Adder and Weasel

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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In the season of autumn, desperation is inevitable.

The Animals of Farthing Wood are copyrighted to Colin Dann and the BBC

Adder and Weasel

By Zack Gregson

The nearing beginning of autumn began to spread across the White Deer Park in a blanket of brown and yellow, the trees already paling their coats from the summer and soon to shed them in ones and twos. For most animals of the British Isles, autumn was the mating season, the time when the cubs would be nurtured within their wombs all through the cold winter and be ready for a warm beautiful spring. In this way, some animals felt autumn to be rather romantic, half by instinct and half by observation. Of course instincts always won in their urges, nothing to restrain them, no reason to after all. But what of the animals without mates? The estrous cycle is a powerful mistress who does not abide any animal not able to mate in some manner, even in a non-successful way.

Adder had been nestling herself in a small cave barely underneath a tree with a gorgeous rock overhang she found a perfect private place to be undisturbed, digesting a hearty meal of two shrews. She was also doing a good job of ignoring her primal urges of the season due to the fact alone she had never seen any other snakes in the park and quite frankly she thought, made her all the better for being both more able to be alone but also much more special a creature among both the Farthing Wood group of settlers who arrived in the park a few months ago, and the White Deer Park population overall. Life was good.

She had a full stomach, she survived and arduous journey of dangers both natural like the water drains of the town and human such as the fox hunt and motorways. She stuck with a group of ragtag creatures from the slow-witted badger to the skittish mice, bound by one silly childish oath that while she swore on, irritated her to no end for having her own prey be equal to her in status of the group. But it was all over, she could finally be a normal snake again, eating and sleeping, the mating not being a problem to her reptilian mind.

Her tongue tasting and smelling the air simultaneously for any and all minor disturbances. She felt one, an unmistakeable scent that she wished she hadn't scented, to soon be followed by an irritating female voice.


The force of the voice was familiar and unwanted. As much as she'd not want a voice that she didn't know, she did prefer a familiar voice that wasn't the high-pitched chitter of Weasel. She replied wearily:

"Hello Weasssssel..."

"Watcha doin'?!"

"Trying to ssssssleep...I'm digessssting a lovely meal which will only be unpleasssantly ssssitting in my sssssstomach unlesssssss you leave."

"Awwww come on Adder! Yer alway's such a lazy bones! Why cantcha enjoy the autumntime?!? The season of colours, romance-"

"And the firsssst chillsssss of winter around the corner." she added drolly. "You do remember that, right? I am not warm-blooded like you bounccccing around the placccce like a rabbit in a ssssssssnare. I cannot afford to move around assss much."

"Well...I can carry ya! You don' look so heavy!"

She attempted to grab at the snake's coils which made Adder hiss and rear her venomous fangs threateningly.

"DON'T even think about it."

Weasel jumped back in surprise and the snake settled down once more, before looking up again to ask:

"Why did you want to sssssee me? Usssually you're bothering sssomeone elssse without venomousss fangsssss."

"I...dunno...wuz kinda lonely...everyone's got mates an' all, felt a little lonely by myself."

"And you deccccided to ssssee me? Even YOU ssssshould know I am not very ssssociable."


Hhe began to wring her hands a little hesitantly, turning quiet oddly which made the snake take notice.


"Yanno it's the mating season, right? I've been real...eager lately, can't control it...I don't wanna talk to Owl, she annoys me so much but yer the only other female I can talk to!"

"Are you sssssssure? What about Vixen or that rabbit?"

"Oh Vixen's too busy with Fox an' that rabbit's stupid..."

She walked timidly forwards towards the snake, who did not react with fangs at all, more confused by where this was going.

"I know you got no one either...always felt kinda sorry for ya..."


"You always been snarky wif me...issit cuz yer afraid to get close to someone? Maybe? A bit?"

"No. No that issss not my reason." Her reply was truthful and deadpan. "I wassss never ssssocial, not even with my ssssiblings. That isss how I wasss raissssed."

"But I wanna help ya-"

"I do not NEED help."

She uncoiled and slithered towards the irritating intruder.

"YOU need help, you need help with your attitude of ALWAYSSSSS interfering with everyone elsse'sss busssinesssssss, you need help with your inability to sssit SSSTILL for one ssssecond and lisssten to otherssss, and you REALLY need help in thessse pathetic mammalian urgesss."

She had brought her snout close to Weasel's and with each S she hissed, she flicked her tongue with spitting irritation at Weasel, making her blink with each sound. And then she did something unexpected. She licked Adder's snout. Slowly. Adder felt at first surprised, then appalled and wanted to bite her for such audacity. But she couldn't. She was feeling the mating urges too.

She was suppressing them well and she was bitterly hating Weasel for only pulling them out of their dark repressed depths to full view, as she slithered her tongue slowly along the weasel's cheeks, soon coiling her body around the body and bringing her close within a serpentine embrace. Now that she knew the mammal had forced this upon her, she grudgingly began to go with the flow of instinctual lust.

"'re that desssssperate that you will even do thissss..."

She chuckled at this idea and tightened her scales around the mustelid gently to make her gasp a little, slithering her tongue into the mammal's mouth which she suckled on with a moan. Warm heated breaths started coming from Weasel as she began to plead:

"I...I can't help it Adder...I need!"

"Then may sssstart by rubbing along my sssssscalessssss...gently."

Even though Adder was not experienced in the ways of mating, she was more intelligent than Weasel as well as of a cooler mind to be able to guide the hot-blooded excitable creature in her coils.

Her dexterous little paws rubbed along the leathery skin, lukewarm to the touch with a silken hiss emitting from the serpent as Weasel rubbed along the undersides, heat soon transferring, sharing between the two. Adder used the wispy thin end of her tail to rub along Weasel's thigh, a small sigh coming from her to soon be a gasp as the tail snaked around her leg to rub the tip barely at her belly. In return, Weasel rubbed lower down the sinuous body towards the cloacal slit, the hissing turning more and more loud with every inch nearer, with a clenching in her coils around the weasel's legs.

A flicking of the tailtip teasingly close to her femininity, made her chirrup in need.


" will make the feeling ssssssweeter...

And it was only until Adder felt the little mustelid claws rub at her slit, did she press her tailtip gently inside Weasel, a squeal of lustful surprise which irritated the snake partly. She had a high enough voice without going at the peak of her hearing range, but her lust made her care less, sliding her tail into Weasel, opening her walls. They oozed scented juices in her begging need of the season, her legs quivering as she raised her tail instinctively.

Wanting to return the favour, she slid her claws into the snake, fingering and opening her up gently while not so used to serpentine anatomy. She was doing well enough to make the snake writhe and hiss in pleasure, rewarding Weasel with shuddering wriggles inside her cunt, the tail slowly becoming wet amid heated whimpers.

Her claws rubbed along the inner walls in circular motions, trying to find what would make the snake tick just right, teasing, fondling, rubbing along the cloacal walls. Adder let her belly be shown more to the weasel in lust, enjoying and guiding the claws vocally.

"Ooooh...there...that'sssssss a good ssssssspot to rub me...ohhhhh...nnnngh...wriggle them more..."

Weasel did her best to do as she was asked amid the lust in her mind, aided by the tail sliding in and out of her to which she had no need to give directions in helping with. Chirrups and whimpers would come from her more as Adder began to plow a little deeper, the widening of her slithering body making Weasel gasp with every inch that pushed in until she said:

"AH-AH NO! ...s-sore..."

And so the snake wordlessly replied by sliding her tail out to a more comfortable width, soon pulling out entirely as she asked:

"Enjoying it sssssso far?"

Weasel nodded humbly soon asking:

"I'm...a bit thirsty..."

The snake merely grinned as she put her tailtip to Weasel's lips, sticky with her own feminine juices to which she suckled down, the taste of snake flesh covered up by the musky taste of an almost bitter strawberry-like taste. Her moans channelled through the snake's tail, making Adder chuckle at the grudgingly annoying fellow member of the Oath. After she licked the tail clean, Weasel said:

"More...still thirsty..."

She soon began to turn around, lying on top of Adder unexpectedly and having her rear face the snake's snout, with her own snout facing the cloaca. Her lithe tongue flicked along the slit, moaning as she began to pleasure the writhing serpentine body who in return began to flicker a teasing forked tongue along Weasel's cunt. Penetrating and experiencing a rabid sensation of her taste and smell simultaneously, it was musky and warm. So very warm.

How she desired warm bodies, mammalian especially. Of course this only ever went with her prey, but finding other ways to take pleasure from warm mammalian anatomy like with Weasel now was new and exciting to her, her tongue plunging in further to let the juices flow along into her mouth, amidst squeaking squealing squeaks from the mustelid.

As the two females expressed their estrus upon each other, amid tongues prodding and sliding into varying layers of feminine tunnels, their bodies heated up more and the two in turn writhed with each other. Juices poured more strongly into their throats, hisses clashing with chirrups as soon Weasel came unto the snake, a shuddering squeak as her cunt dripped of female cum. A more copious stream of such to be swallowed by the snake, who in turn let herself do the same with a sated hiss, the weasel lapping it all up, even as it ran down the scaled underbelly away from her.

The two lay on the ground panting as their lust was sated, their cycle given peace for now. Weasel turned around to murmur a pleated "thank you" to her fellow aroused female, and in an act of impulsive instincts, licked Adder's snout slowly, longfully along the sneering lipless mouth. In kind, Adder returned the favour with a deeper tongue, flicking her forked tongue into Weasel's snout.

Which she began to suckle on in surprise, sharing the last traces of their feminine cum between each other in a heated moment of instinctive desires they were both slaves to. Weasel grasped the snake's head closely to continue the suckling, as they closed their eyes and laid under the shade together, exhausted to move in the light of a nearing dusk.

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