Lab Drone Placement (3/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Dieter gets a job from a lab company that seems to want them to come in right away, though they don't quite understand the terms that they're looking for when they come in. Fortunately Sibergon Labs has a user manual and job description ready to download into their mind as soon as they make them capable of containing it.

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It took a few minutes before both Gunther and Dieter were able to recover enough to stand up, the rubber suit of the horse and synthetic body of the dragon drone once more making them presentable. Though the internal map of the facility that was in the drone's head would have told him were to go next the horse insisted on walking him over there, telling Dieter that he didn't have another conversion today and the rest of his day would be compiling the data that he had gathered during his transformation. Though he was a drone he was also still Dieter and he appreciated the company as the two of them walked through the DAS building to get to one of the higher floors. They got to an elevator and rode it all the way to the top, but when Dieter stepped out he realized he was alone and turned to see Gunther still standing there.

"Drones only past this point," the horse stated while pointing to a sign that said as such. "It was a real pleasure meeting you Dieter, come back and see me if you ever want to charm the snake again."

Though Dieter found the joke rather humorous he found himself not laughing, but it seemed like a reaction that Gunther expected as he gave one last wave while smirking. Once the doors had closed the new drone found himself alone once again, though it didn't really feel like it as he started walking to the area designated in his internal GPS. He gathered that it was likely his connection to the Sibergon Labs server that was keeping him company, not just Argos but everyone else that was connected to it too. There were the other drones that were like him but he could also sense that technicians like Gunther were also connected in some form as well.

When he got to the room in question that he was supposed to enter he found that there were a dozen other drones just like himself, all of them clad in rubber and various forms of gas masks as they stood there in rapt attention. They were all looking at a creature that stood at the front of the room manipulating a hologram and talking about adaptive programming, but unlike the others or himself this one was not rubber. Instead it looked like some sort of futuristic robot, a creature that his augmented memory banks informed him was termed a synth, or synthetic. Much like him this creature used to be of the same organic nature as him, a fox from the look of it, but through the use of nanites and a liquid metal polymer he had been transformed into a robot-like creature while still retaining the aesthetic nature of his old form.

"You must be Dieter," the synth suddenly stated, snapping Dieter out of his internal data access mode to see that it and the other dozen drones were looking at him. "I was told that I would be getting a light arrival to my class, so I'm going to assume that you're it unless there's another draconic drone running around out there completely lost. Go ahead and stand on one of the data ports and we can move on to the next part of our lesson... in fact before you go take your place with the rest of them why don't you go ahead and come up to the front here with me."

Once more Dieter could feel the scans of the other drones as their sensors focused on him as he slowly moved forward towards the synth. "Drone designation Dieter," the rubber dragon found himself introducing. "Drone number-"

"Disable introduction protocol," the fox replied, causing Dieter to stop dead in the middle of a number. "My name is Temis, and if I had to wait for every drone that I met to give me their identification we would be here all day with no one learning a thing. Now for this part of the lesson we're going to learn arm and hand modifications, something which all of you have."

Dieter felt himself get pulled forward and suddenly the slim, metallic fingers pressed against his arm where he felt something pushing into his rubbery flesh. "Since you're new I'm going to take control for the time being," Temis stated as the glowing scale lines of his body reappeared, the hues shifting along with the fingers of the fox as he felt his arm going numb. "Now drones, sometimes you are going to be asked to go into an environment for which your current body is ill-suited, and your hands are your greatest means to equalize that disadvantage so you can help whomever needs you. Let's say, for instance, that they need you to go underwater to help repair the inside of a water tank or something like that."

As the others continued to watch Dieter could feel his fingers starting to twitch, the nanites that he had lost control of when Temis made contact with them moving to create a different structure then the simple padded fingers he had. A shudder went down his spine as he began to feel the rubber shift, spreading up from between his fingers before he had webbing that ran from the tops of his fingers all the way to the base. Once the form had been solidified in the code of his nanites the fox synth let go and told them all to try it, Dieter poking at the latex between his fingers while the other drones attempted to do the same on their own. With his initial transformation still fresh in his mind it was interesting to see that his body still had some mutability to it as he held his hands up to the air.

"Apologies for being my impromptu guinea pig," Temis said, turning the dragon drone's attention to him once more. "Honestly I'm not supposed to be teaching the new batch of drones at all today but the other synth in charge of this sort of thing had just gotten an upgrade available to them and begged me to fill in so they could get it. You'll understand soon enough that when you have the ability to get some sort of shiny new augment you go for it, consider that a free lesson in how things work around here."

"Thank you for that," Dieter replied. "So should I go and take my place with the others now?"

The fox synth looked Dieter up and down, the rubber dragon drone once more feeling like he was being scanned before Temis shook his head. "I want to see you try the lesson that we had just done," Temis explained, once more placing his hand on Dieter's forearm and causing the rubber to glow once more. "Go ahead and try to augment your arm, doesn't have to be anything useful or in particular, just let your mind guide it to a different form while I help you with some of the more technical aspects."

Dieter nodded and concentrated, feeling the programming of his nanites activating where Temis was highlighting them. Even though he was fresh off of his transformation to a drone he found the concept of morphing his limb to be harder than he had initially thought. He could feel himself straining slightly but as he continued to watch the rubber he saw it began to ripple and shift. The webbing that had just formed on his fingers began to thicken and spread across the digits. Dieter watched in rapt fascination as they began to merge together while his entire hand changed shape, and as it morphed into one mass his forearm suddenly began to bend and wiggled about unnaturally.

If the dragon drone had a mouth he would have gasped as from the elbow down his arm became a rubber snake that hissed as its mouth formed from his hand. "Ah, I see that you had your first encounter with Gunther," Temis said with a snicker as Dieter's snake arm continued to slither about in the air until Dieter lost his concentration, which caused his arm to transform back to its normal self. "He certainly has a way of getting snakes on the brain as you can see, so why don't you go ahead and take your place in the class and we'll see about catching you up."

Dieter nodded and moved over to where there was an empty circle on the floor. As soon as he stepped inside of it he felt a tingle radiate up from his feet as they glowed just like when Temis had touched his arm. Already he could feel energy and data starting to get uploaded to his form as he took his position and began to listen to the fox talk about the adaptive programming once more. It was strange for the new drone that they didn't just get this data completely uploaded to their brains, and as though to answer his own question he felt the information that doing such a thing can only get a drone so far. While the nanites could easily absorb any programming that was given to them the drones themselves were real creatures, which meant that they needed more traditional guidance in order to make sure that they were able to utilize the information that was being given to him.

As the lessons continued on Dieter and the other drones continued to stand there silently, though occasionally one would light up that indicated they had a question on the subject, and when Temis called the class dismissed the dragon drone looked out the window to find that it was suddenly nighttime. With no clock on the wall he wondered just how long he had been standing there silently until a digital display came up in his lenses that showed him it was almost midnight. The other drones quickly filed out and gave a nod to the fox synth, who gave one back to them before looking at Dieter. It was at this point that he realized he had just been standing there and the dragon drone immediately started to walk out before he was stopped by the synth.

"Have they moved you in yet?" Temis asked, Dieter shaking his head. "Yeah, figure since you're a fresh drone that you might still be having some trouble accessing things like your schedule and such. Gunther and the others usually thrust you newbies up here once they're done having their fun so more than once I've seen aimless drones just wondering the campus trying to figure out where to go next."

"Sorry," Dieter replied.

"Not your fault," Temis stated with a shrug. "C'mon, I'll lead you to your dorm room, my shift is over for the day anyway. I can also explain a few of the finer points that Gunther may have missed when he was shoving his snake cock down into your stomach."

Dieter felt his bashfulness rise as he nodded and followed the fox out of the room and DAS completely, and while they walked towards another set of buildings he asked why as a drone he was still so... emotive. Temis explained that the reason that drones were created from creatures and were not just robots was because a proper AI was hard to program to do what they wanted, referencing Argos as being a particular thorn in the side of Sibergon Labs when it came to control. Plus it was easier to take people and make them obedient rather then take a robot and uplift it to the point of being able to do complex commands. When Dieter asked Temis if that was the same thing they did with synths the fox was quick to explain that synths were not drones; while drones were expected to obey the technicians synths are technicians themselves that usually just work in more hazardous environments or with things that had the potential to heavily mutate organic tissue.

As the two walked across the campus and continued to converse Dieter noticed that despite it being the night time everything was still bustling with activity. Technicians, drones, synths, and a few other creatures that Dieter couldn't identify until his connection to the server did it for him roamed the well-maintained lawn, often either talking to one another while walking or stopping at one of the food carts or other small shops that were set up along the path. It looked for all intents and purposes like a normal place to be at save for the synthetic creatures walking around. When they walked by other buildings Temis was quick to point out what their primary function was and Dieter realized that this entire place had the potential to be completely self-contained.

Eventually they made it to the apartment complex that Dieter would be making his home for the foreseeable future, the rubber dragon noting that there was in fact a river running alongside the three buildings as Temis told him to bring up his personal info log. He mentally accessed the files just like he had been taught by the synth and eventually he found the identification tag that belonged to him. It had his designation number as well as the nickname that he would go by, which was still Dieter, and then a few other pieces of info about his new form. Eventually he got to the bottom where it gave his home designation and when he relayed that to the synth the fox immediately began to walk towards the building in the middle. Dieter was quick to follow and when they got to the door he was told to put his hand against the metal plate near the door, which as he did the glowing scale pattern on his hand lit up briefly before the door opened for them.

Dieter found himself leading as they went to the elevator and went up several floors until they got to the one that was on his info tag, walking out to find a hallway filled with doors on the other side. They were so close together that it made the rubber dragon wonder if they were just going to stick him in a closet space or something, but when they walked down to the number that he was assigned to he once more opened the door with his palm and revealed a rather spacious interior. The dragon drone guesstimated that it was almost bigger than his friend's place as he walked through the living room and into the kitchen area. The layout of the area gave him several more questions, like did he actually need to eat or sleep as he peeked through one of the doors and saw that it was a simple bedroom much like a college dorm.

"To answer your questions that you probably have, you do need to continue to function like a normal person as far as eating and sleeping," Temis spoke up from the couch as he continued to lazily watch the drone walk around. "Though your body has been highly modified and is completely rubber it's also organic in nature, which means you need to treat it like any sort of organic creature. Of course there are some things that had changed; for instance the nanites don't believe in the concept of waste so whatever you consume will be broken down completely."

"I see..." Dieter replied as he had just noticed that the bathroom section only contained a rather large shower. "Something doesn't make sense about this place though..."

"The dimensions don't quite fit, am I right?" Temis replied with a bemused smirk on his face, Dieter nodding in response while sitting down on the couch next to him. "Sibergon Labs is definitely not your normal company, though at this point I'm sure you're well aware, and one thing that they love to do is tamper with the physics of an area to allow them to do things like travel across dimensions or fit hundreds of apartments into one building. They're all about efficiency and don't let pesky little things like the laws of matter and energy apply to them when they can help it."

Cross-dimensional travel... apartments that occupy the same physical space... while he thought that being a rubber dragon drone was strange enough it appeared that was only the tip of the iceberg as he found himself getting overwhelmed. "I didn't think that I was signing up for something like this," Dieter admitted as he went up to one of the windows, looking out into the campus below while also seeing his reflection in the glass and putting a hand up to the shiny gas mask that was his face. "I suppose I should have known when I had never heard of Sibergon Labs before, but I didn't think that I was in some sort of strange alien world."

"Huh... I suppose strange alien world is one way to put it," Temis said as he stretched out on the couch. "The higher-ups would probably be more inclined to call this place an interdimensional hub. If you were to leave this place right now you would end up back in your old neighborhood and if you go to the edge of it you would see any landmarks or buildings while if I did the same I would see my own dimensional realm, much like the apartment we're in now they've taken this place and folded it into many different realities."

"This is... a lot to think about," Dieter replied as he went back over to the nearby chair and sat down. "I'm sure I'll get used to it, but wow."

"Yeah, they really don't do a good job of explaining this sort of thing to newcomers," Temis said as he sat back up, Dieter suddenly noticing that the fox had a grin on his face. "Hey, you want to have a little personal tutoring session? Since you've been freshly converted there's a few things that are easier to do to you then the more seasoned drones."

Dieter could tell that whatever the fox had in mind was going to probably not be purely educational in nature, especially as the synth stood up and rubbed his hands together. "I take it that this is going to be similar to Gunther's style?" the dragon drone saw the synth nod his head and walked over to help him up to his feet. "Well I did enjoy the last time that happened, and from the job queue and schedule you showed me it appears that I'm under personal time right now."

"Perfect," Temis replied as his fingers slid up and coiled around Dieter's wrists. "If you remember when you talked to Argos what you saw was the digital landscape that overlaps with this place, so I want you to try and focus on that feeling as this happens. Also there is probably going to be a bit of disorientation with this so give yourself a chance to acclimatize before you start moving around again."

The rubber dragon found himself nodding and tried to concentrate on the feeling that he had gotten when he was with Argos after first becoming a drone, which despite only being a few hours ago felt like ages and yet at the same time just happened a few minutes before. The multihued scale pattern appeared once more on the black rubber of his body as Temis accessed his nanites just like he had done in the lecture, but this time the tendrils of control seemed to spread much further into him then before. It didn't take long before his entire body was glowing, and though Dieter was curious on what the synth was doing to him it appeared that the fox was in deep concentration. After about a minute though the fox's eyes opened and a smirk curled up on his muscle as he suddenly took a large step back while his fingers slid along the rubber of Dieter's wrists...

...except that it still felt like the synth was holding onto him as he felt himself lurch forward from the momentum. While it initially felt like the fox had yanked him forward something immediately didn't feel right, like he couldn't get his footing on the floor anymore as the fox continued to hold him. There was also a wave of disorientation that Temis had warned him about as the room spun around him slightly, and he could hear the synth tell him to relax and breathe for a few seconds until he got used to the sensations. He quickly followed the suggestions and after a short respite his mind and body began to calm down enough that everything returned to normal... except for the fact that it felt like he was floating.

When he looked down at himself Dieter gasped at seeing the vulpine synth's fingers wrapped around his wrists, not the wrists of the drone he had become but his actual leonine ones! But the more that he looked at himself the more he realized that his body had taken on a more ethereal nature as he twisted his head around and saw that the rest of his body was the same as his arms. It was like he had been transformed back to his old self, though he could see that his fur was marked by patches of shiny black scales and he had retrained most of the musculature of his drone body... which when he looked back he saw standing there right behind him. Seeing himself like that would have caused him to jump but Temis kept his hold on Dieter and allowed him to calm down again without moving much in surprise.

"Wha-what did you do to me?" Dieter asked, still surprised as seeing himself as well as his drone form as Temis let him go finally.

"I manifested your personality and syphoned it into an extranet avatar I created while you were walking around," Temis explained as he patted the lion on the shoulder, Dieter actually able to feel it even as the fingers passed through his form briefly. "Those like myself who are able to do such feats call it creating a data ghost, though if you look at yourself you can see that you are still connected to your drone body. You can also feel everything that is happening to your physical body since you are still receiving sensory data from it, but since you have temporarily vacated it control of your drone form reverts back to the obedience programming that has been installed into you."

Dieter watched in awe as Temis told the dragon drone to follow him, and though the ethereal form of him just looked in question he saw his old body moving of its own accord. It was the most surreal feeling in the world watching himself do something without his command and the strangest part was that he could still feel the motion of his rubbery body. The sensation of essentially being in two places at once continued to be jarring as he moved his own data ghost into the bedroom where the fox synth had lead his form. Dieter could feel a shiver as Temis continued to stroke his synthetic skin while he controlled the drone, the feelings directly translating to pleasure as the two creatures stood facing one another.

"So there's another reason why I did this as well," Temis admitted, his grin growing wider as multiple wire filaments emerged his body and connected with Dieter's body. "I'm uploading a self-contained program to your systems right now, one that you aren't going to be aware of even after I put you back into your body. All I can say is that I promise that it's going to be a good time and to just go with the flow."

With nothing else that he could do Dieter just watched as the tendrils of the synth fox made contact with his rubbery skin, the lion feeling a twitch that came from his body as the new code was being introduced into it. Even though he was aware a download was happening he couldn't see what it would do or what sort of program it even was, but when the fox was done the ghostly lion suddenly felt himself get pulled back into his body. It took a few seconds as he got used to the sudden change in perspective as he looked into the glowing electronic eyes of the one in front of him. Even back in his own body he couldn't tell what sort of software that had been embedded in him, though his nanites were starting to act up slightly as his rubbery body began to tingle.

Dieter felt his body twitch as he stared down at he synth fox, who appeared to be waiting for something and merely standing there watching him. Though he hadn't been thinking about it before the rubber dragon drone began to realized just how hot the creature was as his hands went up and began to rub the shoulders of the other male. The synth had a lithe build, still muscular but slightly smaller than his own. He could feel his arousal rising as he realized that Temis had been looking him over too and the sight was causing him to grow erect.

"Like what you see?" Dieter asked, the fox nodding as the dragon began to feel his own cock emerging. "Anything in particular?"

"You have such strong muscles," Temis replied as he reached up and squeezed the rubber arms of the dragon, which almost seemed to grow even bigger under his ministrations. "You're so powerful, a sweet little fox like me would be putty in those hands of yours. I can only imagine the things that you want to do with me now that you have me in your grasp."

For a moment Dieter felt his head shake slightly as he hadn't been thinking about it, but as the fox continued to stroke against him he suddenly had a powerful urge to rut this synth right here and now. He heard a low buzzing noise that he realized was coming from his own chest, a slight growl reverberating through him as he found himself reaching down and stroking both their cocks. Putty in his hands... he was the stronger male, Dieter thought to himself, that meant he could have his way with this fox. Without realizing it he had spun the other male around and pushed him on the bed before he took his widening feet and stepped onto it after him.

"I hope you're built to stretch," Dieter said as his gas mask split and teeth formed into fangs. "Because I'm going to wear you like a sleeve."

"Oh no, not that!" Temis said in distress... though in the back of Dieter's mind he realized that the fox was a really, really bad actor as he squirmed around slightly on the sheets without even moving. Though it was hard for him to focus, especially as he could feel his body stretching and growing slightly to give him a more bestial nature, it was clear that whatever was happening to him was part of the programming that had been given to him. "Dieter, you must have gotten your programming corrupted, you're turning into a beast!"

"We'll be rutting like them soon enough," Dieter replied as a grin stretched across his muzzle, his lengthening tongue licking his lips as he began to push his cock into the synth beneath him. Though the rubber dragon had gotten the idea already that this was likely the programming, the sensation of becoming some sort of alpha dragon drone caused him to shiver in delight as he felt more comfortable with the words coming out of him. "Maybe if you're good I'll make you mine."

The fox let out a moan in response, clearly into it as well while Dieter pushed the synth into the bed while pushing his hips down lower. This fox was practically begging to be impaled by him at this point and the lust that was being fed back into him caused the dragon to start thrusting deeper. Their augmented, synthetic bodies were able to get right into the action and soon the drone was nothing but a snarling, growling beast as his bigger body pushed hard and fast. The bed underneath them creaked loudly underneath the two as the pretense of the game that the fox had put up was pushed aside so the two could fully indulge in their enhanced lusts.

It didn't take long before Dieter felt himself orgasm, and when he did he suddenly saw words flashing on his screen. Even with the intense pleasure that came from climaxing he could see that it was code deleting itself, and since he felt no connection to it he guessed that it was the software that Temis had installed into him. Almost immediately the rubbery body of the dragon began to revert to normal, including the personality traits that had been overlapped onto his own sense of self. It really brought home to Dieter just how much of himself could be manipulated with his new body, the creature in bed next to the vulpine synth a far cry from the lion that had walked in.

"Well I certainly hope that you had your fun," Temis said with a grin as he slid off of Dieter's draconic shaft and stood up. "I would highly suggest that you get your rest for tomorrow, you'll have to meet your roommates and find out what your job assignment is before coming back to my class."

"So I'm still going to be training under you?" Dieter asked as he laid there on what he assumed was his bed.

"For another week or so," Temis confirmed as he looked back with a smirk. "I have to say that I'm rather looking forward to it, drone."