For You...Anything, Always

Story by Takoda on SoFurry

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#2 of For You...Anything series

Sorry it took so long to finally get posted, but here it is! This is the second part of the "For You...Anything" story series. I'm going to write a third part, maybe a forth too. I've still got some other stories in the works I'd like to get posted. As always, please critique, comment, and vote! :)


This story contains sexually explicit acts of consenting members of the same family. If such themes make you uncomfortable, please do not read any further. Otherwise, enjoy!

"For You...Anything, Always" Story and characters property of Takoda


Warm sunlight slowly danced across the dark curtains over my eyes, beckoning me to awake from the most relaxing sleep I've had in years. You know those times when you sleep so well, you can't even remember if you dreamt or not? I stretched my arms over my head and opened my muzzle wide in a powerful yawn. The warm bed sheets hugged at my naked fur, making it all the more difficult to want to leave them. As the haze in my mind began clearing, I noticed that I was not alone beneath the covers. Something was lying on top of me. It was furry, it was warm, and from what I could tell.... it was naked. While my mind was taking in this realization, the mass atop me moved and I heard a young feminine voice moan

"hhhmmm..... good mooorning!"

I rubbed at my sleepy eyes and looked down to see my younger sister wearing nothing but a cute, girly grin! Her chin rested on my chest and her tail thumped within the restrains of the bed sheets as she gazed up lovingly into my eyes. She looked so happy and content - like our bodies were created solely to belong together, just as they were now. With every breath she took her petite breasts pressed against my stomach, her little nipples poking me. My mind replayed the course of events that lead to the current position we found ourselves in.

I gave in to my sister's heat and claimed her fertile womb with my seed!

A mixture of panic and disbelief swept through my mind, thinking there was no way I would've done that with my own sister! But there she was... her naked body draped over mine - the musky smell of sweat and sex clinging to the bed sheets. I remember after our shower, we dried each other off and without even re-clothing; Beth grabbed my hand and led me down the hall to her room.

I remember she guided me to the bed and told me to lie back while she climbed on and swung a leg over my torso, so she was straddling my waist. With one hand she grabbed my emerging shaft and stuck it between her blushed lips, mating me right then and there; on her own bed in her own bedroom. The last thing I remember was falling asleep with her on top of me - my rock hard knot still deeply embedded within her clenching tunnel that, once again, was filling with her brother's wolf cum.

I allowed my thoughts to gather while Beth laid there on my chest, drawing non-descript shapes in my fur. She was still wearing her cute, loving smile... so full of complete joy and happiness. Knowing that that smile was because of me, any lingering doubts about what we had done vanished. They were replaced with an absolute certainty that we were both only doing what our hearts truly wanted. This was right. The position we were in now and our actions that led us to it felt nothing but right. We were meant to be together. Supposed to be together. My heart danced within my chest and my lips parted into a huge smile as I wrapped my arms around my sister and held her tight. No, she wasn't my sister any more. She was my mate. My love. My life. I leaned up and kissed her... just out of sheer love; I kissed her deeply and affectionately.

We parted lips and both stretched our limbs and groaned, more from complete happiness than awaking from our sleep. As she stirred, her hips ground against mine and brushed over my sheath, making me shudder at the tingling sensation. She noticed this and a mischievous grin spread over her lips. She shifted and I felt a paw squeeze around my sheath and begin stroking my furry tube up and down, making my tip peer out with every downward stroke.

"How about starting the day off right..." Beth smiled at me with her mischievous grin.


All I could do was moan my consent before she released her hold on me and sat up, straddling my waist and grinding down against my crotch. She gyrated her hips in small circles, trying to find the spot she was looking for.... until aaah! - I gasped when my exposed tip caught in her warm folds and she pressed hard against me! She rocked back and forth while grinding on my swelling cock, her pelvic muscles clenching while pulling me deeper. My crimson meat swelled and stiffened as it sunk further into my sister's love hole. I could feel every rhythmic contraction of her muscles around my girth, tightening and slowly relaxing as her tunnel expanded to accommodate my intrusion.

Beth gasped and moaned above me, running her hands through her hair and kneading her petite breasts while she thrust against my lap. Her passage grew tighter around me as my swelling wolf cock sank into her depths - her pussy lips stretching around the bulge of my base. This whole time I'd been lying still, letting her have her way with me. I let her thrust and grind against me while I laid back and savored in the electrifying sensations engulfing my member. She picked up her pace, slapping against my lap and grunting out while trying to pull my growing knot inside.

"nnuuh! K-koda... need some h-help here!"

Giving in to her wish, I grabbed her waist and began slamming up against her downward thrusts. It didn't take long before her lips tightly stretched around my bulb and I lodged inside, her pelvis violently contracting and spasming around me at being so full! Her muscles clenched and shuddered around my buried knot, squeezing behind it and pulling me deeper. Her hot tunnel suckled and salivated all around me, her juices sloshing and squishing with every gyration her hips made. My knot expanded to its full size and sealed her shut, preventing any of our coupled fluids from escaping and ensuring her insemination.

Beth repeatedly tugged upward and moaned every time my swollen bulb pulled her back down. The extra stimulation of feeling her passage pull against me threw me into overload! My feral instincts took over as I started jack-hammering into her with quick jabs. My hands on her waist pulled down while my hips shot up, wiggling my buried cock inside her and making sure it was nestled nice and deep. Beth gasped and cried out every time I slammed my hips against hers

"huuuh... huu- oooh Koda! I'm gonna CUUUMM!"

Suddenly she collapsed on top of me and wrapped her arms behind my neck, screaming into my chest as she gave in to her impending orgasm. I felt her entire body flex and spasm while her pussy tightly grabbed at my buried member, trying to milk me for my puppy seed! It was all I could take before my shaft swelled its largest and splurted out hot globs of cum all over my sister's inner walls. With every squirt, her tunnel would clamp around me and squeeze more cum from my tip, greedily taking all I had to offer.

I could feel our copulation striving to satiate each other's instinctual need for sexual release - her pussy gripping and massaging my squirting cock as I fulfilled her feminine appetite for being bred. Beth gasped and moaned into my ear as we savored our prolonged orgasms, her warm breath tickling my fur and eliciting my ejaculation to continue filling her begging passage. Slowly, ever so slowly, our orgasms dwindled into mere twitches and flexing of our hips while my engorged member held us securely locked together until our mating was complete.

"hhhaa... it just... mmh!....gets better... every time!" Beth panted in my ear. We held one another in silence, simply reveling in the sensations of our physical display of love and affection. She occasionally tugged at my knot, making my legs twitch and causing me to yip! every time she pulled. Soon, I felt my bulb deflate enough for her lips to stretch around it and pull out. With an audible *sluuurp* she pulled free and my shaft slipped from her saturated tunnel, our combined fluids spilling from her lips onto my lap, coating my shrinking cock and balls in warm liquid.

She looked down at our previous copulation and the mess left it behind, then back at me with a grin "looks like I'm gonna have to clean you off...". She got up off me and turned around, then sat and straddled me once more, only facing in the opposite direction. Her sopping pussy hovered above me as she lapped and licked at the sexual fluids covering my lap, making me shudder whenever she licked around my exposed base. Drops of cum dripped from her folds and fell onto me while she slurped around my balls and sheath. I decided to return the favor she was giving, and pulled her hips down onto my face.

I sucked and lapped at her dripping lips, sticking my tongue in her drenched passage and drinking down our combined juices. Beth moaned and pushed against me, causing the end of my muzzle to lodge in between her folds. I held my breath and stuck my tongue as deep into her as I could, being a good brother and cleaning her from the inside out. Pulling out only to catch a breath of air, I dove right back in and cleaned the walls of her fertile vulva. After we both cleaned one another as much as we could, we decided to finish up in the shower.

We grudgingly got up from our positions and slowly made it off the bed. We headed to the bathroom, that, last night had served as the place of our first copulation. I turned on the faucet while Beth grabbed some clean towels from the shelf. Once the water was warm enough, I let Beth get in first and I followed suit.

Unlike our first shower experience together, we both knew that this one was solely for getting cleaned up... although I couldn't help but catch Beth off guard by occasionally prodding a digit between her folds, making her yelp! in surprise. We helped each other soap up, reaching those places that were hard to get to when alone. It was hard to resist the temptation to have a second rendition of last night's shower rendezvous, and Beth's extra attention to cleaning my sheath and balls didn't make things any easier!

I tilted my head back underneath the flowing water and rinsed off the shampoo between my ears, occasionally moaning as Beth continued cleaning off my sheath. She had gotten it nice and soapy now, and was lathering my furred tube up and down within her paw. Just as I was getting turned on by the sensation, something strange caught me off guard. I felt something poke through the hole of my sheath and slide along my hidden shaft. My eyes darted open and I looked down to see my kneeling sister fingering my sheath! She looked up at me with a playful grin and asked in a sexy whisper

"how does this feel...?"

I shuddered at the strange sensation and murred "its... kinda weird.... but d-don't stop"

She continued fingering me while my member again swelled from its furry tube, the hole of my sheath stretching around not only my protruding flesh, but her intruding finger. Right when my cock fully emerged, Beth pulled out her finger and stood up, caressing my cheek and saying "That's enough for now, wolfy!"

AH! She was soo evil! I was just beginning t- Beth planted a tender kiss on my lips and turned off the water, grabbing a towel and stepping out of the shower, leaving me there with a swollen erection and unfinished release... AGAIN! I had no choice but to grab my own towel and get out of the shower, joining my sister in drying off.

"Koda? Can we go to the mall today?" she sweetly asked while tying her towel in a makeshift turban. Wrapping my own towel around my waist, I asked "what for?"

"I wanna get a few... thiiiinngs. You'll love them" she said winking at me.

"Uuh, I guess so. Go get dressed and I'll take you in about thirty minutes."

She smiled and gave me a tender kiss before opening the bathroom door and heading down the hall to her room. Even though my sister was so evil in knowing just when to leave me on the verge of sexual release, I couldn't help but smile at her playfulness and the little sex deviant that she was. I walked down toward my room to change, catching the hums of some pop song coming from behind Beth's closed door. I put on a black Quicksilfur shirt and some gray cargo shorts along with brown sandals, then headed to the kitchen to get something to drink. I grabbed a carton of orange juice from the fridge and poured a glass just as Beth walked in, still pinning on her earrings.

I put the juice back in the fridge, thinking maybe I should offer her some, and turned around to ask just as she finished downing the glass I'd poured for myself. I was kind of annoyed and a little taken aback, but I laughed when she set the glass down and smiled innocently at me with an orange mustache.

"Hahaha... you're such a pain in the butt, ya know!" I teased as I grabbed a paper towel and handed it to her.

"More like a pain in the pussy.... the way you pound your little sister with such a big cock!" she quipped back, groping my crotch and giving me a nip on the lip.

"Be careful what you say missy, or I'll mount you right here and now!" She made a mock deep-in-thought expression

"Tempting.... but I really am a little sore. Besides, I wanna get to the mall!" I just shook my head....girls and their shopping!

"Okay, but let me pour another glass since someone else decided to enjoy mine!" She stuck out her tongue and skipped out of the kitchen, shouting back "I grabbed your keys... I'll be out in the car!" I looked at the counter in disbelief to where I'd set my keys when I walked in, and sure enough, they were gone. Geez! I swear she acts more like a fox than a wolf sometimes! I downed the tart juice and put the glass in the sink, wiping off my muzzle with my arm and headed out. Just as she said, Beth was waiting in the car, dancing around and singing along to the radio. I opened the driver's door and got in, instantly turning down the blaring teeny-pop, or whatever crap it was.

"Hey! That was a good song!"

"Maybe if you enjoy listening to crap!" I switched it to my favorite rock station just as Tool's 'Vicarious' song filled the speakers. "Now this is good stuff!"

"awww... c'mon Koda. I don't like this stuff..." she said with pouty lips.

"Who wants to go to the mall again?" I was trying to be the tough older brother, but seeing her happiness, even if it came with some crappy Justin Beiber song, was worth the audible pain.

"ooh, alright! But not so loud!" Her face instantly lit up in her small victory and she kissed me on the cheek before turning the radio back to her station. Trying to tune out the noise, I started the car and we headed off toward the mall. Being a Saturday, the place was overly crowded and parking was nearly impossible. I came into some luck when I pulled down an aisle just as a parked car was leaving. I quickly grabbed the newly available spot and we both got out. Walking through the lot side by side, I felt Beth reach for my hand.

"Not here. Somebody may recognize us." I could tell she was a little hurt, but we both knew we had to be careful... especially out in public.

The mall had the typical clothing and specialty stores, along with food court and a place for unruly cubs to play. I hardly ever came to the mall - the smell of stale, recycled air always made me queasy. For my sister though... for my love, I would endure it.

"Where to first?" I asked, looking around in confusion.

"There..." She calmly stated, finger pointing to a store filled inside with pink and white, the front windows displaying scarcely-covered mannequins wearing tiny pieces of clothing. Vixen's Secret.

"Vixen's Secret?" I asked a little uncomfortably.

"Yeah... come on!" Before I could say anything else, she grabbed my arm and pulled me through the crowds of shoppers toward the store deemed forbidden by most guys. Upon entering, my nose was instantly bombarded with pungent smells of perfumes and body lotions. Of course all the patrons were girls, some giving me a slight smile when they saw me. I stuck close by my sister, doing whatever I could to seem nonchalant about my location. Like she was on a mission, Beth picked through different items on the hangers, scanning through them to find what she was looking for. Me? I dared not gaze at the hanging lingerie, lest someone in the store think me a pervert who gets off by bras and panties!

Thankfully Beth didn't ask me to hold any of the items she was carrying under her arm. I could tell she had chosen several things - I caught glimpses of black and pink. She looked around the store, then back at me and whispered

"Here, come with me."

I followed her to the back of the store where the changing rooms were, out of sight from the rest of the place. Luckily the changing rooms appeared empty. At least I can wait in peace! I thought as I saw a waiting chair just outside the rooms. Beth opened the door to a room and set her stuff down on the little bench inside. I thought she was about to close the door when I said

"I'll be wai-" She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room with her, quickly latching the door closed behind us.

"Shhhh, we have to keep quiet or we'll get caught"

"So then why am I in here?"

"Cause... I wanted to try some stuff on for you... while you watched."

"You're so bad!" I teased while embracing her in a tight hug and slipping my tongue into her mouth. We murred and panted as we kissed, being careful not to be too loud. Beth looked at me with her trademark playfully-seductive smile and told me to sit on the bench. I sat down as she pulled her shirt up over her head and unclasped her bra, letting both items fall to the floor. There was something so erotic about watching her undress. Maybe it was because she's my little sister. Maybe it was because we were both in a public changing room and could be discovered any moment. Maybe it was because not only if we were discovered together in here, someone may find out my own sister was stripping for me! Whatever the reason, my excitement was clearly shown with the tent rising in my lap.

Beth noticed and giggled as she swayed her bare chest side to side "hehehe... do you like what you see big brother?" I nodded my approval while she then unbuttoned her shorts and peeled them down her legs. All she was wearing now were the little girly panties she had on, oh, and that trademark smile of hers! Slowly, she hooked her fingers on either side of her panties and pulled them down, stepping out of them and placing them with the other discarded clothes. Completely naked before me, Beth swayed and twisted her hips in a very seductive mating dance while I sat there with my eyes locked on her young body.

She grabbed one of the lingerie items on the hanger "tell me what you think about these..." as she bent over and stepped into them, pulling them up her legs. It was a black thong with frilled edges and see-through mesh, a strip of material placed strategically in the middle and barely covering up her hidden treasure. Again she did her mating dance before me, flaunting the thong like it was a juicy steak she was enticing me with. She turned in a slow circle, giving me a view of the underwear as it traced around her waist to just under her wagging tail, where a thin triangle of black material disappeared between her cheeks.

Turning around to face me, she asked "so what do you think?" Without saying a word, I got down on the floor and knee-walked to her so my face was level with the black material. Nose only inches away from her crotch, I inhaled deeply her spicy heat and whispered

"I love 'em, but they're in the way..."

I reached up and grabbed the thong, pulling it to the side and exposing her fuzzy little lips. I heard her moan in anticipation as I buried my nose between her folds and wedged my tongue through her tight passage. Beth panted and whimpered as I dove deeper, leaning back against the wall for support and massaging her small breasts in her hands. I held the material to the side while I continued eating out my sister, licking up and down her wet slit and occasionally suckling on her small nub, which would elicit a series of quick gasps and shuddering.

"ooooooh GOD! Don't stop!"

She started gyrating her hips and pushing back against my muzzle, her gasps turning into whimpering shrieks. I nibbled at her little clit and flicked my tongue over it, followed by sucking on the nub and then diving back in her sopping passage. I could hear her getting close. Her hips bucked harder and faster against me and her whimpers rose in pitch. She put a hand over her mouth just as she stifled a loud cry " HHUUUUUH!"

Her tunnel began contracting and squeezing around my lapping tongue, followed by a torrent of her sweet nectar! I sealed my lips over her folds and drank down all her juice while she twitched and panted above me. When her spasms eased and I could no longer coax out any more of her delicious fluid, I placed the thong back over her folds and stood up to face her. As soon as I stood, she collapsed against me and panted into my chest

"ahhh... best.... underwear... I've ever tried... on!"

"And they were the best I've ever tasted...." Best I've ever tasted?! What, do I go around eating underwear or something? Oh well, I'm sure Beth didn't care how I phrased it. She was pretty much melting in my arms!

"Well, I'm sure all the other ones you picked out are just as sexy. I think you'd better get dressed and we should leave before anyone gets suspicious."

*Sigh* "I guess you're right. I guess I'll get dressed..." I chuckled at the fact I even had to advised my own sister to get dressed! I sat on the bench and watched as she put back on the discarded clothes. She collected the new lingerie and stashed the cum-soaked thong in a "to be re-stocked" pile outside the room. I let her pay for the thongs (after all, it would look weird if I bought them for her), and we returned to my safe haven that was anywhere but inside that store!

We were both getting a little hungry (even though I just had a snack...), so we headed toward the food court on the second floor. I grabbed some Panda Express while Beth went and got a piece of pizza from an Italian place. The lunch time crowd was just beginning to grow, but we were able to get a table for two near the entrance. Beth talked about school and the latest fashions her girlfriends were into while I sat and listened with a smile on my face. She looked so beautiful - here eyes were the same indigo blue as mine, but her facial markings were closer to that of our wolf ancestry as apposed to my unique markings which were similar to that of those huskies from Siberia.

As she talked, I occasionally glanced around at the other mall-goers passing by. Everyone always seemed to be in a rush to get to the next destination. I wasn't focusing on anyone in particular until I felt my heart freeze at one individual. She was wearing tight, faded jeans and a white blouse. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a pony-tail and she walked with a slight sway in her step. She was a beautiful, slender red fox. She was Veronica Redding. She was walking our way!

Beth must've noticed my diverted attention and looked to see what I was staring at. When she figured it out, a cold, jealous expression formed on her face.

"See something you like?" she said flatly. Hearing her voice snapped my attention back to her and I stammered "Ah... what? Her? I know her... she works with me"

Bet sat there with her arms crossed and the same jealous look on her face. Her eyes pierced into mine and felt as cold as they were blue.

"Don't worry Beth! I admit, I used to have a thing for her... but that was a long time ago! It's too late for her now, I've already found my soul mate." I said reassuringly, stroking her arm and giving her a warm smile. I saw a tiny smile form at the corner of her lip, but the rest of her face remained stoic. I continued stroking her arm and reassuring her, trying to block Veronica out of my mind. Stupid Murphy's Law.....

"Koda? Koda, is that you?" I briefly shut my eyes, hoping the voice would disappear. When I opened them, I saw the look on Beth's face... and that she wasn't even looking at me. Veronica came up to our table and said with a big smile

"Hey Koda! How are you? Oh! This must be your sister I've heard about!"

Veronica turned toward Beth and introduced herself, extending out her hand in a friendly greeting. "Hi, I'm Veronica.... I work with your brother. It's nice to meet you!" Beth looked at Veronica, then at me with a conflicted look, and back to her again.

"Uhh... hi. Veronica. I'm Beth. It's... uh... it's nice to meet you too."

Beth bitterly reached up her own hand and shook Veronica's, her facial expression never showing more than a slight smile. I could see the conflict going on with Beth. She was jealous because she thought I still had feelings for this girl, but at the same time she really couldn't do anything for fear of exposing our relationship. All she did was keep that same stoic expression and continue eating her pizza, blocking out Veronica as best she could. I had to play it cool so I acted as friendly, without being flirtatious, as I could with Veronica.

"Hey Veronica! It's good to see you. How are you?" I asked knowing Beth's eyes were still piercing into my soul.

"I'm doing well! Are you enjoying the day out with your sister?"

"Of course! She's not as bad as you'd think." Beth gave a mock-laugh at my comment

"She sure is beautiful!" Looking toward Beth

"thanks." Beth said without even looking up at her.

"Well, I need to run some errands so I'll let you two finish. It was good seeing you, Koda...." I breathed a small sigh of relief at her departure

"It was good to see you too, Veronica. Take care!" She turned to walk away, but only took a step before pausing and turning around.

"Hey Koda, would you want to grab some coffee this evening? There's a really good cafe I know about near our office." Beth's face showed a tinge of shock and horror, followed by more jealousy and indignation. What was I supposed to say? She wasn't asking me on a date or anything... just to get some coffee. We did work together, so we knew each other and were already acquaintances. If I said no I'd have to explain myself, and frankly, other than Beth, I really didn't have an excuse.

"Uhh.. sure. Coffee sounds great."

Veronica's face lit up in excitement at my acceptance. "Great! I'll meet you at Cuppie's around Eight... does that sound good?"

"Eight it is! See you then!" She waved and walked away, getting lost in the traveling sea of shoppers. I turned back to a fuming sister, still seated with arms crossed and expressionless face.

"Coffee, huh? Sounds romantic." She said before abruptly standing and walking away from the food court. I got up and chased after her, telling her to wait up. When I finally caught up to her, I saw her eyes were moist with tears and she refused to look me in the eye.

"Take me home. Now." Is all she said before making her way toward the parking lot. We drove home in silence - Beth staring straight ahead or looking out her window, never looking my direction. When we pulled up in front of the house, Beth opened the door and was about to get out when I grabbed her arm.

"Beth... please, listen to me. The only reason I agreed to have coffee with her is because we're friends. Nothing more than that, I swear. Besides, I didn't have a good reason for saying 'no'". She stared blankly at the dashboard, then finally glanced at me

"I'm not a good reason, huh?" Those words cut like a razor to my heart. She looked me in the eye, hers were filled with tears and hurt - like I had just destroyed everything she held dear.

"What was I supposed to tell her, that I'm in love with my own sister?!" I almost yelled the words at her, angry at myself for causing Beth any hurt. A tear rolled down her cheek, then she yanked her arm out of my grasped and stormed up to the house through the door, slamming it behind her. I just sat there in the car for an eternity, looking at nothing in particular, but thinking about anything and everything.

What was I supposed to tell Veronica? "Hey Veronica, I can't get coffee with you because I'll be at home fucking my little sister."? I had absolutely no more romantic attraction for Veronica. I had given my heart to Beth. My complete heart. There was no one else, nor would there be anyone else who I would give my heart to. She was my choice, and I made it whole-heartedly. I knew she wouldn't listen to what I had to say right now, so I wouldn't even try to talk to her. When it started getting dark out, I finally got out of the car and went inside. I was heading to my room when I stopped in the hall in front of Beth's closed door. I gently tapped on it, if only for the sake of making sure she's safe, but got no response. I cracked open the door and saw her laying face down on the bed, unmoving and not saying a word. A little panicked, I walked over to the bedside and looked at her. Tear streaks matted her cheeks and her eyes were closed. Her back was rhythmically rising and falling. She was asleep.

Giving a thankful sigh, I left her room and shut the door. It was seven thirty and it would take me about 20 minutes to get to the cafe. On my way there, I debated turning the car around and going home, but I felt I had to keep my relationship with Beth safe. I had to act like there wasn't one in order to save it. I arrived at the coffee shop five minutes before eight and went inside. It was pretty crowded, so I thought I'd order a coffee and wait for an open table. Not long after I ordered, a couple left and I moved in on the open space.

I sat staring at my half-filled cup, thinking about Beth and how much I loved her. If it ever came between Beth and someone else, I would always choose her. Always. I would do anything for her, and that is why I was at this table in this coffee shop. I didn't notice her until she sat down across from me, but Veronica set down her cappuccino and smiled at me.

"Thanks for coming! They make really good cappuccinos here!" She said, motioning to the steaming cup before her. She noticed my demeanor and asked if anything was wrong. "Oh... nothing." Is all I replied.

"It's a girl, isn't it?" I looked up at her with a questioning expression "It is a girl. I can always tell when a guy is having girl problems." Crap! I can't let her start asking questions! I decided to change the subject

"So did you hear about Steve's promotion at work? I think he's been banging the manager... that's why they gave it to him." This seemed to work as she didn't ask me about my troubles.

"Yeah, that weasel probably does anyone who can get him a promotion!" We both chuckled at our common assumption on Steve. After a while, our conversation grew lighter and we laughed more and more. We talked about everything - things going on at work, what movies we liked, hobbies... anything you'd ask on a first date. Of course I didn't think of this as a date, nor did I want to. Veronica must have been thinking differently though. While I was talking about an upcoming camping trip with some friends, I felt something stroking my leg. I looked at Veronica and she had a playful grin on her face, staring me directly in the eyes as I continued talking. I cleared my throat and moved my legs so she was no longer touching them.

I'd hoped that my action would've given Veronica a hint, but it had the complete opposite effect. She must have thought I was playing hard to get... or just being shy. I continued my camping story when all of a sudden something pressed against my crotch! I paused mid-sentence and looked down to see her bare foot pressing and rubbing against the bulge in my shorts. She winked at me while giving my sheath a foot massage, a wicked grin forming on her lips. It was all too much. I launched out of my chair and stood, almost knocking our coffee cups off the table.

"I... I need to be going. Uh... thanks for the... thanks for chatting!" I quickly left the shop and got into my car, stopping to catch my breath and take in what just happened. I knew I'd made a mistake in going there in the first place. Beth must've known that Veronica still had feelings for me! Now I could better understand why she was so upset that I came tonight. I turned on the car and raced home, eager to get away from that place and from Veronica. When I pulled up in front of the house, all the lights were off and it was quiet. Beth must still be asleep.

I opened the front door and stepped inside, locking it behind me. Amidst the darkness, I could still make my way down the hall to my room. I passed by Beth's door - it was still closed. I put my ear against it and didn't hear anything, so I continued to my room. I walked in and closed the door, then turned on the light, which flooded the room and illuminated everything, including my sister who was sitting cross-legged on my bed and looking directly at me. She caught me by surprise, making me jump

"So how your date with Veerrrronica?" I could tell she was still upset, but her overall demeanor seemed to have changed since earlier. I cleared my throat and calmly replied

"It was... you were right. She is attracted to me. She made some advances at me... but I rejected them!!" After I said that, I expected her to yell at me or to start crying. Instead though, she took a deep breath

"It's... okay. I know you didn't do it to hurt me and that you wouldn't cheat on me." I interjected "Of course I would NEVER cheat on you!"

"I know that Koda, I just got really jealous when another girl held your affection- "

"She never held my affection... not for one second! Listen, Beth. She is old news. History. I am in no way romantically attracted to her any more than I would be to Sarah Jessica Parker." Beth giggled when I said that. I sat down on the bed next to her and held her face in my hands. I looked deep into her eyes and said

"I swear it, Beth. You are the only girl for me. I gave my entire heart to you. If it's not with you, I'm dead inside. I will always be with you, and you alone. I love you." A tear fell from her eye, but I don't think out of sadness. She sniffled and smiled at me.

"I love you too." We both cried. I cried because I never wanted to hurt my sister and I cared about her more than my own life. She cried because she thought another girl would steal her brother's love, but she was now starting to understand my promise to her. We held one another in a tight embrace for hours. Neither spoke, we just held on to the one we loved, never wanting to let go. Sleep slowly enveloped us though, we were both drained emotionally and sleep was a welcome blessing. Still fully clothed, we laid on the bed in one another's embrace. I tightly held onto my little sister as she fell asleep in my arms, a smile lingering on her face. I kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear

"I will always love you Bethany. Always."

I yawned and breathed a contented sigh of happiness before my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.