready. He would tell.

True to Curdu's thoughts, Reál noticed the involuntary shaking of his love, as the frightened thoughts danced through his head, and he sat himself down on the bed coddling his Curdu. Curdu purred gratefully, melting in Reál's arms, as the two sat in a silence disturbed only by the soothing tones coming from Curdu's throat. They heard a loud cough downstairs, and Reál figured the policeman was getting impatient.

"C'mon Curdu, time to get up. I think just putting on some pants will do you fine for now." Reál suggested, letting him go, and considering making a joke about his stuck and matted fur on Curdu's inner thigh, but the somberness he felt and anticipated kept him from doing so. Curdu did as instructed, and, like Reál, pushed down his matted bed-fur with a paw before venturing out of his room and down the hall, expecting to see his mother and father sitting in the living room, though unsure of what mood he anticipated from them.

The officer had left, and Reál was a slightly glad of it. He sat Curdu down on the couch and went looking about the house for the officer. His behavior made Curdu curious, but he didn't get up: Curiosity killed the cat you know. He started slightly when he saw his love and the wolf come in from the kitchen, with the wolf holding a glass of water.

"I helped myself," he said. "Hope you don't mind."

"Oh... uh... no. Not at all," Curdu responded, wondering who the hell this guy was and what he was doing here.

"My name is Inspector Doyle, and I come this morning to tell you something important."

"Ask a silly question," Curdu thought to himself. He looked the officer over, noting his badge, and assured of his credentials he sat back to listen, Reál eagerly taking to his side.

"Would you mind asking your friend to leave for the time being?" Doyle asked. Nodding at Reál, not with hostility, but then not in the most friendly of ways either.

"Oh, well it's ok. He can stay. Actually I'd prefer it if he did." Curdu responded, his paw gracing Reál's whose heart leapt at his friend's desire for his presence.

"Very well, son, I have no problem with it if you don't, I was merely trying to--"

"It's fine," Curdu interrupted, not in the mood for rambling. "Please tell us what is going on."

The wolf seemed to hesitate, then sighed. It would be better if the kid had someone here. Doyle wasn't really the one with the people skills to handle this but he was prepared to if it was necessary, and he thanked God it wasn't so.

"Well, son, I don't know how to say this. Kind of a bad way to begin the new year..." the wolf said.

"Well what is it?" Curdu said, sounding a bit snappier than he meant to. "Uhh... sir." Good save. "Just come out and tell us."

The wolf sighed.

"Your parents are dead, kid."