Adder and Vixen

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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A month after the impromptu liaison between her and Weasel, Adder hunts for an unbiased sensible female mind to discuss matters with, but as it always is during the mating season, things get a little side-tracked.

Animals of Farthing Wood copyrighted to Colin Dann and the BBC

An adder outside in autumn would be called unusual, perhaps rare. Especially when nearing the latter end of it when the chill of winter was upon her scales as she slithered onwards to her destination, her black bands upon green scales breaking her outline amongst the darker leaves and bark. Since her strange interpersonal event with Weasel a month ago, doubt was sprouting within her mind. But what irritated her the most was that she could not understand what it was doubt of. Of herself? Her sexual interests? No, it wasn't that. She didn't care if she picked a female to mate with, no, wrong word, not picked. In fact, forget the entire last sentence.

"Ohhhhh thissss issss frussstrating..."

Slithering through the orange and brown leaves, she tried to clear her head in what her problems were. It wasn't what she had done, it was who she had done it with, that was it. Weasel was not the most likeable character, in fact she was just plain irritating, suffering from having too much confidence which Adder hoped one day would be rectified. For now she wanted to talk to someone who would not be judgemental. Someone trusting who could listen to her with a straight face.

Weasel was out of the question and already biased, as well as being a gossip. Owl, while her best friend, was far too judgemental and even she had her moments of slipping her beak loose. Out of all the females she knew best, there was one in particular whom she at the very least respected, if only because of her rational mind. It took her a while to go from her usual hidey-hole near the pond, but it would be worth it. She knew that, or at least hoped she knew that. Her only obstacle was the husband.

"If he'ssss there I mussst wait...thisss isssss a private matter between femalesssss."

Soon she reached her objective. A fine-looking hole in the side of upraised ground, burrowed deeply into, the scent of foxes strong in the air, a scent she knew well. Though she couldn't tell who was currently inside the home at the moment from scent alone. She took a risk and slithered her way closer to the entrance of the well-formed den, older than its current inhabitants she guessed when they just moved right on in on the day of their arrival in White Deer Park.


A female voice came from within, much to her delight as she slithered in closer, hissing out:

"Vixen...are you busssy?"

"Adder? No, not at all, please come in. It's so nice of you to drop by."

"Issss Fox around?"

"No, he's out hunting."

"Good. Thisss isss a private matter that requiressss...a female'sss touch."


The serpent entered the earth fully to see Vixen, a beautiful creature of silken red fur. Her face had long smooth red hairs down her cheeks, eyes pure yellow but nowhere near as piercing as Adder's. Her tail was certainly luxurious, curled around her body to cover her snout until she moved it away to talk better to the snake, her head raised slightly.

"You are...ssssomeone who isss ressspectful towardsss othersss, moressso than ssssome of the rabble we have made thisss journey with."

"Even if this rabble came from your home, unlike me?"

"Yessss...familiarity breedsss contempt I hear."

"And what can I do that none of the others such as Owl can do to help you?"

"Help isss too sssstrong a word. I merely unbiasssed sssecond opinion."

"Then tell me Adder."

Vixen put her snout closer to hear the snake better, laying her body out perfectly linear with tail behind as Adder began her explanation.

"Asss you well know, the mating ssssseassson issss upon usss."

"Of course, I know that quite well."

"And that many of ussss have matessss, not including moi."

"Oh...are you feeling lonely?"

"I am perfectly acquainted to being on my own. Yet...sssssomething happened a month ago."

Vixen merely watched Adder, listening intensely.

"I...I became involved in a rather unussssual encounter."

"Really? Was this...intimate?"

"You could sssay that. And it wassss not my own sssspecies either."

Vixen's eyes widened at such an idea to ever happen to Adder, the cold-hearted lone wolf she was. But she digested it and merely said:

"Well, that's nothing to be ashamed of-"

"I never ssssaid I wassss assshamed!"

"Of course Adder of course, I was just saying."

"Jussst sssso we're clear...alsssso thisss other wassss...female."

This made Vixen widen her eyes even more. Yet somehow in the back of her head, she didn't find the prospect of Adder becoming intimate with a female as an impossible idea. While she pondered this, she could feel something rising in her haunches, a warmth that was all too familiar that she tried to ignore whilst listening to her serpentine companion. Thankfully since she was sitting down she could resist better in not shaking her legs with mating urges.

"I see."

"...and you have nothing to comment on thisssss?"

"Nothing comes to mind, dear."


"It's not unusual, if two females knew each other long enough to become...may I ask who-"


"Okay then. But...why did you come to me?"

"Becausssse I needed to hear ssssomeone'ssss opinion that wasssn't either Weasssel or Owl, and I know you can ssssseee why."

"Hmhmhm, I see. You wouldn't want any rumours to spread about you hmm?"

"And if you EVER breathe a word of thissss to anyone-"

"Adder, if you didn't trust me enough, you'd have never come to me in the first place. And I appreciate that, so I will never tell anyone about this."

"That isss all I asssk."

Adder was close enough to lick her tongue on Vixen's snout, but she barely moved, if anything to not betray her needs at that moment. But Adder could sense it, it was hard not to with her finely tuned scents as she flickered the air with her tongue, the tiniest of grins snaking across her lipless muzzle.

"...are you in heat?"


"I sssseee Fox hasssn't mated sssssuccesssssfully with you yet."

"A-adder, I don't think we should discuss-"

"Oh pleasssse, thissss isss jussssst a little girl talk."

Her tone was disarming, oddly enough, teasing Vixen with a rather intriguing joy that unnerved her.

"If you've asked all you want from me-"

"Jussst humour me."

She was defensive but needed anything to get rid of the snake.

"...well, since I can trust you, no, I'm not pregnant yet. But I don't see how that is any concern to you."

"It concccernssss me becaussse I can ssssssmell your arousssal."

"Ah...well you're not a mammal, it's different with me."

"Ohhhh...but I can undersssstand plenty."

And then Adder did something very surprising. She pushed her muzzle towards Vixen's snout and slithered her tongue all along her whiskers, making her gasp and try to pull back, scrabbling her paws slightly.

"A-a-adder, what are you-"

"What'sss wrong? I thought we could have ssssome girl private."


Vixen was too confused to reply in her state of estrus, her scent turning more thick with the state of arousal as she began to pant against Adder's face, a desire rising in her body. Seeing Vixen in such a state made the serpent chuckle.

"Typical mammalssss...ssssoooo full of emotionssss that reducccce you to a quivering pile of fur."

"P-please...just go..."

"Ohhh...I think I'll sssstay...and perhapsssss I can assissst you...who knowsssss how long Fox will be gone for?"

"Wh-what!? But...a-ah...I thought you weren't-"

"Weren't what? I jussst did not enjoy the company of my previoussss female, who acted firsssst. But you I like. not irritate me."

Adder slowly slid her body along Vixen's paw, coiling around her neck and wrapping her body around it non-threateningly, licking the furred cheek all the way up to the triangular ears and making the vixen shudder.


"You are...intelligent. You have a mind of reasssson, the mossst senssssible female in thisss whole sssstupid park who issssn't me."

"I...w-what do you want?"

"You make it sssssound asss if I'm holding you hossstage."

"You're n-not...but...I feel uncomfortable...p-please, let me just-"

"Don't you want me to help you with your lusssst?"

"B-but I-"

"Allow me..."

And without obligation, she slithered with a chuckle all along Vixen's back. Wriggling across her spine to make her whimper and try not to throw the snake off, she moved half her body down to under her tail and gazed upon the throbbing hot vixen pussy, exhuding such a rich musky scent of female lust, dripping with need.

"Ohhhh my...what a delicioussss foxy you are...."

"A-a-adder, are you sure you...y-you want to do this? A-are you in heat too?"

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. But you mosssssst certainly are...and I can help."

She was loving this. With Weasel it was rather pathetic and unplanned, but to see such an influential mammal brought to her knees by nature itself made her realise she could get a real kick out of giving her the one thing she needed the most. And with this sense of dominance, she relished the prospect as Vixen asked:

"Wh-...why would you help me? It's not like you."

"You're right...but ssssseeing you whimper and ssssquirm amusessss me..."

She tentatively licked her long forked tongue along the wet slit, teasing with such a slow dragging slurp that made Vixen shudder her whole body, and squirt a little onto Adder's tongue.


"Mmmmmm...I've never tasssted a fox before...delicioussss."


She finally could not resist. And with that Adder grinned at seeing Vixen just beg for more without even needing to order her. Any fool can order someone around, but to make them submit without asking, that was a challenge. She never had any ambitions to lead, but she did always enjoy making herself influential in other ways.

"If you insssissst, my dear..."

She slid down off of Vixen's back and raised her head from the floor to rub her muzzle at the swollen cunt. Clearly in need of mating, but she could do enough with her tongue sliding all around the outer fringe teasingly so, the quivering feeling of which made the vulpine gasp and whimper. Her breath was shaky like her legs as she begged with every bone in her body, pushing back against the tongue that left a thin trail of saliva in a neat little oval all around her cunt.

"More...please, Adder..."

"Mmmm....sssuch a sssshame I'm not a male...I could have filled you twicccce."

"I don't care how you do it, just give it to me you snake."

"Ooooh...getting bitchy are we?"

She coiled up around Vixen's thigh, squeezing it gently to get a firm hold to have her tail long enough to hang down. She flexed her lower muscles to slide along the pussy, upwards and onwards to the folds and began to push her tail inside, making Vixen yelp and squeal upwards as she raisied her rear instinctively.


"Ooooh...I do sssso love how warm you mammalsss are on the insssside. It almosssst makesss me want to...ssssslither alllll the way inssside you..."

"Don't stop, please...oh...p-please keep going."

Adder did her best to penetrate the vixen deeper, thrusting a couple of inches inside back and forth, easily feeling up the first folds of her vulva along with the quivering moans of the mammal throughout her entire body. Her pleas and whimpers were music to Adder's ears, who was also turning aroused, not that it could be helped. She could feel her cloaca start to open up invitingly, the entrance of which began to rub against Vixen's cuntlips, making her gasp and spurt her hot precum against it. Adder in turn gasped sharply as Vixen panted out:

"Ah...are heat now?"

"Mmmmm...I think you know already."

"I've...never...been with a...a female before."

"Well, now you have. Perhapsssss if you were to lie down I would give you more pleasssure."


Sliding her tail out, Adder coiled down off of Vixen's thigh and watched her lay down to her side, spreading her legs with a pussy that was clearly in deep arousal, and leaking a lot of precum. Adder merely went to Vixen's snout and rubbed her glossy wet tail against her lips, making her taste herself, much to both their pleasure as the mammal moaned in licking off her own precum from the scales.

It was soon followed by a lustful kiss from Adder, when she shoved her tongue deep into Vixen's throat, the breathless panting whimpers of a mammal mixing with the cool controlled moans of a reptile, thick and thin tongues sliding along each other. Adder grinned coyly.

"Mmmmm...I had no idea you were ssssuch a sssslut."

"Just be quiet and fuck me."

Such words surprised her, the normally tender-hearted vixen now a lust-driven minx in her coils. But she did as she was asked and slithered around to Vixen's throbbing femininity before sliding her tail inside, deeper than before, pushing herself closer and grunting at the feeling of Vixen's cunt wetly spasming around her, allied with blissful moans. With each thickening inch of her body, the moans turned more frequent as did the tightening spasms, and a new wave of precum would just pour down on her serpentine body all the way to her snout.

It was there that she would happily clean her scales off of the vixen's hot juices, the scent of which made her moan deeply with her cunnilingual companion, her cloaca grinding against Vixen's inner walls, adding even more pleasure. Soon it would make her cry out her loudest as she neared orgasm, her pussy already like a river mouth.


"You mean thisss!?!"


"H-h-hooooohhhhh that'sssss it, I love it when you get ssssoooo tight around me..."

Even Adder couldn't stop herself from rising to an orgasm, her own sexual juices mixing with Vixen's to ooze out together in a delicious thickened liquid that dripped down onto the floor, or along Adder's undulating body as she did her best to thrust in and out of the vulpine. Panting with a blissful heat she relished being covered in, stabbing the tip of her tail against every wall, especially against wherever it was more sensitive to make Vixen spasm harder and tighten around Adder's body like a mouth. Eventually it was all too much for her, and the mammal eventually came with a howl of utmost rapture.

Interestingly enough, it was due to Vixen's own orgasm that lead to Adder's in turn, when the tightest spasm of all, the orgasmic clinch of that soaking hot pussy grinding its walls hard against her own cunt, sent the serpent into a shuddering climax. The shudders of her body went down to her tail, deep inside Vixen, vibrating her walls at their tightest, sending even more pleasure, screaming out Adder's name with such surprise and ecstasy that her voice turned hoase.

The tail continued to thrash inside her cunt, churning and stirring the hot loaded blasts of her fem cum all over Adder, who merely sighed shaking with pleasure at her own cum mixing heavily with Vixen's. Her shivering body sent the shakiest of hot moist breaths to the mammal's throat.


"Hm hm hm wassss that?"

At first Vixen could not reply, shaken as she was from the most intense orgasm she ever had in her life. One filled with the strangest of pleasures, such as vibration which was the kicker into sending her mind into a state of unfocused unparalleled pleasure. All she could do was lie on the cold earth, tongue hanging out, hair tousled and plastered to her throbbing cheeks. Adder soon extricated herself from Vixen's snatch and slowly moved over to her head, showing off her body dripping with both of their juices.

"Care to share?"

Vixen didn't even say yes, but merely put her tongue out to lick Adder clean all over, moaning at the rich taste of herself. A bitter taste that could be compared to strawberries, whereas Adder was just quite bitter, but she licked it all off, much to Adder's liking.

"Ssssuch a good girl."

Vixen merely replied in just as sharp a tone:

"And you...are a toy to play with."

Adder merely chuckled, somewhat out of breath herself as she snuggled up against the vixen and tongued her snout once more to taste both of themselves, moaning against each other. Minding her fangs as the kiss went to its deepest, her body wriggled against Vixen's belly, her pussy dripping against the fur, sucking each other's tongue or at least trying to.

"Mmmmmm...are you feeling better now?" asked Adder.

" you...we shouldn't tell Fox about this."

"Now you know jusssst how I feel. Sssso, perhapssss you will consssssider our trussst to be far more important than you may ever have consssssidered it before."

"Are you blackmailing me?"

The serpent merely smiled, very smugly.


The vixen could only smirk back, with a warm little chuckle.

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