Tan II

Story by WhiteFire Sondergaard on SoFurry

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#2 of Tan

Tan II (?)

By Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson

Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007

[email protected]


Edited by WhiteFire 1/10/07

This is for the moment the second story in the Tan series. It may become the third if I ever write the 'day after' story to the first one.

This is a work in very slow progress. It does not have the polish that the first Tan story had, in great part because I does not have the loving editing that Keepiru gave that story.

Please see the first story for the disclaimer...


Tan woke up and growled softly at his alarm, before smacking it soundly to shut it off. He looked blurrly at it and tried to remember what he had to do when today. Then he remembered, and with a groan, rolled out of bed.

He spread his legs and spent a few minutes stretching, which helped a lot to wake him, before heading into the shower. He turned it on and kneeled down, showering as his master had dictated to him. He was very careful to do a good job of it, work under his thick fur, not miss anything. He was to be clean. He thought, as he gave himself the enema, he was almost getting used to doing it. At least he knew the right temperature for it now.

The shaving of his ballsac went quickly, he was used to doing that, he fondled them a little to make certain he had not missed a spot.

The whole carefully dictated way he showered was making his shaft strain at it's prison, and he moaned softly. He knew that was exactly the purpose of it, but it didn't help one bit. Especially thinking about what he must do next as he rinsed, toweling himself off as he returned to the front room.

He pulled it out of his dresser, the big, thick butt-plug. It has an especially wide base, and that lets it sit on the floor, where he put it. He coats it with lube as he looks at it, applying what is left under his tail, working it into himself with a soft gasp. He is careful to not get much of the lube into his tailfur, not wanting to have to rinse again.

Kneeling over it he presses the tip to himself, making a soft moan as he forces himself to start taking the tapered tip. His breath comes faster as it widens him, slides into him, each inch of it opening him more, until it feels like he can't take any more.

Yet he does, he knows he can take it, he has before, and then with a little yip he shudders, anus closing down tightly on the notch under the thicker mass of the plug. He pants softly, looking up at the clock, clasping his hands at his back, and closing his eyes.

For ten minutes he kneels there, properly posed, ass filled so very tightly with that toy. His shaft strains at the metal inner sheath locked within his own the whole time, each throb of making him grip a little at the plug. The time seems to take forever to pass to Tan, the fox glancing up at the unmoving clock much more often than he wishes to.

Finally he lowers his arms, and he grips the base of the plug, arching his back to pull himself off it, gritting his teeth as it stretches him until the wide base slips out, followed by the rest. He pants a little and takes several deep breaths to calm himself, before rinsing the toy off, and putting it away.

Now well lubed, he set about dressing, pulling on the shorts and sandals that he is allowed to wear. Very tight shorts at that, with the tail hole elongated so that if he lifted his tail to high he would expose himself. He tucked the cutoff t-shirt into his belt, that he would not be allowed to wear until he entered the restaurant.

The simple leather collar was the last, and he slipped it around his throat, locking it in back with a small padlock.

He looked at himself in the full length mirror, and his ears laid back. He looked more nude than dressed, tight shorts barely hiding anything, upper body bared, nipple rings and all. He swallowed a little and made himself look away from it, gathering up his keys and wallet before heading out of his loft.

The walk to the F line was not so bad, there were not many people about, but the train was crowded, and he had to squeeze his way through the crowd just to find a place to stand. Hanging onto the rails as the cab jerked around gave him the clear image of himself standing there with his arms over his head, spread, swaying around, and he could not help but lay his ears back at the thought. It felt like everyone was watching him.

He slipped off at his stop as quickly as he could. As he worked his way out of the crowd he felt a hand squeeze his rear, and as he turned he saw a big lion wearing a leather vest briefly before the train pulled away.

The fox walked over to the corner he had agree to meet Thomas at, and leaned against a Muni shelter. He only had to wait a few minutes, his master had proven to be quite punctual. Today he seemed to Tan to be a bit under the weather, and it warmed him to see that dower expression change into a smile at the sight of his slave.

Tan bowed his head politely and greeted the wolf by saying, "Sir." While it might get a smirk from a passer by, no one would think much of it. Not here.

Thomas' smile grew a bit at that and he said, "It is good to see you my boy. Come." With that Thomas turned and walked down the sidewalk. Tan took his place a step behind and to the right of his owner, hands clasped behind his back.

His master stopped and picked up a copy of the Guardian as Tan waited at his side. It took him a moment to feel the eyes on him and realize where Thomas has stopped. Right outside the biggest leatherdady bar on castro, with several of it's patrons eying the half nude, slender, collared fox who was clearly waiting for his master.

Ears laid back he squirmed a little, stealing a glance at the leather clad men whom were much less shy about how they looked at him. Distracted by this he didn't see the hand that came down on his rear. Startled by the swat he made an embarrassingly loud yip that got a few chuckles from his audience, which in turn widened the smile on his Master's face even as it deepened his blush.

Much to his relief Thomas seemed happy to move on at this point. He quickly fell into step behind him, keeping his eyes on his master's feet. It help not at all that his cock was straining at the prison it wore.

They arrived at the restaurant, and Thomas told his slave to put on his shirt. Tan did so, pulling the black cutoff on, the thing barely long enough to cover his nipple rings.

They got a booth in the corner in the restaurant. A small place, not really high class, but the food was good. A bit dark perhaps, it at least gave them a bit of privacy.

When the salads had arrived, Thomas drained the little cup of dressing onto his. He placed the cup before Tan, who seemed a bit puzzled, until his master placed a small key next to it. At the sight of that, Tan's eyes got a it wide, and he looked up at his owner, whom had a smirking grin that Tan took to mean that he did as he was instructed, or that it could be quite some time for him.

Tan's hands trembled as he took the offered Key, and his hands disappeared under the table. He unbuttoned his shorts, one at a time until his sheath was bared under the table. He glanced around the restaurant, but no one seemed to be paying attention, and besides, they would have to have to be sitting and in just the right spot to see what he was doing anyway.

He took a deep breath as his fingers fumbled with the lock that pierced the tip of his cocksheath, and getting it free, he pulled the metal inner sheath off his cock. His cock itself was fully hard within moments of being freed, and it poked up against his belly fur.

Setting the little prison on the bench beside him, he wrapped his hand around his shaft, which was almost too sensitive to the touch from many days of being trapped. He tried very hard to appear calm as he stroked himself, careful to breath slowly, not tense up to much. It was not easy.

Thomas didn't seem interested in making it any easier for him, either. His master slipped a hand behind his slave, brushing a finger under his tail, and into the shorts. He found what he sought and rubbed his fingerpad directly over Tan's lubricated anus, making the fox go still and hold his breath for several moments least he cry out.

Tan looked up rather wide-eyed at his master for a moment, but found no sympathy in the grin on Thomas' face. It was not long before he found himself massaging his fully hard knot as his master's fingertip invaded him and helped him reach his climax quickly. Tan, understanding the silent instructions, managed to cum into the little cup, hoping that no one caught it.

However, opening his eyes showed him otherwise. Across the way in another booth was this snow leopard, who was not only looking right at him, but making eye contact as the fox glanced at him. He made a little whimper in his throat, and then heard his master whisper in his ear, "bad boy, you got caught."

The slave flushed deeply at that, and was thankful that the only thing the snow leopard seemed to wish to do about the situation was smirk and lick his muzzle very suggestively, rather than alert the waiter to the incident.

Tan put his chastity toy back on, placing the key, and the now full dressing cup back on the table. He could hardly even then meet his Master's gaze, from a mix of embarrassment and shame at failing him. Thankfully Thomas seemed simply amused at the situation, rather than truly angry.

Thomas said, "Well, eat your appetizer, slave."

The fox swallowed and looked around, to find that the only one paying attention to them was that cursed feline, whom grinned even wider as Tan lifted the cup, and licked it clean of his cum.

Food arrived shortly after, allowing Tan to recover a bit as Thomas spoke a bit of the day, and asked his slave of how his art was progressing. The unnamed feline also ate, but kept stealing glances and grins at the fox whom laid his ears back each time he noticed.

Thomas ordered a desert as they finished, and then handed Tan a small bag out of his briefcase, instructing him in a soft whisper, "Go to the bathroom and get in the big stall, strip, and put what you find in here on. Then turn and bend over the toilet, and use the handcuffs to secure your hands to the pipe."

Tan looked up at his master a bit wide-eyed, and Thomas said to him, "Do it, slave, this is your reward for being seen." The reminder of that was enough to beat back his objections, and he whispered meekly, "Yes, Master."

It was made worse as he slipped from the boot by the look he got from the cat, whom he had to pass right by to get to the bathroom. Thankfully the place was clean, and as he closed the lock on the stall behind him, he pulled off his shirt, and shorts, hanging them from the door. Nude, he looked in the sac, and bit his lip at what he found. A muzzle, blindfold, and the promised pair of handcuffs.

He hesitated, but, finally made himself do it. Putting on the muzzle first, and then the blindfold. This made getting the handcuffs on difficult, but he managed, running the chain under the pipe so he was trapped like that, facing the wall, bent over.

Tan trembled a bit as he heard a few people come in and out of the bathroom. One even rattled the stall door to find it locked, and moved on, making a chill shoot through him, fur standing on end along his spine. He didn't dare even whimper.

Then there was a fumbling at the door, and someone entered the stall, closing it behind them. Tan's tall ears were turned back, listening, nose flairing as he tried to catch the scent of his master. But he could not tell, not here in the overly scented bathroom.

The hand that cupped his ass didn't feel quite right, and he squirmed. That earned him a light slap and a whisper from a voice he did not recognize, saying "Don't fight, fox, I'd hate to tell your master you were disobedient."

As the figure leaned over him he finally caught the scent, and realized that it had to be the same cat that had so embarrassed him before, now standing behind him, with him at his mercy.

The cat ran his paws up along his sides, and over his chest, unsheathing his claws he hooked Tan's nipple rings and tugged on them firmly. Tan kept still this time, panting through his nose as the cat twisted them painfully. He was rewarded with the words, "thats better, yes. You'll do nicely."

The hands then left him, and with his sensitive ears he was able to finally make out that the cat had removed some clothing. His suspicions were confirmed as hips and a hard cock were pressed up against the crease of his ass.

What followed was swift, rough, but not so much so that Tan didn't enjoy it. The snow leopard's cock drove into him in a slow stroke, just barely slow enough that he could adjust to it being there, and then it was driven through his clutching rings hard. He was thankful for the lube that he was ordered to apply each morning, especially as the cat slammed in harder with climax, somehow managing to keep quite while he fucked the helpless fox.

Wasting no time after he filled Tan, the cat dressed, and said, "Hold your head very still, fox. Your master asked I leave you something, and you don't want to drop it."

It was not easy for Tan to comply with this, his chest was heaving with pants, but he did his best. Something cool, metallic, was laid on top of his muzzle, balanced there, and he had a sudden rush of fear as he realized it was the key to his handcuffs, and that if he made any sudden move he would drop it into the toilet.

As he was realizing that, the stall door closed behind him.

Carefully he lowered his torso, getting his muzzle down to the handle, so very painfully slowly. He had to stop several times as he started to tremble, but finally, he got it close enough to his hand that he was able to carefully feel his way up over his nose and pick the key off his muzzle with out dropping it.

From there it didn't take very long to get himself free and dressed, every movement reminding him of the rough fucking that left him somewhat sore.

When he returned to his seat at the table, the cat was no where to be found. Thomas had settled the bill, and chuckled as he asked, "Enjoy yourself, slave?"

The fox blushed, again, thinking that the insides of his ears were going to be permanently pink at this rate. He said, "Yes, Sir, thank you" in a shy whisper.

Thomas looked around a bit, and seeing no prying eyes put the sac back in his briefcase, pulling out a little container of cinnamon oil. Before Tan had a chance to realize it, the wolf had rubbed a drop of it into the flesh of both his nipples. He gasped as they started to heat, and bit his lip.

The master hugged his slave tightly and said to him, "I'll see you tonight, boy, and don't wash that off until you're home. Now git." With a shove and a chuckle he sent Tan on his way.

Once outside Tan remembered to take off his shirt, the cool air only helping keep him aware of the burning points on his chest. He made it to rail stop, and waited. Soon he was silently cursing Muni as he waited, fighting, tail thrashing madly behind him, trying very hard not to whine like a pup as he waited for the train to arrive. It did, finally, and took him home.

He burst through the door and tossed his shorts away as he rushed to the bathroom, whimpering loudly now that he was there, jumping into a cold shower as he desperately tried to ease the burning. It hardly helped, the damage was done, and it was some time before he finally came out of the shower, shivering and cold.

After some debate he decided that perhaps today would be a good day to work on that cover art for the erotic story collection that he had been commissioned to do.


Tan By Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson Copyright (C) 1998 - 2007 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) [http://www.fur.com/wfire](http://www.fur.com/wfire) Edited by Keepiru 12/19/98 Edited by WhiteFire 1/10/07 NOTES: ...

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