Shoring up the Port (3/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In the sequel to Any Port in a Storm, the transformed Reynard gets an expansion in Renzyl's realm that deals exclusively with those who wish to deal with tentacles. The fact that the fox is being lured away from using vines and plants to satisfy such a lust draws the ire of one of Renzyl's brothers whose determined to try and lure the rubber hybrid into his own realm instead.

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A few minutes later Reynard was sitting in the realm of his choice, looking down at the grass as he sat there looking up at the clouds. "You don't think he's mad, do you?" he asked the nexus creature sitting next to him. "I mean he did all that stuff for me and I kind of just turned my back on all of it. It was a tough choice to begin with, but I do still feel bad that he ended up on the losing end of it."

"He took his shot and it didn't work out for him," Renzyl replied with a shrug. "From the sound of it you did seem like the perfect fit for that little vine project of his, but in the end you go with what you love and if that's here than that's where you belong. Don't worry, he's not going to hold it against you that you didn't stay in his realm, none of us hold a grudge when it comes to that."

Reynard breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that, remembering the look of disappointment he saw on Yavini's face when he had decided to rubber dragon over him. Though the plant fox took it well and gave him a smile while telling him no hard feelings he couldn't help but sense that there was a pang of sadness that he wasn't going with him. But unfortunately for him Reynard knew where his place was, and that was in the realm of rubber where he could do much more than just grow vines and such. Not only could he do that in this realm but they could also be squeaky shiny fun that turned people into all sorts of creatures, something that he relayed to Renzyl as he sat there in condemplation.

Reynard just nodded and stood up, looking around at the rubber tentacle monsters that were roaming around the area while Renzyl got to his feet as well. "Looks like it's time to jump back into the fray," the fox said with a happy sigh. "Are you going to change me back or will you let one of these guys do it for you?"

"It's up to you," Renzyl replied. "I can certainly do it for you if you wish, in fact we can use one of these themed spots that the others like. You could use the temple arcane circle, or the grove, or anything of that nature."

"I think I'll just stick to the old-fashioned way," Reynard said with a small nod, but as Renzyl raised up his hand the fox quickly stopped him. "Actually, there is one thing I would like to change about my form, if you don't mind."

"Of course," Renzyl said, tilting his head slightly to the side in curiosity. "What would you like?"

"I figured since part of the reason why Yavini was drawn to me besides the whole tentacle thing was because I was still part fox," Reynard explained. "Since I'm all in on this realm I was wondering if I could became a rubber lizardman instead?"

A grin formed on Renzyl's rubber muzzle as he nodded his head. "I think that certainly could be arranged," the rubber dragon said, holding out his hand once more. "Now hold still..."

Just as the shiny tendrils began to move from Renzyl's palm towards the fox a voice suddenly chimed in that caused them to stop as the nexus creature let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for bothering you Lord Renzyl," Chrono said, gulping slightly as he saw the stern look that was coming from the rubber dragon. "I just thought that you might want to know that this section of your realm is getting more popularity than we had originally anticipated. We have someone that is attempting to try and summon some sort of Lovecraftian horror that had latched onto this plane and we expect there might be a cross-over if you want to go in and see for yourself."

Renzyl glanced over at Reynard, then looked at Chrono once more. "They must have a pretty powerful resonance here if they're able to connect to this plane," he stated, the silver raptor nodding. "Well in that case why don't we go ahead and give them what they want, that is if we have someone that is willing to play a bit of dress up and use a certain ability they may have gleaned from a certain plant fox to have a little fun."

"Ohh, that would be me!" Reynard said enthusiastically, raising his hand in the air. "Just tell me what I have to do and I'm there!"

Meanwhile in another part of the nexus realm a group of five humans were sitting around a pentagram that they had made in the basement of an abandoned building, the only light coming from several flickering candles they had lit around it. One of them had a book in his lap while the other three sat around the circle and looked at the other flipping through the pages. "Hey man, I think we might want to call this one a bust," a stockier guy said while thumbing at his point in the star he was told to go to. "This wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought it was going to be and it kind of makes me feel like we're twelve and not in college."

"Agreed," another guy said as he slid his glasses up his nose. "Plus I thought we were doing this to try and bring along some girls, yet all I see are five dudes sitting in a cold basement in the middle of the night."

"You can't just bail on me yet guys!" the one with the book said as he continued to try and read the page. "It's just something that we must be missing, the guy that I got this book from said that it was guaranteed to do this. All we have to do is see it work and then I promise that it will be worth it."

The others sighed and sat down once more, all of them basically muttering that he had one last chance to make this work before they bailed and went back to their dorm rooms for the night. The one in charge of the ritual sighed and looked over the spell once again, trying to see where he could have possibly went wrong. There were the five souls needed for summoning, the pentagram looked right, and everything else appeared to be in their proper position. The only thing that he could be doing wrong then was the pronunciation of the incantation, and despite the cold of the basement he could feel himself starting to set as he tried to sound out the words in his head.

After being prodded several times by his friends he finally decided which one sounded the best and began to recite it out loud, ignoring the eye rolling done by the others in the group as he brought his hands up in the air. As he made several gestures at the end of it there appeared to be no new movement, but just as the others began to get up so they could walk out of the basement the salt that they used to make the pentagram began to smoke. That caused everyone to stop dead in their tracks and watch as it turned from white to black, eventually spreading to the concrete in the middle of the circle as the candles suddenly melted away into nothing. As the one that read the incantation slowly began to stand up as well as the others the area around them became dark with no more light from the candles, though soon they found the immediate area illuminated once more by the circle itself as they gasped upon seeing a shadowy figure in the middle of it.

"No... no way," one of the guys said as the figure took shape, the red light of the pentagram reflecting off of the shiny rubber body of the creature within the circle. "It actually worked?"

"I notice it is yet another dude," the one that had commented earlier said, and though the others quickly hushed at him to shut up they couldn't help but notice the huge shaft hanging from the creature's legs.

"Yes, I have summoned you!" the one with the book exclaimed excitedly, the creature within opening his black eyes and staring at him as the rubber lizardman looked around. "Not quite the demon I was expecting..."

"You wanted one, you got one," the figure in the middle said, smirking and opening his maw to let his rubber tentacle tongue wrap completely around his maw. The naked lizardman was definitely a muscular creature that was very handsome with a pair of curved horns on his head and a pair of thick draconian paws that it balanced on while several tentacles seemed to coil and curl on his forearms while he seemed to size them all us before landing on the one with the book. "So for what reason have you decided that you needed a demon to service you?"

"We're trying to get laid," the one with the book blurted out, hearing the other ones try and shush him as he gestured with the book. "What, it's a demon guys, you think that it's not going to know what we want?"

"What you want maybe," the one with the glasses said. "Plus how do we know that this guy isn't going to just monkey paw our wishes?"

"I assure you that anything that I do when it comes to the delivery of pleasure that I will do everything I can to make sure it's fulfilled," the demon replied with a slight smirk. "If getting laid is what you want to happen then I can certainly make it happen."

"Wait, hold on a second," one of the guys said. "How do we know this demon isn't just going to come out and fuck us or something?"

"Relax dude," the one with the book said as he tapped on the cover. "As long as he is in the circle there's nothing he can do to touch us. Now you're a demon of pleasure, so give it to us."

Reynard couldn't help but smirk as he played along, definitely enjoying this kind of roleplaying as he looked at the five guys that surrounded him. "As you wish..." he looked around the circle before once more fixating on another guy, the one that mentioned that he was a guy. "You there, you seem to be fascinated with the concept of big dicks, which is strange considering how much you've been lamenting having so many around. Fortunately I can fix that for you."

The guy looked at Reynard in confusion before he suddenly let out a groan, the others looking in shock as he began to grab at the crotch of his pants. "Ugh, it's doing something to me..." he groaned, taking his pants and undoing the zipper while the others protested. "I can't help it, it's digging into my underwear!"

Before the others could say anything else they looked in shock as he pulled down his pants and the others saw his briefs straining with what was contained within. "As for you..." Reynard said to the one in glasses, getting his attention while the others continued to watch as the thick cock that sprang out from the other guy's underwear was nearly a foot long and a shiny black in color. "You could use someone in your head that can tell you exactly what others want to hear to get the sex you crave. I can help with that as well."

Reynard watched as the guy stared into his glowing red eyes, watching as his glasses slipped off of his face and cracked on the ground before the rubber lizardman turned his gaze to the next one in line. "You just want to breed like a beast," he said as the others became more concerned by the second at what was happening. "Go ahead, let it out."

"Hey dude, what's happening here," the guy next to the one with the book said as suddenly the one the demon was currently focused on started to pant, his own pants starting to tent as he suddenly started to growl slightly. "I thought you said it couldn't affect us?!"

"It can't!" the one with the book said.

"Say that to my junk!" the guy said as he cradled his still growing cock, which had turned into a shiny black tentacle and started to slither in the air. "I can't even walk, what do I do..." Suddenly the others watched as the thick cock seemed to arch back and look directly at its owner, and before he could do anything it pushed its way into his own mouth and begun to pump in and out of it.

"The book actually says I can't touch any of you unless you break the circle," Reynard explained, the three that weren't transforming looking at the demon in shock. "It doesn't say anything about my influence, which when you summon a tentacle monster is going to be pretty significant. Or maybe that's what you wanted... either way unless you want to be that big boy's conquest I suggest to move it on out of here."

As one of their friends was still having his mouth stretched open by his own rubber tentacle dick the remaining three looked over at the one that had started to snarl, his hands against his head as his entire skull began to reshape into something more animalistic in nature while his skin became as black and shiny as the demon that had cursed him. There was a loud rip as the clothing he was wearing tore apart on his growing musculature and as his pants fell away it revealed that he had several tentacle cocks slithering around between his legs just like the one that their other friend had. A loud howl that came out of the transforming human's mouth caused them all to run, still hearing his muscles stretching as he turned into a sheer beast of a creature and rubbery just like the demon. By the time he had finished transforming and started to look for where the others had gone they were already in another room of the basement and closing the door behind them.

The three looked around and saw they were in what appeared to be a fruit cellar, rough stone stacked up for the walls and not much else in the empty room. "Well, fix it already!" one of the guys said as he pushed the one with the book. "This is your fault after all!"

"I didn't think that would happen!" the one with the book said, hearing the others groan as he put his hand to his forehead. "Alright, I can do this, as long as the demon is here he can still influence us, so all we have to do is banish it and we will be fine. There's got to be a way to dispel or banish it..."

"You don't even know how to get rid of it?!" the other guy said angrily, the two shushing him to avoid the creature in the other room from hearing them. "I suggest you hurry then!"

"Damn, when did I lose my glasses?" the third guy said as he put his hand to his face while the one with the book sat down and started flipping through the pages again. "Hey man, do you mind if I talk to you about something in private? You're going to have to help me since I'm blind as a bat."

The other guy nodded and once more pointed at the one with the book and told him to fix this before helping their friend move over to another section of the fruit cellar out of sight. As he flipped through the pages he couldn't believe that he hadn't thought to look up the banishment spell... though in reality he didn't think that it would work anyway. It appeared he was wrong however as he heard a bang against the door they roughly barricaded, seeing several shiny black tentacles start to push their way in between the cracks. He backed up slightly at that and kept the book closer to him as they continued to slither their way closer to him until he was prompted to finally get up and head further back into the cellar where the others were.

"Guys..." the one with the book said as he turned the corner to where the other two had gone. "I think we need to find an escape what the hell?!" The book dropped to the floor with a loud thud as the one who had been carrying it saw the one that had been complaining about him fixing it was pinned against the wall with his pants down as the guy that had glasses was pushing a thick, black rubber tentacle cock inside of him. As he continued to push it into the male in front of him he turned towards the other guy watching them and gave him a fanged grin as his face began to push out into a muzzle.

"I told him that he just needed someone whispering in his head to get him laid," Reynard said through the voice of the human he had possessed. "I figured since I was doing that I would get the rest of him too."

Before the one with the book could say anything there was a loud crash and as he turned around he saw a huge hulking rubber tentacle beast staring down at him. With the demon possessed man still on one side of him and the new creature on the other there was little that the human in the middle could do, especially since he was the last one as he began to hear the moans of the man being thrusted into growing deeper and his chest bulging out his shirt to the point the seems were ripping. Eventually he did the only thing he could do, which was slowly reach down and attempt to pick up the book again. A tentacle from the forearm of the creature quickly lashed out and wrapped around it, quickly flinging it away before approaching him once more.

Meanwhile Reynard watched from the summoning circle that he pretended contained him, eventually stepping outside as the werewolf tentacle monster he possessed grabbed the one that had had summoned him in the first place and began to rip off his clothes. As he stepped out of the circle and looked at the partially human creature that had his own cock halfway down his throat he chuckled at the cycle of pleasure that was being looped through him, watching as his own tongue began to extend and coil around the throbbing flesh. He was one that Reynard hadn't directly possessed and would probably become a snakecock or naga once he had gotten him back to Renzyl's realm, sensing that his desire was more of a phallic nature all along since the second he had gotten there. For the time being he would just leave him there, letting his body slowly become more rubbery as his face pushed out into a muzzle that only served to lodge more of the still growing cock inside of him.

For the rest of the group however Chrono had been right in their interests, all of them having a positive turn towards the tentacular as well as rubber. One had a possession fetish was more than happy to take care of, still feeling the sensation of him ramming his transformed cock into the hole of the one that he had mesmerized knowing that he also had a submissive streak. After that it was just down to the two remaining, which included the one that summoned him in the first place. The one he had turned into rubber tentacle werewolf was huge on dominance play, feeling just as much pleasure pinning down the one remaining human as he would shoving his own tentacle cocks inside of him.

As Reynard walked into the cellar he already saw the completely naked human being held in the tentacles that the rubber creature had sprouted from his back, and as he walked further back he could see that the other two had started to transform as well while rutting one another. The werewolf and the other three would certainly do for what he had planned, the lizardman thought to himself with a smirk as he had the creature lower down the human that was still wiggling in his grasp. "Looks like you are quite the fighter," Reynard said as he stroked down the bare chest of the human. "But we all know that deep down inside that you wanted this scenario most of all, wanting to summon a demon just so he could stick his tentacles inside of you."

With the human being naked Reynard could watch his entire body blush, grinning as he kept noticing him glance over at his friends that had already started to get patches of black rubber spreading over their skin. He already knew that the human would succumb and as he showed off his own tentacles he knew that he could entice him and as he wrapped them around the human he just looked away and nodded, Reynard feeling his body tremble as though this was what he wanted his entire life. He was about to get all that and a lot more as several of his tentacles slithered out towards the other three in the room. Though he had been possessing the one remotely, which he had pull out of the other enthralled human, as soon as he shoved the rubbery appendages up inside their own holes they immediately stiffened, their bodies trembling as Reynard's rubber began to spread inside their bodies as well as outside.

The remaining human could see their bodies changing as rubber spread over their rears, the small nubs of tails that had been growing stretching out behind them as they groaned loudly. Reynard had already influenced the mind of the werewolf and the other human, watching their bodies quiver as their skin pushed out from the tentacles slithering within them, but the remaining human besides the one he was teasing had not. As the enthrallment wore off Reynard could see the look of confusion in his eyes, especially as he felt his body transforming and turning to a rubber lizardman just like his friend next to him. Just as he felt the human start to feel like he would run he pushed his tendrils up and infiltrated the rest of his body, feeling him squirm in pure pleasure as his hands went to his cock and began to stroke it while his face pushed out into a reptilian muzzle.

"So I figured since you were the one that brought your friends into this," Reynard said, taking a step back and allowing the two rubber lizardman he had created to step in front of the last remaining human.

"I figure they can be the one that makes your dreams come true." Reynard could see the human's eyes widening in shock as the second transformed human said the next line.

"All you have to do," the werewolf behind him growled as Reynard tightened the tentacles around the naked guy's body just to increase the pressure he felt as it leaned into his ear and let out a low growl. "Is enjoy it."

As Reynard sat back he allowed his rubber puppets to do the work for him, sensing through the three of them as they began to wrap their tentacle cocks around his head and backside. The werewolf by far was the most interesting, though he altered his features to make him more reptilian as well as his muzzle flared out as several tentacles poked their way from his maw while the ones around his groin continued to slide around the sensitive flesh of the one they were about to penetrate. The demon lizardman braced himself for insertion of the first one and felt the wave of pleasure rush through him just like it did the one that one that was actually stretching the human open. As soon as it made contact with him however the rubber transferred into the human and quickly spread throughout his insides, which was good because Reynard wasted little time in having the hulking creature shove another one inside of him soon after the first came in.

On the other side as several of the hulking reptile's tentacles could be seen sliding around and coiling around the human's growing member the two lizardman lined themselves up in front of the human's mouth and started to push the tips of their tentacle cocks inside. Just like with his backside, which had three tentacles inside of it at this point, Reynard wasted little time in shoving their own inside the mouth of the human. As his lips stretched open it quickly became that of a serpentine muzzle, his entire face becoming rubbery to allow them inside and down his throat. As Reynard felt the two slithering into the human he decided that just wasn't enough and grinned as he caused several more to sprout from the groins of the two he controlled.

As the throat, chest, and stomach of the transforming human was stretched out by the appendages filling him his body was already creating some of his own. As soon as the black rubber cascaded over his back there were nearly a dozen tentacles that emerged from it, with a similar situation happening to his chest and stomach. The tail he grew also divided into a number of different ones as well, several of them pushing into the mouth of the lizard hulk and pushing their way into the throat of the other male while the ones producing from the muzzle rapped around them. He also quickly lost his toes and fingers into more of them as well, which split all the way up to his forearm and made him look like some sort of Lovecraftian nightmare. It was what he wanted all along, Reynard thought to himself as he watched the heft four-foot long cock that was hanging from between the rubbery legs of the human split apart as well and wrap around those that were attempting to stimulate it.

It wasn't long before the former human was completely cocooned in rubber tentacles, his scaled form bloated with them as they were spilling inside and out from the three that were shoving more into his maw and tailhole as others slithered out and wiggled into the air. Eventually it was too much even for Reynard to handle and he quickly disconnected from them, watching as the tentacle naga that had been created quickly filled in the void and shoved several into those that were filling him. He didn't have a clue on what that human would become, most likely a shambling mound of rubber tentacles with a somewhat humanoid form attached to it, but he knew he had already spent too much time here. Much to his surprise as he was about to think of going back he suddenly found himself in the field of his extension, seeing all five transformed rubber creatures still there as he looked around in slight surprise.

"I figured when you got to the point of having your most recently transformed human being turned into a tentacle pinata you were ready to come home," Renzyl said once Reynard saw him standing there near him. "I know that Yavini was trying to poach you with that vine thing of his but in the end he did me a favor, if you could teach that to a few others around here I'm sure they would be eternally grateful."

"I'd be more than happy to Master Renzyl," Reynard replied, smoothing back his horns and ridding himself of the demon disguised he had donned in order to play into what the humans were expecting. "Do you mind if I might take a little break first? I can't believe I'm saying it but I think those five tentacled me out, even my tails and tongue aren't manifesting right now."

Renzyl glanced over at the ones that the rubber lizardman had brought in and chuckled before nodding his head. "I think you certainly deserve a rest," the rubber dragon agreed. "Go ahead and take as much time as you need, I don't think this place is going to lose its popularity anytime soon."

Reynard chuckled and made his way back over towards the resort, his body still shivering occasionally from the feedback he was getting from the creatures that he had recently put under his control. While he couldn't wait to show others what he had done he did definitely need that break first and made his way over towards the beach on the lake in order to unwind. As he sat down at the edge of the small pier he realized that unlike the chaos that the creatures here provided to the rest of the area this place was very... serene. Perhaps it was a place that didn't need tentacles, Reynard thought to himself as he put his reptilian feet in the water and splashed them around a bit to distort his own reflection.

Suddenly the lizardman felt something start to rock the docks, and as he turned around he saw a rubber aquatic snake man walking towards him. "Hey, didn't mean to break your zen or anything," he said as he gave him a smile. "But I was wondering if you were Reynard? I had attempted to come here earlier today but I was told that you had gone off realm."

"Yeah, I was with another nexus creature," Reynard stated as he got up himself. "But I am Reynard, was there something in particular that you needed me for?"

"Yeah, I was told that you were looking for tentacle creatures that would be willing to take up residence in your lake and transform those that swam in it?" the snake man asked, Reynard slowly nodding his head. "Well I'm it, I'm more than happy to take up the mantle and would have earlier but didn't want to be a part of the garden scene."

"I see..." Reynard replied, seeing the rubber sea serpent grin enthusiastically at him. "Well... I can certainly get you started, why don't you go ahead and hop in and I'll be right behind you?"

Once more the other rubber creature nodded and dived effortlessly into the water, Reynard watching him disappear down into the depths of the lake. Well... Reynard thought to himself as smile crossed his muzzle, there could be room for some tentacles in the lake he guessed as he dove in right after him.

Shoring up the Port (2/3)

About a week later, though time was rather hard to tell in Renzyl's realm, Reynard had managed to get another half a dozen creatures to come in and join him in the tentacle lover's paradise that had been created for them. Many had gone the...

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Shoring up the Port (1/3)

It had been several weeks since Reynard had found himself on the proverbial shores of Renzyl's realm after a nexus storm had botched his teleporting, and instead of being at the location he had been aiming for he found himself standing at the edge of a...

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Scent Sampling

It never ceased to fail that when Juan had forgotten his umbrella at his place that the heavens would open, and even though the forecaster had assured everyone that there would be no rain for the city today it didn't stop sheet of rain from coming down...

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