Breeding like Rats - Part 2

Story by wolfshadow321 on SoFurry

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With the pups having been born, and with more possibly on the way, Cooper and Ren have to figure out how to get a handle on their rapidly growing family!

Managed to get this one in right at the end of Mayternity over at FA. Thanks for y'alls patience while I worked on this!

As always, any and all feedback is immensely welcomed and appreciated!


Day 2 (After part 1)


*URP* Retching sounds could be heard echoing from the bathroom. Cooper was kneeling directly in-front of the toilet, anticipating - waiting for the wave of nausea he was feeling to pass. It had been only two days since he had given birth to their litter, but it was already clear that morning sickness had overtaken him. Just around three weeks prior, the coyote had found himself with a new roommate in the form of a black rat named Ren. However, unbeknownst to him was that his new roommate was the subject of genetic experiments that resulted in a whole host of changes - and after the rat discovered that Cooper was a carrier of the rare 'Breeder' gene, this resulted in Cooper changing his role with the rat from roommate to just mate.

With the vision of starting his own colony of rats, Ren immediately set to work and impregnated Cooper shortly after their meeting, resulting in a three week long pregnancy ending in a healthy litter of seventeen pups being born to the couple. Since then, Cooper had prioritized becoming a good father, focusing primarily on how they would be able to support such a large family. However, Ren insisted that they continue to realize his goal, and mated with Cooper again shortly after giving birth.

The realization that their most recent coupling was fruitful brought about a feelings of mixed emotions for the coyote. Ones of joy and happiness that he was again pregnant and well on his way to bringing more joy into the world, but also ones of dread and anxiety... He had a brief amount of morning sickness with the first litter of pups, but nothing quite to this effect. More concerning, however, was that after only two days his midsection was already showing as though he were three-odd months along in a normal pregnancy - making Cooper anxious about whether the fertility medicine he had been taking was such a wise idea.

Unraveling a few strips of toilet paper, Cooper wiped at the corner of his muzzle, relieved to have gotten what he could out of his system. He threw the paper into the toilet, pulling the handle to make it flush. Cooper then got up and went to the sink - staring at his topless body and pudgy midsection in the mirror, wondering about the future before noticing a small drop of milk from his nipple as it trickled straight down into his line of sight on his belly. Taking that as his queue to finish cleaning up and to go tend to his pups, Cooper finished his business and opened the bathroom door to find his mate waiting with four pups, two in each arm, ready to hand over to the leaking coyote.

"These ones are seeming hungry for your milk." Ren said, as the black rat passed both pairs of their progeny into Cooper's loving embrace. "What were you doing in there?"

"Ugh, morning sickness, I think. I hope..." Cooper said as he brought the closest pup on each side closer to his teats to begin nursing, finding a slight difficulty balancing two pups in each arm. Had the pups gotten that much heavier over the past couple of days? It seemed like he could easily hold three, if not more, in each arm just two days ago when they were initially birthed. Each pup then quickly latched on and began suckling, eagerly slurping down as much of the creamy milk as they could. "I don't think I can afford to get sick. But at the rate things are going, I think it has to be our next litter..." as he gestured towards his rounded middle.

The rat took a paw and rubbed it slowly over the protruding middle of his lover. "Very good. You'll be fat with my rats again in no time. In fact, at the rate you're going, I bet you won't even be able to move before the second week is out."

Cooper suddenly broke out into a nervous sweat, concerned about his ability to prepare for the move to their new home if he were to truly be pregnant with so many pups... Especially to the degree where it could impact his mobility so early. "Do you really think th-- oh... Uh, Ren... where are the other pups?" he said as he looked past the large rat.

Confused, the black rat scratched his head. "They're asleep out in the living roo... oh," he remarked as he turned around and was suddenly cut short by seeing three of their litter crawling on the ground towards their parents. "Well it would seem that some of them are right here." Ren said, gesturing towards the pups that were slowly making their way down the bathroom hallway.

"This... this doesn't add up. I thought kids started crawling much later - certainly not after two days..." Cooper said as he tried to recall the mountain of books and resources he'd read over the course of his first pregnancy.

Giving a sigh, Ren bent down to pick up the wandering pups. "Perhaps that's the case for a normal child... but we rats grow much faster. It's essential that we mature quickly, as that's the key to our survival." as he began gently rocking the pups back and forth, sending them into a deep slumber in their father's arms.

Cooper thought intently about what his lover said as he switched the ratling pups in each arm so that the other pup could get their fill of his milk. Just how quickly were they going to grow? Was he going to wake up tomorrow and have an apartment full of 17 full-grown mouths to feed, all while pregnant with who-knows how many more on the way?! The reality of the situation sunk in, as Cooper finally understood the rate at which Ren was intended that they continued to multiply their family.

Practically dizzy from this realization, Cooper began to panic. "Ren - I... I think we need to get to that new house sooner rather than later." he said as he looked on worryingly into the rat's eyes. "I was thinking we'd have 17 small pups to keep smuggled until we're able to move, but as they get older they're going to need more space! They're going to start talking! We're already lucky enough that they haven't been temperamental enough to start crying all at once."

Ren again sighed as he turned around back toward the living room. "I'll see what I can do, but know that this is all new territory for me as well. We'll make it through, though. We'll get through this..."


Day 9


A loud ear-piercing screech could be heard as the large moving truck lurched to a stop before the moderately sized country home. "Finally here... I thought we'd never make it." Cooper said from the driver's seat as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Cooper then sighed as he realized that his milk-producing teats had completely soiled his white t-shirt, which he had worn on the very likely chance that this situation might happen. He opened the truck's door and looked toward the ground, where he then proceeded to mentally prepare himself to scale down the heightened side of the truck as he rested one of his paws on the swollen globe of a belly in front of him.

Despite it being just over a week, Cooper's middle had swollen to the size of an overdue twin-sized full-term pregnancy. Cooper shuddered at the thought that his current rate of growth was outpacing the rate of his previous litter by such a large degree. Part of him wished that the pregnancy was almost done... But given that there hadn't been any clear signs of movement yet from the pups within his gravid middle, he knew that he still had quite a ways to go.

Taking one paw and carefully placing it on the inside of the door, while continuing to support his swollen abdomen with the other, Cooper carefully stepped down onto the shiny plate of metal that provided a nice mid-way point between the heightened front of the truck and the ground. With one final huff, Cooper moved his other foot from the truck and fully dismounted his large frame from the vehicle.

Hands on his back, Cooper leaned back and shut his eyes as he breathed in the country air. It reminded him of his fresh start as he took in the moment of silence and solit--


Cooper jumped as he heard a loud noise coming from the walls of the inside of the moving truck. "Oh, right!" he said as he hurriedly waddled towards the back of the truck. After lowering the ramp at the back of the truck, Cooper inserted the key into the lock and un-did the padlock. Shortly after clicking the handle, the back of the truck was opened to reveal a multitude of tiny rat pups pushing each other out of the way as they raced to be the first down the ramp and see their new home.

"Slow down, slow down" Cooper heard a voice call out behind them, as the large black rat awkwardly shuffled his way toward the back of the truck. "About time, Cooper. The kids were starting to go berserk in there," as he looked on towards the bevy of children who continued to file down the ramp.

"Haha, that's alright! They just missed their daddy." doted Cooper as he found multiple of the pups come up to hug his legs, while the rest ran towards the front entrance of the house to begin exploring. "Hey, easy now. Daddy's very tired after such a long drive." Cooper said as he found himself unable to move as the more needy of his pups continued to cling to his legs. The pups had since developed to where they easily could have passed as a typical 5-year old kids, and had the weight and level of energy to match!

"Make that both daddies." Ren said as he hopped down from the truck, causing the floor to quake and the truck to squeak with relief as it shed itself of the particularly large rat. The pups hadn't been the only ones growing, as Ren had also found that his steady rate of growth had begun to catch up with their previous home. Standing at least 10 feet tall, the giant rat had previously found himself continually needing to crouch down - lest he hit his head on the apartment ceiling. In addition, his increased size made it very difficult to move around the apartment without making some kind of sound that would surely tip off the neighbors as to his presence.

Cooper shooed the kids away from his legs and then proceeded to waddle over to Ren before embracing what he could of the rat in a big bear hug. "Thank you for working things out with the previous home owner so we could move in early!" he said as he buried his face in the rat's white tummy fur. "We're going to be so much happier here, I just know it." Disengaging from the hug, Cooper looked up towards his lover as he began rubbing his expanded mid-section. "Both us, and all of our pups..."

Ren crouched down and placed one of his large paws over Cooper's. "Anything for our growing family." he rumbled as he looked affectionately at the fellow father of his young. "And now - let's see what we're working with here" Ren said as he stood up and began to pace over towards the couple's new abode. He gazed upon their quite sizeable two-story house with pride as he wandered up to the front of the house. The front door had since been blown wide open by the pups exploring the house, as playful shrieks and sounds of movement could be heard as the pups chased each other up and down the stairs and into the multitude of barren rooms available to them throughout the home.

Following his lover, Cooper walked over to Ren and held one of the rat's large paws as he took in the view of his new home. "...Say, didn't you mention there was a reason they were moving? Something about the ground?" Cooper asked as he scrupulously inspected the porch for any signs of damage or potential hazards for the pups.

"Actually yes - and that's also the reason why we got this place so cheap." Ren said, practically patting himself on the back as he answered. "They wanted to build an extension onto the home, but the ground was too uneven and it would have cost them too much to get the work done." the rat continued as he used his height to inspect the front doorway. Unfortunately the entryway appeared to be still too small for him to enter without crouching down.

"Oh, I see..." Cooper said, thinking hard on the rat's last words. Having inspected the floor plan beforehand, he recalled that there were four bedrooms available on the second floor, and another two rooms that could probably be repurposed into bedrooms on the first. The coyote began to get nervous, looking down at the prodigiuously sized mid-section that he found himself idly rubbing. Six rooms could be split fairly among the 19 residents that currently occupied it, albeit with a bit of crowding. But with more on the way... a LOT more...

On looking up from his nervous fretting, Cooper found Ren curiously unscrewing one of the two porch lightbulbs. "Wh- what are you doing?"

"It's a lightbulb. We're going to need these." Ren said, unscrewing the other lightbulb from the opposite light. "That reminds me, before you get too comfy, go ahead and drop off the moving truck. And while you're out, I'm going to need you to get us some things."

"Wait, why do we need lightbulbs? And what things?" The coyote replied, displaying a mix of both confusion regarding the lightbulbs being collected, as well as frustration that he would have to drive back so soon.

Ren, lightbulbs in hand, began to walk around towards the back of the house. "I'll give you a list - but some shovels, some extension cables, some hooks, etcetera." Ren then stopped to look at Cooper. "And as for the lightbulbs, well, it gets dark underground." the rat said as he turned away, resuming his path to the back of the house.

"Underground?...Wait, underground?!" Cooper said, startled by the cryptic nature of Ren's previous sentence. "What are you planning?!"

"...Renovations." Ren said, rounding the corner to the back of the house.

"Ren, you get back here! You know I need more than that!" Cooper yelled, hurriedly waddling after the huge rat. After rounding the corner and taking a second to catch his breath, the coyote yelled "I know you aren't going to make a pregnant man run!"

Stopping in his tracks, Ren sighed as he turned and leaned against the house before sliding down the wall, taking a seat on the grass below. "C'mere" Ren said as he looked over at Cooper and patted his lap.

Begrudgingly, the coyote slowly made his way over to the rat and instead decided to sit down on the grass next to his mate. "...Ren, I need you to tell me what we're doing here." Cooper said as he leaned over and put his head against Ren's arm. "I love you, but I need more than what you're giving me." he said as he looked up to try and meet Ren's gaze. "I'm on your side, Ren... I mean, look at me!" Cooper said as he gestured towards his gravid center. "I took a big risk in starting our family with you. And although I wouldn't trade it for the world, I just need to know the plan so I can rest easy knowing everything will be okay..."

After a long pause, Ren sighed as he wrapped his arm around Cooper, holding him close. "Listen. For our colony to thrive, we need to be able to scale. One little house, though it'll work for now, won't cut it. You aren't stupid - you know you're growing much faster than with our first litter." he said as he continued to rub the sphere filled with his progeny. "...Now think, where do rats normally live? In burrows." Ren said as he moved his paw to scratch a small dirt hole in the ground with his claws. "I know, given the tools, I can build us the home we need. Our true home." he said, releasing the coyote from his embrace. "Every fiber of my being is telling me to dig - to create the nest and home that we need. I just need you to trust me."

Cooper remained silent, staring towards the rat and letting it all sink in. "...I do trust you. I'm just scared, and... I want to be the best father I can be to our children."

Ren then crouched down and placed both of his massive paws on the shoulders of his mate. "Leave it to me. I promise that by the time I'm done, you won't have a care in the world." Ren then leaned closer next to the ear of the coyote. "The only thing you'll need to do for me is breed." he seductively whispered as he reached over to fondle the milky teat of the coyote. "I'm going to keep you constantly pregnant. Absolutely gravid, pushing out pup after pup as we make the largest family we possibly can. We won't stop at a hundred, not even a thousand pups."

Cooper looked over to see that with Ren still standing, the rat's sheath was towering just above him, with his fuzzy colossal balls hanging just behind. Flustered by the heat radiating from the rat's package, Cooper moaned "Ummf... Oh Ren... We're going to make our family huge together..." Cooper then began rubbing his belly but suddenly stopped, as he suddenly remembered something important.

Cooper then awkwardly got to his feet, and stared upward into Ren's eyes. "In fact, I've been meaning to share a recent development with you..." it was then that he lifted his milk-covered shirt to reveal that the coyote had developed 3 additional pairs of nipples along his front, resulting in eight leaking teats running down his chest and along his pup-filled belly. The coyote pinched one of his lower teats, as a small stream of milk started to emerge and run down his front. "They just recently appeared. I think the 'fun' we've been having is changing me in more ways than simply increasing our numbers," he said as he moved his shirt back down to cover his taut middle

"Amazing... It must be a result of whatever they did to me in that lab interacting with your status as a breeder..." Ren said as he reached down and ran his large paw over the multiple rows of nipples, stopping briefly to carefully inspect each one.

"Ah! Careful, they're a bit sensitive." Cooper called out as he squirmed a little under the touch of his lover. Ren retracted his hand, only to have the coyote then reach over and start rubbing Ren's humongous furry balls, feeling their virile load bubbling away. "Wherever they came from, I can't wait to see where we go from here."

Ren shivered as he felt the coyote's gentle hands knead into his giant sack. He could practically feel the cum churning away within both of his virile orbs, ready to be released and planted into his mate as soon as he was done gestating their latest brood. His cock began to emerge from his sheath, as pre began to profusely dribble from the tip of his gigantic cock. Looking around briefly to ensure none of the kids were near, he leaned in close and whispered to his mate. "Let's get you a snack for the road." Ren then leaned in and positioned his cock right in front of Cooper's mouth.

Cooper gave Ren a lustful stare before he wrapped a paw around the rat's massive cock and slowly slid it to the base, his paw getting coated in pre already as it dripped down onto the floor in an idle flow. Then, with his left paw, he continued to cradle one of his huge grapefruit orbs, easily more than a handful. Simultaneously, he gave Ren's sack a squeeze and lapped at the tip of his dick, being rewarded with a thick spurt of pre as the rat shivered from the sudden stimulation.

The coyote began to move the humongous quivering shaft in and out of his maw and savored every texturous vein that he encountered along the way. By this point, Cooper knew exactly how to make Ren tick, as he employed just the right amount of teeth and tongue to the task. He made sure to give special attention to the tip of the cock that had supplied him with the life-giving seed which resulted in the bevy of children they had been blessed with. Ren began to actively hump and thrust towards the maw that was engulfing his cock.

Suddenly, Cooper found the ticket as he folded his tongue along the head of his stud's shaft and gave one more good thrust of his head, which prompted a veritable torrent of cum to come rushing from the tip of the pulsing member. The rat gave off a stifled moan as the virile spunk quickly began to shoot down the throat of the hungry coyote who triggered this eruption, quickly moving to fill his stomach with the white nourishing payload that the rat's balls were so happy to supply. The amount of the stuff quickly became too much, as the coyote relinquished his maw's hold on the throbbing shaft, causing the excess cum to spatter all down his front - absolutely soaking the ground underneath the couple.

Ren panted as he leaned against the house. "Just you wait, love." Ren said in-between breaths. "There's going to be lots more where these came from." he said before finally leaning in for a long and passionate kiss with the carrier of his children, placing his hand on the coyote's gravid globe of a belly. "...Now, let's get you that list."


Day 21


"...ey da..."

" are you o..."

"...Dad wake up, hey dad!"

Cooper shook his head and groggily rubbed his eyes as he felt a poke against his belly. Still half-asleep, Cooper began looking around for the source of the voice. He then raised his head to see one of his sons reaching over and placing his hand on the surface of his father's belly, causing the pups within to start shifting around in reaction to the outside stimulus.

It was the middle of the day, but Cooper was in the middle of taking a much-needed nap, as he had been having issues sleeping due to the imminent delivery of his pups. Cooper had recently taken to sleeping on a large futon in the middle of one of the rooms on the bottom floor of the house. His condition made it too difficult to easily move up/down the stairs, and his full-term belly of pups was much to large to allow him to sleep without having the floor support most of his belly.

"Ah!" Cooper shouted as he felt another poke on his belly from his son. "Hey now - what was the rule about disturbing daddy when he's napping? Your new siblings kept me up all night last night, and daddy really needs to rest, as they're due any day now..." he said as he reached down to soothe his absolutely writhing middle. Constantly undulating, his belly looked like he had swallowed an entire person, jutting out at least 6 feet in front of him - packed to the brim with active pups that clearly had ran out of room.

"Dad, I know, but I was worried..." the rat said. The couple's first litter had since developed to the age of around thirteen years old for a normal child, standing around five feet tall as they continued to grow and mature. What's even more curious is that the pups had clearly rapidly developed intellectually as well; something that Cooper attributed to the enhanced genes they inherited from Ren. It was only in the past few days that the pups had began to really talk and understand their parents, learning at an amazing speed.

"Jason, I know it looks scary, but they're just your younger siblings in there. It'll all be okay, bud..." Cooper said as he reached over and put his hand on the concerned face in front of him.

"No, I know dad, but I mean you're leaking..."

"Tell me about it..." Cooper said, looking down at his milk-covered front. He had placed multiple layers of towels in front of his constantly leaking teats in order to help soak up the excess milk, but it was often that the towels proved insufficient to handle the amount of milk that Cooper was now currently producing.

"Not there dad! I'm talking about down there!" the rat said as he pointed towards the soiled quilt towards the legs of the gravid coyote.

"Wait, what?!" Cooper said as he reached down to verify his son's claim - and sure enough, the coyote's covers had been completely soaked with fluid. "But... how?! I didn't even feel anything!" he said, thinking aloud. But as Cooper thought on it more, he remembered that Ren had mentioned that the birthing process would feel more and more natural with each passing litter. "Okay-- listen. Jason, I... HNNGH... need you go to get your fAAHHther as soon as you can!" he said as he took a brief moment to push through a couple of contractions while explaining the situation to his son. He could feel the head of one of the pups starting to crown underneath the covers!

"But dad..."

"Jason I need youUUUU, ah, to go now!"


The rat then broke into a sprint as he went out to the back of the house. It was there that he found a massive hole which led into the burrow that Ren had been diligently constructing day and night since their initial move-in date. The hole was a massive fifteen feet in diameter, and led into a ramp of dirt that slowly descended into the earth underneath the field behind the family's house.

The rat took a moment to shake off his initial apprehensions and then began to run down into the burrow to look for his father. As Jason descended into the tunnel, he marveled at the way that the burrow had been constructed. The walls of the rat-made cave were comprised of surprisingly sturdy compacted dirt, with the occasional set of wooden beams in place to help provide a sturdy foundation as the tunnel continued its descent into the core of the burrow. With every set of wooden beams there was a hanging lamp to help provide light into the tunnel - making it clear just how deep the burrow went as Jason went deeper and deeper into the tunnel.

After a while of running downwards, the rat stumbled into a massive circular room, clearly constructed through the same style of engineering as the tunnel he had just gone through. It was here that he found its architect, as he found his father in the corner of the room digging out the entry way to a new branching tunnel using his paws. Ren had continued to grow into an even further impressive giant of a rat over just the past few days, possibly due to all of the added exercise and activity in the caves. On hearing a sound of footsteps he stood up to reveal his full 12 foot height before turning to address the footsteps' source.

"...Jason? What are you doing in here? I thought I told you kids to not come into the burrow until it's ready! I'm still putting the finishing tou--"

"Dad said for me to come get you!"

"Cooper? Wait, what does he want? I'm getting close to being done making the main tunnel network, so tell him I'll be done soon."

"But dad, he's leaking!"

"Leaking?..." Ren thought further on what was just said... "'ve gotta be kidding me. Now, of all times?" Ren sighed as he looked at his incomplete tunnel and then back at Jason. "Fine, let's go."

The father-son duo began their long trek back through the tunnels, Ren already wishing he had built the cieling of the tunnel a bit higher to account for his continued growth, as he was forced to duck his head every time they encountered one of the wooden beams supporting the tunnel. The rats eventually reached the surface, where they saw that Jason's siblings had started to crowd around the back of the house, as Cooper had been moved onto the back porch to begin his delivery of Ren's second litter.

"Cooper!" Ren shouted, as the surrounding rats dispersed to make way for their father.

"RenNNNGH! Ah!" Cooper exclaimed, bearing down as he gave another push.

"What did I miss? When did it start?"

"I...I don't know when it started to be honest. Apparently my water broke while I was asleep and I didn't even feel it!" Cooper said, panting in-between words. "As for what you missed..."

Ren then looked around to see that five of his children were over to the side, each holding a newly born rat pup. The pups were each swaddled in a towel while their big brothers held a bottle of milk to help feed their newly born siblings.

"Hah... You were right, Ren. Things look like they're going to work out after aLLLL, AHH! M-mind helping me with this next one?" the coyote stammered after being hit by another contraction.

"It would be my pleasure..." Ren said as he continued to look dotingly upon his first litter, impressed that they were already eagerly feeding and caring for the second. He then lifted the covers to find a small rat snout poking through the coyote's pucker, but this time parted much more to the side, pushed there from the presence of another pup moving down at the same time.

"Is it okAAA--" Cooper shouted as he resumed his push. Ren watched as two pups fully crowned and presented themselves to be freed. This then primed Cooper to birth them simultaneously with another persistent push. Both pups then slipped out of the coyote's ring, with both being caught by Ren just in time. He affectionately helped clean the pups, inspecting them to find similar attributes to the first litter - with this particular pair of pups having slightly darker fur than the ones born so far.

Reflecting fondly on the wonderful offspring he was holding in his massive paws, Ren noticed that yet another pair of pups had primed themselves for a speedy birth - with a third pair undoubtedly just behind that, as if impatiently trying to force their way through into the world and out of the cramped confines of the womb containing their siblings. Ren quickly maneuvered to carefully place the latest pups in front of their other father for inspection before he had to quickly pivot back to collect the latest pair that were eagerly attempting to escape.

"Oh Ren, they're beautiful!... AAAH! I... Tell me if I need to stop pushing!" Cooper said, straining as he continued his work to birth the remaining rat pups in his writhing belly into the world.

Barely reaching them in time, Ren worked to free the latest pups only to confirm that yet another pair were on their way. "You'll stop pushing when you need more pups in you. Now keep at it." Multiples seemed to be the clear theme here, given Cooper's fertility of how many were tucked away inside him while his womb was busy incubating more pups at a time. The rats were indeed multiplying, as the eighth and ninth pups were hastily delivered to the watchful giant diligently handling their progeny.

Ren had little time to think on it though, as his job continued to remain undone - as Cooper didn't have to put much effort into getting back into birthing. Feeling something drop down, Cooper had made an audible groan, getting used to the feeling of two fairly large pups moving down his birth canal and towards the world. Lined up behind the current pair, two more pups fell into line as they awaited their turn to join their siblings on the outside so that they might nurse.

The fatherly rat continued to catch and carefully place each pup on an open teat, or passing the pup to a prepared member of his first litter once Cooper's teats were exhausted. But while doing so, Ren noticed that the coyote's lower stomach slightly shrank down from his birthing of multiple pups at once. The coyote's pucker again spread with another addition to their litter, as pair after pair of rat pups mechanically dropped down through Cooper's thighs only to be expertly caught and set among their siblings to begin suckling for their meal.

Soon the coyote's stomach resembled that of a pregnancy with an average full-term litter, which was a far cry from how his pup-filled stomach was before his labor began. Ren took a moment to rub his hand along the area of Cooper's belly not occupied by suckling pups, feeling the remaining kids kick back before orderly starting to slip and be pumped out. "We're nearly done, but despite this... you're still so pregnant." the rat remarked as he continued to rub the writhing globe in front of him. "Just think - this was just our second litter! Once you're done, we're going to make the third even bigger. Then we'll see just how big you'll really get after that..."

"Oh god, yes!" Cooper yelled out. Another and another, the coyote continued to push the remainder of their initial spawn from his hole. At this point the newborn pups had nearly completely exhausted all available members of their first litter for assisting with feeding the brood, with Ren struggling to find an opening across the comforter of pups lined up along the coyote's teats so that they could partake straight from the tap. When Ren found the ideal location for the last two pups, the coyote's hole finally got a chance to relax and return back to its tight-yet-receptive state.

With last of the pups birthed and accounted for, Ren began his favorite part of the process: Counting. He looked out and saw that the entirety of his first litter were holding two pups each. He then looked down to find that all eight of Cooper's eight teats were occupied - eagerly being suckled on by hungry, growing rat pups. Ren ran the numbers in his head, finding himself ecstatic at the number he arrived at. Ren bent down and began stroking the back of Cooper's head as he laid back exhausted into the sweat and milk-covered mattress. "Forty two glorious pups from this litter alone, love. You're amazing."

Cooper opened his eyes and leaned up to meet Ren's loving gaze, then moved his attention to the swarm of ratlings drinking the nutritious milk being produced from his teats. But what warmed his heart the most was the crowd of grown rats surrounding him, gently cradling their younger siblings in each arm as they moved closer to ensure their father was okay. It was then that it finally all made sense - how this would all work, at least: They were a family, and the family would take care of each other. They were growing quickly, but there was power in their numbers.

The pups at Cooper's side, having had their fill, began to snooze quietly next to their father. After moving the pups away, Ren began to set another set of pups down when his hand was caught by Cooper's. "Hold on. There's plenty of stored milk for these ones. Let our children handle the nursing." Cooper said to Ren, looking seductively into his eyes. "I want to get a personal tour of the burrow."

Ren, delighted at what he just heard, then passed the pup back to one of the first litter before easily lifting the coyote, carrying him in both paws. "But of course, my love. In fact, I had just finished carving out our personal chambers..." He then began to pad down the incline that led into the burrow, engaging in a deep and passionate kiss as they began their descent. It took little time at all before the pair found themselves in a roomy section of the burrow near the main chamber, where a coupious amount of blankets had been brought down from the house, as Ren had grown far too large to be able to sleep indoors with the others.

Ren gently lowered his love down into the blankets before flopping onto the pile of blankets himself. Interested in seeing his mate's reaction, Ren spread his legs, showcasing his already engorged behemoth of a cock. Keeping pace with his growth, the shaft was gigantic - truly befitting a colossal rat such as himself.

Cooper, having caught his second wind, looked over excitedly at the rat's member before crawling over to his lover and showering the cock with a multitude of lust-fuelled rubs and licks. Having seen the way their family could thrive, Cooper had more than the ambition to take what he wanted and become what both he and Ren aspired him to: a baby factory.

The coyote then climbed up on the rat's torso and straddled himself in front of the massive organ, angling himself just right to get the perfect position before skewering himself on as much of Ren's upright shaft as he could. He closed his eyes as he cried out, thick thighs squeezing together as he savored this moment as long as he could. The coyote's hips reflexively rocked and gyrated around the rat's member. He was being bred again - being made into the father of more pups for their ever expanding brood.

Cooper kept at a steady pace as he raised and lowered himself along as much of Ren's length that he could. The rat bit his bottom lip as he did his best to prevent humping and thrusting into his love, potentially injuring him by forcing him to take too much of his bitch breaker of a cock. The coyote's tail wagged and whipped from the sides after every other thrust of his ring against Ren's enormous erection, adding to the lusty gyration. "Ren... I need you. I need more pups. Don't hold any of it back; breed me and fill me with even more wonderful pups to add to our family"

Their breaths quickened again with every twitch and jerk of the coyote's hips against the rat's massive cock. Cooper's tan fur braced against the rat's member with impeccable, unrivaled texture. The tension building, that boiling point being raced towards as Ren felt exceptionally pent up after hearing Cooper's words that he'd been longing to hear since their initial meeting. With one last protruding thrust, Ren pulled Cooper closer to him as he hit his exceptionally gluey climax, spilling round after round of his seed into the coyote's spacious womb. The copious amount of spunk began bloating Cooper's frame heavily as flooding shot after flooding shot began to immediately fertilize every viable egg that had been released in his exceptionally fertile baby-chamber.

A long minute passed before the panting coyote was lifted off of the rat's member, with excess cum completely drenching the torso of the rat until the coyote's tight tunnel once again closed - locking any additional seed of the rat inside. He brought Cooper up to his front, as he embraced him in his strong and massive arms, spooning him as he rubbed along the coyote's belly, brushing over the multiple rows of sensitive and milky teats. "It'll all be okay..." Ren affirmed, as he continued his embrace, gently patting the fellow father of his brood until the two drifted to sleep in the middle of their ever-so-expansive burrow.


Day 30


Dawn had just cracked, and the sun was shining brightly down upon the farmhouse. "Oof!" Cooper exclaimed as he safely touched down on the ground floor. Rubbing his triplet-sized belly, he had gotten used to the feeling of perpetually having this massive weight at his front, but stairs were always a bit tricky to handle. Fortunately, Ren had mentioned that they were close to the point where the burrow was ready for them to fully move in.

After stepping outside, Cooper stretched as the first of the morning sun shined down on the back porch. Looking out across the fields, he could see a group of two rats off in the distance working on the family's garden, while another couple of rats had just dashed into the burrow's entrance - likely returning after having just completed a task that needed to be done above-ground.

Figuring he ought to return to check on their latest batch of kids that were playing in the burrow, Cooper placed one hand on his belly and another on his back as he went down the porch stairs and made his way to the burrow's entrance. As he was about to make his way down, he heard a rumbling just out of sight. Quickly realizing what was happening, he hurriedly waddled to the side to watch as one of his first litter came bolting out of the burrow with a large wheelbarrow full of dirt.

"Morning, dad!" a rat shouted as he ran past Cooper, narrowly avoiding a collision.

"Good morning, Kyle..." Cooper said as he sighed a breath of relief. "Please be careful and don't run with that, okay?" Cooper said as he continued to waddle towards the entrance of the burrow. Suddenly he stopped as he thought about the situation some more. Kyle had always been fairly reckless, but even he knew better than to run that quickly when using a wheelbarrow. "Hold it mister. Get back here." he said as he turned toward the hurried rat.

Kyle nervously jumped on hearing the command, and ground to a screeching halt. He stopped and stared briefly at the wheelbarrow before crossing his arms and turned to face his father. "Y-Yeah dad? What's up?" he said as he awkwardly fidgeted where he stood.

"Kyle - you know better than to run with the wheelbarrow. We talked about this yesterday." Cooper said as he focused in on the rat's demeanor. Cooper cocked an eyebrow as he noticed something was amiss. Kyle's posture was very awkwardly slumped, and his arms were crossed - but in a strange way almost like he was trying to obscure something from view. He also was avoiding eye contact, as he looked to the side to avoid meeting Cooper's gaze. "Kyle... what are you hiding?" Cooper said as he crossed his own arms and leaned towards the rat in suspicion.

"I-I'm not... It's..." Kyle stammered before giving a long pause. "... It's embarrassing." he said as he maintained his position and looked towards the ground.

Cooper, worried something was wrong, walked up to his son and placed his hand on his cheek, forcing the rat to look him directly in the eyes. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" he said as he closely examined the rat's face. He started to chuckle "Son, I'm your father. Believe me when I say that there's nothing I haven't seen... already..." he trailed off as he looked towards the rat's crossed arms. "Kyle, uncross your arms, please." Cooper ordered as he placed a hand on one of his son's arms and moved it out of the way.

Reluctantly doing as he was told, Kyle moved his arms out of the way to reveal four rows of slightly swollen nubs across his slightly bloated front. "They... it just happened this morning..." Kyle said as he crossed his arms again and looked worriedly at Cooper. "Dad... a-am I okay?"

Seeing the developing teats on the rat's chest practically knocked the wind out of Cooper, reeling as he realized the implications. He knew that Kyle had been feeling sick the past couple of days, but... surely this wasn't... "Son, you need to tell me right now... What happened?"

Kyle looked down towards the ground again, waiting a moment before answering. "...Sam and I were in one of the rooms, and then. I don't know..." he said before giving another long pause. "We were messing around, then..." Kyle then looked up to meet Cooper's gaze, tears in his eyes. "Look, I said we'd get in trouble, but he was begging me for it, okay?! And I wanted it too - I couldn't help myself... and then, he did the same to me, and, and..." he said as he sniffled his runny nose. "A-are we in t-trouble?"

After taking a moment to process what his son said, Cooper brought him in for a long hug before consolingly patting the rat's back and giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "H-hey bud, it's okay... We'll figure this out..." he said as he continued to hug his son. After some time, he disengaged from the embrace and looked Kyle directly in the eyes again with his hands on the rat's shoulders. "Let me talk with your father about this." Cooper said as he smiled warmly, tears welling up a little bit in his own eyes.

"D-Dad, w-what's happening to me?..." he said, looking worriedly at his father.

Cooper was not sure how to really answer that question, and realized they hadn't had 'the talk' with any of their sons. "Erm... well..." he said as he took his hands off his son's shoulders. "I... I think it's best we have a family meeting about this soon. But everything will be fine." he said as he placed a hand back on his son's shoulder. "In the meanwhile, if anything else comes up, I want you to come directly to me. Okay?"

"O-Okay..." Kyle shakily agreed as he wiped the tears from his eyes and started walking back towards the wheelbarrow.

After staying a moment to make sure his son was okay, Cooper then hurried down the burrow's entrance to go and find Ren and update him on the situation. The work that had been done made the burrow truly impressive, as the pathways were smoothed out and the ceilings were heightened yet again. The reason being obvious as Cooper stepped into the main chamber, where Ren's enormous figure was sitting as he instructed four of their first litter on where to dig next. It was as though his body had truly come to understand that there was no further need for secrecy, as Ren had grown to be at least 15 feet tall when standing. He sat with his tree-trunk like legs crossed as he finished explaining the method they were going to use to dig the next layer of tunnels in the burrow. "So then when you get to here, you'll need to... wait, what is it honey?" Ren said as he noticed the gravid coyote hurriedly waddling up to him.

"Er, I need to talk to you. Alone. Is there any chance you all could take a quick break?" Cooper said as he scanned over his four grown boys that were diligently listening to Ren's plans.

"...fine. Take five, go on." Ren said as he waved his hand to dismiss the rats, which then began talking among themselves as they walked as a group to go occupy time elsewhere. "Just as well, I have something good that I need to tell you that I found out. Jason and Tom are both pregnant." Ren said nonchalantly as he began picking at his teeth.

Cooper staggered backwards as he heard the news. "W-What?!" he said as he turned to look at Jason in the previous group of four, and noticed the same swollen nipples and slightly swollen belly. "I... That's what I was coming to talk with you about! But instead it's Kyle and Sam! How can you be so calm about this?!" Cooper said, both hands on his head. "They're brothers!"

"So?" Ren said as he continued picking his teeth dismissively. "Listen - this is all going according to plan. This is how rat colonies work." Ren then leaned in closely before gently rubbing a massive paw along Cooper's swollen middle. "You didn't think you were going to be the only mother here, did you?"

Cooper quivered at the giant rat's touch. He could see the rat's behemoth of a shaft starting to slip free from his massive sheath, with fuzzy medicine ball-sized nuts tightly drawn up underneath it. "I just... I didn't know..." he stammered, as a buffet of Ren's potent musk washed over his keen canine nose.

"Think about it." Ren said as he whispered into Cooper's ear in a low growl. "In a good while we could have hundreds of our spawn running around here with just you birthing alone. But now..." he said as he looked over and saw a rat in a corner retching, likely due to a bout of morning sickness. "Now we're starting to truly grow our family..."


Day 100


"Almost done, dad! Keep pushing!"

Cooper huffed as he gave one final push, birthing the last pup of his latest litter into the waiting arms of one of his sons. Another rat walked up and pressed a cloth to the sweating coyote's forehead as he leaned back, heavily panting from the ordeal. "That... *pant*... That wasn't so bad." Cooper said in-between breaths. Indeed, having gone through it so many times, the birthing process was becoming more and more second nature to him. In fact, he looked down at his erect red rocket and noted that recently he'd started to enjoy it, relishing the feeling of each pup pushing through his birth canal and past his prostate.

"Wasn't so bad? That was the biggest litter yet!" the delivering rat said as he passed the pup to a different rat that then carried it away to another room within the expansive burrow. "Seventy three brothers in one litter... Dad, you're amazing!" he said as he then walked over and hugged the recovering coyote.

"We got another one!" a far away voice called, as another rat with an enormously sized belly was brought into the burrow's delivery room on a cot. It wasn't long before the rat started to instinctively push, causing a pup to crown from his ring, with another pup undoubtedly following right after that.

"Sorry dad, but I gotta get back to work." the rat said before he rushed over to begin delivering the gravid rat's pups.

Cooper eventually got up off of the delivery room's makeshift bed and got back on his feet. Leaving the delivery room, Cooper headed towards the main chamber of the burrow. Around him, hundreds of rats quickly ran and shuffled from one place to the next within the tunnels, with many of which sporting their own pregnant bellies of varying sizes. Other rats could be seen either relaxing or sleeping in rooms that branched off from the tunnel, sometimes laying on their side with multitudes of pups suckling away at their father's milky teats.

As he walked through the tunnels, Cooper sadly pressed his paws to his flat belly as he walked. This was the worst part. But then the idea of being filled with an even larger litter brought a smile back to his face as he walked forward with a renewed sense of purpose. It took all this time, but Cooper had finally come to see Ren's vision, as he was surrounded by his giant and continually growing family. His colony.

Cooper entered into the main chamber to find easily over a thousand rats frantically scurrying to various locations throughout the burrow, as they entered and exited the room at such rapid speeds - each rat having an assigned job or function to perform to help keep the colony running smoothly. Making his way to the center of the room, it was easy to locate his love, who was currently laying down in the center of the room while his children scurried around him. He seemed to have finally settled in his growth at around twenty five feet tall, which placed him at over four times as large as any other rat in the room. The coyote walked up and began kneading his hands along the rat's humongous orbs, knowing he'd gotten the Ren's attention when the colossal cock poked out from its sheath, while pre spurted down onto the floor as Cooper continued his massage.

"Mmm, looks like you're back for another litter..." Ren rumbled as he looked down to address his freshly flat mate. "How did it go?"

"Seventy three." Cooper smugly said, as he ran his hands up from the rat's warm cum-sloshing balls up to his immense shaft.

"I think that's probably the best one yet..." Ren said as he spread his toes on receiving the stimulating massage from the coyote. "Jason came by earlier, by the way."

"Oh yeah?" said the coyote as he continued rubbing the rat's continually engorging member, spreading the copious amounts of pre along its length.

"He said he's been counting, and that we're due to pass fifteen thousand sometime this week." Ren said as he sat up, resting his immense cum-tanks on the floor as his cock pointed straight up towards the ceiling of the burrow.

Cooper reeled at hearing the number. It hadn't even been half a year since he'd first adopted that tiny rat from the pet store so long ago, and now they had fifteen thousand loving children and grand children scurrying around this massive burrow outside of town... and counting! A warm smile spread across his face as he saw rat after rat rushing around the pair of lovers, each of his children eagerly performing their assigned function so that their family could continue to thrive and grow. "Mmmm, fifteen thousand, huh? That's nice and all, but there's always been something I've liked about six figure numbers." the coyote said as he teasingly rubbed the mountainous rat's inner thigh.

Ren's eyes lit up, as he then scooped up the coyote like he were cradling a newborn pup. "Now you're speaking my language. Let's celebrate this milestone though..." he said as he then prepared to move the coyote on top of his immense cock. "In the only way we know how..."